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皮样囊肿是一种良性的先天性肿瘤,由胚胎组织异位而引起.发生于眼部的皮样囊肿,眼睑、角膜和结膜是主要病变部位,它与皮肤结构相似,通常含有大量的毛囊,可引起倒睫和刺激眼睛,治疗时可单纯切除受侵害的组织以及直接缝合. 1 临床症状与诊断 1.1 临床症状 患犬为可卡犬,12月龄,6 kg,黄色,雄性.畜主反映该犬2月龄左右时,发现右眼长有黑色长毛,初认为是犬眼睫毛倒入,后来发现天气炎热时眼睛总有脓样物质覆盖,需经常擦拭.随后便来动物医院就诊.  相似文献   

犬角膜皮样瘤在临床上少见,笔者在临床诊疗过程中见到一例藏獒犬角膜皮样瘤病例,经手术治疗痊愈,现报告如下.  相似文献   

眼结膜分为睑结膜、穹窿结膜和球结膜三部分。犬结膜皮样病变 (俗称毛眼病 ) ,笔者 1 986年以来诊治 1 2例 ,1 6只眼睛。皮样病变部位全在外眦部 ,多位于球结膜上 ,少波及到其他结膜 ,未见单发生在穹窿或睑结膜上的病例。随着犬只的增加 ,品种的多样 ,该病例有上升趋势 ,近一年  相似文献   

眼睑内翻(entrop ion)是指部分或全部睑缘向内翻转,导致睫毛和皮肤长期刺激结膜和角膜的异常状态。本病是犬的一种常见眼病,多发生在面部皮肤皱褶多且松弛的犬。由于睫毛和皮肤的这种刺激,所以会引起角膜或结膜的炎症,严重影响动物的视力[1]。最近几年随着松狮犬数量和纯度的增  相似文献   

犬的瞬膜腺突出症也叫犬的第三眼睑腺增生(肿大),有人将其称为哈德氏腺增生,是某些品种犬常见的一种眼病。犬的瞬膜为一变体的结膜皱褶,位于眼内眦。而瞬膜腺位于瞬膜的前下方,被覆脂肪组织。其腺体组织分泌的液体提供大约30%的水性泪膜,有保护角膜、清除角膜上的异物、分泌和驱散角膜泪膜以及免疫等作用。犬瞬膜腺一旦突出则需要手术切除或手术复位。目前青岛市畜牧研究所动物医院对此病的治疗技术较为成熟,治疗效果也比较理想。现将笔者对最近18例瞬膜腺突出症病犬的发病情况、临床症状、治疗方法及讨论介绍如下,为临床工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

角膜皮样瘤是在患畜角膜或结膜上生长出似肉质的、上有被毛或色素的小皮瓣。边界清楚,表面组织与皮肤完全相同。为先天性,属于肿瘤范畴。一般认为,它是在胚裂闭合过程中,迷失的上皮组织发育而成。组织学上皮样瘤的构造与皮肤相同,但与皮样  相似文献   

犬眼虫病又称吸吮线虫病 (Thelaziasis) ,是吸吮科吸吮属线虫 ,寄生于犬的眼睛内造成结膜和角膜损伤 ,引起结膜、角膜炎 ,如果继发细菌感染 ,最终可使眼睛失明 ;若失治误治也会使病情恶化可导致角膜穿孔 ,晶状体损伤 ,睫状体发炎而眼睛失明。角膜如发生崩解脱落时 ,治疗后 ,可缓慢愈合 ,仍会留下永久性白斑影响视觉。蝇类是传播本病的中间宿主 ,故本病发生有很强的季节性 ,常发于春末夏初和秋季 ,特别是 8、9月最剧烈。犬的吸吮线虫成虫 ,雄虫长 7~ 13mm ,雌虫长 12~ 17mm。此病为人、兔等动物共患病 ,危害性较大 ,特需注…  相似文献   

犬眼睑内翻是指眼睑缘向眼球方向内卷,分上眼睑或下眼睑内翻。其中下眼睑发病较多。内翻后,眼睑的睫毛对角膜刺激性较强,可引起流泪、结膜炎,甚至角膜炎和角膜溃疡。1发病情况哈尔滨市呼兰区张某的一只淡黄色1岁沙皮公犬左眼疼痛,流泪羞明并有大量的眼眦留于眼角。2临床检查及诊断病犬左眼睫毛排列不整齐,向内歪斜,睫毛刺激结膜及角膜,结膜充血潮红,角膜表层浑浊,患眼疼痛、流泪、羞明及眼睑痉挛,右眼正常。3治疗结膜下注射0.5%普鲁卡因青霉素3mL。术部进行睫毛消毒,在距眼睑边缘0.6~0.8cm处作一切口,切除圆形或椭圆形皮片,使眼睑能覆盖到…  相似文献   

