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肉用母牛是指当前农户饲养的本地黄牛,以及本地黄牛与多个进口肉用品种公牛杂交所生的各类杂交母牛。随着农村土地集中耕作、农业机械化程度提高,黄牛的役用性能越来越小,逐步转向为乳肉兼用牛。  相似文献   

正云南省红河州广大的山区农村,天然牧草和农作物秸秆丰富,母黄牛的养殖已成为农民创收脱贫的重要渠道,牛是单胎动物,任何用途牛的增产都有赖于母牛繁殖性能的提高。在目前尚没有缩短母牛妊娠期的情况下,只有尽量缩短产犊间隔,才能保证在母牛多产犊,提高母黄牛的养殖效益,短产犊间隔是养牛业降低成本的一项重要措施。如何短产犊间隔,提高母牛的养殖效益,关键是加大对农民养牛技术的培训力度,从母牛的品种选择、适配年龄、发情鉴定、阶段饲养、犊牛的接生、犊牛的适时断奶等方面,使农民掌握科学的饲养母黄牛的技术方法,从而提高母黄牛的养殖效益。  相似文献   

<正>发展养牛业,熟练掌握繁殖技术,使用先进的繁殖方法是提高黄牛产犊率,缩短产犊间隔的有效手段。1影响黄牛繁殖力的因素1.1繁殖技术1.1.1小母牛过早配种母牛生长发育过程中,体成熟比性成熟晚得多,小母牛身体机能和生殖系统仍处于生长发育阶段,性成熟并不意味着适合配种。小母牛未达到体成熟,其发情持续期短,发情周期不正常,不适宜生产犊牛。过早配种会对母牛的生长发育和生产性能造成负面影响,缩短利用年限,导致流产、产死胎等现象,所产犊牛大多是弱犊,体质差、发育不良。  相似文献   

奶牛引导饲养法是美国较为流行的奶牛饲喂方法,尤其适用于高产奶牛.其优点在于使奶牛瘤胃微生物在产犊前就适应于高营养水平的日粮,有助于母牛产犊前具备采食较多精料的能力,在母牛最需要营养的时刻能够提供丰富的营养,减缓营养负平衡,从而引导母牛较早地达到产奶高峰并使其得以较长时期地维持.  相似文献   

“母犊素”是一种生殖生理调控的激素类药品。喀什地区2004~2005年在6个县的68个冷配站实施“母犊素”的推广使用,目的在于改善冷配母牛母犊出生率偏低的现象,提高农牧民参与黄牛改良的积极性。项目实施参试牛只达3 500头,随机调查产犊头数1 618头,母犊率平均达到58.90%,比未使用“母犊素”处理的母牛产母犊率42.66%净提高16.24%,相对提高38.07%。试验证明,用“母犊素”处理配种母牛,不仅能大幅度提高母犊出生率,还能提高母牛的部分繁殖性能,值得在黄牛改良中推广应用。  相似文献   

最近,我们收治1例瓣胃阻塞乳牛。该牛曾经多方治疗,但不见好转,且不宜作真胃切开术,后改用瓣胃冲洗法治疗,获得满意效果,现介绍如下。 一、病史及现症 吉林省通榆县奶牛场母牛,6岁,黑白花。产犊已近一个月,产前一周反复发生瘤胃鼓胀。经本场兽医进行对症治疗,瘤胃鼓胀症状消失,但食欲大减。从4月2日开始,吐出胃内容物,食欲废绝;4月6日剖腹探查,发现瓣胃极度膨  相似文献   

思南黄牛是贵州省的一个优秀地方黄牛品种,具有适应性、抗病力强,挽力大、适于山区耕作,育肥及产肉性能良好,肉质风味独特等特点,长期以来作为当地的主要耕作工具来使用,但随着社会进步,农业机械化程度的不断提高,该品种的用性能逐步弱化。因此,为了开拓思南黄牛肉用性能,不断提高养殖“思南黄牛”的经济效益,2013年4月,贵州省思南县畜牧兽医局在思南县现代高效农业示范园区种牛场及许家坝镇张宗禄养殖场,选择“思南黄牛”能繁母牛120头,实施“同期发情”冻配技术应用研究,取得了良好效果,现报告如下:  相似文献   

安徽省界首县养牛户秦学饲养的一头5岁母牛,一胎产四犊,三公一母。分娩时由于难产死一公犊,其余三头生长良好。据畜主介绍:这头母牛是1984年8月份从外地买回的,产史不详。买回后并未当孕牛管理,几个月不见发情,腹围又逐渐增大,方才加强了饲养。1985年4月3日中午  相似文献   

