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We investigated whether the long‐term application of compost from agricultural waste improved soil physical structure, fertility and soil organic matter (SOM) storage. In 2006, we began a long‐term field experiment based on a rice–wheat rotation cropping system, having a control without fertilizer (NF) and three treatments: chemical fertilizers (CF), pig manure compost (PMC) and a prilled mixture of PMC and inorganic fertilizers (OICF). Following the harvest of wheat in 2010, the mean‐weight diameter (MWD) of water‐stable aggregates and the concentration of C and N in bulk soil (0–20 cm; <2 mm fraction) were significantly greater (P < 0.05) in PMC and NF plots than in CF or OICF plots. Pig manure compost significantly increased the proportion of >5‐mm aggregates, whereas CF significantly increased the proportion of 0.45‐ to 1‐mm aggregates. The C and N contents of all density fractions were greater in PMC than in other treatments with levels decreasing in the following order: free particulate organic matter (fPOM) >occluded particulate organic matter (oPOM) > mineral‐combined SOM (mineral–SOM). Solid‐state 13C CPMAS NMR spectra showed that alkyl C/O‐alkyl C ratios and aromatic component levels of SOM were smaller in PMC and OICF plots than in CF plots, suggesting that SOM in PMC and OICF plots was less degraded than that in CF plots. Nevertheless, yields of wheat in PMC and NF plots were smaller than those in CF and OICF plots, indicating that conditions for producing large grain yields did not maintain soil fertility.  相似文献   


Field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of corn straw derived-biochar (700 °C) applied at 0 (control), 10 (B1), 20 (B2) and 30 t ha?1 (B3) on water stable aggregate (WSA), mean weight diameter (MWD), total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) in WSA fractions of Albic soil. Compared with control, WSA in > 2 mm fraction increased, by 40.8% and 51.5% (0–10 cm depth) in B1 and B3, respectively. B1, B2 and B3 (10–20 cm depth) increased by 55.2%, 69.6% and 62.4%, respectively. MWD increased by 34.4%, 21.6%, and 17.6% with B3 at 0–10 cm, 10–20 cm and 20–30 cm depths, respectively. TOC in the > 2 mm fraction increased by 28.6%, 22.1%, and 23.2% (0–10 cm depth) in B1, B2, and B3, respectively, TN in 2–0.5 mm fractions increased by 32.4%, 23.4% and 33.6% (0–10 cm depth); and in the 0.25–0.05 mm fractions increased by 14.8%, 19.8% and 18.7% (10–20 cm depth), in B1, B2 and B3, respectively. Our findings suggest biochar application at 30 t ha?1 could improve structural stability and sequestration of TOC and TN in Albic soils.  相似文献   

试验依托东北农业大学盐碱土长期定位试验站(始建于1995年),研究不同施肥年限下草甸碱土水稳性团聚体含量及其碳、氮分配规律。结果表明,长期施用有机肥可以显著增加0.25 mm水稳性团聚体的含量52.3%~60.8%,0.5~0.25 mm粒级的水稳性团聚体随着种植和有机肥施用年限的提高显著增加。施肥5年后,草甸碱土土壤团聚体中有机碳和全氮含量开始呈现稳中有升的趋势。大团聚体对有机碳和全氮的贡献率分别为47.9%~89.3%和52.9%~82.1%。5 mm和5~2 mm粒级的团聚体中有机碳和全氮含量与该粒级团聚体数量均呈显著性正相关。连续5年高量有机肥的投入,已经对草甸碱土培肥改良起到了显著效果,此后维持正常的施入量即可。  相似文献   

