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Between 1963 and 1976 a population of South American Andigena potatoes was subjected to six cycles of recurrent selection at Ithaca, N.Y. for adaptation to North Temperate conditions. This research was undertaken to measure the changes in adaptation and earliness that have taken place in the process of selection. Field experiments with different harvest dates and a controlled daylength experiment in the greenhouse in Ithaca showed: 1) an increase in percent tuberization, tuber weight and size, and harvest index; 2) no change in total fresh weight (haulm + tuber); and 3) a decrease in fresh weight of haulm. Greatest differences among cycles of selection were observed at the early harvest date. Tuberization on cuttings was well correlated with other measures of maturity. Cycles three and four, which were started from open-pollinated seed, tended to “revert” to the form of the original population in terms of late maturity (or low tuberization and yield at the early harvest date) and low harvest index. These results are interpreted as a gain in photoperiod adaptation and earliness with possible effects of mating system and selection pressure on the rate of progress.  相似文献   

ASolatium tuberosum L. gp.tuberosum population was subjected to 2 cycles of phenotypic recurrent selection for resistance to the potato leafhopper,Empoasca fabae (Harris), as expressed by low levels of nymph infestation. Samples of lines from the original population and from the cycle 2 population were tested for infestation levels at 2 locations for 2 years. Infestation in cycle 2 lines was 54% lower than that in lines from the original, unselected population.  相似文献   

Production of high quality seed potatoes is normally favoured by a cool climate with minor pest problems. Growth chamber studies aimed to reveal if daylengths (12 and 24 hrs) and temperatures (18/12 and 12/9°C day/night) during production also might influence progeny growth. Results showed no significant carry-over effect from daylength conditions, while growth vigour and yields were affected by parent plant growth temperature. Further experiments, including a greater range of temperatures, different cultivars and measurements of physiological age, are required to discuss theoretical and practical implications of the results.  相似文献   

