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中国玉米秸秆草谷比及其资源时空分布特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
针对玉米秸秆资源量及时空区域分布不清等问题,该研究分析9个典型省的玉米秸秆草谷比差异性,并基于草谷比实测值,评价近10a中国玉米秸秆资源量的时空变化情况,预测玉米秸秆的资源潜力。研究结果表明,玉米秸秆草谷比实测值为(0.84±0.23),不同地区、不同品种草谷比差异显著,随着年份变化,玉米品种和种植方式在不断变化,草谷比逐年变小,从2009年1.2减小到2018年的0.84,估算2018年全国玉米秸秆理论资源量为2.16×108 t,比2009年仅增加3.9%。玉米秸秆东北和华北地区资源量最高,占50%以上,与2009年相比,东北、华北、西北地区资源量有所增加,华东、华中、西南、华南略有下降;单位面积玉米秸秆可收集资源量4.51t/hm2,比2009年增加23%,东北地区最高,其次华北、华东和西北地区,然后是华中和西南地区,华南地区最低。预测2025年玉米秸秆的理论资源量为(2.53±0.58)×108 t,可收集资源量为(1.86±0.51)×108 t。研究为全国各个地区的秸秆合理规划利用提供基...  相似文献   


Field average based recommendations have been a common practice for recommending the major crop nutrients nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). The problem is yield will not be the same from year to year with application of the same amount of recommended rate of fertilizer. The objectives of this study were to demonstrate how recommendations generated using nutrient response experiments were dynamic; and to assess the relative contribution of temporal variability, N and P fertilizers on winter wheat grain yield and N concentration. Twelve factorial combinations of four N (0, 56, 112, and 168 kg ha?1) and three P (0, 14.5, and 29 kg P ha?1) rates were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications at Perkins, Oklahoma. To address the first objective, ANOVA and orthogonal polynomial contrasts were used. To address the second objective, a ten predictor variable multiple linear regression model with two quantitative variables and their interaction (N, P and N×P) and seven-year variables was evaluated and a reduced model containing seven variables was generated. Wheat grain yield showed three distinct responses to N rates: Linear, quadratic and no response. These individual year data show that it is not always appropriate to use results of nutrient response experiments to estimate next year's N fertilizer requirement due to apparent temporal variability in the results. Wheat only responded to P during the first two years of the study. The reduced model from the regression analysis revealed that most of the variability in grain yield was accounted for by five individual indicator years and N only. High variability across years in grain yield and fertilizer (N and P) response, even between years of similar grain yield, is an indication of a given season's production dependence on factors other than N and P.  相似文献   

Four factorial trials were conducted with yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) at Ibadan, Nigeria from 2013 to 2015, investigating effects of (1) tillage (2) fertilizer (3) intercropping (4) yam plant densities. Yam tuber yields varied between years (2013: 16.44 Mg ha?1; 2014: 10.08 Mg ha?1; 2015 26.61 Mg ha?1). In 2013 neither tillage nor fertilizer affected tuber yields. In 2014 tillage increased yields (+25.4%, P < 0.0001), fertilizer reduced yield (?10.5%; P = 0.0046). In 2015 tillage increased tuber yields by 8.1% (ns), fertilizer application increased yield (+17.5%, P = 0.0017). Across the years, tuber yields increased (P < 0.01) with increasing yam density with a constant increase in 2013 up to the highest density, yet yields leveled out above 14,815 plants ha?1 in 2014 and 2015. Intercropping with maize (66,667 plants ha?1) reduced tuber yield by 42.62% in 2013, 44.52% in 2014 and 30.68% in 2015 (P < 0.01 all years) across all yam densities. Maize grain yield was higher in sole crop in 2 years. Fertilizer increased yields in all years (P < 0.0001). Maize yield had no response to the yam densities. Ridging had a negative effect on grain yield in 2015 (?0.3 Mg ha?1, P = 0.0002). Increasing plant density appears a safe measure to increase yam yields.  相似文献   

Tropical maize varieties were grown at a tropical lowland location in various -seasons and at a highland location in Mexico to study the general growth pattern of tropical maize. The following results were obtained.

1. The tropical maize variety grown at the lowland location in summer was characterized by (a) a high growth rate and a short growth duration, (b) a small leaf area duration during maturing, (c) a sizable loss of dry weight at late maturity, (d) a low harvest index, and (e) a small number of kernels formed per unit field area. Although these characters may be interrelated, the predominant cause of the former two appear to be environmental and that of the latter three, genetic.