Soil physical degradation is one of the serious production constraints in the Indo-Gangetic Plain region. The present investigation was undertaken to study the effect of different nutrient management practices involving the use of fertilizer NPK alone or in combination with Farm Yard Manure (FYM), sulphitation pressmud (SPM), or induced defoliation (ID, imposed in pigeonpea through foliar spray of 10% urea solution at physiological maturity) on soil hydrophysical properties of a Typic Haplustepts under pigeonpea-wheat sequence, in a field experiment that continued for 5 years at IARI, New Delhi. Fertilizer NPK at recommended rate to both the crops resulted in a significant increase in macroaggregates, mean weight diameter, geometric mean diameter, water-stable aggregates, and saturated hydraulic conductivity in surface soil. Conjoint use of fertilizers, organic manures, and ID also decreased soil bulk density (0–15?cm) significantly over control. Effectiveness of organics and ID in improving soil physical environment was in the order: FYM?>?ID?>?SPM.  相似文献   

Conservation tillage has been applied in vast semi‐arid regions of the Guanzhong Plain, Northwest China. The tillage effects on soil aggregation, organic carbon (OC) stabilization and grain yield on this plain have not been fully elucidated. A 9‐year field experiment was established from 2002 on a silty clay loam soil (Eum‐Orthic Anthrosol) growing winter wheat–maize in a double‐cropping system. Six conservation tillage treatments were applied by different combinations of rotary tillage (RT), subsoiling (SS) and no‐till (NT), with or without finely chopped straw retention. Conventional tillage (CT) acted as the control. Results showed that in the surface (0–10 cm) soil, the proportion of water‐stable aggregates (WSA) <0.05 mm was 18% less while that for WSA >2 mm was 98% more under NT treatments compared with CT. Additionally, the oxidizable OC content in WSA 0.25–2 mm was 27% greater under NT treatments compared with CT. The OC stocks increased under SS by 17%, RT by 16% and NT by 15% relative to CT. Grain yield (wheat + maize) showed similar increasing trends in all the tillage treatments compared with CT. Both OC stocks and grain yield were larger in treatments with than without straw retentions. These results indicate that NT is beneficial for OC accumulation in WSA but is limited in its ability to improve soil structure in this region. SS plus straw retention (fine‐chopped or as a mulch) is an effective practice to improve soil structural stability, OC accumulation and soil productivity of Eum‐Orthic Anthrosols in Northwest China.  相似文献   

不同施肥管理对红壤性水稻土有机碳、氮形态的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A long-term experiment beginning in 1981 in Jinxian County of Jiangxi Province, subtropical China, was conducted in a paddy field under a double rice cropping system with four different fertilization regimes, including 1) no fertilizer as control (CK), 2) balanced chemical N, P, and K fertilizers (NPK), 3) organic manure using milk vetch and pig manure in the early and late rice growing season, respectively (OM), and 4) balanced chemical fertilizers combined with organic manure (NPKM). Samples (0-17 cm) of the paddy field soil, which was derived from Quaternary red clay, were collected after the late rice harvest in November 2003 for determination of total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) and fractions of organic C and N. Results showed that TOC and TN in the NPKM and OM treatments were significantly higher than those in other two treatments (CK and NPK). Application of organic manure with or without chemical fertilizers significantly increased the contents of all fractions of organic C and N, whereas chemical fertilizer application only increased the contents of occluded particulate organic C (oPOC) and amino acid N. In addition, application of organic manure significantly enhanced the proportions of free particulate organic carbon (fPOC) and oPOC in total C, and those of amino sugar N and amino acid N (P < 0.01) in total N. In contrast, chemical fertilizer application only increased the proportions of oPOC and amino acid N (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in either contents or proportions of soil organic C and organic N fractions between the NPKM and OM treatments. These indicated that organic manure application with or without chemical fertilizers played the most significant role in enhancing soil organic C and N quantity and quality in the paddy field studied.  相似文献   

