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眼结膜分为睑结膜、穹窿结膜和球结膜三部分。犬结膜皮样病变 (俗称毛眼病 ) ,笔者 1 986年以来诊治 1 2例 ,1 6只眼睛。皮样病变部位全在外眦部 ,多位于球结膜上 ,少波及到其他结膜 ,未见单发生在穹窿或睑结膜上的病例。随着犬只的增加 ,品种的多样 ,该病例有上升趋势 ,近一年  相似文献   

一九九九年以来,我们采用睑结膜覆盖术治疗犬角膜穿孔13例,除3例随访不遇外,10例痊愈恢复视力,收到良好效果。  相似文献   

皮样囊肿是一种良性的先天性肿瘤,由胚胎组织异位而引起.发生于眼部的皮样囊肿,眼睑、角膜和结膜是主要病变部位,它与皮肤结构相似,通常含有大量的毛囊,可引起倒睫和刺激眼睛,治疗时可单纯切除受侵害的组织以及直接缝合. 1 临床症状与诊断 1.1 临床症状 患犬为可卡犬,12月龄,6 kg,黄色,雄性.畜主反映该犬2月龄左右时,发现右眼长有黑色长毛,初认为是犬眼睫毛倒入,后来发现天气炎热时眼睛总有脓样物质覆盖,需经常擦拭.随后便来动物医院就诊.  相似文献   

通过对比金刚砂车针操作和角膜格状切开术治疗惰性角膜溃疡角膜愈合的变化,为临床应用金刚砂车针治疗提供理论依据。对107例患犬病例分为两组,分别进行金刚砂车针操作和角膜格状切开术治疗,分别为50例和57例。同时进行自家血清与角膜上皮生长因子的局部点眼治疗,每7天来院复查,。结果:在治疗的107例的患犬病例中,其中进行金刚砂车针治疗50例,角膜溃疡愈合47例,未愈合而最终进行结膜瓣遮盖术3例,成功率为94%。平均金刚砂车针操作次数为1.4次,平均治疗时间为14.6 d。进行角膜格状切开术治疗57例,角膜溃疡愈合47例,未愈合而最终进行了结膜瓣遮盖术10例,成功率为82%。平均角膜格状切开术治疗操作次数为1.51次,平均治疗时间为14.94 d。结论:金刚砂车针可以有效治疗,具有操作简单,治愈率高等优点,是值得在临床治疗中推广的治疗方法。  相似文献   

猫坏死性角膜炎是一种常见的猫角膜疾病,我国针对该病的研究较少,治疗方案不一。本试验收集2019年1月—2021年1月在中国农业大学动物医院就诊的52例猫坏死性角膜炎病例(共56只患眼),对病例统计分析,总结该病特征性的临床症状,讨论不同治疗方案的优缺点。结果显示,猫坏死性角膜炎高发品种为异国短毛猫(22/52,42.3%),高发年龄段为<7岁(50/52,96.2%),慢性角膜刺激是该病的常见病因。在52例患猫病例中,34例(共38只患眼)进行角膜切除术治疗,其中22只患眼同时进行了第三眼睑遮盖术,另外16只患眼同时进行了结膜瓣遮盖术。2例患猫病例术后出现坏死性角膜炎复发,均为年轻斯芬克斯猫。结果表明,角膜切除术是治疗猫坏死性角膜炎的首选治疗方案,坏死角膜的残留可能造成术后复发。  相似文献   

角膜穿孔是犬由于外伤、感染等因素作用下造成的角膜部分或全层的损伤,并由此引发角膜水肿、溃疡、肉芽增生、晶状体脱出等病变。第三眼睑遮盖术是将犬第三眼睑与上眼睑用缝线连接在一起,拉扯第三眼睑来遮盖角膜穿孔部位,利用眼睛本身的营养供给,达到角膜愈合的效果。临床上使用第三眼睑遮盖术治疗角膜穿孔、增生,效果确实。现将笔者接诊的一...  相似文献   

