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在重庆蔬菜基地选取30个不同肥力水平的试验田,通过莴苣大田试验和室内分析,研究不同产量水平莴苣氮、磷、钾养分吸收特征和养分效率。结果表明:同一产量水平莴苣养分的平均含量和平均吸收量均表现为钾氮磷。不同产量水平的莴苣氮、磷、钾养分含量差异均不明显,受产量影响各养分吸收量差异较大。莴苣氮、磷、钾养分的平均吸收量范围分别为17.9~81.9、2.15~11.3和21.4~129 kg·hm-2,吸收比例范围为1.00∶0.12∶1.20~1.00∶0.14∶1.58。莴苣低产水平氮、磷、钾的吸收变异均较大,其中钾的变异最大(61.50%),氮的吸收最稳定,磷次之,钾的吸收最不稳定。低产水平莴苣氮、磷、钾肥的农学效率均最高。各产量水平中,磷的农学效率最高(49.4~99.2 kg·kg-1),表观利用率最低(6.6%~12.5%)。高、中、低产量水平地力贡献率顺序为82.3%59.7%30.1%。各产量水平氮、磷、钾肥料生理效率无明显规律。  相似文献   

Two sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) hybrids CSH‐10 and ‐ 11 and their parent cultivars 296‐A, SB‐1055 and MR‐715 were examined for their tolerance to Fe‐deficiency stress, and also Fe uptake. It was observed that there was greater reduction of pH of the nutrient media and more rapid recovery from chlorosis only in the female parent 296‐A, and to some degree in the hybrids, but not in the male parents. The results indicated that Fe uptake‐translocation were inversely related to their Fe stress tolerance.  相似文献   

不同滴灌施肥模式对棉花产量及养分吸收的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过等养分和等成本施肥田间试验,研究不同滴灌施肥模式对棉花产量及养分吸收的影响。试验设4种滴灌施肥模式,分别为常规基施(CK)、常规追施(DCK)、普通滴灌专用肥(F1)和高磷钾滴灌专用肥(F2)。结果表明,在等养分施用条件下,高磷钾滴灌专用肥和普通滴灌专用肥处理的棉花干物质重、养分吸收量和产量均显著高于常规基施处理,但普通滴灌专用肥和常规追施处理差异不大;常规基施处理的氮肥和磷肥的利用率最低,普通滴灌专用肥和常规追施处理的氮肥和磷肥利用率差异不显著,高磷钾滴灌专用肥可显著提高磷肥利用率。在等成本施用条件下,常规追施处理的棉花干物质重、养分吸收量和产量最高,而高磷钾滴灌专用肥、普通滴灌专用肥和常规基施处理无显著差异。因此,滴灌专用肥尤其是高磷钾滴灌专用肥具有较好的应用效果,但是如何降低肥料成本是滴灌专用肥技术面临的重要问题。  相似文献   

最佳养分管理对华北冬小麦养分吸收和利用的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
针对华北地区小麦施肥过量和不平衡、产量和肥料利用率较低的现象,进行了河南、山东、河北3个小麦主产区最佳养分管理、农民习惯施肥和减素处理对冬小麦产量、养分吸收、利用和经济效益影响的田间试验。结果表明,在山东和河北较高肥力地区,最佳施肥处理(OPT)与农民习惯施肥(FP)处理相比在减少氮肥施用5.4%和43.8%的情况下,分别提高氮肥回收利用率7.7和4.5个百分点;在河南低肥力地区,OPT处理在比FP处理增加10%氮肥施用量的情况下,冬小麦增产12.5%,氮肥回收利用率提高了13.0个百分点。同时,OPT处理钾肥和磷肥的回收利用率也有不同程度的提高。由于地区土壤肥力和养分供应能力变异较大,基于土壤养分测定和目标产量的优化养分管理很有必要且切实可行。  相似文献   

