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The effectiveness of β-casein as a chaperone in the aggregation of whey proteins was investigated. β-Casein altered heat-induced aggregation as shown by a reduction in turbidity of β-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin, and bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions. The pH of the mixtures greatly affected how much β-casein reduced the turbidity of the solutions; the maximum reductions in turbidity were observed at pH 6.0. Reducing the pH decreased the effectiveness of β-casein as a chaperone. An increase in ionic strength by the addition of NaCl or CaCl(2) also decreased the effectiveness of the chaperone. The addition of CaCl(2) had a larger effect than the addition of NaCl. The chaperone effect was seen at temperatures up to 145 °C. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that β-casein did not alter the denaturation temperature of β-lactoglobulin. The kinetics curves for loss of native protein and turbidity development showed that β-casein did not function by slowing the aggregation process. It was concluded that β-casein competes with whey protein in the aggregate process and the aggregates formed in the presence of β-casein are smaller in size than those formed during whey protein self-aggregation. The formation of smaller aggregates gives rise to less turbid, more soluble protein solutions.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to assess the possible restoration of different ecological functions in a Zn-contaminated soil. Experiments were conducted in a soil microcosm contaminated with 350?mg?kg?1 of Zn and in an uncontaminated control microcosm, both incubated for 4?months. At regular intervals, potential nitrification, nitrate reductase, and β-galactosidase activity were determined. All these activities were significantly reduced just after Zn contamination in contaminated microcosms compared to the activities of the control, but then increased. In order to confirm that the restoration of ecological functions was not due to an aging phenomenon, a reinoculation protocol was also applied. A significant restoration was found for β-galactosidase activity, while for nitrate reductase activity and potential nitrification, there was a clear shift of dose–response curves but with partial overlap of the EC50 ranges estimation, thus indicating that different ecological functions are restored over time in Zn-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Rice yield and water use as affected by soil management practices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A field experiment was conducted at the Shenyang Experimental Station of Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,to study the effects of soil management practices on water use and rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield in an axtuic brown soil during 2001 and 2002. A completely random experimental design with three replications was employed, having four soil management practices as treatments, namely: an undisturbed plow layer (CK), a thin plastic film (TN), a thick plastic film (TI) and subsoil compacting (CP). Results indicated no significant differences among all treatments for rice biomass and grain yields. Also, water consumption was about the same for treatments TN and CK, however the treatments TI and CP were much lower with more than 45% and 40% of the irrigation water in the treatments TI and CP, respectively,saved each year compared to CK. Therefore, water use efficiency was higher in the treatments TI and CP. These results will provide a scientific basis for the water-saving rice cultivation.  相似文献   


Overwintering soil temperature may influence crop response to phosphorus (P) and indices of P availability in the humid, temperate, transitional climate of Tennessee. The effects of P fertilization and soil incubation temperature on sorghumsudangrass (Sorghum bicolor x S. Sudanese) grown on a Typic Hapludalf was investigated in a greenhouse study. In order to determine the effect of temperature on P availability, soils were incubated prior to cropping, at a constant temperature of 6°C or an average diurnal temperature of 24 and 36°C. Reagent grade Ca(H2PO4)2.H2O was used as the fertilizer source and applied at rates of 0, 10, 20, and 30 mg P kg‐1 for the first test and 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 mg P kg 1 for the second test. Critical P concentration in the shoots for optimum yield was found to be 1.3 mg g‐1, corresponding to soil solution and labile P concentrations of 5.5 μmol L‐1 and 167 μg g‐1, respectively. Optimum yield occurred for applications of >65 mg P kg‐1 and was unaffected by soil incubation temperature. Applied P rates affected extractable P by five chemical extractants (Bray I, Bray II, Mehlich I, Mehlich III, and Mississippi), but soil incubation temperature had no affect. The extractants, however, were poorly correlated to plant P uptake and no one extractant appeared preferable to the others as an indicator of P availability.  相似文献   

Twenty genic- and genomic SSR markers were used to study genetic diversity and geographical differentiation of barley from 29 countries through analysis of a worldwide collection of 304 ICARDA’s barley landraces. Of these, 19 loci were highly polymorphic in the material studied. Based on Nei-distance matrix, Principal Component Analysis (PCoA) and cluster analysis using UPGMA associated with AMOVA the data revealed countries’ grouping within regions. Three distinct germplasm pools were identified in the landraces. The first of these was from Eastern Africa (Eritrea and Ethiopia) and South America (Ecuador, Peru and Chile) suggesting that barley introduced to South America might have originated specifically from East Africa or that they share a common genetic basis for adaptation. The second was the Caucasus (Armenia and Georgia) and the third included the remaining regions of Central Asia, Near East, Northern Africa and Eastern Asia. Genetic diversity of barley subspecies (Six-rowed barley, Two-rowed barley, H. spontaneum C. Koch and H. agriocrithon Åberg) also discriminates them into three groups: cultivated barleys (Six-rowed barley and Two-rowed barley), wild barley H. spontaneum and subspecies H. agriocrithon. These results associated with parsimony analysis demonstrate that H. agriocrithon and H. spontaneum might be distinct and do not support a hybrid origin for H. agriocrithon suggesting further investigation of the basis of more intense sampling of the two subspecies H. spontaneum and H. agriocrithon.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - The unsustainable use of soil natural capital and ecosystem services is of global concern due to damage and losses on a worldwide scale. This situation is further...  相似文献   