2. The grain yield of tropical maize grown at the lowland location in summer was low mostly because of a small number of kernels and maybe also because of short leaf area duration. The senescence of leaves after silking was rapid and the growth duration was short under high temperatures.

3. Although the number of kernels was small, grain yield was higher at the highland than at the lowland location, and also was higher in the winter than in the summer plantings at the lowland location. At the highland location or in winter, the longer growth duration and the longer leaf area duration compensated for the smaller crop growth rate and resulted in a larger dry matter production after silking and a higher grain yield. Larger kernel size also contributed to the higher yield of highland maize.  相似文献   

稻米和土壤微量元素的空间变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Consumption of rice is the main source of micronutrients to human in Asia. A paddy field with unknown anthropogenic contamination in Deqing County, Zhejiang Province, China was selected to characterize the spatial variability and distribution of micronutrients in rice grain and soil. A total of 96 paired soil and rice grain samples were collected at harvest. The micronutrients in the soil samples were extracted by diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA). The mean micronutrient concentrations in rice grain were 3.85 μg Cu g-1, 11.6 μg Fe g-1, 39.7 μg Mn g-1, and 26.0 μg Zn g-1. The mean concentrations were 2.54 μg g-1 for DTPA-Cu, 133.5 μg g-1 for DTPA-Fe, 30.6 μg g-1 for DTPA-Mn, and 0.84 μg g-1 for DTPA-Zn. Semivariograms showed that measured micronutrients in rice grain were moderately dependent, with a range distance of about 110 m. The concentrations of the DTPA-extractable micronutrients all displayed strong spatial dependency, with a range distance of about 60 m. There was some resemblance of spatial structure between soil pH and the grain Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn. By analogy, similar spatial variation was observed between soil organic matter (SOM) and DTPA-extractable micronutrients in the soil. Kriging estimated maps of the attributes showed the spatial distributions of the variables in the field, which is beneficial for better understanding the spatial variation of micronutrients and for potentially refining agricultural management practices at a field scale.  相似文献   

Soil and soil solution response simulated with a site-scale soil acidification model (NUCSAM) was compared with results obtained by a regional soil acidification model (RESAM). RESAM is a multi-layer model with a temporal resolution of one year. In addition to RESAM, NUCSAM takes seasonal variability into account since it simulates solute transport and biogeochemical processes on a daily basis. Consequently, NUCSAM accounts for seasonal variation in deposition, precipitation, transpiration, litterfall, mineralization and root uptake. Uncertainty caused by the neglect of seasonal variability in long-term predictions was investigated by a comparison of long-term simulations with RESAM and NUCSAM. Two deposition scenarios for the period 1990–2090 were evaluated. The models were parameterized and validated by using data from an intensively monitored spruce site at Solling, Germany. Although both the seasonal and the interannual variation in soil solution parameters were large, the trends in soil solution parameters of RESAM and NUCSAM corresponded quite well. The leaching fluxes were almost similar. Generally it appeared that the uncertainty due to time resolution in long-term predictions was relatively small.  相似文献   

An antagonistic reaction between calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) may lead to low absorption of K and Mg by plants from soils with high Ca contents even when levels of K and Mg should be adequate. Two separate field studies were carried out in 2009 and 2010 to determine the effects of potassium (0, 40, 80, 120 kg K2O ha?1; as potassium sulfate) and magnesium (0, 20, 40, 60 kg magnesium oxide (MgO)ha?1; as magnesium sulfate) applied to a soil with high lime content either separately or in combinations, on the grain yield and yield components of maize for grain in semi-arid Central Anatolia in Turkey. One dose of the K, Mg-fertilizers was applied during sowing in both years. According to the results, increasing the dosage of K increased yield components more than increases in Mg dosages. Combinations of K and Mg tended to maximize the yield components. Moreover, the greatest plant heights, first ear lengths, grain weights per ear and protein ratios were obtained for the K80Mg40 dose.  相似文献   

玉米品种抗顶腐病遗传多样性分析及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经鉴定和调查, 从25个玉米品种中选择抗病性较稳定的14个品种为材料, 其中6个品种包括病、健株, 共20个样品, 进行抗病遗传多样性的RAPD分析.结果表明, 不同品种的抗性遗传背景丰富, 20个样品经PCR扩增聚类后, 以遗传距离15划分, 可分为7个类群, 同一类群内的品种在抗病性方面有较强的相似性;同一品种的健株与病株间能产生特异性条带, 且存在一定的遗传距离, 说明植株感病后, 其遗传特性会发生改变.田间试验表明, 遗传特性差异大的感病品种与抗病品种轮作对顶腐病有较高的防效, 可一定程度缓解生产中倒茬难而造成病害流行的难题.  相似文献   

