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Many forest ecosystems in Germany are strongly influenced by emissions of pollutants like SO2 and alkaline dusts. To quantify and evaluate the consequences of long‐term fly ash deposition on forest soils, a study was conducted in pine stands (Pinus sylvestris) in the Dübener Heide in Northeastern Germany. This forest area has been influenced mainly by emissions from coal‐fired power plants and the chemical industry of the industrial region Bitterfeld‐Wolfen‐Zschornewitz since the early 1900. The study sites are located along a fly ash deposition gradient of 8, 16, 14, 18, and 25 km away from the main emission source in Bitterfeld (sites 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively). Samples of the organic horizons (Oi, Oe, and Oa) and mineral topsoil (0—10 cm) were taken in fall 1998 and analyzed for their ferromagnetic susceptibility and total ash content. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X‐ray microanalysis (EDX) were performed on selected samples to differentiate between the pedogenic and atmospheric origin of the mineral components in the organic horizons. As a result of the long‐term deposition, ferromagnetic fly ash components are mainly accumulated in the Oe and Oa horizons of the forest soils studied. Ferromagnetic susceptibility was significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) in the Oe horizon of sites 1 and 2 compared to sites 3, 4, and 5. Unusually high total ash contents for organic horizons of > 74 % were determined in the Oa at all sites. SEM revealed 3 distinct features of persistent fly ash deposits from coal‐fired power plants within the organic horizons that can be defined as ”︁stable glasses” with magnetic properties, aluminum‐silicate‐minerals, and slag fragments. SEM and EDX indicated that a great portion of the mineral particles found in the organic horizons of forests soils influenced by fly ash are from atmospheric sources. For detection of atmospheric lignite‐derived deposition into forest soils, the Oe and Oa horizons have to be considered as specific diagnostic horizons because they show indicative properties for such soils.  相似文献   

The objective of this laboratory study with six loess soils (three Eutric CambisoIs and three Haplic Phaeozems) incubated under flooded conditions was to examine the effect of a wide range of NO doses under anaerobic conditions on soil redox potential and N2O emission or absorption. Due to the fact that loess soils are usually well‐drained and are expected to be absorbers during prevailing part of the season, the study aimed at determination of the conditions decisive for the transition from emission to absorption process. On the basis of the response to soil nitrate level, the two groups of soils were distinguished with high and low denitrification capacity. The soil denitrification activity showed Michaelis‐Menten kinetics with respect to soil nitrate content with KM in the range 50–100 mg NO ‐N kg–1. Percentage of nitrates converted to N2O increased linearly with nitrate concentration in the range from 25 to 100 mg NO ‐N kg–1 up to 43% and decreased linearly at higher concentrations reaching practically zero at concentrations about 600 mg NO ‐N kg–1. No denitrification was observed below 25 mg NO ‐N kg–1. Nitrous oxide absorption in soil occurred only at nitrate concentrations to 100 mg NO ‐N kg–1 and in this concentration range was proportional to the denitrification rate. Nitrous oxide was formed at redox potentials below +200 mV and started to disappear at negative Eh values.  相似文献   

The decrease in nitrogen (N) use in agriculture led to improvement of upper groundwater quality in the Sand region of the Netherlands in the 1991–2009 period. However, still half of the farms exceeded the European nitrate standard for groundwater of 50 mg/l in the 2008–2011 period. To assure that farms will comply with the quality standard, an empirical model is used to derive environmentally sound N use standards for sandy soils for different crops and soil drainage conditions. Key parameters in this model are the nitrate-N leaching fractions (NLFs) for arable land and grassland on deep, well-drained sandy soils. NLFs quantify the fraction of the N surplus on the soil balance that leaches from the root zone to groundwater and this fraction represents N available for leaching and denitrification. The aim of this study was to develop a method for calculating these NLFs by using data from a random sample of commercial arable farms and dairy farms that were monitored in the 1991–2009 period. Only mean data per farm were available, which blocked a direct derivation of NLFs for unique combinations of crop type, soil type and natural soil drainage conditions. Results showed that N surplus leached almost completely from the root zone of arable land on the most vulnerable soils, that is, deep, well-drained sandy soils (95% confidence interval of NLF 0.80–0.99), while for grassland only half of the N surplus leached from the root zone of grassland (0.39–0.49). The NLF for grassland decreased with 0.015 units/year, which is postulated to be due to a decreased grazing and increased year-round housing of dairy cows. NLFs are positively correlated with precipitation surplus (0.05 units/100 mm for dairy farms and 0.10 units/100 mm for arable farms). Therefore, an increase in precipitation due to climate change may lead to an increase in leaching of nitrate.  相似文献   

