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Summary Five potato cultivars were subjected to water deficits as well as to excess water and to corresponding amounts of nitrogen top dressing (N.t.) applied in the irrigation water. The rates of growth in response to water-N. t. were highest for all cultivars whenK p=1.06 (pan evaporation coefficient) and N.t=173 kg/ha. In the drier treatments (0.87>K p>0.14 and 127>N.t.>12 kg/ha) and in the wetter treatment (K p=1.27; N.t.=201 kg/ha), the growth rates decreased. The cultivars differed in their haulm size, especially atK p=1.0, N.t.=173 kg/ha. At 70 days after planting cv. Cardinal had about half the haulm weight of cv. Désirée. Nevertheless, both cultivars exhibited similar bulking rates. On the other hand, cv. Spunta, which had high bulking rates at the earlier stage of growth, had a marked advantage in yield production in the drier treatments (K p=0.29−0.14; N.t.=44−12 kg/ha). The maximum leaf area indices (LAI) were obtained atK p=1.06, N.t.=173 kg/ha and were similar for all cultivars. LAI and leaf area duration (LAD) decreased with increasing water stress. In Cardinal, Désirée, Spunta and cv. Up-to-Date there was a common linear function relating to tuber weigth and to LAD; in cv. Alpha, this function had lower values of tuber weight. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 840-E, 1983 Series.  相似文献   

Summary The response of five potato cultivars (Alpha, Cardinal, Désirée, Spunta and Up-to-Date) to a range of amounts of irrigation nitrogen top dressing (N.t.) in a rainless region was studied by means of the line-source sprinkler method. The irrigation-to-evaporation ratio,K p, ranged from 0.14 to 1.27 and N.t. from 12 kg/ha to 201 kg/ha, respectively. In all cultivars, the yield increased linearly up toK p=1.0; at higher ratios there was a yield decline in all cultivars except for Cardinal, in which the yield function flattened off. Spunta was the highest yielding cultivar (16t/ha) in the dry range (K p=0.14; N.t.=12 kg/ha). Désirée was the highest yielding cultivar (64 t/ha) in the wet range (K p=1.0; N.t.=201 kg/ha), and Alpha was the lowest yielding cultivar in both the dry and wet range (9 and 46 t/ha, respectively). Leaf permeability, leaf water potential and photosynthesis rate decreased, and tuber dry matter percentage increased with decreasingK p: these indices also varied with plant age, and among cultivars. Yields were adversely affected when soil water potential at the 30-cm depth dropped below −0.4 bar. Contributon from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No E-811, 1983 Series.  相似文献   

Summary Different amounts ofRhizoctonia solani inoculum were applied to sprouted and non-sprouted seed tubers cultivar Désirée during planting in field experiments at Rothamsted in 1984 and 1985. Severity of stem canker and stolon infection increased with increasing amounts of inoculum; with small or medium amounts these infections were most severe on plants from sprouted seed. In 1985 plants grown from non-sprouted, seed had most stem canker when large amounts of inoculum were applied. Severe infection following high inoculum levels delayed shoot emergence, increased the variability in stem height and decreased the mean height of stems and weight of foliage but did not affect the number of stems per plant or final plant populations. Tuber initiation was delayed and tuber numbers slightly decreased by severe infection and at harvest the size distribution of tubers was altered. Tuber yields from severely infected plants were decreased by 15% (sprouted seed) and 19% (non-sprouted seed) in 1984 and by 17 and 28% respectively in 1985.  相似文献   


The sugar-accumulating potential of global and local sweet and grain sorghum varieties were tested under the local conditions. The basis for this study was the dependency of sugar accumulation on temperature and photoperiod. Thus, the efficacy of cultivars as a bioenergy source would need to be determined based on their performance under the local environmental conditions. A strong correlation of sucrose content with brix was observed, enabling large-scale screening of varieties for high sucrose content. The morphological characteristics inherent in sweet sorghum, such as tall stems, greater number of leaves and a longer vegetative period, were found to correlate with the total stem sugar content. Assessment of sugars along the stem revealed maximum sugar accumulation in the upper intermediate to upper internodes in most of the varieties tested. The maximum theoretical ethanol yield (MTEY), a function of brix and juice yield, was determined as a better indicator of testing the performance of a variety as a potential source of bioethanol, mainly due to a negative correlation of stem juiciness and sucrose content in the varieties tested. Further, the relative expression of vacuolar invertase genes, SbINV1 and SbINV2, was studied, and a strong negative correlation of SbINV2 to stem sucrose content was observed. This reveals a possibility of involvement of vacuolar invertase gene, SbINV2, in sugar accumulation in sweet sorghum stems, and as a key candidate for molecular breeding studies for higher stem sugar content.  相似文献   

