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A symbiosis between grasses and systemic fungal endophytes exists in both natural and agricultural grassland communities. Our objective was to examine the effects of systemic endophytes on the competitive ability of two agronomically important grass species: meadow fescue [Festuca pratensis (Huds.) syn. Schedonorus pratensis (Huds.) P. Beauv] and tall fescue [Festuca arundinacea (Schreb.) syn. Schedonorus phoenix (Scop.)]. Plants of meadow and tall fescue were grown for 48 days in replacement series of interspecific mixture with a legume (red clover, Trifolium pratense L.) in different nutrient environments in a greenhouse. Neither of the grass species gained endophyte‐promoted competitive advantage over red clover in grass–clover mixtures. Endophyte infection increased the growth of meadow fescue monocultures by 89% compared to endophyte‐free monocultures in high‐nutrient soils, but plant competition or the cost of endophyte infection to the meadow fescue decreased the yield in resource‐limited conditions. On average, endophyte‐infected and endophyte‐free meadow fescues produced 0·15 and 0·17 g, and 0·14 and 0·14 g dry biomass per plant in mixtures with red clover in high‐ and low‐nutrient soils respectively. In contrast to meadow fescue, endophyte‐promoted growth of tall fescue monocultures was not detected. Endophyte‐infected and endophyte‐free tall fescue monocultures produced 0·76 and 0·95 g biomass per pot, respectively, in the high‐nutrient environment. Endophyte infection can increase the performance of the host grass, but the positive effects depend on the host species, the species composition and soil nutrient availability.  相似文献   

The effect of a reduced level of nitrogen fertilizer application upon the herbage consumption of a continuously grazed sward of tall fescue has been investigated during two successive years. Two contrasting cultivars were used and two levels of leaf area index were maintained on the swards in order to obtain a wide range of sward structure. The herbage growth, herbage senescence and herbage consumption were measured directly on labelled tillers. It was possible to estimate the different components of the defoliation process (frequency and intensity) at the level of individual tillers of each leaf category. The results show that the effect of reduction in N fertilizer on herbage consumption rate is proportionally more important than that on herbage growth rate. In consequence, the efficiency of herbage utilization in continuously grazed conditions is reduced when nitrogen nutrition becomes limiting for herbage growth. The data suggest that this phenomenon is not directly attributable to nitrogen deficiency but is an indirect effect owing to the reduction of the stocking density at the low N level, which leads to a lower frequency of defoliation of individual tillers.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and chemical composition at various cutting dates of autumn-accumulated tall fescue and orchard-grass. The effect of time on the digestibility and chemical composition of accumulated red clover was also studied.
Tall fescue had significantly higher ( P < 0.01) IVDMD and total non-structural carbohydrate (TNC) levels and lower crude protein (CP), acid-detergent fibre (ADF). lignin (LIG) and cellulose (CEL) levels throughout autumn and winter than orchardgrass. The effects of accumulation period were similar on both grasses; TNC concentrations increased up to November but then declined, with a large drop in levels after December while IVDMD decreased slowly in autumn and fell rapidly in December. Overall there was a significant ( P < 0.01) increase with advancing time in ADF and CEL levels in both grasses, but LIG levels declined with age in tall fescue between 15 September and 15 November, whilst there was a general increase in LIG in orchardgrass.
In both tall fescue and orchardgrass IVDMD and TNC levels were higher ( P < 0.001) and CP, ADF and CEL levels lower ( P < 0.001) in the stem than in the leaf. LIG concentrations were higher in orchardgrass leaves than in the stem but the levels were similar in both fractions in tall fescue.
Similar patterns of change in IVDMD and composition were evident in red clover but the legume had completely senesced by early winter.  相似文献   

