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本实验采用直肠电刺激采精法和假阴道采精法,对2016年的8只2.5~3.5岁优秀山谷型藏羊种公羊精液品质进行采精后对比分析,结果显示:直肠电刺激法采集精液量明显较多为1.37±0.28m L,但精子密度23.18±9.70亿/m L,原精活力58.56±9.17%较低,此三项与假阴道采集法差异显著(p0.05),而畸形率13.42±0.32%与假阴道采精法的畸形率10.21±0.48%,差异不显著(p0.05)。  相似文献   

为了分析绵羊电刺激采精效果,试验采用电刺激方法采集肉用绵羊种公羊精液,对精液量、精子活力、配种后母羊受胎率进行统计与分析,并与假阴道采精方法采集的精液进行比较。结果表明:两种采精方法其采精量、精子活力、配种后母羊受胎率均差异不显著(P0.05)。说明电刺激采集种公羊精液的方法是可行的,在养羊生产中可以推广应用,尤其是在使用假阴道无法采集种公羊精液时,采用电刺激采精方法可以完成种公羊精液的采集工作,使绵羊人工授精工作得以顺利完成。  相似文献   

1采精将发情母羊保定在采精室内,一人负责辅助种公羊控制爬跨速度,另一人蹲在发情母羊右后方,手持准备好的假阴道贴在发情母羊臀部,入口朝下与地面成35°~35°角,当公羊爬跨时,轻轻将阴茎导入假阴道内保证假阴道与阴茎成一直线,公羊射精完毕后,采精人员随公羊爬下退出假阴道,并将集精瓶口朝上,排出空气后取下。2精液品质检查2.1精液外观正常精液为浓厚的乳白色混悬液体,略带腥味,如果有其他颜色或有臭味的精液不能使用。2.2精液量成年波尔山羊每次采精量有1~2mL。2.3精子活力在室温37℃条件下检查呈直线运动的精子百分数,超过80%的精液才…  相似文献   

为了探索北山羊直肠电刺激采精技术,进一步开展北山羊种质资源的保护与利用,试验采用直肠碳棒法对4岁健康成年北山羊公羊进行电刺激采精,并对不同月份、麻醉剂量、睾丸保健清洗水温、输出电压条件下获得的精液进行品质检测。结果表明:在12月下旬,麻醉剂量为0.006~0.008 mL/kg,睾丸保健清洗水温37~40℃,输出电压在9~18 V时采集的北山羊精液颜色为乳白色,精液量较多,精子活力强,畸形率小,精子密度大,精子状态为云雾状。说明于12月下旬在轻度麻醉和中度电刺激环境条件下采用直肠碳棒电刺激法采集的精液品质符合北山羊人工辅助繁殖要求。  相似文献   

一、精液的采集 健康的种公羊在一天内可以采精3~4次,每次可连续两次射精。采精操作是将台母羊保定后,引公羊到台羊处,术者右手持假阴道,入口朝下,蹲于台羊的右后方,当公羊跨上台羊背部时,应尽快地将阴茎导入假阴道内,并使假阴道与阴茎呈一直线,注意不得将假阴道强行套在阴茎上,公羊射精后顺公羊爬下的动作就势取下假阴道,放出少量气体,让精液全部流入集精杯内后,取下集精杯。二、精液品质检查精液品质检查要快速准确,取样要有代表性。正常公山羊精液量平均为1.0毫升0.5~2.0毫升,呈乳白色,每毫升精液含精子2.5~3…  相似文献   

本文介绍了德国米尼图电刺激采精器(Electro-Ejakulator mit sonde 2,5’’)的基本原理、工作方式,以及利用电刺激采精器采集荷斯坦种公牛精液的情况,并与假阴道法采集该牛精液的结果进行比较。与假阴道法相比较,利用电刺激采精器法获得的精液量显著提高,但精子密度却显著降低;而在原精活力、冻精活力、冻精产量方面无显著差异。利用电刺激采精器对无法以假阴道法采集精液的公牛进行精液采集,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