2010年5月16日,贵州省雷山县某农户饲养的1头5岁母黄牛,产犊第2胎,顺产,由于胎儿过大,胎水过多,母牛努责过强,两侧的子宫完全脱出。经及时治疗和细心护理,病牛很快恢复了健康。现将治疗情况介绍如下。  相似文献   

<正>随着奶牛养殖业的发展,奶牛数量急剧增加,加之饲养管理不当,奶牛产犊时发生子宫内翻和子宫脱出的病例逐渐增多,如果处理不当,极易造成不孕甚至发生败血症,造成母牛死亡。给畜主造成严重的经济损失。笔者从事近二十年兽医临床工作,曾遇到此种病例34  相似文献   

随着人民物质生活的不断提高,畜牧业的持续发展,人们对于畜禽,尤其是大动物的养殖变得习以为常,这也促使着对于牛的养殖更多的是由传统的放牧、散养,转变为集约化、家庭农场式的现代化养殖,现代化养殖又多选用舍饲、栓养,其养殖密度、活动量又得不到较好的保证,这便导致在牛的养殖中,极易出现机体消化系统功能障碍的问题,尤其是牛瘤胃积食,其易复发、难根治的特性,十分影响畜牧业的健康发展,因此畜牧工作者需了解关于牛瘤胃积食的发生原因、临床特征,掌握其诊断方法和综合的防治措施,来降低牛瘤胃积食的发病率和病死率,进而达到促进畜牧业健康发展的目的。  相似文献   

The communal grazing system is generally understood to have a low input, low output type of management. However, the actual inputs and outputs of the farmers are not well known and the farmers are often unaware of their problems. Although the causes of low calving percentage are well understood in commercial beef farming enterprises in South Africa, the same is not true for communal farming systems. The aim of this study was to determine the reproductive performance of beef cattle on a communal farming system in Jericho, North West Province. Ten farmers from five villages with a total of 265 cows and 13 bulls were purposively selected. The selection criteria were that each farmer had to have a minimum of 10 breeding cows and a bull and be willing to participate in the study. This was followed by a 12-month longitudinal study with monthly herd visits where cows were examined rectally and bulls (n = 13) were subjected to a single breeding soundness evaluation. The calving percentage was found to be 37.7%. This is lower than the recorded percentages for commercial beef cattle on extensive grazing. The factors playing a role in low calving percentage were ranked using field data. From this it appeared that failure of cows to become pregnant was the main cause of poor calving percentage as opposed of loss of calves through abortion or resorption. Sub-fertility of the bulls was found to be of great significance and it is proposed that this be included in extension messages and that bulls be fertility tested routinely. Poor body condition score of cows, mainly caused by poor management, was also considered to play a major role in reducing pregnancy rates. Infectious diseases like trichomonosis, campylobacteriosis and brucellosis played a much leser role than anticipated.  相似文献   

产犊间隔(calving internal,CI)又称胎间距,即两次产犊间的时间间隔,能够综合反映奶牛发情、配种、妊娠和产犊等繁殖性能,是衡量奶牛繁殖性能的一个重要指标,同时也是影响奶牛产奶量和产犊数量的重要因素,对奶牛养殖经济效益具有直接影响。最新研究显示,适宜产犊间隔与牛群泌乳能力相关,泌乳能力越高,适宜产犊间隔应越长。但是,即使中国规模化牛场产奶量已经有了大幅提升,中国大多数牧场还在追求更短的产犊间隔。为此,作者对影响荷斯坦奶牛产犊间隔的因素及其研究进展进行概述,并简要阐述了产犊间隔对牛场经济效益的影响,以期为中国荷斯坦奶牛养殖确定适宜产犊间隔提供一定的借鉴和理论依据。  相似文献   

优质奶牛的绿色养殖技术是一种先进的新型养殖技术,是我国奶牛养殖行业实现现代化、科学化的必经之路,也是我国农业先进程度的重要标志。绿色养殖技术能够在帮助农牧民增产增收的同时更好的保护周围的生态环境,使畜牧业发展和生态环境保护相得益彰。本文介绍了绿色养殖技术的内涵,阐述了绿色养殖技术的具体要求和在优质奶牛养殖中的应用,以期帮助广大奶牛养殖人员正确的认识绿色养殖技术,能够熟练的将这一技术应用于优质奶牛的养殖环节中,从而促进奶牛产业的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

