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The objective of this study was to investigate differences in organic matter fractions, such as dissolved organic carbon and humic substances, in soils under different land uses. Soil samples were collected from the upper layer of arable lands and grasslands. Humic substances (HS) were chemically fractionated into fulvic acids (FA), humic acids (HA) and humins (HUM), and based on the separated fractions, the humification index (HI) and the degree of HS transformation (DT) were calculated. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was determined by cold (CWE) and hot water (HWE) extractions. Regardless of land use, the results indicated significant differences in soil organic carbon (SOC) and HS composition, with HA and HUM as the dominant fractions. Total SOC was higher in grassland (median = 17.51 g kg?1) than arable soils (median = 9.98 g kg?1); the HI and DT indices did not differ significantly between land uses (HI = 0.3–10.3 and DT = 0.2–6.2 for grasslands, > 0.05; HI = 0.3–3.9 and DT = 0.2–20.1 for arable lands, > 0.05). This indicates the relatively high stability of organic carbon and efficient humification processes in both land uses. Additionally, in arable soils lower CWE‐C (0.75 g kg?1) and higher HWE‐C (2.59 g kg?1) than in grasslands (CWE‐C = 1.13 g kg?1, HWE‐C = 1.60 g kg?1) can be related to farming practice and application of soil amendments. The results showed that both labile and humified organic matter are better protected in grassland soils and are consequently less vulnerable to mineralization.  相似文献   

We characterized humic acids (HAs) and glycerol-extractable organic fractions (GEOFs) extracted from four Andisols, taken from comparable soil-climate conditions on the east side of Mount Etna. The soils were formed on old lava (about 9 000 years ago), old tephra (about 8 700 years ago), recent lava (about 2 600 years ago) and recent tephra (about 3 600 years ago). A part of the organic matter of the soils, deprived of HAs and fulvic acids (FAs), was isolated by glycerol extraction. The GEOF can not be extracted with alkaline solutions, probably because it is closely bound to the mineral component of the soil. The characterization of the extracted organic fraction was carried out using elementary and functional group analysis and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. About 20 extractions were necessary to extract the HA and FA from the older soils and about 10 extractions to extract them from the younger soils. Data showed that the GEOFs had a greater ash content and a smaller N content, as well as a greater presence of aliphatic compounds and carboxylic groups as compared to the HA extracted from the same soil. The GEOFs extracted from younger soils also had a lower yield, ash and COOH-group content, and were more aliphatic than the GEOF extracted from older soils. Finally, the GEOFs were more closely bound to the amorphous component of the soil (‘short-range’ minerals) and consequently less subject to biodegradation.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted at Land Resources Research Institute, NARC, Islamabad to examine the impact of humic substances (HSs) coating on potassium fertilizers use efficiency. Tomato variety “Rio Grande” was used. The treatments applied were T1= Control (N, P at 250 and100?mg kg?1 respectively), T2?=?N, P?+?K at 200?mg kg?1 as SOP, T3?=?N, P?+?K at 200?mg kg?1 as NPK blend, T4?=?N, P?+?K at 200?mg kg?1 HSs coated SOP) and T5?=?N, P?+?K at 200?mg kg?1 HSs coated NPK blend. Results indicated a positive impact of sole and HSs coated products on agronomic traits, nutrient concentration, fruit quality traits, flower number, fruit umber, fruit weight, chlorophyll contents, fresh and dry biomass, tissue water contents, diameter and fruit mineral composition. The response of afore said traits to applied treatment varied.  相似文献   

To determine whether there is a relationship between the composition of soil organic matter and the activity of the soil microbial biomass, the composition of the organic matter in 12 typical arable soils in Northwest Germany was investigated by wet chemical analysis and CPMAS cross polarization magic angle spinning 13C-NMR spectroscopy. The data were correlated with the microbial biomass as estimated by substrate-induced respiration. A strong correlation between the microbial biomass and alkylic C compounds was observed (r=-0.960***). Recalcitrant substances were enriched in this fraction, which were classified as humic acids according to the wet chemical procedure. The microbial decomposition of these humic acids is probably retarded, due to their chemical structure and/or physical bonding, when the soil microbial biomass activity is limited.  相似文献   