不同群体条件下奶花芸豆的生长及产量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了奶花芸豆4种不同群体条件下,叶绿素含量、叶面积指数、单位面积干物质积累及产量的变化规律.研究结果表明:随着密度增大,单位叶面积叶绿素含量降低;叶面积指数增大,但密度过大则叶面积指数高值期持续时间较短;干物质积累量和产量在一定密度范围内随密度的增加而增加,但密度过大,干物质积累量和产量反而下降.  相似文献   

不同种植密度对花生生育及产量的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对法国CIRAD和中国云南的高产栽培方案进行的比较试验表明,花生在不同种植密度下,农艺性状和产量有不同变化,种植密度对群体产量有显著影响。在云南,花生产量达2500.0~3083.3kg/hm2时,花生高产群体密度以27万株/hm2为宜。  相似文献   

Soybeans planted in early to mid-June (early) are less affected by rainfall during rainy season than those conventionally planted in early to mid-July in southwestern Japan. Also, narrow row cultivation is expected to increase soybean yield and save labor for inter-tillage and ridging. Field experiments were performed in 2014 and 2015 to test the effect of plant density (high, middle, and low) under early planting condition on growth, yield, and several agronomical traits of Sachiyutaka A1 and three new genotypes (Sakukei 155, Kanto 127 and Shikoku 15). Early planting was performed in mid- to late June, even though rainy season started in early June. Higher plant densities produced 13% greater yield than low plant density through an increase in biomass accumulation, especially at R5. Among yield components, only pods m?2 was significantly and positively correlated with yield, indicating that an increase in pods m?2 led to a greater yield with higher plant densities. The yields of Sachiyutaka A1 were relatively stable for two years, but the lodging resistance should be further improved. Shikoku 15 had greater yield potential and lodging resistance, but its resistance to damping-off disease should be improved. Sakukei 155 with medium plant density produced relatively high and stable yield with less lodging. Although the yield of Kanto 127 fluctuated between experimental years, this genotype showed higher yield potential in higher plant densities with less lodging in 2015. Thus, Sakukei 155 and Kanto 127 with high or medium density may be suitable for early planting in this region.  相似文献   

