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Between the cultivated fields in the highlands of Tigray, one finds, besides the recently introduced stone bunds, many lynchets, with a height ranging from 0·3–3 m. Grasses occupy the riser and a more or less large strip on the shoulder. Traditionally, farmers established an untilled strip of about 2 m wide at the lower plot limit. This grass strip reduced runoff velocity, allowed for water to infiltrate and trapped sediment. Year after year, these lynchets, locally called dagat, continued to grow. In this study, the dagat technique is characterized and its evolution and reasons for partial destruction are outlined. Stereoscopic aerial photo analysis shows for the study area near Hagere Selam (13 °39′N, 39 °10′E, 2650 m a.s.l.) that 20·7 per cent of the major dagats (more than 1 metre high) have disappeared between 1974 and 1994. These lynchets, however, remain an important linear element in the landscape (22·7 m ha−1, i.e. their density on cultivated fields is much higher). Of the smaller lynchets, a great proportion has been levelled in order to increase plot surfaces and spread fertile soil over the field. Famines and impoverishment caused the farmers to increase short‐term agricultural production in this way. Since the 1980s, the farmers built stone bunds on most of the cultivated land. Their average length equals 56·1 m ha−1 in the study area. The establishment of stone bunds results in the development of small terraces. Especially during recent years, there is a tendency to integrate the traditional knowledge of dagat with the building of stone bunds. A quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of both techniques must be made. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The combined effects of erosive rains, steep slopes and human land use have caused severe land degradation in the Ethiopian Highlands for several thousand years, but since the 1970s, however, land rehabilitation programmes have been established to try to reverse deterioration. In order to characterize and quantify the transformations in the north Ethiopian Highlands, a study was carried out over 8884 km2 of the Tigray Highlands of northern Ethiopia. Using Landsat Multispectral Scanner and later Thematic Mapper imagery (1972, 1984/1986 and 2000), historical terrestrial photographs (1974–1975) and fieldwork (2008), we prepared land use and cover maps. For assessing the use of the historical terrestrial photographs, Landsat images from 1972 were classified using two different methods, namely conventional change detection (image differencing) and ground truthing (using the historical photographs of 1974–1975). Results show that the use of terrestrial photographs is promising, as the classification accuracy based on this method (Kappa coefficient 0·54) is better than the classification accuracy of the method based on image differencing (Kappa coefficient 0·46). Major land use and cover changes indicate the following: (1) a gradual but significant decline in bare ground (32 per cent in 1972 to 8 per cent in 2000); (2) a significant increase of bushland (25 to 43 per cent) and total forest area (including eucalypt plantations, 2·6 to 6·3 per cent); and (3) creation of numerous lakes and ponds. The dominant change trajectory (27 per cent of the study area) indicates a gradual or recent vegetation increase. These changes can be linked to the population growth and the introduction of land rehabilitation initiatives, complemented by growing awareness of land holders. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Infiltration capacity is an important variable for understanding and predicting a range of soil processes. This study investigated for different slope positions the effects of forest conversion to cultivation and grazing on soil infiltration capacity. Infiltration capacity was measured in the field in each land use type using a double‐ring infiltrometer. A total of 108 soil samples (3 slope positions × 3 land use types × 4 soil profiles × 3 soil depths) were collected to determine the variables that affect infiltration capacity viz. particle size distribution, organic carbon content, dry bulk density and soil moisture content. The results showed that in the cultivated and grazed land compared with forest, infiltration capacity and soil moisture content were 70 and 45% smaller respectively, and dry bulk density was 13–20% larger. Changes in soil structure caused by surface soil compaction because of tillage and animal trampling coupled with a smaller soil organic carbon content, are likely to be the principal factors causing the decline in infiltration capacity and soil moisture content after conversion of forest to cultivation and grazing.  相似文献   

