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Information on the distributions of demersal and benthic fishes is fundamental for stock assessment and management. Spatiotemporal changes in the distribution patterns of five pleuronectid species (flathead flounder Hippoglossoides dubius, Kamchatka flounder Atheresthes evermanni, roughscale sole Clidoderma asperrimum, slime flounder Microstomus achne, and Korean flounder Glyptocephalus stelleri) off the Pacific coast of northern Honshu, Japan, at depths of 150–900 m, were examined using a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM). Densities of flathead and Korean flounder were highest in the southernmost area, where the fish were small. The body lengths of both of these species increased from 2003 to 2008, suggesting that an abundant year class was recruited in 2003. The density of Kamchatka flounder was highest in the northern area. In roughscale sole and slime flounder, there were no distinctive annual and latitudinal trends in the density distributions. The density distribution of Korean flounder was bimodal; the peaks were at depths of 210 and 410 m. The body length increased as the depth increased from 150 to 410 m, and then decreased from 410 to 550 m. Moreover, “bigger–deeper” trends were observed in flathead, Kamchatka and slime flounder.  相似文献   

Nutritional status and feeding habits of immature female bighand thornyhead Sebastolobus macrochir were assessed based on Fulton’s condition factor K, hepatosomatic index (HSI), and stomach observations. Fish were obtained from bottom trawl samples taken seasonally during 2006/2007 in the Tohoku area, off the Pacific coast of northern Honshu, Japan. Results of the generalized linear model (GLM) indicated that fish condition deteriorated with depth, and small fish had a lower K, HSI, and percent stomach content index (SCI) than larger specimens. The empty stomach rate was higher in deeper waters in northern Tohoku (except for small fish from spring to autumn) and in southern Tohoku (spring/summer). Changes in the index of relative importance (%IRI) showed that the main prey items changed from nutritionally high to low prey items with depth. This suggests that deeper waters, where fish with the lowest condition values occur, are a poorer quality habitat for immature bighand thornyhead and that small fish are subordinate to larger fish. The effect on growth, due to variations in nutritional status and feeding habits, produced by the distributional changes in bighand thornyhead is also discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Body size dependent distribution patterns of bighand thornyhead Sebastolobus macrochir were examined using bottom trawl surveys in the Tohoku area, off the Pacific coast of northern Honshu, Japan. In northern and southern Tohoku, distribution depths of ≤10-cm standard length (SL) fish increased from 500–600 m in 2003 to 600–700 m in 2005 with an increase in density of 11–20-cm SL fish at depths of 500–600 m. In 2004–2005, small fish (≤10 cm SL) were distributed in deeper waters than large fish (11–20 cm SL). In ≤20-cm SL fish, the main distribution depths changed from 300–600 m in 1997–2002 to 500–600 m in 2003 in southern Tohoku, but not in northern Tohoku. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that negative correlations were found in biomass densities between a few demersal fish species and bighand thornyhead at depths of 300–400 and 400–500 m in southern Tohoku. These results suggest that distribution of bighand thornyhead was affected by intra- and interspecific competitions in the Tohoku area.  相似文献   

The yield-per-recruit (YPR) analysis has been used to assess growth overfishing of exploited fish stocks. Since the ex-vessel price per weight widely depends on the size of the fish, the result of the YPR does not imply the revenue. The value-per-recruit (VPR) analysis, which is an economic expansion of the YPR analysis, was conducted for bighand thornyhead Sebastolobus macrochir caught off the Pacific coast of northern Honshu, Japan. The results showed that, for the current age at first capture (t c = 3), the current fishing mortality (F = 0.12) was close to the optimum level. However, for the current F, optimum t c in the VPR model was 8 years and would lead to a 47% increase compared to the current revenue. The maximum YPR was obtained at t c = 6 years, but the revenue at t c = 6 only gave a 20% increase in the maximum revenue. The difference was caused by the size dependency of the ex-vessel price per weight. The VPR model would generate fisheries management plans with both economical and biological consideration and would help in making general consensus of fisheries management strategies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:     The biomass of bighand thornyhead Sebastolobus macrochir was increased by the high recruitment success of the 1999–2002 year classes off the Pacific coast of northern Honshu, Japan. In this study, the growth of bighand thornyhead was examined over a 9-year period from 1996 to 2004 in this area. The growth of the 1999 year class and the 2000–2002 year classes was reduced at 3 and 2 years old, respectively, while the 1999–2002 year classes were smaller than the 1993–1998 year classes. In 2-, 3- and 4-year-old fish, the relationship between abundance and mean standard length was expressed by negative linear regressions, while fish became smaller when abundance of the year class was larger. Mean bottom temperatures were stable at depths of 350–900 m; variations in water temperature were small in the main distribution area of bighand thornyhead. We discuss the factors affecting the growth of bighand thornyhead via changes in the demersal fish community and feeding habits.  相似文献   

