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This paper studies the problem of computer vision in the vehicle intelligent auxiliary driving system. An effective and real time method in highway to search and track obstacle is presented. Obstacle candidates are tracked and analyzed, false alarms generated by the object detector are recognized and rejected. It also supplies some valuable discussion on problems existing in its experiments.  相似文献   

The problem of computer vision in the vehicle intelligent auxiliary driving system is studied. It discusses the way of image segment based on region growing to follow road and points of its two sides. In this paper, one effective and real time method in highway surface searching and following is presented; it applies the polynomial data fitting to find the both sides of the driving area; with its help,it also can figure out the way stretching correctly, therefore, the vehicle can self anti deviation. It also supplies some valuable discussion on problems existing in its experiments. [WT5HZ]  相似文献   

Road detection is a sub-system of vehicle intelligent auxiliary drive system, which includes such sub-projects as road segmentation and road recognition. The image from CCD camera is processed, and road line is abstracted from it through image process. Then the direction of the road, such as left or right, can be identified according to the road line. Because of the special requirement, i.e. the rigid real-time requirement, the algorithm adopted must have the very low time cost. Through many experiments, a kind of recognition algorithm is proposed based on region-growing process and curve fitting, which was verified to have good effect.  相似文献   

根据鲜香菇图像特点和分级标准,运用计算机视觉技术和神经网络算法对香菇进行自动检测与分级。采用掩模去背景、中值滤波、边缘亮度补偿等技术对图像进行处理。选取香菇菇盖最大直径、圆形度、色调均值及缺陷区域总面积与香菇图像总面积的比值作为鲜香菇分级的特征参数。通过BP神经网络建立了特征参数与鲜香菇等级之间的关系模型,试验结果表明,其预测识别结果达到94.2%。  相似文献   

After analyzing target recognition and tracking technique, a method of developing specifically target tacking system is proposed, which uses digital image manipulation to target recognition. Software and hardware design of intelligent vehicle are presented in detail. The system uses digital image manipulation technology to cognize the certain target through a pickup camera installed on the front of the intelligent vehicle. When the target is moving, singlechip receives the commands from the computer and then control the vehicle to trace target. The system can run by itself, regardless of artificial control. This design provides a platform for the research of Growing Machine Intelligence system.  相似文献   

The learning algorithm of networks is discussed. The programming example of 3 layer BP networks is given with Visual C++6.0 program langue. Based on this model, a lung cancer intelligent diagnosis system is successfully implemented. Furthermore, the paper introduces network's structure design, preferencesand the source of stylebookdatum in factual applications. The ameliorative arithmetic is applied to the study of networks and BP dynamic evolving process is designed. The experiments indicatecell images are recognized and classified by the trained neural network. The study illustrates the system has feasibility and clinical value in lung cancer diagnosis.  相似文献   

为解决大豆单株考种过程中人力计数准确率低和数粒仪等光电方法耗时长等问题,采用计算机视觉系统及MATLAB软件开发平台代替人工大豆单株考种进行自动检测的方法。该算法采用对大豆颗粒图像进行空间滤波去除噪声及“Otsu”方法对图像进行最佳全局阈值分割处理,在对图像处理的基础上完成对大豆颗粒个数、颗粒大小两项指标的测定。以六个大豆品种周黑豆、周青豆、周豆11、周豆18、周豆22和周豆23的籽粒为试验对象,探究大豆颗粒计数、大豆颗粒大小分级两项指标的确定。实验结果表明:该算法及程序准确有效,能准确计算大豆单株颗粒个数;该算法及程序判断出的各品种大豆颗粒平均面积大小与百粒重成正相关,且决定系数为0.9141,即可得该算法及程序可准确有效的判断大豆颗粒大小。总之,基于MTALAB图像处理大豆单株颗粒检测方法的研究可相对减轻人力劳动强度及人类视觉的不足,在提高工作效率和准确度等方面有重要意义。  相似文献   

构建区域生态安全格局对区域的可持续发展有重要的意义,肃州区位于河西走廊中西部,生态环境脆弱,水资源短缺,生态环境建设与保护形势依然严峻,通过构建区域生态安全格局实现可持续发展尤为重要。通过运用定性、定量相结合的方法分析肃州区的景观格局和景观安全格局。最后,运用系统耦合和景观生态学尺度变化的原理和方法,结合肃州区特点,构建肃州区区域生态安全格局。随着尺度的逐渐变大,区域生态安全格局包括生态资源系统耦合、自然—社会系统耦合、农业生态系统耦合、景观安全格局耦合和生态地理区域耦合5个耦合模式。  相似文献   

为了提高对花生仁外观缺陷的在线分类准确率及效率。通过对采集完好、破损、霉变的花生仁RGB图像进行均值位移法、灰度处理以及阈值分割等预处理,研究提取了花生仁HSV颜色空间下的H、S、V各分量的一阶矩和二阶矩共6个颜色特征值,再基于灰度共生矩阵法提取能量、熵、对比度、逆差分矩共4个纹理特征值,构建颜色和纹理结合的特征向量,最后分别采用BP神经网络和SVM分类器对花生仁进行分类识别。结果表明:在花生仁的整体识别准确率上,BP神经网络为96.67%,SVM分类器为97.22%,后者优于前者,在识别时间上BP和SVM分别为2.5 s和1.1 s,识别效率上也是SVM更好,综合识别准确率和效率两方面考虑,优先选择SVM分类器模型来对花生仁进行分类识别。  相似文献   