In this study emissions of N2O from arable soils are summarized using data from long‐term N2O monitoring experiments. The field experiments were conducted at six sites in Germany between 1992 and 1997. The annual N‐application rate ranged from 0 to 350 kg N ha—1. Mineral and organic N‐fertilizer applications were temporarily split adapted to the growth stage of each crop. N‐fertilizer input and N‐yield by the crops were used to calculate the In/Out‐balance. The closed chamber technique was applied to monitor the N2O fluxes from soil into the atmosphere. If possible, plants were included in the covers. Annual N2O emission values were based on flux rate measurements of an entire year. The annual N2O losses ranged from 0.53 to 16.78 kg N2O‐N ha—1 with higher N2O emissions from organically fertilized plots as compared to minerally fertilized plots. Approximately 50% of the total annual emissions occurred during winter. No significant relationship between annual N2O emissions and the respective N‐fertilization rate was found. This was attributed to site‐ and crop‐specific effects on N2O emission. The calculation of the N2O emission per unit N‐yield from winter cereal plots indicates that the site effect on N2O emission is more important than the effect of N‐fertilization. From unfertilized soils at the sites Braunschweig and Timmerlah a N‐yield of 60.0 kg N ha—1 a—1 and N2O emissions of 2 kg N ha—1 a—1 were measured. This high background emission was assigned to the amount and turnover of soil organic matter. For a crop rotation at the sites Braunschweig and Timmerlah the N In/Out‐balance over a period of four years was identified as a suitable predictor of N2O emissions. This parameter characterizes the efficiency of N‐fertilization for crop production and allows for N‐mineralization from the soil.  相似文献   

Abstract. Experiments were set up at two sites to measure nitrogen (N) leaching loss from applications of separated pig/cattle slurry and cattle farmyard manure(FYM), during winters 1990/91–1993/94 (site A) and from broiler litter and FYM, during winters 1990/91–1992/93 (site B). The manures were applied at a target rate of 200 kg ha-1 total N during the autumn and winter to overwinter fallow or top dressed onto winter rye. The total N in leachate was calculated from leachate N concentrations, in samples collected using ceramic cups buried at 90 cm, and an estimate of drainage volume. Nitrogen losses were greatest following manure applications in September, October and November but losses following applications in December or January were not significantly elevated above those from untreated controls. Losses were consistently lower from FYM than from broiler litter or separated slurry. The presence of a cover crop (winter rye) significantly reduced overall N leaching compared with the fallow, but only reduced the manure N leaching losses at one site during one winter when a high proportion of drainage occurred late. The incorporation of a nitrification inhibitor (DCD) with manures applied in October did not significantly reduce the manure N leaching.  相似文献   

