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正近年来,随着奶牛饲养的规模化,很多疾病也随着饲养条件的改变而发生变化。腹泻就是犊牛常发生的一种肠道疾病,该病每年各季均可发生。患牛的临床症状是排粥样稀便、水样便或血便,呕吐,眼球塌陷,脱水,体重减轻,出生1个月内的犊牛发病率和死亡率较高。如果治疗方法不正确或治疗不及时会引起犊牛死亡,这样不但影响养牛业的发展,也会给养殖户带来经济损失。为了减少犊牛腹泻疾病的发生,应以预防为主,笔者就如何预防犊牛腹泻提出几点建议,仅供参考。1 饲养场地  相似文献   

牛肠炎是一种比较常见的牛消化道疾病,其主要特征是牛肠壁及深层组织发生纤维素性或坏死性炎症。牛肠炎的发病年龄集中在0~2岁犊牛极易发生。成年牛也会发生,该病流行呈区域性或散发性。如果是败血症肠炎,死亡率可达80%以上,因此,必须对该病加以重视避免给养殖户造成严重的经济损失。  相似文献   

犊牛是养殖场重要的生产资料,对提高养殖户经济效益,实现牛养殖产业健康持续发展十分关键。犊牛出生之后抵御外界应激因素的能力较差,如果饲养管理不科学,就会导致犊牛出现严重的疫病。大肠杆菌病是犊牛经常发生的一种急性肠道传染病,以剧烈腹泻和败血症为主要特点。在养殖过程中需要养殖户切实做好防治工作。  相似文献   

犊牛的个体小.神经发育不健全.体温调节能力弱,对疾病的抵抗力较差,对饲养管理要求较高。犊牛肺炎是指患牛肺组织发生卡他性炎症或是卡他性一格鲁布性炎症病变.是犊牛比较常见和多发的呼吸系统疾病.也是犊牛呼吸系统疾病中危害最为严重的疾病之一。常见的有小叶性肺炎、大叶性肺炎、支气管肺炎等。该病全年均可发生,多发于冬季、早春和晚秋...  相似文献   

奶牛腹膜炎是一种因细菌进入奶牛腹腔而引起的感染性疾病,该病不仅会导致脏器炎症的出现,使奶牛采食量以及泌乳量受到影响,甚至会导致奶牛食欲废绝病引发死亡,因而需要对该病进行深入研究,避免奶牛生产性能受到影响。1发病原因1.1犊牛脐带感染犊牛脐带感染,一方面会导致犊牛脐炎的发生,另一方面会引发犊牛腹膜炎。如果没有做好断脐处理工作,脐带常常发生感染,其炎症可逐渐上行并扩散至腹腔,因而引发局限性的腹膜炎,随着病情的发展还极容易转变为广泛性腹膜炎。  相似文献   

正犊牛腹泻是犊牛的常见病,可在全国各个地区发生,尤其高发于早春及冬季。该病发病率及死亡率均较高,主要发生于2周龄内犊牛,随着日龄的增长犊牛发病率逐渐降低。犊牛腹泻一旦发生,会给养殖户造成严重损失,因而需对该病防治工作深入研究。  相似文献   

正犊牛腹泻作为常见病,可发生于一年四季,单纯的采用西药治疗该病,虽然见效快,但是存在着毒副作用,不利于犊牛的健康生长。然而采用中药治疗该病,却有着得天独厚的优势。1发病原因1.1消化不良养殖户在饲养怀孕母牛的过程当中,如果管理不当、管理粗放、饲料当中缺乏维生素以及蛋白质等一系列的营养物质的话,就会导致腹中的胎儿无法汲取到充足的营养物质,进而使得犊牛出现营养不良、发育不良等状况,这会在很大程度上降低犊牛的免疫能力,最终导致出现腹泻。  相似文献   

