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The short-term effects of clearfelling a Pinus radiata D. Don. stand in Catalonia (NE Spain) under Mediterranean conditions were assessed. Harvesting had little effect on the surface soil distribution and accumulation. However, after clearfelling the range of soil temperatures increased, the moisture content of the L layer decreased, and the decomposition of brown needles was retarded (mass loss rate for the first year of the incubation 0.47 year−1 vs. 0.29 year−1). Green needles incorporated as a result of harvesting operations showed the same rates of mass loss as brown needles. Brown needles released substantial amounts of all major nutrients, especially at the beginning of the incubation. In both clearfelled and undisturbed stands, this sudden nutrient flush may have important implications in the nutrient economy of the vegetation. In contrast, green needles behaved as a sink of nitrogen and calcium, therefore representing a temporary reservoir after clearfelling.  相似文献   

We compared the efficiency of washing versus the Tullgren method for extracting microarthropods from dead leaves and branches in the canopy of Cryptomeria japonica trees. Oribatida and Collembola were consistently the numerically dominant taxa of microarthropods, but the relative abundance differed between the two extraction methods. Oribatida accounted for more than 70% of all the microarthropods collected by the washing method but less than 30% by the Tullgren method. Collembola accounted for less than 10% collected by the washing method but about 60% by the Tullgren method. The density of Oribatida was higher when collected by the washing method than by the Tullgren method, and vice versa for the density of Collembola. Our results suggest that the washing method is appropriate for collecting Oribatida and other microarthropods, whereas the Tullgren method is better for collecting Collembola from the canopy litter of C. japonica trees.  相似文献   

Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.) and Oriental spruce [Picea orientalis (L.) Link] are the two most common tree species in northeast Turkey. Their distribution, stand type and understorey species are known to be influenced by topographical landforms. However, little information is available as to how these changes affect litter decomposition rates of these two species. Here, we investigated the effects of slope positions (top 1,800 m, middle 1,500 m and bottom 1,200 m), stand type (pure and mixed stands) and purple-flowered rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) on litter decomposition rates of Oriental beech and spruce for 4 years using the litterbag technique in the field. Among these three factors, stand type had the strongest influence on litter decomposition (P < 0.001, F = 58.8), followed by rhododendron (P < 0.001, F = 46.8) and slope position (P < 0.05, F = 11.6). Litter decomposition was highest under mixed beech/spruce forest, followed by pure beech and spruce forest. Beech and spruce litter decomposed much faster in mixed bags (beech–spruce) than they did separately under each stand type. Purple-flowered rhododendron significantly reduced litter decomposition of Oriental beech and spruce. Beech and spruce litter decomposed much slower at top slope position than at either bottom or middle position. Differential litter decomposition of Oriental beech and spruce was mainly due to adverse conditions in spruce forest and the presence of rhododendron on the ground which was associated with lower soil pH. Higher elevations (top slope position) slowed down litter decomposition by changing environmental conditions, most probably by decreasing temperature as also other factors are different (pH, precipitation) and no detailed investigations were made to differentiate these factors. The adverse conditions for litter decomposition in spruce forest can be effectively counteracted by admixture of beech to spruce monoculture and by using the clear-cutting method for controlling rhododendron.  相似文献   

To clarify the establishment pattern of Cryptomeria japonica seedlings, the demography of current-year seedlings was studied under various micro-environmental conditions for 2 years in a cool-temperate old-growth forest in the snowy region of Japan. In both years, more than 70% of seedlings that emerged died within a year, and differences in the survival rate of seedlings with respect to micro-environmental conditions were similar. While a number of seedlings survived at the sites on fallen logs and in mineral soil, almost no seedlings survived at the sites with either broad-leaved or coniferous litters at the end of the first growing season. The negative litter effect may kill most small seedlings of C. japonica. In addition, we found that survival rates of the seedlings were greater as the distance from the nearest adult and canopy openness increased. An analysis using Quantification Theory I showed that, of the possible micro-environmental factors, substrate conditions had the strongest effect on the survival of seedlings. The analysis also indicated that distance from the nearest adult and canopy openness also affected seedling survival significantly and to almost the same extent, although the effects were weaker than those for the substrate condition. Given the limited establishment sites for C. japonica seedlings, layering is suggested to be the main mode of regeneration in this forest.  相似文献   