Converting degraded grazing lands into exclosures is one option to restore soil nutrients and to sequester carbon from the atmosphere. We estimate the economic value of such a conversion and assess the perception of local communities concerning exclosures in the highlands of Tigray, Ethiopia. Our research combines a soil and vegetation study with a socio‐economic survey, and a financial analysis. Over a period of 30 years, sequestered carbon dioxide was 246 Mg ha−1, total soil nitrogen increased by 7·9 Mg ha−1 and additional available phosphorous stocks amounted to 40 kg ha−1. The Net Present Value of exclosure's ecosystem services under consideration was about 28 per cent (837 US $) higher than alternative wheat production. Carbon revenues alone added up to only about 44 per cent of the net revenues of wheat production. This indicates that (i) carbon market revenues only, would not generate sufficient incentives to establish additional exclosures, and (ii) if all benefits are taken into account and financially rewarded, exclosures are competitive to alternatives land uses. We also identified substantial opportunities to mobilize the local communities in efforts to establish exclosures, given that more than 75 per cent had a positive view on exclosures effectiveness to restore degraded soils and vegetation. We conclude that a comprehensive analysis is necessary to consider the ecological as well as economic and social impacts of exclosures. Our findings are important information for local decision makers and may provide incentives for the establishment of further exclosures in the Northern Highlands of Ethiopia, thereby contributing to a sustainable local development process. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract. Over the last two decades, large gully control programmes have been established in Ethiopia. Based on detailed observations and measurements of 400 check dams in the highlands near Hagere Selam (Tigray, northern Ethiopian Highlands), the effectiveness of the check dam technique was assessed. In this study, catchment area, slope gradient, technical characteristics and the presence of smectite clays are the main factors controlling dam stability. Simple and logistic regression techniques were used to analyse the data. The frequent collapse of dams (39% after two years) is strongly associated with drainage area ( A ) and slope gradient of the soil surface near the gully ( S ), the product of these factors ( S × A ) being a proxy for runoff energy. Good functioning dams have a spillway, apron, concave plan form (when looking downslope) and are built at vertical intervals and with heights that result in a negative slope gradient of the line connecting the spillway and the foot of the upstream dam. Therefore, a reverse slope of this line is recommended. Furthermore, if large cracks are present in smectite-rich soils, the construction of check dams can lead to piping and concentrated flow bypassing the dam. Given that the collapse of some check dams seems inevitable where catchment areas are large or there are steep slopes, it is necessary to repair dams as soon as partial collapse starts and to complement this gully control technique with biological control measures.  相似文献   

The aim of conservation agriculture (CA) is to improve soil quality and crop yield whilst reducing runoff and topsoil erosion. An experiment was carried out in a rainfed field using a permanent raised bed planting system for 3 yr (2005–2007) in Adigudem, northern Ethiopia in order to evaluate the effect of CA on runoff, soil loss and crop yield. CA practices were introduced in fields with Vertisols in a randomized complete block design on permanent 5 × 19 m plots. Three treatments were evaluated: (1) conventional tillage (CT) with a minimum of three tillage operations and removal of crop residues, (2) terwah (TER) that was similar to CT except that contour furrows were included at 1.5 m intervals, and (3) derdero+ (DER+), which consists of permanent raised beds with a furrow and bed system, retention of 30% of standing crop residues and zero tillage on the top of the bed. All ploughing as well as the maintenance of the furrows of the permanent raised beds was done using a local ard plough called maresha. Results from monitoring over 3 yr showed that soil loss and runoff were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in CT followed by TER and DER+. Average soil losses of 5.2, 20.1 and 24.2 t/ha were recorded from DER+, TER and CT, respectively. Runoff was 46.3, 76.3 and 98.1 mm from DER+, TER and CT, respectively. Grain yield was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in DER+ under teff in 2006, probably due to the high sensitivity of teff to weeds. The yield of wheat in 2007 was significantly higher in DER+ followed by TER. The terwah system is recommended as a first measure for wider adoption to reduce runoff and soil loss and to increase crop yield. The long‐term goal is to achieve a derdero+ system, i.e. a permanent raised bed planting system along with the application of crop residues.  相似文献   