甜玉米氮素吸收利用的基因型差异   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
以近年来育成的22个甜玉米品种为材料,在同一供氮水平下对其氮素吸收利用的基因型差异进行了研究。结果表明,不同品种产量、氮素积累量和氮素利用效率都存在着显著差异。氮素积累量变幅为126.6~243.8 kg/hm2,鲜果穗和鲜子粒氮素利用效率的变幅分别为43.5~62.0 kg/kg和28.4~46.0 kg/kg。聚类分析结果看出,鲜果穗、鲜子粒均表现为高产、氮素积累量大、氮素利用效率高的品种是金凤5号、穗美9701和金师王,其氮素积累量均值为214.4kg/hm2,鲜果穗和鲜子粒的氮素利用效率分别为50.8kg/kg和38.2kg/kg。通径分析表明,氮素积累量对不同品种产量的作用大于氮素利用效率对产量的作用,说明鲜食甜玉米品种的高产关键在于改良品种的氮素积累量,并在此基础上提高氮素的利用效率。  相似文献   

为了揭示水肥一体化条件下不同施氮水平对玉米籽粒灌浆过程的影响,2017~2018年在宁夏农垦平吉堡农场进行田间试验,供试品种为"天赐19",在0、90、180、270、360和450 kg/hm~2 6个施氮水平(分别用N0、N1、N2、N3、N4和N5表示)下,基于Richards方程构建和验证了滴灌水肥一体化条件下不同氮素处理中玉米籽粒灌浆过程模型,并进行灌浆特征参数分析。结果表明,不同氮素水平下玉米籽粒灌浆规律均符合Richards曲线,模型评价指标均方根误差RMSE为1.03 g/kg,标准化均方根误差n-RMSE为5.56%,稳定度较高。籽粒灌浆速率呈先增后减的变化趋势,将灌浆进程划分为渐增期、速增期和缓增期3个阶段。施氮显著增加籽粒干物质累积量,其原因主要是延长灌浆持续期和增加灌浆速率。施氮270 kg/hm~2对增加速增期的灌浆天数效果显著,使速增期对最终籽粒干物质积累量的贡献率达到了64%,并且能维持较高的后期灌浆活性。本文基于Richards方程构建的籽粒灌浆过程模型将在滴灌玉米灌浆期准确地预测籽粒灌浆特性。  相似文献   

Salt stress reduces grain yield of maize (Zea mays L.) due to poor kernel setting but not due to decreased grain filling. In the present study, it was tested whether acid invertase activity is decreased in developing kernels of maize under salt stress, and if assimilate supply is limited. The relatively salt‐sensitive maize hybrid Pioneer 3906 was compared with the more salt‐resistant hybrid SR 12. Salt stress caused a significant decrease in grain yield which was due to a 50% decrease in kernel number. No source limitation was observed, as the sucrose concentrations in kernels were significantly increased under salt stress for both genotypes. In contrast, glucose and fructose concentrations in kernels were significantly decreased. Salt stress caused a significant inhibition of soluble acid invertase activity to 19% in hydroponics 5 d after pollination (5 DAP) and to 50% in the soil culture experiment (2 DAP). The decrease in enzyme activity was the same for both genotypes. In the soil experiment, the highest soluble acid invertase activity was found 2 DAP with a steep decline until 8 DAP in Pioneer 3906. It is concluded that a decrease in acid invertase activity is a key factor associated with limited kernel setting under salt stress but additional factors may be responsible for genotypic differences.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is often applied to first year maize (Zea mays L.) after alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) at rates greater than needed to attain maximum yields. This study explored other potential benefits of excess N fertilizer applications to maize after alfalfa. Effects of N fertilizer (no N fertilizer, 73, or 135 kg N ha?1) to maize after alfalfa on stalk dry weight, stalk mineral concentrations [N, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)], grain yield, and kernel components (protein, oil, starch, P, and K) were investigated. Fertilizer N increased stalk N concentration but not stalk dry weight. Grain yields and yields of protein, oil, starch, P, and K kernel components, expressed on a kg ha?1 basis, were also unaffected by N fertilizer treatments. Thus, there appears to be no advantage, in terms of yield or kernel components, in applying N fertilizer to maize after alfalfa under the environments experienced during this two year field experiment.  相似文献   