The effects of fertilization on the distributions of organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (N) in soil aggregates and whether these effects vary with cropping system have not been well addressed.Such information is important for understanding the sequestration of OC and N in agricultural soils.In this study,the distributions of OC and N associated with soil aggregates were analyzed in different fertilization treatments in a continuous winter wheat cropping system and a legume-grain rotation system in a 27-year field experiment,to understand the effects of long-term fertilization on the distributions of OC and N in aggregates and to examine the recovery of soil OC and N in a highland agroecosystem.Manure fertilizer significantly decreased soil bulk density but increased the amount of coarse fractions and their associated OC and N stocks in the soils of both systems.Fertilizers N + phosphorus (P) and manure had similar effects on total soil OC and N stocks in both systems,but had larger effects on the OC and N stocks in > 2 mm aggregates in the legume-grain rotation system than in the continuous winter wheat system.The application of P increased the OC and N stocks in > 2 mm aggregates and decreased the loss of N from chemical fertilizers in the legume-grain rotation system.The results from this study suggested that P fertilizer should be applied for legume-included cropping systems and that manure with or without chemical fertilizers should be applied for semiarid cropping systems in order to enhance OC and N accumulation in soils.  相似文献   

生物炭与氮肥配施改善土壤团聚体结构提高红枣产量   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
探讨花生壳生物炭配施氮肥对华北平原枣区土壤机械稳定性和水稳性团聚体的分布、稳定性及红枣产量的影响,阐明土壤和枣树对生物炭与氮肥培肥效果的响应,为枣区土壤结构改良和合理培肥制度建立科学依据。通过3 a(2013-2015)田间定位试验,设置生物炭用量4个水平(0,2.5,5和10 t/hm2)、氮肥用量3个水平(300,450和600 kg/hm2),利用干、湿筛法得到不同粒级的土壤团聚体含量。结果表明:与对照相比,生物炭与氮肥配施对机械稳定性团聚体的平均质量直径(MWD,mean weight diameter)、几何平均直径(geometric mean diameter, GMD)和>0.25 mm大团聚体质量分数无显著影响,但>0.25 mm水稳性大团聚体含量则显著提高20.7%,水稳性团聚体的MWD和GMD较对照分别显著增加29.2%和27.2%。同时,各配施处理降低了土壤团聚体破坏率,最大降幅为27.1%。与对照相比,中、高用量的生物炭与氮肥配施显著提高土壤有机碳含量,且有机碳含量与MWD和GMD均达到了显著水平(P<0.05)。生物炭施入土壤1 a后,随试验时间的推移,与氮肥的培肥效果越来越明显,红枣产量呈上升趋势。综合分析认为,生物炭与氮肥配施对枣区土壤水稳性大团聚体的形成、土壤结构及稳定性提升效果显著,有利于缓解枣区土壤质量退化问题和提高红枣产量。  相似文献   

This study investigated long‐term effects of soil management on size distribution of dry‐sieved aggregates in a loess soil together with their organic carbon (OC) and their respiratory activity. Soil management regimes were cropland, which was either abandoned, left bare fallow or cropped for 21 yr. Abandonment increased the abundance of macroaggregates (>2 mm) in the surface soil layer (0–10 cm) and reduced that of microaggregates (<0.25 mm) relative to Cropping, whereas the Fallow treatment reduced the abundance of macroaggregates at depths of 0–10 and 10–20 cm. All treatments yielded similar aggregate size distributions at a depth of 20–30 cm. The SOC content of aggregate size fractions in the surface soil from the Abandoned plots was greater (by 1.2–4.8 g/kg) than that of the corresponding fractions from the Cropped plots, but the opposite trend was observed in the subsurface soils. Conversely, the Fallow treatment reduced the SOC content of every aggregate size fraction. Smaller aggregates generally exhibited greater cumulative levels of C mineralization than larger ones. However, the bulk of the SOC losses from the soils via mineralization was associated with aggregates of >2 mm. Abandonment significantly increased the relative contribution of macroaggregates (>2 mm) to the overall rate of SOC loss, whereas the Fallow treatment significantly reduced the contribution of 0.25–2 mm aggregates to total SOC loss in the surface soil while substantially increasing their contribution in the subsurface soil.  相似文献   

