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自1989年以来,在泰国集约养虾业的Samat Sakhorn地区已发现有斑节对虾(P.monodon)体表发红的报道。病虾在外壳呈现深红色,肌肉失去光泽,并且食欲不振。在病虾群体中还发现有些体表呈现白色斑点。虾体表开始变红,通常在几天后出现死亡,但情况并不是很严重,病虾一般在放养90  相似文献   

1993年以来,对虾白斑病流行全国沿海,给对虾养殖业造成沉重打击,对虾产量连续数年在低谷徘徊。我国科研人员做了大量的研究工作,逐步弄清了对虾白斑病的主要传播途径和检测方法。2002年我们做了大量的对虾病害的诊断和治疗工作,治愈了对虾弯体、细菌性红体、烂鳃、黄鳃、肠炎等病,尤其是对虾白斑病的诊断和治疗取得了一定进展。一、对虾白斑病的诊断1.不显症对虾白斑病病毒检测对不显症对虾是否携带白斑病病毒,目前已有几种方法可以用于检测,酶联免疫法和核酸探针法已经在生产实践中应用,通过检测,能在发病前20~40…  相似文献   

近年来,中国对虾养殖受到病毒性虾病的影响,给养殖业造成了巨大经济损失。为探索合理地防治虾病的途径,文登市水产技术推广站2001年对全市5 700亩养殖池进行虾病监测,现报告如下:1 测报的基本情况2001年我们设立了以五垒岛海湾为重点的3个测报点,共计测报面积5700亩,其中:麦岛盐场2000亩,五垒岛养殖公司2100亩,泽头镇养虾场1600亩。在测报点中,单养面积2500亩,平均亩放暂养苗9 600尾;混养面积3200亩,平均亩放暂养苗5444尾。我们第1次于7月9日进行了检测,测报情况:麦岛盐场发病600  相似文献   

中国对虾黑白斑病的初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对虾养殖过程中,中国对虾所患的“黑白斑病”,从症状看,类似孤菌病。有人亦叫孤菌病。但是经研究发现.孤菌致病情况复杂。不同国家对孤菌病症状的描述,也不尽相同,据有关专家的意见.本文所叙述的这种虾病叫“黑白斑病”。  相似文献   

自 1992~ 1993年暴发养殖对虾病毒性疾病以来 ,对虾养殖一直受到白斑病的困扰。尽管近年来对虾养殖正在缓慢回升 ,但如何推迟或避免白斑病的发生 ,从而使对虾能够达到较大规格上市 ,获得较好的经济效益 ,是对虾养殖业亟待解决的问题。对虾白斑病发病季节长 ,每年 5~ 10月间均有发生 ,而以 5~ 6月和 9~ 10月发病较集中 (此时对虾体长约 5~ 6 cm) ,死亡率高。一般来说 ,放养密度越高、对虾规格越大 ,发病越严重。其严重程度有时从发现个别对虾死亡到全塘对虾死亡仅 3~ 7天。对于病毒性的虾病目前尚缺乏针对性的药物 ,因此 ,重点是提高对…  相似文献   

莫佛素  翁雄 《水产科技》1992,(6):15-16,18
白斑病,是斑节对虾养殖中的主要病害之一。近年来,其危害性越来越大。今年在我省夏季放养的斑节对虾中,此病大面积发生,给养虾生产造成了严重的损失。如汕尾市放养的近700公顷斑节对虾,此病迅速蔓延,发病率高达80%,而且病虾死亡率很高,不少虾池高达100%。为了探索有效的治疗方法,我们认真调查研究了白斑病的症状和病因,  相似文献   

南美白对虾白斑病分为病毒性和细菌性两种.对于细菌性白斑病,养殖户是可以控制的.2005年10月笔者走访了天津市津南区咸水沽镇北洋村养虾户刘振来,2005年他的8个池塘有3个池塘(面积7亩)发生细菌性白斑病,放养密度为90万尾/hm2.由于采取了科学的管理措施,病害得到了有效控制,成活率达到60%,到当年10月收获时这3个池塘共收获规格50~52尾/kg的南美白对虾4·!925kg,每667m2产703.6kg.现将其成功养殖经验总结如下:  相似文献   