The long-term changes of the area of Sasa nipponica grassland, bark stripping damage to trees by sika deer, Cervus nippon, and sika deer densities on Mt. Ohdaigahara were assessed with aerial photographs, information from previous studies, and field experiments. The grasslands expanded year after year. The expansion rate was highest from 1982 to 1992, and lowest from 1992 to 1997. Bark-stripping damage on coniferous trees was heavier than that on broadleaf trees in both the early 1980s and 1998. The deer density in the eastern part of the area had been high (14.4–64.3 km−2) from 1984 until 1998. We presume that rich growth of S. nipponica and heavy feeding pressure by sika deer over the long term caused expansion of S. nipponica grasslands by killing canopy trees by bark stripping and preventing forest regeneration.  相似文献   

A century of fire suppression culminated in wildfire on 28 October 2003 that stand-replaced nearly an entire 4000 ha “sky island” of mixed conifer forest (MCF) on Cuyamaca Mountain in the Peninsular Range of southern California. We studied the fire affected Cuyamaca Rancho State Park (CRSP), which represents a microcosm of the MCF covering approximately 5.5 × 106 ha (14%) of California, to evaluate how fire suppression unintentionally destabilizes this ecosystem. We document significant changes in forest composition, tree density, and stem diameter class distribution over a 75-year period at CRSP by replicating ground-based measurements sampled in 1932 for the Weislander Vegetation Type Map (VTM) survey. Average conifer density more than doubled, from 271 ± 82 trees ha−1 (standard error) to 716 ± 79 ha−1. Repeat aerial photographs for 1928 and 1995 also show significant increase in canopy cover from 47 ± 2% to 89 ± 1%. Changes comprise mostly ingrowth of shade-tolerant Calocedrus decurrens [Torr.] Floren. in the smallest stem diameter class (10–29.9 cm dbh). The 1932 density of overstory conifer trees (>60 cm dbh) and 1928 canopy cover at CRSP were similar to modern MCF in the Sierra San Pedro Mártir (SSPM), 200 km S in Baja California, Mexico, where fire suppression had not been practiced, verifying that the historical data from the early twentieth century represent a valid “baseline” for evaluating changes in forest structure. Forest successions after modern crown fires in southern California demonstrate that MCF is replaced by oak woodlands and shrubs. Post-fire regeneration in severely burned stands at CRSP includes abundant basal sprouting of Quercus chrysolepis Liebm. and Quercus kelloggii Newb., but only few seedlings of Abies concolor [Gord. and Glend.] Lindl (average 16 ± 14 ha−1), while whole stands of C. decurrens, Pinus lambertiana Dougl., and Pinus ponderosa Laws. were extirpated. Prescribed burning failed to mitigate the crown fire hazard in MCF at CRSP because the low-intensity surface fires were small relative to the overall forest area, and did not thin the dense understory of sapling and pole-size trees. We propose that larger, more intense prescribed understory burns are needed to conserve California's MCF.  相似文献   

The effects of selection felling and gap felling on arthropod communities were studied over 3 years in a spruce-beech stand in southern Bavaria, Germany. The arthropods were sampled in three strata, using pitfall traps on the forest floor as well as flight-interception traps near the forest floor and in the tree crowns. Coleoptera, Araneae, Opiliones, Heteroptera, Isopoda, Diplopoda and Neuropterida were determined to species level and assigned to ecological guilds. In general, the effects of both treatments on arthropod communities were small. An increase of eurytopic species and species of open woodland as well as of indwellers of deadwood was observed, mainly in the first year after felling. However, forest species dominated the communities in all plots, strata and years. In contrast to selection fellings, gap fellings might favour potential pest species. Nevertheless, in the studied managed spruce-dominated forest site out of the natural growth range of spruce, negative ecological effects such as the repression of forest arthropod species are not expected by small scale fellings.  相似文献   

