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Following the detection of the first case of BSE in Japan in September 2001, four million cattle were subjected to a rapid test for BSE up to the end of 2004. A further 10 cases were detected in the dairy cattle population and two cases in Holstein steers. We focused on the dairy population and estimated the prevalence of BSE infected animals within each birth cohort for the years 1992–2001 using Bayesian inference. From this we were able to predict historic and future trends in the number of infected animals culled from each cohort and whether or not they could be detected using a rapid test. Assuming that BSE infectivity entered Japan in 1995, 225 (95%CI: 111–418) infected animals were predicted to have been culled from 1995 to 2001, of which 116 (56–219) would have been slaughtered for human consumption, and 33 (12–65) cases would have been detected during this period if a BSE surveillance program as comprehensive as the one in place as of April 2004 was applied. Assuming that BSE infectivity entered Japan in 1992, 905 (366–4633) infected animals were predicted to have been culled from 1992 to 2001, of which 694 (190–2473) would have been slaughtered for human consumption, and 201 (53–693) cases would have been detected during this period. Assuming the April 2004 level of surveillance continues and that the feed ban introduced in 2001 is completely effective, 18 (3–111) BSE cases are likely to be detected in the future. The BSE epidemic in Japan most likely reached a peak between 1998 and 2001 and should be eradicated around 2012.  相似文献   

Using a stochastic simulation model, we estimated the effectiveness of the three BSE interventions (SRM removal, post-mortem testing and cohort culling) in Japan, in terms of the amount of bovine ID50 that would be prevented from entering the human food supply and the number of life years that would be saved from resulting vCJD cases. The average reduction of the BSE load on the human food supply under SRM removal was 97% over the period from 2002 to 2009. The average reduction of the BSE load under most-mortem testing was 83% over the period from 2002 to 2007. The risk reducing effect of the three interventions combined was 99%. The maximum number of life years saved by the three interventions combined was 40.84 in 2006.  相似文献   

If the prevalence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) varies among cohorts within a population, stratified analysis of BSE surveillance data may allow identification of differences in BSE exposure that are important with respect to the design and evaluation of disease prevention and control measures. In low BSE prevalence populations, however, surveillance at levels that meet or exceed international guidelines may provide insufficient statistical power to distinguish prevalence levels among cohorts. Furthermore, overstratification to account for hypothetical variability in the population may inflate uncertainty in BSE risk estimates.  相似文献   

The first case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in Japan was found in September 2001. As a result, national BSE surveillance systems in slaughterhouses and farms were introduced between October 2001 and April 2004. All cattle, with the exception of those under 24 months of age that die at farms, now undergo compulsory testing when they die or are slaughtered. The removal of specified risk material (SRM) from all slaughtered cattle and a ban on the feeding of meat-and-bone meal to all farm animals were implemented in October 2001. However, infected cattle that died or were slaughtered before these measures were put into practice could have been a source of infection to other cattle through the rendering process. The slaughtered cattle could also have been a source of infection to humans via SRM that entered the food chain. The purpose of this study was to estimate the number of BSE-infected cattle that could have been a source of infection to cattle and humans before October 2001. Since all typical cases were dairy cattle, this study focused on the dairy cattle population. We developed a simulation model to obtain the year of death and the final disposition of infected cows born in each year from 1996 to 2001. In this model, the dairy cattle population was divided into birth cohorts, and parameters regarding its population dynamics were assumed to be constant. Using this model, the total number of infected cattle in each birth year was estimated by maximum likelihood estimation using data on the number of detected cases from 2002 to 2006. Finally, the number of infected cattle that died or were slaughtered each year was estimated by Monte-Carlo simulation using the same model with the total number of infected cattle estimated by maximum likelihood estimation. It was estimated that the majority of infected cattle that could have been sources of infection before 2001 were born in 1996. The total number born in 1996 was estimated to be 155 (95% confidence interval: 90-275). Of these 155 cattle, 56 died or were slaughtered before October 2001, after the accumulation of infectious agent in their bodies. Only 5 of these 56 cattle were estimated to have been slaughtered. Therefore, the number of infected cattle that could have served as a source of human infection would appear to have been a very limited subset of the BSE-infected cattle in Japan.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to identify, as hypotheses, all feasible sources and routes of infection for the BSE cases in Japan, and to study the probability of each hypothesis. The strategy of this epidemiological study is as follows. 1) BSE risk status in Japan is tentatively divided into 3 stages, i.e., before 1996 April when administrative guidance for feed ban of cattle MBM introduced. After that to 2001 September, the first case of BSE in Japan, then, after 2001 October with real feed ban in the law. 2) Make hypotheses depending on the invasive risk scenarios and propagation risk of BSE in Japan, and they are checked by evidences, case control study or statistics. 3) Grouping of BSE cattle was conducted time sequentially and spatially; that is Group-A (1995-96, born in Hokkaido, Kanto), Group-B (1999 in Kyushu), Group-C (1999-2001 in Hokkaido), Group-D (young cattle born after real feed ban) and Pre-A, Post-D groups. As a result, a milk replacer was considered one of the most probable cause of group-A contamination, and group-C outbreak might be caused by an indigenous BSE propagation of group-A in Hokkaido. If the hypothesis of Holland animal fat as causative material was accepted, however, there are several unexplainable points. Collection of scientific evidences on animal fat impurity and age dependent susceptibility to BSE will be needed to clarify the true causative material.  相似文献   