角膜穿孔是犬由于外伤、感染等因素作用下造成的角膜部分或全层的损伤,并由此引发角膜水肿、溃疡、肉芽增生、晶状体脱出等病变。第三眼睑遮盖术是将犬第三眼睑与上眼睑用缝线连接在一起,拉扯第三眼睑来遮盖角膜穿孔部位,利用眼睛本身的营养供给,达到角膜愈合的效果。临床上使用第三眼睑遮盖术治疗角膜穿孔、增生,效果确实。现将笔者接诊的一例典型病例报告如下。  相似文献   

11岁雄性贵宾犬,颈部腹侧肿胀一个月.经临床检查、实验室检查、X光和穿刺检查,确诊为唾液腺-颌下腺黏液性囊肿,采取手术摘除疗法.  相似文献   

正犬角膜穿孔是宠物临床的常见疾病,多由于外伤、严重的感染、有毒物质的刺激等引发。角膜穿孔后一般需要及时手术治疗,否则可能会导致失明、晶状体脱出、全眼球炎甚至眼球摘除。一般会根据穿孔位置的不同采取不同的手术方法,常用的手术方法有带蒂结膜瓣遮盖术、全结膜瓣遮盖术、第三眼睑遮盖术、岛状结膜瓣遮盖术等,术后积极用药和耐心护理,大多预后良好。笔者在临床上接诊了一例患有眼科  相似文献   

通过临床基础检查、血常规检查、生化检查、C-反应蛋白浓度测定和B超检查,对犬进行疾病诊断。临床基础检查发现,患犬高热不退,腹部触诊紧张;血常规及生化检查发现,炎性细胞指标显著升高;C-反应蛋白浓度测定发现,有显著的全身性炎症反应;B超检查发现,子宫内存在液性暗区,表明子宫内部结构异常,患有子宫疾病。会诊后利用常规外科手术方法摘除了患犬的卵巢和子宫。术中剖开子宫,确诊该犬患子宫囊肿疾病。手术成功治疗了该疾病。  相似文献   

Two 5-month-old golden retriever dogs were referred for the evaluation of a mass arising from the left ventrolateral conjunctiva of the lower eyelid. The masses were externally located, deemed to be cystic in nature, and were surgically removed, and in one case, 0.15 mL of clear fluid was collected. Cytological examination of the aspirated fluid revealed proteinaceous, basophilic amorphous material, and few epithelial cells with foamy cytoplasm and small nuclei. No micro-organisms were detected. Histological examination of the cysts showed a wall composed of single to double cell layers. The cells were cuboidal to flattened, nonciliated, lined with mild submucosal connective tissues and slight inflammation composed of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and rare macrophages. In some areas, lobules of acinar glandular tissue were observed. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first case report of conjunctival dacryops in dogs. The complete surgical removal of the cysts was curative in both cases.  相似文献   

A German Shepherd Dog presented with recurrent intermandibular and intralingual swelling. Cytological and microbiological findings on fluid aspirated from the mass were consistent with an infected cyst lined by epithelium. The sinus was explored and an epithelium-lined cystic structure was extirpated from the frenulum and body of the tongue. This structure was diagnosed histologically as a dermoid cyst.  相似文献   

A case of corneal sequestrum in a 9-year-old Shih Tzu is reported. On the ophthalmic examination a brown-pigmented ulcer with mild edema and corneal vascularization was present. The brownish plaque was facing an inferior palpebral tumor. A superficial keratectomy followed by a grid keratotomy and removal of the palpebral mass were performed. Histological findings revealed an inflammatory cell infiltration underneath the acellular stromal layers. No melanin granules were observed. No vascular infiltration was present within the necrotic stroma. The surgical area healed and no recurrence has been reported by the owners at the time of writing. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of a corneal sequestrum in a dog.  相似文献   

Soft tissue swelling located in the intermandibular space is very common in horses and presents a significant diagnostic challenge. Although the possible etiologies of intermandibular swelling are many, dermoid cysts are rarely included within the differential diagnoses list. This may be due to their low prevalence and to the lack of English written literature reporting dermoid cysts in this location in horses. This is the first report describing the clinical signs, diagnosis, and management of a dermoid cyst arising in the intermandibular space of a Thoroughbred horse. In this case, an enlarging soft tissue mass located in the intermandibular space was diagnosed as a dermoid cyst following complete subcutaneous surgical excision and histopathology.  相似文献   