The process of decline of an endangered tree species,Pinus armandii var.amamiana, was monitored on the southern slope of Mt. Hasa-dake in Yaku-shima Island from 1994 to 1998. There are 163 trees ofP. armandii var.amamiana over 1.3 m in height. They are distributed on steep ridges and rocks with a thin soil layer mostly consisting of friable granite. During the monitoring period, 21 trees ofP. armandii var.amamiana died and the mortality rate was 12.9%. Dead trees were categorized into three types: standing, uprooted and landslide. The uprooted- and landslide-typed dead trees were found only after a severe typhoon struck Yaku-shima Island. This suggests that the combination of fragile site conditions and severe typhoons play an important role in the process of decline ofP. armandii var.amamiana. The standing-typed dead trees were presumed to have been killed by pine wilt disease, accounting for 71.4% of the dead trees. However,Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the cause of pine wilt disease, was not detected from any of the wood chips or branch samples from the standing-typed dead trees ofP. armandii var.amamiana. This might indicate that some factor(s) other than pine wilt disease could be responsible for the standing-typed death ofP. armandii var.amamiana in natural habitats. A part of this paper was presented at the 109th Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the effects of tree species on organic matter dynamics in soil, we investigated the amount of forest floor material, leaf litter decomposition rate, soil chemical characteristics, soil respiration rate and cellulose decomposition rate in a Japanese cedar forest (cedar plot) and an adjacent Japanese red pine forest (pine plot) established on a flatland. The amount of forest floor material in the cedar plot was 34.5 Mg ha−1 which was greater than that in the pine plot. Because the leaf litter decomposition rate was higher in the pine plot than in the cedar plot, it is likely that the difference in the amount of forest floor material between the plots is caused by the difference in the leaf litter decomposition rate. The C concentrations of soil in the cedar plot were 1.2–2.1 times higher than those in the pine plot. Soil pH(H2O)s in the cedar plot were significantly higher than those in the pine plot. The soil respiration rates and the rates of mineralized C in the cedar plot byin vitro incubation were higher than those in the pine plot. From this result, it is assumed that soil organic matter in the cedar plot was decomposed relatively faster compared with the pine plot. Furthermore, microbial activities, which were reflected as cellulose decomposition rates in the cedar plot, were higher than those in the pine plot. A part of this paper was presented at the 109th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society (1998).  相似文献   

Stand structure of an old-growth forest was studied by tree (≥4.0 cm in DBH) census in a main plot of 1.3 ha and 8 additional plots (0.525 ha in total) located in the Mt. Moiwa Forest Reserve, central Hokkaido, northern Japan. Major tree species with ≥1.0% of the relative basal area and of relative number of trees (Acer mono, A. mono var.mayrii, Kalopanax pictus, Magnolia kobus var.borealis, M. obovata, Prunus ssiori, Tilia japonica, andUlmus laciniata) have positive values of skewness in DBH, which shows the abundance of smaller-sized stems. All stems over 1.3 m high in the main plot were mapped to clarify the relationship between stem densities and canopy states. Although advances from sapling (>1.3 m tall and <4.0 cm DBH) to small tree (10.0 cm ≤ DBH <25 cm) for all major component species, exceptP. ssiori andU. laciniata, were independent of canopy states, those ofP. ssiori andU. laciniata depended on canopy gaps.Betula spp. was the most abundant gap makers, butT. japonica andA. mono (including var.mayrii) were dominant species in the main plot. This suggests the shift of dominant species in the forest of the study site. Historical records of disturbance demonstrated that selective cuttings of conifers during the late 19th century were responsible for the dominance ofBetula spp. and the subsequent shift of dominant species. This fact suggests that artificial disturbance plays an important role in the establishment ofTilia japonica-Acer mono forest considered to be a climax of the mixed deciduous broadleaf/conifer forests.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of Ips typographus (L.) damage on initial litter quality parameters and subsequent decomposition rates of oriental spruce tree species [Picea orientalis (L.) Link]. The needle litter was collected from highly damaged, moderately damaged and control stands on two aspects (north and south) and two slope position (top and bottom) on each aspect. The litter was analyzed for initial total carbon, lignin and nutrient (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and manganese) concentrations. The variability in nitrogen and calcium concentrations and ratios of C:N, lignin:N and lignin:Ca was significantly affected by the insect damaged levels. While nitrogen concentrations in needle litter increased with increasing insect damage (and consequently the ratios of C:N and lignin:N decreased), calcium concentrations decreased (and consequently the ratio of lignin:Ca increased). Aspect and slope positions explained most of the variability in carbon, lignin, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and manganese concentrations and lignin:P ratio between all studied stands. Litter decomposition was studied in the field using the litterbag technique. The litter from highly damaged stands showed highest decomposition rates followed by moderately damaged and control stands. The mass loss rates were significantly positively correlated with initial nitrogen concentration and negatively with C:N and lignin:N ratios. The effects of microclimate resulting from canopy damage on litter decomposition was also examined at the same time using standard litter with the same litter quality parameters, but they showed no significant differences among the insect damage levels indicating that alteration of the litter quality parameters produced by I. typographus damage played a more important role than altered microclimate in controlling needle litter decomposition rates. However, changes in microclimate factors due to topography influenced decomposition rates.  相似文献   