Carbon of humus acids (HSAC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) are the most active forms of soil organic carbon (SOC) and play an important role in global carbon recycling. We investigated the concentrations of HSAC, water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC), hot water-extractable organic carbon (HWOC) and SOC in soils under different vegetation types of four copper mine tailings sites with differing vegetation succession time periods in Tongling, China. The concentrations of HSAC, WSOC, HWOC and SOC increased with vegetation succession. WSOC concentration increased with the accumulation of SOC in the tailings, and a linearly positive correlation existed between the concentrations of HSAC and SOC in the tailings. However, the percentages of HSAC and DOC in the SOC decreased during vegetation succession. The rate of SOC accumulation was higher when the succession time was longer than 20 years, whereas the speeds of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition and humification were slow, and the concentrations of HSAC and DOC increased slowly in the tailings. The percentage of carbon of humic acid (HAC) in HSAC increased with vegetation succession, and the values of humification index (HI), HAC/carbon of fulvic acid, also increased with the accumulation of HSAC and SOC in soils of the tailings sites. However, the HI value in the each of the tailings was less than 0.50. The humification rate of SOM was lower than the accumulation rate of SOM, and the level of soil fertility was still very low in the tailings even after 40 years of natural restoration.  相似文献   


Methods of soil decomposition for determination of heavy metal total content were considered. Two saline soils (chloride and sulphate solonchak solonetz) and one rich in organic matter were uzed for investigation. It has been established that decomposition by using HF‐HCl with a preliminary ignition at 500°C is a very suitable method. The type of the studied soils and the results obtained allow for this method to be recommended for decomposition of various soils.

On the basis of experiments with modelled soils it has been proved that possibilities for heavy metal losses on ignition are created when NaCl content and the percentage of weakly bound heavy metals (water‐soluble, exchangeable, etc.) are high. Under the conditions of the experiment (acid soils ‐ pH 4.3 and 5.0) losses of Zn and Pb but not of Cu have been incurred. Although these cases are not typical, this requires the applicability of the method for such particular occasions to be checked.  相似文献   

‘Colluvisols’ (Colluvi-cumulic Anthrosols) are an important soil unit in North Germany. In the landscape of loamy till these soils are associated with eroded Luvisols. The soil organic matter (SOM) of top layers of both soils was compared by using approaches of wet chemistry, CPMAS 13C-NMR and pyrolysis field-ionization mass spectrometry (Py-FIMS). The Luvisols are sources of SOM transfer due to a continuous erosion process. The annual input of straw and plant residues induces the dominance of litter compounds like proteins, polysaccharides and lignin in the SOM. The Colluvisols are sinks of SOM transfer with a predominance of humic compounds. Lignin is degraded forming humic compounds with an alkylic and aromatic structure. In these soils selected compounds with higher mass signals were detected by Py-FIMS, which may indicate the existence of typical “SOM markers” in the colluvic materials.  相似文献   

