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近年来,随着淡水养殖业的发展,淡水鱼产量迅速增长,除鲜销上市外,将淡水鱼加工或鱼片、鱼段、鱼排,速冻成小包冷冻食品,已成为目前水产品加工业中广泛采用的方法之一,也一定程度上缓解了淡水鱼“卖鱼难”的现状。冰冻淡水鱼片的原料可用鲜活青鱼、草鱼、鲤里、鲢鱼、鳙鱼等,个体规格在2千克左右。  相似文献   

福建地处我国的东南沿海,海岸线长而曲折,浅海滩涂面积大,适养区域广阔,海水、淡水养殖业发达。主要养殖品种有鳗鲡、大黄鱼、真鲷、牡蛎、虾、鲍、大弹涂鱼等,水产品产量位居全国第三。由于水产养殖规划不合理,养殖和病害防控技术落后,致使养殖环境污染,病害频繁,水产品质量控制面临重大风险。近年来,主要进口国(日本、美国、欧盟、韩国)借助技术和贸易壁垒加强了对我国出口水产品中有害物质残留的检测,标准相当苛刻,检测面广,出口贸易的技术风险已经成为制约水产养殖业健康发展的重要因素。水产养殖业经过几年的治理整顿,先后化解了氯霉素…  相似文献   

淡水鱼类肉质改善措施初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>近年来,随着水产养殖业的发展,集约化养殖方式的普及,我国水产养殖总产量不断提高。据渔业部统计,2007年全国淡水鱼产量超过1900万吨,占水产品总量的40%以上,产量居世界首位。但由于养殖淡水鱼普遍表现出肉质松软、口感较差,并且具有特殊的土腥味,这些均成为淡水鱼食用消费和加工利用的重要限制因素,也制约了水产养殖经济的健康发展。随着人们生活水平的提高,人们也开始对养殖鱼类的肉质品质提出了更高的要求。因此,淡水鱼类肉质品质改善措施研究,对于推动淡水养殖业的发展有着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

海水养殖动物质量控制技术研究现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水产品不仅可以为国民提供优质的食物蛋白.而且还是出口创汇的重要产品,对提高我国和区域性的经济地位发挥着重要作用。改革开放以来,我国水产养殖业发展迅速,养殖规模不断扩大,养殖品种增多,产量迅猛增加。到2003年全国海水养殖面积664.9万公顷,养殖产量1250多万吨,占水产品总产量4700多万吨的26.6%。21世纪我国将面临更大的人口压力,水产养殖业的可持续发展对于解决16亿人口的食物保障问题将起到至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

由于水产品出口美国渠道受阻,今年我国出口型的水产品价格大幅下跌,水产养殖户增产不增收,怨声载道。然而,内销型的淡水鱼养殖却相反,效益较高。  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平的提高,对以虾蟹为代表的名优品种的需求日益提高。近年来,水产养殖主要为河蟹、罗氏沼虾和对虾等品种。但随着一系列生产制约因素的出现(如病害、苗种繁育等),必须对其他品种进行开发研究。而青虾(日本沼虾)则是当前淡水养殖业中新品种,其具备了很多水产品种所没有的独特优势,养殖前景和潜力是极其诱人的。  相似文献   

所谓健康养殖就是通过对可养殖的经济动物的苗种、饲料、水生态环境进行合理管理,使所养殖的经济动物健康生长,最终生产出对人体无不良影响、符合人类需求的产品的过程。淡水鱼的健康养殖需从概念上有新认识,在实施工作中要从源头抓起,主要涉及品种选择、合理放养、水质调控、科学饲喂、疾病防治等方面。  相似文献   

所谓健康养殖就是通过对可养殖的经济动物的苗种、饲料、水生态环境进行合理管理,使所养殖的经济动物健康生长,最终生产出对人体无不良影响、符合人类需求的产品的过程。淡水鱼的健康养殖要在实施工作中从源头抓起,主要涉及品种选择、合理放养、水质调控、科学饲喂、疾病防治等方面。  相似文献   

