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Testing of three methods to predict unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity from water retention data or from texture class Using 60 soils taken from UNSODA (Leij et al., 1996) the method proposed by Renger et al. (1999) and the prediction according to Mualem (1976)/van Genuchten (1980) were tested. The parameters of the Mualem/vanGenuchten model were estimated either from water retention data or from a table of reference values. Using the reference values requires only the knowledge of texture class (German classification system). An advantage of the method proposed by Renger et al. (1999) is its capability to predict saturated conductivity too. The model of Mualem/vanGenuchten using reference values of parameters yields the best results. The standard deviation between observed and predicted values of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity was 0.93 lg (K) for the Mualem/vanGenuchten model and 1.3 lg (K) for the Renger et al. (1999) predictions.  相似文献   

Development and use of a database of hydraulic properties of European soils   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
J. H. M. W  sten  A. Lilly  A. Nemes  C. Le Bas 《Geoderma》1999,90(3-4):169-185
Many environmental studies on the protection of European soil and water resources make use of soil water simulation models. A major obstacle to the wider application of these models is the lack of easily accessible and representative soil hydraulic properties. In order to overcome this apparent lack of data, a project was initiated to bring together the available hydraulic data which resided within different institutions in Europe into one central database. This information was then used to derive a set of pedotransfer functions applicable to studies at a European scale. These pedotransfer functions predict the hydraulic properties from parameters collected during soil surveys and can be a good alternative for costly and time-consuming direct measurement of these properties. A total of 20 institutions from 12 European countries collaborated in establishing the database of draulic operties of uropean oils (HYPRES). This database has a flexible relational structure capable of holding a wide diversity of both soil pedological and hydraulic data. As these data were contributed by 20 different institutions it was necessary to standardise both the particle-size and the hydraulic data. A novel similarity interpolation procedure was successfully used to achieve standardization of particle-sizes according to the FAO clay, silt and sand particle-size ranges. Standardization of hydraulic data was achieved by fitting the Mualem-van Genuchten model parameters to the individual θ(h) and K(h) hydraulic properties stored in HYPRES. The HYPRES database contains information on a total of 5521 soil horizons (including replicates). Of these, 4030 horizons had sufficient data to be used in the derivation of pedotransfer functions. Information on both water retention and hydraulic conductivity was available for 1136 horizons whereas 2894 horizons had only information on water retention. Each soil horizon was allocated to one of 11 possible soil textural/pedological classes derived from the six FAO texture classes (five mineral and one organic) and the two pedological classes (topsoil and subsoil) recognised within the 1:1 000 000 scale Soil Geographical Data Base of Europe. Next, both class and continuous pedotransfer functions were developed. By using the class pedotransfer functions in combination with the 1:1 000 000 scale Soil Map of Europe, the spatial distribution of soil water availability within Europe was derived.  相似文献   

The development of pedotransfer functions offers a potential means of alleviating cost and labour burdens associated with bulk‐density determinations. As a means of incorporating a priori knowledge into the model‐building process, we propose a conceptual model for predicting soil bulk density from other more regularly measured properties. The model considers soil bulk density to be a function of soil mineral packing structures (ρm) and soil structure (Δρ). Bulk‐density maxima were found for soils with approximately 80% sand. Bulk densities were also observed to increase with depth, suggesting the influence of over‐burden pressure. Residuals from the ρm model, hereby known as Δρ, correlated with organic carbon. All models were trained using Australian soil data, with limits set at bulk densities between 0.7 and 1.8 g cm?3 and containing organic carbon levels below 12%. Performance of the conceptual model (r2 = 0.49) was found to be comparable with a multiple linear regression model (r2 = 0.49) and outperformed models developed using an artificial neural network (r2 = 0.47) and a regression tree (r2 = 0.43). Further development of the conceptual model should allow the inclusion of soil morphological data to improve bulk‐density predictions.  相似文献   