The diet of Notoscopelus japonicus , one of the dominant mesopelagic fishes in the transitional waters of the western North Pacific, was examined in 106 specimens collected over the continental slope off the Pacific coast of northern Japan during April and October 1996. The prey comprised mainly crustaceans, such as copepods, ostracods, euphausiids and amphipods. Euphausia pacifica was the dominant prey, representing 83.1% by number and 72.4% by wet weight of the total diet. Between April and October, there was no shift in prey species consumed, but prey size decreased significantly and prey number per fish stomach increased in October. These results indicate that, in October, N. japonicus consumed larger numbers of smaller E. pacifica , rather than shifting to other prey taxa. The pronounced importance of E. pacifica in the diet was ascribed to its co-occurrence with N. japonicus at night in the surface layer and during the daytime in the near-bottom layer.  相似文献   

Terminal molting probability (TMP) of snow crab Chionoecetes opilio was estimated using instar- and state-structured model incorporating the terminal molt in the waters off the Pacific coast of northern Honshu, Japan. TMP is defined as the probability that terminal molt occurs within a year in an instar and is an important parameter for stock assessment. TMP was estimated from the model and the rate of terminal molted crabs (RTM) for instars, which means carapace widths over 30 mm. Carapace widths at RTM of 0.5 were 81 mm for males and 66 mm for females. TMP was estimated as 0.23 and 0.29 for these carapace widths, respectively. Carapace widths at TMP of 0.5 were 94 mm for males and 71 mm for females, and for these carapace widths 57% of male and 50% of female crabs were considered as old-shell which had survived 1 year or more from terminal molt. Changing the fishing or natural mortality by ±0.1, the maximum difference of TMP was less than 0.1 from default estimates.  相似文献   

Age determination of wild captured Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, was conducted using sagittal otoliths of 806 specimens (47–260 cm in fork length) caught in the waters off Japan and Taiwan. Otoliths were transversely sectioned and the opaque and translucent zones were analyzed. Opaque zones mainly appeared on the otolith edge from April to July, indicating that the opaque zone is formed annually. The opaque zones formed during later life (age 10+) were more distinct than the earlier zones. The estimated ages of specimens ranged from 1 to 26 years. Parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function were estimated to be 249.6 cm, 0.173, and −0.254 years for L, k, and t0, respectively. Growth of younger fish was rapid up to 5 years old attaining about 150 cm, and then growth rate decreased. After that, fish attained about 200 cm at 9 years old and about 225 cm (90% of L) at 13 years old (50% of maximum age). This paper updates the biological information on length at age with a large size range to support stock assessment model analyses for this commercially valuable species.  相似文献   

Commercial catches of barfin flounder Verasper moseri, an important target flatfish for stock enhancement programs in northern Japan, have recovered remarkably since the large-scale release of seedlings from Hokkaido in 2006. However, their reproductive ecology remains unclear. Our study of 2008–2012 investigated seasonal changes in the maturity of stocked female barfin flounder (n = 4,123) off the Pacific coast from Hokkaido to Tohoku (35.7°–43.4°N). Histological observation of ovaries revealed that fish undergoing vitellogenesis were observed mainly off Hokkaido and partially off northern Tohoku during August–January (40.2°–43.4°N). However, fully matured or spawning fish were not found near those areas. They were observed only in southern Tohoku. Ongoing spawning was observed off southernmost Tohoku (35.8°–37.5°N around 300 m depth) from early February through late April, when commercial landings had decreased drastically off Hokkaido. Spent fish were caught only rarely off southern Tohoku, but were observed frequently off Hokkaido during April–June. These results demonstrate that spawning grounds form at the upper continental slope off southernmost Tohoku during February–April. Relations between maturation traits and seasonal landings strongly suggest that female barfin flounder repeatedly migrate more than 700 km from feeding grounds off Hokkaido to spawning grounds off southern Tohoku.  相似文献   