斑节对虾疾病及防治技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近两三年来,暴发性虾病流行,两三天内池虾就会全部死亡。笔者根据几年来的实践以及调查研究,初步找出了各种虾病的病因以及对策,现简述如下。1 虾病的共同症状 虽然各虾患病不同,但症状表现有不少相似之处,如病虾活动不正常,摄食量减少,生长缓慢,部分病虾白天浮游于水面或附栖  相似文献   

对虾封闭循环式综合养殖系统的规划设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
按建立“863”对虾重点项目综合养殖基地的技术要求,以对虾清洁养殖和对虾分级多茬养殖两种模式为养殖工程工艺设计标准,进行对虾高健康养殖基地的规划设计。该基地占地19.2hm^2,包括两套封闭循环式养殖系统,共有养殖试验水面13.33hm^2,并配备了较先进的水处理系统,可进行封闭、半封闭和开放式养虾,也可进行多品种综合生态养殖。2000年对虾养殖生产试验表明,该养虾系统设计合理、运行平稳,基本保证了该“863”项目各项试验的进行,取得良好的养殖结果。  相似文献   

Dendronereis spp. (Peters) (Nereididae) is a common polychaete in shrimp ponds built on intertidal land and is natural food for shrimp in traditionally managed ponds in Indonesia. White spot syndrome virus (WSSV), an important viral pathogen of the shrimp, can replicate in this polychaete (Desrina et al. 2013); therefore, it is a potential propagative vector for virus transmission. The major aim of this study was to determine whether WSSV can be transmitted from naturally infected Dendronereis spp. to specific pathogen‐free (SPF) Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone) through feeding. WSSV was detected in naturally infected Dendronereis spp. and Penaeus monodon Fabricius from a traditional shrimp pond, and the positive animals were used in the current experiment. WSSV‐infected Dendronereis spp. and P. monodon in a pond had a point prevalence of 90% and 80%, respectively, as measured by PCR. WSSV was detected in the head, gills, blood and mid‐body of Dendronereis spp. WSSV from naturally infected Dendronereis spp was transmitted to SPF L. vannamei and subsequently from this shrimp to new naïve‐SPF L. vannamei to cause transient infection. Our findings support the contention that Dendronereis spp, upon feeding, can be a source of WSSV infection of shrimp in ponds.  相似文献   

Viral disease outbreaks are a major concern impeding the development of the shrimp aquaculture industry. The viral disease due to white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) observed in early 1990s still continues unabated affecting the shrimp farms and cause huge economic loss to the shrimp aquaculture industry. In the absence of effective therapeutics to control WSSV, it is important to understand viral pathogenesis and shrimp response to WSSV at the molecular level. Identification and molecular characterization of WSSV proteins and receptors may facilitate in designing and development of novel therapeutics and antiviral drugs that may inhibit viral replication. Investigations into host–pathogen interactions might give new insights to viral infectivity, tissue tropism and defence mechanism elicited in response to WSSV infection. However, due to the limited information on WSSV gene function and host immune response, the signalling pathways which are associated in shrimp pathogen interaction have also not been elucidated completely. In the present review, the focus is on those shrimp proteins and receptors that are potentially involved in virus infection or in the defence mechanism against WSSV. In addition, the major signalling pathways involved in the innate immune response and the role of apoptosis in host–pathogen interaction is discussed.  相似文献   