Brown compounds with β-glucosidase activity were extracted from a cultivated soil in 0.1 m phosphate buffer (pH 7), 0.3 m KCl and 10 mm EDTA. A curvilinear relationship of the Langmuir type was observed between the solution volume and β-glucosidase activity of the extract. The results indicated the β-glucosidase was extracellular and was adsorbed on the surfaces of soil particles by ionic bonds. The preparation was treated with protamine sulfate and its enzymatic properties were investigated. The activity of the preparation was optimal at pH 5.4 and was lost after 10 min at 80°C. The extract hydrolyzed p-nitrophenyl β-glucoside(100), phenyl β-glucoside(19), salicin(8), amygdalin(33), cellobiose(52) and gentiobiose(55) (relative activities shown in parentheses). But, the extract had no effect on methyl β-glucoside and phlorizin. The substrate specificity and optimum pH of the enzymatic activity of the soil extract was similar to those of β-glucosidases from various fungi.  相似文献   

The structure of the β-proteobacterial autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacterial (AOB) communities in a microcosm of submerged paddy soil was determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments amplified using AOB-selective primers. Shift in the community composition was observed 4 weeks after submergence. The communities from the surface layers (0–1, 2–3 mm) of the soil microcosm were different from those of the subsurface layers (6–9, > 15 mm) and DGGE bands specific to each layer were detected. The majority of the retrieved sequences were Nitrosospira-like, whereas no Nitrosomonas-like sequences were obtained. The 16S rDNA primer set also amplified sequences that were not related to the known Nitrosospira-Nitrosomonas group, although they showed a close relationship with other groups of β-proteobacteria. The results suggest that Nitrosospira-like populations are dominant AOB populations in the submerged paddy soil, and that the oxic layer of submerged paddy soil harbours the specific AOB.  相似文献   

We conducted a survey of the occurrence of soil water repellency (SWR) in the top 40 mm of soils across 50 sites under pastoral land use in the North Island of New Zealand. The sites represented ten soil orders and covered five classes of proneness to drought. We found at least a moderate persistence of SWR in 35 out of 50 sites (70%) in summer 2009/2010 and a moderate potential persistence of SWR in 49 out of 50 sites (98%) after drying the soils. The soil orders had an influence on the degree and persistence of SWR. Both the degree and persistence of SWR were greatest for the soil orders Podzol, Organic and Recent, and least for the soil order Allophanic. On average, all soil orders had contact angles larger than 94°, with the exception of the soil order Allophanic. We found no relationship between SWR and drought‐proneness. The degree of SWR and its persistence for air‐dried samples were positively correlated with soil carbon and nitrogen contents and negatively with soil bulk density. The persistence of SWR for field‐fresh samples was additionally negatively correlated with the soil water content. We identified a close relationship (R2 = 0.84) between the degree and persistence of SWR. The survey results indicate that SWR is at least moderately persistent in a soil with a contact angle larger than 93.8°. Using a water‐drop penetration time of 60 s as the threshold for SWR being moderately persistent, we found that moderately persistent SWR occurred only for volumetric water contents below 45% or a relative saturation of 60%. The latter can be considered to be a generic value of the critical water content for the onset of SWR at the scale of the North Island of New Zealand.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  The mycological properties of soil can offer information about ancient human–landscape interaction, including urbanization. This preposition has been confirmed in our study of the habitation deposits in the medieval Russian settlements (eighth to fourteenth centuries A.D.). Materials and methods  The mycobiota of profiles of anthropogenically transformed soil of excavated medieval settlements were examined in different climate conditions in the European part of Russia. The fungal biomass and biomass structure were evaluated using luminescent microscopy. The isolation and enumeration of microfungi were performed using the method of serial dilutions of soil samples and plating them out on the number of solid media. The isolation of keratinolytic microfungi was performed by hear-bite technique. Results  It was established that in ancient urban soils, the mycobiota may have properties different from those of zone fungal communities. The examined cultural layers of ancient settlements differ from the horizons of the surrounding natural soils because of a bigger rate of fungal spores in fungal biomass, more mosaic distribution of microfungal communities, different species composition and dominant microfungal species, increased incidence of some ecological, and trophic fungal groups (for example, keratinophilic, potentially pathogenic microfungi). Discussion  The mycological characteristics of anthropogenic deposits in the excavated medieval settlements were found to be mainly similar to mycological properties of modern urban soils. Conclusions  These properties of habitation deposits can be interpreted as a kind of “soil mycological memory” of the ancient urban impact. Recommendations and perspectives  Soil mycological characteristics could be used in paleoecological reconstructions and biomonitoring of urban impacts  相似文献   