The potato(Solanum tuberosum L.) processing industry needs cultivars with high tuber specific gravity and acceptable color of processed product. All of the cultivars with high specific gravity currently grown in the U.S. are very closely related, which increases their genetic vulnerability and results in inbreeding as efforts are made to improve these traits. The use of diploidSolanum sp. in breeding may resolve these problems. The purposes of this study were (1) to estimate narrow-sense heritability for yield and specific gravity in random-mating diploid hybrid potato populations ofS. phureja - S. stenotomum (PHU-STN) following two cycles of recurrent selection, (2) to examine phenotypic variances for yield and specific gravity following two cycles of recurrent selection within PHU-STN, (3) to compare the yield and specific gravity of individual PHU-STN clones with Atlantic, and (4) to screen these PHU-STN clones for the presence of 2n pollen. Four clones from each of 72 maternal half-sib families were evaluated for yield and specific gravity in replicated field tests in 1990 and 1991. A second selection cycle, using a randomly mated population obtained from the highest specific gravity clone in each maternal half-sib family, was similarly evaluated for yield and specific gravity in replicated field tests in 1995 and 1996. Narrow-sense heritability for specific gravity was estimated as 0.37 ± 0.25 and 0.43 ± 0.27, in the first and second selection cycles, respectively, with a 27% decrease in phenotypic variance. Narrow-sense heritability for yield was estimated as 0.60 ± 0.26 and 0.06 ± 0.24, in the first and second selection cycles, respectively, with a 73% decrease in phenotypic variance. There were significant correlations between yield and specific gravity in 1990 (r=0.32) and 1996 (r=0.37), but not 1991 (r=0.08) and 1995 (r=0.05). These results indicate that additional breeding efforts in this PHU-STN population could result in improvements in specific gravity. However, the amount of variation for yield in this population is decreasing and may indicate that the yield potential of this population is rapidly approaching its limit. In the second selection cycle, many of the 288 clones were significantly higher in specific gravity than the high-specific-gravity cultivar Atlantic, but none were higher yielding. Fifty-eight clones from the second selection cycle produced at least 5% 2n pollen. When used in tetraploid x diploid hybridizations, this diploid population could furnish new genetic material to the tetraploid potato germplasm base for simultaneously increasing specific gravity and yield.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of two breeding procedures for recurrently selecting potato,Solanum tuberosum L., for resistance to infestation by potato leafhopper,Empoasca fabae (Harris). On the basis of selection advance per year, the more efficient procedure involved randomly intermating a group of clones, planting seedling tubers in a field test to measure resistance to infestation, and then bulking the seed from the most resistant clones to complete the selection cycle in one year. A population developed by five cycles of selection (five years) for resistance to infestation using this procedure resulted in a decrease of 57% in the level of infestation from the original population.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments with planting depths of 10 cm below the top of the ridge and just on top of the unloosened soil, revealed that a deep soil cover of the parent tuber, accomplished by deep planting in a large ridge, increased the yield, increased the size of the tubers, decreased dispersion of the tubers in the ridge, and decreased the number of green potatoes. These effects may be explained by a lower temperature or reduced temperature variation and a generally higher moisture content from the top to the bottom of the ridge and a higher average moisture content in a large ridge. From these results it is possible to make suggestions about the optimum ridge size, form and planting depth.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde ein dreij?hriger Versuch mit drei verschiedenen Dammgr?ssen (Abb. 1) und fünf verschiedenen Pflanztiefen, 10 cm unterhalb der Dammkrone (Abb. 1, 1–3) und gerade über dem ungelockerten Boden (Abb. 1, 3–5), durchgeführt. Der Zweck dieses Versuches war, die optimale Gr?sse und Form des Kartoffeldammes herauszufinden, d.h. jene Werte, mit denen der h?chste Ertrag an vermarktungsf?higer Ware erzielt werden kann. Die zu beurteilenden Faktoren—im Hinblick auf die Konstruktion neuer Erntemaschinen—umfassten die Anzahl grüner sowie kranker Knollen, ferner solche in Unter- oder übergr?ssen sowie die Leichtigkeit der Ernte mit Berücksichtigung von Erdbesatz und m?glichst niedrigen Verlusten. Die Lage der Knollen und der Ertrag (Knollengr?sse, grüne Knollen usw.) wurden festgehalten, ebenso das Auflaufen und die Entwicklung w?hrend der Wachstumsperiode. Der Einfluss der Sorte und die Tagesl?nge wurden nicht beachtet; als haupts?chlichste Umweltfaktoren wurden die Temperaturen und der Feuchtigkeitsgehalt des Bodens ermittelt. Diese Ergebnisse sind in Abb. 2 dargestellt. Die Umschreibung für die Lage der Saatknolle wechselte von warm und trocken (Pflanztiefe 1) zu kalt und nass (Pflanztiefe 5). Die Reihenfolge des Auflaufens (Tabelle 1) zeigt die Wichtigkeit einer genügenden Wasserversorgung für die Keimung. Die Entwicklung war am schnellsten bei der Pflanztiefe 3 eine bestimmte Zeit w?hrend der Wachstumsperiode andauerte (Tabelle 2, Abb. 3), aber dies ?nderte sich sp?ter, wie anhand der L?nge der Stengel bei der Ernte festgestellt wurde (Tabelle 2). Dieser Wechsel dürfte zur Zeit der Erreichung des vollen Blattwerkes stattgefunden haben. Die Ergebnisse bei der Ernte sind in Tabelle 4 aufgeführt (Bintje 1966–1968) und weisen —fortschreitend von Pflanztiefe 1 bis 5—einen h?heren Ertrag, mehr gr?ssere Knollen, einen kleineren Anteil an grünen Knollen usw. auf. Abb. 6 stellt die Verteilung von 94% der Knollen innerhalb einer gegebenen Ellipse dar. Abb. 7 zeigt eine st?ndig abnehmende Streuung der Knollenlage in der Furchenrichtung von Pflanztiefe 1 zu Pflanztiefe 5 und eine progressiv zunehmende Streuung in der vertikalen Verteilung der Knollen von Pflanztiefe 4 zu Pflanztiefe 5. Die sp?te SorteAlpha wurde vor 1968 nicht verwendet,Bintje wurde in allen Versuchen gebraucht. Die horizontale Verteilung vonAlpha war bei flacher Pflanzung ausgepr?gter (Abb. 8, Pflanztiefen 1 und 2). Die Bedeutung dieser Unterschiede und der Achsenl?ngen in Verbindung zur Schwerpunktlage aller Knollen von 10 Pflanzen wird in Abb. 5 aufgezeigt. Die Verteilung der Knollen, leicht beeinflusst durch die Dammform, bildet ungef?hr ein Ellipsoid, und die Stellen, an denen Knollen am meisten zum Grünwerden neigen, finden sich an den Dammflanken (siehe auch Abb. 6, 10B, E und F). Die Position der Saatknolle beeinflusst die Lage der neuen Knollen und infolgedessen den von der Erntemaschine erfassten Anteil Boden (Abb. 9). Aus den Ergebnissen in Tabelle 3 (Breite) kann geschlossen werden, dass ein e lipsenf?rmiges Erntemaschinenschar von 40 cm Breite genügen wird. Anh?ufeln der D?mme in die Endform und-gr?sse vor der Pflanzung befriedigte auf allen B?den. Der Damm sollte breit und abgerundet sein (Abb. 10C und Abb. 11), mit einem Querschnitt von mindestens 500–600 cm2, verbunden mit ziemlich tiefer Pflanzung. Dammgr?sse, Form und Pflanztiefe k?nnen bis zu einem gewissen Umfang angepasst werden an die Sorte, die Pflanzzeit, den Verwertungszweck der Ernte sowie an die Struktur und die Art des Bodens.

