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Rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Yamabiko) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv. Saturn) plants were subjected to Na-salinization (80 mmol( + ) kg-1) in hydroponics. The effect of the addition of Ca on their growth was analyzed in terms of transpiration, ion uptake, and ion transporto.

The addition of 10 mmol( + ) kg-1 Ca improved rice growth by decreasing the Na uptake and increasing the K and Ca uptake. It was worth noting that the Na uptake accompanied with water uptake (transpiration) was not affected by the addition of Ca. A close relationship was found in rice among the osmotic potential, cumulative transpiration, and top dry weight; The growth of rice, therefore, seemed to depend on the osmotic potential of the solution.

The growth suppression of the tops and roots brought about by Na and recovery by the addition of Ca were greater for tomato. Ca improved tomato growth by reducing the Na uptake and increasing the uptake of K and Ca, as was observed in rice. The selectivity of plants for potassium versus sodium (SK,Na) increased sharply with the increase of the Ca concentration. Moreover, the transport of Na to the tops was suppressed by the addition of Ca. It was found that the osmotic potential, transpiration, and dry matter yield were not correlated with each other. It was concluded from the results that the growth recovery of tomato plants subjected to Na-salinization by the addition of Ca may be associated with the suppression of Na transport to the tops rather than with the antagonism between Ca and Na at the root surface.  相似文献   

The use of biochar in agriculture is a promising management tool to mitigate soil degradation and anthropogenic climate change. However, biochar effects on soil nutrient bioavailability are complex and several concurrent processes affecting nutrient bioavailability can occur in biochar‐amended soils. In a short‐term pot experiment, the concentration of N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Mn, B, Fe, and Na in the shoots of maize grown in three different soil types [sandy soil (S1), sandy loam (S2), and sandy clay loam (S3)] was investigated. The soils were either unamended or amended with two different biochars [wheat straw biochar (SBC) or pine wood biochar (WBC)] at two P fertilizer regimes (–/+ P). We used three‐way ANOVA and Principal Component Analyses (PCA) of transformed ionomic data to identify the effects of biochar, soil, and P fertilizer on the shoot nutrient concentrations. Three distinct effects of biochar on the shoot ionome were detected: (1) both biochars added excess K to all three soils causing an antagonistic effect on the uptake of Ca and Mg in maize shoots. (2) Mn uptake was affected by biochar with varying effects depending on the combined effect of biochar and soil properties. (3) WBC increased maize uptake of B, despite the fact that WBC increased soil pH and added additional calcite to the soil, which would be expected to reduce B bioavailability. The results of this study highlight the fact that the bioavailability of several macro and micronutrients is affected by biochar application to soil and that these effects depend on the combined effect of biochar and soils with different properties.  相似文献   

The underlying question of these investigations asked, how and to which extent rape plants react with transpiration and soil water uptake to different degrees of nitrogen fertilization. Therefore repeated campaigns with concurrent measurements of plant surfaces (leaves, stems, pods), diurnal courses of leaf transpiration and root length density of rape plants growing on heavily (240 kg ha—1), moderately, (120 kg ha—1), and nil N‐fertilized plots of an experimental field in northern Germany were performed during two growing seasons. Additionally, matric potentials at different soil depths were measured. In the first year (1994) investigations were concentrated primarily on shoot area development and transpiration, whereas in the subsequent year (1995) root measurements were mainly undertaken. Also, the influence of soil management (ploughing, conservation tillage) was taken into consideration. The plots where the shoot measurements were carried out were ploughed in 1994 and rotovated in 1995. Matric potentials were measured in both years in ploughed soil and, for comparison, also in soils with conservation tillage. Shoot area index, as measure of the transpiratory capacity of the canopy, increased on ploughed soil and reached a maximum before flowering. Thereafter it decreased until harvest when the relative amount of green stems and pods was increasing. Then, the measured transpiration rate per pod surface area was equal to, or higher than, the transpiration rate per leaf surface area. Plant surface area was smaller in plots with conservation tillage and decreased generally with decreasing N‐fertilization. Increasing plant surface area was joined by an increasing density of plant canopy. Light interception was thus highest in the plots receiving 240 kg N ha—1. Although the shading effect may cause a reduction of transpiration per plant, the total plant mass per area generally resulted in a greater water loss from these plots. Roots reached at least 110 cm depth. Root length density was significantly higher in the upper 10—30 cm of soil than at greater depths. Root mass was smaller in soil with conservation tillage than in ploughed soil. Oscillations of soil matric potentials in the diurnal and long‐term periods were highest in the upper 10 cm of soil. Here, they corresponded well with the cumulative diurnal transpiratory water loss. It is concluded that the soil water dynamics depends largely on the distribution of plant roots. As a result, rape plants did not change their specific transpiration capacity as a response to increased nitrogen fertilization. However, the transpiring plant surface and root length density increased the turnover rate of water by a higher plant density per plot. This effect was more pronounced in ploughed than in rotovated plots.  相似文献   