Sustainable agricultural land use requires an assessment of degradable soil organic matter (SOM) because of its key function for soil fertility and plant nutrition. Such an assessment for practical land use should consider transformation processes of SOM and its sources of different origin. In this study, we combined a 120‐day incubation experiment with thermal decay dynamics of agricultural soils altered by added organic amendments. The aim was to determine the abilities and limits of thermal analysis as a rapid approach revealing differences in the degradability of SOM. The carried out experiments based on two independent sampling sets. The first sample set consisted of soil samples taken from non‐fertilized plots of three German long‐term agricultural field experiments (LTAEs), then artificially mixed with straw, farmyard manure, sheep faeces, and charcoal equal to 60 Mg ha?1 under laboratory conditions. The second sample set based on soil samples of different treatments (e.g., crop type, fertilization, cultivation) in LTAEs at Bad Lauchstädt and Müncheberg, Germany. Before and after the incubation experiment, thermal mass losses (TML) at selected temperatures were determined by thermogravimetry indicating the degradability of organic amendments mixed in soils. The results confirmed different microbial degradability of organic amendments and SOM under laboratory conditions. Thermal decay dynamics revealed incubation‐induced changes in the artificial soil mixtures primarily at TML around 300°C in the case of applied straw and sheep faeces, whereas farmyard manure showed mainly changes in TML around 450°C. Charcoal did not show significant degradation during incubation, which was confirmed by TML. Detailed analyses of the artificial soil mixtures revealed close correlations between CO2‐C evolution during incubation and changes in TML at 300°C with R2 > 0.96. Results of the soils from LTAEs showed similar incubation‐induced changes in thermal decay dynamics for fresh plant residues and farmyard manure. We conclude that the practical assessment of SOM could be facilitated by thermal decay dynamics if modified sample preparation and evaluation algorithms are used beyond traditional peak analysis.  相似文献   

较贫瘠的红壤中有机质的积累及其生态意义   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
Field experiments on the decomposition of organic materials and the accumulation of organic carbon in infertile red soils were conducted at the Ecological Experimental Station of Red Soil, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the potential of CO2 sequestration by reclamation and improving the fertility of these soils was estimated. Results showed that in infertile red soils, the humification coefficients of organic materials were rather high, ranging from 0.28 to 0.63 with an average of 0.43, which was 41% higher than those in corresponding red soils with medium fertility. This was mainly attributed to the high clay content, high acidity and low native organic matter content of infertile red soils. Compared to those in corresponding normal red soils, the decomposition rates of organic materials were significantly lower in infertile red soils in the first 2 years, thereafter no significant difference was observed between those in the two kinds of soils. Depending on the kind and amount of organic manure applied, the soil properties and the rotation systems, annual application of organic manure with a rate of 4 500 to 9 000 kg ha-1 increased the organic carbon content in surface 20 cm of infertile red soils by 2.1~7.5 g kg-1 with an average of 4.7 g kg-1 within the first 5 years. The organic carbon content in infertile red soils which received organic manure annually increased linearly in the first 10 years, thereafter it slowed down, implying that the fertility of the infertile red soils could reach middle or high level in 10 years if the soil was managed properly. It was estimated that through exploitation of wastelands, re-establishment of fuel forests and improvement of soil fertility, soils in red soil region of China could sequester an extra 1.50 × 1015 g of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

