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Reduced tillage may affect N supply of plants by influencing soil microbial biomass and thereby N release. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in microbial biomass due to tillage in relation to N mineralization and to assess the contribution to the N supply of sugar beet. For this purpose, in a field trial near Göttingen in 1995 microbial biomass and net N mineralization were determined in an in situ incubation of ploughed and reduced tilled soil in plots which were not given application of mineral N fertilizer. In reduced tilled soil the increase in mineral N concentration in the upper 10 cm of soil was mainly attributed to an increase in microbial biomass. The organic matter was more easily decomposable, indicated by the increase in Cmic/Corg and Nmic/Nt ratios; this was further supported by the enhanced turnover of microbial biomass in reduced tillage plots. A regression function was used to relate seasonal fluctuations of microbial biomass, soil moisture and soil temperature to N mineralization rate. There was a good agreement between measured and calculated N mineralization rate. Reduced tillage affected N mineralization by affecting the quantity and quality of microbial biomass. In 0–30 cm soil depth 169 kg N/ha were mineralized, 30 kg more N than in ploughed soil. However, despite improved N availability, the N uptake of sugar beet was decreased in reduced tilled soil. Because the N concentration in plants did not differ, it was concluded that sugar beet growth in reduced tilled soil was impaired due to other factors than N supply.  相似文献   

针对实际复杂田间环境下杂草与作物识别精度低和实时性差的问题,为减少弱光环境对分割识别效果的影响,实现甜菜与杂草的实时精确分割识别,该文首先将可见光图像进行对比度增强,再将近红外与可见光图像融合为4通道图像;将深度可分离卷积以及残差块构成分割识别模型的卷积层,减少模型参数量及计算量,构建编码与解码结构并融合底层特征,细化分割边界。以分割识别精度、参数量以及运行效率为评价指标,通过设置不同宽度系数以及输入图像分辨率选出最优模型。试验结果表明:本文模型的平均交并比达到87.58%,平均像素准确率为99.19%,帧频可达42.064帧/s,参数量仅为525 763,具有较高分割识别精度和较好实时性。该方法有效实现了甜菜与杂草的精确实时识别,可为后续机器人精确除草提供理论参考。  相似文献   

摘要:本文针对来源于荷兰的4个引进甜菜品种和国内的6个甜菜品系(其中2个为一年生野生甜菜)进行了ISSR指纹图谱构建和聚类分析研究。筛选出稳定性高且多态性好的6个引物用于试验。利用筛选的6条引物ISSR-PCR 共扩增出51个条带, 其中多态性条带百分率为86.3%. 利用该6条引物ISSR-PCR建立的指纹图谱能将试验中的全部甜菜品种都鉴定区分开。只利用2条引物L1和UBC846 扩增的8个多态性条带构建了10个甜菜品种(系)的数字指纹识别码,该数字指纹图谱能完全区分10个甜菜品种(系),结果显示ISSR 指纹图谱能非常有效的鉴定不同的甜菜品种。利用生物软件NTSYS-pc针对10个试验甜菜品种(系)的ISSR 扩增条带进行遗传相似性聚类分析,结果显示10个甜菜品种(系)的相似系数为0.43与0.83之间,平均为0.62。利用非加权组平均法(UPGMA)进行聚类分析,结果显示10个甜菜品种(系)聚类为2个组和3个亚组。UPGMA 聚类分析能清楚的显示10个甜菜群体间的遗传关系并且聚类结果与10个甜菜群体的特性一致, 说明ISSR标记能用于甜菜不同群体间遗传距离的评估。  相似文献   

