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Sequestration of soil organic carbon (SOC) is an important strategy to improve soil quality and to mitigate climate change. To investigate changes in SOC under conservation agriculture (CA), we measured SOC concentrations after seven years of rice (Oryza sativa L.)–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotations in the eastern Indo‐Gangetic Plains (IGP) of India under various combinations of tillage and crop establishment methods. The six treatments were as follows: conventional till transplanted rice followed by conventional till wheat (CTR‐CTW), CTR followed by zero‐till wheat (CTR‐ZTW), ZT direct‐seeded rice followed by CTW (ZTDSR‐CTW), ZTDSR followed by ZT wheat both on permanent raised beds with residue (PBDSR‐PBW+R), and ZTDSR followed by ZTW both with (ZTDSR‐ZTW+R) and without residues (ZTDSR‐ZTW). We hypothesized that CA systems (i.e. ZT with residue retention) would sequester more carbon (C) than CT. After seven years, ZTDSR‐ZTW+R and PBDSR‐PBW+R increased SOC at 0–0.6 m depth by 4.7 and 3.0 t C/ha, respectively, whereas the CTR‐CTW system resulted in a decrease in SOC of 0.9 t C/ha. Over the same soil depth, ZT without residue retention (ZTDSR‐ZTW) only increased SOC by 1.1 t C/ha. There was no increase in SOC where ZT in either rice or wheat was followed by CT in the next crop (i.e. CTR‐ZTW and ZTDSR‐CTW), most likely because the benefit of ZT is lost when followed by tillage. Tillage and crop establishment methods had no significant effect on the SOC stock below the 0.15‐m soil layer. Over the seven years, the total carbon input from above‐ground residues was ca. 14.5 t/ha in ZTDSR‐ZTW+R and PBDSR‐PBW+R, almost sixfold greater than in the other systems. Our findings suggest that the increased biomass production achieved through a combination of ZT and partial residue retention offers an opportunity to increase SOC whilst allowing residues to be used for other purposes.  相似文献   

Continuous conventional tillage can cause serious soil degradation in rain‐fed agriculture, which reduces crop productivity. Adopting suitable tillage practices is very important for improving the soil and increasing crop productivity. Between 2007 and 2010, a 3‐year field study was conducted in semi‐arid areas of southern Ningxia, China, to determine the effects of rotational tillage practices on bulk density, soil aggregate, organic carbon concentration and crop yields. Three tillage treatments were tested: no‐tillage the first and third year and subsoiling the second year (NT/ST/NT); subsoiling the first and third year and no‐tillage the second year (ST/NT/ST); and conventional tillage each year (CT). A conventional tillage treatment was used as the control. Under the rotational tillage treatments, the mean soil bulk density at a depth of 0–60 cm was significantly (P < 0.05) decreased by 4.9% compared with CT, and with the best effect under ST/NT/ST. The soil organic carbon (SOC) concentration and aggregate size fractions and stability at 0–40 cm depth were significantly (P < 0.05) increased in rotational tillage treatments when compared with the conventional tillage, and the ST/NT/ST treatment produced the highest increases. Significant differences were detected in the SOC concentration in 2 to 0.25–mm size fractions at 0–30 cm depth between rotational tillage treatments and conventional tillage. Biomass and grain yield with the rotational tillage practices were significantly positively influenced over 3 years, and ST/NT/ST produced the highest average crop yields among the three treatments. Therefore, it was concluded that the application of rotational tillage with subsoiling every 2 years and no‐tillage every other year (ST/NT/ST) should be of benefit in promoting the development of dryland farming in semi‐arid areas of northwest China.  相似文献   

