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为准确掌握三江源高原鼢鼠密度、雌雄比例、体重、体长、毛色及繁殖性能等特征,我们从2020~2021年对三江源地区,重点进行了野外实地监测和破洞捕捉、解剖观察,结果表明:高原鼢鼠一年四季均有活动,表现为交配、哺乳、分居贮粮、巢内越冬等不同活动时期,活动高峰有两次:春季4~6月为繁殖期,秋季8~10月为贮粮期,11~3月其只限于巢内生活。雄鼠数量占雌鼠40.6%,雄鼠平均体重1 715.42 g,体长313.7 mm;雌鼠平均体重2 205.75 g,体长为206.3 mm,雄鼠占雌鼠体重的77.77%。雌鼠平均产仔4只,高达7只,每只鼢鼠1年平均挖土1 t左右,推出地面的土丘数252.1个·hm-2,仅向地面推出土壤干重就达1 043.8 kg,覆盖草地面积达22.5 hm2,每只鼢鼠日食量为90~120 g,一年7个月每只鼢鼠可食鲜草21 kg,繁殖率高,破坏力强。  相似文献   

为了准确掌握青海省果洛州高原鼢鼠的危害程度,根据农业部的部署,按照青海省有关部门的要求,试验从2013年3—11月份对果洛州高原鼢鼠进行了监测与繁殖性能调查。结果表明:高原鼢鼠一年有两个繁殖高峰,分别为4—6月份和8—10月份,雄鼠数量占雌鼠数量的39.8%,雄鼠体长为20.11 cm,体重为263.90 g;雌鼠占雄鼠体重的88.02%,雌鼠体长为19.57 cm,体重为232.28 g;每只雌鼠每次平均产仔4只,有的高达7只,空胎率低,成活率高,破坏力强。  相似文献   

选择15只甘肃高山细毛羊成年母羊,采用链烷法测定四季干物质采食量和牧草消化率,其结果为:每只成年母羊春夏秋冬四季干物质采食量分别为0.85,1.36,1.48和0.75kg·d~(-1),成年母羊每kg代谢体重四季采食量分别为61.72,93.86,93.83和47.99g·(w0.75kg)-1。每只甘肃高山细羊春夏秋冬四季代谢能食入量分别为6.11,13.30,13.99和5.08 MJ·d~(-1);粗蛋白质食入量分别为71.49,212.31,188.26和43.83g·d~(-1);钙食入量分别为2.27,8.22,9.61和2.58g·d~(-1);磷食入量分别为0.94,4.98,5.87和1.01g·d~(-1)。甘肃高山细毛羊成年母羊春夏秋冬四季牧草干物质消化率分别为44.65%,64.02%,57.73%和45.98%,四季牧草粗蛋白质消化率分别为47.40%,62.69%,59.67%和48.05%。  相似文献   

采用Gompertz模型对高原鼠兔野外围栏种群幼体体重增长进行了比较,旨在探讨食物与密度因素对高原鼠兔生活史特征的作用模式。+F+R处理组高原鼠兔第二胎幼体平均成熟体重为163.67 g,成熟率6.27%,为最高组,其次为-F+R组,平均成熟体重154.46 g,成熟率5.87%,+F-R组平均成熟体重146.97 g,成熟率5.29%,而-F-R试验组平均成熟体重132.93 g,成熟率4.25%,为最低。研究结果表明,当恶劣环境导致高原鼠兔第一胎繁殖失败时,高原鼠兔第二胎能利用食物和低密度空间资源来改变自身的体重增长模式,进而维持种群数量的稳定状态。  相似文献   

鹰架招鹰控制高原鼠兔种群数量研究初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
鹰架招鹰控制高原鼠兔种群数量研究初探侯秀敏(青海省草原总站810008)高原鼠兔是我省高寒草原生态系统中除家畜而外的主要消费者。每只高原鼠兔每年约采食新鲜牧草21.6公斤,降低了草地家畜数量和经济效益。因此,防治和控制高原鼠兔种群数量一直是草地保护工...  相似文献   

