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To describe both shedding and serological patterns following abortions detected as being associated with Coxiella burnetii (Cb), 24 cows experiencing an abortion due to Cb were followed over a one month period. Samples taken on the day of abortion (D0) were followed 3-fold by weekly samplings from day 14 (D14) to D28 after the abortion. Milk and vaginal mucus were collected at each weekly sampling and tested using real-time PCR while blood samples were collected 2-fold on D21 and D28 and tested using ELISA. We found a very short duration of C. burnetii shedding in vaginal mucus after abortion, highlighting the need to collect samples as rapidly as possible following an abortion to avoid false negative results. In contrast with previous results, concomitancy of vaginal and mucus shedding was frequent, especially for cows shedding a high bacterial load on DO leading to the hypothesis that the clinical onset of the infection influences the modalities of Cb shedding. Lastly, serological results indicating a lack of sensitivity to detect Cb shedder cows (especially for cows for which Ct values were high) suggest that ELISA is not a useful tool to diagnose abortions at the individual level.  相似文献   

While shedding routes of Coxiella burnetii are identified, the characteristics of Coxiella shedding are still widely unknown, especially in dairy cattle. However, this information is crucial to assess the natural course of Coxiella burnetii infection within a herd and then to elaborate strategies to limit the risks of transmission between animals and to humans. The present study aimed at (i) describing the characteristics of Coxiella burnetii shedding by dairy cows (in milk, vaginal mucus, faeces) in five infected dairy herds, and at (ii) investigating the possible relationships between shedding patterns and serological responses. A total of 145 cows were included in a follow-up consisting of seven concomitant samplings of milk, vaginal mucus, faeces and blood (Day 0, D7, D14, D21, D28, D63, D90). Detection and quantification of Coxiella burnetii titres were performed in milk, vaginal mucus and faeces samples using real-time PCR assay, while antibodies against Coxiella were detected using an ELISA technique. For a given shedding route, and a given periodicity (weekly or monthly), cows were gathered into different shedding kinetic patterns according to the sequence of PCR responses. Distribution of estimated titres in Coxiella burnetii was described according to shedding kinetic patterns. Coxiella burnetii shedding was found scarcely and sporadically in faeces. Vaginal mucus shedding concerned almost 50% of the cows studied and was found intermittently or sporadically, depending on the periodicity considered. Almost 40% of cows were detected as milk shedders, with two predominant shedding patterns: persistent and sporadic, regardless of the sampling periodicity. Significantly higher estimated titres in Coxiella burnetii were observed in cows with persistent shedding patterns suggesting the existence of heavy shedder cows. These latter cows were mostly, persistently highly-seropositive, suggesting that repeated serological testings could be a reliable tool to screen heavy shedders, before using PCR assays.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of phase 1 vaccine, combined or not with tetracycline, to control Coxiella burnetii vaginal shedding at calving in cows was assessed through a 13 months study in 22 Q fever clinically affected commercial dairy herds. Four medical strategies implemented at herd level but randomly assigned to cows (vaccination, vaccination and tetracycline, tetracycline, nothing) were compared. There was no significant interaction effect between vaccination and antibiotherapy. Tetracycline used once at drying off was associated with a lower risk of being detected shedder at calving (OR=0.40, CI 95% [0.21-0.75]), but had no significant effect on the bacterial load shed. Vaccination did not significantly prevent shedding but was significantly (OR=0.15, CI 95% [0.03-0.85]) associated with lower bacterial load shed. Thus, vaccination using a phase 1 vaccine and antibiotherapy using tetracycline is associated with a decrease in shedding in dairy cows and could contribute to reduce the bacterial load generated in the environment. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study providing useful information for evidenced-based and rational use of medical strategy combining antibiotic and vaccination in infected dairy cattle herds.  相似文献   

