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Corn kernels contain 9% fiber by weight, which is not digested well by nonruminants such as chicken and swine. Also, fiber is nonreactive in the dry‐grind process for ethanol production and is considered as feedstock for the production of second‐generation bioethanol. Fiber separation can enhance starch concentration in animal feed and increase starch loading in ethanol plants. Electrostatic separation is used to separate particles from granular mixtures under the influence of electrical forces. The Elusieve process, a combination of sieving and air classification, separates fiber by taking advantage of differences in size, shape, and density. Differences in dielectric properties could also be exploited for fiber separation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of electrostatic separation of fiber particles from corn. When the electrostatic method was used in conjunction with Elusieve processing, the fiber product had higher neutral detergent fiber (NDF, 52.9%) compared with Elusieve processing alone (NDF of 40.5%). Also, a higher quantity of enhanced flour (95.0% yield) was produced when the electrostatic method was used in conjunction with Elusieve processing compared with Elusieve processing alone (93.0% yield), without any change in quality of the enhanced flour (NDF of 6.6% in both cases). The electrostatic method improved fiber separation when used in conjunction with Elusieve processing.  相似文献   

A process was developed to separate fiber from distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) in a dry‐grind corn process. Separation of fiber from DDGS would provide two valuable coproducts: 1) DDGS with reduced fiber, increased fat, and increased protein contents; and 2) fiber. The process, called elusieve process, used two separation methods, sieving and elutriation, to separate the fiber. Material carried by air to the top of the elutriation column was called the lighter fraction and material that settled to the bottom of the column was called the heavier fraction. We evaluated the compositions of fractions produced from sieving and elutriation. Two commercial samples of DDGS were obtained from two dry‐grind corn plants. Sieving over four screens (869, 582, 447, and 234 μm openings) created five size categories. The two smallest size categories contained >40% (w/w) of the original DDGS and had reduced fiber and increased protein and fat contents relative to the original DDGS. Elutriation of the remaining three size categories increased protein and fat contents and reduced fiber contents in the heavier fractions. Elutriation at air velocities of 1.59–5.24 m/sec increased the protein content of the heavier fraction by 13–41% and increased the fat content of the heavier fraction by 4–127% compared with the bulk fractions of each size category. This process was effective in separating fiber from both DDGS samples evaluated. Elusieve process does not require changes in the existing dry‐grind process and can be implemented at the end of the dry‐grind process.  相似文献   

Separation of fiber from distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) provides two valuable coproducts: 1) enhanced DDGS with reduced fiber, increased fat and increased protein contents and 2) fiber. Recently, the elusieve process, a combination of sieving and elutriation was found to be effective in separating fiber from two commercial samples of DDGS (DDGS‐1 and DDGS‐2). Separation of fiber decreased the quantity of DDGS, but increased the value of DDGS by increasing protein content and produced a new coproduct with higher fiber content. Economic analysis was conducted to determine the payback period, net present value (NPV), and internal rate of return (IRR) of the elusieve process. The dependence of animal foodstuff prices on their protein content was determined. Equipment prices were obtained from industrial manufacturers. Relative to crude protein content of original DDGS, crude protein content of enhanced DDGS was higher by 8.0% for DDGS‐1 and by 6.3% for DDGS‐2. For a dry‐grind plant processing corn at the rate of 2,030 metric tonnes/day (80,000 bushels/day), increase in revenue due to the elusieve process would be $0.4 to 0.7M/year. Total capital investment for the elusieve process would be $1.4M and operating cost would be $0.1M/year. Payback period was estimated to be 2.5–4.6 years, NPV was $1.2–3.4M, and IRR was 20.5–39.5%.  相似文献   

The conventional corn wet‐milling process requires a long steeping time and has environmental and health concerns from the use of SO2. A recently proposed two‐stage enzymatic milling procedure with the first stage of water soaking and coarse grinding of corn and the second stage of incubating with enzymes has been shown to reduce the soaking time and possibly eliminate the need for SO2 addition. This current work explored the applications of protease and high‐intensity ultrasound in the second stage of the two‐stage enzymatic milling for corn starch isolation to further shorten the process time without use SO2. of The starch yield from sonication alone was 55.2–67.8% (starch db) as compared with 53.4% of the water‐only control with stirring for 1 hr and 71.1% of the conventional control with SO2 and lactic acid steeping for 48 hr. Protease digestion alone for 2 hr was not effective (45.8–63.9% yield) in isolating corn starch, but the starch recovery was increased to 61.2–76.1% when protease was combined with sonication. The preferred combination was neutral protease digestion for 2 hr followed by sonication at 75% amplitude for 30 min. The results demonstrated that combinations of high‐intensity ultrasound and neutral protease could replace SO2 and shorten the steeping time in the enzymatic wet‐milling process for corn starch isolation.  相似文献   

