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Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - In this work, the toxic activity by fumigation of 10 monoterpenes was evaluated on Halyomorpha halys 2nd instar nymphs. The results showed that...  相似文献   

茶翅蝽是一种重要的农林害虫,近年来在我国的发生为害程度呈现加重趋势。本文通过田间小区试验和室内行为研究,评价了茶翅蝽成虫对不同植物种类的选择偏好程度。在田间25科115种植物中,84种植物上调查到茶翅蝽成虫,种群发生密度整体较低,但寒麻、芝麻、红麻、籽粒苋、向日葵、大豆、白花菜等植物上成虫密度相对偏高。在室内Y型嗅觉仪测试中,与空白对照相比,茶翅蝽雌雄成虫对苗期和花期的向日葵、大豆、白花菜植株气味均表现出了明显的趋好行为。上述研究结果为深入解析我国茶翅蝽区域分布与发生消长规律提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Halyomorpha halys, commonly known as the brown marmorated stink bug, has been recorded for the first time from the Maltese Islands. The record is currently based on the capture of a single specimen. Information is provided on the distribution range of this polyphagous species which was accidentally introduced into Europe (Switzerland) in 2007 and since then has invaded many European countries. Morphological details are also included to aid in the discrimination of this species from similar species occurring in the Mediterranean region. Notes are provided on the feeding strategies used by this insect and the type of damage incurred on agricultural commodities, which are often rendered unsaleable.  相似文献   

温度对茶翅蝽沟卵蜂及其寄主卵发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
茶翅蝽 [Halyomorphahalys(St l) ]在我国北方果区严重为害梨、苹果、山楂等果实 ,尤以梨受害最重[1] 。茶翅蝽卵往往被黑卵蜂属 (Telenomus)和沟卵蜂属 (Trissolcus)的寄生蜂寄生。我们在研究中发现了寄生于茶翅蝽卵的一种沟卵蜂 ,经鉴定为 1新种———茶翅蝽沟卵蜂(TrissolcushalyomorphaeYang) [2 ] 。茶翅蝽沟卵蜂属于膜翅目 (Hymenoptera)、黑卵蜂科 (Sce lionidae)、沟卵蜂属 ,是茶翅蝽卵的单性内寄生蜂。田间调查表明 :该蜂对第 2代茶翅蝽卵有明显的自然控制作用 ,最高寄生率接近 80 % (待发表 ) ,是一种很有利用价值的寄生性天…  相似文献   

The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), has been spreading over Europe since the first documented records from Liechtenstein in 2004 and Switzerland in 2007. It is considered to be a pest in many agricultural crops and a household nuisance. In 2017 the species was observed in Croatia for the first time, in the city of Rijeka on the north Adriatic coast. Halyomorpha halys has already been recorded in three nearby countries (Italy, Hungary and Serbia), and therefore the arrival of this species had been expected from neighbouring populations or from distant sources via trading goods. To identify the pathway of entry, the haplotypes of H. halys (Stål, 1855) individuals were analysed by comparing a part of the mitochondrial COI gene with other haplotypes present in the GenBank database. Individual specimens shared the most common haplotype with nearby Italian and Hungarian populations.  相似文献   

In autumn 2011, stink bugs were found causing a nuisance in houses in the centre of Athens, Greece. Specimens were identified by D.A. Rider at North Dakota State University as Halyomorpha halys Stål (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). The species is native to Asia; it was detected in the USA in 1996 and has recently been introduced into Europe (2008). This paper provides the first report of the presence of H. halys (brown marmorated stink bug) in Greece. Some data on its phenology and economic impact are also provided.  相似文献   



Classical biological control has been identified as the most promising approach to limit the impact of the invasive pest species Halyomorpha halys (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). This study investigated the parasitism rate at sites where the biocontrol agent Trissolcus japonicus (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) was released and where its unintentional introduction took place, in the Trentino–South Tyrol region. The effect of land-use composition was studied to understand which factors favor the establishment of hosts and parasitoids, including native and exotic species.