Hungaropoly tetraploid broad red clover was sown at seed rates of 6, 12 or 18 kg ha-1 on six dates from April to September 1971. Three crops were harvested in 1972 and one in June 1973. In 1972, total herbage dry matter yields ranged from 5.22 to 12.22 t ha-1 and red clover dry matter yields from 3.61 to 11.92 t ha-1 when meaned over all seed rates. April to July sowing dates gave significantly higher yields than later sowings. In general, August and September sowings gave the lowest red clover contents in a range from 63.2 to 96.5%, the highest digestibilities within a range 61.9 to 65.0% and the lowest crude protein contents in a range 15.5 to 17.3%. The influence of seed rate was less marked than sowing date. Mean annual yields of total herbage dry matter increased from 9.88 to 10.85 t ha?1 as seed rate was increased from 6 to 18 kg ha?1. Red clover dry matter yields and contents of red clover and crude protein in the total herbage also followed this trend. The sowing date effects on total herbage yield and content of red clover did not persist into the second harvest year but the seed rate effects were still noticeable. Plant numbers in spring the first harvest year and hence percentage survival from sowing were depressed by late sowing; plant numbers rose but percentage survival declined as seed rate was increased. The seed rate effects on plant population persisted until spring of the second harvest year but sowing date effects did not. Better stands of red clover were obtained from sowings made between April and June, when a seed rate of 12 kg ha?1 was adequate. The adverse effects of late sowing cannot be fully compensated by raising seed rates of clover. There was a significant interaction between seed rate and date of sowing. For April-May sowings, seed rate was not critical. Thereafter, a linear effect of seed rate on yield was discernible.  相似文献   

An established sward of red clover cv. Hungaropoly sown pure received approx. 30 kg P ha-1 and 200 kg K ha-1 each year for 3 successive years. The P and K were applied either as cattle slurry, inorganic fertilizer or combinations of these. Treatments were applied either in spring or after the first harvest. There were a total of six treatments and these were harvested three times each year. The average yields of total herbage DM over all the treatments in the first, second and third years were 15·2, 14·2 and 14·2 t ha-1 respectively and the various treatments had no significant effect on the overall yields.
Treatments had a significnt effect on red clover DM yields and percentage red clover in one harvest in each of the first 2 years and all three in the third year. Yields of red clover were lower and grass higher in treatments receiving cattle slurry only. On this treatment there was a total yield of 23·2 t ha-1 red clover DM in the 3 years compared with 30·2 t ha-1 on the inorganic fertilizer treatments. However, by applying P and K fertilizer in the spring, followed by cattle slurry after the first harvest, it was possible to maintain a high proportion of red clover in the sward and to produce yields of red clover DM similar to those on the inorganic fertilizer treatments.  相似文献   

Small plots of red clover cv. Sabtoron, S123 (diploids) and Hungaropoly (tetraploid) were harvested for seed production at two-week intervals from 19 August to 17 October inclusive in 1981, inflorescence appearance rate, bee density and components of yield having been monitored throughout the summer. Inflorescence appearance rate reached a maximum at the end of July/early August for Hungaropoly and Sabtoron and during mid-August for S123. Bee density followed a similar pattern. Florets and seeds per inflorescence and 1000-seed weight decreased as flowering progressed except during the first three weeks in July. Potential seed yield was calculated from the components of yield for the harvests taken on 3 and 18 September. Losses in seed yield (difference between actual and potential) up to and during harvesting, threshing and cleaning were lower in the tetraploid cultivar (27–39%) than the diploid cultivars (35–l55%). Each cultivar had an optimum harvest time before which yield was affected by immature seeds and beyond which it was adversely affected by shedding of inflorescences and seeds and sprouting of seeds on the inflorescences. The optimum time to harvest Sabtoron was early September, Hungaropoly early to mid-September and the late flowering cultivar S123 mid-September when less than 4% of the inflorescences were still unripe. Seed yield and inflorescences per unit area were lower in the tetraploid cv, Hungaropoly (maximum 542 kg ha−1) than diploid cv. Sabtoron and S123 (864 and 897 kg ha−1 respectively) although the tetraptoid had heavier seeds. It is concluded that the optimum time to harvest red clover for seed production is about three or four weeks after the end of the period of rapid inflorescence production and that this coincides with the time when only a small proportion of unripe inflorescences remain.  相似文献   