One main problem with current research on spatio‐temporal modeling of ion fluxes in forest soils is the separation of space and time effects in the soil‐monitoring concept. This article describes an approach to overcome this weakness. Time trends of point information on soil‐solution data (base‐cation concentrations and fluxes) are scaled by linking them to soil‐chemical data which is available in higher spatial resolution and can be upscaled to an area base. This approach is based on a combined evaluation of bulk soil and soil‐solution data using both statistical and process‐oriented methods. Multiple‐linear‐regression analyses coupled with geostatistics were developed to predict spatial patterns of exchangeable cation percentages. In a second step, empirical ion‐distribution coefficients were adapted according to Gapon using data of suction‐cup plots and bulk‐soil samples. Seasonally adjusted time‐series data of soil‐solution chemistry were then connected with the maps of the predicted exchangeable‐cation percentages by means of the Gapon equations. This evaluation step provided both time‐ and space‐dependent maps of cation concentrations in the soil solution. Finally, using the results of a water‐budget model it was possible to derive spatio‐temporal patterns of soil cation fluxes. Methodological limitations and the results of verification processes are discussed. The methods described can only be used in acidic soils and should not be used in soil layers rich in humus, since adsorption to C compounds differs from adsorption to clay minerals. The time increments of the models should be not shorter than yearly in order to suppress annual periodicity. Although the Gapon equations were not based on laboratory‐determined exchange solutions at quasi‐equilibrium, but rather on field data from the suction‐cup technique, the exchangeable‐cation percentages showed steady functions of selectivity coefficients. The methods tested at a watershed scale may be flexible enough to be applied at other scales as well.  相似文献   

A key point in designing grass‐arable rotations is to find the right balance between the number of cultivations and the length of the grass phase. In a field experiment, we investigated the effect of cropping history (grazed unfertilized grass–clover and fertilized [300 kg N per hectare] ryegrass, proportion of grassland and previous fertilizer use) on crop growth and nitrate leaching for 2 years following grassland cultivation. In the final year, the effect of perennial ryegrass as a catch crop was investigated. The nitrogen fertilizer replacement value (NFRV) of grassland cultivation was higher at 132 kg N per hectare in the rotation with 75% grassland compared with on average 111 kg N per hectare in rotations with 25 and 38% grassland and the NFRV of ryegrass in the rotation was higher than that of grass–clover. Nitrate leaching following cultivation was not affected by the proportion of grassland in the crop rotation or sward type. However, there was a considerable effect of having a ryegrass catch crop following the final barley crop as nitrate leaching was reduced from 60 to 9 kg N per hectare. When summarizing results from the crop rotations over a longer period (1997–2005), management strategy adopted in both the grassland and arable phases appeared to be the primary instrument in avoiding nutrient losses from mixed crop rotations, irrespective of grass proportion. In the arable phase, the huge potential of catch crops has been demonstrated, but it is also important to realize that all parts of the grass‐arable crop rotations must be considered potentially leaky.  相似文献   