近年来,巴彦淖尔市各级水产职能部门全面落实中央一号文件精神和各项强渔惠渔政策,抢抓机遇助推全市渔业养殖再上新台阶,保障巴彦淖尔市渔业经济稳健快速发展。据统计,2012年巴彦淖尔市水产品总产量达到1.9万吨,同比增长7%;渔民年人均纯收入达10600元,增幅达9%;全年渔业经济总产值达2.5亿元,同比增长9%。其中,养殖产量达到1.5万吨,产值1.727亿元,分别占水产品总产量和总产值的79%和69%,这些成绩的取得对巴彦淖尔市渔业整体发展具有举足轻重的作用。在新的发展起点上,如何进一步加快巴彦淖尔市水  相似文献   

春潮 《农村养殖技术》2002,(18):15-15,18
(一)市场需求性 一是选择市场售价适中、大多数消费者都能接受的需求量大的大众化品种,如鲤、鲫、鲢、鳙等。二是选择肉质好、味道鲜美、肉嫩刺少的品种,如鳜鱼、青鱼、团头鲂、加州鲈等。三是选择能满足多种需求的养殖  相似文献   

Freshwater turtle species are suffering from anthropocentric‐caused population declines, making preservation of professionally managed populations increasingly important. Turtles under professional care have an increased risk to develop hepatic lipidosis, potentially resulting in early death. Computed tomography can provide an antemortem screening for increased fatty liver composition. A goal of this prospective analytical cross‐sectional study was to assess the hepatic attenuation measured as Hounsfield units (HU) in a wild population of a freshwater turtle species, and then compare hepatic HU to freshwater turtles under professional care. Ninety‐five wild Blanding's turtles (BT; Emydoidea blandingii) as well as 10 Vietnamese Pond turtles (VPT; Mauremys annamensis) and six Northern Snake‐Necked turtles (NSNT; Chelodina oblonga) under professional care underwent CT with quantification of hepatic HU. Hepatic HU were correlated to serum chemistry findings and the presence of follicles was recorded in BT. The mean (±SD) hepatic attenuation for 95 wild BT was 97.5 HU ±9.6. There were significant differences in hepatic attenuation among VPT, NSNT, and BT, with median HU values (range) of 5.39 HU (–6.45 to 61.50), 71.74 HU (59.44‐94.49), and 95.43 HU (74.41‐124.56), respectively. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) values had a weak negative correlation to HU with a coefficient of –0.85 (P < .001). The hepatic attenuation was significantly higher for individuals undergoing folliculogenesis (P = .007). The decreased HU values were significantly negatively correlated with AST values. Findings supported the use of CT as an aid for guiding future management practices in freshwater turtles.  相似文献   

Sheep aged 9–10 months were vaccinated with three doses of 20 000 irradiated Trichostrongylus colubriformis larvae at fortnightly intervals. This gave 97–99% protection against subsequent “impulse” challenge with 40 000 normal larvae or “sequential” challenge with 2 000 larvae/week-day for 4 weeks.The sheep were protected against both types of challenge when worms from the immunizing infections were present at the time of challenge, and when these worms were first removed by anthelmintic treatment.  相似文献   

鱼用优质高产饲草的引种与品比筛选试验报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在通过对引种国内外200多个饲草品种的试种,对留存的40多个能在湖南土壤、气候等自然条件下生长较好的品种,再根据鱼用饲草的特点和需要进行集中品比试验,针对各个饲草的鲜草产量、耐割性能、利用时期、抗寒耐热性能、营养成分、鱼的适口性等生产性能进行逐项评分、统计,综合评比,筛选出了适合湖南鱼用优质高产饲草品种有:多年生的美国矮象草、扁穗牛鞭草和皇草;一年生的杂交黑麦草、墨西哥饲用玉米。  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to measure the digestibilities of energy, CP, and AA in 10 samples of corn distillers dried grain with solubles (DDGS) and in corn fed to growing pigs. Twelve growing barrows (initial BW: 34.0 +/- 1.41 kg) were allotted to an 8 x 12 Youden square design with 8 periods and 12 animals. Ten of 12 diets were based on the 10 DDGS samples (66.7%), 1 diet was based on corn (97%), and the last diet was a N-free diet based on cornstarch and sucrose. Chromic oxide (0.3%) was included in all diets as an inert marker. Pigs were provided their respective diets at a level of 3 times their estimated energy requirement for maintenance. The apparent (AID) and standardized (SID) ileal digestibilities for CP and AA were measured in the 10 samples of DDGS and in corn using the direct procedure, but the apparent total tract digestibilities for DM and GE were estimated using the difference procedure. The concentration of DE in each sample of DDGS and in corn was also calculated. The results of the experiment indicated variation among the different sources of DDGS in AID and SID for Lys, which ranged from 35.0 to 55.9% and 43.9 to 63.0%, respectively. For Met, the SID varied between 73.9 and 84.7%. However, the variability among samples in the SID for CP, and for the indispensable AA other than Lys and Met, was relatively low and ranged between 6 and 8 percentage units (i.e., from 64.0 to 70.6%, 74.1 to 80.1%, and 67.4 to 75.3% for Thr, Trp, and Ile, respectively). The SID for Trp in corn (72.8%) was lower (P < 0.05) than in DDGS, but for the remaining indispensable AA, except Arg, the SID for corn were greater (P < 0.01) than for DDGS. The DE concentration in the 10 samples of DDGS varied (P < 0.001) from 3,382 to 3,811 kcal of DE per kg of DM. For corn, the DE was 3,845 kcal per kg of DM. It is concluded that the AID and SID for Lys vary among samples of DDGS, but for most other AA the AID and SID are relatively similar and vary only 6 to 8 percentage units among different samples. Future work should focus on identifying the reasons for the variation in the digestibility of Lys to avoid processing procedures that are detrimental to Lys digestibility.  相似文献   