The aim was to compare the effects of additives on direct cut silages of pure timothy and timothy mixed with tetraploid red clover. First and second growth cuts were ensiled during three consecutive years, 1994, 1995 and 1996, either without any additive or with the addition of formic acid, or lactic acid bacteria in combination with molasses. Effects of the additives on the degradation characteristics of the herbage and the silages were analysed using an automatic in vitro gas production (GP) technique. At the end of the in vitro procedures, organic matter and neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF) degradabilities were determined. The tetraploid red clover persisted in the leys during the 3 years and was the dominant species at the second growth in the mixed leys. The herbage from the mixed crops had lower dry‐matter contents, higher crude protein concentrations and higher buffering capacity compared with the pure timothy at both cuts. In general, the additives reduced pH, and the concentrations of ammonium‐N and acetic acid in the silages. The treated silages had a more rapid faster GP in both crops. The silages from the mixed crop benefited more from the additives compared with the grass silages. The additives affected the soluble fractions as well as the NDF degradability of the silages of the mixed crop more than those fractions of the grass silages. The addition of molasses in combination with a commercial inocula resulted in increased production of lactic acid and ethanol in silages from both crops. The silages without additives could not meet the requirements for good silages according to the standards of the Swedish dairy industry.  相似文献   

Three diploid—Sabtoron, Violetta and Essex—and three tetraploid—Hungaropoly, Teroba and Red Head—red clover cultivars were sown alone and with each of three companion grasses—timothy (S48), tall fescue (S170) and perennial ryegrass (S24). The productivity and persistence of the red clover cultivars were compared. Results obtained over the first four harvest years were presented in an earlier paper (McBratney, 1981) and this paper presents results from the fifth and sixth (final) harvest years.
The low yield obtained in the fifth and sixth year from Essex under each seeding treatment indicated a deterioration in its persistency or vigour or both. In the fifth year the remaining two diploids, Sabtoron and Violetta, were as highly productive and persistent as the three tetraploids but in the sixth year the decrease in productivity was greater in the diploids than in the tetraploids. In the fifth year Teroba, the highest yielder, produced 9 8 t total DM ha−1 over all seeding treatments of which 73% was clover DM; in the sixth year Teroba was again highest yielding, producing 9.3 t ha−l with 67% clover content. Tall fescue was the most consistent companion grass in the mixed swards, in the sixth year contributing 53% grass DM to the total 8 8 t DM harvested ha−1.
The trial demonstrates the potential of a number of red clover cultivars grown either pure or with a suitable perennial grass to achieve and maintain a high output of herbage of good quality over a period of 6 years without any application of fertilizer N. The practical agricultural implications of using red clover are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of level of nitrogen application upon the dynamics of herbage growth in a continuously grazed sward of tall fescue was investigated during two successive years. In order to obtain a large range of sward structural conditions, the experiments were carried out with two contrasting cultivars: cv. Clarìne and cv. Barcel, and, in Year 2, with two different sward heights or leaf area indices (LAIs). During each of five experimental periods (2-3 weeks), swards received either optimum (N2) or deficient (N1) N applications, were maintained at their target LAI, and leaf growth was measured on labelled tillers. With continuously defoliated tillers, N-shortage had only a small effect on the leaf elongation rate compared with tillers protected by cages. The leaf production per tiller was only slightly reduced by N shortage, and it was mainly by the means of a reduction in tiller density that the N deficiency resulted in reduced herbage growth per hectare. These results indicate that, in continuously grazed swards, in contrast with results previously found in intermittently defoliated swards, leaf elongation is not the only important component of difference in herbage growth and that the promotion of tillering rate is an additional pathway for N response in such management regimes.  相似文献   

