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利用中国健康与营养调查数据库,计算中国农村家庭的贫困脆弱性。基于可持续生计分析框架,对贫困脆弱性的影响因素进行机理分析。实证结果表明,户主年龄与贫困脆弱性呈二次曲线关系,并且开口方向向上;户主性别、婚姻状况、婚礼支出与贫困脆弱性负相关,但不显著;户主受教育程度、健康、医疗保险比例、劳动力比例、资产、耕地面积、户人均净收入与贫困脆弱性显著负相关;家庭规模与贫困脆弱性显著正相关。  相似文献   

发展中国家农村贫困问题北京农学院胡锡骥尽管二战后世界经济取得了长足的进步,人均收入和食品占有量均超过战前,然而,由于人口迅速和绝对地增加,收入分配的严重不均,世界贫困问题仍广泛地存在,尤其是在发展中国家的农村。最近,FAO在一份对发展中国家农村经济进...  相似文献   

贫困的衡量标准有相对标准和绝对标准,目前普遍认可的是绝对标准。我国的扶贫应该坚持政府与市场相结合,改变收入分配体制,充分调动贫困地区干部群众脱贫工作的积极性,尽快实现消除贫困的目标。  相似文献   

中国经济增长中的农村贫困问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
经济增长是贫困率下降的主要推动力。但进入新世纪以来,我国减贫的速度和效果出现明显递减的趋势,扶贫成本大幅度上升,贫困存在形式出现了明显不同于过去的新特点。本文提出了加快工业化和城镇化发展步伐;以工业化的生产方式来组织农业生产;加快调整贫困地区经济结构,积极推进农业产业化经营;建立多元化扶贫机制,积极推动全社会各种力量参与扶贫;把贫困地区妇女的扶贫作为重点;积极采用和推广新型的扶贫模式;建立和完善农村社会保障体系等对策与措施,以此达到消除贫困和实现全面建设小康社会的目标。  相似文献   

关注农村教育解决长期贫困   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国的农村贫困成因及脱贫问题,通常的看法,一般将农村贫困归结为收入贫困问题,解决的对策也仅仅是关注增加农村人口的收入.经过大规模农村扶贫开发的过程后,农村中仍然存在大量的长期贫困人口,对于他们长期贫困的原因就不能只看到收入的缺乏,而应关注深层的原因,即农村人口的权利缺失而导致的基本能力缺乏.这对于我国从社会公共政策和社会经济、政治制度上消除农村长期贫困特别重要.  相似文献   

解决“三农”问题实质上是解决农村贫困问题。而解决农村贫困问题,就是要认清贫困农村现状以及贫困产生的原因。本文在分析了我国农村贫困现状及原因之后提出了绿色扶贫、科技扶贫、人才扶贫、开发式扶贫和政策扶贫的反贫困策略。  相似文献   

农村贫困问题及其发展趋势农业部国际合作司吴天锡一、贫困阻碍人类进步贫困是一个相对的概念,在不同的时代和不同地区,有着不同的标准。在当今社会经济条件下,依靠自家劳动能力谋生,而不能维持基本生活水准的,称为贫困。基本生活水准的衡量,以维持个人基本生活(指...  相似文献   

中国贫困农村如何实行可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国贫困农村如何实行可持续发展中国国际工程咨询公司雷锡禄中国大多数贫困人口集中连片分布在18个贫困山区。按地域分,我国“八七”扶贫攻坚计划中的全国贫困人口8000多万人,中西部地区占768%,东部地区占232%。贫困发生率(贫困人口占总人口的百...  相似文献   

当今社会,信息是重要的战略资源和财富,农村信息资源的匮乏直接导致了农村的信息贫困。信息贫困成为制约农村经济发展的重要因素,应积极宣传,加大投资力度、加强农村基础设施建设、为农民获取信息提供物质保障和信息渠道,通过农业科学技术信息的推广和应用,不断提高农民信息素养。  相似文献   

Two phenomena in the history of China's economic growth during the last four decades are the increase in the share of offfarm employment and the progress in poverty alleviation in rural China. Although both of them have been well documented in the literature, less is known about the linkage between the two. To better understand the role that off-farm employment has played in poverty alleviation in rural China is critically important not only for China but also for those countries that are trying to reduce poverty. Here, we examine the impact of off-farm employment on poverty alleviation in rural China. Using the data from two nationally representative household panel surveys(China National Rural Survey and China Rural Development Survey), this paper provides supporting evidence that off-farm employment contributes to poverty alleviation in rural China. Specifically, if household participation in off-farm employment increases by 10 percentage points, the likelihood for a nonpoor household to fall into poverty will decrease by 0.88 percentage point whereas the likelihood for a poor household to climb out of poverty will increase by 3.5 percentage points. In a word, off-employment can not only prevent rural residents to fall into poverty but also help those already in poverty climb out of it.  相似文献   