The concentrations and seasonal dynamics of DOC in forest floors of monoculture plantations ofCastanopsis kawakamii and Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) were assessed in Sanming, Fujian, China (26°11′30″N, 117°26′00″E). Forest floor samples were taken in January, April, July and October in 2002 and divided into undecomposed material (horizon Oi), partially decomposed organic material (horizon Oe), and fully decomposed organic material (horizon Oa). Upon collection, DOC concentrations of samples were analyzed by a High Temperature TOC. The results showed that the annual average DOC concentration of Chinese fir (1341.7 mg·kg−1) in the forest floor was higher than that ofCastanopsis kawakamii (1178.9 mg·kg−1). Difference in DOC concentrations was observed among three horizons of the forest floor. DOC concentration of forest floor in the two forests was the highest in horizon Oe. Seasonal trends of DOC concentrations in different horizons of forest floors were similar and the maximal value occurred in autumn (or winter). The concentration and temporal change of DOC in studied forests were probably related to the variation in moisture, temperature, biological activity and quantity of organic matter in the forest floor. Foundation item: This study was supported by the Teaching and Research Award program for MOE P.R.C. (TRAPOYT) Biography: ZHANG Jiang-shan (1946-), male, Researcher in Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, P.R. China. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

Quantity of litter fall, its chemical composition, nutrient addition and changes in chemical constituents of soil were studied under agroforestry systems involving Populus deltoides and Eucalyptus hybrid tree with intercrops of Cymbopogon martinii Wats and Cymbopogon flexuosus Wats in the tarai tract of Kumaon hills of U.P. India. P. deltoides had significantly more diameter (63%) as compared to E. hybrid. There was decrease in herb (5.4%) and oil yield (15.4%) of grasses due to trees, but both the grasses did not affect the performance of trees. On an average, dry litter production of P. deltoides was 5.0 kg tree−1 year−1 where as of E. hybrid 1.5 kg tree−1 year−1. The litter of P. deltoides contained 1.3 times more N and 1.5 times P and K of E. hybrid. Addition of N, P and K through P. deltoides litter was 36.6, 91.6, and 69.9 per cent more than E. hybrid litter, respectively. Under these two canopies soil organic carbon was enhanced by 33.3 to 83.3 per cent, available N by 38.1 to 68.9 per cent, available P by 3.4 to 32.8 per cent and available K by 5.8 to 24.3 per cent over control (no tree canopy) in 0—15cm layer. P. deltoides plantation was superior to E. hybrib in enriching the soil.  相似文献   

