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Evaluations of steer and heifer progeny from a diallel mating design of Simmental, Limousin, Polled Hereford and Brahman beef cattle over 5 yr are presented. Traits evaluated included final weight, hot carcass weight, ribeye area, 12th rib fat thickness, marbling score, yield grade, dressing percentage and percentage of kidney, pelvic and heart fat. Progeny of Simmental sires were heavier at slaughter than those with Brahman sires (P less than .05), but no differences were found for carcass weight. Dressing percentage was higher for Limousin crosses compared with progeny of other sire breeds (P less than .05). Similar results were found for dam breeds, except that progeny of Limousin dams had heavier carcasses with a higher dressing percentage (P less than .05) than Brahman crosses. Crosses of Limousin and Simmental had larger ribeye areas (P less than .05) compared with calves of the other breeds. Progeny of Polled Hereford dams had higher marbling scores and were fatter than progeny of dams of other breeds (P less than .05). Heterosis estimates were significant for all Brahman crosses for final weight, carcass weight and ribeye area, but these contrasts were negligible for other traits. Estimates of general combining ability were positive and significant for Simmental for final weight, carcass weight, ribeye area and marbling score and were significant and negative for Limousin for final weight, fat thickness and yield grade. Maternal values were generally small.  相似文献   

Progeny of a diallel among Simmental, Limousin, Polled Hereford and Brahman breeds of cattle were evaluated over 5 yr for preweaning and postweaning growth, hip height and pelvic size. Calves from Brahman and Simmental dams had the highest preweaning gains and weaning weights, and those from Polled Hereford dams had the lowest (P less than .05). Differences in the availability of milk and postpartum compensatory gains in progeny of Brahman dams could have contributed to these results. However, calves from Simmental, Limousin and Polled Hereford dams had significantly greater feedlot daily gains than those from Brahman dams. Yearling hip height and pelvic area were lower for progeny of Polled Hereford dams, whereas calves from Simmental, Limousin and Brahman dams were not different for these traits. A series of linear comparisons among these four breeds using least-squares means to estimate general and specific combining ability and maternal effects found significant, negative maternal effects for Polled Hereford for preweaning gain and weaning weight. A positive maternal effect (P less than .05) for Limousin was found for feedlot gain. General combining ability and maternal estimates were significant and variable in most comparisons for yearling hip height and pelvic area. Heterosis estimates were positive and significant in all crosses with Brahman for preweaning gain, weaning weight, yearling weight, hip height and pelvic area. Significant, positive heterosis was also found in Polled Hereford crosses with Limousin and Simmental for preweaning gain, weaning weight and yearling weight.  相似文献   

Calving and weaning rates, birth weight, calving ease, and 24-h calf survival were evaluated in a four-breed diallel of Simmental (S), Limousin (L), Polled Hereford (H) and Brahman (B) beef cattle in five calf crops. Limousin dams tended to have the highest calving and weaning rates because they were able to have heavier calves with less calving difficulty and higher survival rates. Brahman-sired calves were the heaviest at birth (P less than .05) and B dams produced the lightest calves (P less than .001). Lower birth weights tended to be the limiting factor on survival of these calves. A linear comparison among means to evaluate purebred, additive, maternal and specific combining ability effects showed most of the reduction in birth weight from B dams was due to maternal effects. Breed of dam accounted for a higher proportion of variation in calving ease than did sire breed. Simmental sires had significantly heavier calves at birth and S and H dams tended to have more calving difficulty and lower survival rates. Heterosis for these traits was generally not significant. Correlations were generally positive and significant for birth weight and calving ease, but were more variable for birth weight and survival. Linear regressions of calving ease on birth weight both within years and within dam-breed-year subclasses were very similar in that the association of these two traits was reduced as dam age increased.  相似文献   

The effect of postmortem aging (7, 14, 21 or 28 d), high-voltage electrical stimulation (stimulated or not stimulated) and blade tenderization (none or once; crossbreds only) on the sensory and cooking properties of meat from four beef breeds or breed-types (purebred Hereford, purebred Brahman, Hereford x Brahman and Brahman x Hereford) was determined. The meat from purebred Brahman cattle that was not electrically stimulated was less tender and more variable in tenderness than that from other breed-types but electrical stimulation reduced these differences in tenderness. The Brahman crossbred steers produced meat that was not different in tenderness or variability in tenderness from that of purebred Hereford steers, although all were only judged "slightly tender." Electrical stimulation reduced the length of postmortem aging needed to reach a given level of tenderness regardless of breed or breed-type. Meat from crossbred animals that was blade-tendernized was not different in tenderness from meat that was electrically stimulated. The results of this investigation indicate that purebred Brahman muscle was inherently less tender, but postmortem tenderization procedures produced meat that was similar tenderness to that of the other breed-types used in this study.  相似文献   