This paper investigates effects of cropping abandonment and perennial grass growing on soil organic C and N pools and aggregate stability, by comparing soils under native grassland, crop cultivation, perennial grass growing and cropping abandonment, in degraded cropland at a sub‐alpine site in north‐western China. The pools of total and particulate organic C (115 and 37 Mg ha−1) in the 0–30 cm soil layer of native grassland were reduced by 31 and 54% after 30 years of crop cultivation. After 4 years of conversion from cropland to perennial grass growing total and particulate organic C pools were increased by 29 and 56%, whereas 4 year cropping abandonment increased particulate organic C by 36%. Rapid increases in total and particulate N were also found in perennial grass growing and cropping abandonment soils. The native grassland soil and soils of cropping abandonment and perennial grass growing had higher carbohydrate C concentrations in the 0–10 cm layer than the cropped soil. The rapid recovery of particulate organic fraction and carbohydrates in the re‐vegetated soils were probably due to higher plant biomass inputs and lower organic matter decomposition compared with those in the cropped soil. Aggregate stability of the 0–30 cm soil layer was significantly decreased by crop cultivation but showed a good recovery after 4 year re‐vegetations. This study suggests that reduction of soil organic matter and aggregate stability under crop cultivation may be remedied by cropping abandonment or perennial grass growing. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A calcareous and clayey xeric Chromic Haploxerept of a long‐term experimental site in Sicily (Italy) was sampled (0–15 cm depth) under different land use management and cropping systems (CSs) to study their effect on soil aggregate stability and organic carbon (SOC). The experimental site had three tillage managements (no till [NT], dual‐layer [DL] and conventional tillage [CT]) and two CSs (durum wheat monocropping [W] and durum wheat/faba bean rotation [WB]). The annually sequestered SOC with W was 2·75‐times higher than with WB. SOC concentrations were also higher. Both NT and CT management systems were the most effective in SOC sequestration whereas with DL system no C was sequestered. The differences in SOC concentrations between NT and CT were surprisingly small. Cumulative C input of all cropping and tillage systems and the annually sequestered SOC indicated that a steady state occurred at a sequestration rate of 7·4 Mg C ha−1 y−1. Independent of the CSs, most of the SOC was stored in the silt and clay fraction. This fraction had a high N content which is typical for organic matter interacting with minerals. Macroaggregates (>250 µm) and large microaggregates (75–250 µm) were influenced by the treatments whereas the finest fractions were not. DL reduced the SOC in macroaggregates while NT and CT gave rise to higher SOC contents. In Mediterranean areas with Vertisols, agricultural strategies aimed at increasing the SOC contents should probably consider enhancing the proportion of coarser soil fractions so that, in the short‐term, organic C can be accumulated. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The rice–wheat cropping system (RWCS), producing about 5–10 Mg ha–1 y–1 of grain, is the backbone of food‐crop production in South‐East Asia. However, this system shows signs of fatigue as indicated by declining yields, negative nitrogen (N) balances, and reduced responses to applied fertilizer at some research centers. The return of rice and wheat residues can recycle up to 20%–30% of the N absorbed by the crops. However, their wide C : N ratio can temporarily immobilize native and applied N. To overcome this immobilization, wheat‐straw application was supplemented with the incorporation of Sesbania green manure and mungbean residues, and their effects on productivity, agronomic N efficiency, and system's apparent N balances were studied. Combining the application of wheat straw with Sesbania green manure or mungbean residues increased cereal grain yield and agronomic N efficiency and improved the generally negative apparent N balances. The combined use of wheat straw and mungbean produced an additional 0.5–0.6 t ha–1 protein‐rich grain and thus appears to be the most promising residue‐management option for rice–wheat cropping systems in South Asia, provided that the transition cropping season between wheat harvest and rice transplanting is long enough.  相似文献   