为了揭示耕作措施对东北玉米田土壤物理性质的影响,本研究进行了连续4年的田间定位试验,探明了深松(ST)、免耕(NT)以及传统耕作(CT)对东北玉米田土壤物理指标(土壤容重、土壤三相比、土壤结构指数以及颗粒组成)的影响。结果表明:与传统耕作相比,深松处理能够显著降低0~20 cm土层的土壤容重(P<0.05),下层土壤(20~40 cm)各处理间差异不显著,其中免耕处理土壤容重最大;同时,深松处理降低了0~40 cm土层的土壤固相比例,显著增加气相比例(P<0.05),而免耕处理增加了下层土壤(20~40 cm)的固相比例,降低了液相比例;深松处理可以显著提高下层土壤的结构指数,平均增加28.3%(P<0.05),另外,深松处理的土壤三相结构距离为15.0,显著低于其他两个处理(18.4和17.7)(P<0.05),使得耕层土壤物理结构更加接近理想状态,免耕与常规耕作处理间的差异不显著;深松可以增加0.002~0.2 mm粒级的比例,0~40 cm土层中土壤颗粒0.002~0.2 mm等级中所占比例大小依次为深松>免耕>传统耕作。种植玉米后,深松耕作措...  相似文献   

【目的】干旱缺水是陕西渭北旱塬粮食生产的主要矛盾。该区长期采用单一土壤耕作方法,造成土壤质地紧实,蓄水纳墒和提供营养的能力变差,直接影响粮食作物产量的提高。本文通过多年不同轮耕方式定位试验研究,旨在探讨免耕/深松、深松/翻耕和翻耕/免耕3种土壤轮耕模式对旱地冬小麦春玉米轮作田土壤理化性状和作物产量的影响。【方法】以平衡施肥(每公顷基施N 150 kg、P2O5 120 kg和K2O 90 kg)为主处理,免耕、深松和翻耕3种耕作方式组成免耕/深松、深松/翻耕和翻耕/免耕3种土壤轮耕模式为副处理,以连年免耕、连年深松和连年翻耕为对照,进行为期连续 4 年(2007~2011年)的土壤轮耕结合平衡施肥定位试验,详细探讨了不同土壤处理模式对土壤的理化性状和作物产量的影响。【结果】在四年试验中,免耕/深松、深松/翻耕和翻耕/免耕模式下的040 cm土壤容重较连年免耕分别降低4.50%、6.45%和3.57%,深松/翻耕较连年深松无差异,而较连年翻耕降低1.78%。深松/翻耕较对照组040 cm土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、碱解氮和速效钾分别增加0.27%~15.60%、3.14%~8.61%、3.76%~24.32%、15.62%~25.17%、10.90%~14.43%、8.61%~15.53%,翻耕/免耕较连年翻耕仅有机质、全氮、碱解氮和速效钾含量提高。各处理的040 cm土壤0.25 mm水稳性团聚体含量依次为连免免/深连深深/翻翻/免连翻,连免显著高于(P0.05)其他处理1.1~2.5倍。冬小麦和春玉米籽粒产量有3年表现为深松/翻耕>免耕/深松>翻耕/免耕,2009年在免耕/深松轮耕模式下春玉米产量显著高于深松/翻耕模式。其余免耕/深松较连年免耕增产12.05%(P0.05),深松/翻耕较连年免耕增产18.15%(P0.05)、较连年深松增产4.55%(P0.05),较连年翻耕增产11.22%(P0.05),比免耕/深松和翻耕/免耕分别增产5.44%(P0.05)和14.57%(P0.05);而翻耕/免耕则在各方面的效应下降,增产效果降低,较连年翻耕减产2.92%(P0.05)。总之,以免耕/深松和深松/翻耕轮耕模式可创造良好的土壤耕层结构,增加水稳性团聚体,降低耕层及耕层以下土壤容重,提高土壤养分,促进作物生长发育。其中以深松/翻耕轮耕模式的效果较为明显,增产效果更突出。【结论】在渭北旱塬干旱少雨的生态环境下,深松/翻耕土壤耕作模式可以显著改善土壤的理化性状,提高土壤水性团聚体,降低土壤容重,释放土壤养分,从而提高作物产量,是陕西省渭北旱塬及类似地区冬小麦、春玉米一年一熟制作物轮作模式最佳的土壤轮耕模式,其次是免耕/深松轮耕模式。  相似文献   

