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Subcommissural organ (SCO) secretory activity of the goat (variations of Capra hircus, that live in arid conditions) was examined during the postnatal development, using specific antibodies against the Reissner's fibre (AFRU) and angiotensin II (AAGII). The SCO was strongly stained with the anti-glycoproteins that form the Reissner's fibre and lightly marked with the anti-angiotensin II. The AFRU-immunoreactivity (ir) was found in the ependymal and hypendymal cells and in the ventricular and peripheral secretory routes of the goat SCO. The amount AFRU increases at 6 months and decreases at adult age. In contrast, the anti-angiotensin II-ir was mainly found in the adult age, not being practically observed at one postnatal month. The AAGII-ir was mainly found in ependymal cells in which AFRU-ir was downregulated. In addition, we detected the presence of double immunostained for AFRU and AAGII in ependymocytes of the pre-commissural and subcommissural parts. In conclusion the present results may suggest a functional interrelation between AAGII and the secretory activity of the SCO of this kind of goat.  相似文献   

波尔山羊杂交改良萨能山羊和本地山羊试验报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用波尔山羊冷冻精液与萨能山羊、浦江本地山羊杂交,杂一代羊体尺、体重有较大幅度提高。波萨山羊比萨能山羊6月龄体高、体长、胸围分别提高8.05%、7.95%、8.24%,初生重、6月龄重分别提高12.08%、20.53%,差异显著。波本山羊比本地山羊6月龄体高、体长、胸围分别提高22.85%、22、75%、18.42%,初生重、6月龄重分别提高41.53%、79.43%.差异极显著。每只波萨山羊比萨能山羊增加收入41.30元。每只波本山羊比本地山羊增加收入95.40元。  相似文献   

The constitution of ependyma derived from the ventricular zone is different from that derived from other regions of the central nervous system. In the mammalian cerebrum, the ependyma is varied by the regions to cortex or basal ganglia (BG). In the avian telencephalon (Tc), previous studies about the constitution of the ependyma have not revealed clear findings. In the present study, we performed immunostaining of ependymal cells in the chicken Tc to confirm differences in the ependyma of various regions. As a result, 4 patterns of ependyma were defined in the outer side of the lateral ventricle. In the base of the lamina pallio-subpallialis (LPS), ependyma consisted of vimentin/glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) double-positive cells, whereas in the base of the lamina frontalis superior, it consisted primarily of vimentin-positive cells and a small number of vimentin/GFAP double-positive cells. With the exception of the above, the pallial ependyma was a single layer containing vimentin single-positive cells. Lastly, the ependyma of the BG was rich in vimentin single-positive cells. The constitutional differences of the ependyma of the pallium and BG concerned differences in ependymal morphology and cell characteristics. These finding suggest that the bounder between pallium and BG is LPS at the point of ependyma.  相似文献   

波尔山羊与师宗山羊杂交效果试验研究报告   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
同时设置3个重复的杂交试验,在3群师宗母山羊中同时放入波尔及师宗种公羊各1只,自由交配观察测定种公羊的配种能力、产羔数、后代毛色、初生重、各月龄体重;并通过补饲对比试验测定波×师F1代的育肥性能和肉品品质。结果表明,波尔山羊的配种能力强,多羔率为48.72%,后代毛色近似父本的比例为64.91%;杂交羊适应性强,初生重提高18.27%;1~11月龄日增重提高17.79%;在其它条件相同的情况下,放牧加补饲的波×师F1代比单纯放牧的波×师F1代日增重提高85.16%,相同补饲条件下的波×师F1代比师×师日增重提高32.43%;每多增重1kg耗料量降低13.15%,耗料费降低13.03%。波×师F1代11月龄胴体重为(19.07±2.80)kg,净肉重为(15.47±2.20)kg,分别比同龄师×师羊(12.23±1.22)kg、(9.80±1.49)kg高55.93%、57.86%;品味鉴定、肉品理化特性和营养成分分析,其多汁性、嫩度、香气、香味、膻味、pH值、大理石纹、系水率、熟肉率、剪切力无明显差异。  相似文献   

我区饲养的新疆山羊个体较小,生长速度较慢,屠宰率低。2005年以来开展了引进外来品种杂交改良本地山羊的试验,通过几年的改良杂交试验,波尔山羊与本地山羊杂交后代的出生重,生长速度等几项指标得到较大提高,经济效益明显。  相似文献   