Summary The most important literature on physiological age is discussed and an attempt is made to describe the relationship between the chronological age and growth vigour of seed of cvs. Jaerla and Désirée produced in three seasons and stored at 4 or 12°C in darkness. The seed of both cultivars reaches maximum growth vigour earlier when stored at 12°C, although this effect is greater in Jaerla than in Désirée. In both cultivars, storage at 12°C gives a lower maximum growth vigour and a shorter duration than storage at 4°C. Sprouting capacity seems to be the best measure of growth vigour, although peroxidase activity could also be a measure of growth vigour beyond its maximum. The incubation period might be useful to indicate the beginning and end of the phase of maximum growth vigour.
Zusammenfassung Nach Durchsicht der wichtigsten Literatur über das physiologische Alter von Kartoffeln wird der Versuch gemacht, Ergebnisse über Untersuchungen an Pflanzknollen der Sorten Jaerla und Désirée in drei Wachstumsperioden sowie bei 4°C und 12°C zu integrieren (Hartmans & van Loon, 1987; van Es & Hartmans, 1987: Bodlaender & Marinus, 1987: van Loon, 1987). Zuerst werden die Zusammenh?nge zwischen dem chronoligischen Pflanzgutalter und den Pflanzen- bzw. Knollenwachstums-Merkmalen verglichen. Wichtige Elemente für die Beschreibung der Zusammenh?ngen zwischen Pflanzgutalter und Wachstumsintensit?t sind (1) das Ende der Ruheperiode. (2) der Anfang und das Ende des Maximums von einigen Knollen- und Pflanzenwachstums-Charakteristika (Tabelle 1), (3) die Zusammenh?nge zwischen dem Pflanzgutalter (Lagerungstage) und Keimungskapazit?t, Auflauf, Triebl?nge. Zahl der Triebe, Blattfl?chen-Index und gesamtem Pflanzegewicht rund 60 Tage nach Pflanzung (Hartmans & van Loon, 1987; Bodlaender & Marinus, 1987) und (4) die Zahl der Lagerungstage, bis einige oder alle gepflanzten Saatknollen ersch?pft sind (Tabelle 1). Aufgrund dieser Elemente wurde ein m?gliches Modell für den Zusammenhang zwischen Pflanzgutalter und relativer Wachstumsintensit?t (RGV) entwickelt (Abb. 2). Abbildung 2 zeigt klar, dass h?here Lagertemperatur (12°C) das Altern der Knollen beider Sorten underschiedlich beschleunigt. Dafür wurde des Ausdruck ‘physiologisches Alter’ übernommen. H?here Lagertemperatur f?rdert die maximale RGV für Saatknollen beider Sorten, obwohl Jaerla betr?chtlich st?rker als Désirée reagiert. Obwohl Désiréc ihre maximale RGV bei 12°C früher erreicht als bei 4°C, ist der RGV bei 4 °C-Lagerung im gleichen Moment h?her als der von Knollen, die bei 12°C gelagert werden. Desweiterent ist von Interesse, dass die maximale RGV bei beiden Sorten durch die h?here Temperatur gesenkt wird, und dass h?here Temperature die L?nge der Periode mit maximaler RGV verkürzt. Keimungskapazit?t und Inkubationsperiode zeigten im Ganzen die h?chsten Korrelationen mit der Wachstumsintensit?t (GV). w?hrend die Peroxydase-Aktivit?t auch dann gut korrelierte, nachdem die GV sich von ihrem Maximum entfernt hatte (Tabellen 4–6). Man kann annehmen, dass diese Studie die Keimungskapazit?t als bestes Mass zur Bestimmung der GV darstellt. Die Inkubationsperiode erscheint als brauchbare Methode zur Bestimmung des Anfangs und des Endes der Periode mit maximaler GV (Tabelle 7), welehe ein wichtiges Charakteristikum jeder Sorte ist. Der Einfluss des physiologischen Alters der Saatknollen auf den sp?teren Knollenertrag scheint oft gering zu sein. Den Ergebnissen dieser Studie und der Literatur zufolge wird angenommen, dass Pflanzgut mit ‘unterschiedlichem’ physiologischem Alter in Wirklichkeit noch an oder nahe an der maximalen GV ist: das war mit Pflanzgut von Désirée in unseren Versuchen der Fall. Zus?tzlich kann mit Madec (1981) angenommen werden, dass im zweiten Teil des Wachstumszyklus andere ertragsbestimmende Faktoren oft über die GV des Pflanzgutes dominieren.