麦稻轮作下耕作模式对土壤理化性质和作物产量的影响   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
为了探明不同耕作模式对土壤理化性质和作物产量的影响,采用田间定位试验方法,于2007-2010连续4a在麦稻轮作制下开展了本试验研究。结果表明,免耕提高了耕层土壤体积质量,降低了土壤含水率。但是免耕土壤表层(0~10cm)的体积质量仍在作物适宜生长的范围内,并未对作物的生长产生不利影响。免耕促进了土壤有机质和全氮在表层土壤的富集。0~10cm土层有机质和全氮含量比翻耕处理显著增加,而>10~20cm土层上述养分含量明显低于翻耕处理。小麦季免耕土壤的碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量的变化趋势与有机质和全氮含量相似,而水稻季免耕处理整个耕层土壤碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量均低于翻耕处理。免耕显著的提高了小麦产量,但降低了水稻产量,起主要作用的产量构成因素是小麦和水稻的有效穗数。整个轮作周期的作物产量以小麦免耕水稻翻耕模式的产量较高,比小麦翻耕水稻免耕模式产量增加了5.70%。  相似文献   

Saline sodic soil with a high content of soluble carbonates is one of the important agricultural soils on the Central Indo‐Gangetic plains and elsewhere. Conventional reclamation procedures using gypsum application followed by vertical leaching (GC) is uneconomic; high ECe and precipitation of applied gypsum, reacting with soluble carbonates, reduce the efficacy of gypsum in these soils. This paper reports results from a project designed to evaluate reclamation by irrigation of the ploughed soil and turning of soil with a power tiller followed by flushing of standing water after 24 h, a second flushing after 7 days and subsequent application of gypsum and vertical leaching (GF2). Average rice and wheat production after GF2 significantly increased (25 and 62%, respectively) over the conventional practice. Compared with conventional treatment, GF2 significantly reduced the ECe and SAR of the soil and improved physical properties such as ζ‐potential, dispersible clay content, water stable aggregates expressed as MWD, and saturated hydraulic conductivity. Split application of gypsum between flushing (GF1/2 and GF2/3) gave similar results to GF2 in terms of soil amelioration and crop production.  相似文献   

Many farmers in southeast Asia are growing rice on unpuddled soil. This practice does not permit breaking of the deadlock of increase in productivity in spite of using high yielding varieties and practising all known scientific technologies. Furthermore, farmers do dry seeding which leads to heavy infestation of weeds and reduces response to other inputs. Similarly, in rice–wheat belt due to short turn around time farmers resort to broadcast sowing of wheat after rice and no data on benefits or otherwise of tillage are available. A field study was therefore conducted for 3 years (1993–1994 to 1995–1996) at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to study the effect of tillage and seeding methods in rice–wheat cropping system. Treatments included four combinations of two puddling treatments (puddling and no puddling) and two methods of rice seeding (direct seeding and transplanting) in rice and two tillage treatments (zero and conventional tillage) in wheat. Results indicated that puddling increased grain yield of rice by 0.7–1 t ha−1 and of succeeding wheat by 0.2–0.4 t ha−1, straw yield of rice by 0.8–1.7 t ha−1 and of succeeding wheat by 0.1–1.0 t ha−1.