The possible relationship between Coxiella-seropositivity and the reproductive performance of cows during the previous year to the serological screening was examined in three high producing dairy herds. The herds had a history of subfertility (<25% of pregnancies for the total number of AI), abortion (>18% abortions) and a positive polymerase chain reaction test for Coxiella burnetii in the bulk tank milk with an excretion higher than 10(4)Coxiella /ml for all three herds. Antibodies against C. burnetii were detected in 50.2% of the 781 parous cows analyzed. Coxiella seropositivity was linked to placenta retention, to changes in the interval from parturition to conception (with the lowest interval parturition-conception for cows with low level of seropositivity), early pregnancy (cows becoming pregnant before Day 90 postpartum) and maintenance of gestation during the early fetal period, while it failed to affect rates of abortion after Day 90 of gestation or stillbirth.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to analyse, in high-producing dairy cows, plasma Coxiella burnetii antibody titres and seroconversion throughout gestation, along with possible factors affecting such titres. The study was performed on 65 lactating pregnant non-aborting animals in a commercial Holstein-Friesian dairy herd in northeastern Spain. Blood samples for antibody determinations were collected on days 40, 90, 120, 150, 180 and 210 of gestation. By General Linear Model (GLM) repeated measures analysis of variance, the effects of milk production and reproductive variables as well as Neospora caninum-seropositivity on C. burnetii antibody levels for all animals and for seropositive animals were established. Significant effects were observed of day of gestation, parity and N. caninum-seropositivity (between subject effects) on the C. burnetii antibody levels recorded for the whole population of animals throughout the gestation period. C. burnetii antibody levels were higher in primiparous than in multiparous cows, with titres in primiparous cows diminishing during the post-partum period. In seropositive cows, significant effects were observed of milk production and inseminating bull on gestational C. burnetii antibody levels. When the data were subjected to binary logistic regression considering C. burnetii-seropositivity as the dependent variable, the resultant odds ratios indicated that the likelihood of C. burnetii-seropositivity was lower in N. caninum-seropositive animals (OR 0.12) compared to N. caninum-seronegative animals, and in multiparous cows (OR 0.12) compared to primiparous cows. In conclusion, Coxiella-infected dams remained seropositive during the whole gestation period, though primiparous cows showed a drop in antibody titres post-partum. No seronegative cow suffered seroconversion. Presence of both, N. caninum and C. burnetii antibodies in the same animal, was associated with a decrease in antibody titres against C. burnetii, perhaps indicating some cross-protection in animals infected by both pathogens.  相似文献   

Q fever is a widespread zoonosis caused by Coxiella burnetii. Infected animals, shedding bacteria by different routes, constitute contamination sources for humans and the environment. To study Coxiella excretion, pregnant goats were inoculated by the subcutaneous route in a site localized just in front of the shoulder at 90 days of gestation with 3 doses of bacteria (10(8), 10(6) or 10(4) i.d.). All the goats aborted whatever the dose used. Coxiella were found by PCR and immunofluorescence tests in all placentas and in several organs of at least one fetus per goat. At abortion, all the goats excreted bacteria in vaginal discharges up to 14 days and in milk samples up to 52 days. A few goats excreted Coxiella in their feces before abortion, and all goats, excreted bacteria in their feces after abortion. Antibody titers against Coxiella increased from 21 days post inoculation to the end of the experiment. For a Q fever diagnostic, detection by PCR and immunofluorescence tests of Coxiella in parturition products and vaginal secretions at abortion should be preferred to serological tests.  相似文献   