高原鼠兔对高寒草甸草地影响的试验初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在高原鼠兔中等危害的高寒草甸草地上,用1cm孔径的网片围笼隔离害鼠,再用常规围栏隔离家畜进行测产试验,结果表明:A处理(无害鼠无家畜)的总产草产量、可食牧草产量均高于B处理(有害鼠无家畜),经t检验。产草量、可食牧草量差异极显著(P<0.01);B处理的不食毒杂草占总产草量的比率高出A处理7.14个百分点;证明高原鼠兔对高寒草甸草地牧草生长有抑制作用,同时对草群结构也有影响。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔繁殖及种群年龄结构的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为指导草地鼠害防治 ,我们对甘孜州草地主要害鼠———高原鼠兔的繁殖及种群更替特性进行了研究。结果表明高原鼠兔为季节繁殖的动物 ,其繁殖期为 4月下旬至 7月中旬 ,约 90天 ;雄雌比为 1 :1 31 ,S R为 44 3± 7 2 ,繁殖期中平均繁殖指数为 1 35 ;雌鼠年平均繁殖 2 4胎 ,胎仔数为 1— 6只 /胎 ,平均为2 93只 /胎。鼠兔种群数量呈季节变化  相似文献   

黄兔尾鼠种群年龄结构与发生规律初探   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
自1988年开始,连续3年在塔城沙湾县博乐通古牧场对黄兔尾鼠的鼠密度、年龄组成和数量季节消长进行调查研究。调查结果表明黄兔尾鼠的平均有效洞密度为2000~3000个/hm2。对捕获的鼠标本进行测量、称重,并以酮体重作指标,参考繁殖情况,将黄兔尾鼠种群年龄划分为5个年龄组:幼年组酮体重小于13.0g,亚成年组酮体重为13.1~24.0g,成年1组酮体重为24.1~34.0g,成年2组酮体重为34.1~47.0g,老年组酮体重大于47.1g。调查还表明黄兔尾鼠因繁殖能力强,在一年中数量变化很大,如1988年4月份其种群密度为48.59±5.38只/hm2,到8月份则急剧上升到951.64±66.58只/hm2,增长了约18倍。  相似文献   

祁连县共有天然退化草原1,543万亩,占全县草原面积的87%。其中轻,中度退化草原1,349万亩,占退化草原的87.44%,重度退化草原193.7万亩,占12.5%。1982年全县各类草场平均亩产青草114斤,比1959年的133斤下降了14%,每年因退化而损失的的牧草达1.8亿斤,相当于126,200只羊的全年食草量。退化草原杂类草甸植被平均亩产可食青草62斤,为原植被蒿草草甸136斤的46%。全县有鼠害面积250多万亩,其中破坏最严重的35万亩,平均每公顷有高原鼠兔13个,每只鼠兔日食鲜草77.3克,年共28公斤。据沙龙滩、克什查调查,该区每年高原鼠兔食草1亿多斤,可养绵羊7万只。  相似文献   

野鼠类个体虽小,但数量众多,对草原的危害相当严重。在中国干旱草原、高寒草原和高寒草甸草原地区,被鼠类破坏的草原面积竟占该地区草原总面积的30%以上。生活在草原上的鼠类特别喜食牲畜爱吃的优良牧草,如羊草、针茅、冰草和冷蒿等。据测定,一只布氏田鼠每日吃干草14.5g,全年可消耗牧草约5.3kg;栖居在甘南草原上的高原鼠兔日食鲜草7713g,一只成年鼠兔在牧草生长季节的4个月里,可吃掉牧草9.5kg。  相似文献   