At present, there is little commercial sale of biochar, since farmers find they can not gain a return on their investment in this amendment in the first few years after its application, because of the high cost associated with large application rates. To overcome this constraint, development of artificially aged enriched biochar-mineral complexes (BMCs), having a higher mineral content, surface functionality, exchangeable cations, high concentration of magnetic iron (Fe) nanoparticles, and higher water-extractable organic compounds has been undertaken by a combined team of researchers and a commercial company.~% Two biochars produced under different pyrolysis conditions were activated with a phosphoric acid treatment. A mixture of clay, chicken litter, and minerals were added to the biochar, and then this composite was torrefied at either 180 or 220 $^\circ$C. In this study a pot experiment was carried out in glasshouse conditions to determine the effects of four different BMCs, with different formulations applied at rates of 100 and 200 kg ha$^{-1}$, on the mycorrhizal colonisation, wheat growth and nutrient uptake, and soil quality improvement. It was found that the phosphorus (P) and nitrogen uptake in wheat shoots were significantly greater for a low application rate of BMCs (100 kg ha$^{-1}$).~The present formulation of BMC was effective in enhancing growth of wheat at low application rate (100 kg ha$^{-1}$).~The increase in growth appeared due to an increase in P uptake in the plants that could be partly attributed to an increase in mycorrhizal colonisation and partly due to the properties of the BMC.  相似文献   

Greenhouse experiments were conducted to study the effects of silicon on soil-cadmium availability and uptake in rice grown in an acid soil maintained under two different moisture regimes (field capacity or submergence). The silicon treatment decreased the cadmium concentration and uptake in grain and straw, while it increased the cadmium uptake in roots of plants grown on cadmium contaminated soil. Cadmium availability in soil decreased with increase in silicon applied in soil due to the rise in soil pH. The results suggest that the reduction of soil-cadmium availability could be due to cadmium immobilization caused by calcium silicate-induced pH rise in the soils. The decrease in cadmium concentration and uptake in grain and straw could be attributed to the silicon-mediated distribution of cadmium that resulted in the increased accumulation of toxic cadmium in the roots more than the edible parts of the rice plants.  相似文献   

Tolerance to zinc (Zn) deficiency was examined for three wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and three barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties grown in chelator‐buffered nutrient solution. Four indices were chosen to characterize tolerance to Zn deficiency: (1) relative shoot weight at low compared to high Zn supply (“Zn efficiency index”), (2) relative shoot to root ratio at low compared to high Zn supply, (3) total shoot uptake of Zn under deficient conditions, and (4) shoot dry weight under deficient conditions. Barley and wheat exhibited different tolerance to Zn deficiency, with barley being consistently more tolerant than wheat as assessed by all four indices. The tolerance to Zn deficiency in the barley varieties was in the order Thule=Tyra>Kinnan, and that of wheat in the order Bastian=Avle>Vinjett. The less tolerant varieties of both species accumulated more P in the shoots than the more tolerant varieties. For all varieties, the concentrations of Mn, Fe, Cu, and P in shoot tissue were negatively correlated with Zn supply. This antagonism was more pronounced for Mn and P than for Cu and Fe. Accumulation of Cu in barley roots was extremely high under Zn‐deficient conditions, an effect not so clearly indicated in wheat.  相似文献   

To understand the effect of increased soil N supply on tree growth and nutrient uptake, three-year-old Norway spruce seedlings were grown in pots on low-nutrient mineral forest soil supplemented with N in mineral or organic form. Outdoor shaded growth conditions were used, to test the hypothesis that shaded plants are particularly susceptible to high soil N supply. Plants were harvested eleven months after planting. Shoot growth was not affected by the N supply, but N concentrations in needles and roots were increased in plants supplied with mineral N (150 or 300 mg N [kg soil]—1). Root growth was drastically reduced and root/shoot ratios were decreased in plants with higher N uptake. A high supply of mineral N to soil also decreased the concentrations of other essential elements (P, K) in the needles and thus had effects on plant growth which may impair the stress resistance of trees. Organic N in the form of keratin (150 mg N [kg soil]—1) did not influence plant growth significantly. The adverse effects of high mineral N supply were particularly pronounced under shaded conditions in comparison to results from other experiments using higher light intensity and temperature conditions.  相似文献   

采用培养试验研究了磷缺乏与正常供磷条件下,CO2浓度由350μL/L升高至800μL/L苗期番茄的生物量、根系特征和不同器官N、P、K养分含量的变化。结果表明,无论缺磷与否,CO2浓度升高均能显著增加番茄地上部及根系的干物质积累量,提高根冠比。在磷缺乏条件下,CO2浓度升高对番茄根系生长的促进主要表现为增加根系的体积和表面积;而在磷正常供应条件下主要表现为同时增加根体积和分根数,有利于形成强壮的根系。在两种供磷水平下,CO2浓度升高对番茄各器官的N、P、K含量产生不同的稀释效应,但N、P、K总积累量却随CO2浓度升高而显著增加;而且CO2浓度与供P水平对番茄植株的N、P、K积累量具有极显著的正交互效应。  相似文献   