Maintaining soil organic carbon (SOC) in arid ecosystem is important for soil productivity and restoration of deserted sandy soil in western plain of India. There is a need to understand how the cropping systems changes may alter SOC pools including total organic carbon (TOC), particulate organic C (POC), water soluble carbon (WSC), very labile C (VLC), labile C (LC), less labile C (LLC) and non-labile C (NLC) in arid climate. We selected seven major agricultural systems for this study viz., barren, fallow, barley–fallow, mustard–moth bean, chickpea–groundnut, wheat–green gram and wheat–pearl millet. Result revealed that conversion of sandy barren lands to agricultural systems significantly increased available nutrients and SOC pools. Among all studied cropping systems, the highest values of TOC (6.12 g kg?1), POC (1.53 g kg?1) and WSC (0.19 g kg?1) were maintained in pearl millet–wheat system, while the lowest values of carbon pools observed in fallow and barren land. Strong relationships (P < 0.05) were exhibited between VLC and LC with available nutrients. The highest carbon management index (299) indicates that wheat–pearl millet system has greater soil quality for enhancing crop productivity, nutrient availability and carbon sequestration of arid soil.  相似文献   

依托中国科学院黄土高原长武农业生态试验站中的长期定位试验(始于1984年),利用湿筛法获得不同粒径的团聚体,研究了长期施肥对不同粒级水稳性团聚体中有机碳分布的影响。试验涉及化肥和轮作培肥两个长期试验的9个处理。化肥试验:同一施磷基础上的5个施氮水平(N0、N45、N90、N135、N180);轮作培肥试验:不施肥(CK)、化肥(NP)、有机肥(M)、化肥有机肥配施(NPM)。结果表明:长期施肥显著影响土壤水稳性团聚体含量(p0.05),提高了2mm粒级水稳性团聚体含量,降低了0.25mm水稳性团聚体含量。施氮(N45、N90、N135、N180)处理主要提高了5mm、0.5~0.25mm水稳性团聚体中有机碳的含量,与N0相比,提高量为44.3%~73.3%;有机肥(M、NPM)处理对各粒级团聚体中有机碳的含量均有提高,与CK相比,提高量为40.7%~92.2%,其中5mm团聚体中有机碳含量分别提高了66.7%和92.2%。低氮(N0、N45、N90)处理、不施肥(CK)处理的1~0.5mm团聚体中的有机碳对土壤有机碳的贡献率最大,占13.7%~23.7%;高氮(N135、N180)处理和氮磷配施(NP)处理、有机肥(M、NPM)处理的5mm团聚体中的有机碳对土壤有机碳的贡献率最大,占17.3%~24.9%。土壤有机碳与5mm、5~2mm团聚体含量呈显著正相关关系,与0.25mm团聚体含量呈极显著负相关。  相似文献   

Saline sodic soil with a high content of soluble carbonates is one of the important agricultural soils on the Central Indo‐Gangetic plains and elsewhere. Conventional reclamation procedures using gypsum application followed by vertical leaching (GC) is uneconomic; high ECe and precipitation of applied gypsum, reacting with soluble carbonates, reduce the efficacy of gypsum in these soils. This paper reports results from a project designed to evaluate reclamation by irrigation of the ploughed soil and turning of soil with a power tiller followed by flushing of standing water after 24 h, a second flushing after 7 days and subsequent application of gypsum and vertical leaching (GF2). Average rice and wheat production after GF2 significantly increased (25 and 62%, respectively) over the conventional practice. Compared with conventional treatment, GF2 significantly reduced the ECe and SAR of the soil and improved physical properties such as ζ‐potential, dispersible clay content, water stable aggregates expressed as MWD, and saturated hydraulic conductivity. Split application of gypsum between flushing (GF1/2 and GF2/3) gave similar results to GF2 in terms of soil amelioration and crop production.  相似文献   