为了快速、方便地检测出这2种病毒,研究将PCR核酸扩增的高灵敏度和胶体金免疫层析技术快速、简便、直观的优点结合起来,建立了同时检测2种对虾病毒(WSSV和IHHNV)的同步PCR-胶体金免疫层析检测方法。采用了生物素标记和地高辛(Digoxigenin)标记引物。PCR扩增产物利用胶体金免疫层析技术进行检测。胶体金免疫检测试剂条的检测线(T线)处的层析膜处点上地高辛的单抗,经地高辛标记的PCR扩增产物可在T线上被检测到,在10 min内即可得到检测结果。同时,在PCR过程中使用UNG(尿嘧啶-DNA糖基酶),极大地控制了遗留污染。通过此方法检测对虾WSSV和IHHNV病毒的灵敏度均可达到10~100个拷贝,高于国家标准PCR检测法10~100倍。此检测方法让工作人员避免了接触有毒和诱导突变的试剂,免除基层检测实验室购买电泳设备和荧光检测系统的投资。  相似文献   

2002年采用PCR-核酸探针斑点杂交法检测了乳山对虾养殖场1000余份样品携带白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)的情况。结果显示,639例对虾样品中阳性检出率为26·6%;77例蟹类样品中阳性检出率为18·2%;266例浮游动物样品中阳性检出率为38·3%,3~9月份浮游动物阳性率呈下降趋势,消毒后水体中浮游动物的阳性率仍很高;30例贝类样品检测均为阴性;204例底泥样品中,阳性检出率为17·6%,22例抽滤海水样品检测均为阴性。结果表明,虾、蟹类在传播WSSV中起着重要作用,贝类、海水传播WSSV的可能性很小,浮游动物、底泥在传播WSSV中的作用和机制应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

对虾白黑斑病的病原病因研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡生力 《水产学报》1996,20(4):325-331
对虾白黑斑病是养殖中国对虾的常见病,曾被怀疑是细菌性疾病,本试验通过对病虾肝胰腺、血液和病灶组织的细菌分离,对正常虾用白黑斑虾的细菌注射感染等一系列试验发现:细菌或其它生物性病原与对虾白黑斑病并无直接关系。  相似文献   

White Spot Syndrome Virus in cultured shrimp: A review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Shrimp is one of the main aquaculture species in the world. Different viruses affect them, which causes serious mortality to economically important species, such as Penaeus monodon, Litopenaeus vannamei and L. stylirostris, among others. White spot syndrome virus or WSSV is a highly lethal, stress‐dependent virus, which belongs to the family Nimaviridae, genus Whispovirus. Three WSSV virus isolates were first detected in 1992 in Thailand, Taiwan and China. Later, a fourth isolate of the virus was detected in the Americas in 1999. This virus has a large circular double‐stranded DNA genome with different sizes (292.9–307.2 kb), where the diverse isolates show differences in virulence. This virus infects a wide range of aquatic crustaceans by vertical and horizontal transmission, with different mortality results. The spread of infection between regions may be due to infected shrimp and carriers such as other crustaceans, seabirds, aquatic arthropods or other vectors. The aim of this work is to describe the current knowledge on the status, transmission, pathology, isolation, control and genomic characteristics of WSSV.  相似文献   

曾勇 《水产学报》2006,30(5):690-694
以克氏原螯虾做为对虾白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)的增殖模型,试验组接种WSSV,对照组接种PBS。分别以试验组为检测组(tester)、对照组为驱逐组(driver),进行正向抑制性差减杂交;以对照组为tester、试验组为driver,进行反向SSH。将获得的正、反向差减杂交产物克隆入质粒载体PinPointTM Xa1 TVector,再转化大肠杆菌DH5α,共构建了2个分别含1620和400个克隆的正、反向差减文库。经PCR扩增,1514个差减克隆得到产物,其中正向差减克隆1221个,反向差减克隆293个。获得的PCR产物经浓缩、变性处理,用自动点样仪点制于尼龙膜载体上,制成cDNA芯片,用cDNA芯片对SSH获得的差减克隆进行鉴定,共获得差异表达克隆278个,其中攻毒组高表达克隆255个;对照组高表达克隆23个。  相似文献   

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