Growing Fe-efficient genotype(s) could be considered as a preferred genetic approach to tackle the widespread constraint of Fe-deficiency-/lime-induced chlorosis in crop grown on alkaline soil. This study aimed to investigate morphological and physiological traits linked to expression of Fe deficiency among four corn (Zea mays) including sweet (Z. mays sacchrata cvs. H403 and H404) and grain (Z. mays indentata cvs. H500 and H700) hybrids grown in nutrient solution using two Fe concentrations (5 and 50 µM Fe-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (Fe-EDTA)). Significant variation was found among studied hybrids in their tolerance to Fe-deficiency stress. Sweet corn hybrids were more sensitive to Fe deficiency as compared with grain corn hybrids and greater reduction was observed in their shoot dry matter at the 5 µM Fe-EDTA treatment. The greatest decrease in plant height, leaf area, and root and shoot dry matter weight under Fe-deficiency condition was found for H403 hybrid. No significant correlation was found between shoot and root Fe concentration with crop tolerance to Fe deficiency. Furthermore, different response of corn hybrids to Fe deficiency is an important factor, which has to be considered in Fe fertilizer recommendation as well as breeding programs.  相似文献   

采用培养试验研究了磷缺乏与正常供磷条件下,CO2浓度由350μL/L升高至800μL/L苗期番茄的生物量、根系特征和不同器官N、P、K养分含量的变化。结果表明,无论缺磷与否,CO2浓度升高均能显著增加番茄地上部及根系的干物质积累量,提高根冠比。在磷缺乏条件下,CO2浓度升高对番茄根系生长的促进主要表现为增加根系的体积和表面积;而在磷正常供应条件下主要表现为同时增加根体积和分根数,有利于形成强壮的根系。在两种供磷水平下,CO2浓度升高对番茄各器官的N、P、K含量产生不同的稀释效应,但N、P、K总积累量却随CO2浓度升高而显著增加;而且CO2浓度与供P水平对番茄植株的N、P、K积累量具有极显著的正交互效应。  相似文献   

微肥对玉米生长发育、养分吸收及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过田间小区试验,研究了覆膜滴灌条件下施用铁、锰、锌等微肥对玉米生长发育、养分吸收及产量的影响。结果表明:玉米干物质累积最快的时期是在播种后62~99 d,NPK+Fe、NPK+Mn和NPK+Zn处理的玉米单株干物质的积累量分别比NPK处理增加8.84、4.74、15.69 g。NPK+Zn处理的玉米吸N量比NPK处理提高了3.07%,达到了显著差异,而NPK+Fe和NPK+Mn处理的玉米吸N量与NPK处理没有显著差异。NPK+Fe、NPK+Mn和NPK+Zn处理的玉米吸P量和吸K量与NPK处理相比均没有显著差异。施用铁、锌肥可以显著提高玉米的产量,增加玉米的百粒重,增产率分别为6.61%和4.46%,但施用锰肥效果不显著。  相似文献   


Cadmium (Cd) accumulation in rice grains is enhanced if ponded water is released from paddy fields during the reproductive stage (intermittent irrigation). The release of ponded water creates aerobic soil conditions under which Cd becomes soluble and iron (Fe) solubility decreases. We hypothesized that Fe shortage in rice induces Fe uptake and translocation and that Cd is also taken up and translocated throughout this process. Hydroponically cultured Fe-deficient rice absorbed more Cd than did Fe-sufficient rice, and the presence of Fe enhanced the translocation of Cd to the shoots. Yeast mutants expressing OsIRT1 and OsIRT2, which encode the rice Fe2+ transporter, became more sensitive to Cd, suggesting that Cd was absorbed by OsIRT1 and OsIRT2. We discuss the possibility that Cd accumulation in rice grains during the reproductive stage is mediated by the Fe transport system.  相似文献   