We recently reported that corn fiber oil contains high levels of three potential cholesterol-lowering phytosterol components: ferulate-phytosterol esters (FPE) (3–6 wt%), free phytosterols (1–2 wt%), and phytosterol-fatty acyl esters (7–9 wt%). A previous study also indicated that corn bran oil contained less phytosterol components than corn fiber oil. The current study was undertaken to attempt to confirm this preliminary observation using more defined conditions. Accordingly, oil was extracted from corn fiber and corn bran prepared under controlled laboratory conditions, using the same sample of corn hybrid kernels for each, and using recognized bench-scale wet-milling, and dry-milling procedures, respectively. After extraction, the chemical composition of the phytosterol components in the oil were measured. This study confirmed our previous observation—that FPE levels were higher in corn fiber oil than in corn bran oil. During industrial wet-milling, almost all of the FPE are recovered in the fiber fraction (which contains both fine and coarse fiber). During laboratory-scale wet-milling, ≈60–70% of the FPE are recovered in the coarse fiber (pericarp) and 30–40% are recovered in the fine fiber. During laboratory-scale dry-milling, <20% of the FPE are recovered in the bran (pericarp), and the rest in the grits. The recoveries of the other two phytosterol components (free phytosterols and phytosterol-fatty acyl esters) revealed a more complex distribution, with significant levels found in several of the dry- and wet-milled products.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical methods were used to recover starch and protein from wet-milled corn fiber. A single milling of the fiber produced an 18% yield of mill starch. By separating the mill starch with a starch table, 68% of this material was recovered as starch with a protein contamination of 0.66%. Milling increased fine fiber from 4.5% in the starting material to 11.5% after a single grind. Successive additional milling passes modestly increased the mill starch and fine fiber yields with a corresponding decrease in the coarse fiber yield. Pretreatment with combinations of lactic and sulfurous acids had only a small effect on the distribution and composition of the recovered fractions.  相似文献   

The mechanical development of wheat flour and water creates micro and macro structures in dough or batter that critically influence the ability to separate starch from protein by fluid displacement. This study sought to identify specific structural and rheological features and to relate these to separation as indexed by the separation factor. Structural features, especially protein and starch distributions, were examined using visible light microscopy applied to dough samples that had been exposed to a protein dye. Flour and water samples were developed in a Brabender microfarinograph at conditions (water content and time of development) generally suitable for use of the USDA Western Regional Research Center, cold‐ethanol fluid‐displacement method. No truly homogenous structures were observed. However, distinct segregation of protein and starch were apparent at all conditions. Structural features correlated qualitatively with the success of separation indexed by the overall separation factor (αp/s) for the separation process. Highly segregated states characterized by large protein bands, clustered starch, and large open spaces were obtained with intermediate development (25 ± 5 min) and were most readily separated (αp/s = 118 ± 7). Segregated states with relatively thin protein bands (≤10 μm dia) in complex networks entrapping starch were obtained after additional development (≥45 min) and were less completely separable (αp/s = 32 ± 2). Segregated states with irregularly organized protein in the form of clumps and bands were obtained with minimal development and were partially separable (αp/s = 65 ± 4). Consistency indicated on the microfarinograph increases monotonically throughout and beyond the period of maximum separability. However, elasticity changes and a high rate of increase in consistency evident in the microfarinogram may reflect changes in the structure that also reduce separability. The study demonstrated the use of the ethanol method to isolate development from displacement phenomena forindependent study.  相似文献   

A modified dry‐grind corn process has been developed that allows recovery of both pericarp and endosperm fibers as coproducts at the front end of the process before fermentation. The modified process is called enzymatic milling (E‐Mill) dry‐grind process. In a conventional dry‐grind corn process, only the starch component of the corn kernel is converted into ethanol. Additional ethanol can be produced from corn if the fiber component can also be converted into ethanol. In this study, pericarp and endosperm fibers recovered in the E‐Mill dry‐grind process were evaluated as a potential ethanol feedstock. Both fractions were tested for fermentability and potential ethanol yield. Total ethanol yield recovered from corn by fermenting starch, pericarp, and endosperm fibers was also determined. Results show that endosperm fiber produced 20.5% more ethanol than pericarp fiber on a g/100 g of fiber basis. Total ethanol yield obtained by fermenting starch and both fiber fractions was 0.370 L/kg compared with ethanol yield of 0.334 L/kg obtained by fermenting starch alone.  相似文献   