[目的]大额牛为我国地方畜禽遗传资源濒危品种,为了加强大额牛的保种力度,提高保种效率;本研究对影响大额牛精液质量的主要因素如采精方法、季节、个体遗传等进行了比较研究。[方法]大额牛用电刺激法和假阴道法采精,按照牛冷冻精液国家标准GB4143-2008的方法测定大额牛的采精量,精子密度,原精活力和冷冻精液解冻活力,用程控冷冻仪冷冻大额牛精液。[结果]大额牛冷冻精液解冻效果较好,采精量为5.009±2.239m}(n=226),原精活力为54.184±15.760%(n=223),精子密度为7.207±6.387亿/mL(n=225),解冻活力为36.007±2.092%(n=136)。精子冷冻解冻复苏率达50%以上。大额牛电刺激采精成功率高。[结论]迁地保护条件下大额牛电刺激法采精获得很好效果,也能用假阴道法采精,精液冷冻解冻效果较好,有利于大额牛遗传物质的保存。  相似文献   

目前采集羊精所用的假阴道仍是近几十年来从未改型的长 19 5cm ,后端内接塑料瓶保温集精管式假阴道。这种假阴道由于保温集精杯直接插入假阴道后口内 ,羊射精后使浓密、黏度大的精液约三分之一以上黏附在瓶径口处 ,难以收集。使本来量较少的精液难以收集使用。另外 ,由于采精假阴道倾斜成 35°,使直筒式假阴道集精杯精液回流 ,再次黏附于公羊龟头与假阴道内壁处 ,形成污染与精液量的减少。为解决以上不足 ,我们根据公羊阴茎的长度及非摩擦刺激射精的特点 ,在既能保证公羊充分射精又使精液完全收集 ,提高精液质量的前提下进行了改装。具体…  相似文献   

三种采精方法在种公牛上的应用效果分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文针对大额牛和婆罗门牛 ,对电刺激法、按摩法和假阴道法三种方法的采精效果进行了比较研究。结果表明按摩法、假阴道法的采精量差异不大 ( P>0 .0 5) ,但均明显高于电刺激法 ( P<0 .0 5) ;而就精液密度而言 ,假阴道法明显高于电刺激法 ( P<0 .0 1 )和按摩法 ( P<0 .0 1 ) ,而后两者间无明显差异 ( P>0 .0 5) ;而就精液活率而言 ,三种方法无明显差异 ( P>0 .0 5) ;同时还进一步说明通过三种采精方法所获精液制作成的冷冻精液颗粒品质无明显差异 ( P>0 .0 5)。通过综合比较认为假阴道法是最好的采精方法 ,而电刺激法有着其特殊用途。  相似文献   

选用10只2~4岁的德国肉用美利奴成年公羊,先进行40 d的生殖保健技术程序处理,然后采用DZCJ-4型电子采精仪刺激采精。结果表明:未经生殖保健的2只公羊对各种电刺激的输出电压有不同程度的反应,但均未能采出精液;经过生殖保健处理后,电刺激能使公羊迅速发生阴茎勃起和射精,在非繁殖季节可成功采出精液,随着采精次数的增加,精液品质明显提高。结论:对德国肉用美利奴成年公羊采用生殖保健技术程序处理,再进行电刺激采精,精液品质可以达到正常人工授精的标准,并可用于生产实践。  相似文献   

由于藏羊特殊的品种特性,高海拔严寒地区养殖适应性好,养殖成本相对其他类型羊较低,但自然交配情况下,空怀率高,繁殖率低。为克服藏种羊胆小易惊,调教不易,采精困难等不利因素,我们采用电刺激法促使种公羊被动排精,很大程度上降低了采精难度,提高了采精数量,在母羊集中发情季节,优秀种公羊个体可授配母羊500只以上,同时引进药物诱导母羊同期发情等技术进行人工授精,大大提升了藏羊繁殖性能,加速了我县藏羊引种改良进程,提高藏羊养殖经济效益。  相似文献   

为提高青海高原型藏羊选育工作,探索羊的人工采精和细管冻精技术在高寒地区的应用效果,对青海省海北州祁连3只高原型藏种公羊和玛多县30只高原型藏母羊进行了选育试验,实验结果表明:藏种公羊鲜精采集量平均为1.5mL,呈乳白或乳黄色、无气味、有云雾状,平均活力冻前鲜精为0.65,高出一般羊精子标准活力的0.075,冻后为0.35~0.5,高出本省羊精子标准活力0.1,且经冷配后的30只藏母羊均无返情现象。本实验对于藏羊的改良有重要的实践意义,对于改善纯种高原型藏羊也有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