黄瓜叶片白粉病染病程度的判定,对于确定病灾预防措施意义重大。笔者采用机器视觉技术对叶片病斑进行有效识别,借助人工神经网络完成对叶片染病状态的模式分类。根据病斑的规模及面积分布提出了白斑区域面积比、平均白斑面积、白斑覆盖率等特征参数,借助这3个特征参数实现了叶片染病程度的定量分析,并借助人工神经网络完成了对叶片染病状态的模式分类。4类白斑叶片的正确识别率分别为88%、91%、92%、94%。  相似文献   

GPS/DR is a low-cost and high-reliability navigation facility. A federated Kalman filter was designed to real- ize the optimal synthesis of GPS/DR integrated land vehicle navigation system, and its algorithm is presented. A field test was performed. The theoretical analysis and the experiment results both show that, by using this federated Kahnan filter, the positioning accuracy and fault tolerance capability of the GPS/DR integrated navigation system can be greatly improved.  相似文献   

This paper introduces some resarch results on sediment model experiment of navigation in the course of construction. including the laws of erosion and deposit change of sediment in dam area,depositional configuration of sediment in the approaches of temporal ship lock, distribution and surface sea-level of deposition,speed of return deposition, volume of deposition of frustrating navigation, grain grade of deposition and the effect of deposition on navigable condition in open channel and temporal ship lock and so on. Some measures of amelioration are presented,which have important value to the construction of the project.  相似文献   

LIN 《保鲜与加工》2006,(7):77-80
A Expressing method of the edge of image region is important in the studing and applying of image. It will influence the veracity of expressing and recognizing of region. A free curve of created method which discussed by the author have been used to approach the edge of image region. Since the free curve pass through the given points and need not converse compute, the speed of creating curve is very quickly. Also the curve are smoothness and fairness, the curve is close to edge of image region. The experiment presents the efficiency of the method.  相似文献   

设计与研制出一种农产品物流运输车远程定位监测系统.该系统每隔一段时间读取一次运输车的地理位置信息,并将其发送给监控中心;当运输车的车况或路况发生问题时,驾驶员可通过监测系统向监控中心报告,监控中心根据情况及时向系统发送控制指令,指导驾驶员进行必要的处理.经定位和信息传递试验,表明该系统达到了设计目的,运行有效、可靠.  相似文献   

Ink analysis is an important part of material evidence analysis in forensic science. It not only needs to acquire data by precise chemical analysis instruments, but also needs to parse data by the chemometrics methods such as principal component analysis (PCA), cluster analysis (CA), artificial neural networks (ANN) and pattern recognition and so on. The main applications of chemometrics in ink synthesis, including experimental design and optimization, signal processing, multivariate calibration, pattern recognition, database technology and expert system, have been reviewed. Furthermore, future trends of ink analysis are prospected.  相似文献   

城市社区养老模式下对中国农村社区养老的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在老龄化问题日益凸显和国家对养老服务体系重视的背景下,为使广大农村社区老人的晚年生活有所保障,破解中国日趋尖锐的养老服务难题,实现构建中国幸福家庭、和谐农村的新目标,通过文献研究和调查研究的方法对兰州市社区养老模式进行大量的调查和分析。结果发现城市社区养老模式对于有效解决广大农村社区养老问题提供了借鉴性的指导意义,这种符合实际的创新性的城市社区养老模式是对中国传统家庭养老功能弱化、机构养老功能问题繁多等困境解决的一种模式上的有益探索。城市社区养老模式中多元化的供给主体、多种类的服务内容、社区养老服务意识的培养等经验对建立和完善农村社区养老具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Sometimes it is necessary to send the image data to the third party device to process. To ensure the image safety, it is necessary to encrypt the image before processing. A new algorithm for encrypted image processing is proposed. The image owner encrypts  相似文献   

In the future, vehicle will be developed intelligently, which is based on the development of information technology. Now, information fusion technique is a new direction of information management. It has the advantages of more information, arrangements and methods and has been applied to a lot of research fields, The basic principle of information fusion is discussed and its applications in domestic and international modern vehicle control system are introduced. Moreover, the authors point out the key technology of information fusion and the bright prospects of its application in automotive field are proposed  相似文献   

An improved Sage-Husa adaptive filter algorithm is proposed based on the existing methodologies in light of the complex and changing environment of the industrial online measurement. This algorithm,after a new observed value is obtained,first judges whether the filter is in a normal state by the filtering divergence criterion,if not,it judges whether the new observed value is an outlier and takes countermeasures varying with the judgment so as to improve the performance of the Sage-Husa algorithm in industrial measurement. The result indicates that compared with traditional methodologies,this new algorithm is applicable to measure the location of the center point of laser beam in a simulated industrial environment,makes accurate judgment about the system status,features better precision,practicality and robustness and thus can satisfy the requirements of industrial online measurement.  相似文献   

Compared to bi-fuel engine,it uses completely CNG(Compressed nature gas) to replace diesel which can save more oil fuel than bi-fuel engine that reffited diesel engine into CNG engine. A 4102 diesel engine is refitted into CNG engine and a mechanical ignition timing system is designed by the method of gear and belt. The principles and the construction of the system is introduced and the characteristics of the design is analyzed. The system performed well and had good liability when run in a platform. Compared with the previous one, it kept higher dynamic character and emitted lower. It is a cheap one and can be use to reform the diesel engines.  相似文献   

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