紫云英翻压量对单季晚稻养分吸收和产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
通过2年田间试验,研究了不同紫云英翻压量对单季晚稻养分吸收、 养分利用效率和产量的影响,并以此确定紫云英鲜草的最佳翻压量。试验设CK(不施肥),CF(常规施化肥)和4个紫云英鲜草翻压量(30、 60、 90、 120 t/hm2)共6个处理。结果表明,在所有紫云英翻压处理中,稻谷中氮、 磷、 钾吸收量,水稻氮、 磷、 钾的养分农学利用效率和稻谷产量均以翻压紫云英鲜草60 t/hm2处理最高。与不施肥处理相比,施化肥和紫云英翻压处理分别增加稻谷产量11.8% 和7.4%1~3.5%。将紫云英作为单季晚稻的唯一肥源不会产生僵苗现象,并可获得高产。  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the effect of root and foliar application of two commercial products containing amino acids from plant and animal origin on iron (Fe) nutrition of tomato seedlings cultivated in two nutrient media: lime and normal nutrient solutions. In the foliar‐application experiment, each product was sprayed with 0.5 and 0.7 mL L–1 2, 7, 12, and 17 d after transplanting. In the root application experiment, 0.1 and 0.2 mL L–1 of amino acids products were added to the nutrient solutions. In both experiments, untreated control plants were included as well. Foliar and root application of the product containing amino acids from animal origin caused severe plant‐growth depression and nonpositive effects on Fe nutrition were found. In contrast, the application of the product from plant origin stimulated plant growth. Furthermore, significantly enhanced root and leaf FeIII‐chelate reductase activity, chlorophyll concentration, leaf Fe concentration, and FeII : Fe ratio were found in tomato seedlings treated with the product from plant origin, especially when the amino acids were directly applied to the roots. These effects were more evident in plants developed under lime‐induced Fe deficiency. The positive results on Fe uptake may be related to the action of glutamic acid, the most abundant amino acid in the formulation of the product from plant origin.  相似文献   

The use of organic materials as a source of nutrients on agricultural lands ameliorates soil physical properties as well as being an environmentally friendly way of disposing of their wastes. This study was conducted to determine effects of three organic materials (poultry litter, cattle manure, leonardite) on yield and nutrient uptake of silage maize. Poultry litter and cattle manure were applied based on phosphorus (P) or nitrogen (N) requirements of the crop whereas leonardite was applied only one dose (500 kg ha?1) and also combined with three inorganic fertilizer doses (100%, 75%, 50% of recommended inorganic fertilizer dose). According to the results, the highest green herbage yield and nutrient uptake values were observed in LEO-100 whereas N-based treatments significantly decreased yield and nutrient uptake of silage maize. The use of organic materials as a combination with inorganic fertilizer in silage maize cultivation is highly beneficial for sustainable forage production.  相似文献   

土壤紧实胁迫对黄瓜生长、产量及养分吸收的影响   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
用容重分别为1.2、1.4和1.6.g/cm3的土壤进行盆栽试验,研究了土壤紧实度对黄瓜生长、产量及养分吸收的影响。结果表明,当土壤紧实度增大时,黄瓜秧苗的株高在定植后的15.d后受到显著抑制;第4叶的叶宽和叶长在定植后9~17.d内增加;茎粗则是在稍紧的土壤中(R.1.4)最大,过紧的土壤中(R.1.6)最小;根系伸长生长受阻,干物质质量及活力显著下降,根冠比降低;生物学产量、经济产量、经济系数的变化情况及植株对氮、磷、钾吸收量的变化与茎粗的变化趋势相同。在本试验条件下,容重为1.2.g/cm3的土壤利于株高及根系的生长,容重1.4g/cm3的土壤则利于茎粗、根系养分的吸收及产量的增加。  相似文献   

为探讨有机肥氮替代化肥氮在新疆棉花生产中的增产增效作用,在滴灌条件下,采用连续2年定位试验,研究了不施氮(CK)、牛粪堆肥(OM)、农民常规施肥(CF)和不同有机肥氮替代10%(OF1)、20%(OF2)和30%(OF3)的化肥氮时,对棉花氮磷钾养分吸收、氮素利用率及产量的影响。与单施化肥相比,有机肥氮替代部分化肥氮均有利于棉花氮磷钾养分吸收,可提高棉花氮素表观利用率、偏生产力、肥料氮贡献率和农学效率。在有机肥氮替代10%化肥氮的情况下,氮素利用率最高并能提高氮素表观利用率10.5个百分点,棉花产量增加6.8%(P<0.05),而且棉花经济效益与单施化肥相当。有机肥氮替代20%的化肥氮时,棉花产量增加7.9%(P<0.05)。有机肥氮替代30%化肥氮,获得与单施化肥相当的产量,氮素表观利用率仅提高3.4个百分点。综合养分吸收、氮素利用效率、产量及经济效益等方面考虑,有机肥氮替代10%化肥氮是该地区中等肥力棉田增产稳产、氮肥增效的合理施肥方式。  相似文献   