 Soil organic matter level, mineralizable C and N, microbial biomass C and dehydrogenase, urease and alkaline phosphatase activities were studied in soils from a field experiment under a pearl millet-wheat cropping sequence receiving inorganic fertilizers and a combination of inorganic fertilizers and organic amendments for the last 11 years. The amounts of soil organic matter and mineralizable C and N increased with the application of inorganic fertilizers. However, there were greater increases of these parameters when farmyard manure, wheat straw or Sesbania bispinosa green manure was applied along with inorganic fertilizers. Microbial biomass C increased from 147 mg kg–1 soil in unfertilized soil to 423 mg kg–1 soil in soil amended with wheat straw and inorganic fertilizers. The urease and alkaline phosphatase activities of soils increased significantly with a combination of inorganic fertilizers and organic amendments. The results indicate that soil organic matter level and soil microbial activities, vital for the nutrient turnover and long-term productivity of the soil, are enhanced by use of organic amendments along with inorganic fertilizers. Received: 6 May 1998  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is often considered the most labile portion of organic matter in soil and to be negligible with respect to the accumulation of soil C. In this short review, we present recent evidence that this view is invalid. The stability of DOM from forest floor horizons, peats, and topsoils against microbial degradation increases with advanced decomposition of the parent organic matter (OM). Aromatic compounds, deriving from lignin, likely are the most stable components of DOM while plant‐derived carbohydrates seem easily degradable. Carbohydrates and N‐rich compounds of microbial origin produced during the degradation of DOM can be relatively stable. Such components contribute much to DOM in the mineral subsoil. Sorption of DOM to soil minerals and (co‐)precipitation with Al (and probably also with Fe), especially of the inherently stable aromatic moieties, result in distinct stabilization. In laboratory incubation experiments, the mean residence time of DOM from the Oa horizon of a Haplic Podzol increased from <30 y in solution to >90 y after sorption to a subsoil. We combined DOM fluxes and mineralization rate constants for DOM sorbed to minerals and a subsoil horizon, and (co‐)precipitated with Al to estimate the potential contribution of DOM to total C in the mineral soil of a Haplic Podzol in Germany. The contribution of roots to DOM was not considered because of lack of data. The DOM‐derived soil C ranges from 20 to 55 Mg ha–1 in the mineral soil, which represents 19%–50% of the total soil C. The variation of the estimate reflects the variation in mineralization rate constants obtained for sorbed and (co‐)precipitated DOM. Nevertheless, the estimates indicate that DOM contributes significantly to the accumulation of stable OM in soil. A more precise estimation of DOM‐derived C in soils requires mineralization rate constants for DOM sorbed to all relevant minerals or (co‐)precipitated with Fe. Additionally, we need information on the contribution of sorption to distinct minerals as well as of (co‐)precipitation with Al and Fe to DOM retention.  相似文献   

不同橡胶生长期土壤中的微生物生物量碳和有机碳   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16  
ZHANG Hu  ZHANG Gan-Lin 《土壤圈》2003,13(4):353-357
Soil samples were collected from different rubber fields in twenty-five plots selected randomly in the Experimental Farm of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agriculture Sciences located in Hainan, China, to analyse the ecological effect of rubber cultivation. The results showed that in the tropical rubber farm, soil microbial biomass C (MBC) and total organic C (TOC) were relatively low in the content but highly correlated with each other. After rubber tapping, soil MBC of mature rubber fields decreased significantly, by 55.5%, compared with immature rubber fields. Soil TOC also decreased but the difference was not significant. Ratios of MBC to TOC decreased significantly. The decreasing trend of MBC stopped at about ten years of rubber cultivation. After this period, soil MBC increased relatively while soil TOC still kept in decreasing. Soil MBC changes could be measured to predict the tendency of soil organic matter changes due to management practices in a tropical rubber farm several years before the changes in soil TOC become detectable.  相似文献   