2001年8月6日日本千叶县1头六岁奶牛发生疯牛病。疯牛病发生以后,日本政府高度重视对疯牛病的防制,采取了果断而有效的防制措施,迅速清除传染源,切断传播途径,使疯牛病得到了有效控制。总结日本对疯牛病的防制经验,对我们做好动物疫病的防制工作,是很好的借鉴,并能从中得到启示。2001年8月6日,日本千叶县一饲养户的1头六岁奶牛因不能站立,被送到屠宰场屠宰。该牛一个月前出现运动失调,容易跌倒等症状,与疯牛病很相似。经屠宰场采集延髓送日本动物卫生研究所进行检测,千叶县家畜保健卫生所进行实验室病性鉴定,日本动研所用免疫组织化学法复检…  相似文献   

Following the detection of the first case of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in Japan in September 2001, nine million cattle were tested for BSE up to the end of 2008. As a result, a further 28 cases were detected in dairy cattle. Using the mathematical model previously developed and surveillance data up to the end of 2008, we estimated the prevalence of BSE-infected animals within each birth cohort for the years 1995–2001. We predicted historic and future trends in the number of BSE-infected animals to be culled and anticipated BSE cases from each birth cohort. The results indicate that more infected animals (428 (95% CI: 59–727)) than previously estimated would have been culled from 1995 to 2001, and more cases (53 (95% CI: 25–101)) than previously predicted would have been detected during this period with a higher peak in 2001, if a BSE surveillance program as comprehensive as the present one was applied. In and after 2009, 0–2 cases of BSE would likely to be detected. As previously predicted, the BSE epidemic should be eradicated by 2012.  相似文献   

With the objective of evaluating the effectiveness of an administrative guidance on the use of ruminant meat-and-bone meal in ruminant feed, effective from April 1996 to September 2001, we developed a model to simulate the evolution of the BSE epidemic and to estimate the BSE multiplication factor (K) in the Japanese dairy population. The output that provided the best fit to the number of BSE cases both observed and predicted to date suggest that the probability that bovine MBM was fed back to cattle was 14.2-75.2% and 0.129-0.570% during the periods from 1992 to April 1996 and from April 1996 to October 2001, respectively. Given these estimates, the value of K would have peaked in 1995 at 40-48 and then declined to 0.32-0.67 between 1997 and 2001. These results suggest that the administrative guidance was effective in reducing the amount of MBM fed to cattle by a factor of 104-141 and was perhaps enough to drive the epidemic towards extinction.  相似文献   

Eight major policies were implemented by Japanese Government since Oct. 2001, to deal with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). These are; 1) Surveillance in farm by veterinarian, 2) Prion test at healthy 1.3mi cows/yr, by veterinarian, 3) Elimination of specified risk material (SRM), 4) Ban of MBM for production, sale use, 5) Prion test for fallen stocks, 6) Transparent information and traceability, 7) New Measures such as Food Safety Basic Law, and 8) Establish of Food Safety Commission in the Cabinet Office. At this moment, the extent of SRM risk has only been indicated by several reports employing tests with a limited sensitivity. There is still a possibility that the items in the SRM list will increase in the future, and this indiscriminately applies to Japanese cattle as well. Although current practices of SRM elimination partially guarantee total food safety, additional latent problems and imminent issues remain as potential headaches to be addressed. If the index of SRM elimination cannot guarantee reliable food safety, we have but to resort to total elimination of tissues from high risk-bearing and BSE-infected animals. However, current BSE tests have their limitations and can not yet completely detect high-risk and/or infected animals. Under such circumstances, tissues/wastes and remains of diseased, affected fallen stocks and cohort animals have to be eliminated to prevent BSE invading the human food chain systems. The failure to detect any cohort should never be allowed to occur, and with regular and persistent updating of available stringent records, we are at least adopting the correct and useful approach as a reawakening strategy to securing food safety. In this perspective, traceability based on a National Identification System is required.  相似文献   