Résumé Après avoir passé en revue les plus importants articles de la littérature concernant l'age physiologique des tubercules, une tentative est faite pour intégrer les résultats des études sur les tubercules de semence de deux variétés, Jaerla et Désirée, produites pendant trois saisons et conservées à 4°C et 12°C (Hartmans & van Loon, 1987; van Es & Hartmans, 1987: Bodlaender & Marinus, 1987; van Loon, 1987). Premièrement, les relations entre l'age chronologique du plant et les caractéristiques se rapportant au développement du tubercule et de la plante sont comparées. Les éléments importants pour décrire les relations entre l'age du plant et la vigueur de croissance sont (1) la fin de la période de repos végétatif (2) le début et la fin du maximum atteints par quel-ques caractéristiques de croissance du tubercule et de la plante (tableau 1), (3) les relations entre l'age du plant (jours de conservation) et la capacité germinative, la levée, la longueur des tiges, le nombre de tiges, l'index de surface foliaire et le poids sec total de la plante environ 60 jours après la plantation (Hartmans & van Loon, 1987; Bodlaender & Marinus, 1987) et (4) le nombre de jours de conservation jusqu'à ce que quelques ou tous les tubercules plantés soient épuisés (tableau 1). Sur la base de ces éléments un modèle possible pour établir une relation entre l'age du plant et la vigueur de croissance relative (RGV) peut être établie (figure 2). La figure 2 montre clairement qu'une température de conservation élevée (12°C) accélère différemment le vieillissement des tubercules de semence de deux variétés. Par conséquent, le terme ‘age physiologique’ est adopté. Les plus hautes températures de conservation avancent la vigueur de croissance relative pour les deux variétés, bien que Jaerla réagisse considérablement plus fortement que Désirée et que celle-ci conservée à 12°C atteigne son maximum plus rapidement qu'à 4°C, la RGV du plant conservé à 4°C est à ce moment plus élevéc que celle du plant maintenu à 12°C. De plus, il est intéressant de noter que pour les deux variétés une température de conservation plus haute diminue la RGV maximum et raccoureit sa durée. La capacité germinative et la période d'incubation ont montré les corrélations les plus élevées avec la vigueur de croissance, tandis que l'activité péroxydasique présente une bonne corrélation avec la vigueur de croissance passé le maximum (tableux 4–6). On en conclut que cette étude fait appara?tre la capacité germinative comme la meilleure mesure pour déterminer la vigueur de croissance. La durée d'incubation constitue une méthode utile pour évaluer le début et la fin de la phase avec le maximum de la vigueur de croissance: ce dermier étant une caractéristique importante de chaque variété. Il semble que l'effet de l'age physiologique des tubercules de semence sur le rendement final en tubercules est souvent faible. Sur la base des résultats de ces essais et de la littérature on peut supposer que les plants d'ages physiologiques différents sont en réalité souvent au maximum ou près du maximum de la vigueur de croissance; cela est le cas du plant de la variété Désirée dans nos expériences. De plus on peut supposer, comme Madec (1981), que dans la seconde partie du cycle végétatif d'autres facteurs déterminant le rendement prédominent souvent sur la vigueur de croissance du plant.

不同密度群体对寒地水稻分蘖及产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在不同栽培密度条件下,对黑龙江2个主栽品种的分蘖、10株主茎干重、成穗率及产量进行研究。结果表明:随平方米穴数的减少,主栽品种的分蘖数增加;不同密度群体对10株主茎干重前期影响较小,后期影响较大,密度越稀的群体,后期每穴或每株主茎干物质积累越多,对空育131影响较垦稻12号大,成穗率差异不显著;不同密度群体下,空育131产量差异显著,垦稻12号差异不显著,空育131适宜密植。  相似文献   

Summary Three experiments carried out in south-east England tested the proposition that solar radiation falling on the soii (‘wasted’) until the attainment of a complete crop canopy by potato crops, could be utilized by intercropping with cabbages without detriment to the potato yields. The cabbages were established by transplanting and harvested by the time the potato crop had achieved a ground cover between 40–80%. However, almost without exception, intercropping reduced the economic yields of both component crops. The land equivalent ratio (LER) varied between 1.01 and 1.78 and the partial LER of potatoes between 0.56 and 1.11, suggesting only in the latter case was there complete absence of competition between the component crops.  相似文献   

Summary Potato crops, grown from true potato seed (TPS) sown directly into fields, required a long growing season and the yield, tuber size and quality were inferior to tuber-propagated crops. Some plants produced excellent yields of high-quality tubers and some lines had earliness, high yield capacity, uniform tuber type and high solids. Field sowing of TPS has good potential, both as a breeding tool and for potato production in long-season, underdeveloped countries where healthy seed tubers are not readily available. Correlation analyses showed positive relationships between seedling vigour, mature plant size, and number and yield of tubers but these growth parameters were not significantly related to tuber size and they had a strong negative relationship to density (specific gravity). Mention of a trade name of a company is for specific information only and does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of a product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

为确定杂种小麦合理栽培密度,在大田条件下,研究了种植密度对杂种小麦群体生长和籽粒产量的影响。结果表明,在试验密度范围内(150~450株/m^2),杂种的群体总茎数(PS)、叶面积指数(LAI)、群体干物重(PDW)和光合势(PP)均以低密度处理(150株/m^2)最低。杂种小麦高密度处理(450株/m^2)的PS始终高于中密度处理(300株/m^2),LAI和PP则在挑旗期前高于中密度处理,之后低于中密度处理;PDW在开花期前高于中密度处理,之后两处理间无显著差异。杂种小麦低密度处理的生长率(CGR)在拔节期前低于中、高密度处理,但在拔节期后,低密度与中密度处理间无显著差异,均高于高密度处理。杂种小麦中、高密度处理各生育时期PS的离中优势(Hm)均为负值,低密度处理冬前期、拔节期、开花期和成熟期分别为11.6%、5.9%、9.8和13.5%。除开花期PDW的Hm中密度和高密度处理间差异不显著外,其余各时期LAI和PDW的Hm均随密度增加而降低。杂种小麦的籽粒产量以中密度处理最高,但与低密度处理间无显著差异,高密度处理最低。产量的Hm随密度增加而降低。生产中采用较低的密度有利于杂种小麦群体生长和产量杂种优势的发挥。  相似文献   