犬第三眼睑增生症是宠物外科病症中的常见眼病,其特征是1侧或2侧第三眼睑增生,形成红色的类似樱桃大小圆形或椭圆型状肿物,俗称"樱桃眼"。常规采用眼药水、眼药膏、抗菌药物治疗往往不见效果。此病要及时治疗,以免造成眼睛的严重炎症、结膜化脓、角膜穿孔等疾病,手术摘除效果良好。近日我站收治1例犬第三眼睑增生症,经采用切除,配合药物治疗,取得良好疗效。  相似文献   

犬角膜炎、结膜炎是临床上较为常见的犬眼科疾病,该类疾病是由各种原因引起的犬角膜、结膜炎症,临床上主要表现为角膜周围充血、角膜混浊或角膜溃疡,以及结膜充血、羞明、流泪等症状.犬角膜炎、结膜炎的一般治疗原则是祛除病因,控制感染,促进炎症消散,症候性犬角膜炎、结膜炎还应积极治疗原发病,对于溃疡性角膜炎,还应减少斑痕的形成,在临床上一般通过各种药物的使用来达到上述治疗目的,笔者通过犬的自家血疗法配合其他疗法,同样治愈了数例犬角膜炎、结膜炎病例,总结如下.  相似文献   

A 10‐year‐old intact male Yorkshire Terrier was referred for investigation of a large raised and nonpainful corneal lesion oculus dexter. Clinical examination revealed a pale, translucent corneal mass, which occupied half of the corneal surface and measured 11 mm × 11 mm × 13 mm. The mass was removed by superficial keratectomy and equine amniotic membrane (AM) was transplanted into the large corneal defect to cover the wound and provide tectonic support for the remaining cornea. The mass was histologically confirmed as a corneal epithelial inclusion cyst. There was no evidence of recurrence or complication at the surgical site 100 days postoperatively. Corneal epithelial inclusion cysts are uncommon in dogs. Although superficial keratectomy is the recommended treatment for corneal inclusion cyst, the combination of superficial keratectomy and AM transplantation had to be considered as an alternative for repair of large corneal defects. This is the first case report of the combined application of AM and superficial keratectomy to successfully treat a corneal inclusion cyst in a dog.  相似文献   

A three-year-old neutered female Labrador cross was presented for investigation of two corneal epithelial inclusion cysts affecting the left eye. The aetiopathogenesis of the cyst formation was suspected to be traumatic. The cysts were removed successfully by superficial keratectomy, followed by a third eyelid flap. Histologically, both lesions were represented by cystic formations lined with multi-layered squamous epithelium, consistent with stromal inclusion of surface corneal epithelium. Complete recovery was achieved, and there was no recurrence at six month follow-up.  相似文献   

A 4-month-old crossbred female dog presented with complaints of poor vision and odd appearance of the eyes. At the age of a month, the animal was found lying in a railway road in a very bad condition and was rescued from death. At that time, the patient was presented with severe bilateral ocular discharge, and from both eyes, dipterous fly larvae were extracted. The dog was given symptomatic treatment (deworming, topical and systemic antibiotics, nutritional support) but never regained a normal eye appearance. At the time of the initial presentation, it had severe vision impairment because of bilateral cicatricial symblepharon, total in the left eye and occupying 3/4 of the cornea in the right eye. Surgery was proposed to attempt a resolution. Superficial keratectomy was performed in both eyes. After a midline incision in the cornea, the conjunctiva was dissected away. The conjunctiva was apposed to and sutured to the limbus and secured in the upper and lower conjunctival fornix. Additionally, in the left eye, a lateral canthotomy and canthoplasty were performed to enlarge the size of the eyelid opening. The corneal epithelium healed without complications, the patient regained vision, and after 36 months of follow-up, no recurrences were observed. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of symblepharon secondary to ophthalmomyiasis externa in a dog.  相似文献   

Unilateral corneal epithelial inclusion cysts are recorded in a series of 16 dogs. The cysts were not congenital, there was no breed incidence, and in 11 patients there was history of corneal trauma or ulceration before cyst formation. There was some variability in clinical presentation, and sight was affected in six dogs. Fifteen patients were treated successfully by superficial keratectomy without cyst recurrence.  相似文献   