祁连县高原型藏羊人工采精试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了将人工授精技术应用于藏羊选育,2009年8月~9月在祁连县藏羊选育中心进行了藏羊人工采精试验。经过30d调教训练后从藏羊种公羊采精获得成功,采精量0.4~1.2mL,密度中等以上,平均活力0.46以上。试验证明藏羊种公羊经过调教训练完全可以人工采精,并用于人工授精。  相似文献   

The relationship between ejaculation intervals and semen quality in 4 male cats aged 3-5 years was investigated in this study. Semen was collected 10 times at intervals of every day, every other day, and every three days using an artificial vagina. Semen was collected consecutively twice on the day of semen collection, and the semen quality was examined. In semen collected every day, the number of sperm in the first collection decreased, and the frequency of immature sperm rapidly increased after the 4th day. In semen collected every other day and every three days, although the semen volume markedly varied among the animals on both first and second collections, the volume remained stable for each animal, the number of sperm was similar in the first and second collections, but was clearly larger in the first collection (p<0.01). Sperm motility and abnormality were stable among the various intervals and between the first and second collections in each animal.  相似文献   

为研究不同品种、采精月份、采精月龄和采精间隔等因素对加系公猪精液品质的影响,以及品种、初次采精周龄对精液质量稳定性的影响,本研究以江西某种公猪站79头加系大白猪、长白猪、杜洛克猪种公猪为试验群体,收集2018年12月至2020年12月3 921条精液采集与精液质量数据,通过混合线性模型与方差分析探究各因素对精液量、精液密度、精子活力、总精子数及其稳定性的影响。结果显示,从不同品种对精液质量的影响来看,长白猪精液量和总精子数均高于大白猪、杜洛克猪,但杜洛克猪精液密度高于长白猪、大白猪,杜洛克猪精子活力最低;从不同月份来看,1~3月采精精液密度最高,4~6月采精精子活力最高,10~12月采精精液量和总精子数最高,精液量呈现秋冬多、春夏少的季节变化规律。公猪不同月龄采精,精液质量指标也存在差异,月龄越小精液量越低,但精液密度偏高,精子活力相对较好,在19~24月龄黄金期总精子数最高。不同采精间隔对精液质量有较大影响,采精间隔越长,精液量、精液密度、精子活力和总精子数相对较好,采精间隔为5 d时综合性能最佳,但过长的采精间隔导致精子活力降低。品种影响总精子数稳定性,长白猪、大白猪总精子数稳定性显著优于杜洛克猪(P<0.05)。本研究结果表明,品种、采精月份、采精月龄和采精间隔均会影响公猪精液质量,关注这些因素有助于公猪站制定更完善的生产计划,提高公猪利用率。  相似文献   

Nine different methods of electrical stimulation with a bi-polar rectal probe, were used on 5 rams. The quantity and quality of semen collected, the time taken to produce ejaculation and the maximum voltage required were compared. Semen of good quality was collected by applying a stimulus every 7 seconds for a period of 3 seconds commencing at 1 volt and increasing by 1 volt at a time. A mean maximum voltage of 5.1 volts produced ejaculation. Electrical stimulation, using a voltage rise of 2 volts applied at 5 sec intervals frequently produced smaller volumes of semen, a greater number of collection failures, and severe physical stress to the rams.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the range of circumstances under which the “audience effect” is expressed in rams, in particular, whether the dominance-subordinate relationship and familiarity of an audience male, influences young rams' libido and semen characteristics. To achieve this objective, semen from ten 10-month Katahdin rams was collected weekly in a vaginal collection vial, while the rams were exposed individually in each session to a dominant (familiar and unfamiliar) or subordinate (familiar and unfamiliar) male, or to no audience. Reaction time, semen volume, and sperm concentration were found to be similar (P > 0.05) in rams that were alone or in those that were being observed by an audience, regardless of the dominance-subordinate relationship or familiarity of the observer. The results of this experiment support the view that the presence and dominance-subordinate relationship of an audience regardless of their familiarity with the subject is irrelevant regarding the reaction time, semen volume, and sperm concentration of ram lambs during semen collection.  相似文献   