D. Levy 《Potato Research》1986,29(1):95-107
Summary The effects of high temperatures and water deficit on potatoes were investigated under field conditions. Nine cultivars and one un-named seedling were grown in the spring and in the summer under high temperatures. In both seasons the cultivars were grown under 3 water regimes: adequate water supply, moderate water deficit, and severe water deficit that were achieved by a modification of the single line source sprinkler irrigation system. Severe drought reduced tuber yields in both seasons. Moderate tolerance to a moderate water deficit in the spring season was exhibited by Draga, Désirée, and Monalisa. Late and intermediate cultivars produced high tuber yields in the spring season, and early cultivars had relatively smaller yield losses in the summer. The extent of tuber disorders, sprouting, rotting and malformation, varied considerably. High temperatures enhanced sprouting, rotting and malformation and drought may enhance sprouting and malformation. This investigation was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Technical Assistance Department, Netherlands.  相似文献   

通过连续5年双没菜新品种苏油1号的多点试验示范,明确了3750kg/hm^2以上的产量构成、角果群分布、群体结构、苗情动态等特征。根据苏油1号的生育特性,提出了适期早播培育壮苗,适当早栽、控制基础群体;合理化调,增降能力;科学施肥,确保高产需要;立足”三防”控制“三害”等关键栽培技术。  相似文献   

密度对优化定抛水稻产量和群体质量的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
杨波  任万军  杨文钰 《杂交水稻》2006,21(5):64-68,72
水稻优化定抛密度试验结果表明:密度主要影响有效穗数进而影响产量,12万穴/hm^2处理的产量显著低于其它处理,密度在18万~36万穴/hm^2内各处理产量差异不显著。群体茎蘖数,LAI、干物质积累量和干物质在穗中的分配比例均以127万穴/hm^2处理最少,24万~36万穴/hm^2处理较大,但30万和36万穴/hm^2处理的群体透光率低,且36万穴/hm^2处理的茎秆抗倒伏能力变差,因此最适密度为24万穴/hm^2左右。  相似文献   

Sweetpotato cultivar TU-82-155 grown in a nutrient film technique system and separated into foliage, tips, fibrous, string and storage roots at harvest had a total dry biomass of 89.9 g per plant with 38.4% inedible portion. Tips and storage roots, the traditional edible parts, were analyzed for dry matter, protein, fat, ash, minerals (Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Zn), vitamins (carotene, ascorbic acid, thiamin), oxalic and tannic acids, and trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors to determine their nutritional quality. Water soluble matter, minerals (Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Zn), cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin concentrations in the edible and inedible parts were obtained to provide information needed for the selection of appropriate bioconversion processes of plant wastes into food or forms suitable for crop production in a controlled biological life support system.  相似文献   

磷肥用量对超级早稻生长、产量及磷吸收利用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以超级早稻中早39和普通早稻金早09为材料,研究比较了不同施磷量对超级早稻生长、产量及磷吸收利用的影响。结果表明,分蘖中期,在P0和P1处理条件下,中早39的生物量显著低于金早09,但是齐穗期以后,所有磷肥用量处理下,中早39的生物量及产量均高于金早09。施用磷肥能显著提高2个品种的有效穗数,但P1和P2处理间中早39的有效穗数无显著差异。 P1和P2处理下中早39的氮、磷吸收量显著高于金早09,磷肥吸收利用率和磷肥偏生产力也高于金早09,但是磷肥农学利用率低于金早09。随着施磷量的增加,中早39的有效穗数和产量增加量均小于金早09,同时中早39的磷肥吸收利用率、农学利用率和磷肥偏生产力下降程度均高于金早09。综上所述,超级稻中早39对磷肥的敏感性低于普通早稻金早09,最适磷肥(纯P)用量为30 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

