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广西山羊蓝舌病、衣原体病的血清学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用血清学方法,对广西6个地区的山羊群的6273份山羊血清蓝舌病、衣原体病的血清学调查。结果6个地区均有蓝舌病阳性羊检出,血清的阳性率为22.64%-40.67%,平均为31.70%;衣原体病除梧州地区外其余五个地区均有阳性羊检出,血清的阳性率为0.49%-2.82%,平均为1.10%,说明该区山羊群该两种疫病的感染情况比较严重。  相似文献   

广西牛羊蓝舌病血清学调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蓝舌病是由病毒引起的反刍动物的一种急性、热性传染病。本病主要发生于绵羊,其特征表现为发热,白细胞减少,口腔、鼻腔和胃肠道粘膜的溃疡性炎症变化。山羊、牛等也能感染本病。蓝舌病病原属于呼肠孤病毒环状病毒属。本病最早发现于南非,现已扩散到许多国家和地区,已...  相似文献   

为了解蓝舌病在湖北省的流行情况,为该病的防控提供参考依据。2013年对湖北省郧西、兴山等7个市(县、区)山羊蓝舌病进行了血清学调查,采用C-ELISA抗体检测方法检测山羊血清样品506份,蓝舌病抗体阳性率平均为25.69%,表明蓝舌病在湖北省的感染已普遍存在,且蓝舌病阳性率受降雨量的影响较大。  相似文献   

为了解贵州省山羊3种流产疫病流行情况,分别从贵州省4个地区共采集194份山羊血清,采用虎红平板凝集试验法(RBT)对194份血清进行布鲁氏杆菌病抗体检测,平均阳性率为0%;采用间接血凝试验法(IHA)对194份山羊血清进行衣原体病抗体检测,平均阳性率为5.7%;采用酶联免疫吸附试验法(ELlSA)对178份山羊血清进行...  相似文献   

牛羊蓝舌病血清学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

从青海省玉树、共和、格尔木、果洛、大通、祁连、德令哈、同德8个地区采集牛羊血清样品413份,应用琼脂免疫扩散法对蓝舌病进行了血清学调查。结果在被检的209份羊血清中,共检出阳性血清样品4份,平均阳性率为1.91%;而在被检的204份牛血清中则未检测到阳性样品。  相似文献   

应用琼脂扩散试验法,对采自云南省楚雄州4个县(市)的417份牛、406份羊血清进行了蓝舌病的血清学调查,结果血清抗体阳性率分别为13.19%和46.31%;对血清学检测呈阳性反应的17头牛和34只羊进行了临诊调查,结果未发现有关的病史、症状与病变,均呈隐性带毒状态。  相似文献   

广西牛羊赤羽病和蓝舌病流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解赤羽病病毒(AKAV)和蓝舌病病毒(BTV)2种虫媒病毒(Arbovirus)在广西的流行与分布情况,本研究对采集自2010年~2011年广西11市的706份牛、羊血清样品进行检测,共检测出AKAV抗体阳性样品382份,总阳性率为54.11%.其中山羊血清82份,阳性率为28.37%(82/289);牛血清300份,阳性率为71.94%(300/417).BTV抗体阳性样品279份,总阳性率为39.52%.其中山羊血清95份,阳性率为32.87%(95/289),牛血清样品184份,阳性率44.12%(184/417).同时检测出2种虫媒病毒抗体185份,占样品总数的26.20%.本研究结果表明2种虫媒病毒在广西广泛流行,并首次证明广西存在AKAV的感染.  相似文献   

The climatic variables that were most useful in classifying the infection status of Queensland cattle herds with bluetongue virus were assessed using stepwise linear discriminant analysis. A discriminant function that included average annual rainfall and average daily maximum temperature was found to correctly classify 82.6% of uninfected herds and 72.4% of infected herds. Overall, the infection status of 74.1% of herds was correctly classified. The spatial distribution of infected herds was found to parallel that of the suspected vector,Culicoides brevitarsis. This evidence supports the role of this arthropod species as a vector of bluetongue viruses in Queensland.The effect of potential changes in temperature and rainfall (the so-called global warming scenario) on the distribution of bluetongue virus infection of cattle herds in Queensland was then investigated. With an increase in both rainfall and temperature, the area of endemic bluetongue virus infection was predicted to extend a further 150 km inland in southern Queensland. The implications of this for sheep-raising in Queensland are discussed.Abbreviations AGID agar gel immunodiffusion  相似文献   

The increasing threat of vector-borne diseases (VBDs) represents a great challenge to those who manage public and animal health. Determining the spatial distribution of arthropod vector species is an essential step in studying the risk of transmission of a vector-borne pathogen (VBP) and in estimating risk levels of VBD. Risk maps allow better targeting surveillance and help in designing control measures. We aimed to study the geographical distribution of Culicoides imicola, the main competent vector of Bluetongue virus (BTV) in sheep in Tunisia. Fifty-three records covering the whole distribution range of C.imicola in Tunisia were obtained during a 2-year field entomological survey (August 2017 – January 2018 and August 2018 – January 2019). The ecological niche of C. imicola is described using ecological-niche factor analysis (ENFA) and Mahalanobis distances factor analysis (MADIFA). An environmental suitability map (ESM) was developed by MaxEnt software to map the optimal habitat under the current climate background. The MaxEnt model was highly accurate with a statistically significant area under curve (AUC) value of 0.941. The location of the potential distribution of C. imicola is predicted in specified regions of Tunisia. Our findings can be applied in various ways such as surveillance and control program of BTV in Tunisia.  相似文献   