Résumé On a effectué une expérience pendant trois ans sur trois volumes différents de butte (Fig. 1) et cinq positions différentes de plantation: 10 cm du sommet de la butte (Fig. 1, 1–3) et juste sur le sol non ameuble (Fig. 1, 3–5). Le but de l'essai était de trouver le volume et la forme optimal de la butte de pomme de terre de manière à obtenir la production la plus élevée de marchandise vendable. Les facteurs à considérer comprennent le nombre de tubercules verdis, malades, difformes, la facilité de la récolte, le minimum de tare et de pertes, le dessein de nouvelles récolteuses à fabriquer. La disposition des tubercules et la production (grosseur, tubercules verdis, etc.) ont été notées, de même que la levée et le développement pendant la saison de croissance. L'influence de la variété et de la longueur des jours n'a pas été prise en consedération et les principaux facteurs du milieu étudiés ont été la température et la teneur en humidité du sol. Les résultats sont montrés dans Fig. 2. Les positions du plant de pomme de terre varient de chaud et sec (position de plantation 1), à froid et humide (position de plantation 5). L'ordre des levées (Tableau 1) montre l'importance d'un apport suffisant d'eau pour la germination. On observe la vitesse la plus grande de développement dans la position 3; celle-ci persiste pendant un certain temps durant la période de croissance (Tableau 2; Fig. 3) mais se modifie plus tard comme le montre la longueur des tiges à la récolte (Tableau 2). Ce changement peut se produire au moment de la pleine couverture du sol. Fig. 4 (Bintje 1966–68) donne les résultats à la récolte; il appara?t une augmentation de la production et de l'irrégularité de la forme, de même qu'une diminution de l'importance des tubercules verdis, etc., progressivement des positions de plantation 1 à 5. Fig. 6 montre la dispersion de 94% des tubercules, qui constitue une ellipse. Fig. 7 révèle une diminution progressive de la dispersion de la position de plantation 1 à la position 5 et une augmentation progressive de la disperson verticale de la position 4 à la position 5. La variété tardiveAlpha n'a pas été utilisée avant 1968,Bintje étant employée dans tous les essais. La dispersion horizontale chezAlpha est plus prononcée lors d'une plantation superficielle (Fig. 8 position de plantation 1 et 2). La signification de ces différences et la longueur des axes par rapport au centre de gravité de l'ensemble des tubercules, déterminées sur dix plantes, sont montrées dans Fig. 5. La disposition des tubercules, légèrement influencée par la forme de la butte, est grossièrement une ellipso?de et les points les plus exposés au verdissement sont les bords de la butte (voir aussi Fig. 6, 10B, E et F). La position du plant influence la position des nouveaux tubercules et conséquemment l'importance du travail de l'arracheuse (Fig. 9). Des résultats du Tableau 3 (largeur des axes), on peut conclure qu'un soc d'arracheuse de 40 cm de largeur donnera satisfaction, s'il est modelé sur une ellipse. La réalisation de la butte dans la forme et la grosseur finales avant la plantation a donné satisfaction dans tous les sols. La butte pourrait être large et arrondie (Fig. 10C et 11) avec une section transversale d'au moins 500–600 cm2, combinée avec une plantation plut?t profonde. Le volume de la butte, la forme et la profondeur de plantation peuvent être adaptées dans une certaine mesure à la variété, le moment de la plantation, la fin de l'utilisation de la récolte, la structure et le type de sol.