Puddling reduced water requirement of rice by 75 mm ha and increased net return of rice–wheat system by US $175 ha−1. Transplanted rice gave significantly higher grain and straw yields and net returns than direct seeded rice both on puddled and unpuddled seedbed. Conventional tillage in wheat also increased productivity of rice–wheat cropping system significantly over zero tillage after both puddled and non-puddled rice. Our results thus show that rice should be grown on puddled soil and wheat after rice should be sown after conventional tillage.  相似文献   

为了探讨不同覆盖耕作方式对农田土壤物理性状及作物产量的影响,该试验研究了免耕、常规2种耕作方式和4种留茬高度的玉米秸秆还田处理,对麦-玉两熟农田土壤含水率、容重、孔隙度以及作物产量的影响。结果表明:在0~40cm土层内,秸秆还田的集雨和保水效果显著,免耕留茬0.5m还田处理的含水率比免耕无覆盖处理增加了15.95%。秸秆还田量对0~40cm内土壤贮水量的影响不同。耕作措施显著影响了土壤容重,小麦播种前常规留茬1m还田、常规全量还田处理容重低至1.0g/cm3左右。秸秆还田能增加土壤总孔隙度、降低毛管与非毛管孔隙度的比值。单一免耕处理降低了作物产量,而免耕覆盖能增产,其留茬1m还田处理比无还田处理增产22.44%,比常规留茬0.5m还田处理高3.64%。因此,免耕留茬1m还田处理在改善农田土壤物理性状和增加作物产量方面显著,该研究可为农田管理过程中耕作措施和秸秆还田量的选择提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The large dryland area of the Loess Plateau (China) is subject of developing strategies for a sustainable crop production, e.g., by modifications of nutrient management affecting soil quality and crop productivity. A 19 y long‐term experiment was employed to evaluate the effects of fertilization regimes on soil organic C (SOC) dynamics, soil physical properties, and wheat yield. The SOC content in the top 20 cm soil layer remained unchanged over time under the unfertilized plot (CK), whereas it significantly increased under both inorganic N, P, and K fertilizers (NPK) and combined manure (M) with NPK (MNPK) treatments. After 18 y, the SOC in the MNPK and NPK treatments remained significantly higher than in the control in the top 20 cm and top 10 cm soil layers, respectively. The MNPK‐treated soil retained significant more water than CK at tension ranges from 0 to 0.25 kPa and from 8 to 33 kPa for the 0–5 cm layer. The MNPK‐treated soil also retained markedly more water than the NPK‐treated and CK soils at tensions from 0 to 0.75 kPa and more water than CK from 100 to 300 kPa for the 10–15 cm layer. There were no significant differences of saturated hydraulic conductivity between three treatments both at 0–5 and 10–15 cm depths. In contrast, the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in the MNPK plot was lower than in the CK plot at depths of 0–5 cm and 10–15 cm. On average, wheat yields were similar under MNPK and NPK treatments and significantly higher than under the CK treatment. Thus, considering soil‐quality conservation and sustainable crop productivity, reasonably combined application of NPK and organic manure is a better nutrient‐management option in this rainfed wheat–fallow cropping system.  相似文献   

Soil puddling in advance of rice (Oryza sativa L.) transplanting disperses surface aggregates and generates compaction at depth. As a management scheme for rice, puddling is typically considered advantageous for maximizing resource availability and yield. However, some experimental findings suggest a conflict between edaphic conditions created by this establishment technique and the performance of subsequent non-rice crops like wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). At a site in the mid-hills region of Nepal on a silt loam soil with vertic characteristics, we compared the impact of six rice tillage (surface tillage—T1, shank subsoiler—T2, shank subsoiler + moldboard plough—T3) and establishment (soil puddling + transplanting—TPR, direct seeding—DSR) combinations on soil physical properties over two cycles of the rice–wheat rotation. For the rice season, 0–20 cm saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) in the DSR plots was 2.6 and 4.3 times higher than their TPR counterparts in the first (Y1) and second (Y2) years, respectively (TPR-Y1 = 93 mm day−1, DSR-Y1 = 241 mm day−1, TPR-Y2 = 133 mm day−1, DSR-Y2 = 582 mm day−1), whereas tillage method did not significantly influence Ksat in this soil layer. The impact of rice establishment method was reflected in higher TPR bulk densities in the 5–10 (DSR = 1.19 g cm−3, TPR = 1.24 g cm−3) and 10–15 cm (DSR = 1.24 g cm−3, TPR = 1.29 g cm−3) depth increments in the wet season. Although none of the treatments significantly influenced the position or thickness of the plough sole, penetration resistance profiles suggest that vertical fractures with reduced soil strength were created within the pan region by deep tillage (T2 and T3), although these features were not associated with higher hydraulic conductivities from 20 to 50 cm. As the soils dried at the end of the rice season, crack propagation in the deep tilled plots (T2 and T3) was more pervasive. During the wheat season, comparable bulk density profiles and soil moisture retention characteristics across the treatments suggest that many of the edaphic changes induced by contrasting rice tillage and establishment practices did not persist in the self-mulching, vertic soils at our site. Conversely, significant increases in Ksat among the DSR plots from Y1 to Y2 (Y1 = 241 mm day−1, Y2 = 582 mm day−1) imply a temporal element to soil structural regeneration with adoption of direct seeding.  相似文献   