When rice flour was treated with heat stable α-amylases, the effectiveness of protein separation increased with increased temperature. Depending on the enzyme, treatment at 90°C for 45 min resulted in protein contents of 47–65% for the insoluble fraction. Prior gelatinization enhanced the effectiveness of the enzyme reaction but was undesirable because the increased viscosity and gelation could cause difficulties in the processing operation. Follow-up treatment with other carbohydratehydrolyzing enzymes, such as glucoamylase, cellulase, and hemicellulase further increased the protein content up to 76% for the insoluble fraction. The subunit structure of the isolated proteins, based on electrophoretic analysis, remained practically unchanged after the treatment. The limited solubility and emulsion activity of rice protein were also unchanged.  相似文献   

The variability in commercial corn hybrids for corn fiber yields, amounts of extractable oil, and levels of individual and total phytosterol components in corn fiber oil was determined. Also, the effect of growth location on fiber yields, fiber oil content, and the levels of individual and total phytosterol compounds was determined. Significant variation was observed in the commercial hybrids for fiber yield (13.2–16.6%) and fiber oil yield (0.9–2.4%). No significant correlation was observed between fiber and oil yields. Significant variations in the commercial corn hybrids were also observed in the individual phytosterol compounds in corn fiber oil: 2.9–9.2% for ferulate phytosterol esters (FPE); 1.9–4.3% for free phytosterols (St); and 6.5–9.5% for phytosterol fatty acyl esters (St:E). Positive correlations were observed among the three phytosterol compounds in the corn fiber oil (R = 0.75 for FPE and St:E; 0.48 for St:E and St; and 0.68 for FPE and St). The effect of location on dependent variables was also significant. The same hybrids grown at different locations showed a variation (range) of 4.0–17.5% for FPE, 4.9–12.2% for St:E, and 1.95–4.45% for St. Relative ranking of hybrids with respect to phytosterol composition was consistent for almost all of the growth locations.  相似文献   

Environmental concerns, the disposal cost of hazardous waste, and the time required for extraction in current methods encouraged us to develop an alternate method for analysis of wheat flour lipids. Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) with carbon dioxide has provided that medium and the method is fully automatic. Crude fats or nonstarch free lipids (FL) were extracted from 4–5 g of wheat flour by an SFE system. To develop optimum conditions for SFE, various extraction pressures, temperatures, and modifier volumes were tried to provide a method that would produce an amount of lipids comparable to those extracted by the AACC Approved Soxhlet Method and the AOCS Official Butt Method using petroleum ether as solvent. Using several wheat flour samples, the best conditions were 12.0 vol% ethanol (10.8 mol%) at 7,500 psi and 80°C to extract the amount of FL similar to those by the AACC and AOCS methods. Using solid‐phase extraction, lipids were separated into nonpolar lipid (NL), glycolipid (GL), and phospholipid (PL) fractions. The mean value of five flours was 1.15% (flour weight, db) by the SFE method, 1.07% by the Butt method, and 1.01% by the Soxhlet methhod. The SFE‐extracted lipids contained less NL and more GL than either the Butt or Soxhlet methods. All three methods extracted lipids with qualitatively similar components. The overall benefit for SFE over the Soxhlet or Butt methods was to increase the number of samples analyzed in a given time, reduce the cost of analysis, and reduce exposure to toxic chemicals.  相似文献   

Analysis of swelling power, water retention capacity, and degree of gelatinization of corn flour cooked in water with and without lime indicated, over a concentration range of 0–1% (w/v), that at low concentrations, lime increases swelling and digestibility of starch granules. Measurement of starch solubility revealed an increase in the amount of starch dissolved by lime cooking. Swelling, retention, and gelatinization exhibited maxima at or near 0.2% (w/v) lime, and then decreased as lime concentration increased. Hot-stage polarized light microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry of isolated starch revealed increasing gelatinization temperatures with increasing lime concentrations. It is hypothesized that the high pH of the system causes starch hydroxyl groups to ionize, thereby creating binding sites for Ca++/CaOH+ and producing Ca-starch crosslinks. It is also suggested that, at low lime levels (<0.4%, w/v), granule crystalline regions are disrupted and the granule matrix is stretched by exchange of protons for calcium ions; when the lime level surpasses 0.4% (w/v), the granule shell becomes stabilized by Ca++-starch interactions, producing stronger, more rigid granules.  相似文献   