Sperm motility is an indicator of male fertility because of its importance for sperm migration through the female genital tract and for gamete interaction at fertilization. This study analyses the relationship between computer assisted semen analysis (CASA) motility patterns and sperm migration of rams in ruminant cervical mucus. In experiment 1, spermatozoa extended with sperm analysis medium (SAM) and seminal plasma were compared in terms of motility. In experiment 2, 56 semen samples were collected either with artificial vagina (AV) or electroejaculator to be compared in terms of motility performance. In experiment 3, 104 ejaculates collected by AV from 26 males were analysed via the CASA system to characterize their motility patterns. In experiment 4, ejaculates from pairs of rams (20 rams in total) were simultaneously assessed for mucus migration (ovine, caprine, bovine) and motility patterns to evaluate the correlations between both parameters. Semen collected by AV and extended in SAM allows the most reliable assessment for sperm motility. Ram spermatozoa move fast and follow a linear trajectory compared with other ruminants. Continuous line velocity (VCL) and average path velocity (VAP) are the only sperm kinematic parameters that presented significant positive correlations with the ability to migrate in sheep cervical mucus (p < 0.05). Continuous line velocity, VAP, straight line velocity and linearity are highly significantly related with migration efficiency in goat cervical mucus (p < 0.01) and only lateral head displacement is negatively related to sperm migration in bovine cervical mucus (p < 0.05). These results suggest that specific kinematic parameters confer the ability of spermatozoa to colonize and migrate through epithelial mucus with different rheological properties.  相似文献   

为了研究甘肃高山细毛羊种公羊精液冷冻保存的效果.将液氮熏蒸距离按1.5、2.0、2.5 cm分为三个组合,每个组合用6.5、7、7.5 min三种时间进行熏蒸处理,对细毛羊种公羊冻精进行对比试验.熏蒸距离为2 cm,熏蒸时间为6.5 min、7 min和7.5 min处理组精子活率分别为24.91±3.31、42.33±3.96和32.83±2.08,与其它各组精子活率相比较好,组间差异显著(P<0.05).试验表明,细毛羊种公羊冻精熏蒸距离越近,熏蒸时间应减短,熏蒸距离越远,熏蒸时间应延长.最佳熏蒸距离为2 cm和熏蒸时间为7min,精子活率42.33±3.96.液氮熏蒸细管冷冻法的精子活率(42.33±3.96),高于液氮熏蒸颗粒法(33.75±5.32),而二者差异显著(P<0.05).液氮颗粒法的顶体完整率(33.75%)和细管法的顶体完整率(39.08%)差异不显著(P>0.05).通过调整细毛羊精液稀释液成分、pH值、渗透压,利用简易的液氮熏蒸方法可以完成甘肃高山细毛羊精液冷冻保存.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the response of Bali bulls (Bos javanicus) to different semen collection methods and their effects on fresh and post‐thawed semen quality. The collection methods employed were electro‐ejaculation (EE), transrectal massage (RM) and RM followed by EE (RM + EE). A total of 25 untrained Bali bulls (age between 2 and 4 years old) were subjected to the different semen collection methods. Fresh semen samples from all the 25 bulls were evaluated for volume, pH, general motility, live/dead ratio and abnormality using the conventional method. For fresh and frozen samples collected by EE and RM from 10 bulls, computer‐assisted semen analysis system was used for precise quantitative measurement of motility, velocity and forward progression. Accucell photometer was used to measure sperm concentration in all samples, regardless fresh and frozen. Semen samples were obtained 100% of the attempts using EE, 84% using RM and 96% using RM + EE. There were no differences among the collection methods for fresh semen quality characteristics, including motility, morphology and viability, but pH and volume were higher for EE than RM and RM + EE. Higher sperm concentration was observed in semen collected by RM than the other two methods. Different age groups (2–3 and >3–4 years old) of the bulls did not show significant differences in volume, pH, sperm concentration, percentages in motility, live/dead ratio and normal sperm morphology. The quality of semen for general and progressive motility, VAP, VSL and VCL and acrosomal integrity after thawing was higher for RM than EE. In conclusion, Bali bulls appeared to respond best to EE and the combination of RM + EE than RM, as a method of semen collection, with a shorter time of stimulation required. Differences in age of the Bali bulls did not affect the semen quality.  相似文献   

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