春玉米产量、氮素利用及矿质氮平衡对施氮的响应   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
通过在辽宁省昌图县的田间试验,研究了不同施氮水平(0、60、120、180、240和300 kg hm-2)对春玉米产量、氮素利用及农田矿质氮平衡的影响。结果表明:春玉米产量随施氮量增加而显著提高,当施氮量高于N 240 kg hm-2时,产量有减少趋势;氮素当季利用率随施氮量增加先增加后降低,在施氮量180 kg hm-2时达到最大,为27.95%。随着施氮量增加,氮肥农学利用率、氮素吸收效率和氮素偏生产力均显著降低,而氮肥生理利用率和氮肥表观残留率均先增加后降低,这与氮肥表观损失率的变化正好相反。作物吸氮量随施氮量增加而显著增加,氮盈余主要以土壤残留为主,表观损失在氮盈余中的比例虽小,但随着施氮量增加而明显增加。低量施氮(<180 kg hm-2)主要引起土壤矿质氮残留量的显著增加,而高量施氮(240 kg hm-2和300 kg hm-2)主要引起土壤氮素表观损失量的显著增加。在本试验条件下,合理施氮量应控制在180~209 kg hm-2左右。  相似文献   

Fresh tomatoes, homegrown and from supermarkets, with developing fungal lesions were collected. Each lesion was sampled, and the resulting fungal cultures were identified morphologically and extracted for analyzes of secondary metabolites. The tomatoes were incubated at 25 degrees C for a week, extracted, and analyzed for fungal metabolites. Extracts from pure cultures were compared with extracts from the moldy tomatoes and fungal metabolite standards in two HPLC systems with DAD and FLD detection. The results showed that Penicillium tularense, Stemphylium eturmiunum, and S. cf. lycopersici were postharvest spoilers of fresh tomatoes. The results also showed that P. tularense could produce janthitrems, paspalinine, paxilline, and 3-O-acetoxypaxilline, that S. cf. lycopersici could produce stemphols, and that S. eturmiunum could produce infectopyrone and macrosporin when grown in pure culture. This study is the first to report on the detection of tentoxin, paxillines, janthitrems, verrucolone, infectopyrone, macrosporin, and stemphols in naturally contaminated tomatoes.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted in a glasshouse at the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Zarghan, Iran, in 2016. Sixteen wheat genotypes were compared under four salinity levels [control, 50, 100, and 150 mM sodium chloride (NaCl)] in terms of grain yield, chlorophyll (SPAD), flag leaf area, Na+/K+ ratio, catalase, and peroxidase activities in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Overall, results indicated that apparently no single parameter or a specific group of parameters could be suggested as factors of the most responsive element to different salinity stress levels. In other words, the tolerance mechanism of wheat genotypes is a complex response of multiple factors as a network path. Furthermore, different salinity levels led to different responses of wheat genotypes, which were detectable by the results of the mean comparison and analysis of variance. These results also proved the influential effects of the genetic background on salinity response and tolerance of wheat genotypes. In addition, antioxidants acting as defense barriers against reactive oxygen species are very important constituents against salinity, since higher antioxidant activity leads to alleviate the oxidative stress caused by salinity. Higher osmolyte concentration regulating the selective uptake of useful ions can prevent excess accumulation of toxic ions, which contribute to salinity stress damages. A high variation related to the measured traits in this study under both normal and salinity stress conditions was achieved, which could be applied in screening and breeding programs for salinity stress tolerance. Moreover, the responses of different genotypes varied regarding the different traits; SU-0129 as a novel genotype has proved to be the best choice for further breeding research based on the overall traits and, in particular, grain yield and tolerance stress index.  相似文献   

基于背景板比例尺的玉米果穗图像特征测量   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
玉米果穗图像特征的精确测量是实现玉米自动考种的关键技术,但玉米背景图像的复杂性,难以快速、准确测量出玉米的几何特征(玉米果穗的总长度、宽度、体积、秃尖等)。该文根据玉米灰度图像的分布特点,构造了三区域图像增强模型,采用形态学图像处理方法对增强后的图像进行分割,计算出背景板比例尺,以此为参考实现了精确计算玉米的几何参数。文中对计算结果进行了误差分析,表明该文提出的基于背景板比例尺的图像处理算法能够准确地测量出玉米图像中的几何特征值,准确率可达到96.01%,可实现玉米自动考种,替代传统的玉米手工考种,对于玉米品种推广、育种具有重要意义。  相似文献   