The two most important activities in maize breeding are the development of inbred lines with high values of general combining ability(GCA)and specific combining ability(SCA),and the identification of hybrids with high yield potentials.Genomic selection(GS)is a promising genomic tool to perform selection on the untested breeding material based on the genomic estimated breeding values estimated from the genomic prediction(GP).In this study,GP analyses were carried out to estimate the performance of hybrids,GCA,and SCA for grain yield(GY)in three maize line-by-tester trials,where all the material was phenotyped in 10 to 11 multiple-location trials and genotyped with a mid-density molecular marker platform.Results showed that the prediction abilities for the performance of hybrids ranged from 0.59 to0.81 across all trials in the model including the additive effect of lines and testers.In the model including both additive and non-additive effects,the prediction abilities for the performance of hybrids were improved and ranged from 0.64 to 0.86 across all trials.The prediction abilities of the GCA for GY were low,ranging between-0.14 and 0.13 across all trials in the model including only inbred lines;the prediction abilities of the GCA for GY were improved and ranged from 0.49 to 0.55 across all trials in the model including both inbred lines and testers,while the prediction abilities of the SCA for GY were negative across all trials.The prediction abilities for GY between testers varied from-0.66 to 0.82;the performance of hybrids between testers is difficult to predict.GS offers the opportunity to predict the performance of new hybrids and the GCA of new inbred lines based on the molecular marker information,the total breeding cost could be reduced dramatically by phenotyping fewer multiple-location trials.  相似文献   

