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随着科学技术的不断创新,通讯事业飞速发展,千家万户都安上了电话,家畜繁育改良工作也由过去在繁育中心坐家配种转变为主动到农户家中服务,母畜保定就成了当前比较棘手的问题.为了解决母畜保定问题,我们采用了以下几种方法仅供参考.  相似文献   

二十世纪前半期一、意大利蜂的引入1903 ̄1920年,西方蜂种(主要是意蜂)及新养蜂法先传入福建、广东、香港、天津、北京等地,不久也传入黑龙江省。民国初年的养蜂情况《珠河县志》有以下记载:"民国初年,西洋蜂种及养蜂法传来以后,  相似文献   

(一)病因类型 1.消化不良型:母猪产前精料喂的过多,或突然更换饲料,加重胃肠负担,引起消化不良.此病常发于分娩之后,体温正常,食欲不振,粪便先干后稀,有的病猪喜欢喝点成汤,有的吃点鲜块茎和生米等食物,但数量不大,严重者食欲废绝.  相似文献   

随着年关临近,为了确保产区农民收入稳定增长,近日,政府有关部门出台了东北储备粮收购计划。在该重大利好政策拉动之下,我国部分产区玉米价格有望触底反弹,但受市场供应依然充足、需求整体依旧偏弱影响,国内玉米市场行情涨跌两难,具体分析如下:  相似文献   

2005年6月联合国粮农组织在南太平洋热带雨林地区汤加王国推广饲养肉用美利奴绵羊,耗资14万美元(种公羊5 000美元/只,种母羊3 000美元/只)从斐济引进成年种公羊4只、成年种母羊40只,投放在汤加王国主岛——汤加塔布岛宛立(Vaili Tongatapu)国营农场进行适应性观察,发病种羊是其中的一只种公羊。  相似文献   

这里所说的省级兽药经销商并不是一个确切的概念,而是泛指在省内跨地区经营的较大规模的兽药经销商,一般分布在地区级城市或养殖业发达的县城、乡镇。在吉林省内数量不多,但其影响很大,对市场起主导作用,代表着兽药市场的现状及今后的发展方向,研究他们的经营模式及每一种模  相似文献   

2007年4月3日晚,云南公安边防总队德宏边防支队江桥警犬复训基地执勤官兵在公开查缉过程中,使用警犬"辉杰"对车体实施搜嗅,当场从空调内查获用黄色胶带包裹的毒品海洛因一坨,净重1410克。这是该基地今年以来使用警犬破获的第11起千克贩毒大案。  相似文献   

非洲菊:又名扶朗花,菊科,大丁草属,多年生草本植物;原产非洲南部,性喜温暖,阳光充足和空气流通的环境,不耐寒,忌炎热,生长适温20 ̄25℃,喜疏松、肥沃、排水良好且富含有机质的微酸性土壤。园艺品种花色丰富,有白、红、粉、黄等色系。兼有切花和盆花类型。彩色马蹄莲:天南星科多  相似文献   

<正>河南省地处黄河中下游,蚕业生产历史悠久。建国50年以来,尤其是近20g间,经过“七·五”至“八·五”的迅速发展和“九·五”、“十·五”的稳步调整,河南蚕业生产规模基本稳定,生产水平得到提高。目前全省桑园面积1.67万hm~2,年产桑蚕茧6000t,与建国时相比,桑园面积和蚕茧产量分别增长了24倍和42.2倍,与改革开放初期的1978年相比,分别增长了2.25倍和4.18倍;蚕业深加工等综合产值达到10亿元,农民收入达5亿元,出口创汇8600多万美元。“九·五”、“十·五”期间,河南茧丝绸业保持着北方诸省(山东、陕西省除外)生产、出口主要基地和传统优势产业、出口创汇大户的地位。蚕业生产已成为不少平原和山区农民脱贫致富奔小康的支柱产业。 1 “九·五”、“十·五”实际生产情况 1.1 实际生产情况 1.1.1 生产规模保持基本稳定桑蚕生产在经历了1995年“全面下滑”桑园规模大幅度缩减后,“九·五”期间,全省蚕茧的总产和年产量也相应减少,但集中产  相似文献   