Dielectric sensors use electrical permittivity as a proxy for water content. They determine permittivity by using sensor‐type‐specific techniques and calibration functions, and relate it to a volumetric water content. Water potential sensors then translate the water content into a potential based on the sensor‐specific moisture characteristic curve. Dielectric readings are affected by temperature, which may distort hydraulically‐induced changes in soil water content. Methods for the removal of spurious temperature effects are lacking for dielectric water potential sensors. With this study, we aimed to fill this knowledge gap for the dielectric Decagon MPS‐2 and MPS‐6 water potential sensors. We first determined the temperature effect on MPS readings with laboratory experiments in which temperature was cycled between 4 and 26°C in different soil types. We then fitted single empirical equations that compensated for the temperature effect on MPS readings. Finally, we validated temperature‐compensated MPS soil water potentials, and therefore the equations, in a multi‐year field study in two forest soils where hourly data from three sensor models were available, i.e., from MPS‐2, MPS‐6, and a heat capacity sensor (ecoTech pF‐Meter) that is not sensitive to temperature effects. The temperature fluctuation experiments showed that the strongest temperature effects on MPS readings occur under dry conditions and that the MPS sensors themselves are largely responsible for these effects. Likewise, the field‐based validation showed that the MPS readings were highly affected by temperature under dry conditions. Applying a temperature compensation to these readings, using the equations from the temperature fluctuation experiments, resulted in strong correlations near the 1:1 line between data from the MPS and pF‐Meter sensors. Therefore, we recommend using the equations to remove spurious temperature effects from MPS‐2 and MPS‐6 readings in non‐saline soils with water potentials between –100 and –2000 kPa (at 22°C) and temperatures between 4 and 26°C.  相似文献   

Pigeon pea is cultivated by most smallholder crop–livestock farmers mainly as a border crop. It is quite often sparsely intercropped in cereal‐based cropping systems in the subhumid zone of Ghana. Management of pigeon pea and its biomass is a promising means of improving many abandoned arable fields but has not been consciously undertaken. The objective of this trial was to explore the use of pigeon pea and the management of its pruned biomass as part of an improved fallow for crop–livestock farming. Three pigeon‐pea management options and a natural fallow (two‐year fallow period) were compared in terms of maize grain yield and changes in soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and cation exchange capacity. Pigeon pea grain yield ranged between 615 and 678 kg ha−1 and 527 and 573 kg ha−1 in the first and second year of fallow, respectively. In the first year after fallow, maize grain yield ranged between 0·43 and 2·39 t ha−1 and was significantly influenced by the fallow system. There was a marked decrease in maize grain on the pigeon pea fallow plots in the second year, ranging between 50 and 38·6 per cent in Kumayili and between 42·6 and 17·6 per cent in Tingoli. After the two‐year fallow period, increase of soil organic carbon on the pigeon pea fallow plot compared with the natural fallow plot was 30·5 per cent, and there was an improvement of total nitrogen (48·5 per cent) and CEC (17·8 per cent). Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The secretion of O2 by rice roots results in aerobic conditions in the rhizoshere compared to the bulk flooded soil. The effect of this phenomenon on the adsorption/desorption behavior and on the availability of phosphorus (P) in a flooded soil was investigated in a model experiment. An experimental set‐up was developed that imitates both O2 release and P uptake by the rice root. The results showed that O2 secretion significantly reduced P adsorption/retention and increased P desorption/release in the “rhizosphere” soil, compared to the anaerobic bulk soil. The P uptake by an anion exchange resin from both unfertilized and P‐amended soil was significantly increased. The results confirm that the O2 secretion is an important mechanism to enhance P availability and P uptake of rice under flooded conditions, where the “physico‐chemical” availability of P in the anaerobic bulk soil is strongly reduced. The decrease of P availability in the P‐amended flooded bulk soil was mainly associated with the almost complete transformation of the precedingly enriched Al‐P fraction into Fe‐bound P with extremely low desorption/release characteristics during the subsequent flooding.  相似文献   