Root water uptake is one of the essential processes within the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum. We present a method for monitoring soil‐water redistributions due to water uptake by roots. Our aim is to image and monitor diurnal soil‐water redistribution during a small‐scale (centimeter‐to‐decimeter range) indoor experiment and to correlate water content determined by applied geoelectrical time‐lapse imaging techniques with values from single‐point time domain reflectometry (TDR) measurements. This includes establishing pedophysical relationships within the root zone and deriving the water‐content distribution from the electrical‐resistivity model. Using DC geoelectrics of high resolution (970 data points for 220 cm2), we monitored significant spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture with time, whereas no irrigation was applied. Thus, we imaged the high heterogeneity of fluid movements within the soil. We found diurnal variations with high spatial variability of soil water content during the morning and afternoon hours. The water content continuously increased from dawn to noon, whereas the increase started in the near‐surface zone from 1 cm to 3 cm above the main root zone. Between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., water content decreases along most of the sections. Water content irregularly decreases and increases during the afternoon. During night time, we observed nearly no changes in soil water content due to the absence of transpiration and subsequently soil‐water redistribution. Most of these diurnal variations in soil water content lie within the intensive root zone, as measurements showed on soil samples excavated from these areas after the experiment. Furthermore, we quantified water content derived from geoelectrical tomography of the monitored area before and after an irrigation event using a geophysical pedotransfer function of Archie, established specifically for the used lupine and the applied physico‐chemical boundary conditions of the experiment. The resulting average water content from 2D geoelectrical tomography agreed well with the values determined by the TDR measurements.  相似文献   

Soil erosion has been identified as one of the most destructive forms of land degradation, posing a threat to the sustainability of global economic, social and environmental systems. This underscores the need for sustainable land management that takes erosion control and prevention into consideration. This requires the use of state-of-the-art erosion prediction models. The models often require extensive input of detailed spatial and temporal data, some of which are not readily available in many developing countries, particularly detailed soil data. The soil dataset Global Gridded Soil Information (SoilGrids) could potentially fill the data gap. Nevertheless, its value and accuracy for soil erosion modelling in the humid tropics is still unknown, necessitating the need to assess its value vis-à-vis field-based data. The major objective of this study was to conduct a comparative assessment of the value of SoilGrids and field-based soil data for estimating soil loss. Soil samples were collected from five physiographic positions (summit, shoulder, back slope, foot slope, and toe slope) using the soil catena approach. Samples were collected using a 5-cm steel sample ring (undisturbed) and a spade (disturbed). Data of the landform, predominant vegetation types, canopy cover, average plant height, land use, soil depth, shear strength, and soil color were recorded for each site. The soil samples were subjected to laboratory analysis for saturated hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, particle size distribution, and organic matter content. Pedotransfer functions were applied on the SoilGrids and field-based data to generate soil hydrological properties. The resultant field-based data were compared with the SoilGrids data for corresponding points/areas to determine the potential similarities of the two datasets. Both datasets were then used as inputs for soil erosion assessment using the revised Morgan-Morgan-Finney model. The results from both datasets were again compared to determine the degree of similarity. The results showed that with respect to point-based comparison, both datasets were significantly different. At the hillslope delineation level, the field-based data still consistently had a greater degree of variability, but the hillslope averages were not significantly different for both datasets. Similar results were recorded with the soil loss parameters generated from both datasets; point-based comparison showed that both datasets were significantly different, whereas the reverse was true for parcel/area-based comparison. SoilGrids data are certainly useful, especially where soil data are lacking; the utility of this dataset is, however, dependent on the scale of operation or the extent of detail required. When detailed, site-specific data are required, SoilGrids may not be a good alternative to soil survey data in the humid tropics. On the other hand, if the average soil properties of a region, area, or land parcel are required for the implementation of a particular project, plan, or program, SoilGrids data can be a very valuable alternative to soil survey data.  相似文献   

Particle size distribution (PSD) is a major soil characteristic, which is essential and commonly used for the development of pedotransfer functions (PTFs) to estimate the water retention of soils. The laser diffraction method (LDM) became a popular alternative to the standard sieve‐hydrometer method (SHM) of PSD measurement. Unfortunately, PSDs determined with LDM and SHM methods differ sometimes substantially. Moreover, it is claimed that the laser diffraction method underestimates finer fractions in favor of coarser fractions. Several authors have tried to elaborate on methods to recalculate LDM PSD into its SHM counterparts, but no universal methodology has been developed to this date. In this paper, we use PSD determined by LDM directly for PTF development and compare it with the classical PTF approach based on PSD measured by SHM. Four different PTF models based on LDM particle size distribution data were developed, with different PSD characteristics taken as the models' input variables. The possibility of using alternative PSD characteristics, such as deciles, area moment mean and volume moment mean, for PTF development was examined. The accuracy of PTF models constructed on the basis of LDM‐measured PSD was comparable with that of the developed models using texture data obtained from SHM, giving approximately the same RMSE and R2 values. Our study shows that LDM‐measured particle size distribution may be directly used for PTF developments without any recalculations to their sieve‐hydrometer counterparts.  相似文献   