During recent years in Denmark higher rates of antibodies to Coxiella burnetii have been detected in animals and humans than previously reported. A study based on bulk tank milk samples from 100 randomly selected dairy herds was performed to estimate the prevalence and geographical distribution of antibody positive dairy herds. Using the CHEKIT Q-Fever Antibody ELISA Test Kit (IDEXX), the study demonstrated a prevalence of 59% antibody positive herds, 11% antibody intermediate herds and 30% antibody negative herds based on the instructions provided by the manufacturer. The geographical distribution does not indicate a relationship between the regional density of dairy farms and the prevalence of antibody positive dairy farms. The result supports the hypothesis of an increase in the prevalence of positive dairy herds compared to previous years.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the effects of Coxiella burnetii shedding or seropositivity on post‐partum recovery and subsequent fertility in high‐producing dairy cows. Given the difficulty in diagnosing C. burnetii infection at the farm level, an exhaustive series of tests in 43 pregnant animals that delivered at least one live calf were conducted, including blood serology and PCR of milk or colostrum, cotyledons (only at parturition), faeces, vaginal fluid against Cburnetii on gestation Day 171–177, at parturition and on Days 1–7, 8–14, 15–21, 22–28, 29–35 and 90–97 post‐partum. During scheduled herd visits, ultrasonography (US) of the genital tract and examination of vaginal fluid were performed on Days 15–21 (V1), 22–28 (V2), 29–35 (V3) and 51–57 (V4) post‐partum by the same veterinarian. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the likelihood of suffering endometritis (the presence of echogenic intrauterine fluid (IUF), cervical diameter of ≥4 cm or endometrial thickness ≥0.75 cm) was lower in C. burnetii‐seropositive animals (OR = 0.10), compared with C. burnetii‐seronegative animals. According to Kaplan–Meier survival analysis, C. burnetii‐seronegative and non‐shedding cows showed a delayed return to luteal activity and conception was delayed in non‐shedding animals, compared with the remaining animals. Overall, the results of our study provide useful insight into the effects of C. burnetii infection on post‐partum recovery and subsequent fertility. In particular, animals not infected with Coxiella seem to be susceptible to infection and not protected against the bacterium in dairy herds. The elevated costs of determining an infection at the farm level, make monitoring of cows virtually impossible from a clinical point of view.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in dairy herds in Central and Eastern European countries based on ELISA and PCR tests. A total of 370 bulk tank milk samples were collected in 2019 originating from Croatia (n = 13), Czech Republic (n = 138), Hungary (n = 126), Serbia (n = 24), Slovakia (n = 53) and Slovenia (n = 16). Prevalence of C. burnetii differed according to the country of origin with Croatia showing 100.00%, the Czech Republic 98.55%, Hungary 97.61%, Serbia 70.83%, Slovakia 90.56% and Slovenia showing 62.50% average percentages of the positive herds. C. burnetii specific ELISA showed 100.00% positivity in all examined countries if herds consisted of equal or above 250 milking cows. The growing number of farms managing large number of animals, where cattle density is high correlates with the increasing prevalence of C. burnetii in the region.  相似文献   


Q fever is an important zoonotic disease which has been recently diagnosed, mainly in sheep and goats, in Portugal. The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of bovine Coxiella burnetii antibodies in dairy farms from the northwest of Portugal. Bulk tank milk samples were randomly obtained, on November 2013, from 90 dairy farms and assayed using an ELISA kit. The apparent prevalence was 61.1 % (95 % C.I. from 50.8 to 70.5 %). The proportion of negative and intermediate (inconclusive) herds was 34.5 % (25.5 to 44.7 %) and 4.4 % (1.7 to 10.9 %), respectively. In conclusion, a high level of exposure to Coxiella burnetii was observed in Portuguese dairy cattle herds, highlighting the needs to better understand the epidemiology of Q fever in Portugal by the implementation of a monitoring program based on harmonized serologic and molecular methodologies and elucidation of the infection status of the herds.