Two trials were performed in order to determine the effect of all‐vegetable milo diets on layer performance, and in an attempt to pinpoint possible deficiencies in milo grain. The diets were supplemented with acidulated soya soapstock, fish meal and/or methionine.

Under the conditions of this study, the only consistent and significant effect due to the source of cereal grains was the reduction of egg size due to milo. Fish meal supplementation of milo diets almost, or completely, equalised egg weights, and some beneficial effects were also obtained from added methionine and soapstock.

The linoleic acid content of maize is decidedly higher than that of milo, a difference which is reflected in the fatty acid composition of the respective diets, and which causes corresponding changes in the fatty acid pattern of the yolk lipids of eggs produced by hens fed these diets. Soya soapstock added to milo diets tended to equalise the yolk fatty acid pattern obtained with milo and maize diets.

It is suggested that in milo‐soya diets methionine is the first limiting factor, and that linoleic acid is the next limiting factor in increasing egg size, after the first requirement has been met.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the cis 9, trans 11 isomer of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) can be increased in milk by supplementation with fish oil and vegetable oils. Feeding a high level of oil, however, can impact negatively on gross milk composition. The principal aim of this study was to determine if relatively low levels of fish oil or sunflower oil, either alone or in combination, offered to dairy cows on pasture would increase the C18:2 cis 9, trans 11 CLA concentration in milk. Forty autumn-calved cows on a diet of grazed grass were assigned to 4 supplementation treatments: (i) No supplement (P), (ii) 255 g/day of sunflower oil (SO), (iii) 255 g/day of sunflower oil + 52.5 g/day of fish oil (SOFO), and (iv) 105 g/day of fish oil (FO). The fish oil was supplied in a proprietary product called Omega-3 Supplement which is a mixture of marine oils and an extracted oilseed meal and contains 500 g/kg of oil. The oils were fed in a concentrate mixture, which was offered at a rate of 3.0 kg/cow per day. The production of the cows was measured for 54 days and the milk fatty acid composition was determined on day 0 (immediately before the supplements were introduced) and on days 14, 28 and 42 after the treatments were imposed. Supplementation increased the yield of milk (P < 0.01), protein (P < 0.05) and lactose (P < 0.001), decreased milk fat (P < 0.05) and protein (P < 0.01) concentrations and increased (P < 0.01) lactose concentration. Type of oil did not significantly affect any production variable. The concentration of C18:1 trans 9 + C18:1 trans 11 (mainly C18:1 trans 11) (P < 0.001) and C18:2 cis 9, trans 11 CLA (P < 0.01) were greater on supplemented treatments than on P and the concentration of both were greater (P < 0.05) on FO than on SO. The results confirm that the concentration of C18:2 cis 9, trans 11 CLA can be increased further, from an already relatively high concentration in milk from pasture, by offering supplements containing a low level of fish oil either alone or in combination with sunflower oil.  相似文献   