To test the relative usefulness of different methods of chemical analysis for soil nitrogen fractions in the assessment of the fertilizer nitrogen needs of sugar beet, different doses of nitrogen were applied in field experiments laid out during the years 1985–1991. The chemical methods used were N mineral (NO 3 +NH + 4 ) analyses on soil samples taken in late winter, and extraction with 0.01 M CaCl2 from soil samples taken the preceding autumn and in late winter. The results of the chemical methods were evaluated in models using estimated optimum nitrogen fertilization, nitrogen present in beets or beets+leaves at leaf maximum and sugar yield as variables. In addition, parameters such as estimates of possible rooting depth and mineralization capacity of the soil were also included in the model. All models for estimating nitrogen fertilization need showed low R 2 values. The two methods of soil chemical analysis yielded similar R 2 values for nitrogen uptake in plots both with and without nitrogen fertilization. The N mineral method was least useful in predicting sugar yield. Addition of the covariables rooting depth and mineralization capacity appreciably improved the explanatory value of the models with 0.01 M CaCl2, especially when the analytical results of soil samples taken in autumn were used. For the N mineral method the addition of covariates was found to have far less influence.  相似文献   

An internal drainage experiment was conducted to examine soil water content variability in space and in time. It is shown that the flux-gradient model used to describe water flow in field soil profiles, based on the Darcy–Buckingham equation, yielded results of extreme variability and questionable validity. The problem lies in the representativeness of a site due to soil variability, horizontally and vertically in time, which added to the character of the hydraulic conductivity versus soil water content relation, which in many cases can be approximated by exponential functions, leads to coefficients of variation up to 170% in the estimation of soil hydraulic conductivity values.  相似文献   

Improved understanding of the interactive relationships of plant material decomposition kinetics to biochemical characteristics and nitrogen availability is required for terrestrial C accounting and sustainable land management. In this study, 15 typical and/or native Australian plant materials were finely ground and incubated with a sandy soil at 25 °C and 55% water holding capacity without nitrogen (−N) or with nitrogen (+N) addition (77 mg N kg−1 soil as KNO3). The C mineralisation dynamics were monitored for 356 days and the initial biochemical characteristics of the plant materials were determined by NMR and wet-chemical analyses.Under the −N treatment, C mineralisation rates of the plant materials were positively correlated with their initial N contents during the first several weeks, and then negatively correlated with lignin and polyphenols contents during the late stages of incubation. Thus the ratios of lignin/N, polyphenols/N and (lignin+polyphenols)/N had more consistent correlation with the cumulative amounts of C mineralised throughout the incubation than did any single component. In terms of the C types determined by NMR analysis, the C mineralisation rates were initially related positively to carbonyl C contents, and then negatively to aryl and O-aryl C contents from day 3 onwards.Addition of NO3-N accelerated C mineralisation during the early stages, but resulted in lower cumulative C mineralisation at the end of the incubation for most plant materials. Under the +N treatment, the decomposition rates were correlated with the contents of lignin and the sum of cellulose+acid detergent-extractable non-phenolic compounds, or with aryl, O-aryl and N-alkyl+methoxyl C contents. Regardless of the N treatment, the ratios of aryl/carbonyl, O-aryl/carbonyl and (aryl+O-aryl)/carbonyl C had the closest and most consistent correlations with the cumulative C mineralisation among all biochemical indices examined.A double exponential model with defined mineralisation rate constants for the active and slow pools was used to describe the C mineralisation dynamics. The biological meanings of the kinetically estimated active and slow pool sizes are interpreted and their relationships to the initial chemical/biochemical composition of the plant materials are explored.  相似文献   

A fast and sensitive bioassay with hamster (BHK-21 C13) fibroblasts for the detection of toxic trichothecenes in maize is described. Cells are exposed to pure toxins or crude maize extracts for 30 min. The mixture is then incubated with [1-14C]-leucine for an additional 60 min and the radioactivity incorporated into the protein of the washed cells is determined. The sensitivity of the assay was in the range 1-10 ng/mL (or 50 ppb in maize) for T-2, HT-2, and diacetoxyscirpenol. At least 1000-fold higher concentrations of non-trichothecene mycotoxins and plant toxins were necessary to cause an inhibition of protein synthesis in the cells. Of 24 maize samples tested, 14 gave a positive response in this assay and the presence of trichothecenes could be confirmed chemically in 11 samples. Therefore, the described bioassay is proposed as a useful screening method for cytotoxic trichothecenes in maize.  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - The genus Epilobium of Family Onagraceae is taxonomically a difficult group due to frequent inter-specific hybridization and species morphological overlaps....  相似文献   