Increasing levels of CO2 and H+ proton in the rhizosphere from some legumes may play an important role in calcite dissolution of calcareous salt affected soils. Soils planted with white and brown varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) and hyacinth bean (Dolichos lablab L.) relying on either fertilizer N (KNO3) or N‐fixation were compared against soils to which gypsum was applied and a control without plants and gypsum application to study the possibility of Ca2+ release from calcite and Na+ leaching. As compared to plants relying on inorganic N, leachates from all pore volumes (0·5, 1·0, 1·5, 2·0 pore volume) in lysimeters planted with N‐fixing hyacinth bean contained significantly higher concentrations of HCO with lower concentrations from lysimeters planted with white cowpea relying on N‐fixation. However, the lowest concentrations of HCO were recorded in the gypsum and control treatments. In initial leaching, lysimeters planted with N‐fixing plants maintained similar leachate Ca2+ and Na+ concentrations compared to gypsum amended soils. However, gypsum amended soils were found to have a prolonged positive effect on Na+ removal. It might be concluded that some legumes that are known to fix N in calcareous salt affected soils may be an alternative ameliorant to the extremely expensive gypsum through calcite solubilization and a consequent release of Ca2+. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to evaluate different agricultural land‐use practices in terms of N leaching and to give recommendations for a sustainable agriculture on sandy soils in Middle Germany. Soil mineral N (Nmin) and leachate N were quantified at a sandy soil in N Saxony during 3 years. Two treatments were applied: intensive (I)—using inorganic and organic fertilizer and pesticides, and organic (O)—exclusively using organic fertilizer, legume‐based crop rotation, and no pesticides. Split application of mineral fertilizers did not result in substantial N losses at treatment I. Legumes induced a considerable increase of soil mineral N and particularly of leachate mineral N (Nmin_perc) at treatment O. High Nmin_perc concentrations (up to 78 mg N L–1) were observed during as well as after the cultivation of legumes. These high Nmin_perc concentrations are the reason why clearly higher Nmin_perc losses were determined at treatment O (62 kg N ha–1 y–1) compared to treatment I (23 kg N ha–1 y–1). At both treatments, the quantity of N losses was strongly affected by the precipitation rates. Concentrations and losses of dissolved organic N (DONperc) were assessed as above average at both treatments. The results suggest that the DONperc concentration is influenced by precipitation, soil coverage, and organic fertilizers. Higher values were determined in the percolation water of treatment O. The average annual DONperc losses amounted to 15 kg N ha–1 at I and to 32 kg N ha–1 at O. The average monthly percentage of DONperc losses on the loss of the dissolved total N of percolation water (DTNperc) ranged between <1% and 55% at O and between 2% and 56% at I. For the whole measuring period of 29 months, the relative amounts of DONperc of DTNperc (21% at O and 25% at I) were more or less the same for both treatments. The results show that DONperc can contribute significantly to the total N loss, confirming the importance to consider this N fraction in N‐leaching studies. It was concluded that at sandy sites, a split application of mineral fertilizers, as applied at treatment I, seems to be more expedient for limiting the N leaching losses than legume‐based crop rotations.  相似文献   

Intact soil cores from a montane tropical rain forest site in the Atherton Tablelands (Kauri Creek) and from a lowland tropical rain forest site in the Coastal Lowlands (Bellenden Ker), Queensland, Australia were investigated during different hygric seasons for the magnitude of gross nitrification rates using the Barometric Process Separation technique (BaPS). Pronounced seasonal variations of gross nitrification rates were found at both sites with highest values during the transition period between dry and wet season (montane site: 24.0 mg N (kg SDW)—1 d—1; lowland site: 13.1 mg N (kg SDW)—1 d—1) and significantly lower rates of gross nitrification during the dry and wet season. Rates of gross nitrification were always higher at the montane site than at the lowland site, but the opposite was found for N2O emissions. The results indicated that the high losses of N2O at the lowland tropical rain forest site may be contributed largely by high denitrification activity due to its wetter and warmer climate as compared to the dryer and colder climate at the montane tropical rain forest site. This conclusion was supported by analysis of cell numbers of microbes involved in N‐cycling. Higher numbers of denitrifiers were present at the lowland site, whereas higher numbers of nitrifiers were found at the montane site.  相似文献   

In many forest ecosystems chronically large atmospheric deposition of N has caused considerable losses of inorganic N by seepage. Freezing and thawing of soil may alter the N turnover in soils and thereby the interannual variation of N seepage fluxes, which in turn makes it difficult to evaluate the N status of forest ecosystems. Here, we analyzed long‐term monitoring data of concentrations and fluxes of dissolved inorganic N (DIN) in throughfall and seepage from a Norway spruce stand at the Fichtelgebirge (SE Germany) between 1993 and 2004. Despite constant or even slightly increasing N inputs in throughfall, N losses with seepage at 90 cm declined from 15–32 kg N ha–1 y–1 in the first years of the study period (1993–1999) to 3–10 kg N ha–1 y–1 in 2000 to 2004. The large N losses in the first years coincided with extreme soil frost in the winter of 1995/96, ranging from –3.3°C to –1.0°C at 35 cm soil depth. Over the entire observation period, maximum fluxes of nitrate and ammonium were observed in the mineral soil following thawing of the soil. The elevated ammonium and nitrate fluxes resulted apparently from increased net ammonification and nitrification rates in the mineral soil, whereas mineral‐N fluxes in the O horizon were less affected by frost. Our data suggest that (1) extreme soil frost may cause substantial annual variations of nitrate losses with seepage and that (2) the assessment of the N status of forest ecosystems requires long periods of monitoring. Time series of biogeochemical data collected over the last 20–30 y include years with extreme cold winters and warm summers as well as unusual precipitation patterns. Analysis of such long‐term monitoring data should address climate extremes as a cause of variation in N outputs via leaching. The mean loss of 14.7 kg N with seepage water during 12 y of observation suggests that the forest ecosystem was saturated with N.  相似文献   