Feed intake and diet choice affect production efficiency in livestock. Plant waxes, in particular n‐alkanes, have been used as markers to predict intake and diet preferences. Still, when n‐alkane profiles of plants within mixed swards are similar, they alone may not produce reliable predictions. Including long‐chain alcohols (LCOHs) may help. In this study, the reliability of predicting forage mixtures was assessed using n‐alkanes and LCOH separately and in combination. Reliability was characterized as the regression of observed on predicted fescue proportion in forage mixtures and the Kulczyński similarity index. Two technicians performed extractions of n‐alkanes and LCOHs of pure red clover and ‘Fawn’ tall fescue, and nine mixtures of them. The concentrations of n‐alkanes C27, C29, C31 and C33 and alcohols C26‐OH, C28‐OH and C30‐OH were compared among forage mixtures and between technicians. Technicians were consistent in their measures of n‐alkanes (> 0·12), but differed in their measures of C26‐OH and C28‐OH (P < 0·002). Longer‐chained compounds were more consistently quantified. Forage delineations were not improved by C26‐OH. With n‐alkanes alone, estimated and actual fescue proportions closely agreed. Including LCOH offered no improvement. Despite variation in measured concentrations between technicians, fescue and red clover mixtures were reliably predicted using n‐alkanes alone.  相似文献   

In order to investigation of allelopathic effects of some ornamental trees on seed germination of rye-grass (Lolium prenne) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceae), this experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with 3 replicates at the laboratory of Horticultural Sciences Department of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, during 2008. In this research, we studied the effect of aqueous and hydro-alcoholic extracts of Afghanistan pine (Pinus eldarica), arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica), black locust (Robinia psedue acacia) and box elder (Acer negundo) leaves that prepared in 1:5 ratio on seed germination percent and rate for two grasses. The results showed that all extracts decreased statistically seed germination in compared to control treatment. The highest germination percentage and germination rate of tested grass detected in control treatment. Hydro-alcoholic extracts of all woody plants (15, 30%) were completely inhibited seed germination of rye-grass and tall fescue. Also aqueous extract of arizona cypress was completely inhibited seed germination of tall fescue and had more inhibitory activity than other aqueous extracts on rye-grass. Between aqueous extracts, the highest and lowest seed germination of rye-grass was found in Afghanistan pine and arizona cypress, respectively.  相似文献   

Six red clover cultivars, three diploid—Essex, Sabtoron and Violetta—and three tetraploid— Teroba, Red Head and Hungaropoly—were sown alone and with each of three companion grasses—timothy (S48), tall fescue (S170) and perennial ryegrass (S24). The productivity and persistency of the red clover cultivars were compared over 4 years. Dry matter (DM) yield, DM digestibility and the crude protein (CP) concentration were assessed and botanical analyses conducted on herbage samples from each treatment at each of three harvests per annum. Annual fertilizer application consisted of 165 kg P and 312 kg K ha-1. Comparing clover cultivars alone Essex was significantly less productive and less persistent than the other five cultivars. Yield and persistency of the five other cultivars did not differ markedly within years with the exception that the diploids were significantly less productive than the tetraploids in the fourth year. Over all 4 years mean annual total DM and clover DM yields of the five cultivars were between 12·2 and 13·2 t ha-1 and between 9·2 (79·2% of total DM yield) and 10·2 (83·2%) t ha-1 respectively, and differences were not significant. Up to the end of the third year there was little or no advantage gained by the inclusion of a companion grass, annual total DM yields being between 11·2 and 14·2 t ha-1 for clover alone and between 10·2 and 14·2 t ha-1 for clover-grass mixtures. In the fourth year there was an overall tendency for the yield of the clover alone to be lower, between 7·2 and 12·2 t ha-1, than that of the clover-grass mixture, between 8·2 and 13·2 t ha-1, and this was more pronounced with the diploid than with the tetraploid clover cultivars. Sown with companion grasses, Essex and Hungaropoly were lower in yield and in contribution than the other cultivars over the 4 years. The influence of the companion grass on total dry matter yield showed that the contribution of timothy was low relative to that made by tall fescue and perennial ryegrass. Perennial ryegrass made the most varied contribution from year to year. Tall fescue was the most consistent contributor with all clover cultivars and at the end of 4 years both yield and clover-grass balance had not changed materially. No pronounced differences in DM digestibility were evident between treatments. Crude protein concentration of the pure clover was similar to that of the clover-timothy treatments and both would appear to be superior to either the clover-perennial ryegrass or clover-tall fescue mixtures. It is considered that red clover dominant swards are suitable for use under a cutting regime and can provide high yields of DM at a low cost for up to 4 years. Such swards are self-sufficient in N and in addition soil N accumulation can be exploited in the production of succeeding crops.  相似文献   