孟俊英 《养猪》2008,(2):74-75
在丹麦,人们已经提出一个分组饲养妊娠母猪的新观念,名叫"最佳猪栏",它把群饲设备与单独饲喂和铺有稻草、排水良好的地面结合在一起,见图1.对这种设计的研究显示,给妊娠母猪建成一个既有饲喂/休息的去处,又有一个铺垫良好的躺卧处的猪栏-所占面积总量与配备给群饲母猪的电子饲喂系统的场地所使用的面积相当.  相似文献   

The experiment aimed to study the difference on the dietary nutrient digestibility of different genetic basis beef cattle during two nutrient levels.Forty-eight heads of different genetic basis beef cattle (Charolais×Simmental-crossbred cattle,Gelbvieh×Simmental-crossbred cattle,Angus×Simmental-crossbred cattle and Limousin×Simmental-crossbred cattle) were introduced,feeding two different nutritional level of diets,adopting 4×2 two factor design,and carrying on the seven days of digestion experiment using endogeny indicator method.The results showed as follows:①From genetic basis,crude protein digestibility in Gelbvieh×Simmental-crossbred cattle was significantly higher than that in Angus×Simmental-crossbred cattle (P<0.05),and extremely significantly higher than that in Limousin×Simmental-crossbred cattle(P<0.01), crude fat digestibility in Gelbvieh×Simmental-crossbred cattle was extremely significantly higher than that in Charolais×Simmental-crossbred cattle and Angus×Simmental-crossbred cattle (P<0.01).②From nutritional level,the nutrient digestibility of beef cattle in feeding a high nutrition diet were extremely significantly higher than that in feeding a low nutrition diet (P<0.01).③From the interaction of genetic basis and nutritional level,nutrient digestibility decreased with the increase of nutritional level of diet in Charolais×Simmental-crossbred cattle,Angus×Simmental-crossbred cattle and Limousin×Simmental-crossbred cattle,while Gelbvieh×Simmental-crossbred cattle were on the contrary.The results indicated that genetic basis had significant influences on crude protein digestibility and crude fat digestibility (P<0.05),nutritional level of diet had significant influences on the digestibility of dry matter,organic matter,crude protein,crude fiber,crude ash and crude fat (P<0.05),crude protein digestibility were influenced significantly by genetic basis and nutritional level of diet at the same time (P<0.05).  相似文献   

【目的】为了揭示地锦草(EH)在猪小肠上皮细胞(IPEC-J2)中的抗炎和抗氧化作用。【方法】利用不同浓度EH水提物(0、5、10、50、125、200μg/mL)处理IPEC-J2细胞12 h,通过CCK-8法检测IPEC-J2细胞活力,确定EH处理细胞的最佳浓度。将IPEC-J2细胞随机分为对照组(CT)、脂多糖(LPS)组(LPS)、EH+LPS组(ELP),每组3个重复。CT组细胞正常培养不做任何处理,LPS组细胞用5μg/mL LPS处理,ELP组细胞用5μg/mL LPS和最佳浓度EH共处理,各组细胞均处理12 h后,收集细胞和上清。利用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测细胞中白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、kelch样环氧氯丙烷相关蛋白1(Keap1)、核因子E2相关因子(Nrf2)、血红素加氧酶1(HO-1)mRNA表达;ELISA法检测上清液中丙二醛(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)的含量,化学荧光法检测上清液中活性氧(ROS)水平。【结果】与0μg/mL EH组相比,5、50μg/mL EH组IPEC-J2细胞...  相似文献   