Steer progeny (n = 122) of tropically adapted breeds [Tuli (TU) and Brahman (BR)] and temperate breeds [Angus (AN) and Hereford (HP)] was evaluated for carcass traits for 3 yr. Multiparous British (Bt) cows were bred to each sire breed. Following weaning in the fall, steers were provided bermudagrass hay and a supplement until rye was available, which they grazed until March. Steers were fed for 100 to 110 d beginning in March. Live weight (LWT); hot carcass weight (HCW); longissimus area (LEA); percentage kidney, pelvic, and heart fat (KPH); actual fat thickness (ACT); adjusted fat thickness (ADJ); marbling score(MARB); maturity score(MAT); quality grade (QG); yield grade (YG); dressing percentage(DP); and LEA per unit of LWT (LEACWT) were collected. Data were analyzed by Proc MIXED using a model that included year, sire breed, and year × sire breed. Sire breed was a significant source of variation for all traits except LEA. The effect of year was significant for all traits, and year × sire breed was significant for only LWT. Least square means for LWT and HCW ranked the breeds similarly; the AN-sired calves (576 kg, 333 kg) and BR-sired calves (574 kg, 334 kg) were heavier than the TU-sired calves (526 kg, 304 kg), and the HP-sired calves had intermediate LWT and HCW (562 kg, 320 kg). The actual and adjusted fat means were larger (P<0.02) for AN-sired calves, HP-sired cavles were intermediate, and the BR- and TU-sired steers were similar with less external fat. The TU-sired calves had the largest LEA relative to weight. The AN- and TU-sired groups had a similar percentage grading Choice (26 and 21%, respectively), and the percentage grading Choice for the other two sire breed groups was 12% for BR and 18% for HP. In conclusion, carcass merit of TU-sired calves provides an acceptable alternative to BR-sired calves for producers desiring a tropically adapted sire breed, but they will likely produce smaller slaughter BW than BR sires if managed similarly.  相似文献   

A 2-yr study was conducted to evaluate the interactions of castration, feeding length, and dietary CP on growth and carcass characteristics of male cattle (bulls and steers) that vary in expression of muscular hypertrophy. Crossbred cows were bred by AI to Hereford, Limousin, or Piedmontese bulls, which represented genotypes with normal, moderate, and hypermuscularity, respectively, but with similar mature weights. Male calves (131 in yr 1 and 120 in yr 2) were placed in pens with individual electronic feeding gates. Calves were fed growing diets until they reached 386 kg BW and then were individually switched to finishing diets for 90 or 132 d. Interactions were observed among sire breed, gender, and feeding length on carcass composition. Bulls were more efficient than steers in producing live weight gain. Length of finishing period accounted for a larger source of variation than gender for weight characteristics, whereas gender was the larger source of variation for carcass composition. Concentration or degradability of dietary CP influenced rate of gain from weaning to 386 kg. Interactions resulting from varying management on carcass characteristics among calves of different sire breeds indicate that unique strategies may be beneficial for the production of meat from these breeds.  相似文献   

Research was conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle to a tall fescue ergopeptine alkaloid by assessing vital sign responses. Eight Polled Hereford and seven Red Brahman steers received bolus i.v. injections of ergotamine tartrate and saline vehicle in a simple cross-over design. Physiological traits measured 30 min and immediately before and 30, 60, and 90 min after treatment were respiration rate, rectal temperature, skin temperature at the tailhead and tail tip, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate. Blood samples were collected immediately before and 105 min after treatments to determine plasma prolactin and cortisol concentrations. Steers were fed a fescue-free diet in drylot. Ambient temperature and relative humidity averaged 31 degrees C and 55%, respectively, during data collection. No breed x treatment x time interactions were apparent for vital signs. The treatment x time interaction was significant (P < .05) for blood pressure and skin temperature. Ergotamine increased (P < .01) blood pressure and decreased (P < .01) skin temperature. The breed x treatment x time interactions were significant for prolactin (P < .1) and cortisol (P < .01). Ergotamine decreased plasma (P < .01) prolactin and increased (P < .01) cortisol concentrations in both breeds, despite some breed variation. Across all traits, Brahman and Hereford steers responded similarly to acute ergotamine exposure, indicating that the breeds are alike in acute sensitivity to a systemically administered ergopeptine alkaloid associated with fescue toxicosis.  相似文献   