本文目的是研究安格斯牛“公司+农户”养殖模式效果,作者通过数据对比的方法对64户养殖农户和3个安格斯牛养殖场开展实地调查,对饲草料组成、产犊间隔、养殖成本及养殖效益进行分析对比。结果表明,喀什某公司采取公司+农户的饲养模式对养殖农户调整饲草料结构、缩短产犊间隔、增加养殖效益有显著的作用。得出“公司+农户”养殖模式下,公司需对养殖农户在各饲养阶段开展技术培训才能保障最大的养殖效益的结论。  相似文献   

In Pabna district, Bangladesh there are two cattle production systems: a draught-oriented system with local Deshi cattle and more milk-oriented production with Pabna Milking Cow (PMC) stock. Deshi animals are smaller than PMC animals. More PMC cows are milked than Deshi cows and the milk off-take of PMC cows is much higher. The calving interval in Deshi cows is one year longer than in PMC cows. The great majority of the bullocks and the bulls are used as draught animals. More than 80% of the Deshi cows also have to work compared with only about half of the PMC cows. The milk off-take of cows used for draught work is 30% less than that of other cows. One of the major differences between the two systems is that PMC cows have access to grazing along the rivers. These areas are increasingly taken up for cropping and the traditional Pabna milk production farming system is gradually being replaced.  相似文献   

鲁录 《中国奶牛》2014,(3):49-52
通过对临夏地区奶牛小养殖户、养殖大户、行了综合分析。数据表明,小养殖户养殖成本较低;小养殖户和养殖大户在鲜奶销售渠道上有竞争优势;合或组成合作社逐渐向养殖大户和养殖场过渡。养殖场的摸底调查,笔者对不同规模养殖的经济效益进养殖场的奶牛单产高于小养殖户和养殖大户,养殖场较小养殖户在整个奶产业中处于劣势地位,今后应通过联  相似文献   

The ability of smallholder farmers and animal health workers to estimate live bodyweight can critically affect the likelihood of under- or over-dosing of veterinary compounds in decentralised systems where farmers administer a significant proportion of the veterinary treatments. A survey of 324 cattle owned by 170 farmers was conducted in Busia District, Kenya. Cattle were weighed on a standard calibrated scale and owners were asked to estimate the live weight of their animals. Weights were also estimated by a weigh-band and by local animal health workers.Cattle owners consistently underestimated the weights of their cattle; 85.7% of the cattle had their bodyweights underestimated by an average of 46.9% of their true weight. Furthermore, very few cattle (19.0%) had their weights estimated accurately to within ±20% of their true weight by these farmers, an accuracy range important for drug dosing. This finding raises concerns of widespread under-dosing of cattle with trypanocidal and other veterinary drugs. Animal health workers were better at estimating live bodyweight of cattle; 76.6% of cattle were estimated accurately to within ±20% of their true weight.It is possible to improve farmers’ and animal health workers’ ability to estimate accurately live bodyweight of cattle with appropriate training. Evidence of this was provided by animal health workers whose estimates improved over time as they received feedback of the true weights of different sizes of cattle from the standard scale.  相似文献   

牛呼吸道症状疾病在牛场中十分高发且危害严重,在我国,根据调查发现在养牛业中65%牛疾病是感染牛呼吸系统病~([1])。本文对一些能引起呼吸道症状的病原进行了一个梳理,希望能给广大养牛户和基层兽医工作者在疫病防控方面一些中帮助。  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine farmers’ perceptions of the causes of low reproductive performance in Nguni cows raised on communal rangelands in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Data were collected using participatory rural appraisals and structured questionnaires that were administered to 551 randomly selected farmers from ten communities in the Eastern Cape. Cattle herd sizes ranged from 3 to 11 and were mainly composed of cows. Cattle sales were ranked as the most important use of cattle in all the villages. Tick-borne diseases and poor animal condition were reported as chief constraints of cattle production in most communities. More than 60% of the interviewees reported that the age at puberty and age at first calving for their cows varied between 18 and 36, and 24 and 48 months, respectively. About 95% of the respondents reported long calving intervals and low bull numbers as major causes of low reproductive performance in cows in the communal areas. It was concluded that farmers perceived delayed age at puberty and at first calving, long calving intervals and low bull numbers as the major causes of low reproductive performance in Nguni cows raised on communal rangelands in South Africa.  相似文献   

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