The released T. japonicus were detected a year after the start of the program, with a significant parasitoid impact and discovery, compared to control sites. Trissolcus japonicus was the most abundant H. halys parasitoid, and Trissolcus mitsukurii and Anastatus bifasciatus were recorded also. The efficacy of T. mitsukurii was lower in sites where T. japonicus was successfully established, suggesting a possible competitive interaction. Parasitism level by T. japonicus at the release sites was 12.5% in 2020 and 16.4% in 2021. The combined effect of predation and parasitization increased H. halys mortality up to 50% at the release sites. Landscape composition analysis showed that both H. halys and T. japonicus were more likely to be found at sites with lower altitude and with permanent crops, whereas other hosts and parasitoids preferred different conditions.


Trissolcus japonicus showed a promising impact on H. halys, at release and adventive sites, with minor nontarget effects, mediated by landscape heterogeneity. The prevalence of T. japonicus in landscapes with permanent crops could support IPM in the future. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

Treatment of human erythrocytes with 5 × 10?5M captan or captafol caused a rapid increase in the efflux of intracellular potassium. Captafol had a more pronounced effect than captan on cation permeability. Captafol also decreased anion permeability whereas captan did not affect this process. Glutathione (5 × 10?4M) had little effect in reducing potassium efflux when added to the cells after they were incubated for 1 h with captan or captafol, but it was effective in reducing the potassium loss when added to the cells prior to their treatment with the fungicides. Captafol caused an increase in osmotic fragility of the cells. Incubation of the cell membranes with captafol resulted in the liberation of a small fraction of membrane phospholipids, whereas captan produced no effect. Both the fungicides readily reacted with the sulfhydryl groups in the isolated membrane; 31.5 and 45.7% of the membrane sulfhydryl groups had disappeared following treatment with captan and captafol, respectively. It is suggested that the reaction of captan or captafol and/or their reaction products with the sulfhydryl and amino groups of the red cell membrane protein produces changes in the structure of the membrane with consequent alteration in its permeability.  相似文献   

Vertical distribution of root damage caused by Rhizoctonia solani within a rhizoctonia patch was examined on five occasions during the growing season using a soil core technique. The effect of depth on root damage was assessed by determining root growth of wheat seedlings grown in cores of undisturbed soil taken at depths 0−2−5, 2−5−5−0, 5−0−7−5 and 7−5−10 cm from both inside and outside a patch. Within the patch most of the damage occurred in the top 5 0 cm of soil with less in the next 2−5 cm and least in the 7−5−10 cm zone. Outside the patch, soil depth had little or no effect on root growth.  相似文献   

The European earwig, Forficula auricularia L. (Dermaptera: Forficulidae), is a well-known species that is cosmopolitan and present throughout Europe. Due to its omnivorous feeding behaviour, this species can act as a generalist predator, preying on several top fruit pests, but also as a pest causing shallow gouges or holes in stone and soft fruits such as apricots, strawberries, raspberries or blackberries. In Piedmont (NW Italy), significant fruit damage has been observed lately in apricot orchards where earwigs fed on ripening fruits and made a considerable part of the produce unmarketable. In this study, we sampled earwig populations in three apricot orchards in Piedmont and tested the effectiveness of glue barriers applied to the tree trunks in reducing both earwig density in the canopy and fruit damage. The arboreal glues Rampastop® and Vebicolla® were tested both in the field and laboratory trials. Glue barriers demonstrated to be effective control measures, significantly reducing earwig abundance in the canopy and fruit damage. Rampastop® gave better results on old trees with a very rough and cracked bark, since in that case Vebicolla® could not perfectly bond with the trunk.  相似文献   

稻水象甲为害损失及防治指标初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稻水象甲(LissorhoptrusoryzophilusKuschel)是一种重要的地下害虫,在山东东营市部分稻区发生较重,可造成20%左右的稻谷损失,严重地块甚至绝产,对水稻生产为害极大。此虫扩散能力强,适应范围广,为害损失重,是一种很难控制的检疫性害虫。为了制定其适宜的防治指标,1999~2002年在发生区内,我们就稻水象甲的为害损失及防治指标进行了初步研究。1研究方法1999~2002年在稻水象甲发生区内选有代表性的稻田(水稻品种中国91),每年均于5月10日插秧,同时罩笼(1m×1m×1m),每笼内植稻16墩。供试稻水象甲从周围越冬场所采集,放入成虫密度分别为每墩0…  相似文献   

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