云南植烟土壤有机质与氮含量的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
2004年在云南省91个烟叶主产县(区)采集683个植烟耕层土壤进行分析。结果表明,云南植烟土壤有机质和全氮含量变幅较大,平均含量分别为33.0 g.kg-1和1.9 g.kg-1,两者处于Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级高水平含量的土壤样本分别占54.3%和68.3%。碱解氮含量平均140.8 mg.kg-1,处于Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级高水平含量的土壤样本占63.1%。不同植烟土壤类型有机质和全氮含量差异较大,其中水稻土含量较高,紫色土次之,红壤及黄壤含量相对较低。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to discuss the demand of fresh organic matter (FOM) supply to maintain soil organic matter (SOM) levels and productivity of arable soils under organic management. The basic question is whether the different frame conditions in organic vs. conventional farming result in a different and system‐specific FOM demand. If this is the case, it would follow that the farming system has to be considered in the calculation of SOM balances. SOM balances are the most common decision support tools in organic matter management. A conversion to organic farming in practice usually leads to an increase of SOM levels as well as soil microbial activity over time. The system‐specific driver of this effect is the indispensable extension of the share of (perennial) legumes in crop rotations at the expense of non‐legumes such as cereals, row crops, and maize. Extended legume cropping is essential for N supply in crop rotations as the import of N fertilizer in total is limited by organic farming regulations and mineral N fertilizer may not be used at all. Based on this characteristic of organic management, we argue that the demand of FOM supply to soils must be higher than in conventional crop production. The most relevant factors are (1) the non‐existence of mineral N fertilizer as an external N source that supports the maintenance of SOM by decreasing the demand for SOM‐N, (2) benefits of increasing SOM stocks and turnover for soil productivity under organic management, and, (3) increased mass‐losses of FOM and easily degradable SOM compartments due to higher microbial activity in soils. These effects have to be quantified and must be considered in SOM balances in order to avoid misleading assessments and erroneous decisions.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the N mineralization process under shifting cultivation in northern Thailand, labile pools of soil organic matter were studied, which were considered to be the factors contributing to the N mineralization process. Organic C, (organic + NH4 +)-N, and hexose-C were extracted from fresh soils in the surface 0–5 cm layers with a 0.5 M K2S0. solution at 110°C in an autoclave (fraction A) or at room temperature with a reciprocal shaker (fraction B), and analyzed as labile pools of organic matter. In the traditional shifting cultivation system, the content of organic C in fraction A in the fallow fields for 8 to 15 y was 3,710 mg kg-1 while that in the fallow fields for 1 y and 3 to 5 y was 2,640 and 2,600 mg kg-1, respectively. A high correlation was observed between the contents of the labile pool in fraction A and total soil organic matter. The ratio of the pool in fraction A to total soil organic matter apparently remained constant through the input-output balance in the pool. The content of the labile pool in fraction B was the highest among the fields cultivated for 1 y after the slash and burn practice and it decreased in the course of the fallow period. The content of organic C was 548 mg kg-1 in the fields cultivated for 1 y and 235 mg kg-1 in the fallow fields for 8-15 y, respectively. There was a reverse relation between the contents of the pool in fraction B and microbial biomass. Therefore, the origin of the pool in fraction B was attributed to the microbial debris associated mainly with a decrease in the soil moisture content in the dry season. On the other hand, in the relatively intensive cultivation system, there was no significant difference in the contents of the labile pools both in fractions A and B among the land use stages, suggesting that the preservation mechanism of these pools, which was observed in the traditional cultivation system, did not operate well in the intensive system. In alternative farming systems in future, it will be essential to apply organic materials to soils to supply organic matter and to maintain the microbial biomass.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the usefulness of physical and chemical fractionation in quantifying soil organic matter (SOM) in different stabilized fraction pools. Soil samples from three land use types in Lorestan province, Southwest Iran were examined to account for the amount of organic carbon and nitrogen in different SOM fractions. Size/density separation and chemical oxidation methods were applied to separate the SOM fractions including particulate organic matter (POM), Si + C (silt and clay), DOC (dissolved organic C), rSOM (oxidation-resistant organic carbon and nitrogen) and S + SA (sand and stable aggregates). The values obtained for TOC, TN, and HWC were highest in forest lands followed by the range and agricultural lands. Among the SOM fractions, S + SA showed the highest values (5.75, 5.77 and 20.6 g kg?1 for agriculture, range and forest lands respectively) followed by POM, Si + C, rSOM, and DOC. The concentrations of C and N in the labile fractions obtained the higher values than in the stabilized fractions. Forest lands had the highest amounts of organic C and N among all fractions whereas agricultural lands showed highest values for inorganic C content of soils in different fractions.  相似文献   

土壤有机质含量对土壤入渗能力及参数影响的试验研究   总被引:26,自引:6,他引:26  
基于土壤质地为壤土的大田水分入渗试验,分析了有机质含量对大田土壤水分入渗能力和考斯加科夫入渗模型参数的影响。研究表明:土壤有机质对大田土壤入渗能力和入渗模型参数的影响都比较明显,土壤累积入渗量随着土壤有机质含量的增加而增大;入渗模型参数k和α值随土壤有机质含量的增加而减小。研究结果对于土壤入渗能力预测模型的建立和地面灌水技术参数的优化具有一定价值。  相似文献   

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