The parasitoid complex of Choristoneura murinana (Hbn.), a pest of Abies cilicica Carr., was studied in Isparta, Turkey. Shoots and needles of A. cilicica with C. murinana larvae and pupae were collected and examined under laboratory conditions in 2002 and 2003. As a result of this study, 14 parasitoid species of C. murinana were determined: Apanteles obscurus Nees. (Hym.: Braconidae), Brachymeria intermedia Nees (Hym.: Chalcididae), Mesopolobus mediterraneus Mayr, Mesopolobus dubius Walker, Pteromalus chrysos Walker, Pteromalus sp. (Hym.: Pteromalidae), Monodontomerus aereus Walker (Hym.: Torymidae), Itoplectis maculator (Fabricius), Apophua bipunctoria Thunberg, Triclistus globulipes Desvignes, Dirophanes maculicornis Stephens, Hyposoter sp., Dusona sp. (Hym.: Ichneumonidae) and Aprostocetus sp. (Hym.: Eulophidae). In the studied parasitoid complex, A. obscurus, B. intermedia and I. maculator were the most important in reducing pest numbers. The level of total parasitism of the C. murinana was 19.4% in 2002 and 22.3% in 2003.  相似文献   

During 7 years (1979–1985) cacao harvests (beans and husks) have been recorded for the agroforestry systems ofTheobroma cacao underCordia alliodora andErythrina poeppigiana shade trees. The mean oven dry cacao yields were 626 and 712 kg.ha−1.a−1 cocoa beans underC. alliodora andE. poeppigiana respectively. Harvests have gradually increased over the years and the plantation has now reached maturity. Annual extraction of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in fruits, which is relatively small, was calculated on the basis of chemical analyses. The following average values were found (kg.ha−1.a−1): At the age of 8 years, theC. alliodora trees have reached 26.7 cm diameter (DBH) and 14.0 m in height. Mean annual growth (from age 5 to 7) is 14.6 m3.ha−1.a−1. Natural plant residue production has been measured for 4 years (Nov. 1981–Oct. 1985). UnderE. poeppigiana it has reached a value of 8.91 t.ha−1.a−1 and underC. alliodora 7.07 t.ha−1.a−1. The shade trees have contributed 57 and 47% respectively. Transference and decomposition rates are high and important in the nutrient cycles. The nutrient content of the litter was analysed and corresponding average yearly transfers were (kg.ha−1.a−1): For part I see Vol. 4, No. 3, 1986. Agroforestry Project, CATIE/GTZ (Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Center/Gesselschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit), Turrialba, Costa Rica  相似文献   

Through the long-term measurement and development of a method for partitioning the products of decomposing litter, the impact of chemical components of forest debris on soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation was studied in a forest succession series in South China. We quantified how litter quality is strongly correlated with the partitioning of respiration, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and fragments of decomposing litter. In the succession sequence of 60-year-old pine forest (PF), to 80-year-old mixed pine and evergreen broadleaved forest (MF) to more than 400-year-old monsoon evergreen broadleaved forest (MEBF), the litter C/N ratios and lignin contents were gradually decreasing, which in turn were correlated with increasing litter decomposition constants (k-values), gradually shortening residence times of standing litter pool. And, 53.5%, 65.6% and 76.2% of the gravimetric litter mass losses were going belowground through both DOC and fragmentation. Correspondingly, the SOC accumulation rates in the top 20 cm of mineral soils for the three forests from 1978 to 2008 were 26 ± 4, 33 ± 5 and 67 ± 5 g C m−2 yr−1, respectively. Results of the study support the idea that in order to increase carbon sequestration in soils and long-term functional ability of forest ecosystems to act as carbon sinks, “Kyoto Forests” should be designed and reconstructed with a high diversity of broadleaved species, especially containing nitrogen-fixing trees.  相似文献   