耕深对土壤物理性质及小麦-玉米产量的影响   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
为了解不同犁底层破除程度对黄淮海平原农田土壤蓄水保墒、穿透阻力动态变化及作物产量的影响,在山东德州试验基地以冬小麦-夏玉米轮作农田为研究对象,设置4个犁底层厚度处理,分别为犁底层不破除(RT15)、犁底层破除1/3(DL20)、犁底层破除2/3(DL25)和犁底层完全破除(DL40)。结果表明:1)完全或者部分破除犁底层均能够显著降低10~30 cm土层容重和穿透阻力,各处理降低幅度具体表现为DL40DL25DL20RT15。2)DL20、DL25和DL40处理有利于增加降水或灌溉后水分入渗,冬小麦苗期20~70 cm土壤平均含水率分别较RT15处理提高5.3%、15.9%和23.6%,且冬小麦季耗水量分别较RT15处理提高4.9%、10.2%和11.6%;DL20、DL25和DL40处理夏玉米苗期20~70 cm土壤平均含水率分别较RT15处理提高7.7%、14.2%和15.8%,但夏玉米季耗水量分别较RT15处理降低5.8%、7.6%和10.5%。3)冬小麦季0~15和15~30 cm土层穿透阻力均表现为双峰型,且2土层受冻融作用影响各处理在越冬期达到穿透阻力峰值1 489.2~2 128.1和1 925.4~4 423.7 kPa;30~45 cm土层各处理穿透阻力变化规律在两季作物生长后期差异较大,冬小麦生长后期表现为DL40DL25DL20RT155,而夏玉米后期表现为DL40DL25DL20RT15。4)相对完全打破犁底层,部分打破犁底层更有利于提高水分利用效率,显著增加作物产量,DL25处理冬小麦和夏玉米产量分别较DL40处理增加4.2%和2.4%。综合考虑,DL25是目前相对较好的犁底层改良方式,此时犁底层厚度适当,既可节省农机能耗,又可兼有透水、增产效能。  相似文献   

Effects of six slope lengths, 60 m to 10 m with 10-m increments, on soil physical properties were evaluated for plough-based conventional till and no-till seedbed preparation on field runoff plots for three consecutive years from 1984 to 1987. Soil physical properties measured included texture, bulk density, infiltration capacity, and soil moisture retention characteristics. Conventional till treatment caused a rapid increase in soil bulk density and penetration resistance, and decrease in available water capacity and equilibrium infiltration rate. Gravel content increased with cultivation duration. Soil bulk density of 0–5 cm depth was 1·20 Mg m−3 for 1984, 1·39 Mg m−3 for 1985 and 1·46 Mg m−3 for 1986 for conventional till; and 1·13 Mg m−3 for 1984, 1·33 Mg m−3 for 1985, and 1·27 Mg m−3 for 1986 for the no-till treatment. The penetration resistance of the no-till treatment was relatively low and increased with cultivation duration. Mean penetration resistance for 0–5 cm depth was 2·2 kg cm−2 in 1984, 2·71 kg cm−2 in 1985, and 3·79 kg cm−2 in 1986. The available water capacity decreased in both tillage methods without any consistent trends with regard to slope length. The equilibrium infiltration rate declined drastically for long slopes and conventional till methods. The data support the conclusion that these soils should be managed with short slope lengths and a no-till method of seedbed preparation. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