犊牛白痢病是由特定血清型病原性大肠杆菌引起的初生犊牛的一种急性传染病,以败血、下痢为特征。主要侵害10日龄以内的犊牛,特别是大群舍饲时会出现该病的暴发,而小群饲养时常以散发的形式出现。该病主要以消化道感染,偶有通过皮肤、黏膜感染。分娩前后母牛营养不足,缺乏维生素、矿物质、蛋白质或能量;犊牛生后未及时吃到或没有吃足初乳;母牛舍卫生条件差、阴冷潮湿,气候多变等,都可促使该病的发生和流行。  相似文献   

犊牛血痢的诊治与体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反刍兽的胃肠炎疾病是指发生在真胃和肠黏膜及其深层组织的炎性病变。犊牛时常发生该病,经常表现出精神不振、腹泻等临床症状,但引起的犊牛血痢却较为少见。急性出血性胃肠炎影响了犊牛消化道对营养物质的正常消化与吸收,造成其生长、发育障碍。现把由沙门氏菌引起的犊牛急性出血性胃肠炎的成功诊治报告如下:1发病情况2003年4月份,临沂市河东区某肉牛养殖户饲养的1头120日龄的犊牛突然发病,体温升高,呼吸加快,反刍减弱,腹泻,粪便稀薄,呈灰黄、灰白色,内含少量未消化的凝乳块。由当地兽医治疗两天,疗效不佳。并且,此时病畜已经开始排出血性粪…  相似文献   

对于新生犊牛而言,肺炎为其常见的一种呼吸系统疾病,尤其多见于月龄不超过两个月的犊牛。该病一年四季均可发生,主要由养殖户管理不当,导致细菌及病毒感染而引起,严重危害到了犊牛的健康及生长发育,如果未能及时采取有效的治疗措施,很有可能导致犊牛死亡,应引起养殖人员的高度重视。  相似文献   

The new information on the pathogenesis and epidemiology of mucosal disease of cattle is reviewed. It is now known that clinical mucosal disease occurs only in cattle which were infected with a pestivirus in early gestation and were born with persistent viral infection and specific immunotolerance. These animals may be clinically normal at birth but may develop fatal mucosal disease, perhaps following superinfection with another pestivirus, usually between 6 and 24 months of age. They may also remain clinically normal indefinitely and breed successfully. The progeny from persistently infected females will similarly be persistently viremic, and maternal families of such animals may be established.

Congenital defects may occur when infection of the fetus occurs in mid-gestation. Although fetuses may be infected in utero in late gestation, the infections do not persist, the fetuses develop antibodies, and they appear to suffer no ill-effects. Postnatal infection can result in subclinical disease (bovine viral diarrhea) with a normal immune response; the virus may also be responsible for enhanced susceptibility to other infections, diarrhea in newborn calves, and reproductive failure.

Prevention of the economically important diseases caused by the virus is dependent upon the identification and elimination of persistently viremic animals, which are reservoirs of infection, and the vaccination of immunocompetent females at least three weeks before breeding. However, because of serotypic differences between strains, there is some doubt whether vaccination will reliably provide protection against the transplacental fetal infections that are important in the pathogenesis of this disease. There is no substantial evidence to warrant the vaccination of feedlot cattle.


在养殖业生产过程中,动物疾病防控是非常重要的工作,防控工作做得成功与否,事关养殖业成效,直接影响养殖户经济收入,做好动物疾病防控就显得尤为重要了,本人认为要做好动物疾病防控工作,就从平时日常管理做起,建立一整套完善的饲养管理制度,为畜禽提供优异的圈舍环境和优质的饲草料,做好防寒防暑措施,落实动物疫病防控措施,增强动物个体抗病能力,就会有效地降低动物疾病的发生,尤其是传染病发生都可以避免;即使发生传染病,也能及时得到有效控制。在大规模养殖过程中,我们要把重点放在做好饲养管理,确保各项生理指标健康,增加个体抗病能力,从而增强群体抗病能力,而不是忙于治疗个别病畜,否则会因小失大,会使动物疾病防控工作完全陷入被动局面。为此不难看出,动物饲养管理和疾病防控工作有着密切关系,本人通过调查研究、查阅资料,对动物饲养管理与疾病防控的关系进行探讨。  相似文献   