Reason for performing the study: There is a need to assess and standardise equine bone marrow (BM) mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) isolation protocols in order to permit valid comparisons between therapeutic trials at different sites. Objective: To compare 3 protocols of equine BM MSC isolation: adherence to a plastic culture dish (Classic) and 2 gradient density separation protocols (Percoll and Ficoll). Materials and methods: BM aspirates were harvested from the sternum of 6 mares and MSCs isolated by all 3 protocols. The cell viability after isolation, MSC yield, number of MSCs attained after 14 days of culture and the functional characteristics (self‐renewal (CFU) and multilineage differentiation capacity) were determined for all 3 protocols. Results: The mean ± s.d. MSC yield from the Percoll protocol was significantly higher (6.8 ± 3.8%) than the Classic protocol (1.3 ± 0.7%). The numbers of MSCs recovered after 14 days culture per 10 ml BM sample were 24.0 ± 12.1, 14.6 ± 9.5 and 4.1 ± 2.5 × 10 6 for the Percoll, Ficoll and Classic protocols, respectively, significantly higher for the Percoll compared with the Classic protocol. Importantly, no significant difference in cell viability or in osteogenic or chondrogenic differentiation was identified between the protocols. At Passage 0, cells retrieved with the Ficoll protocol had lower self‐renewal capacity when compared with the Classic protocol but there was no significant difference between protocols at Passage 1. There were no significant differences between the 3 protocols for the global frequencies of CFUs at Passage 0 or 1. Conclusions and clinical relevance: These data suggest that the Percoll gradient density separation protocol was the best in terms of MSC yield and self‐renewal potential of the MSCs retrieved and that MSCs retrieved with the Ficoll protocol had the lowest self‐renewal but only at passage 0. Then, the 3 protocols were equivalent. However, the Percoll protocol should be considered for equine MSC isolation to minimise culture time.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the swim up and Percoll methods to select frozen–thawed bull spermatozoa with high quality membrane and acrosomal integrity and final concentration. Semen samples from six Holstein–Friesian bulls were examined. The whole experiment was repeated three times. Before and after both treatments, spermatozoa were subjected to a double‐staining method and evaluated by brightfield light microscope using 40× dry, or 100× oil immersion objectives. The concentration of spermatozoa evaluated by haemocytometer was 8.8 × 107/ml after thawing, and the percentage of live cells with intact acrosome was 45.8%. Both treatments significantly increased the proportion of live spermatozoa compared with no treatment, and the use of Percoll gradient resulted in a significantly higher percentage of living cells with an intact acrosome (88.2%) than the swim up method (69.4%). The concentration of spermatozoa after Percoll separation (9.3 × 106/ml) was higher than that after the swim up method (5.8 × 106/ml). These results indicate that spermatozoa with a higher viability and acrosome integrity can be obtained by Percoll separation than by the swim up method. Therefore the use of Percoll‐treated spermatozoa in IVF systems can be more expedient.  相似文献   

【目的】旨在揭示血红素加氧酶1(HO-1)在巨噬细胞中的抗炎和抗氧化作用。【方法】利用不同浓度脂多糖(LPS,0、3、5、10、15、20、25μg/mL)、HO-1(0、0.02、0.04、0.06、0.08、0.10μg/mL)及锌原卟啉(zinc protoporphyrin, ZPP;0、5、10、15、20、30 ng/mL)分别处理巨噬细胞(RAW264.7),12 h后通过CCK8法检测RAW264.7细胞活力,计算LPS、HO-1和ZPP处理RAW264.7细胞的最佳浓度。将RAW264.7细胞随机分为对照组(CT)、LPS组(LPS)、LPS+HO-1组(LH)、HO-1组(HO-1)、LPS+HO-1+ZPP组(LHZ),每组3个重复。CT组细胞用含10%胎中血清的DMEM培养基培养;LPS组细胞用LPS处理;LH组细胞用LPS和HO-1共处理;HO-1组细胞用HO-1处理;LHZ组细胞用LPS、HO-1和ZPP共处理,各组细胞的处理时间均为12 h,收集细胞和上清。采用ELISA法检测上清液中白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、IL-8、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、活性...  相似文献   