The effect of soil management and land use change are of interest to the sustainable land management for improving the environment and advancing food security in developing countries. Both anthropogenic changes and natural processes affect agriculture primarily by altering soil quality. This paper reviews and synthesizes the available literatures related to the influence of soil management and land use changes on soil carbon (C) stock in Ethiopia. The review shows that topsoil C stock declines approximately 0–63%, 0–23%, and 17–83% upon land use conversion from forest to crop land, to open grazing, and to plantation, respectively. An increase of 1–3% in soil C stock was observed within 10 years of converting open grazed land to protected enclosures. However, there was a little change in soil C stock below 20 cm depth. There is a large potential of increasing SOC pool with adoption of land restorative measures. Total potential of soil C sequestration with the adoption of restoration measures ranges 0·066–2·2 Tg C y−1 on rain‐fed cropland and 4·2–10·5 Tg C y−1 on rangeland. Given large area and diverse ecological conditions in Ethiopia, research data available in published literature are rather scanty. Therefore, researchable priorities identified in this review are important. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reservoir sedimentation is the most serious threat for water harvesting schemes and hydroelectric power dams in Ethiopia. Designing watershed conservation strategies and management is crucial to reduce the rate of sedimentation. Because different landscape types have varying potentials for enhancing erosion processes, site‐ and process‐specific conservation measures are needed to target an appropriate intervention to the most needed locations. In this study, a GIS‐based distributed soil erosion/deposition model was used to simulate the potential of land‐use and cover (LUC) changes and conservation measures for reducing water induced soil erosion and potential sediment yield for two catchments in northern Ethiopia. LUC change and conservation measures targeted gully and stream buffers, protection of steep slopes and protection of areas with soil loss greater than a given threshold. The results show that land management measures targeted at hot‐spot areas of erosion and gully formation could reduce potential annual sediment yield from catchments by approximately 60% compared with the current losses. The study demonstrates the potential of a GIS‐based LUC‐redesign approach as a tool for optimizing land‐use and management strategies to reduce run‐off and erosion rates in the highlands of northern Ethiopia.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of farmers' willingness to pay for soil conservation practices in the highlands of Bale, southeast Ethiopia. The paper is based on analysis of data collected from 100 randomly selected household heads. The study applied Contingent Valuation Method for the purpose of eliciting farmers' valuation of soil conservation practices in terms of both cash payment and labour contribution. The results reveal that farmers in the study area are less willing to pay cash for soil conservation measures. In terms of labour contribution, however, it was found that they are willing to spend a substantial amount of time per week. Results from logistic regression analysis show that farmers' decisions to participate in soil conservation practices are influenced by a host of factors. The implication is that taking these factors into account while planning soil conservation measures enables policy makers to come up with projects that win acceptance by the local people. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

P. Billi  F. Dramis 《CATENA》2003,50(2-4):353-368
Gully erosion phenomena are very common in Ethiopia. They affect large areas with different morphological, pedological and climatic characteristics. The amount of soil loss due to gullying has become a very serious problem in the recent decades as it was associated to remarkable depletion of cultivated land. Field investigations on gully morphology and its genetic processes were carried out in two study areas of Ethiopia, representative of different geo-environmental conditions: the Lakes Region in the Rift portion north of Shashamene and the area surrounding the town of Mekele in Tigray.Two main types of gullies were identified on the basis of their morphological and hydraulic geometry characteristics: (1) discontinuous gullies which generally develop on low gradient slopes (1–5° on average) and the hydraulic radius of which increases from an upstream minimum to a maximum, at approximately their mid length, and decreases again to a relative minimum at their downstream end; and (2) stream gullies, formed by deep erosion processes typically migrating upslope. In order to investigate the main causes originating the different types of gullies, shear stress data were collected in the field from their hydraulic geometry. Hypotheses on the mechanisms responsible for both discontinuous and stream gullies development and for their different characteristics are discussed considering the pattern of shear stress variation in the downstream direction.  相似文献   

Human land use of the Tigray landscape (north Ethiopia) can be traced back for at least 3000 years and is recognizably very complex, but in the past half-century there have been multiple narratives on environmental change in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands in which statements such as “the forest and soil resources in Tigray are dwindling at unprecedented rates” are common. In an attempt to provide an objective assessment, we made a semi-quantitative analysis of observed changes in the environment of the central Tigray plateau, between 1975 and 2006, and its impact on soil erosion. The first part of this period saw strong degradation, caused by a combination of drought, impoverishment, poor land husbandry and war; but over the whole period intense rehabilitation activities have been high on the agenda. To study these changes, two sets of 51 landscape photographs have been used. The older photo-set was taken in 1975 by R.N. Munro during the Tigrai Rural Development Study; locations were revisited in 2006 by J. Nyssen and colleagues, when a new set of photographs was made at the same locations and with the same aspect. Based on longstanding experience in soil erosion and landscape analysis worldwide and in Ethiopia, the time-lapsed photographs were rated for visible erosion, land cover and protective measures. We present a quantitative evaluation of the change of soil loss by sheet and rill erosion, involving the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and particularly the changes in the C (cover) and the P (management) factors. This allowed assessing soil loss in 2006 as a percentage of the 1975 situation. Both the landscape and land unit analysis show that the situation for natural resources has improved (and locally strongly improved) since 1974. The rehabilitation is due both to improved vegetation cover and to physical conservation structures. The USLE application indicates that in terms of a whole landscape the current average soil loss would be at around 68% of its 1975 rate. Exceptionally, degradation is still ongoing around Desa'a forest and some other remnant forests, and conservation should be strongly implemented too in these forests. On average, gullies have expanded slightly since 1975, but these incisions appear to have originated in the drought years of the 1980s. This photo-monitoring analysis invalidates hypotheses on (a) irreversibility of land degradation in Tigray; and (b) futility of Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) programmes. The study demonstrates that (a) land management has become an inherent part of the farming system in Tigray, and (b) that the authorities and NGOs are on the right track when promoting SWC.  相似文献   