为探究MODIS高时空分辨率气溶胶产品数据在长时间序列下对于反演中国陆地PM2.5质量浓度的适用性和准确性。该研究基于MCD19-A2数据研究2011-2020年中国陆地气溶胶光学厚度(aerosol optical depth,AOD)的时空分布特征,以降水、风速等8个气象要素为辅助变量建立反演PM2.5的地理加权回归模型(geographically weighted regression,GWR)并分析中国陆地PM2.5的空间分布。结果表明:1)2011-2020年中国陆地气溶胶时空分布基本符合\  相似文献   

《Soil & Tillage Research》1988,11(2):117-132
Root growth of several plant species was simulated in beds of aggregates of varying sizes and strengths. This was achieved by combining a simulation model of an aggregate bed with a model based on the probability of root penetration of any single aggregate in the bed. The probability of root penetration is dependent on the angle of incidence of the root axis, the size of the preceding void, the size and strength of the aggregate, and the pressures exerted by the roots.Relative phosphorus uptake was predicted by assuming unit uptake where the root axis grows through an aggregate, and zero uptake where it grows in a void. The trends in phosphorus uptake in relation to the size and strength of the aggregates were compared with phosphorus uptake determined experimentally.The proportion of the total length of roots penetrating the aggregates decreased with increased size and strength of aggregates. Consequently, relative phosphorus uptake was lower from large and strong aggregates than from small and weak aggregates. The results are discussed in relation to the structures produced by various tillage implements and the intensity of tillage operations.  相似文献   

Nitrate-N distribution in soil, root-length, rate of water uptake and flux of nitrate-N to wheat roots as influenced by moisture regime and depth of nitrogen placement were studied in 60 cm diameter by 180 cm deep metal columns filled with loamy sand soil. The contribution of the different soil depths in the root zone towards total N uptake was calculated employing a convective-diffusion model and compared with the experimentally measured N uptake by wheat plants. Under non-irrigated conditions with surface-mixing of N(Ns) concentrations of nitrate, root-lengths and water uptake rates were high only in the upper soil layers. With deep placement of N(Nd), the lower layers also contributed significantly towards total N uptake and total N uptake was greater with Nd than with Ns. In spite of many simplifying assumptions and certain estimates the predicted values of N uptake were quite close to those measured experimentally.  相似文献   

Models are described for the joint analysis of live-trapping and radio telemetry data from a study on black bears (Ursus americanus) in which all animals received ear tags and a subset also received radio tags. Concerns about bias in survival estimates led to investigation of identifiability and estimator precision for a series of models that allowed differenttelemetry relocation rates for living and dead animals, in addition to emigration and seasonal variation in survival. Identifiability was determined by showing that the expected information matrix was nonsingular. Models with fidelity constant across time, and with the same degree of time specificity for survival rates and relocation rates for dead animals, were determined to be nonidentifiable. More general models, with a greater degree of time specificity for survival rates, were near-singular, and estimators under these near-singular models had poor precision. Analysis of data from the study on black bears illustrated that estimates of survival have poor precision when relocation rates are estimated separately for live and dead animals. It is recommended that the effort expended to relocate both living and dead animals be consistently high in each telemetry survey, so that relocation rates will be high and constant across time and mortality status.  相似文献   