Extracting sludge‐amended soil with DTPA does not always give a reliable measure of plant‐available heavy metals. The major purpose of this greenhouse pot study was to help explain why. Two anaerobically digested sludges from sewages treated with either Ca(OH)2or FeCl3were applied to 3‐kg samples of a Mollic Albaqualf previously limed with Ca(OH)2rates of 0, 2.5, and 10g/pot that resulted in pHs in the check pots of 5.4, 6.2, or 7.7 after the first harvest. Sludge rates provided 0, 200, 40, 800, and 1600 mg Zn kg‐1of soil. Two consecutive crops of soybeans (Glycine MaxL.) were grown for 42 d each in the greenhouse. DTPA‐extractable, soil‐solution, and plant concentrations of Cu2+, Ni2+, and Zn2+were measured.

Dry matter yields were depressed due to salt toxicity, while DTPA‐extracted Cu2+correlated with plant uptake of Cu2+for both sludges. DTPA‐extracted Ni2+also correlated with plant Ni2+from the Ca(OH)2‐sludge‐amended soil, although DTPA‐extracted Ni2+did not correlate with plant uptake of Ni2+from the FeCl3‐sludge‐amended soil, DTPA‐extracted Zn did not correlate with plant uptake of Zn2+from any sludge‐amended soil. Soil‐solution composition correlated with plant uptake of Cu2+and Ni2+in both sludges; it also correlated with plant uptake of Zn2+from FeCl3‐sludge‐amended soil but not from Ca(OH)2‐sludge‐amended soil. DTPA extraction probably failed with Ni2+and Zn2+because of (i) its ineffectiveness at low pH, (ii) the inability of DTPA to buffer each soil extract near pH 7.3, and (iii) increased amounts of soluble chelated micronutrients at higher sludge rates and higher soil pHs. Soil‐solution composition seemed to fail only where micronutrient cations in solution probably were present largely as organic chelates  相似文献   

This study aimed to elucidate the response of diversity and activity of soil invertebrates to elevated soil metal concentrations that were a result of sewage sludge application. Field sampling of soil invertebrates was carried out from 2002 to 2004 at an experimental site established in 1982 to test the effects on crop production of metal contamination from sewage sludge applications with elevated concentrations of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) with certain treatments exceeding the current UK statutory limits for the safe use of sludge on land. At metal concentrations within the limits, none of the invertebrates sampled showed adverse effects on their abundance or overall community diversity (from Shannon–Weiner index). At concentrations above the limits, individual taxa showed sensitivity to different metals, but overall diversity was not affected. Earthworm abundance was significantly reduced at total Cu concentrations at and above 176 mg kg?1, while nematode and enchytraeid abundances were sensitive to Cu and high Zn concentrations. Correspondingly, litter decomposition was lower in Zn and Cu treatments although there was no direct relationship between decomposition and soil invertebrate abundance or diversity. Such enduring changes in both soil biodiversity and biological activity around the current UK regulatory limits warrant further investigation to determine whether they indicate detrimental damage to soil functioning over the long‐term.  相似文献   


The objective of the investigation was to compare the predominant forms of P in fields of an acid Matapeake soil under no‐till and conventional‐till management. The fields, which differed in extent of contact between soil and fertilizer P, also differ in forms of P. Fertilizer P remained in the uppermost layer of no‐till fields and was, therefore, not in as close proximity to the plant (corn) roots as P was in conventional‐till fields. Nevertheless, fertilizer P in the no‐till fields underwent only limited conversion to forms less available to plants and thus, in part, may have accounted for similar plant uptake rates of P in no‐till and conventional‐till fields.