We investigated the long‐term temporal trend in growth rate, soil chemical status, and nutrient content of needles of two Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands in the Bohemian Massif, Austria. The aim was to quantify changes in the site productivity over the last four decades as a consequence of the enriching effect of N deposition, rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere, and changes in forest‐management practices. We used the data records of control plots from forest‐amelioration experiments that have been monitored for more than four decades. Both stands showed increased growth rates and a large deviation from the growth pattern of earlier applicable yield tables. The nutrient levels in the foliage remained unchanged and neither suggested luxury consumption nor nutrient imbalances. Results from soil chemistry analysis were inconclusive in respect of changes in soil conditions: an enrichment of the mineral soil with N and a decrease in the C : N ratio. Changes were confined to the uppermost part of the soil profile. Our data support the hypothesis that the sites are in a steady process of aggradation and that site productivity is rising.  相似文献   


The relationships between foliage element concentrations in red spruce and soil chemical properties were studied to determine if standard soil measurements of individual elements in soils were well correlated with the concentrations of these elements in foliage. Significant positive correlations between O horizon and foliage concentrations existed only for K, Mn and P. Significant negative correlations between the concentrations of the major divalent cations (i.e. Ca, Mg, Mn) and K in the foliage were found suggesting a possible antagonism between the mono‐ and divalent cations for uptake from the soil. Trees with the highest foliage concentrations of Ca also were determined to be growing on soils which were producing the best growth rates. Foliage concentrations of P, and to a lesser extent K and Mg, were below values considered to be adequate for optimum growth in red spruce.  相似文献   

[目的] 为探明侵蚀坡耕地黑土硬度的时空特征及关键驱动因素。[方法] 基于典型水蚀坡耕地110个样点土壤穿透阻力动态监测及其相关因素的测定,在阐明土壤穿透阻力时空特征的基础上,利用多元线性回归(MLR)和随机森林(RFR)模型分析土壤穿透阻力的影响因素,并进一步构建其传递函数。[结果] 土壤穿透阻力时空变异性受土层深度、水分条件及农事活动等因素的综合影响,耕作层土壤穿透阻力空间上的异质性显著低于亚表层,变异系数分别为17.4%和26.3%。随土壤由湿变干和距离翻耕的时间增加,空间异质性呈增强趋势。土壤侵蚀影响土壤穿透阻力,强烈侵蚀区土壤穿透阻力高于沉积区,特别是在湿润条件下,差异更为显著(p<0.05)。与自然林地相比,所研究坡耕地73%样点的土壤穿透阻力增加,尤其在强侵蚀区。土壤含水量、容重和有机碳(SOC)是土壤穿透阻力的主要影响因素,Pearson系数分别为-0.69,0.58,-0.54,三者共同解释土壤穿透阻力88%的变异。RFR模型在土壤穿透阻力预测中表现优于MLR模型,在生长季均值的预测中,R2可达0.91,RMSE仅为91.2 kPa。[结论] 研究结果加深对侵蚀背景下黑土硬度空间分异特征的理解,为黑土压实管控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Four vineyards from the eastern foot of Helan Mountain within the same climate classification, where the planted grapes were 4-year-old Cabernet Sauvignon, were selected for investigating the difference in grape and wine properties. Results showed that the grapes of Lilan vineyard had a higher sugar content and sugar–acid ratio than Huida, Yuquan and Zhihuiyuanshi vineyards. The grapes of Zhihuiyuanshi vineyard had the highest tannin and total phenols content. Concerning the wines, the wine of Yuquan vineyard had low pH but had a great ageing potential, and wine of Zhihuiyuanshi vineyard had highest tone, chroma, tannins, total phenols and alcohol content than other vineyards. Soil pH was positively correlated with anthocyanins in the grapes and negatively correlated with total acid in wine. The microbial biomass carbon (MBC) was correlated with the anthocyanins in grape. Microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) was positively correlated with soluble solid in grapes, and positively correlated with tannin and total phenols in the wine. The MBC/MBN ratio was negatively correlated with tone in the wine. Our findings indicate that adjusting soil pH and choosing microbial fertiliser with high soil microbial carbon and nitrogen nutrients are effective ways to improve the quality of regional grapes and wine.  相似文献   


Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) to estimate plant available water were developed from a database of arable soils in Sweden. The PTFs were developed to fulfil the minimum requirements of any agro-hydrological application, i.e., soil water content at wilting point (θ wp ) and field capacity (θ fc ), from information that frequently is available from soil surveys such as texture and soil organic carbon content (SOC). From the same variables we also estimated bulk density (ρ) and porosity (ε), which seldom are included in surveys, but are needed for calculating element mass balances. The seven particle-size classes given in the data set were aggregated in different ways to match information commonly gained from surveys. Analysis of covariance and stepwise multiple linear regression were used for quantifying the influence of depth, particle size class, textural class and soil organic carbon on the characteristic variables. PTFs developed from other data sets were also tested and their goodness-of-fit and bias was evaluated. These functions and those developed for the Swedish database were also tested on an independent data set and finally ranked according to their goodness of fit. Among single independent variables, clay was the best predictor for θ wp , sand (or the sum of clay and silt) for θ fc and SOC for ρ and ε. A large fraction of the variation in θ wp and θ fc is explained by soil texture and SOC (up to 90%) and root mean square errors (RMSEs) were as small as 0.03 m3 water m?3 soil in the best models. For the prediction of ρ and ε in the test data set, the best PTF could only explain 40–43% of the total variance with corresponding RMSEs of 0.14 g cm?3 and 5.3% by volume, respectively. Recently presented PTFs derived from a North American database performed very well for estimating θ wp (low error and bias) and could be recommended for Swedish soils if measurements of clay, sand and SOC were available. Although somewhat less accurately, also θ fc could be estimated satisfactorily. This indicates that the determination of plant available water by texture and SOC is rather independent of soil genesis and that certain PTFs are transferable between continents.  相似文献   

Abstract. Agricultural soils are important sources of the tropospheric ozone precursor NO and the greenhouse gas N2O. Emissions are controlled primarily by parameters that vary the soil mineral N supply, temperature and soil aeration. In this field experiment, the importance of soil physical properties on emissions of NO and N2O are identified. Fluxes were measured from 13 soils which belonged to 11 different soil series, ranging from poorly drained silty clay loams to freely drained sandy loams. All soils were under the same soil management regime and crop type (winter barley) and in the same maritime climate zone. Despite this, emissions of NO and N2O ranged over two orders of magnitude on all three measurement occasions, in spring before and after fertilizer application, and in autumn after harvest. NO emissions ranged from 0.3 to 215 μg NO-N m–2 h–1, with maximum emissions always from the most sandy, freely drained soil. Nitrous oxide emissions ranged from 0 to 193 μg N2O-N m–2 h–1. Seasonal shifts in soil aeration caused maximum N2O emissions to switch from freely drained sandy soils in spring to imperfectly drained soils with high clay contents in autumn. Although effects of soil type on emissions were not consistent, N2O emission was best related to a combination of bulk density and clay content and the NO/N2O ratio decreased logarithmically with increasing water filled pore space.  相似文献   


The effect of including charcoal during extraction on the amount of manganese brought into solution was measured on soils from the Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and Mountain physiographic regions. The presence of charcoal increased the level of Mn extracted with dilute acid by a factor of 1.23 for soils with less than 40 ppm extractable Mn. This value was used to adjust the interpretation of the manganese soil test for soybeans based on previous correlation data so that charcoal may be omitted if desired.  相似文献   

Among the numerous pedotransfer functions (PTFs) published, class‐PTfs have received little attention because their accuracy is often considered limited. However, recent studies show that performance of class‐PTFs can be similar to the more popular continuous‐PTFs. In this study, we compare the performance of PTFs that were derived from a set of 456 horizons collected in France grouped by combinations of texture, bulk density and type of horizon (topsoil and subsoil). The performance of these class‐PTFs was validated against water retained at ?33 and ?1500 kPa. Our results show that the best performance was obtained with class‐PTFs that used both texture and bulk density (texture‐structural class‐PTFs). They also showed that incorporation of horizon type into the PTF did not improve prediction performance. Comparison of performance at ?33 and ?1500 kPa showed very little difference, thus indicating no bias according to the value of water potential. Finally, the class‐PTFs developed are well suited for predicting water retention properties at the continental and national scales because only very basic soils data are available at these scales. A map of the available water capacity (AWC) was established for France using the 1:1 000 000 Soil Geographical Database of France and an averaged AWC of 104 mm was computed for France.  相似文献   

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