【目的】综合农艺管理影响夏玉米的生长、产量形成和氮磷钾的高效利用。本文从夏玉米种植密度、播期、收获期和施肥几个方面,在优化管理基础上进一步进行了优化,为实现产量和养分利用效率协同提高提供理论依据和科学指导。【方法】试验于2013—2017年在山东农业大学作物生物学国家重点实验室和泰安市大汶口进行,以玉米杂交种郑单958为试验材料,进行了随机区组田间试验。试验设置4个处理:常规对照采用秸秆覆盖,免耕 (CK);优化处理 (Opt-1),在CK基础上,增加种植密度,延迟收获,减少施氮量并增加施肥次数;最高产量管理模式 (HY),基于高产创建经验,实现当地最大田间产量;在优化处理 (Opt-2),在HY基础上,降低种植密度和施氮量,以期实现产量效率协同提高。后三个处理的耕作方式均为秸秆还田,浅旋耕。测定夏玉米产量、干物质重和氮磷钾利用效率等指标。【结果】所有测定指标五年试验处理间差异趋势一致、稳定,显示了综合农艺措施对产量影响的稳定性。与CK和Opt-1相比,Opt-2处理产量分别提高了27.6%~37.9%和19.2%~31.9%;抽雄期干物质重分别提高了22.8%~25.0%和13.2%~20.3%;成熟期干物质重分别提高了24.0%~31.9%和8.2%~16.4%。Opt-2处理花前干物质转运效率和贡献率显著低于Opt-1和HY处理,但花后积累量较CK和Opt-1处理提高了28.7%~36.8%,且与HY处理无显著差异。Opt-2处理的籽粒氮、磷和钾积累量分别为146.0~171.4 kg/hm2、75.6~92.7 kg/hm2和40.0~43.8 kg/hm2,氮积累量分别比CK和Opt-1高20.5%~68.4%和12.5%~29.2%,但是比HY处理低13.2%~19.0%;磷积累量显著高于其他处理;钾积累量分别比CK和Opt-1处理高38.4%~58.9%和16.3%~32.6%。Opt-2处理的平均氮肥偏生产力分别比CK和HY处理高62.0%和125.2%,磷肥偏生产力表现相似趋势;Opt-2处理的平均钾肥偏生产力较CK和Opt-1处理下降了64.0%~66.8%。【结论】在播期和收获期不变的前提下,再优化模式通过增加种植密度10%,氮肥用量增加15%,由一次追施改为两次,显著增加了夏玉米整个生育期干物质和氮磷钾养分积累量,特别是增加了花后干物质积累量,增产27.6%~37.9%,氮、磷肥效率提高47.5%~67.6%,实现了产量和肥料效率的协同提高。  相似文献   

Plants differ in the benefit they receive from an association with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) but it is unclear what factors determine host response. We tested whether this difference is due in part to differences among AMF families (Glomaceae, Gigasporaceae, and Acaulosporaceae) in the size of their mycelium. For example, an AMF with a large mycelium might be better able to transfer nutrients to its host. Alternatively, the large mycelium might present a large carbon drain for the host. It might also be the location of AMF mycelium that is important: whether it occurs in the root or in the soil. In a greenhouse experiment, four different host plant species were inoculated with each of 21 AMF isolates representing different mycelial sizes and we measured both host plant biomass and foliar phosphorus concentration over 12 weeks. AMF family significantly affected host biomass with larger internal mycelia conferring greater host benefit. However, both intra-family variation in AMF effect and host identity also influenced host response. For foliar P, AMF family did not affect host response significantly. Our results show that differences in mycelial size among AMF families may contribute to variation in host responsiveness to AMF, but other factors are also important.  相似文献   

Hops are mostly grown as an ingredient for beer production where quality and aroma properties play an important role. Tett­nanger is one of the famous aroma varieties, that had been considered to be an old landrace. As its genetic origin was unknown, the level of genetic variability was assessed by AFLP fingerprints. A representative sample of 279 individual Tett­nanger plants was analyzed by a set of six primer combinations, which had previously been proven to reveal a high level of polymorphism. Very little polymorphism was detected among the samples from Tettnang. By comparing Tett­nanger to 16 related hop varieties, which could be clearly distinguished from each other by AFLP fingerprints, two individual plants from Tett­nanger were identified to belong to the varieties Hallertauer mfr. or Backa, respectively. One further plant was considered to be a mutant of Tett­nanger. It was concluded that the variety Tett­nanger constitutes one clone. The robustness of the AFLP technique was demonstrated by using hop DNA from leaves, cones, and pellets. Except for pellets all sources of plant material yielded DNA for highly reproducible, informative AFLP-banding patterns. Our results showed, that the AFLP technique was a feasible tool for determining the level of genetic variability within one hop variety and between varieties.  相似文献   

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