Drought is a major production constraint in rainfed rice (Oryza sativa L.). Lack of effective selection criteria is a major limitation hampering progress in breeding for drought tolerance. In an earlier report, we showed in two populations that one cycle of direct selection was effective in increasing grain yield under stress. In the present study, we retested the efficiency of direct selection for grain yield under drought stress in rice using four populations derived from crossing upland-adapted, drought-tolerant varieties (Apo, Vandana) to high-yielding, lowland-adapted, drought-susceptible varieties (IR64, IR72). Each population was subjected to two cycles of divergent selection either under drought stress in upland or under nonstress conditions in lowland conditions. Following selection, approximately 40 high-yielding lines selected under each protocol from each population, along with a set of unselected lines, were evaluated in a series of selection response trials over a range of moisture levels. Significant response to direct selection under stress was realized in 9 out of 15 combinations of populations and stress environments, and in 6 of the 7 severe stress trials. Averaging over all the populations and stress environments, the stress-selected lines had a yield advantage of 25 and 37% over nonstress-selected and random lines, respectively. In contrast to this, under nonstress, the nonstress-selected lines had an average yield advantage of only 7 and 13% over stress-selected and random lines, respectively. Direct selection in managed stress trials during dry seasons gave significant response (25% on average relative to indirect selection in nonstress conditions) under naturally occurring wet season stress. In addition, direct selection under stress in upland gave an average gain of 16 and 45% over nonstress-selected and random lines, respectively, under stress in lowland. The yield advantage of the stress-selected lines appears to result mainly from maintenance of higher harvest index. These results show that direct selection for grain yield under stress is effective and does not reduce yield potential. Overall, this is the first report in rice demonstrating that (a) selection under managed drought stress in the dry season can result in yield gains under natural stress in the wet season, and (b) that selection under upland drought stress can, at least under the conditions of the present study, result in gains under lowland drought conditions.  相似文献   

Russet Burbank and Shepody potatoes were grown with the following four nitrogen treatments: 1) 90 kg ha?1 at planting; 2) 180 kg ha?1 at planting; 3) 90 kg ha?1 at planting followed by an additional 90 kg ha?1 side-dressed after tuber initiation; or 4) 90 kg ha?1 at planting followed by an additional 45 kg ha?1 sidedressing. When compared to the 90 kg ha?1 at-planting treatment, petiole NO3-N concentrations increased rapidly after sidedressing and were relatively constant through mid-season. Sidedressed N significantly increased total yields relative to the 90 kg N ha?1 at-planting treatment by an average of 5.0 t ha?1 in three of nine experiments. Three of the experiments, where yields did not significantly increase, were on sites which were not expected to respond to supplemental N based on petiole NO3-N testing. A red clover green manure crop was the previous crop for two of these experimental sites. Petiole NO3-N testing criteria were only partially effective in detecting sites where response to sidedressed N occurred. When compared to a single application of 180 kg N ha?1 at planting, split application of 90 kg N ha?1 at planting followed by a 90 kg N ha?1 sidedressing significantly reduced total yields in one of nine experiments and did not affect yields in the remaining eight experiments. Tuber uniformity was improved in three of nine experiments by the split-N treatment. Specific gravity was not significantly affected. Use of 45 kg N ha?1 at side-dressing resulted in similar yield as the 90 kg N ha?1 sidedressing, although yield of large-sized tubers was often decreased with the lower N rate. Use of reduced at-planting N rates followed by sidedressed N does not appear to increase yields of non-irrigated Russet Burbank and Shepody potatoes when compared to the at-planting N rates that are currently recommended. This management approach can maintain yields at levels comparable to at-planting N programs and does provide an opportunity to reduce N application rates on sites where soil N reserves and soil amendments may make a substantial N contribution to the potato crop. Side-dressed N application can frequently improve yields and tuber size when potatoes have been underfertilized at planting; however, some inconsistency in response can be expected in regions that rely on unpredictable natural rainfall.  相似文献   

闽北山区烟后稻高产的制约因素和增产措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了制约闽北山区烟后稻高产的因素,提出了提高烟后稻产量的技术措施.  相似文献   

杂交晚稻免耕抛栽低产原因及提高产量的技术措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
唐三定 《杂交水稻》2006,21(4):52-53
分析了杂交晚稻免耕抛栽产量较低的原因,即田土板结,立苗困难,禾苗根系浅;肥料易挥发,易流失,吸收利用率低;秧苗秧龄弹性小;基本苗、有效穗不足;抛栽不均匀;杂草、落粒谷发芽影响禾苗生长等。提出确保土壤的结构性能;科学合理施肥;保证抛栽的基本苗数;合理搭配早晚稻的熟期,适时播种;培育壮秧;均匀抛栽;加强抛栽后的田间管理等措施,以提高杂交晚稻免耕抛栽田的产量。  相似文献   