钟亮  朱红娟  余义博  曲家鹏 《草业科学》2021,38(8):1605-1614
对30只高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)分别灌喂艾美尔球虫(Eimeria)卵囊(2 × 106个·mL?1)、驱虫剂以及生理盐水(对照),测定艾美尔球虫对高原鼠兔食物摄入量、体重、粪便皮质醇浓度、静止代谢率以及探索性的影响。结果发现:1)试验第5天时,艾美尔球虫卵囊数达到最大值,且灌喂艾美尔球虫组的艾美尔球虫卵囊数显著高于驱虫组和对照组 (P < 0.05);2)试验第18天时,灌喂艾美尔球虫组与对照组高原鼠兔的食物摄入量无显著差异(P > 0.05),但均显著低于驱虫组(P < 0.05);3)第8天时,灌喂艾美尔球虫组和驱虫组高原鼠兔粪便皮质醇浓度显著高于对照组(P < 0.05);第18天时,灌喂艾美尔球虫组和对照组高原鼠兔粪便皮质醇浓度、静止代谢率均显著高于驱虫组(P < 0.05);4)第5 天时,灌喂艾美尔球虫组高原鼠兔探索性显著低于对照组和驱虫组(P < 0.05)。高原鼠兔感染艾美尔球虫后,其皮质醇浓度升高、静止代谢率降低、探索性减弱,降低了被捕食风险,增大了艾美尔球虫在高原鼠兔种群内的传播率。本研究结果可为应用艾美尔球虫作为潜在的高原鼠兔生物防治制剂以及控制高原鼠兔种群数量提供了新的依据。  相似文献   

通过对高原鼠兔野外饲养和印楝油摄食量的药效观察试验,选取高原鼠兔90只,分成2个试验组和1个对照组,各试验组投药浓度为30%和40%的印楝油;对照组饲喂青草,用药7d。试验期间观察各组鼠兔的临床表现,每天记录颗粒剂的采食量,并计算摄食系数;停药后27d处死,剖检雄雌鼠,做病理切片,剖开雌鼠子宫,统计怀孕率。结果表明,高原 药浓度 、40%的颗粒剂的摄食率分别为11.09%和25.10%,差异显著(P〈0.05);筛选出主药浓度为40 两性不 颗粒剂适口性良好,对高原鼠兔有良好的抗生  相似文献   

利用草地改良措施探讨了禾草补播和人工草地建植对高原鼠兔种群密度的影响,以期为有害啮齿动物的植被调控提供理论依据。在高原鼠兔分布密集草地建立围栏样地50 hm2,同时在围栏内选择20 hm2样地进行垂穗披碱草补播和人工草地建植,探讨草地植物群落结构的变化对高原鼠兔种群密度的影响。结果表明,鼠害草地、补播草地和人工草地除物种数外,物种多样性指数(H')、植被盖度、密度、高度和地上生物量均表现出显著差异(P<0.01)。其中物种多样性指数表现为补播草地>鼠害草地>人工草地;植被盖度、密度、高度和地上生物量均表现为人工草地>补播草地>鼠害草地。群落中垂穗披碱草所占比重亦大不相同,鼠害草地中垂穗披碱草比重不足10%,而补播草地和人工草地群落中,垂穗披碱草比重分别达50%和90%以上。不论是总洞口数还是有效洞口数,在3种草地中都存在显著差异,总洞口数变化在35~411,其中,鼠害草地的总洞口数是补播草地的2.28倍,是垂穗披碱草草地的11.74倍;有效洞口数变化在11~188,鼠害草地是补播草地的2.26倍,是垂穗披碱草草地的17.09倍,表明垂穗披碱草群落对高原鼠兔有显著的抑制作用。此外,高原鼠兔种群密度与草地植被特征间有不同的关系。无论是总洞口数还是有效洞口数与植物物种数间均无显著相关关系,与H'间则呈二次函数关系;高原鼠兔总洞口数及有效洞口数分别与植被盖度、密度、高度及地上生物量呈显著负相关关系。此结果表明,相对于鼠害严重草地,无论是补播草地,还是人工种植草地,植物群落结构的变化对鼠兔种群密度都有重要的影响。  相似文献   

