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In this paper,a numerical simulation of the casting process for making the MMC.using the PEM, is studied.The convection of liquid metal and the release of latent heat of solidification are taken into account.The algorithm and program for axisymmetric casting model are developed to the problem of coupling between flow and heat transfer,as well as phase change.The variational curves of temperature,the position of flow front and the distrsbutions of volume fraction of solid metal in matrix and their variation with time are obtained.The influences of technological paarmeters to casting are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the research on the solidifiation of twin-roll casting strip,the analytical model and emulational model of nucleation,the growth of dendrity tip and colunar dendrity transformation to equiaxis dendrity (CET)of twin-roll casting strip solidification are established by means of the principle of metal solidification and modern computer emulational technology.The foundation for the emulational simulation of twin-roll casting strip solidification structure is laid.  相似文献   

Aiming at multi type and batch production system with flexible process, an optimization method for input plan based on Witness simulation is proposed. The scientific problem researched is described. Aiming at the characteristics of multi type and batch production with flexible process, the simulation logic is designed. Taking Witness as simulation platform, the simulation model combining input plan with scheduling for multi type and batch production is constructed. The effectiveness of the method is tested by simulation examination.  相似文献   

基于生理发育时间的棉花生育期模拟模型   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:35  
棉花生育期模拟是研究棉花生长与环境因子关系的重要内容。通过分析春播中(中早)熟常规棉、中(中早)熟转基因抗虫棉和夏播早熟短季棉三种类型16个品种(系)的生育期与环境因素的动态关系,建立了以棉花生理发育时间(PDT)为基础的棉花生育期模拟模型。模型考虑了热效应、光周期效应、品种早熟性及地膜覆盖地积温对气积温的补偿效应。利用不同年份、生态区、基因型品种、栽培措施的试验资料对模型进行了检验,结果表明不同品种生育期模拟值与观测值的符合度较好,各生育进程的RMSE在1.4~4.9d。模型既有较强的机理性,又有较好的适用性。  相似文献   

On the core concepts that the distributing of temperature and solidified slab shell in mold are a stable process, a new method to calculate the temperature field in mold has been promoted. Consequently, a coupling model on fluid filed and temperature field in stable state has also been established. The concept of effective heat capacity is introduced to deal with the latent heat source term from phase transformation. During the programming for computation, the dynamic updating method is also applied to simulate the influence of solidification on physical properties. The resolution results of this model are analyzed and compared with the tested thickness of solidified shell from casting broke out slab, which demonstrates the correctness and applicability of this model to the practical continuous casting process. Additionally, the thickness distribution of solidified shell in slab mold are also studied in detail.  相似文献   

基于带跳O-U过程的订单农业合约期权定价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了运用期权理论解决订单农业中存在的违约问题,首先需要得到合理的订单农业合约期权价格。为此假设订单农业合约中的农产品价格服从带跳跃的均值回复过程,然后给出该随机过程的模拟算法,并用蒙特卡罗方法对农产品订单合约期权进行了模拟定价。最后给出实例,分析了影响订单农业合约期权价格的几个重要因素。  相似文献   

The common finite element method microcomputer software for simulation of the temperature field is developed by authors. It is used for calculating the temperature field duringthe mending process of iron casting defects by means of the dissolution-diffusion bonding technology. The correctness has been proved by testing results. This software has been used to analyse thecaused of hardness rising in heat effecting zone,and also find out the approach for solving the problem.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation commercial software has been developed by the object-oriented Visual Basic programming language on the basis of the 2D mathematical model of secondary cooling Process in billet continuous casting. Thereby an effective experimenting tool for computer simulation of continuous casting process is gained. By simulation with the software, the caster structures and operating parameters in continuous casting can be designed and optimized. The simulating calculation examples on several casters and its production applications indicate that the commercial software developed has more accuracy, practicability and commonality, as also as simpler operating capability. The simulated results have been successfully applied to the design and production of the high-efficiency modification for several billet casters interiorly.  相似文献   

This paper provides a simple method of readout of time parameters in network. It will be helpful to planning without calculation or with a little calculation.  相似文献   

项目化教学法在乳制品生产技术课程中的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以牡丹江大学教学改革为契机,从教育思想和教育理念、课程的整体设计、单元设计、教学模式、考核方式、教学方法和手段等方面探讨了项目化教学法在乳制品生产技术课程中的设计思路和实践。  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of expert experience on generation system planning(GPS), the theory of knowledge based method is introduced into GPS to express the constraints of engineering(viz. Expert experience of engineering), and to discard abundant improper program during the earlier stage of GPS. In this situation, the difficulty degree of optimizing calculation in the later stage of GPS is lessened. And then, integrating expert system with production simulation in a method of GPS is proposed and is verified with an example. The results show that the method presented is effective.  相似文献   