Four Bartonella species have been isolated from domestic cats, of which two serotypes/genotypes of Bartonella henselae and possibly B. clarridgeiae are human pathogens, causing cat scratch disease (CSD).Our objectives were to evaluate infection and potential cross-protection during re-infection in domestic cats with various Bartonella species or types.Thirty-six cats were primarily inoculated with B. henselae type I (n=16), B. henselae type II (n=10), B. clarridgeiae (n=6) or B. koehlerae (n=4). They were challenged with B. henselae type I (n=15), B. henselae type II (n=13) or B. clarridgeiae (n=8).All 36 cats became bacteremic (1.25x10(2)-1.44x10(6)CFU/ml) and bacteremia lasted from 37 to 582 days. Duration of bacteremia for cats inoculated with B. henselae type I was shorter than for cats inoculated with either B. henselae type II (P=0.025) or B. clarridgeiae (P=0.011).After challenge, 26 cats became bacteremic. Among the nine cats primarily inoculated with B. henselae type I and challenged with B. henselae type II, six cats stayed abacteremic. The three bacteremic cats had a transient low-level bacteremia. No bacteremia was observed in three cats primarily inoculated with B. henselae type I and challenged with another strain of B. henselae type I. Bacteremia levels in the 26 cats were significantly lower than for primary inoculation (P=0.022) and its duration was shorter (P=0.012). Among the eight cats challenged with B. clarridgeiae, duration of bacteremia in the four cats primarily inoculated with B. henselae type I was shorter than in the four cats primarily inoculated with B. henselae type II (P=0.01). Bartonella clarridgeiae inoculated cats were more likely to have relapses for both primary and secondary infections.This is the first demonstration of cross-protection, evidenced by absence of bacteremia, in cats primarily infected with B. henselae type I and challenged with B. henselae type II, whereas no cross-protection was previously shown for cats primarily infected with B. henselae type II and challenged with B. henselae type I. Such results are of major importance for future feline Bartonella vaccine development.  相似文献   

Although canine atopic dermatitis (cAD) is common, few models are available. The aim of this study was to evaluate high-IgE beagles epicutaneously sensitized to house dust mite (HDM) as a possible model for cAD. Six high-IgE beagles were environmentally challenged with HDM using various doses and protocols. Similar challenge protocols were used in positive and negative control dogs: three dogs with naturally occurring cAD and positive intradermal skin test (IDT) to HDM and three normal dogs without history of skin disease and negative IDT to HDM. All high-IgE beagles and all atopic dogs developed severe cutaneous lesions and pruritus after challenge. Lesions were erythematous papules and macules in contact areas such as face, ears, ventral abdomen, groin, axillae and feet. They were first visible after 6 h and increased in severity over time. No normal dog developed pruritus or lesions. Biopsies of representative lesions in the high-IgE beagles were taken for histopathology and immunohistochemistry. There was superficial perivascular dermatitis with mononuclear infiltrates and spongiosis. Lymphocytes and eosinophils accumulated in small epidermal micro-abscesses with hyperplasia of epidermal IgE-bearing dendritic cells. These findings suggest that this colony of high-IgE beagles develops a dermatitis that clinically, histopathologically and immunologically resembles the naturally occurring canine disease. It is also concluded that this modality of challenge is not irritating to normal dogs but induces flare-ups in hypersensitive atopic dogs.  相似文献   

In one experiment each with castrated pigs, sows and boars (hybrid pigs of line 150), two groups of six animals received rations containing 17 and 45% crude protein resp. over the complete test period from 35 to 130 kg (castrated pigs), 150 kg (sows), 170 kg live weight (boars) and passed alternatively through a total of 60 metabolism periods on growth and 48 on maintenance level. There were significant differences between the 3 categories of animals with regard to energy maintenance requirement in the relation of 100:105:110 for castrated pigs less than sows less than boars. In contrast to the estimated values derived from previous studies for energetic maintenance requirement of 650 kJ/kg LW0.62.d the measured values for all 3 animal categories are by approximately 50% higher. The protein content did not have an influence on the maintenance requirement of metabolizable energy of the animals. The utilization of metabolizable energy of the two rations for body energy retention corresponds to the expectations with regard to its dependence on nutrients. The requirement of metabolizable energy for protein and fat retention is 1.7:1.0. The energy content of the weight gain of boars was, on average, 85% of that of castrated pigs and sows. The studies of blood parameters did not show any deviations in the parameters tested.  相似文献   

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