One method used to analyze P in the Matapeake soil was the double‐acid‐extraction method. This method is used by several state soil‐testing laboratories of the eastern and southeastern United States, where acid soils like Matapeake are common. The double‐acid‐extraction method underestimated the soil P available for plant uptake.  相似文献   

Soil translocation by soil tillage can have a considerable importance on arable land. These results were published in the international literature. The aim of the experiments is to quantify the translocation of soil due to tillage with different typical tools. A mouldboard plough and a disc harrow were tested in field experiments on a slope (4° inclination) with sandy soil. The average movement of soil particles of the top soil was determined about the changed tracer concentration. The tracer coloured gravels were most suitable of all tested tracer. The comparison of the tools showed more soil translocation caused by mouldboard plough (145?kg) than by disc harrow (12?kg). The transport was also different: plough 0.50?m and disc harrow 0.11?m average distance.  相似文献   

A method is described for the rapid and simple assay of soil β-glucosidase activity. It involves colorimetric estimation of ρ-nitrophenol released by β-glucosidase activity when soil is incubated in McIlvaine buffer (pH 4.8) with ρnitrophenyl βd-glucoside and toluene at 30°C for 1 hr. The method has been applied to three different soils. The range of β-glucosidase activity in cultivated soils was from 10.1 to 15.2 mµ mole per min per gram of dried soil. Km value for ρ-nitrophenyl β-d-glucoside was 3.3 × 10-4 M. Optimum pH was 4.8.  相似文献   

Phenolic acids have been implicated in the process of allelopathy and are, therefore, of interest in plant management as a basis for new herbicide structures. The potential bioavailability of phenolic acids is controlled by sorption–desorption processes in soil. Sorption–desorption of p-coumaric acid (4-hydroxycinnamic acid), ferulic acid (3-methoxy-4-hydroxycinnamic acid), veratric acid (3,4-dimethoxybenzoic acid), vanillic acid (3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzoic acid), and p-hydroxybenzoic acid (4-hydroxybenzoic acid) was characterized on soils with varying physicochemical properties. The phenolic acids sorbed quickly (<8 h) and in high proportions to the amount applied (average 84% of applied was sorbed). Sorption was irreversible with the batch desorption method used (0.01 N CaCl2 extraction). Pretreatment of soils to remove organic matter and free metal oxides from the soils decreased sorption, particularly in soils with free oxides removed. Statistical analysis suggested that sorption of p-coumaric and ferulic acids was correlated with soil clay content and veratric acid sorption was correlated with several soil factors. In contrast, no consistent relationship between soil characteristics and vanillic and p-hydroxybenzoic acid sorption was found. Based on the results of these experiments, i.e. the high reactivity of the phenolic acids, it is unlikely that these chemicals would be transported far from their point of origin, limiting their range of influence. It appears that, for phenolic acids to have allelopathic effects on plants, they would have to persist in the soil for long periods, resulting in a buildup of the chemical to high enough levels so that sufficient chemical would be in solution to cause the allelopathic effects, even though they may be strongly sorbed at lower concentrations.  相似文献   

Abstract. A lysimeter study from April 1993 to June 1997 assessed the effects of winter cover crops and unfertilized grass on both the volume of water draining over winter and the amounts of nitrate leached. There were three to five replicates of each treatment in a fully randomized design. The lysimeters were undisturbed monoliths of loamy medium sand, 1.2 m deep and 0.8 m diameter. There were six treatments: sown cover before spring-sown crops (SC), natural regeneration (‘tumbledown’) before spring-sown crops (T), unfertilized grass (UG), bare soil permanent fallow, (PF), winter barley (WB) and conventional overwinter fallow before spring-sown crops (WF). Sugarbeet replaced cereals in 1996 as a disease break, and in consequence no cover was established in SC and T in autumn 1996. Of the four years of the study, two were above-average rainfall, while two were of less than average rainfall. Results are only quoted if statistically significantly different from WB (P=0.10). Over the first winter, NO3―N losses were similar under UG (26 kg ha?1) and PF (29 kg ha?1), due to the slow establishment and growth of the grass. In the following three winters NO3―N losses under UG were small (c. 6 kg ha?1), giving an overall mean of c. 11 kg ha?1. Sown cover crops and T gave means of c. 16 and 22 kg ha?1 respectively, compared with c. 27–31 kg ha?1 under PF, WB and WF. Mean NO3―N concentrations were smallest under UG (4.4 mg l?1) and SC (10.6 mg l?1), although both T (13.7 mg l?1) and PF (12.4 mg l?1) were less than under WB and WF (15.8–18.7 mg l?1). Overwinter drainage was greatest from UG and PF, at 239 and 247 mm respectively. In the three winters that cover crops were grown, drainage was decreased by, on average, 30 mm year?1 compared with WF. However, there were large differences in effects between years, with significant decreases in only one year. We conclude that the widespread adoption of cover crops before spring-sown crops will reduce overwinter drainage in UK Nitrate Vulnerable Zones by no more than c. 2%, compared with no cover before spring-sown crops.  相似文献   

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