The increasing problem of landlessness in Ethiopia has put pressure on regional governments to redistribute land. In 1997 and 1998, a major land redistribution was undertaken in the Amhara Region, reducing landlessness where implemented. While the impacts of such redistributions have been hotly debated, little empirical evidence exists concerning the actual impacts of redistribution. We find that land redistribution in the Amhara Region has had a positive impact on land productivity, by increasing access to land for farmers who are more interested or able to use purchased inputs such as fertilizer and herbicides. Our results, however, do not show much effect of the recent land redistribution or expectations of future redistribution on land improvement and management. Thus, to the extent that investments in land improvement are necessary for conservation purposes, it appears that policy change to stop land redistributions is unlikely to have a substantial impact on reducing land degradation. Credit and extension programmes and improving land rental markets, however, present better strategies for improving land management in this region of Ethiopia. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation in faba bean (Vicia faba cv. Mesay) as affected by sulfur (S) fertilization (30 kg S ha–1) and inoculation under the semi‐arid conditions of Ethiopia was studied using the 15N‐isotope dilution method. The effect of faba bean–fixed nitrogen (N) on yield of the subsequent wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.) was also assessed. Sulfur fertilization and inoculation significantly (p < 0.05) affected nodulation at late flowering stage for both 2004 and 2005 cropping seasons. The nodule number and nodule fresh weighs were increased by 53% and 95%, relative to the control. Similarly, both treatments (S fertilization and inoculants) significantly improved biomass and grain yield of faba bean on average by 2.2 and 1.2 Mg ha–1. This corresponds to 37% and 50% increases, respectively, relative to the control. Total N and S uptake of grains was significantly higher by 59.6 and 3.3 kg ha–1, which are 76% and 66% increases, respectively. Sulfur and inoculation enhanced the percentage of N derived from the atmosphere in the whole plant of faba bean from 51% to 73%. This corresponds to N2 fixation varying from 49 to 147 kg N ha–1. The percentage of N derived from fertilizer (%Ndff) and soil (%Ndfs) of faba bean varied from 4.3% to 2.8 %, and from 45.1% to 24.0%, corresponding to the average values of 5.1 and 47.9 kg N ha–1. Similarly, the %Ndff and %Ndfs of the reference crop, barley, varied from 8.5 % to 10.8% and from 91.5% to 89.2%, with average N yields of 9.2 and 84.3 kg N ha–1. Soil N balance after faba bean ranged from 13 to 52 kg N ha–1. Beneficial effects of faba bean on yield of a wheat crop grown after faba bean were highly significant, increasing the average grain and N yields of this crop by 1.11 Mg ha–1 and 30 kg ha–1, relative to the yield of wheat grown after the reference crop, barley. Thus, it can be concluded that faba bean can be grown as an alternative crop to fallow, benefiting farmers economically and increasing the soil fertility.  相似文献   

Abstract Use of stone bunds to enhance soil and water conservation was first introduced to Tigray, northern Ethiopia in 1981. This study was designed to examine the factors that control the effectiveness of bunds installed on cropland. Qualitative and quantitative assessments of soil loss and sediment accumulation were conducted on 202 plots at 12 representative sites in Dogu'a Tembien district. Mean annual soil loss from the foot of the bunds due to tillage erosion was estimated at 39kgm−1yr−1 or 20tha−1yr−1, a rate which decreased with increasing age of bund. The assessed mean annual soil loss rate by sheet and rill erosion in the absence of stone bunds is 57tha−1yr−1. The mean measured annual rate of sediment accumulation behind the stone bunds is 119kgm−1yr−1/sp or 59tha−1yr−1. The measurements show that the introduction of stone bunds to the region has led to a 68% reduction in annual soil loss due to water erosion. This reduction is due to the accumulation of sediment behind the stone bunds, which occurs faster in the early years after construction and decreases as the depression behind the bunds becomes filled with sediment. New stone bunds are particularly effective in trapping sediment in transport, but regular maintenance and increase in height of the bunds is necessary to maintain their effectiveness. The average USLE P factor for stone bunds in the study area is estimated to be 0.32.  相似文献   