Progeny (n = 861) of tropically adapted breeds [Tuli (TU), Senepol (SE), and Brahman (BR)] and temperate breeds [Angus (AN) and Polled Hereford (HP)] were evaluated for birth and weaning traits in each of 5 yr. Multiparous crossbred cows representing three genetic types [British (Bt), ½BR½Bt, and ¾Bt¼BR] were mated to AN, HP, TU, SE, and BR sires, with the exception that BR sires were not mated to ½BR½Bt cows. Calving season was January through early March. Following calving, cows were provided bermudagrass hay and bahiagrass hay and had limited access to rye and ryegrass pastures. Cow and calf pairs grazed bermudagrass and bahiagrass pastures as available until weaning without access to creep feed. Male calves were castrated at birth and were not implanted. Data included birth weight, cannon bone length at birth, weaning weight, weaning hip height, ADG from birth to weaning (ADGBW), ADG from birth to April (ADGBA), ADG from April to weaning (ADGAW), and weight per day of age (WDA). Data were analyzed by PROC Mixed using a model that included calf genetic type, calf sex, calf birth day of year, and calf genetic type × calf sex interaction. Random effects were cow age, birth year, and sire and dam of calf. Calf genetic type and calf sex were significant sources of variation for all characteristics. Linear contrasts revealed that BR-sired calves were heavier at birth, had longer cannon bones at birth, and were taller at weaning (P<0.01). Tuli- and SE-sired calves were similar to AN- and HP-sired calves for birth weight, cannon bone length at birth, and weaning hip height. Angus-, HP-, and BR-sired calves were heavier at weaning compared with TU-sired calves, and SE-sired calves were intermediate for weaning weight (P<0.01). In conclusion, the TU-sired calves were smaller at birth and at weaning when compared with BR-sired calves. The TU- and SE-sired calves appear to offer more moderate size and growth rate through weaning than do the BR-sired calves.  相似文献   

Breeds of larger mature size tend to grow more rapidly and be older when attaining a given level of fatness. Hereford, Limousin, and Piedmontese are of approximately equal mature size and yet may vary in body composition at a given degree of maturity. However, direct comparisons among these three breeds were not found. Therefore, the objective of this research was to compare Hereford, Limousin, and Piedmontese progenies for economically important traits. Crossbred cows were bred to Hereford (n = 23), Limousin (n = 24), or Piedmontese (n = 24) sires. Male calves were either left intact or castrated at approximately 2 mo of age. Calves remained with their dams until weaning at an average age of 179 d. Male calves were then individually fed a growing ration until they reached 386 kg and then fed a finishing ration either 90 or 132 d. They were then slaughtered at a commercial abattoir and carcass data were collected. Female calves were group-fed and used to examine nutritional effects on age at puberty. Data were analyzed using REML and linear contrasts among the breed-of-sire effects evaluated. Herefordsired calves had shorter gestation periods and weighed less at birth than either Limousin- or Piedmontese-sired calves. Calving difficulty of Hereford- and Limousin-sired calves was less than that of Piedmontese-sired calves. Limousin-sired calves tended to grow more rapidly than Hereford-sired calves. By the finishing phase, Limousin- and Hereford-sired calves had greater average daily gains than Piedmontese-sired calves. Differences in dry matter intake among breeds of sire were relatively small. Differences in carcass weight, longissimus muscle area, fat depth, and percentage kidney, pelvic, and heart fat resulted in a clear stratification of USDA yield grade between breeds of sire. Differences in percentage primal cuts were similar to those for USDA yield grade. Hereford-sired calves had more marbling than progeny of Limousin or Piedmontese sires. However, the force necessary to shear cores from steaks of Piedmontese-sired calves was less than for progeny of Limousin or Hereford sires. Hereford- and Piedmontese-sired heifers were younger at puberty than Limousin-sired heifers. Within breeds of similar mature size and growth rate, ample variation exists in age at puberty and body composition at an approximately equal degree of maturity.  相似文献   