Cotyledons (n=170) from dairy cattle were analysed for Coxiella burnetii by real-time (rt) PCR targeting the IS1111a and icd genes. Positive cases (n=90) and a random selection of negative cases (n=20) were examined by histology, immunohistochemistry and, if infection level was high, by fluorescence in situ hybridisation. PCR results were compared to bulk tank milk (BTM) antibody levels. Placental infection was detected in cows from herds at all BTM antibody levels. However the likelihood of placental infection was generally higher in herds with intermediate or high BMT antibody levels than in herds with low antibody levels. Histological examination revealed a range of mostly mild cotyledonary changes; C. burnetii infection was only rarely associated with inflammation. This may explain why bovine Q fever is usually not clinically apparent. Nevertheless, infected cattle will shed C. burnetii at calving and this can occur even in herds without BTM antibodies.  相似文献   

A study based on bulk tank milk samples from 120 randomly selected dairy cattle herds was conducted to estimate the prevalence of Coxiella burnetii seropositive dairy herds, to describe the geographical distribution, and to identify risk factors. Using the CHEKIT Q-fever Antibody ELISA Test Kit (IDEXX), the study revealed a prevalence of 79.2% seropositive herds, 18.3% seronegative herds, and 2.5% serointermediate herds based on the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Multifactorial logistic regression showed statistically significant associations (P < 0.01) between C. burnetii seropositivity and increasing herd size (OR = 1.02 per cow increment) and increasing regional average number of cattle per dairy herd (OR = 1.02 per animal increment). Herds >150 cows had 17.9 times higher odds of testing positive compared to herds <80 cows. The regional average number of cattle herds per square kilometer was borderline significantly related to the occurrence of seropositive dairy herds (P = 0.06). The results indicate an increased prevalence of seropositive dairy herds since the previous survey in 2008 and an adverse impact of increasing herd size and cattle density on the risk of seropositivity.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii infection in pregnant sheep typically causes abortion or the birth of weak lambs. Two C. burnetii-related abortions in a group of 34 pregnant ewes were reported at their first lambing in our research institute. The seroprevalence of C. burnetii infection and bacteria shedding were investigated using an ELISA and PCR, respectively, during the course of two subsequent pregnancies. None of the ewes examined seroconverted from negative to positive at the time of the second and the third parturition and most of the ewes that were seropositive at the abortion episode remained positive throughout the investigation. The two successive pregnancies resulted in the birth of healthy lambs without PCR evidence of Coxiella infection from placenta and vaginal swabs taken postpartum. PCR assay performed on vaginal swabs taken from all animals 1, 5 or 12 days after the second lambing were also negative for Coxiella. However, one ewe that had previously experienced C. burnetii shedding at the first lambing excreted the bacteria in the genital tract after the third parturition. The bacteria could not be detected by PCR in milk and faecal samples taken up to 12 days after both parturitions.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii is a zoonotic bacterium that can infect a wide range of animals including horses. However, its circulation dynamics in and through horses are still unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate prevalence of C. burnetii and its genomic characteristics in horse sera samples in the North of Iran (Golestan Province). The samples were collected in 2018 and the age, sex, and breed of each animal were recorded. Nested-PCR was used to detect C. burnetii based on the presence of the transposable gene IS1111. The results showed that 7.50 % (P < 0.05; 95 % CI: 0.5 %–0.12 %) of the examined sera samples were positive for C. burnetii. Based on the resuls, prevalence of C. burnetii in the age groupof < Years 1–5 (p-value <0.05, 95 % CI: 1 %–8 %) was less than the age group of >6 years old (p-value <0.05, 95 %, CI: 7 %–19.8 %). In previous studies, it was concluded that the horses' population in Golestan Province should be considered as an important factor in the epidemiology of Q fever and consequently in public health. Further studies should be implemented to evaluate if horses may be relevant indicators of zoonotic risk in urban and suburban endemic areas.  相似文献   

The clinical signs and pathological findings of clinical Q fever in dairy goats in the Netherlands are described. The disease is characterized by endemic or epidemic abortion in late pregnancy, stillbirth, or the birth of weak kids. These consequences of Coxiella burnetii infection appear to have increased during recent years in the Dutch dairy goat population. Detection of the agent in placental tissue by immunohistochemistry has proven diagnostically useful.  相似文献   

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