Drought is the most important constraint reducing rice yield in rainfed areas. Earlier efforts to improve rice yield under drought mainly focused on improving secondary traits because the broad-sense heritability (H) of grain yield under drought stress was assumed to be low, however gains in yield by selecting for secondary traits have not been clearly demonstrated in rice. In present study, the effectiveness of direct selection for grain yield was assessed under lowland reproductive stage stress at Raipur in eastern India and under upland reproductive stage drought stress at IRRI. The selection under severe stress (in both upland and lowland trials) resulted in greater gains under similar stress levels (yield reduction of 65% or greater under stress) in evaluation experiments than did selection under non-stress conditions, with no yield reduction under non-stress conditions. We observed similar H of grain yield under stress and non-stress conditions, indicating direct selection for yield under drought will be effective under both lowland and upland drought stresses. None of the secondary traits (panicle exsertion, harvest index, leaf rolling, leaf drying) included in our study showed a higher estimate for H than grain yield under stress. Secondary traits as well as indirect selection for grain yield under non-stress situation were predicted to be less effective in improving yield under drought in both lowland and upland ecosystem than direct selection for grain yield under the respective stress situations. The low, but positive values observed for genetic correlation (rG) between yield under stress and non-stress indicated that it is possible to combine drought tolerance with high-yield potential but low values also indicated that selection for grain yield needs to be carried under stress environments. The study also indicated that under lowland drought stress, the use of highly drought-tolerant donors, as parents in crosses to high yielding but susceptible varieties resulted in a much higher frequency of genotypes combining high-yield potential with tolerance than did crosses among elite lines with high-yield potential but poor tolerance. Breeding strategies that use drought-tolerant donors and that combine screening for yield under managed drought stress with screening for yield potential are likely to result in the development of improved cultivars for drought-prone rainfed rice producing areas.  相似文献   

Twenty-four potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars from different regions of the world were evaluated in terms of their responses to continuous light (24 h photoperiod) and to high temperature (30 C) in two separate experiments under controlled environments. In each experiment, a first evaluation of the cultivars was made at day 35 after transplanting, at which time 12 cultivars exhibiting best growth and tuber initiation were selected. A final evaluation of the 12 cultivars was made after an additional 21 days of growth, at which time plant height, total dry weight, tuber dry weight, and tuber number were determined. In the continuous light evaluation, the 12 selected cultivars were Alaska 114, Atlantic, Bintje, Denali, Desiree, Haig, New York 81, Ottar, Rutt, Snogg, Snowchip, and Troll. In the high temperature evaluation, the 12 selected cultivars were Alpha, Atlantic, Bake King, Denali, Desiree, Haig, Kennebec, Norland, Russet Burbank, Rutt, Superior, and Troll. Among the cultivars selected under continuous irradiation, Desiree, Ottar, Haig, Rutt, Denali and Alaska showed the best potential for high productivity whereas New York 81 and Bintje showed the least production capability. Among the cultivars selected under high temperature, Rutt, Haig, Troll and Bake King had best performance whereas Atlantic, Alpha, Kennebec and Russet Burbank exhibited the least production potential. Thus, Haig and Rutt were the two cultivars that performed well under continuous irradiation and high temperature conditions, and could have maximum potential for adaptation to varying stress environments. These two cultivars may have the best potential for use in future space farming in which continuous light and/or high temperature conditions may exist. However, cultivar responses under combined conditions of continuous light and high temperature remains for further validation.  相似文献   