郭爱珍 《中国奶牛》2011,(19):28-32
小白牛肉生产是荷兰企业综合利用奶公犊资源的成功范例,其成功涉及到与全产业链相关的各个方面,包括“公司+农户”的养殖模式,屠宰加工和“安全卫士(Safety Guard)”从农场到餐桌的全程可追溯管理系统,从饲养、繁殖配种到疾病诊治的高度社会化服务体系,技术培训和推广服务,高度环保的建筑和粪污处理设施,政府和银行扶持产业...  相似文献   

Since the first publication on “regional ileitis”, the relevance of this chronic inflammatory disease condition termed finally as Crohn's disease is continuously increasing. Although we are beginning to comprehend certain aspects of its pathogenesis, many facets remain unexplored. Host's gut microbiota is involved in a wide range of physiological and pathological processes including immune system development, and pathogen regulation. Further, the microbiome is thought to play a key role in Crohn's disease. The presence of Crohn's-associated variants of NOD2 and ATG16L genes appears to be associated not only with alterations of mucosal barrier functions, and bacterial killing, but the gut microbiota, as well, reflecting a potential relationship between the host's genotype and intestinal dysbiosis, involved in disease etiology. This review aims to characterize some exciting new aspect of Crohn's disease pathology, focusing mainly on the role of intestinal microbes, and their interplay with the immune system of the host.  相似文献   

Intensive lamb fattening systems are evolving in developing Middle Eastern countries due to high demand for lambs at favorable prices; however, little is known about their characteristics and constraints. A survey was conducted in Syria involving 241 farmers to characterize the fattening production systems and main constraints, with emphasis on feeding, management, labor, and marketing. Most farmers (90%) considered the income from fattening to be from medium to high, and 57% expressed that lamb fattening along with alternative income sources compose the family's livelihood strategies. Fattening systems offer employment to family members. Market price was the main decision factor to buy and sell lambs, but this was only part of various marketing aspects. Male lambs usually bought at markets at the mean age of 4 months (mean weight of 31 kg) are sold after fattening at a 50–60 kg weight range. The average yearly fattening cycle was 2.7 batches, and the average number of lambs per batch was 232. For 65% (n = 241) of the farmers the major constraint to fattening was feeding cost, and for about a half of farmers (51%, n = 241), disease outbreaks and prices for veterinarian services constituted the second important constraint. Research on least-cost fattening diets and curbing disease problems to increase farmer's income margins is needed. It is expected that due to existing commonalities, the information emerging from this study regarding major constraints to Awassi lamb fattening systems could be useful for an across-synthesis on Awassi fattening production in the region.  相似文献   

Little effort has been made to improve village chickens housing, feeding, and health care. Due to this, the amount of output obtained is usually low. The aim of this study was to elicit farmers’ knowledge on the routine husbandry practices of village chickens. One hundred nineteen farmers were one-on-one interviewed in the highland and lowland areas of Wolaita zone (southern Ethiopia) to generate the dataset used in this analysis. We found that all the respondents supplemented the scavenging chickens with locally available feed resources. However, the amount of supplementary feeds provided hardly meets the nutritional requirement of the flock. As a result, farmers were forced to practice a sort of preferential feeding mainly based on laying performance and the scavenging ability of different classes of the family flock. Moreover, there is a wide difference in the amount and type of feed available among seasons. This variation has forced farmers to resort on strategic supplementation to overcome the adverse effect of inherent feed (grain) scarcity on chickens’ performance especially during wet season. Feed loss should be kept at a minimum by using feeding troughs, and a fraction of money obtained from selling of the chickens and eggs needs to be set aside to purchase feed. The risk of disease was higher during main rain season (June to September). Besides providing sanitary condition and feed supplementation, capacitating the veterinary service and validating the efficacy of ethno-veterinary practices through objective studies is required to improve the health status of village chickens. Majority of the farmers use rudimentary types of in-house built shelters to protect their chickens from adverse effects of bad weather, predation, and theft. This indicates the importance of constructing proper types of shelters from locally (freely) available or inexpensive materials. The existing tradition of responsibility sharing among family members while doing the routine husbandry practices needs to be strengthened to maximize the efficient use of family’s labor force. This improvement plan needs to be mainly implemented through adoption of the existing best traditional practices and through the rational use of cheap and readily available local resources.  相似文献   

