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Red Gold is a midseason maturity potato with pink-red skin and a bright yellow flesh. It is characterized by having a high set per plant of medium-small sized tubers. Marketable yields in Ontario, Canada are similar to or slightly less than Conestoga, Yukon Gold, and Superior. Boiling, baking, and field chip quality are acceptable with medium specific gravities (1.070–1.080). Short tuber dormancy makes this variety well adapted for whole seed tuber production for fall export markets. Red Gold has performed well in trials in Uruguay. Red Gold is moderately resistant to scab, field resistant to virus Y and leafroll, and susceptible to mild mosaic.  相似文献   

OAC Ruby Gold is a new potato cultivar with red skin and yellow flesh. Tubers are oblong in shape. When evaluated over three years at three sites in Ontario, it had higher specific gravity and culinary quality than Chieftain. OAC Ruby Gold has the same maturity and slightly lower yield than Chieftain. It is recommended for fresh market use in Ontario.  相似文献   

AC Sunbury is an attractive, round /oval, medium early table potato with light yellow flesh and very good culinary quality, especially when baked. It produces yields comparable to Jemseg or Superior at 80 days and is resistant to the golden cyst nematode Rol and to infection by PVY°. It was bred at the Potato Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Fredericton, NB, and released in 2001.  相似文献   

On March 1, 1992, the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station announced the release of a new russet potato cultivar named Goldrush. Goldrush is an oblong, smooth, russet-skinned potato cultivar that has very white flesh, good culinary quality, resistance to hollow heart and is adapted for both the fresh and processing market.  相似文献   

Michigold (MS704-10Y) is a round, blocky, yellow-fleshed cultivar with medium netting selected at Michigan State University for the fresh market. It could also be used for chip processing out of field or from short-term storage at 10 C. Under Michigan conditions, Michigold matures in 110–120 days with marketable yields of 122% of Yukon Gold and 95% of Atlantic. Plant growth is vigorous and Michigold appears to have moderate resistance to early blight. Internal defects have been minimal. An electrophoretic fingerprint based upon 13 isozyme loci is presented to facilitate cultivar identification during seed certification processes.  相似文献   

AC Chaleur is adapted as a second early cultivar in Eastern Canada. It has smooth, bright round-oval tubers with excellent table quality. When harvested at 70-80 days from planting, AC Chaleur tends to outyield Superior. This yield advantage decreases at later harvest times. AC Chaleur has resistance to PVYand moderate resistance to common scab.  相似文献   

OAC Temagami is a new potato cultivar with red skin and creamy white flesh. Tubers are round in shape. When evaluated over three years at three sites in Ontario, it had higher specific gravity and culinary quality than Chieftain. OAC Temagami has the same maturity and comparable yield to Chieftain. It is recommended for fresh market use in Ontario.  相似文献   

Donna is a smooth, yellow-skinned, yellow-fleshed potato cultivar of Kennebec maturity. It has significant levels of resistance to Verticillium wilt, PVX, PVY and to the North American pathotype of the potato cyst nematode. Adaptation trials conducted in several countries indicate Donna may have potential in the export seed market.  相似文献   

Delta Gold is a medium-late maturing, round, yellowish-skinned, yellow-fleshed variety which is excellent for baking and processing. Its yields have been lower than Kennebec; however, specific gravities have been higher. It is moderately resistant to scab and early blight and immune to net necrosis and virus A.  相似文献   

Conestoga is an early, white-skinned potato with very vigorous early growth. It has very good boiling, baking and chipping qualities. Yield is comparable to that of Superior, with chip colour and specific gravity slightly higher than Norchip’s. Conestoga is moderately resistant to virus leafroll, net necrosis, early blight, and common scab and moderately susceptible to mild and rugose mosaic.  相似文献   

OAC Royal Gold is a purple skin yellow fleshed potato cultivar with oval shaped tubers. It produced high specific gravity and boil and bake scores when evaluated at three sites over three years in Ontario. OAC Royal Gold was lower yielding than Chieftain and is recommended for fresh market use in Ontario. Having an unusual combination of skin and flesh color, Royal Gold would be most suitable in niche markets.  相似文献   