Yuji  UEDA  Yasuji  KANNO  Takashi  MATSUISHI 《Fisheries Science》2004,70(5):829-838
ABSTRACT:   Age-based population assessment is widely used, but there are cases where information on age or even body length of landed fish is difficult to collect. In the present study, the biomass and fishing mortality of the southern Hokkaido stock of Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus was estimated directly from body weight composition, using weight-based virtual population analysis, from 1994 to 2000. The estimated biomass over 1 kg body weight was 5607 t in 1994 and increased to 7908 t in 2000. The increase was explained by an increase in recruitment.  相似文献   

Decadal changes in northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) diet were examined based on the stomach contents data collected off the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan from January to April, 1953–1988. Seventeen families of fish and seven families of squid were identified from the stomach contents. Dominant prey species in terms of percentage of occurrence and wet weight were Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanostictus), chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), and myctophid fishes. Demersal fishes, sparkling enope squid (Watasenia scintillans), and oceanic squids were also preyed on at low incidences. Decadal‐scale diet composition of northern fur seals revealed shifts in the significance of Japanese sardine and chub mackerel in parallel with the decadal alternation in the dominance of these species within the pelagic fish community off the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan. These results suggest that northern fur seals can use a variety of prey resources in this wintering area by switching the diet according to the distribution and abundance of prey species.  相似文献   

Aerial and land-based sighting surveys were conducted to clarify the distribution of Steller sea lions during winter in the northern Sea of Japan, along the west coast of Hokkaido, from 2001 to 2003. Aerial surveys revealed that sea lions gathered around the Rishiri-Rebun Islands in March 2002 and 2003, and between Iwanai and Cape Obana in February 2003. Higher numbers of sea lions were also confirmed at Cape Ofuyu and Cape Kamui on the central-west coast compared to that at the haul-out sites in the 1980s on the upper-west coast in March 2002 and 2003. Additionally, fisherman observed sea lions along the coast of the Tsugaru Strait from February to May 2003, where the presence of sea lions was not reported in the 1980s. These facts suggest that sea lions have recently expanded their distribution southward. Land-based surveys at the recent haul-out sites indicated that sea lions in the central-west coast were composed mainly of adult and subadult males (average: Cape Ofuyu 75.2%, Cape Kamui 69.5%), which stayed from November 2002 to May 2003. In this area, sea lions arrived earlier and stayed longer than in the 1980s.  相似文献   

We examined interdecadal variations in potential fishing grounds for the Pacific saury, Cololabis saira, off the southeastern coast of Hokkaido, Japan, for the early fishing season of August–September. We applied linear trend analysis to a time series of several oceanographic variables for 1993–2014. Trends in the appearance frequency of sea surface temperatures (SST) of 12–18 °C during August–September indicated an interdecadal reduction in the potential fishing area off the Hokkaido coast. There were localized significant increases of both SST and the sea level anomaly along the Kuril–Kamchatka Trench off the Hokkaido coast. The localized trends coincided with decadal decreases of satellite‐based chlorophyll concentrations after 2002. Analysis of mesoscale eddies revealed that the localized trends were related to clockwise (counterclockwise) eddies that appeared more frequently (less frequently) near the trench in recent years. Moreover, the Oyashio transport on the slope between the coast and the trench decreased significantly and completely disappeared in some recent summers. Interactions between the Oyashio and mesoscale eddies resulted in an interdecadal shift in the cold‐water intrusion along the main stream of the Oyashio from the along‐slope direction to the offshore direction in the upstream region of the Hokkaido coast, and large areas of favorable potential fishing grounds near the Hokkaido coast have disappeared in recent years.  相似文献   

In this study, the feasibility of identification and abundance estimation of isada krill, Euphausia pacifica , was examined using a two-frequency (38 and 120 kHz) method. The acoustic survey and midwater trawling were conducted off the Sanriku coast, northern part of Honshu, Japan. In one pattern, the SV difference between the two frequencies was large, and in the other, the SV difference was small. These results were interpreted by scattering models, and showed that discrimination between isada krill and walleye pollock was possible.  相似文献   

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