不同产量潜力小麦品种冠层光截获特性及产量的差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探讨超高产条件下不同产量潜力小麦品种冠层光截获特性及产量差异,于2016-2017年小麦生长季,以烟农1212、济麦22和良星99三个产量潜力不同的小麦品种为材料,在山东省兖州市小孟镇史家王子村超高产田进行试验,研究三个小麦品种群体动态、叶面积指数、冠层光截获特性、花后旗叶光合速率及产量的差异。结果表明:(1)烟农1212的分蘖成穗率及开花后28d和35d的叶面积指数、冠层PAR(光合有效辐射)截获率均显著高于济麦22和良星99,而花后14~35d,PAR透射率表现为良星99济麦22烟农1212。(2)开花后0d和7d,烟农1212和济麦22的旗叶光合速率无显著差异,均显著高于良星99;花后14~35d烟农1212的旗叶光合速率显著高于济麦22和良星99。(3)品种间单位面积穗数无显著差异,烟农1212的穗粒数和籽粒产量均显著高于济麦22和良星99,千粒重显著高于良星99。在本试验条件下,烟农1212是冠层光截获特性最优、籽粒产量最高的小麦品种。  相似文献   

The cropping systems model APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator) was applied to assess the response of sorghum grain yield to inorganic fertilizers applications and residue retention in diverse farmers’ management systems (homestead fields and bush farms). The model was parameterized using data collected from experiments under optimum growth conditions (limited water or nutrient stress). Independent data from field experiments with three levels of P and four levels of N fertilizers conducted at two different locations and soils were used to evaluate the model. Soil water and fertility parameters measured were used for simulations while same starting conditions were assumed for unmeasured parameters for all trials. APSIM predicted the grain yield response of sorghum to both N and P applications with an overall modified internal coefficient of efficiency of 0.64. Following model parameterization, a long-term simulation study was conducted using a stochastic weather data derived from historical weather data to assess the effects of crop residue management on grain production. A gradual decline in sorghum grain yield was simulated over the 30-year simulation period in both the homestead fields and the bush farms, with yields being much lower in the latter under farmers’ management practices. Half the amount of mineral N fertilizer used in the bush farms was needed in the homestead fields to produce the average grain yields produced on the bush farm with full fertilization, if crop residues were returned to the fields in the homestead. Year-to-year variability in grain yield was consistently higher with the removal of crop residues, irrespective of management systems. APSIM was responsive to both organic and inorganic fertilizer applications in the study area and also highlighted the essential role of crop residues and inorganic fertilizer in influencing the temporal sorghum grain production and hence the impact of farmers’ management practices on food security. This was evident in the rapid decline in soil organic carbon (SOC) accompanied by a decline in grain yield over the 30 years of cropping. The use of inorganic fertilizer and retention of crop residues (SOC) are critical for attaining food security in the study area.  相似文献   

通过不同地力条件下的田间试验,利用光谱分析技术动态监测了变量施肥和传统施肥条件下小麦不同生育期的冠层光谱反射率的变化,并根据由冠层光谱反射率计算的植被指数分析了不同施肥条件对小麦长势、色素含量、水分含量和产量的影响。结果表明,变量施肥和传统施肥对小麦的增产效果基本相同,但变量施肥显著降低了肥料施用量,在三块不同地力的小区,变量施肥比传统施肥分别节约施肥量15.7%、68.0%和85.6%;施用拔节肥后,通过对植被指数(NDVI、OSAVI、WI、mSR705)的分析表明,变量施肥和传统施肥处理小麦的冠层结构、叶绿素含量和水分含量均优于对照,但两种不同施肥处理之间并没有明显差别。另外,对不同施肥处理后的小麦产量和不同植被指数的相关分析表明,在挑旗期和孕穗期,冠层光谱反射的植被指数与小麦产量呈显著正相关。因此,在显著节约肥料的情况下,变量施肥与传统施肥一样可以通过改善群体结构、冠层的叶绿素含量和水分含量促进小麦的生长,达到增产的效果,并且利用反射光谱技术可以快速、有效地对小麦长势和营养状况进行动态监测。  相似文献   

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