结合广东省农村贫困实际,总结了广东农村贫困分布的分散化趋势,归纳了广东农村贫困的6种具体类型及其表现特点,并对致贫原因进行了分析.  相似文献   

A large body of empirical literature showed that the adoption of agricultural technologies reduces poverty. However, dominants of those studies so far used one-dimensional income or expenditure-based measures of poverty which may not reflect other types of deprivations. Therefore, the major objective of this study is to examine the impact of adopting climate-smart agricultural technology, which refers to a joint application of row planting methods and the use of chemical fertilizers, on the multidimensional poverty status of rural households in Ethiopia. To estimate the impact of the stated technologies, this study employs propensity score matching and endogenous switching regression methods. To measure the multidimensional poverty index, the study also uses the Alkire and Foster counting approach. Using the Ethiopian Socioeconomic Survey(ESS), collected in 2015-Wave 3, the results of the study show that the adoption of these technologies reduces deprivation score and one of its component, the standard of living part. Regionally, a high reduction in deprivation is observed in Amhara and Oromiya regions. The results also show that the impact is significantly higher in severely deprived households. It is also observed that the reduction in multidimensional poverty due to the technology is through an increase in income/consumption via improvement in production gain. The impact channels more through the non-food expenditure pathway. Finally, this study also sheds light on the effects that technology adoption has on multidimensional poverty reduction.  相似文献   

旅游精准扶贫助推贫困地区乡村振兴的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
贫困地区精准脱贫是乡村振兴的重点难点和优先任务,旅游扶贫已经成为我国贫困地区乡村振兴的重要方式。推动旅游精准扶贫与乡村振兴的有机衔接,是实现贫困地区乡村振兴的有效途径。本文立足文献述评、调研认知与研究思考,探讨旅游精准扶贫在贫困地区乡村振兴中的主要作用、现实问题和推进途径。研究表明,旅游精准扶贫可以促进贫困地区乡村振兴已成为各方共识,同时也面临利益分配机制不合理、内生增长乏力、生态环境制约等诸多挑战,乡村旅游扶贫需精准识别发展乡村旅游所具备的资源、区位、市场等条件和可行性,将乡村振兴战略的思想和原则融入具体的旅游精准扶贫计划与行动之中。具体需要准确把握好适宜区域、实施主体、主导产业、资金来源和保障机制,创新乡村旅游扶贫的商业模式、聚合乡村旅游扶贫的智力资源、夯实乡村旅游扶贫的文化底蕴、坚守乡村旅游扶贫的绿色发展底线、优化乡村旅游扶贫管理和组织机制,进而从产业振兴、人才振兴、文化振兴、生态振兴和组织振兴等五个方面全方位精准有效地助推乡村振兴。  相似文献   

Social security has, as one of its primary aims, the provision of financial support to those deemed to be poor or facing the threat of poverty. Based on China's national statistical data covering social insurance, social assistance, and social welfare between the period 1978–2018, this paper evaluates the effect of social security expenditure in reducing income inequality and rural poverty with cointegration analysis. It was found that there is a positive correlation between social security expenditure and the income gap of urban and rural residents in the long run, but the effect is very limited; nearly 99% of the changes of the urban–rural income gap come from its own contributions. Further research also shows that the elasticity of rural poverty incidence to social security expenditure is –0.2255, which indicates social security expenditure helps reduce rural absolute poverty. Based on these findings, the policy implications can be that much social security expenditure and a more equitable social security system should be encouraged. It will become one of the major anti-poverty strategies after 2020 in China when we win the battle against absolute poverty.  相似文献   

This paper focused on the intergenerational transmission of poverty in rural China by estimating the intergenerational transmission of earnings and stated its mechanism from the perspective of human capital investment before children participated in the labor market. The data used in this study were longitude data collected in 2 000 households of 100 villages among 25 counties across five provinces in 2005, 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2019. Qualitative and quantitative methods were adopted. We found a significant intergenerational transmission of earnings in rural China, especially for the pairs of father–children and parents–children. The intergenerational earnings' elasticities were much less than those in urban areas, which indicated better social mobility in rural areas than that in urban China. The children with parents who could earn much were more likely to be invested before they participated in the labor market, gain a high education and have more skills. Three cases further showed that the mechanism of human capital investment in children breaking the intergenerational transmission of poverty and promoting social mobility.  相似文献   