The phytosterol‐containing oil in the corn fiber (corn fiber oil) has potential use as a natural low‐density lipoprotein (LDL) lowering nutraceutical but its low concentration (1–3%) makes it difficult and expensive to extract. Pretreatment of corn fiber with dilute acid or glucosidases removed nonlipid components of fiber, producing oil‐enriched fractions that should be more amenable to efficient and inexpensive oil extraction. Acid, as well as enzymes, significantly increased the content of corn fiber oil and its phytosterol compounds by hydrolyzing (and removing) the starch and nonstarch (cell wall) polysaccharides from the wet‐milled corn fiber. Dual treatment of the fiber with acid and enzyme greatly increased the concentrations of corn fiber oil and its phytosterol components, compared with acid or enzyme treatments alone. Depending on the treatment, the oil concentration in the residual solids increased from 0.3 to 10.8% (21–771% increase in conc.) and the total phytosterol concentration increased from 19.8 to 1256.2 mg/g of fiber (11–710% increase in conc.) compared with untreated fiber.  相似文献   

Starch is often added to batters to improve the texture and appearance of fried food products. However, comparisons of commercially available starches in terms of batter characteristics are rare. In this study, various corn starches, native or modified, were mixed with wheat flour (20% dry solids basis), and the physical properties of the batters after deep-fat frying were examined. Native corn starches of different amylose contents (high-amylose, normal, and waxy) and chemically modified corn starches (oxidized and cross-linked) were tested. The batter was prepared by adding water to the starch-flour mixtures (42% solids) and deep-fat frying at 180°C for 30 sec. The texture of the fried batter was analyzed using a texture analyzer (TA) with a Kramer shear cell. The pasting viscosity profile of the starch-flour mixtures (7% solids in water) was also measured with a Rapid Visco Analyser. When the native corn starches of different amylose contents were compared, the crispness (peak number before breakage) and hardness (maximum peak force) measured using the instrument were positively correlated with the amylose content in starches but negatively correlated with the residual moisture content of the fried batters. The peak viscosity and breakdown in viscosity profiles of the starch-flour mixtures were also negatively correlated with crispness. The use of high-amylose corn starch was effective not only in increasing the crispness, but also in reducing the oil uptake. However, the fried batter containing high-amylose starch was denser and harder than the batter containing normal starch. Among the modified starches tested, oxidized (0.4% active Cl2) and cross-linked (4% 99:1 mixture of STMP and STPP) starches showed improvements in the overall properties of the fried batters. With excessive oxidizations (>0.4% Cl2), however, the crispness was reduced.  相似文献   

For the first time, alkaline hydrogen peroxide (AHP) extraction conditions were used to isolate hemicellulose (arabinoxylan) from destarched corn fiber. Yields of the water-soluble hemicellulose B ranged from 35% (24 hr extraction at 25°C) to 42% (2 hr extraction at 60°C). The hemicellulose B resulting from the 2 hr extraction (pH 11.5) was off-white in color, and a very low proportion (1.7%) of water-insoluble hemicellulose A was extracted. AHP treatment caused delignification and facilitated the alkaline extraction of hemicellulose from the lignocellulosic fiber matrix. In the absence of H2O2, yields were reduced by more than one-third when using otherwise identical extraction conditions of time, temperature and pH. In the standard protocol, corn fiber, NaOH solution, and H2O2 were mixed in a 1:25:0.25 (w/v/w) ratio. Extractions were conducted at pH 11.5 at 25°C or 60°C. The pH was adjusted to 11.5 by addition of NaOH at ambient and elevated temperatures. The optimum hemicellulose yield (51.3%; dry, starch-free basis) was obtained when the pH was increased to 12.5 for the final one-half of the extraction period. Products obtained after extraction at pH values greater than 11.5 were tan in color, however, and the goal of the research has been to isolate white hemicellulose B and then evaluate its properties. Under most conditions, the yields ofhemicellulose B, potentially the most useful form for food and industrial applications, exceeded those of hemicellulose A by more than 10-fold. The hemicellulose B products were lighter in color than those obtained using traditional alkaline extraction conditions of refluxing with calcium or sodium hydroxide. Steps prior to extractions with alkaline H2O2, such as grinding to 20 mesh and extracting with azeotropic toluene-ethanol, were found to be unnecessary.  相似文献   

Instant masa flour finds extensive use in the food industry for making tortillas, taco shells, tamales, corn chips, and tortilla chips, and as an ingredient in extruded snacks. Due to lack of standard techniques for measuring masa functionality, processors and end‐users use masa flour particle‐size distribution and rheological characteristics in an attempt to predict its end use. In this study, a commercial masa flour sample was characterized by fractionating on the basis of particle size. Physicochemical and functional properties of masa flour fractions were investigated to establish structure‐composition and functionality relationships. It was observed that Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) pasting profiles of flour fractions and textural properties of dough prepared on rehydration were related to particle size, yet, upon regrinding, RVA profiles did not change as markedly as expected. Differences in RVA measurements of the sized fractions could not be explained on the basis of hydration rate or total starch content. It was concluded that masa dough textural and RVA characteristics may be influenced by the status of starch polymer structures formed during nixtamalization.  相似文献   

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