Understanding a species' functional traits allows for a directed and productive perspective on the role a species plays in nature, and thus its relative importance to conservation planning. The functional‐trait ecology of the plateau pika Ochotona curzoniae is examined to better understand the resilience and sustainability of the high alpine grasslands of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP). The key functional traits of plateau pikas are their abundance and behavior of digging extensive burrow systems. Plateau pikas have been poisoned over a significant part of their original geographic distribution across the QTP, allowing comparison of ecological communities with and without pikas. Nearly all mammalian and avian carnivores, most of which are obligate predators on pikas, have been lost in regions where pikas have been poisoned. Most endemic birds on the QTP nest in pika burrows; when pikas are poisoned, burrows collapse, and these birds are greatly reduced in number. Due to the biopedturbation resulting from their burrows, regional plant species richness is higher in areas with pikas than without. The presence of pika burrows allows higher rates of infiltration during heavy monsoon rains compared to poisoned areas, possibly mitigating runoff and the potential for serious downslope erosion and flooding. Thus, the functional traits of plateau pikas enhance native biodiversity and other important ecosystem functions; these traits are irreplaceable. As plateau pikas are not natural colonizers, active re‐introduction programs are needed to restore pikas to areas from which they have been poisoned to restore the important functional ecological traits of pikas.  相似文献   

Divergent selection in mice was applied in 3 independent replicates for high (maintenance high; MH) and low (maintenance low; ML) heat loss for 16 generations. An unselected control (maintenance control; MC) was also maintained in all replicates. Selection ceased for 26 generations; heat-loss measurement and selection resumed at generation 42. Lactation performance, dam weight, dam feed intake, and efficiency of production of pup weight were recorded or calculated for MH and ML dams in all 3 replicates at generation 46 or 47 with the objective of determining whether selection for heat loss has created correlated responses in maternal performance. One-half of the dams reared their own litters, and one-half reared cross-fostered (across lines) litters. Between 10 and 12 litters were used from each replicate-line-rearing class. Litter size was recorded, and litters were standardized to 8 pups within 24 h of birth. For cross fostering, MH litters were matched to ML litters born within 24 h of each other, and MH-ML litter pairs were cross-fostered at 3 d of age. A weigh-suckle-weigh protocol was used to obtain milk production estimates over a 2-h suckling period at 6, 9, 12, and 15 d. Dam (plus litter) feed intake was also recorded at these times and was calculated as the disappearance of feed over 3-d intervals. Dams of the MH selection tended (P < 0.11) to have greater litter size than those of the ML selection; litter size of MC dams was intermediate. Line of dam affected milk production (P = 0.04) and dam feed intake (P < 0.03) as MH dams produced more milk and consumed more feed than ML dams. Average milk production for the 2-h measurement period was 1.70 +/- 0.07 and 1.41 +/- 0.07 g, and average 3-d feed consumption was 50.8 +/- 1.2 and 45.2 +/- 1.2 g for MH and ML dams, respectively. Cross-fostering had no effect (P > 0.86) on milk production. Line of dam tended to affect 21-d litter weight (P = 0.15) with litters reared by MH dams weighing more than those reared by ML dams, but there was no difference (P > 0.86) in 21-d dam weights. Efficiency of producing litter weight (litter 15-d weight: dam plus litter feed intake from d 6 to 15) was greater (0.49 vs. 0.46, SE = 0.009; P = 0.03) for ML than for MH dams. Selection for reduced heat loss (lower maintenance feed intake in the ML line) resulted in reduced milk production and feed intake in dams and greater efficiency of litter weight production.  相似文献   