Isolation of canine peripheral blood mononuclear cells with a one step centrifugal separation procedure has not been very successful sofar. Significant contamination with polymorphonuclear cells has been reported. An analysis of the buoyant density of canine peripheral blood leukocytes on a self-generating Percoll gradient showed that the buoyant densities of polymorphonuclear cells and lymphocytes are so near that separation with high purity and yield is not possible with the use of a density gradient. Transient changes in buoyant density of polymorphonuclear cells have been observed. In such situations differences in buoyant density between cell types have been observed which permit separation of mononuclear cells from polymorphonuclear cells at a reasonable yield.  相似文献   

The efficiency of spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) isolation and culture from pubertal donors is currently poor primarily, because of contamination with other testicular cells. This study aimed to purify SSC-like cells using different extracellular matrixes and a discontinuous gradient density. In experiment 1, testes (n=6) were analyzed for histology and SSC-related protein expressions (laminin, SSEA-4, DDX-4 and GFRα-1). After enzymatic digestion, the cell suspension was plated onto either a laminin- or gelatin-coated dish. The number of SSC-like cells was determined at 15, 30 and 60 min of culture (experiment 2). Experiment 3 was performed to test whether or not the additional step of Percoll gradient density centrifugation could really improve purification of SSC-like cells. Testicular histology revealed complete spermatogenesis with laminin expression essentially at the basal lamina of the seminiferous tubules. SSEA-4 and GFRα-1 co-localized with DDX-4 in the spermatogonia. The relative percentage of SSC-like cells, as determined by cells expressing SSEA-4 (59.42 ± 2.18%) and GFRα-1 (42.70 ± 1.28%), revealed that the highest SSC-like cell purity was obtained with the 15-min laminin-coated dish compared with other incubation times and gelatin treatment (P<0.05). Percoll treatment prior to laminin selection (15 min) significantly improved SSC-like cell recovery (91.33 ± 0.14%, P<0.001) and purity (83.82 ± 2.05% for SSEA-4 and 64.39 ± 1.51% for GFRα-1, P<0.05). These attached cells demonstrated a typical SSC-like cell morphology and also expressed POU5F1, RET and ZBTB16 mRNA. In conclusion, double enrichment with Percoll gradient density centrifugation and laminin plating highly enriched the SSC-like cells population.  相似文献   

Percoll gradients have been used to separate relatively pure populations of viable equine polymorphonuclear (PMN) and mononuclear (MN) cells. In preliminary studies, a continuous density gradient of 70% Percoll solution was used to separate two distinct leucocyte-rich bands. After measurement of the density of each band on the continuous gradient, discontinuous Percoll gradients, using 60% and 75% Percoll solutions, were used to provide a rapid means of separating PMN and MN cells. The yield of viable cells per ml of blood was 3.0×106 and 3.2×106 for MN and PMN cells, respectively. Corresponding values for recovery were 45% and 72%. The purity was 94% for PMNs and 99% for MNs.  相似文献   

A simple discontinuous Percoll density-gradient technique was adapted for isolation of granulocytes and mononuclear cells from cats, dogs, horses and cattle. Separation was accomplished at low speeds using a standard tabletop centrifuge. Cell purity was 100% for both granulocytes and mononuclear cells and cell viability exceeded 95%. Percent recovery of leukocytes ranged from 69 to 83%.  相似文献   

Percoll gradients have been used to separate relatively pure populations of viable equine polymorphonuclear (PMN) and mononuclear (MN) cells. In preliminary studies, a continuous density gradient of 70% Percoll solution was used to separate two distinct leucocyte-rich bands. After measurement of the density of each band on the continuous gradient, discontinuous Percoll gradients, using 60% and 75% Percoll solutions, were used to provide a rapid means of separating PMN and MN cells. The yield of viable cells per ml of blood was 3.0 X 10(6) and 3.2 X 10(6) for MN and PMN cells, respectively. Corresponding values for recovery were 45% and 72%. The purity was 94% for PMNs and 99% for MNs.  相似文献   

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