Since its introduction in the 1950s, tall fescue has spread throughout the Pampas region of Argentina to become naturalized in much of this region. Its annual forage mass productivity shows significant differences among sites. In this work, we hypothesized that, under dryland conditions, the annual forage mass productivity is related to the probability that the corresponding site is within the ecological niche of the species. To test this hypothesis, the spontaneous occurrence of tall fescue was surveyed in an area of 440 000 km2. The abundance of tall fescue was verified on roadsides of national and provincial roads, in systematic sampling points spaced every 50 km. Subsequently, the ecological niche of the species was estimated with the Maxent software, based on the environmental information available. Additionally, the bioclimatic variables with greatest influence in determining the ecological niche were identified. Based on the information of comparative yield trials of tall fescue cultivars, a correlation analysis between annual forage mass productivity and the likelihood of ecological niche was performed. We found that the realized ecological niche of tall fescue in the Pampas region covers an area of 237 000 km2 where the average minimum temperature of the coldest month is between 2·6 and 3·2°C and the rainfall in the driest quarter is 100 mm or higher. We also found that there were significant correlations between annual forage mass productivity and the probability of realized ecological niche. Therefore, in areas with low probability of realized ecological niche, other forage species could be a better option than tall fescue to obtain a high and stable annual forage mass productivity.  相似文献   

Management systems for finishing beef cattle, designed to meet environmental goals in the Less Favoured Areas (LFAs) of the UK, often rely on the integration of grazing of semi‐natural pastures with sown permanent pasture. In this experiment, three management options were compared: (i) permanent pasture for grazing and silage production (treatment PP), (ii) permanent pasture for grazing and silage and grazing of Molinia‐dominant semi‐natural pasture in summer from June to August inclusively (treatment PP + SNP) and (iii) permanent pasture for grazing and silage and red clover (RC) silage for 0·25 of the silage requirement in winter (treatment PP + RC). The performance of spring‐born Welsh Black steers was measured from turnout in spring 2002 until finishing in summer 2003. During summer 2002, the liveweight gain of steers grazing the semi‐natural pasture was significantly lower than that of steers grazing the permanent pasture. There was a trend for the liveweight gains of the steers on the PP + SNP treatment to be higher from housing in autumn 2002, and live weights on all treatments were similar at the start of the red clover‐feeding phase. Steers offered red clover silage had a significantly higher liveweight gains than those offered grass silage, but there was only a trend for a higher live weight at the end of the winter‐feeding period. During summer 2003, liveweight gains were again higher on the permanent pasture. Finishing system significantly affected the fatty‐acid profile of the meat produced, but there was no difference in the colour of meat in relation to shelf‐life. Lipid oxidation was less for the meat from steers on the PP + SNP treatment than on the PP treatment, which, in turn, was less than for meat from the steers on the PP + RC treatment, and was in inverse proportion to the vitamin E concentration in the loin muscle. There were no significant differences in sensory panel scores for texture, juiciness or flavour of the meat.  相似文献   