The presence of aggregates of various sizes in the soil is an important condition for soil carbon sequestration. In this system, microbial biomass is a key link. This work was devoted to the study of the influence of land use systems on the distribution of SOС, MB-SIR, microbial activity and eco-physiological indices (qCO2, QR, MB-SIR/SOС and qCO2/SOС) in relation to the size of soil aggregates. The distribution of SOС, MB-SIR and mineralization activity among the aggregates was heterogeneous. In the soil of crop rotation, high mineralization activity and MB-SIR were found in the aggregates 0.5–0.1 mm, in the monoculture soil in aggregates <0.1 mm and in the control soil in the aggregates 1–0.25 mm. There was a general trend towards a decrease in microbial activity, MB-SIR and SOС availability with an increase in aggregate size. In agricultural soils, microbial activity was determined by large aggregates (>5 mm), while in the control soil, by the aggregates 5–1 mm. Depending on the type of site and the size of aggregates, the differences in microbial metabolism were revealed. The qCO2 and QR values decreased, and the MB-SIR/SOС and qCO2/SOС increased in the series: control soil > crop rotation > monoculture. In the control soil, the values of the eco-physiological indices decreased with decreasing aggregate size. And vice versa, in agricultural soils, these parameters were the highest in the microaggregates (<0.25 mm). The monoculture soil, in contrast to the control soil and crop rotation soil, turned out to be more energy efficient.  相似文献   

Assessment of soil quality (SQ) indicators that detect soil degradation in different land use and soil management systems (LUSMS) is desirable to achieve sustainable management strategies. The LUSMS identified for evaluation included natural forest (LS1), plantation of protected area (LS2), grazed land (LS3), teff (Eragrostis tef)‐faba bean (Vicia faba) rotation (LS4), teff‐wheat (Triticum vulgare)/barley (Hordeum vulgare) rotation (LS5), teff mono‐cropping (LS6), maize (Zea mays) mono‐cropping (LS7), and uncultivated marginal land (LS8). The SQ indicators were significantly influenced (p ≤ 0·05) by the LUSMS. The first four principal components with eigenvalue > 1 explain about 88% of the SQ variability across the LUSMS. The final principal component chosen indicators that mainly influence SQ variability were organic carbon, total nitrogen, cation exchange capacity, total phosphorus, silt, bulk density, and iron. In this study, a higher SQ was found in LS1 followed by LS2, whereas a seriously degraded SQ was observed in LS8 followed by LS6. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Since 2008, a 5-year crop rotation experiment (winter wheat, pea, potato, barley undersown with red clover, and red clover) has been run in Tartu, Estonia, to evaluate the changes in soil chemical parameters under four fertilizer managements: (1) unfertilized conventional plots (conventional I), (2) conventional plots with addition of mineral fertilizers (conventional II), (3) organic plots with cover crops during the winter period (organic I), and (4) organic plots with the same cover crops plus a yearly amendment of 40 t ha–1 of cattle manure (organic II). After the first rotation, results showed significant differences (P < 0.05) in soil acidity dependent on the system with mean values ranging between 5.67 (conventional II) and 6.10 (organic II). In the organic II system, manure had a significant effect on the system, increasing the organic carbon (C) content by 0.34%, but in both organic systems, both cover crops and cattle manure were insufficient for maintaining a constant level of plant-available phosphorus (P) or potassium (K) in the soil. In the conventional II system, mineral fertilizers provided a sufficient amount of nitrogen (N) to the system and increased the concentration of P to 8.7 mg per kg. The yearly mineral or organic amendments did not counteract the significant decrease in soil-available K after the first rotation. Lastly, calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) availability, strongly influenced by the soil pH local conditions, decreased with time for all systems even though organic ones presented greater concentrations of both compounds. In conclusion, the four fertilization systems managed independently would not guarantee a constant soil nutrient concentration after the first rotation.  相似文献   