山羊的胎盘属于子叶型胎盘,胎盘子叶性状和结构与山羊繁殖性能具有较强的相关性。胎盘子叶组织线粒体发挥正常功能是保证胎儿生长发育,进而维持正常妊娠的关键。本试验采用大足黑山羊妊娠60,90,120d的胎盘和胎儿组织为研究对象,检测胎盘子叶及胎儿心、肝、脾、肺、肾组织的线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶(CCO)、琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)、Ca++-Mg++-ATP酶和Na+-K+-ATP酶的活性变化,并通过透射电镜技术观测胎盘子叶组织线粒体的形态结构。结果发现,胎盘子叶及胎儿心、肝、脾、肺、肾的线粒体CCO、SDH及ATP酶的活性都有随着妊娠时间的增加而显著提高的趋势,且在妊娠90~120d的上升趋势高于妊娠60~90d,表明妊娠中后期的胎儿生长发育所需要的能量较多;在同一妊娠阶段,胎盘子叶线粒体酶活性均高于胎儿各组织,且差异显著(P<0.05),说明胎盘子叶是妊娠过程中的重要部位,胎儿组织器官在发育过程中存在先后顺序,并且与该器官的功能作用有关;透射电镜观察发现,随着妊娠时间的增加胎盘线粒体数量增多,密度增大且主要聚集在子叶绒毛附近,这体现了胎盘子叶的营养交换作用。  相似文献   

羊的胚胎移植方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以波尔山羊为供体,奶山羊为受体,手术方法进行胚胎移植,移植胚胎96例,成功73例,移植胚胎成功率达76%。表明羊的胚胎移植能迅速增加良种数量,提高繁殖效率的经济效益,宜于推广应用。  相似文献   

为了研究超低温冷冻前后德国牧羊犬精子超微结构的变化,采用扫描电镜和透射电镜对冷冻前后德国牧羊犬精子超微结构变化进行研究,结果显示在扫描电镜下,鲜精整体呈“蝌蚪状”,头部呈扁卵圆形.在透射电镜下精子纵切面头部呈“楔形”,头部细胞膜由外向内分别由质膜、顶体外膜、项体内膜和核膜组成.精子尾部中段横切面由外向内可见线粒体鞘膜、9束外周致密纤维,9对轴丝和2根中央微管.精子头长约为5.40 μm,头宽3.26 μm,颈长1.25 μm,颈宽0.55 μm,尾部中段长11.34 μm,中段直径0.87 μm,尾部长55.70 μm,线粒体螺旋数为44旋.鲜精和冷冻前精子头部、颈部和尾部形态变化差异均不显著(P>0.05).超低温冷冻后精子头部、颈部和尾部发生形态变化的精子数极显著高于鲜精和冻前精子数(P<0.01).冻后顶体发生明显形态变化的精子占54.21%,高于发生颈部形态变化(10.61%)和尾部形态变化(28.83%)的精子数.结果表明鲜精和冻前精子形态变化不显著,而超低温冷冻后精子头部、颈部和尾部发生形态变化的精子数显著高于鲜精和冻前精子数.  相似文献   

山羊球虫的种类繁多,不同种类球虫形态结构相近,易造成混淆。为了更直观便捷地鉴定这些球虫,对国内已报道的19种山羊球虫的大小、结构特征进行归纳,并辅以模式图和鉴定检索表,以期在山羊球虫调查和诊断过程中较准确地鉴定出所检山羊球虫的种类。  相似文献   

Mixed breed goats were infected with metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica and the resulting worm burdens were quantitated after primary and secondary exposure of the goats to the parasite. Mean length and width of the parasite recovered after all primary exposures were 1.91 +/- 0.2 cm and 0.91 +/- 0.2 cm, respectively. A mean of 71.8 +/- 5.9% of the flukes were recovered from all of the primary infections. In the secondary infections, the mean length and width of the flukes from the physically smaller population was 0.88 +/- 0.27 cm and 0.53 +/- 0.19 cm, respectively. A mean of 67 +/- 6.7% of the flukes were recovered from this secondary infection. It appears that the goat is susceptible to challenge infections with F. hepatica and that its response to this infection is much like that of sheep.  相似文献   

以南江黄羊为父本,本地白山羊为母本,经杂交改良后,杂交后代生产性能明显提高,初生重比本地山羊提高31.58%,周岁体重提高63.44%,屠宰率提高8.10个百分点,净肉率提高1.75个百分点,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

波尔山羊与沿河白山羊杂交改良效果初报   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
引用波尔山羊与沿河白山羊杂交,采用鲜精输配,情期受胎率为91.11%。波本F1羔羊体型趋向父本,其早期生长发育快,体尺、体重增加显著,平均初生重2.31kg,2月龄重11.66kg,4月龄重19.89kg,6月龄重26.47kg,9月龄重达35.63kg,比同龄沿河白山羊分别提高40%、70.22%、80.65%、96.44%和86.89%。  相似文献   

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