Finnish N fertilizer application regulations for forage grasses are based on field experiments mainly conducted in the 1960–1970s with cultivars and management practices typical of the time. In order to update the yield response function of N, to make it better suited to current grassland farming, field experiments were conducted at two sites in 2015–2017 with two cultivars of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and one of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.). Dry matter (DM) yield, nutritive value and N balance were evaluated, with N application levels 0, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 and 450 kg N ha−1 year−1. The grasses were harvested three times per season. The data indicate that the DM yield response was significantly stronger, and N was used more efficiently for DM production than earlier without compromising the nutritive value, especially during the first two years. The third harvest produced on average 23% of the annual yield, utilizing N efficiently. N application rates below 350 kg N ha−1 year−1 did not cause substantial overwintering losses or lodging. The data indicate that with changing climate and improved cultivars and management practices, there is a need to modify the rates and timing of N application. The results suggest that N application levels could be increased by at least 50 kg N ha−1 year−1 from the current maximum accepted rate (250 kg N ha−1 year−1) without too high NO3- or CP concentrations in feed, or too high N balance that indicates increasing risk of N leaching.  相似文献   

The rates of drying of herbage, cut from perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) – dominant swards and subjected to different treatments, were investigated under field conditions by changes in weight of herbage in wire mesh trays in 1995 and 1996. A series of replicated factorial experiments studied the effects, in different combinations, of intensity of conditioning achieved by passing the cut herbage through a laboratory‐scale macerator zero (0C), once (1C), three (3C) or six (6C) times; weight of herbage per unit area equivalent to 450, 675 and 900 g dry matter (DM) m?2. In one experiment, pressing the herbage to form a mat was incorporated into the experimental design. A further experiment investigated the effect of varying the proportion of conditioned herbage in the herbage mass from 0·00, 0·25, 0·50, 0·75 and 1·00 on drying rate. On each occasion the trays plus herbage were weighed at hourly intervals over an ≈6‐h period and the DM content of the herbage estimated from the change in weight. On all occasions, conditioning and weight of herbage per unit area significantly (P < 0·001) influenced herbage drying rate. Lowering the weight per unit area of both unconditioned and conditioned herbage increased the rate of moisture loss. Unconditioned herbage at the equivalent of a herbage mass of 450 g DM m?2 had a total moisture loss that was on average 1·5–1·8 times greater than unconditioned herbage at the equivalent of a herbage mass of 900 g DM m?2. Similarly, conditioned herbage at the equivalent of a herbage mass of 450 g DM m?2 had a total moisture loss that was 1·8–2·3 times greater than unconditioned herbage at the equivalent of a herbage mass of 900 g DM m?2. Increasing the level of conditioning produced a non‐linear response in rate of moisture loss, consequently 3 passes through the macerator produced >0·95 of the total moisture loss that was produced by 6 passes through the macerator. Increasing the proportion of conditioned herbage in the herbage mass increased rate of moisture loss and consequently final DM content (P < 0·001) although there was little effect from increasing the proportion of conditioned herbage above 0·75. The effects of conditioning and weight of herbage per unit area treatments on total nitrogen , water‐soluble carbohydrate and acid‐detergent fibre concentration of the herbage were small.  相似文献   

Leaf dynamics of timothy and meadow fescue under Nordic conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leaf production dynamics of timothy ( Phleum pratense L. cv. Tarmo) and meadow fescue ( Festuca pratensis Huds. cv. Kalevi) were studied in Finland under field conditions in mixed swards containing timothy, meadow fescue and red clover ( Trifolium pratense L. cv. Björn) harvested by cutting. Fifteen randomly selected tillers of both species were marked and leaf number, leaf appearance rate (LAR), leaf elongation rate (LER), leaf senescence rate (LSR) and leaf live span (LLS) were followed through weekly observations. Concurrently another set of fifteen tillers of each species was dissected on each occasion to determine the number of unemerged leaves and development stage of the apex. The first observation period was between 26 April and 22 June and the second between 22 July and 22 September.
The species differed clearly for most of the measured parameters but most differences were dependent on the season. In spring, timothy started growth earlier, had higher LAR (+57%), produced more leaves (+83%) with higher LERgross (+58%), higher LSR (+61%), higher LERnet (+54%) and produced larger tillers (+193% in leaf area) than meadow fescue. In autumn, timothy still had a higher LAR (+80%), produced more leaves (+60%) with higher LERgross (+36%), but had also a higher LSR (+77%) and thus similar LERnet (0%) to meadow fescue. Timothy tillers were only slightly larger than meadow fescue tillers (+20% in leaf area). The consequences of these findings on competition in mixed swards and implications for grazing theories are discussed.  相似文献   