酸雨对土壤有机碳氮潜在矿化的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Acid rain is a serious environmental problem worldwide. In this study, a pot experiment using forest soils planted with the seedlings of four woody species was performed with weekly treatments of pH 4.40, 4.00, 3.52, and 3.05 simulated acid rain (SAR) for 42 months compared to a control ofpH 5.00 lake water. The cumulative amounts of C and N mineralization in the five treated soils were determined after incubation at 25 ℃ for 65 d to examine the effects of SAR treatments. For all five treatments, cumulative CO2-C production ranged from 20.24 to 27.81 mg kg^-1 dry soil, net production of available N from 17.37 to 48.95 mg kg^-1 dry soil, and net production of NO3-N from 9.09 to 46.23 mg kg^-1 dry soil. SAR treatments generally enhanced the emission of CO2-C from the soils; however, SAR with pH 3.05 inhibited the emission. SAR treatments decreased the net production of available N and NO3-N. The cumulative CH4 and N2O productions from the soils increased with increasing amount of simulated acid rain. The cumulative CO2-C production and the net production of available N of the soil under Acmena acuminatissima were significantly higher (P 〈 0.05) than those under Schima superba and Cryptocarya concinna. The mineralization of soil organic C was related to the contents of soil organic C and N, but was not related to soil pH. However, the overall effect of acid rain on the storage of soil organic matter and the cycling of important nutrients depended on the amount of acid deposition and the types of forests.  相似文献   

The potassium (K) content of soils developed from Pleistocene calcareous till, glacial sand and loess in NW Germany was investigated in order to characterize stores of K in feldspars (Kfeldspar) and mica/illite (Kmica/illite) as well as changes as a function of soil depth. From each horizon, up to seven sand, six silt and three clay fractions were separated. Kfeldspar and Kmica/illite were quantified by means of chemical composition and estimation by IR‐spectroscopy. On account of distinct differences in mineralogical composition between different particle size fractions, K‐content of the bulk soil < 2000 μm and the proportion of Kmica/illite and Kfeldspar are clearly related to grain size distribution of the sample. Generally, the K‐content of particle size fractions of a soil derived from calcareous till is significantly higher than that of a soil from glacial sands. Kmica/illite of clay and silt fractions increases with depth, reflecting greater mica/illite weathering at the soil surface, whereas Kfeldspar shows no noticeable change. Illite accumulates by lessivage in Bt horizons. On a whole‐soil basis, the Bt horizons of Luvisols derived from loess and calcareous till contain more Kmica/illite than either the A or the C horizons. By comparing the K‐content in the different particle size fractions with soil depth, the highest rate of change is found for soils derived from glacial sand. Gains in K in the silt fractions of soils from calcareous till and glacial sand result from weathering of feldspar sand grains. Additionally, decomposition of feldspar‐containing rock fragments of gravel size, and aeolian sedimentation, may also have contributed to these gains.  相似文献   