The DNDC (DeNitrification-DeComposition)-Rice model, one of the most advanced process-based models for the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from paddy fields, has been discussed mostly in terms of the reproducibility of observed methane (CH4) emissions from Japanese rice paddies, but the model has not yet been validated for tropical rice paddies under alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation management, a water-saving technique. We validated the model by using CH4 and nitrous oxide (N2O) flux data from rice in pots cultivated under AWD irrigation management in a screen-house at the International Rice Research Institute (Los Baños, the Philippines). After minor modification and adjustment of the model to the experimental irrigation conditions, we calculated grain yield and straw production. The observed mean daily CH4 fluxes from the continuous flooding (CF) and AWD pots were 4.49 and 1.22?kg?C?ha?1?day?1, respectively, and the observed mean daily N2O fluxes from the pots were 0.105 and 34.1?g?N?ha?1?day?1, respectively. The root-mean-square errors, indicators of simulation error, of daily CH4 fluxes from CF and AWD pots were calculated as 1.76 and 1.86?kg?C?ha?1?day?1, respectively, and those of daily N2O fluxes were 2.23 and 124?g?N?ha?1?day?1, respectively. The simulated gross CH4 emissions for CF and AWD from the puddling stage (2 days before transplanting) to harvest (97 days after transplanting) were 417 and 126?kg?C?ha?1, respectively; these values were 9.8% lower and 0.76% higher, respectively, than the observed values. The simulated gross N2O emissions during the same period were 0.0279 and 1.45?kg?N?ha?1 for CF and AWD, respectively; these values were respectively 87% and 29% lower than the observed values. The observed total global warming potential (GWP) of AWD resulting from the CH4 and N2O emissions was approximately one-third of that in the CF treatment. The simulated GWPs of both CF and AWD were close to the observed values despite the discrepancy in N2O emissions, because N2O emissions contributed much less than CH4 emissions to the total GWP. These results suggest that the DNDC-Rice model can be used to estimate CH4 emission and total GWP from tropical paddy fields under both CF and AWD conditions.  相似文献   

The delta(13)C values of fructose, glucose, and sucrose have been determined in authentic pineapple juices. The sugar fraction is separated from the organic acids by an anionic exchange process. Then the individual components (fructose, glucose, and sucrose) are isolated on a preparative HPLC device using a NH(2)-type column. It is demonstrated that no significant isotope fractionation occurs when close to 100% of material is recovered and when the hydrolysis of sucrose is avoided. The control of the recovery rates and of the sucrose hydrolysis rate after purification is recommended for a reliable interpretation of the results. Correlations between the delta(13)C values of fructose (delta(13)Cf), glucose (delta(13)Cg), and sucrose (delta(13)Csu) can be characterized by systematic differences between these values. For the set of measurements on authentic pineapple juices and concentrates, the mean and the standard deviation of the differences are delta(13)Cf - delta(13)Cg = -0.6 +/- 0.6 per thousand, delta(13)Cf - delta(13)Csu = -1.3 +/- 0. 6 per thousand, and delta(13)Cf - delta(13)Csu = -0.7 +/- 0.5 per thousand. The determinations of the (13)C content of fructose, glucose, and sucrose enable a refinement of the detection of added sugars in fruit juices, re-enforcing the SNIP-IRMS method.  相似文献   

Thermal treatment of aqueous solutions of xylose and primary amino acids led to rapid development of a bitter taste of the reaction mixture. To characterize the key compound causing this bitter taste, a novel bioassay, which is based on the determination of the taste threshold of reaction products in serial dilutions of HPLC fractions, was developed to select the most intense taste compounds in the complex mixture of Maillard reaction products. By application of this so-called taste dilution analysis (TDA) 21 fractions were obtained, among which 1 fraction was evaluated with by far the highest taste impact. Carefully planned LC-MS as well as 1D and 2D NMR experiments were, therefore, focused on the compound contributing the most to the intense bitter taste of the Maillard mixture and led to its unequivocal identification as the previously unknown 3-(2-furyl)-8-[(2-furyl)methyl]-4-hydroxymethyl-1-oxo-1H,4H-quinolizinium-7-olate. This novel compound, which we name quinizolate, exhibited an intense bitter taste at an extraordinarily low detection threshold of 0.00025 mmol/kg of water. As this novel taste compound was found to have 2000- and 28-fold lower threshold concentrations than the standard bitter compounds caffeine and quinine hydrochloride, respectively, quinizolate might be one of the most intense bitter compounds reported so far.  相似文献   