番石榴风味果糕的加工研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为确定工艺流程、产品的配方和最佳工艺参数,以攀枝花野生番石榴为原料,研究番石榴风味果糕的加工技术。结果表明:凝胶剂选择复合胶(卡拉胶:黄原胶为8:2)为佳;最优化的配方为番石榴原浆:蔗糖:麦芽糊精:复合胶:复合酸为700:250:150:20:10,并添加少量红曲红作着色剂;生产工艺为装盘厚度1.2 cm,烘烤温度60℃,翻面时间6 h,烘烤总时间为24 h。获得的番石榴果糕浅红色,酸甜度适中,风味突出,色泽、韧性、软硬度好,不粘牙,且理化指标与微生物学指标均合格。  相似文献   

以阴米八宝烧麦为研究对象,以感官评价、糯米吸水率和阴米复水率为测定指标,采用单因素和响应面试验法对阴米制作中糯米浸泡时间、阴米干燥温度、阴米复水时间和成品煎制时间进行探究,优化冰花煎阴米八宝烧麦的制作工艺。结果表明,最佳制作工艺为:糯米在20℃下浸泡60 min,阴米在68℃下干燥100 min,沸水下复水28 min,煎制10 min。采用该工艺制作的冰花煎阴米八宝烧麦金黄鲜亮、色泽均匀、外酥里嫩。该研究结果可为冰花煎阴米八宝烧麦实现标准化、工业化生产提供数据参考。  相似文献   

The time-changing analysis model for concrete filled steel tubes was established based on the time-changing concrete model of CEB-FIP MC90, in which the interaction between steel tube and concrete core was considered by the restraint conditions of master and slave nodes. The numerical simulation method was developed for analyzing the whole construction process of high-rise CFST structures. A real structure was taken as numerical example, in which the influence of concrete creep and shrinkage as well as construction process was considered. The results of numerical simulation are compared with those obtained from on-site monitoring. It is shown that the concrete creep and shrinkage as well as construction process have big influence on high-rise CFST structures, which should be taken into account in designs and constructions.  相似文献   

The development of university science park is very rapid, its evaluation is a problem that to be solved. According to the feathers of university science park, the authors select the analytic hierarchy process as the basic evaluating method to develop elements of university science park, and then use the dynamic clustering to do the synthetical evaluation to the general developing status. The examples show this evaluating system is simple and practical. The system can provide decision-making functions to the development of university science park.  相似文献   

An equivalent model for hollowing-center grounding device is proposed, the hollowing-center grounding device resistance is calculated with the surface charge simulation method and the computer programme is programmed based on this model. The accuracy of the model and method is validated by experimentation.  相似文献   

以黑参粉为主要原料,通过添加白砂糖、菌粉发酵制成一款新型酸乳。通过单因素试验初步确定黑参酸乳的工艺条件,进一步采用Plackett-Burman试验和Box-Benhnken试验进行工艺优化,确定黑参酸乳的优化工艺,最后对成品进行营养指标、微生物及人参皂苷含量的测定。结果表明,黑参酸乳的优化工艺为:黑参粉7.2 g,白砂糖34.9 g,菌粉1.0 g,牛乳300 mL,于41℃发酵10 h。该工艺所得酸乳成品口感细腻,具有黑参特有的色泽、滋味和气味。与普通酸乳相比,黑参酸乳的营养价值有所增加且含有人参皂苷等活性成分,其中Rf、Rb3、Rg3、Rh2和Rd含量分别为0.03、0.39、2.50、0.07、0.95 mg/g。  相似文献   

采用AHP法和灰色关联法对11个福建辣椒地方品种的果实外观品质进行综合评价与分析,构建了涵盖3个层次(目标层、标准层和指标层),8个指标(单果重、果肉厚、心室数、果色、果形、果长、果宽、果柄长)的辣椒果实外观品质的综合评价指标体系。结果表明:黄皮尖椒、绿皮牛尖椒和牛角椒王,果实外观品质较优,其中品种黄皮尖椒果实的外观品质的灰色关联度值最大;中牛角、牛角椒、牛角尖、永安黄椒和绿皮牛角,果实的外观品质较好;武平小米椒,永安朝天椒和淡绿羊角椒,果实的外观品质一般。证明了基于AHP法的灰色关联法对于辣椒果实外观品质性状进行综合评价与分析是一种实用、快捷、有效的多层次的综合评价与分析方法。  相似文献   

窝窝头是日常生活中常见的面食产品,传统的窝窝头存在口感偏硬、易掉渣等缺点。为解决这些问题,在传统窝窝头的配方中添加了牛奶,即以红薯全粉和面粉为原料,以牛奶替换配方中的部分水制作红薯全粉窝窝头。通过感官评价和质构特性检测,在单因素试验结果的基础上,通过正交试验优化工艺及配方,并综合评价牛奶红薯全粉窝窝头的品质。结果表明,牛奶红薯全粉窝窝头的最佳制作工艺及配方为:红薯全粉125 g,小麦粉125 g,水150 g,酵母2 g,牛奶98 g,白糖15 g,发酵时间40 min。在此条件下制作的牛奶红薯全粉窝窝头的感官评分为91.3分,其口感绵软,弹性适中,品质最佳。通过研制牛奶红薯全粉窝窝头,改善了窝窝头的品质,丰富了窝窝头的种类。  相似文献   

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