In the light of the EU ban on individual confinement of gestating sows which will have to be fully implemented by 2013, a survey was conducted among a representative sample of Flemish pig producers. The questionnaire was sent by post to 250 farmers in 2003 and 352 farmers in 2005 of which 219 and 296, respectively, provided valid responses via telephone. The percentage of respondents housing (some of) their sows in group was 10.5% in 2003 and 16.2% in 2005. These farmers were more likely to have a successor than farmers housing their sows individually. The most common group housing systems were free access stalls (24%) followed by electronic feeding stations (21%), ad libitum feeding (20%), feeding stalls/troughs (18%), and drop/trickle feeding systems (13%). Interval (4%) and electronic feed dispensers (0%) were very rare in Flanders. The main criteria for having chosen a particular group housing system related to sow health and welfare, investment costs and amount of labour. The relative importance of economic reasons has increased over time. Users were generally rather satisfied with their group housing system. Farmers using group housing for all their sows were more satisfied than farmers using both group and individual housing. Users of ad libitum feeding systems (and feeding stalls/troughs) were more satisfied than users of electronic feeding stations. A minority of respondents was planning to change to group housing within two years time (4.1% in 2003 and 7.4% in 2005). These tended to be young farmers with a large sow herd and 58% reported to opt for free access stalls. The main reason why the remaining respondents were not planning to change to group housing yet is that they will stop farming activities before 2013. This reason was particularly important for older small-scale farmers without a successor. In contrast, the lack of financial resources and security was particularly important for young farmers of a large sow herd with a likely successor. An increasing group of farmers (often without a successor) reported to delay changing to group housing because they consider individual housing more profitable. These results show that, in Flanders, the conversion to group housing is taking place slowly, that the reasons for not converting yet vary according to the farmers' age, the likelihood of a successor and herd size, and that there are differences between operational group housing systems concerning herd size, age of the system, sow management and user satisfaction.  相似文献   

近年,随着养殖规模进一步扩大,养殖户频繁引种及不科学的饲养管理方式,使各种传染性疾病呈现新的流行特点,原来的管理手段和管理模式不能适应新型传染性疾病防控要求,极大提升规模化养殖场管理难度。该文主要结合一个养殖场的疫病发生情况,论述规模化羊场疫病防治方法。  相似文献   

生产瘫痪是产后母畜突然发生严重的钙代谢障碍性疾病,该病多发生于营养良好5~9岁的高产乳牛,肉用及肉乳兼用型母牛也有发生,给养殖场户造成较大损失,作者通过防控知识宣传、早发现、早治疗、静脉内大剂量钙制剂和向乳房内打入空气等方法,收效好,治愈率高,深受广大养殖户好评。  相似文献   

Enteroliths are intestinal calculi that result in intestinal obstruction and colic in horses. Equine enterolithiasis occurs worldwide, but the disease is particularly prevalent in some geographic locations, including California. The objectives of this study were to evaluate dietary and environmental risk factors for the disease. This was accomplished through a case–control study by comparing horses with colic from enterolithiasis presenting to the University of California, Davis VMTH, to horses with colic of other causes. Data were collected on 61 horses with enterolithiasis and 75 controls via evaluation of patient records and questionnaires completed by owners at the time of admission. Following multiple logistic regression analysis, the following factors were found to be significantly associated with enterolithiasis: feeding ⩾50% of the diet as alfalfa; feeding <50% of the diet as oat hay; feeding <50% of the diet as grass hay; and lack of daily access to pasture grazing.  相似文献   

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