Twenty-four potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars from different regions of the world were evaluated in terms of their responses to continuous light (24 h photoperiod) and to high temperature (30 C) in two separate experiments under controlled environments. In each experiment, a first evaluation of the cultivars was made at day 35 after transplanting, at which time 12 cultivars exhibiting best growth and tuber initiation were selected. A final evaluation of the 12 cultivars was made after an additional 21 days of growth, at which time plant height, total dry weight, tuber dry weight, and tuber number were determined. In the continuous light evaluation, the 12 selected cultivars were Alaska 114, Atlantic, Bintje, Denali, Desiree, Haig, New York 81, Ottar, Rutt, Snogg, Snowchip, and Troll. In the high temperature evaluation, the 12 selected cultivars were Alpha, Atlantic, Bake King, Denali, Desiree, Haig, Kennebec, Norland, Russet Burbank, Rutt, Superior, and Troll. Among the cultivars selected under continuous irradiation, Desiree, Ottar, Haig, Rutt, Denali and Alaska showed the best potential for high productivity whereas New York 81 and Bintje showed the least production capability. Among the cultivars selected under high temperature, Rutt, Haig, Troll and Bake King had best performance whereas Atlantic, Alpha, Kennebec and Russet Burbank exhibited the least production potential. Thus, Haig and Rutt were the two cultivars that performed well under continuous irradiation and high temperature conditions, and could have maximum potential for adaptation to varying stress environments. These two cultivars may have the best potential for use in future space farming in which continuous light and/or high temperature conditions may exist. However, cultivar responses under combined conditions of continuous light and high temperature remains for further validation.  相似文献   

Twenty-five pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides (Burm. f.) Stapf and Hub. = P. americanum (L.) K. Schum.) genotypes were evaluated for resistance to downy mildew (Sclerospora graminicola (Sacc.) Schroet.) at 10 different locations in India and Africa during 1979 and 1980. The objective of this work was to identify genotypes with stable and generalized resistance. Genotypic differences in linear regression coefficients were found and regression lines for downy mildew incidence in the various genotypes tended to converge. It was concluded from this that selection on the basis of disease severity would enable genotypes that are superior at all disease levels to be selected. Seven genotypes, namely 700516, 700651, J-1486 × 700787-2-10, P-7, EB-83-2, NC-7174 and SSC-7218, showed low disease scores, average regressions and non-significant deviations, and therefore expressed stable, generalized resistance. Genotype 700251 was particularly suitable for high-disease environments. BJ-104, an important Indian hybrid cultivar, was very unstable and susceptible to downy mildew.  相似文献   

Two varieties of potatoes viz. Kufri Chandramukhi and Kufri Sindhuri were treated with Isopropyl-N(3-chlorophenyl)carbamate at two different concentrations viz. 4000 and 5000 ppm. The treated potatoes were stored for a period of four months under different storage conditions i.e. room temperature, cold and evaporative cooling chamber storage and analysed for polyphenol oxidase activity, total nitrogen content and quality of dried slices produced from these at different stages of storage. Higher nitrogen content was observed in CIPC treated potatoes as compared to control. Polyphenol oxidase activity decreased more in Kufri Chandramukhi than in Kufri Sindhuri in CIPC treated as well as in control experiments. The changes in nitrogen content and polyphenol oxidase activity were more pronounced in evaporating cooling chamber and in room storage than in the cold storage. The quality of potato slices prepared from both varieties confirmed the superiority of Kufri Chandramukhi over Kufri Sindhuri for processing purposes.  相似文献   

应用效应函数研究旱地马铃薯氮磷配合效果及经济肥指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对旱地马铃薯配合施用氮磷化肥增产效果。规律及获取利润的研究,提出了科学合理的N、P2O5施用量及配合比例,确定了旱地马铃薯生产的经济施肥指标,对同类干旱地区的马铃薯产业发展具有较大的指导意义。  相似文献   

通过对旱地马铃薯配合施用氮磷化肥增产效果、规律及获取利润的研究 ,提出了科学合理的N、P2 O5施用量及配合比例 ,确定了旱地马铃薯生产的经济施肥指标 ,对同类干旱地区的马铃薯产业发展具有较大的指导意义。  相似文献   

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