Hattori (1985) proposed a model to simulate the relation between the number of bacterial colonies on agar plates and the incubation time, using the following equation:

where N(t) is the number of colonies observed at time t, and N λ, and t r are parameters expressing the expected number of colonies observed at an infinite time, the rate of increase in the number of colonies, and the time of initiation of colony formation, respectively. This model is called the first-order reaction (FOR) model because the Eq. 1 is essentially the same as that of the first-order reaction.  相似文献   

Modeling how the role of forests in the carbon cycle will respond to predicted changes in water availability hinges on an understanding of the processes controlling water use in ecosystems. Recent studies in forest ecosystem modeling have employed data-assimilation techniques to generate parameter sets that conform to observations, and predict net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) and its component processes. Since the carbon and water cycles are linked, there should be additional process information available from ecosystem H2O exchange. We coupled SIPNET (Simple Photosynthesis EvapoTranspiration), a simplified model of ecosystem function, with a data-assimilation system to estimate parameters leading to model predictions most closely matching the net CO2 and H2O fluxes measured by eddy covariance in a high-elevation, subalpine forest ecosystem. When optimized using measurements of CO2 exchange, the model matched observed NEE (RMSE = 0.49 g C m−2) but underestimated transpiration calculated independently from sap flow measurements by a factor of 4. Consequently, the carbon-only optimization was insensitive to imposed changes in water availability. Including eddy flux data from both CO2 and H2O exchange to the optimization reduced the model fit to the observed NEE fluxes only slightly (RME = 0.53 g C m−2), however this parameterization also reproduced transpiration calculated from independent sap flow measurements (r2 = 0.67, slope = 0.6). A significant amount of information can be extracted from simultaneous analysis of CO2 and H2O exchange, which improved the accuracy of transpiration estimates from measured evapotranspiration. Conversely, failure to include both CO2 and H2O data streams can generate results that mask the responses of ecosystem carbon cycling to variation in the precipitation. In applying the model conditioned on both CO2 and H2O fluxes to the subalpine forest at the Niwot Ridge AmeriFlux site, we observed that the onset of transpiration is coincident with warm soil temperatures. However, after snow has covered the ground in the fall, we observed significant inter-annual variability in the fraction of evapotranspiration composed of transpiration; evapotranspiration was dominated by transpiration in years when late fall air temperatures were high enough to maintain photosynthesis, but by sublimation from the surface of the snowpack in years when late fall air temperatures were colder and forest photosynthetic activity had ceased. Data-assimilation techniques and simultaneous measurements of carbon and water exchange can be used to quantify the response of net carbon uptake to changes in water availability by using an ecosystem model where the carbon and water cycles are linked.  相似文献   

A simplified method suitable for simultaneous analysis of chlorinated pesticide and phthalate ester residues in various foods was developed. Chemical residues were quantitatively extracted from fatty and vegetable samples with acetonitrile as follows: Chemical standard in 0.5 mL ethanol solution was added to 10 g homogenized sample. After 3 hr, pork and beef were extracted 3 times with 20 mL portions of acetonitrile. The acetonitrile layers were diluted with water and extracted with n-hexane. Rice samples were combined with 10 mL water, 5 mL acetonitrile and 1 mL ethanol and extracted 3 times with 20 mL portions of n-hexane. The n-hexane concentrate from each sample was submitted to AgNO3-coated Florisil column chromatography. The AgNO3 coating adequately adsorbed interfering coextractives. Extracts of fish and vegetable samples were separated into 2 fractions by the above column chromatography. Supplemental cleanup procedures were also developed to accurately determine phthalate esters eluted in the second fraction. Satisfactory gas chromatograms were obtained for most samples.  相似文献   

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