A total of 528 birth and 475 weaning records collected over a 3-yr period were analyzed to evaluate the productivity of several beef cattle breed crosses. The calves were produced by artificial insemination using 17 Brahman, 15 Chianina, 15 Maine Anjou and 16 Simmental sires bred to Angus and Hereford dams varying in age from 3 to 11 yr. Breed-of-sire effects were important (P less than .05 to P less than .001) for gestation length, birth weight, conformation score and condition score, but were not observed for birth weight adjusted for gestation length, percentage calving assistance, survival rate or weaning weight. Brahman crosses had the longest gestation lengths, being 4.7 d longer than Simmental crosses, which were the shortest in length. Chianina crosses were the heaviest at birth and experienced the most calving difficulty. Simmental crosses had the highest survival rate. Although breed-of-sire differences were observed in conformation score, the difference was less than one-third of a grade between the highest-scoring Simmental crosses and the lowest-scoring Brahman and Chianina crosses. Brahman crosses had the highest condition scores, being approximately one-third of a grade higher than the lowest-ranking Chianina crosses. Differences among the sire breeds for weaning weight were surprisingly small, varying only 3 kg from the heaviest to lightest breed-of-sire groups. Angus dams had shorter gestation lengths (P less than .001) and produced calves that weighed more at weaning (P less than .001) and scored higher for conformation (P less than .001) and condition (P less than .001) score than Hereford dams.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize breeds representing diverse biological types for birth and weaning traits in crossbred cattle. Gestation length, calving difficulty, percentage of unassisted calving, percentage of perinatal survival, percentage of survival from birth to weaning, birth weight, BW at 200 d, and ADG were measured in 2,500 calves born and 2,395 calves weaned. Calves were obtained by mating Hereford, Angus, and MARC III (one-fourth Hereford, one-fourth Angus, one-fourth Pinzgauer, and one-fourth Red Poll) mature cows to Hereford or Angus (British breed), Brahman, Tuli, Boran, and Belgian Blue sires. Calves were born during the spring seasons of 1992, 1993, and 1994. Sire breed was significant for all traits (P < 0.002). Offspring from British breeds and the Belgian Blue breed had the shortest gestation length (285 d) when compared with progeny from other sire breeds (average of 291 d). Calving difficulty was greater in offspring from Brahman sires (1.24), whereas the offspring of Tuli sires had the least amount of calving difficulty (1.00). Offspring from all sire breeds had similar perinatal survival and survival from birth to weaning (average of 97.2 and 96.2%, respectively), with the exception of offspring from Brahman sires, which had less (92.8 and 90.4%, respectively). Progeny of Brahman sires were heaviest at birth (45.7 kg), followed by offspring from British breed, Boran, and Belgian Blue sires (average of 42.4 kg). The lightest offspring at birth were from Tuli sires (38.6 kg). Progeny derived from Brahman sires were the heaviest at 200 d (246 kg), and they grew faster (1.00 kg/d) than offspring from any other group. The progeny of British breeds and the Belgian Blue breed had an intermediate BW at 200 d (238 kg) and an intermediate ADG (average of 0.98 kg/d). The progeny of Boran and Tuli sires were the lightest at 200 d (227 kg) and had the least ADG (0.93 kg/d). Male calves had a longer gestation length, had a greater incidence of calving difficulty, had greater mortality to weaning, were heavier, and grew faster than female calves. Sire breed effects can be optimized by selection and use of appropriate crossbreeding systems.  相似文献   

A trial was conducted with 60 steers (257 kg) to determine the influence of prefast feed intake on recovery from feed and water deprivation. For 3 d, steers were fed a 35% roughage diet at 1 (LI) or 1.75% (MI) of body weight or ad libitum (AL). Steers were then deprived of feed and water for 24 h, limit-fed and watered for 24 h, deprived of feed and water for 48 h and then allowed ad libitum feed and water consumption for 2 wk. A fourth group of control steers was fed at 1.75% of body weight during the alimentation period and was not fasted. Realimentation feed intake was positively related to prefast feed intake, with the order of realimentation feed intake being AL greater than MI greater than LI (P less than .05). During deprivation, rumen volume declined (P less than .05) in AL-fed steers, but was not affected in LI and MI steers. Blood hemoglobin and serum urea-N increased during deprivation in all fasted groups. Prefast serum cholesterol levels were inversely related to prefast energy intake. During deprivation, rumen fluid total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations and propionate and butyrate molar proportions declined (P less than .05) and acetate, isobutyrate and valerate + isovalerate molar proportions increased (P less than .05). Results of this study indicate that an increased prefast feed intake will provide a greater reserve of energy, water and electrolytes to the steer during deprivation and result in a shorter postfast adaptation period.  相似文献   