A possible way out of the ‘low-level equilibrium trap’ in the Ethiopian Highlands is agricultural intensification. To characterise and quantify current transformations in these permanent upland cultivation systems, a detailed study on land use changes and its proximate causes was carried out in the 41 km2 Bela-Welleh catchment (2050–3682 m a.s.l.) in the Wag zone of Amhara Region, Northern Ethiopia. Land use maps were obtained through aerial photo interpretation (1965 and 1986) and detailed field mapping (2005–2006). Interpretation of topographic maps and field mapping gave knowledge of the spatial distribution of possible explanatory factors. Major land use changes are (1) a gradual abandonment of mountain agriculture which was replaced by woody vegetation (now covering 70% of the upper catchment) and (2) the widespread introduction of irrigation agriculture, wherever water is available (from 0% in 1982 to 5% of the catchment in 2006). Whereas both changes are favoured by government policies, they have now at least partially been taken up by the farming communities. The study demonstrates these land use changes and their influencing factors. Changes of crop- and rangeland into forest occur on the steeper slopes in higher topographical position. Changes from rain fed cropland into irrigated cropland (two harvests) depend obviously on the availability of water, but also on population density, and inversely on distance to Sekota town. We are here in presence of an almost classical example of the mutation of a “permanent upland cultivation system” into a system with irrigated agriculture.  相似文献   

矿区土地利用分形特征动态变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了揭示矿区土地利用结构的空间行为和迁移状况,以徐州城北矿区3期遥感数据为数据源,利用GIS空间分析技术,选取土地利用形状分维数、计盒维数、半径维数、分枝维数4个指标对3个时期(1978年、2000年和2011年)矿区土地利用结构的复杂程度、稳定程度、空间占比、衰减状况和相互渗透程度进行多角度分析。结果表明,矿区土地呈现明显的分形特征,由于煤炭资源的开采、复垦项目的实施和城市化进程的加快,各地类的分形特征均发生了不同程度的变化:5种土地利用类型中,水域和耕/园地受煤炭开采和复垦活动的扰动较大,形状分维数和分枝维数均呈现先增加后降低的趋势,而城镇/工矿用地受城市化进程的影响,形状分维数持续增大,趋于不稳定;由于煤炭资源的开采,占用了大量耕地,使原本规整的耕地变得支离破碎并形成零星的塌陷积水区,使耕/园地的计盒维数和半径维数降低,而由于复垦项目的实施,使得水域斑块面积增大,使水域的计盒维数和半径维数增大;相关分析结果表明4个指标中计盒维数与半径维数和形状分维数与分枝维数两两间存在较弱的相关性。综上所述,煤炭资源的开采、矿区土地复垦和城市化是区域土地利用分形特征与结构稳定变化的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   

Abstract. When over exploited and coupled with climatic conditions, tropical soils are subject to increased erosion and a loss of soil organic matter. Countermeasures include the incorporation of organic materials such as crop and animal residues. We studied the effect of adding crop residues and manure to soil, at five sites in Ethiopia, on carbohydrate properties, aggregate stability and the C and N distribution within water-stable aggregates. The effects of organic amendments varied between sites. The largest content of carbohydrates was obtained in the control treatment at Holeta, Ginchi (90 kg ha–1 mustard meal), Jimma (5 t ha–1 cow dung + 9 t ha–1 coffee husk), Awassa (forested soil), and Sirinka (soil alley-cropped with Leuceanae ). The aggregate stability of these soils was highly correlated with the OM content but not with carbohydrates. The smaller aggregates (<1.00 mm) accumulated more carbohydrates than the larger (>1.00 mm), thereby suggesting a protecting effect within the finer soil fractions. A protecting role played by humified OM components was also indicated by the C and N distribution as well as the C:N ratios which showed preferential accumulation in small rather than in large aggregates. The isotopic 13C-OC values of carbohydrate extracts were generally low, suggesting that OM was from plants with C3 photosynthetic pathways. Soil treatments with maize alone or combined with coffee husks at Jimma decreased the δ13C‰ values slightly, revealing that maize contributed a share of the labile OM. Despite the improvement in the soil OM content, neither the carbohydrate content nor the aggregate stability were increased to the level of the forested sites, suggesting that the additions of crop residues and manure were not alone sufficient to restore the soil physical quality.  相似文献   

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