The effects of the warm and dry weather in the southern upper Rhine plain in the southwest of Germany on the carbon balance of the Scots pine forest at the permanent forest meteorological experimental site Hartheim were analysed over a 14-month period. The investigation of the net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (F NEE) of the Scots pine forest started in the extraordinary hot and dry August 2003. Carbon dioxide fluxes were measured continuously using an eddy covariance system and analysed by use of the EDDYSOFT software package. After determining the temperature dependence of the forest ecosystem respiration and the daytime light dependence of the CO2 exchange, monthly and annual carbon balances of the Scots pine forest were calculated. Mean peak daytime F NEE rates observed in August and September 2003 (−6.5±3.6 μmol m−2 s−1) were drastically lower than in August and September 2004 (−11.8±5.2 μmol m−2 s−1), which did not show pronounced deviations from the mean long-term (1978–2002) climatic conditions. In August 2003, the Hartheim Scots pine forest was a distinct CO2 source (35 g C m−2). The estimates of the annual carbon sink strength of the Scots pine forest ranged between −132 g C m−2 (August 2003–July 2004) and −211 g C m−2 (October 2003–September 2004). The main uncertainty in the determination of the carbon balance of the Hartheim Scots pine forest was introduced by the frequently low turbulence levels, i.e. the friction velocity corrected night-time F NEE fluxes.  相似文献   

An ongoing expansion of Myzocallis (L.) walshii (Monell) in the NE Iberian Peninsula was detected. The aphid species was recorded in Catalonia, Andorra and Navarra. Adaptation of local native parasitoids (at least Trioxys pallidus Haliday and T. tenuicaudus Stary) to the new immigrant was documented, together with background information on their host range in the native environments. The detection of parasitoids of M. walshii is the first published evidence in Europe. The new evidence for M. walshii in the NE Iberian Peninsula also supports the warning of the expansion of the aphid as a pest of Quercus rubra over Europe.  相似文献   

Litterfall, forest-floor litter biomass and nutrients, short-term litter decomposition and the effects of leaf mulches on initial growth of maize were studied for four indigenous tree species with agroforestry potential:Stryphnodendron microstachyum Poepp. et Endl.(S. excelsum), Vochysia ferruginea Mart,Vochysia guatemalensis Donn. Sm. (V. hondurensis) andHyeronima alchorneoides (O), growing in a young experimental plantation in the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica. Total annual leaf litterfall was higher inV. ferruginea plots, followed byS. microstachyum, V. guatemalensis andH. alchorneoides; all with values comparable to those reported for other tree species grown in agroforestry combinations in humid tropical regions. Forest-floor litter accumulation was highest underV. ferruginea andV. guatemalensis. Both litterfall and forest-floor litter material had similar patterns in nutrient concentrations: N was higher inS. microstachyum, Ca was higher inV. guatemalensis, K was higher inH. alchorneoides; Mg was higher inV. guatemalensis andH. alchorneoides; H. alchorneoides andV. guatemalensis had the highest P.V. ferruginea litter decomposed more slowly, whileS. microstachyum apparently decomposed faster than the other species. The twoVochysia species showed increases in N and P concentration in decomposing litter after seven weeks in the field,H. alchorneoides showed an increase in litter N and a decrease in litter P, andS. microstachyum showed a net decrease in both N and P over the same time period. The patterns found in the litter bag study were confirmed by results obtained in a tethered-leaves experiment.S. microstachyum andV. ferruginea litters lost more weight when mixed in a 11 proportion than either of them alone. Maize seedlings growing in plots mulched withS. microstachyum andH. alchorneoides leaves showed greatest initial growth, confirming patterns found in decomposition and nutrient release studies. The results show that these species could be used in agroforestry combinations with different advantages according to the specific objectives desired, whether these are soil protection, nutrient recycling, or enhancement of the growth of associated crops.  相似文献   

The effect of browsing frequency by Sika deer (Cervus nippon yezoensis) on the height growth of Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) in Hokkaido, Japan, was analyzed. Tree heights at the time of the census and at the start of the current growing season were determined for 100 trees selected randomly at each site. The tallest shoot on each tree was identified and the number of browsing occurrences on the current-year shoot was determined. Young larches browsed by deer repeatedly develop new shoots during a growing season. Larch is a browsing-tolerant species, and the average height growth of the most heavily browsed trees was >15 cm. Although resprouting partly compensated for decreased height growth caused by browsing, the annual increase in height decreased with increased browsing frequency. Thus, browsing frequency during a growing season best reflects the intensity of browsing damage to larch trees.  相似文献   

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