The field experiments were conducted for two crop years of 1997?–?98 and 1998?–?99 at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to study the effect of wheat, legume and legume enriched wheat residue (WR) on soil fertility under the rice-wheat cropping system. A rice-wheat cropping system without incorporation of residue depleted organic C over initial level by 0.061%, kjeldahl-N by 0.012%, available P by 0.7?kg ha???1 and available K by 36?kg ha???1, whereas incorporation of Sesbania green manure (SGM), mungbean residue (MBR), SGM?+?WR and MBR?+?WR increased organic C over the initial level by 0.071, 0.100, 0.163 and 0.133%, respectively, kjeldahl-N by 0.001, 0.004, 0.001 and 0.005% respectively, available P by 2.7, 5.0, 8.5 and 3.2?kg ha???1, respectively and available K by 35, 5, 92 and 12?kg ha???1, respectively in 2 years. As compared with no residue control, incorporation of WR increased organic C by 0.036?–?0.102%, kjeldahl-N by 0.002?–?0.007% and available K by 23?–?45?kg ha?1, whereas incorporation of SGM and MBR increased organic C by 0.082?–?0.132 and 0.103?–?0.161%, respectively, kjeldahl-N by 0.009?–?0.023 and 0.005?–?0.013%, respectively and available K by 5?–?71 and 4?–?45?kg ha???1, respectively. Incorporation of WR with SGM and MBR was more effective and increased organic C by 0.121?–?0.224 and 0.125?–?0.194%, respectively, kjeldahl-N by 0.005?–?0.029 and 0.010?–?0.021%, respectively and available K content by 23?–?128 and 11?–?116?kg ha???1. Nitrogen application to rice also increased organic C, kjeldahl-N, available P and available K content in soil and also increased effects of crop residues. Crop residues had no significant effect on available P content in soil. Incorporation of WR with SGM and MBR with adequate fertilizer-N is, thus, recommended for building up organic C, kjeldahl-N and available K content in soil.  相似文献   

The maintenance and accumulation of soil organic carbon (SOC) in agricultural systems is critical to food security and climate change, but information about the dynamic trend and efficiency of SOC sequestration is still limited, particularly under long‐term fertilizations. In a typical Purpli‐Udic Cambosols soil under subtropical monsoon climate in southwestern China this study thus estimated the dynamic, trend and efficiency of SOC sequestration after 22‐year (1991–2013) long‐term inorganic and/or organic fertilizations. Nine fertilizations under a rice–wheat system were examined: control (no fertilization), N, NP, NK, PK, NPK, NPKM (NPK plus manure), NPKS (NPK plus straw), and 1.5NPKS (150% NPK plus straw). Averagely, after 22‐years SOC contents were significantly increased by 4.2–25.3% and 10.2–32.5% under these fertilizations than under control conditions with the greatest increase under NPKS. The simulation of SOC dynamic change with an exponential growth equation to maximum over the whole fertilization period predicted the SOC level in a steady state as 18.1 g kg?1 for NPKS, 17.4 g kg?1 for 1.5NPKS, and 14.5–14.9 g kg?1 for NK, NP, NPK, and NPKM, respectively. Either inorganic, organic or their combined fertilization significantly increased crop productivity and C inputs that were incorporated into soil ranging from 0.91 to 4.63 t (ha · y)?1. The C sequestration efficiency was lower under NPKM, NPKS, and 1.5NPKS (13.2%, 9.0%, and 10.1%) than under NP and NPK (17.0% and 14.4%). The increase of SOC was asymptotical to a maximum with increasing C inputs that were variedly enhanced by different fertilizations, indicating an existence of SOC saturation and a declined marginal efficiency of SOC sequestration. Taken all these results together, the combined NPK plus straw return is a suitable fertilizer management strategy to simultaneously achieve high crop productivity and soil C sequestration potential particularly in crop rotation systems.  相似文献   