Purpose To report a case of primary central corneal hemangiosarcoma in the dog. Methods An 11‐year‐old, neutered, female, German shepherd mixed breed dog was referred to the Hospital Veterinario Sierra de Madrid (Spain) for evaluation of an enlarging corneal mass of the left eye (OS). The dog was predominantly housed outdoors and was diagnosed with a history of chronic superficial keratitis of both eyes (OU) by the referring veterinarian. The corneal mass was resected by routine superficial keratectomy and submitted for histopathology and Factor VIII immunohistochemical staining. Results The mass was diagnosed as a corneal hemangiosarcoma with complete excision. Postoperatively, the keratectomy site healed without complication and there was no evidence of recurrence three and a half months postoperatively. Complete systemic evaluation, including abdominal ultrasound and CT scan of the head and thorax, indicated no other detectable neoplasia in the dog. Discussion Outdoor housing and ultraviolet exposure, breed, and chronic superficial keratitis were all suspected as contributing factors to the development of a primary corneal hemangiosarcoma. Surgical removal and postoperative treatment for chronic superficial keratitis provided effective therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of permanent amniotic membrane transplantation as an adjunctive treatment to superficial keratectomy alone or combined with strontium-90 irradiation for treatment of equine corneolimbal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) to decrease corneal scarring and recurrence rate. STUDY: The retrospective case study included 11 horses (n = 12 eyes) diagnosed and treated for ocular SCC that involved the limbus and cornea. Nine of those horses (n = 9 eyes) were treated between 2002 and 2006, with superficial lamellar keratectomy alone or combined with strontium-90 irradiation and followed by placement of a permanent amniotic membrane graft in the surgical defect. The level of scarring (i.e. the clarity of the cornea) resulting with the use of amniotic membrane was subjectively compared to cases where a permanent bulbar conjunctival graft was performed following keratectomy combined with strontium-90 irradiation or cryotherapy (n = 3 eyes). Recurrence was defined as the postoperative and postirradiation regrowth of SCC in the same site and globe. RESULTS: The nine horses that received an amniotic membrane graft after keratectomy alone or combined with irradiation showed a minimal level of scarring in a cornea that regained a greater transparency in comparison to the horses that were treated with a bulbar conjunctival graft. All of the horses that received an amniotic membrane graft had 226 +/- 218 days of follow-up without tumor recurrence (mean +/- SD), ranging from 21 days to 778 days. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of superficial keratectomy alone or associated with beta-irradiation and permanent amniotic membrane transplantation is an effective treatment of corneal or corneolimbal SCC in horses. The placement of an amniotic membrane material represents an alternative surgical procedure to bulbar conjunctival grafts, especially if there is a lack of bulbar conjunctiva tissue available after tumor resection or if a particularly large corneal resection is necessary. The amniotic membrane is incorporated into the corneal defect and seems to create noticeably much less scarring than a corneal defect covered by bulbar conjunctiva.  相似文献   

A 5-wk-old female dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) was clinically diagnosed with bilateral corneal dermoids, incomplete congenital cataracts, a left persistent hyaloid artery (PHA), and a ventricular septal defect (VSD). The corneal dermoids were removed by lamellar keratectomy, and vision improved in the left eye. Thirteen months after dermoid surgery, the calf was presented for enlargement of the right eye. Glaucoma was confirmed in the right eye, and corneal fibrosis and cataract were noted in the left eye. Persistence of the VSD was confirmed by cardiac ultrasonography. The calf was euthanized, and necropsy findings confirmed VSD. Histopathologic examination revealed bilateral corneal thinning and fibrosis, cataracts with retrolental fibroplasia, and retinal dysplasia. Additional changes in the right globe were anterior segment dysgenesis, ruptured lens capsule, chronic phacoclastic uveitis, and retinal separation. The PHA was confirmed in the left eye.  相似文献   

Transplantation of canine amniotic membrane (AM) in conjunction with a third eyelid flap was performed after the removal of large dermoids by keratectomy and conjunctivectomy on 7 eyes of 7 dogs. Corneal epithelialization was completed within 2 weeks after the transplantation. Five eyes attained normal transparency of the cornea within 5 weeks. Slight pigmentation of the bulbar conjunctiva at the limbus was observed in 1 dog that had pre-existing pigmentary keratitis. Neovascularization and scarring of the cornea and impaired vision were not found in any dogs at 8 weeks after the transplantation. In conclusion, transplantation of canine AM can promote corneal healing after the excision of large dermoids in dogs.  相似文献   

Treatment of Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinomas Involving the Equine Cornea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Corneal squamous cell carcinomas with surface areas of more than 2.0 cm were diagnosed in 26 eyes of 25 horses. The depth of the lesion into the corneal stroma and involvement of the ocular adnexa were important determinants for surgical treatment. Corneal tumors that extended into adjacent palpebral conjunctiva, eyelid, or orbit were not amenable to complete excision, while those that involved only cornea and bulbar conjunctiva were treated surgically by keratectomy and beta radiation. Initial treatment was keratectomy followed by beta radiation on 24 eyes and enucleation of two eyes. Twenty keratectomy patients remained tumor free after long-term follow-up. One was lost to follow-up and three recurred. The recurrences were retreated with subsequent cure (one horse), enucleation (one horse), or euthanasia (one horse).  相似文献   

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