Soils of the peach growing region of the Southeastern Coastal Plain are highly leached and excessively acid, with inherently low concentrations of subsoil magnesium (Mg). A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the effects of varying Mg concentrations at low pH on growth and Mg uptake of three peach seedling cultivars commonly used as rootstock in the region. Seedlings of ‘Lovell’, ‘Elberta’, [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] and ‘Nemaguard’ [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch X Prunus davidiana Carriere] were grown for 36 days in nutrient solution containing 9, 21, 42, 84, 167, 333, and 667 μM Mg. Magnesium concentration in solution did not increase lateral length, number of laterals, trunk cross‐sectional area, or root volume. All terminal growth responses were cultivar related. Magnesium concentration in the leaves, stems, and roots were increased either by quadratic or cubic relationship with solution Mg concentration while Mg uptake rate was increased linearly with solution Mg concentration with all three seedling cultivar. Uptake rates of calcium, manganese, and zinc, and tissue concentrations of phosphorus, manganese, and zinc decreased with increasing Mg concentrations in nutrient solution. Predicted Mg uptake rates by‐regression analysis revealed a cubic uptake isotherm for Nemaguard and a quadratic isotherm for Elberta. Predicted tissue Mg concentration followed similar patterns of accumulation for leaves and stems, but root Mg concentration followed a cubic uptake isotherm for all three seedlings. The linear Mg uptake at low pH may be an important physiological characteristic that enables Lovell seedlings to outperform either Elberta or Nemaguard when used as a rootstock in the southeastern soils.  相似文献   

【目的】 不同生态条件下水稻需要的施氮量和移栽密度不同,研究不同生态条件、施氮量和移栽密度下杂交稻产量及氮、磷、钾养分吸收利用规律,可为不同生态稻区肥料优化管理和合理密植提供依据。 【方法】 以杂交稻旌优 127 为材料,在四川德阳和泸州进行两因素列区田间试验。主区为中氮 (N 120 kg/hm2) 和高氮 (N 180 kg/hm2) 两种施氮量,副区为低密 (12.0 穴/m2)、中密 (16.5 穴/m2)、高密 (22.5 穴/m2) 3 种移栽密度。调查了杂交稻产量及氮、磷、钾的吸收利用规律。 【结果】 德阳土壤全氮、碱解氮、水稻全生育期平均太阳辐射、最高温度、最低温度、昼夜温差、积温均高于泸州点,在德阳点的杂交稻产量、氮、磷、钾吸收量分别较泸州点增加了 19.2%、24.0%、3.3%、9.5%,生产单位稻谷产量所需的磷、钾量较泸州分别减少了 15.2%、8.0%,氮需要量与泸州点相当,杂交稻氮、磷、钾收获指数分别增加了 9.2%、9.4%、5.6%。不同生态条件下杂交稻的氮磷钾吸收特点和利用特性不同。在德阳点,高氮处理较中氮处理杂交稻氮、磷、钾吸收量高但产量低;相同氮水平下杂交稻产量、氮磷钾吸收量随着移栽密度的增加而增加,以中氮高密组合产量较高,为 10.87~11.72 t/hm2,且该肥密组合下成熟期植株体内氮、磷、钾养分吸收量处于中等水平,氮、磷、钾收获指数最高,单位稻谷产量的氮、磷、钾需要量相对较低。在泸州点,杂交稻产量和氮磷钾吸收量在高氮高密度处理最优,产量达到了 9.25~9.85 t/hm2,成熟期植株体内氮、磷、钾吸收量也相对较高,但不同肥密组合之间生产单位稻谷产量的氮、磷、钾需要量差异不显著。 【结论】 生态条件显著影响着杂交稻对氮、磷、钾的吸收利用能力,进而影响作物的生长状况,需要根据具体情况制定施氮量和移栽密度。本试验中,德阳稻区温光资源充足,土壤肥力也较高,最佳肥密组合为 N 120 kg/hm2 和密度 22.5 穴/m2;泸州稻区温光资源略低,土壤肥力水平也不如德阳,其适宜的施氮量为 N 180 kg/hm2,密度为 22.5 穴/m2。   相似文献   

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