Epidermal (infundibular) and dermoid cysts are unusual in the horse in contrast with other species. The diagnosis and treatment of six lesions in the dorsal midline of a three-year-old Thoroughbred-cross gelding is described. The lesions were believed to be congenital and presented asymptomatically but required attention because five of them were in the saddle region, thus preventing ridden exercise. Under general anaesthesia, the cysts were excised and subsequently examined histologically. The horse recovered uneventfully. This report is novel in that such midline cysts have not previously been described outside Australia and North America.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the density of the canine and feline corneal neural network in healthy dogs and cats using in vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM). Animals examined A total of 16 adult dogs (9 Mesocephalic breeds, 7 Brachycephalic breeds) and 15 cats (9 Domestic Short-haired cats (DSH), 6 Persian cats) underwent IVCM. Procedure Animals were examined with a confocal corneal microscope (HRTII/RCM; Heidelberg Retina Tomograph II/Rostock Cornea Module®, Heidelberg Engineering, Dossenheim, Germany). The investigations focused on the distribution of the corneal nerves and quantification of central subepithelial and subbasal nerve plexus. Results The corneal stromal nerve trunks, subepithelial and subbasal nerve plexus were observed. The nerve fiber density (NFD) quantified in nerve fiber length in mesocephalic dogs were 12.39 ± 5.25 mm/mm2 in the subepithelial nerve plexus and 14.87 ± 3.08 mm/mm2 in the subbasal nerve plexus. The NFD of the subepithelial nerve plexus in DSH cats was 15.49 ± 2.7 and 18.4 ± 3.84 mm/mm2 in the subbasal nerve plexus. The subbasal NFD of DSH cats was significantly higher than in mesocephalic dogs (P = 0.037). The subepithelial NFD in brachycephalic dogs, and Persian cats were 10.34 ± 4.71 and 9.50 ± 2.3 mm/mm2, respectively. The subbasal NFD measured 11.80 ± 3.73 mm/mm2 in brachycephalic dogs, and 12.28 ± 4.3 mm/mm2 NFD in Persian cats, respectively. The subepithelial and subbasal NFD in Persian cats were significantly lower than in DSH cats (P = 0.028, respectively, P = 0.031), in contrast to brachycephalic vs. mesocephalic dogs. Conclusion The noninvasive IVCM accurately detects corneal innervation and provides a reliable quantification of central corneal nerves.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old, male neutered, German Shepherd dog presented for evaluation of a dark limbal mass OS. Based on the signalment and clinical findings, a presumptive diagnosis of limbal melanocytoma was made. Additionally, OU demonstrated corneal changes consistent with chronic superficial keratitis. Full thickness en bloc resection of the limbal mass was followed with reconstruction and grafting using both frozen cornea and bulbar conjunctiva. Nitrous oxide cryotherapy was utilized as an adjunctive modality for residual neoplastic cell destruction. Histopathologic evaluation confirmed the presumptive diagnosis. At 18 months postoperatively, there was no evidence of recurrence of the limbal melanocytoma. The dog was treated long-term with both topical steroid and tacrolimus 0.03% for control of the chronic superficial keratitis.  相似文献   

A 10‐year‐old intact male Yorkshire Terrier was referred for investigation of a large raised and nonpainful corneal lesion oculus dexter. Clinical examination revealed a pale, translucent corneal mass, which occupied half of the corneal surface and measured 11 mm × 11 mm × 13 mm. The mass was removed by superficial keratectomy and equine amniotic membrane (AM) was transplanted into the large corneal defect to cover the wound and provide tectonic support for the remaining cornea. The mass was histologically confirmed as a corneal epithelial inclusion cyst. There was no evidence of recurrence or complication at the surgical site 100 days postoperatively. Corneal epithelial inclusion cysts are uncommon in dogs. Although superficial keratectomy is the recommended treatment for corneal inclusion cyst, the combination of superficial keratectomy and AM transplantation had to be considered as an alternative for repair of large corneal defects. This is the first case report of the combined application of AM and superficial keratectomy to successfully treat a corneal inclusion cyst in a dog.  相似文献   

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