Birth weight, preweaning gain and weaning weight (adjusted 180-d weight) data, collected at McGregor, Texas, were analyzed for genetic differences. Breedtypes represented in the data were Brahman, Hereford and various Brahman-Hereford crosses. Preweaning gain was calculated as adjusted 180-d weight less birth weight. All statistical models included effects of dam age, year, season and sex. Analyses were performed using a breedtype model and a regression model that redefined breedtype as direct additive, direct heterotic, maternal additive and maternal heterotic effects. Brahman dams produced calves with lightest birth weights. Brahman-sired calves were heaviest at birth compared with those by other sire breedtypes. The estimated Brahman direct additive effect on birth weight was 4.6 kg greater than Hereford. The Brahman maternal additive effect was 7.5 kg less than Hereford. Direct and maternal heterotic effects on birth weight were 2.2 and .6 kg, respectively. Calves from F1 dams had larger preweaning gains than those of the other breedtypes. The Brahman direct additive effect on preweaning gain was 17.7 kg less than Hereford and the Brahman maternal additive effect was 20 kg greater than Hereford. Direct and maternal heterotic effects on preweaning gain were 19.6 and 19.5 kg, respectively. Results of weaning weight analyses were similar to preweaning gain analyses. The largest effects on weaning weight were direct and maternal heterosis, which were 21.6 and 19.8 kg, respectively.  相似文献   

A new syndrome of anemia, alopecia, and dyskeratosis was identified in Polled Hereford calves in this study. Cutaneous changes included hyperkeratosis and hair loss around the muzzle and ear margins, which progressed to a generalized alopecia and hyperkeratotic dermatitis. Histologically, orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis with dyskeratosis of epidermal and follicular keratinocytes was present. Alopecia was correlated with dyskeratosis of Huxley's layer and an increasing proportion of follicles in the telogen phase of the hair cycle. Dermatitis was characterized by a mild dermal mononuclear cell infiltrate and mild lymphocytic perivascular dermatitis. The anemia present at birth was nonprogressive and was classified as normochromic and normocytic to macrocytic. Reticulocytosis was absent, but bone marrow was markedly hyperplastic. Nuclear cytoplasmic asynchrony of the rubricyte and metarubricyte stages occurred in the bone marrow. Abnormal rubricyte nuclei and maturation arrest at the late rubricyte stage were common. Cytologic features of the erythroid series are similar to those of type I congenital dyserythropoietic anemia of human beings. Genealogic features suggest that this is a primary hereditary defect. The mode of inheritance, however, remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Two multiple regression models were used to estimate energetic efficiency of protein and fat gain for 84 grade British steers, predominantly Hereford, and 84 Charolais steers using data obtained from a comparative slaughter feeding trial. In Model One, metabolizable energy intake was regressed on energy gain as fat and protein; the intercept was an estimate of maintenance. For Model Two, maintenance requirements were estimated by regression of log heat production (kcal/kg.75) on metabolizable energy intake (kcal/kg.75) and iterating to the point at which heat production was equal to metabolizable energy intake. Energy intake above maintenance was then regressed on energy gained as fat and protein. Results from Model One showed the efficiencies of protein and fat gain to be 10 and 49%, while Model Two indicated these efficiencies were 11 and 58%. Breeds did not appear to differ significantly in the efficiency with which they used metabolizable energy for protein or fat deposition.  相似文献   