高产抗病优质芝麻新品种中芝12的选育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中芝12是中国农业科学院油料作物研究所以国外引进的芝麻品种"CLSU-9"作母本、以本地品种"宜阳白"作父本杂交,经多代定向选择育成的芝麻新品种,具有高产稳产、抗(耐)茎点枯病和枯萎病强、品质优、适应性广等特性.2001-2002年湖北省芝麻区试中平均产量1 213.2kg/hm2,比对照鄂芝2号增产14.32%.茎点枯病和枯萎病病情指数分别为6.56和1.62,比对照分别低35.9%和17.8%.种子含油量56.09%,蛋白质含量20.11%.2003年通过湖北省农作物品种审定委员会审定.  相似文献   

Acadia Russet produces oblong, smooth, slightly russeted tubers, that have excellent and uniform type and appearance and Kennebec table quality. This cultivar is well adapted to the Canadian Maritime Provinces, is similar to Kennebec in yield and later in maturity. Its type, appearance, yield, grade-out and quality should make it competitive with other cultivars in the count box trade and the fresh market.  相似文献   

野籼占6号是广东省惠州市农科所近年用桂野占2号/特籼占13//IR24杂交育成的优质高产水稻新品种。该品种具有高产、优质、熟期适中、抗病、抗倒伏、稳产、生态适应性广等特点 ,是一个综合性状较突出的品种 ,2001年广东省累计种植面积4386.67hm2,2002年3月通过广东省品种审定委员会审定 ,并参加当年南方稻区国家水稻品种区试。一、主要特征特性1.丰产性突出野籼占6号于1999年参加广东省晚季常规稻品种区试 ,平均单产416.41kg/667m2,比对照三二矮增产12.7% ,达极显著水平 ,名列5个参…  相似文献   

Niska is a white-skinned, white-fleshed potato cultivar with a maincrop maturity, stable yield and chipping quality and good storage characteristics. It has considerable resistance to Common scab, Early blight, PLRV, PVY and PVS. Evaluation conducted by chip processors in Alberta and Ontario, under commercial conditions, indicates that the cultivar has good storage characteristics.  相似文献   

TX1523-1Ru/Y, a unique specialty cultivar with deep-yellow flesh color and an attractive russet skin, was released in 2003 by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. The smaller, immature tubers are round, but take on an oval shape as they mature. Eyes are shallow and the tuber surface is smooth. Tuber size tends to be medium (113.4–283.5 g; 4–10 oz). Total and marketable yield varies with year and location, but tends to be comparable to ‘Yukon Gold’, with percent marketable yield slightly higher. Vines are semi-prostrate, with medium vigor and size, and relatively early maturity. Specific gravity is about the same or slightly less than Yukon Gold, but generally greater than ‘Russet Norkotah’. TX1523-1Ru/Y has good culinary qualities, with resistance to after-cooking-darkening, and can be chipped, boiled, baked, or microwaved. It has been reported to be excellent to superior as a microwave product. Unlike Yukon Gold, TX1523-1Ru/Y is resistant to hollow heart, brown centers, and internal discoloration. It tends to be less susceptible to tuber infection by late blight (Phytopthora infestans) than Yukon Gold, has greater resistance to common scab (Streptomyces scabies), and is less susceptible to black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani). TX1523-1Ru/Y is believed to be the first yellow-fleshed resset-skin cultivar released in the United States.  相似文献   

Belleisle is a maincrop variety with good yield, exceptional table and handling quality. It has some resistance to common scab, late blight andFusarium sambucinum.  相似文献   

高产、优质、综抗春大豆湘春豆21号的选育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了高产、优质、综抗春大豆湘春豆21号的选育经过、主要特征特性以及栽培技术要点.  相似文献   

NorKing Russet is an oblong to slightly blocky, russet-skinned potato cultivar with medium-early maturity and a strong vine. It has resistance to verticillium wilt but is susceptible to most viruses and to early and late blight. It is generally medium to high yielding and high in total solids.  相似文献   

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