A study was made of the efficiency of three different extractants, 0.1 M sodium pyrophosphate (pH 7), 67 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6) and 0.5 M potassium sulphate (pH 6.6), in recovering the protein quantity and the β-glucosidase enzyme activity from two natural forest soils: (1) an Inceptisoil located in Tuscany (Italy) in a mild Mediterranean climate, and (2) a Lithic Calcixeroll soil located in Murcia (south-east of Spain) in a dry-semiarid climate. The pyrophosphate was used to determine the activity of extracellular-humic-bound proteins, while the phosphate buffer and potassium sulphate were used to extract dissolved extracellular proteins. The latter extractant, after chloroform fumigation, was also used to measure total proteins in soil. A preliminary screening, using SDS-PAGE in one dimension, was also carried out in order to optimize the separation condition of soil proteins extracted with different buffers. To remove the interfering co-extracted substances (humic acid) a purification step using a column packed with insoluble polyvinylpyrrolidone was performed. The highest β-glucosidase activity was recovered in the pyrophosphate extract, thus confirming its capability of extracting humic-bound β-glucosidase enzyme in a stable and active form. The extractants performed differently with the two soil types and band patterns obtained with SDS-PAGE were extractant-specific, demonstrating that each was selective for a particular class of proteins. Surprisingly, protein bands were also obtained using pyrophosphate, in spite of the very dark extract colour due to the presence of humic substances.  相似文献   

The assessment of biophysical crop suitability requires datasets on soil and climate. In this study, we investigated the differences in topsoil properties for the dominant soil mapping units between two global soil datasets. We compared the ISRIC World Soil Information Center’s World Inventory of Soil Emissions Potential 5 by 5 arc min Soil Map of the World (ISRIC‐WISE 5by5 SMW ) with the Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD) in 0.5 arc min. We also incorporated annual mean temperature and mean precipitation from two global climate datasets that were the WorldClim measurement‐based climate dataset and the Kiel Climate Model (KCM) modelled results of global climate from 1960 to 1990. We then applied a fuzzy logic approach using different combinations and resolutions of the datasets to determine the effects on the extent and distribution of suitable areas for 15 crops. We only used the spatially dominant soil class in the mapping units in the soil databases (resampled to the same resolution of 5 arc min), and we found that the estimates of topsoil properties (0–20 cm in ISRIC‐WISE and 0–30 cm in HWSD) of the seven analysed parameters were up to 40% lower in most of the HWSD than in the ISRIC‐WISE 5by5 SMW. Results from the KCM are 0.1 °C (1%) lower in mean global annual temperature and 20% higher in average global annual precipitation compared with the WorldClim data. The HWSD‐based runs resulted in 10% less crop‐suitable land than the ISRIC‐WISE 5by5 SMW‐based results. The KCM simulations predicted 1% less crop‐suitable land than the WorldClim model. Despite generalizations, our results demonstrate that discrepancies in crop suitable areas are largely due to the differences in the soil databases rather than to climate.  相似文献   

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