Selection for increased leanness and improved food efficiency in pigs has resulted in a decreased voluntary food intake. It has been argued that voluntary food intake during lactation should be considered in sow breeding programmes. The aim of the present study was to investigate the phenotypic correlation of food intake during growth and food intake at maturity with maximum lactation food intake in a mouse model. A total of 179 records were available on female mice selected for litter size at birth (S-line) and non-selected control females (C-line) from 3 weeks of age to 21 days in lactation. Half of the litters were standardized to eight pups per litter (s) and half were not standardized (ns). Growth intake was measured as the average intake between 21 and 42 days of age, mature intake was measured from a linear regression of food intake against age between 42 and 69 days of age, and lactation intake was measured as a linear regression of food intake against days in lactation between 5 and 14 days in lactation. In both lines, females with a higher growth intake also had a higher mature intake (r = 0.63 to 0.75, P < 0.0001). Lactation intake was related with growth intake and mature intake in Sns females (r = 0.50 and 0.46, P < 0.01) and with growth intake in Ss females (r = 0.32, P < 0.05). In both lines, lactation intake was highly correlated with litter weight (r = 0.48 to 0.94, P < 0.001). Sns and Ss females with higher growth intake supported larger litter weights during lactation (r = 0.32 and 0.30, respectively, P < 0.05) and Sns females with higher mature intakes tended to support larger litter weights (r = 0.28, P = 0.060). It is suggested that lactating C-line females eat to support a given litter size, while S-line females support the maximum litter weight that is allowed for by their intake capacity, and still produce at high levels when litters are standardized. Since lactating sows mobilise body reserves, the relationship of food intake during growth with that during lactation may be reflected in the relationship between growth intake and body condition.  相似文献   

将高原鼠兔的日常行为划分为采食、警戒、嬉戏和洞内滞留4个类型,选取植被高度、盖度和地上生物量3个代表性指标反映草地植被性状的变化,探讨了植被性状与高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)行为模式的对应关系。结果表明,植被高度、盖度和生物量的增加可导致高原鼠兔洞内滞留和警戒时间增加,采食和嬉戏时间减少;高原鼠兔的某些行为对植被性状各主要指标变化应对反映有一个由量变到质变的临界点或临界范围,在此临界点或临界范围之前和之后,高原鼠兔对植被环境的感受会发生质的改变;采食时间与洞内滞留时间的比值(G/H)越小,表明植被环境的胁迫压力越大,反之则越小;植被高度对高原鼠兔生境的影响力大于盖度和生物量。  相似文献   

本研究旨在明确影响肉兔断奶后窝生长性状和料肉比的重要因素。利用一般线性模型分析了来自5个不同肉兔品种(新西兰白兔,加利福尼亚兔,比利时兔,青紫蓝兔和福建黄兔)的909只173窝肉兔断奶后窝生长和料肉比性状。结果表明,品种和断奶数对断奶窝重(5周龄窝重),窝增重,窝上市体重(10周龄窝重),个体平均上市体重,窝采食量和料肉比的影响极显著(P<0.01)。出生月份对窝采食量影响极显著(P<0.01),对断奶窝重和窝上市体重的影响显著(P<0.05)。比利时兔的断奶窝重、窝增重、窝上市体重、窝采食量和平均上市体重显著高于其他品种,而福建黄兔的上述5项指标显著低于其他品种(P<0.05)。断奶数与断奶窝重、窝采食量、窝增重、窝上市体重和料肉比的回归系数为正且显著。品种、断奶数和出生月份是影响肉兔断奶后窝性状和料肉比的重要因素。本研究的结果为将比利时兔作为杂交的终端父本提供重要依据。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔的经济损害水平及防治指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 2007-2008年在肃南县大河乡大岔村的高寒草甸和高寒草原对高原鼠兔的经济损害水平及防治指标研究的结果表明,高原鼠兔种群数量与其危害所造成草原牧草减产量(地上植物)及经济损失呈正相关关系,相关系数为:r=0.9765;高原鼠兔的有效洞口数(X)与牧草减产量(M)的线性回归方程为:M=-16.9603+0.9180X在1330hm 范围内用C 型肉毒梭菌生物毒素进行防治,核算单位面积防治成本为25.05元/hm;试验期间,高原鼠兔的实际鼠密度高达510有效洞口/hm,经济损害水平为130有效洞口/hm;实际经济损失率高达32.9%,而经济允许损失率只有11.2%。根据经济允许损失率测算的有效防治指标为185有效洞口/hm。  相似文献   

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