随着蔬菜的规模化与集约化发展,菜田连作障碍日趋严重,合理间套作与秸秆还田对恢复菜田土壤生态环境有很大的潜力。该文基于6a的田间长期定位试验,以西兰花单作为对照,设置西兰花套作糯玉米且糯玉米秸秆还田-西兰花(B/MR-B)、西兰花套作糯玉米且糯玉米秸秆不还田-西兰花(B/M-B)、西兰花-西兰花(B-B),共3个处理。采用湿筛法探索了套作糯玉米(Zea mays L.sinensis Kulesh)并秸秆还田对连作西兰花(Broccoli)田土壤固碳能力以及土壤水稳定性团聚体分布的影响。结果表明:随着土层的增加,不同处理的水稳定团聚体分布呈粒径逐渐减小、分布范围呈逐渐集中趋势。随着生育时期的推进,幼苗期和花球生长期水稳性团聚体多集中于0.25~0.5 mm与0.25 mm粒径范围;营养生长期多集中于0.5~1 mm与0.25~0.5 mm粒径范围;而秋菜收获期则多分布于0.5~1 mm、0.25~0.5 mm与0.25 mm粒径范围。B-B处理下各个时期0~40 cm土层的粒径0.5~1 mm和0.25~0.5 mm的水稳性团聚体基本呈现低于其他处理,相反B-B处理下的粒径0.25 mm水稳性团聚体均呈现显著高于其他处理。秋季西兰花整个生育期水稳定性大团聚体均表现为B/MR-BB/M-BB-B。B/MR-B处理的土壤有机碳(SOC)含量显著高于其他处理。多元回归分析表明土壤水稳定性大团聚体与土壤有机碳含量在0~10 cm与10~20 cm土层中呈极显著(P0.01)正相关,20~40 cm土层呈显著(P0.05)正相关。综上,套作糯玉米并秸秆还田能有效提高连作西兰花田耕作层土壤水稳定性大团聚体的比例,改善连作导致的土壤理化性状的恶化。  相似文献   

Abstract. Hydraulic properties of soils after rice cropping are generally unfavourable for wheat cultivation. Poor drainage, delayed planting and oxygen stress in the root zone may adversely affect the wheat crop after lowland rice cultivation. We studied long-term effects of lantana ( Lantana spp. L.) residue additions at 10, 20 and 30 t ha−1 yr−1 (fresh biomass) on physical properties of a silty clay loam soil under rice–wheat cropping in northwest India. At the end of ten cropping cycles, soil water retention, infiltration rate, saturated hydraulic conductivity and drying rate of soil increased significantly with lantana additions. The available water capacity (AWC), on volume basis, declined at rice harvest (from 22.0 to 18.8–20.9%), but increased at wheat harvest (from 12.9 to 13.4–15.0%) after lantana treatment. The volumes of water transmission (>50 μm) and storage pores (0.5–50 μm) were greater, while the volume of residual pores (<0.5 μm) was smaller in lantana-treated plots than in controls at both rice and wheat harvest. Infiltration rate in the lantana-treated soil was 1.6–7.9 times that of the control (61 mm d−1) at rice harvest, and 2–4.1 times that of the control (1879 mm d−1) at wheat harvest. Thus lantana addition improved soil hydraulic properties to the benefit of the wheat crop in a rice–wheat cropping sequence.  相似文献   

秸秆还田对盐渍土团聚体稳定性及碳氮含量的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
以黄河三角洲典型盐化潮土为研究对象,分析了3种盐渍化程度(轻度、中度、重度)和3 a连续秸秆还田下土壤水稳性团聚体组成、稳定性以及各级团聚体C、N含量的变化。研究结果表明:重度盐渍土0.25~2 mm和0.053~0.25 mm团聚体所占比例显著低于轻度和中度盐渍土;土壤盐分含量与0.25~2mm团聚体中有机碳和全氮的分配比例、0.053~0.25 mm团聚体中全氮的分配比例成显著负相关。秸秆还田使轻度盐渍土平均重量直径(MWD)、几何平均直径(GMD)和0.25 mm团聚体所占比例(R0.25)分别增加47.6%、39.7%和54.0%,使中度盐渍土MWD、GMD和R0.25分别增加31.0%、31.9%和31.4%;各粒级中秸秆还田使轻度盐渍土0.053~0.25 mm粒级有机碳和全氮含量增加最多,增加比例分别为29.1%和28.8%,该粒级中C、N分配比例也显著提高;秸秆还田使中度盐渍土0.25~2 mm团聚体有机碳及其分配比例提高最多,比例分别为56.1%和58.7%。秸秆还田对轻度和中度盐渍土团聚体的稳定性均起到了明显的改善作用,但不同盐渍土秸秆还田对土壤团聚体C、N分布的影响明显不同。  相似文献   

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