In Northern Europe, cover crops are traditionally established before spring crops by undersowing, but some cover crops might also have an effect if preharvest sown before spring crops and even winter crops. The effects of cover crop sowing date, sowing technique and succeeding main crop on biomass production, N uptake, nitrate leaching and soil inorganic N were tested in lysimeters and in the field. Cruciferous cover crops (oil radish, white mustard) were sown preharvest by broadcasting into winter wheat in July and were allowed to grow until a following winter wheat was established in September. Other preharvest cover crops were left in place until late autumn. For comparison, the same cruciferous cover crops were established postharvest after light harrowing. Perennial ryegrass undersown in spring barley was also included. Aboveground N uptake in preharvest cover crops amounted to a maximum of 24 kg N/ha in September before sowing winter wheat. When left until late autumn, preharvest oil radish took up a maximum of 66 kg N/ha, and ryegrass and postharvest cover crops 35 kg N/ha. Preharvest establishment of cruciferous cover crops before a spring‐sown crop thus seems promising. The soil was depleted of inorganic N to the same extent in late autumn irrespective of cover crop type, sowing time and technique within winter wheat or spring barley. However, the reduction in nitrate leaching of preharvest cover crops incorporated after 2 months and followed by winter wheat was only half of that achieved by cover crops left until late autumn or spring.  相似文献   

The Swiss soil‐monitoring network (NABO) was launched in 1984 and comprises currently 105 observation sites covering all characteristic land‐use types across Switzerland. So far, the sampling periodicity was 5 y, and the fifth sampling campaign will be accomplished by end of 2009. The concentrations of Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu, Hg, Ni, Cr, Co, and F were measured. The major results and conclusions are: (1) Even topsoils in remote areas are to some extent polluted, mainly by Pb, Cu, and Cd. However, elevated concentrations can also be of natural origin, e.g., for F, Ni, Cr, and Cd. (2) Land use alone is often a rather unreliable indicator to discriminate soil pollution. (3) After the 2nd campaign positive, negative, or no temporal concentration changes were measured. From the 3rd campaign onwards, nonmonotonous (zigzag) evolutions were frequently observed. Therefore, no certified trends can be stated after three measurement campaigns during a period of 10 y. (4) Soil monitoring is an environmental time‐series problem. The only way to detect reliable signals and trends earlier is to improve the overall measurement quality (precision and bias) and to shorten the measurement periodicity. (5) The causes of temporal soil concentration changes are complex and result from natural processes, anthropogenic processes, and methodological artifacts. Hence, not all soil concentration changes are due to anthropogenic inputs. Based on the state‐of‐art of our experience, some basic methodological requirements and recommendations can be supported for a “good soil‐monitoring practice”: (1) Assurance of long‐term continuity and consistency under changing boundary conditions as site conditions, methodologies, etc. (2) Implementation of a scientifically and politically appropriate spatial and temporal measurement resolution. (3) Long‐term assessment of reliability (quality assurance) by adequate quantification of precision, bias, and confidence intervals along the whole measurement chain. (4) Documentation of all potentially relevant boundary conditions by suitable metadata. Only soil‐monitoring results meeting these requirements are fit to support political decisions.  相似文献   

The molar ratio of base nutrient cations to total dissolved aluminum (BC : Altot) in the soil solution was measured at six forest sites in Switzerland in acid mineral soils to determine whether the ratio measured in the field was lower than the critical value of 1, as predicted by the mapping of exceedances of critical loads of acidity. The soil chemistry was then related to the soil solution composition to characterize the typical effective base saturation (BS) and BC : Al ratio in soil leading to critical BC : Altot in the soil solution. The median BC : Altot ratio in the soil solution never reached the critical value in the root zone at any sites for the whole observation period (1999–2002), suggesting that the BC : Altot ratios measured in the field might be higher than those modeled for the determination of critical loads of acidity. The gibbsite model usually applied for the calculation of critical loads was a poor predictor of the Al3+ activity at the study sites. A curvilinear pH‐pAl3+ relationship was found over the whole range of pH (3.8–6.5). Above a pH of 5.5, the slope of the pH‐pAl3+ relation was close to 3, suggesting equilibrium with Al(OH)3. It decreased to values smaller than 1.3 below a pH of 5.5, indicating complexation reactions with soil organic matter. The BS and the BC : Al ratios in the soils were significantly correlated to the BC : Altot ratios in the soil solution. The soil solutions with the lowest BC : Altot ratios (≤ 2) were typically found in mineral soils with a BS below 10 % and a BC : Al ratio in the soil lower than 0.2. In acid pseudogleyed horizons overlying a calcareous substrate, the soil solution chemistry was strongly influenced by the composition of the underlying soil layers. The soil solutions at 80 cm had pH values and BC : Altot ratios much higher than expected. This situation should be taken into account for the calculations of critical loads of acidity.  相似文献   