为制备针对蓝舌病病毒(BTV)的单克隆抗体(MAb),本研究利用血清型1型BTV(BTV1)免疫BALB/c鼠,将其脾淋巴细胞与SP2/0进行融合,并用BTV1包被ELISA板,通过间接ELISA方法筛选出3株稳定分泌抗BTV1的MAb的杂交瘤细胞株(2B10、3D4和4H8)。利用表达BTV1主要蛋白的真核表达重组质粒转染BHK-21后,对所制备的杂交瘤细胞株上清进行间接免疫荧光(IFA)以及western blot鉴定,结果显示:2B10和4H8与VP7蛋白反应,而3D4与VP6蛋白反应。同时,IFA鉴定结果进一步表明,3株MAb与24个血清型的BTV均可以发生反应。本研究制备的MAb为建立BTV免疫学检测方法和相关病毒蛋白的功能研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A seroepidemiological study on bluetongue virus (BTV) infection in California dairy cattle was conducted to estimate the prevalence and distribution by age and season of BTV group-reactive antibodies and to look for possible associations between the presence of antibodies and cattle age or breed and farm. Between December 1985 and March 1987, a sample of cattle was tested at approximately two-month intervals for BTV group-reactive antibodies using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Data taken during the month of December 1986 were used to evaluate possible associations between a positive antibody test and certain intrinsic (age, breed) and extrinsic (farm) factors.Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses using the -square test for associations and multiple logistic regression, respectively, were carried out for possible associations between positive antibody tests to BTV and each factor of interest. The strengths of the associations were determined using estimates of the odds ratio.Of the 3774 serum samples tested, 238 (6.3%) were from calves, 1045 (27.6%) were from heifers and 2492 (66.0%) were from cows. Seroprevalence varied from nil in calves on two occasions to over 90% on several occasions in cows. Cows consistently had higher prevalence rates than heifers or calves across all test dates (p<0.05). The seroprevalence of BTV group-reactive antibodies also showed a seasonal fluctuation, with the highest rates occurring during the warmer months of the year. These highest prevalence rates coincided with heavy activity of the known vector of BTV, Culicoides spp. Breed and farm effects were not statistically significant (p>0.05). With the exception of one farm, all cattle were of the Holstein breed, which reduced confidence in assessing any breed effect in this study. Relative estimates of the sensitivity and specificity of BTV ELISA were 87% and 100% respectively, compared to the standard agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test.The observations support previous findings of seasonal distribution of BTV antibodies and suggest an age relationship, whereby older cattle are more likely to be positive to BTV group-reactive antibodies than younger cattle.  相似文献   

为建立蓝舌病病毒(BTV)的检测方法和研究该病毒蛋白的功能,本研究利用BTV血清8型(BTV8)免疫BALB/c小鼠,取免疫后的小鼠脾淋巴细胞与SP2/0细胞融合,制备单克隆抗体(MAb).并以BTV8作为包被抗原建立间接ELISA方法,经筛选获得了8株稳定分泌抗BTV8 MAb的杂交瘤细胞株(1B2、1F6、2B1、2D10、3B6、3D9、4D4和4D12).Western blot结果显示,MAb 1F6、2B1、2D10、3B6、3D9与BTV8 VP7蛋白反应,MAb B2、4D4、4D12与BTV8 NS2蛋白反应.间接免疫荧光结果显示,该8株MAb与24型BTV血清型呈不同的反应论系.本研究所获得的MAb为建立BTV免疫学检测方法和相关病毒蛋白的功能研究提供了实验依据.  相似文献   

南江黄羊与本地山羊杂交后代生产性能初步观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1995年11月至1997年10月,用南江黄羊和本地山羊进行杂交试验。黄本F1山羊被毛显示父系特征,其体重、体尺、屠宰率、,繁殖率分别比本地山羊增加5.05%、2.0%、3.0%、2.0%;发病率下降到4.65%,试验结果表明:F1杂交羊明显优于本地山羊。  相似文献   

山羊痘病毒粒子的电子显微镜观察   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
本研究室2003年以来对山羊痘病毒感染多种细胞进行了透射电镜观察。在感染的皮肤和黏膜上皮细胞浆中观察到大量不同成熟阶段的典型山羊痘病毒粒子,病毒粒子也见于巨噬细胞、成纤维细胞、血管内皮细胞胞浆内,甚至少量散在血管腔中。用山羊痘病毒分离物感染鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜形成痘斑,其上皮细胞和成纤维细胞中也可见成熟和不成熟的病毒粒子,同时感染BHK-21细胞也观察到典型的山羊痘病毒粒子。  相似文献   

广东地区蓝舌病流行病学初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明广东省牛羊蓝舌病(BT)的流行情况,本研究于2013年与2014年的4月~7月在广东省13个市的不同牛场和羊场随机采集716份血清样品。采用竞争性ELISA检测方法,对这些血清样品进行BT病毒(BTV)抗体检测,结果显示BTV抗体的阳性率为56.70%(406/716)。其中牛和羊BTV抗体平均阳性率分别为69.62%(362/520)和22.45%(44/196),表明广东省牛羊普遍存在BTV感染,而且牛的感染率比羊高。通过对新生犊牛的BTV抗体跟踪,分析其母源抗体的存在以及其维持时间,结果显示新生犊牛能够获得7周以上的被动免疫保护力。  相似文献   

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