农村金融扶贫突破了传统的经济扶贫模式,在农村扶贫工作中作用显著,并且政府扶贫资金可以通过金融扶贫方式实现效用最大化。基于2016年黑龙江省28个贫困县的农村金融扶贫相关数据,通过因子分析法,研究现阶段黑龙江省贫困地区农村金融扶贫水平。结果表明,农村金融扶贫效率、农村内生性金融资源、农村金融扶贫规模对全部影响因素的累计解释程度为94.50%,是影响黑龙江省农村金融扶贫水平的主要因素。而黑龙江省农村金融扶贫水平相对较高的贫困县占比为10.71%,相对较低的贫困县占比为67.86%,各个贫困县之间的农村金融扶贫水平存在明显差距,并且多数贫困县的农村金融扶贫水平相对较低。为充分发挥黑龙江省农村金融在扶贫工作中的作用,提高农村金融扶贫水平,本文结合相关理论及研究结果,从农村金融扶贫对象、贫困人口的还款能力、农村金融扶贫的覆盖面、农村信贷风险管理、农村金融扶贫监管5个方面进行完善,以期提高黑龙江省农村金融扶贫水平。  相似文献   

西南地区贫困乡村地域类型划分及减贫对策研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以国务院扶贫开发领导小组2012年最新确定的国家扶贫重点县名单中涉及西南地区(重庆、四川、云南、贵州、广西)的267个贫困县为研究对象,利用Arc GIS空间分析软件和SPSS统计分析软件,将西南地区贫困县空间数据与属性数据进行叠加分析,揭示西南地区贫困乡村的空间分异特征。通过高程、坡度、人均GDP、少数民族占比、距省府距离等因素的分级和聚类分析,划分西南地区贫困乡村地域类型,针对各类贫困乡村的关键致贫因子,提出减贫脱贫措施。结果表明:1)西南地区贫困乡村的分异表现为:地势较低,坡度相对较缓的地区,贫困的发生率及贫困乡村的密度相对较低;而地势较高、坡度变化较大的地区,贫困县的分布较为集中;少数民族比重较高、距省府较远的区域,贫困的发生率及贫困乡村分布越广泛;2)通过综合聚类分析,西南地区贫困乡村共划分成九类;3)针对九类贫困乡村的关键致贫因子提出相应减贫对策:深化三产融合发展,进一步加强区域特色产业发展,并延长产业链;促进生态、经济、社会文化互动共进与协调发展;加强基础设施与公共服务设施建设,缩短贫困乡村与经济中心时间距离和经济距离,改善其通达状况。  相似文献   

新时代背景下的稳定脱贫和乡村振兴,具有目标的统一性和措施的互补性,实现二者有机衔接意义重大。本文基于贫困治理的历程与特征梳理,结合苏北地区的实地调研,分析稳定脱贫与乡村振兴有机衔接理论上的逻辑基础与实践上的认知偏差,探讨促进稳定脱贫与乡村振兴有机衔接的政策着力点。研究表明,改革开放以来,我国贫困治理依据瞄准对象经历了救济式扶贫、开发式扶贫、产业扶贫和精准扶贫四个阶段,显示出贫困治理方式从"输血式救济"到"造血式开发"转变、扶贫瞄准对象遵循"区域—县—村—户"的顺次由"面"及"点"演变、贫困治理目标由"解决温饱"到"两不愁,三保障"的"民生改善"转变三个特征。当前,稳定脱贫与乡村振兴相衔接应该遵循以乡村产业为接口,以乡土农民为主体,以乡村创业为手段的内在逻辑。苏北地区在脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴有机结合做了大量的工作,并探索出一些积极做法。但是,稳定脱贫与乡村振兴有机衔接的实践仍然存在一些认知偏差,表现为以传统工业化思维发展乡村产业,忽视彰显乡村特色;以传统城市化思维实现农民市民化,忽视农民主体地位;以传统城乡二元思维解决农民就业问题,忽视农民创业能力。因此,需要以农业为基础衍生新业态,以农民为主体提升新能力,以创业为手段积蓄新动能,才能实现稳定脱贫与乡村振兴,推动农村经济持续发展。  相似文献   

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