The effect of K fertilization on microstructural soil stability is rarely analyzed until now although the ambiguous impact on bulk soil structure was reported quite often, e.g., with regard to higher erodibility on the one hand and higher water storage on the other. Soil material from different long‐term fertilization trials in Germany was examined rheologically by means of an amplitude sweep test where the samples were subjected to oscillating shearing with increasing deflection. The resulting shear stress was recorded, and the maximum stress denoted the maximum shear strength of the sample. Results showed an ambiguous influence of K which depends strongly on the soil properties. On the one hand, an increased ion concentration in the soil solution leads to increasing attractive forces as defined by the DLVO theory and therefore higher shear resistance. With increasing desiccation, K+ like other salts can precipitate at the contact areas between particles and lead to cementation. On the other hand, K+ as a monovalent ion impedes covalent and ionic bonding between clay minerals which holds true for most of the examined soil types while only sandy soils showed an increase in soil strength due to K fertilization. Potassium depletion further resulted in increased interaction of fertilization with other impact factors, e.g., climate and soil properties. Thus, the destabilizing effect of K+ was more pronounced under liming as without liming. Subsequent modeling with selected soil parameters confirmed the high influence of matric potential. The modeling also revealed the interactions with other soil parameters, e.g., pH, oxides, texture, exchangeable cations as well as lack or surplus of K in relation to recommended K content. In conclusion, microstructural stability of soil depends on several soil parameters and requires the inclusion of many chemical and physical soil properties.  相似文献   

Human activity in the environment has great impact on soil ecology. However recent knowledge on properties of anthropogenic soils is still scarce. For this reason the purpose of this paper is to deliver data on the soil organic matter (SOM) properties of urban soils with an example from the city of Rostock (Northeast Germany) and to describe the environmental consequences of severe anthopogenic actvity. The results suggest that SOM of urban settings is significantly different in their chemical nature of humic compounds and their coal contents. The lower content of alkyl C and the simultaneously higher contents of aromatic C moieties in urban soils compared to their natural counterparts suggest a substantially different biochemical behavior against environmental hazardous compounds and microbial activity. This knowledge is essential for a qualitative assessment of important biochemical mechanisms in urban soils.  相似文献   

Resource use efficiency requires a correct appreciation of the nitrogen (N) fertilizer replacement value (NFRV, percentage of total N applied) of manures. We assessed the NFRVs of the liquid fraction originating from separated pig slurry (MC), untreated pig slurry (PS), untreated cattle slurry (CS), the solid fraction from separated pig slurry (SF) and solid farmyard manure from cattle (FYM) in two consecutive years in silage maize grown on a sandy soil. Maize yields responded positively to each of these N sources applied at rates up to 150 kg of mineral fertilizer equivalents per ha per year (i.e. NFRV × total N rate). The observed NFRVs, relative to calcium ammonium nitrate fertilizer, amounted to 78% for MC, 82% for PS, 79% for CS, 56% for SF and 34% for FYM when averaged over both years. NFRVs were positively related to the ammonium‐N share in the total N content. Rye cover crop establishment after the harvest of maize reduced nitrate concentrations of the upper groundwater by, on average, 7.5 mg nitrate‐N/L in the first year and 10.9 mg/L in the second year, relative to a bare soil. Regardless of the presence of a cover crop, nitrate concentrations responded positively to the applied rate of effective N (total N × NFRV) but less to postharvest residual soil mineral N.  相似文献   

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