Eight field-plot experiments were carried out on established grassland swards between 1984 and 1988 to examine the effects of date and rate of application of calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) on herbage dry matter (DM) yield and apparent efficiency of nitrogen (N) use at first-cut silage.
CAN application significantly increased ( P <0 ·001) the mean yields of herbage and N uptakes by herbage in all experiments. Herbage yields were similar ( P > 0·05) with N rates of 100 kg ha−1, 125 kg ha−1 or 150 kg ha−1 in five experiments but in the other three there were increases above 100 kg ha−1. Date of N application had a significant effect on DM yield in three experiments; this effect was inconsistent for both single and split dressings. Lower production was associated with reduced uptake of N, a trend that primarily reflected lower DM yields and not wide herbage N content variation.
It is concluded that selection of the date on which to apply fertilizer N in early spring to obtain optimum herbage yields at first-cut silage often required little precision. The use of fertilizer N rates >100 kg ha−1 should be questioned where there are likely to be appreciable quantities of available N derived from non-fertilizer sources.  相似文献   

Established swards of two diploid and two tetraploid red clover varieties sown pure received 0, 75, 150, 225 or 300 kg ha?1 N fertilizer and were cut three times in June, August and October 1971. The total yields of herbage DM for red clover varieties ranged from 8.01 to 11.32 t ha?1; swards sown with tetraploids Hungaropoly and Hera Pajbjerg were superior by 25% in DM yield and 23% in CP yield. The red clover contribution to these total yields of DM ranged from 6.05 to 10.69 t ha?1; tetraploid clovers outyielded diploids by 42% in DM yield and 39% in CP yield. The mean effect of N level on yield and on compositional attributes was slight. Total yields of herbage DM, averaged over all varieties, ranged from 9.50 to 10.22 t ha?1 and of total herbage CP from 1.76 to 1.91 t ha?1. The influence of N level on the red clover contribution was negligible. DM yields ranged from 8.54 to 8.72 t ha?1 and CP yields from 1.60 to 1.64 t ha?1. Superiority of tetraploid clovers over diploids was again confirmed. Red clover swards sown pure can give high yields without the application of fertilizer N.  相似文献   

Four varieties of white clover (small-leaved cv. Aberystwyth S184. medium-leaved cv. Grasslands Huia and large-leaved cvs Linda and Olwen) were sown at 3 kg ha-1 together with 10 kg ha-1 perennial ryegrass cv. Talbot. Herbage productivity was measured for three harvest years, 1979-81, over four annual rates of fertilizer N (0,120,240 and 360 kg ha-1) and two closeness of cutting treatments (80 and 40 mm from ground level). A simulated grazing regime of six cuts per year at 3- to 6-week intervals was used.
Production of total herbage DM was increased by increasing N rate; mean annual DM production ranged from 783 1 ha-1 with no N to 11701 ha-1 at 360 kg ha-1 N. Mean herbage response to N (kg DM per kg N applied) was 73,90 and 108 for the three successive N increments relative to no N. Mean white clover DM production was reduced from 4 14t ha-1 with no N to 051 t ha-1 at 360 kg ha-1 N.
The large-leaved clover varieties were more productive than the small- or medium-leaved varieties at all N rates. Close cutting increased total herbage and white clover by a mean annual 16% and 31%. respectively. White clover varieties did not interact with either N rate or closeness of cutting.
It is concluded that repetitive N application over the growing season is incompatible with white clover persistence and production, even with large-leaved clover varieties or with close cutting, two factors which improved clover performance in the experimental swards.  相似文献   

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