Since the first identification of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in Japan in September 2001, a series of safety measures was introduced by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the Food Safety Commission of the Cabinet Office. These measures included blanket BSE testing and removal of specified risk materials at slaughterhouses, surveillance of risk animals and a ban on the use of meat-and-bone meals and traceability on all farms. The Japanese experience over the past five years has shed light on several issues in countries that have a low BSE incidence.  相似文献   

Immediately after the detection of the first case of BSE in 2001, the Japanese government introduced active surveillance targeting fallen-stock and all cattle slaughtered for human consumption. By the end of 2004, four million animals were tested with rapid tests under the passive and active surveillance. As a result 13 additional cases were detected. I focused on the 1996 birth cohort, in which nine cases of BSE were detected during 2001–2004, and estimated the prevalence of BSE infection of that birth cohort using maximum-likelihood methods. Using the estimated prevalence of infection as an input variable, I calculated the adjusted incidence risk of BSE by different ages and risk subpopulations (clinical-suspects, fallen-stock, sick-slaughter and healthy-slaughter animals). The adjusted incidence risk of BSE in sick-slaughter animals (animals showing clinical signs not compatible with BSE when slaughtered for human consumption) was 18.7 and 4.5–78.4 times higher than the incidence risk in fallen-stock and healthy-slaughter animals, respectively.  相似文献   

A pilot study was set up for the first time in France in August 2000, to obtain more precise estimates on the BSE epidemic in France. Three categories of cattle at risk of BSE (found dead on-farm, euthanased and emergency slaughtered) were sampled exhaustively from August 7 to December 22, 2000, in the three regions assumed to be the most affected with BSE in France (Basse-Normandie, Bretagne and Pays de la Loire). The samples were checked by using Prionics tests, and positive samples were confirmed by Western blot or immunohistochemistry. The overall prevalence of positive cattle was 0.16 per cent. Multifactorial logistic regression showed that there was a significantly higher prevalence among cattle from the birth cohorts July 1993 to June 1994 and July 1994 to June 1995, than among those born before July 1993, and among the categories 'euthanased' and 'emergency slaughtered' than among the category 'dead on-farm, and a higher prevalence in the regions Pays de la Loire and Bretagne than in Basse-Normandie. No significant differences in the prevalence of BSE were observed between dairy, beef suckler and mixed herds.  相似文献   

The Food Safety Commission (FSC) of Japan, established in July 2003, has its own initiative to conduct risk assessments on food stuffs known as "self-tasking assessment". Within this framework, the FSC decided to conduct a risk assessment of beef and beef offal imported into Japan from countries with no previous BSE reports; thus, a methodology was formed to suit to this purpose. This methodology was partly based on the previous assessments of Japanese domestic beef and beef imported from U.S.A./Canada, but some modifications were made. Other organizations' assessment methods, such as those used for BSE status assessment in live cattle by the OIE and EFSA's GBR, were also consulted. In this review, the authors introduce this alternative methodology, which reflects (1) the risk of live cattle in the assessed country including temporal risks of BSE invasion and domestic propagation, with the assessment results verified by surveillance data, and (2) the risk of beef and beef offal consisting of cumulative BSE risk by types of slaughtering and meat production processes implemented and the status of mechanically recovered meat production. Other possible influencing factors such as atypical BSE cases were also reviewed. The key characteristic of the current assessment is a combination of the time-sequential risk level of live cattle and qualitative risk level of meat production at present in an assessed country.  相似文献   

免疫组化法检测我国疯牛病结果初报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
将固定好的脑组织样品 ,按常规方法制备成石蜡切片。切片脱蜡入水 ,用蛋白酶K消化去除正常PrP蛋白 ,留下异常PrP蛋白。然后用适当工作浓度的兔抗牛PrP血清孵育切片 ,再用DAKOChemMateTM检测试剂盒处理。同时结合H·E染色法检测我国疯牛病。实验发现 ,在1131例国内样品中免疫组化的实验结果均为阴性 ,H·E染色的结果均未发现有特征性海绵状空泡变化。实验进一步证实 ,免疫组织化学方法是一种操作简单、结果容易判断、价格低廉的检测手段 ,比较适合于我国疯牛病检测  相似文献   

All cattle of UK and German origin imported to Japan since 1980 and slaughtered before 2002 were traced (n = 33 and 15 respectively) and the probability that none, one, two or three of these imported cattle had developed BSE (reached the end or last stage of incubation period) at the year of slaughter/death was calculated. The predicted risk that BSE was introduced into Japan by imported cattle was 0.18. Among cattle imported from these countries in various years, cattle imported from the UK in 1987 and 1988 presented the highest risk, while the risk that BSE entered Japan by live cattle imported from the UK in 1982 and from Germany in 1993 was negligible. Because there was no effective system to avoid the recycling of the BSE agent, those infected cattle imported from the UK in 1987 and 1988 most probably entered the feed chain in Japan in 1992 and 1993.  相似文献   

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