Cow size, reproductive traits and calf performance through weaning were evaluated in a range environment for Simmental (S) x Hereford (H) and Angus (A) x H crosses in two-breed rotations and straightbred H. Data were grouped into seven dam breed categories: straightbred Hereford (H), crossbred F1 S x H cows (SH), S x H cows of low percentage H (SHS), S x H cows of high percentage H (HSH), F1 A x H cows (AH), A x H cows of low percentage H (AHA) and A x H cows of high percentage H (HAH). Straightbred H, SH, AH, SHS and AHA cows were mated to H bulls, HSH cows were mated to S bulls and HAH cows were mated to A bulls. Cows in the SHS and AHA groups ranged from 1/4 to 3/8 H and their calves from 5/8 to 11/16 H. Cows within the HSH and HAH groups ranged from 5/8 to 3/4 H and their calves from 5/16 to 3/8 H. Cow age ranged from 3 to 10 yr. Simmental-cross cows were heavier and taller and produced heavier calves at birth and weaning than A-cross. Pregnancy rate, calf birth date and percentage of difficult births did not vary significantly among dam breed groups. Within the A x H and S x H rotations, dam breed group rankings for calf birth weight were inverse to rankings for proportion of H in the breed makeup of the calf.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Plasma biochemical profiles were studied in 112 mature (3 to 5-year-old) healthy cattle comprised of 61 Thai indigenous and 51 Simmental x Brahman crossbred male and cyclic female cattle at Nongkwang (Central Thailand) Livestock Research and Breeding Center, Thailand. Data were analysed for the effect of breed and sex. The results showed that the plasma glucose and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) in the two breeds were significantly (P < 0.05) different. Furthermore, the urea, creatinine, albumin, total protein, aspartate amino transferase (AST), alanine amino transferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels in Thai indigenous were significantly (P < 0.01) higher than in crossbred cattle. However, creatine kinase did not significantly differ in crossbred and indigenous animals. A sex difference was found in glucose level with male Thai indigenous having significantly higher levels (P < 0.05) than the other three groups. Plasma urea concentration in male crossbred cattle was lower than in the other groups (P < 0.05). Female crossbred cattle had significantly (P < 0.05) lower plasma creatinine levels than the other animals. Furthermore, levels of albumin in male and total protein in female crossbred were the lowest (P < 0.05) among the groups. The AST, ALT, ALP and GGT levels were significantly (P < 0.05) different between male and female. Female crossbred cattle had the lowest (P < 0.05) AST and GGT levels, whereas lowest (P < 0.05) ALT and ALP concentration was determined in male individuals of these breeds.  相似文献   

Sixty steer calves of mixed British breeding averaging 268 kg were randomly assigned to four treatment groups of 15 calves each to determine the influence of pre-fast dietary roughage content on recovery from feed and water deprivation. Three groups were fed diets containing either 84 (HR), 60 (MR) or 35% (LR) roughage at 1.75% of body weight for 3 d. Calves in these three groups were deprived of feed and water for 24 h, limit-refed and watered for 24 h, and deprived of feed and water for 48 h (deprivation). Calves were then fed the MR diet ad libitum for 2 wk. The fourth group of control steers was continuously fed the MR diet throughout the experiment. Realimentation weight gains and feed intakes were not affected by pre-fast diet roughage content. Blood packed cell volume increased (P less than .05) during deprivation. Blood potassium was not affected by deprivation but declined (P less than .05) upon refeeding. Plasma urea-N increased (P less than .05) during deprivation but returned to pre-fast concentrations by d 3 of realimentation. Ruminal volume was not significantly affected by deprivation but increased (P less than .05) by 50 to 100% upon refeeding. Ruminal fluid total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations declined (P less than .05) during deprivation. On d 3 of realimentation, a linear contrast (P less than .05) was observed between total VFA concentrations and the pre-fast diet roughage content.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

分别以20头中国西门塔尔牛、利木赞牛和夏洛莱牛为研究对象,采用创造酶切位点PCR与降落PCR相结合的方法对3个品种的基因外显子1的突变位点扩增,分析了3个肉牛品种之间的Myostain(MSTN)基因多态性。运用1对特异性引物扩增3个肉牛品种的MSTN基因已知外显1SNP位点,扩增片段大小为217bp。运用CRS-RFLP方法鉴定60头牛MSTN基因在3个群体中的分布情况。结果表明,在西门塔尔群体中等位基因C占优势,等位基因频率为60%,AA基因型频率为0;在夏洛莱群体中等位基因A优势,等位基因频率为57.5%,CC基因型频率为0;而在利木赞群体中未检测到这一突变。  相似文献   

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