西北旱作农田不同耕作模式对土壤性状及小麦产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
【目的】在雨养农业区,旱作区因连年翻耕而引起严重的土壤质量退化,使作物生产力下降,需定期改变其耕作方式。免耕深松隔年轮耕可以降低土壤容重,增加耕层土壤团聚体和有机碳氮的含量,增强土壤蓄水保墒能力,对改善土壤性状和提高作物产量具有重要意义。【方法】本研究于2007~2010年在宁夏南部半旱区进行了两年免耕一年深松 (NT/ST/NT)、两年深松一年免耕 (ST/NT/ST)、连年翻耕 (CT) 3种耕作模式试验,研究了其对耕层土壤容重、团聚体、土壤有机碳氮含量、土壤水分及作物产量的影响。【结果】3年耕作处理后,与连年翻耕相比,NT/ST/NT、ST/NT/ST处理0—20 cm层土壤容重分别降低了4.4%和7.3%,20—40 cm土层分别降低2.1%和5.7%,40—60 cm土层分别降低4.1%和5.5%;土壤孔隙度0—20 cm土层分别提高了4.1%和6.8%,20—40 cm土层提高了2.1%和4.3%,40—60 cm土层提高了5.5%和5.7%。0—20 cm土层,NT/ST/NT处理0.25~2 mm机械稳定性团聚体含量平均较CT处理提高了12.4%,ST/NT/ST处理 > 2 mm机械稳定性团聚体含量较CT处理平均提高了42.0%;20—40 cm土层,NT/ST/NT、ST/NT/ST处理 > 2 mm团聚体含量较CT处理平均分别提高了44.3%和50.4%。两种轮耕模式使0—40 cm土层土壤团聚体平均重量直径分别显著高于CT处理21.8%和22.5%,几何平均直径分别高于CT处理9.6%和9.5%。三个处理耕层土壤有机碳氮含量均比试验前有不同程度的增加,轮耕处理0—30 cm土层0.25~2 mm粒级有机碳含量和 < 0.25 mm粒级全氮含量显著高于CT,以ST/NT/ST处理效果最佳。NT/ST/NT和ST/NT/ST处理0—10 cm土层0.25~2 mm团聚体有机碳含量较CT处理分别显著提高7.9%和10.2%,10—20 cm土层分别提高19.0%和15.7%,20—30 cm土层分别提高10.6%和13.3%;0—10 cm土层 < 0.25 mm粒级全氮含量显著提高9.4%和10.9%,10—20 cm土层分别提高6.8%和10.2%,20—30 cm土层分别提高7.4%和9.3%。研究期间,NT/ST/NT和ST/NT/ST处理较CT处理可显著提高0—200 cm土壤贮水量,其中以ST/NT/ST处理保蓄土壤水分效果最佳。在小麦生长前期,轮耕处理土壤贮水量均高于连年翻耕,生长后期ST/NT/ST处理土壤水分含量最高,NT/ST/NT处理次之。轮耕处理的小麦生物量和籽粒产量显著高于连年翻耕,其中小麦籽粒产量分别增加9.6%和10.7%。【结论】免耕/深松轮耕可显著改善土壤的物理性状和水分环境,显著增加耕层土壤有机碳氮含量,提高作物的生产力,在宁南旱区有重要的应用前景。  相似文献   

In recent years conventional production technologies in the rice–wheat (RW) system have been leading to deterioration of soil health and declining farm profitability due to high inputs of water and labour. Conservation agriculture (CA)-based resource-conserving technologies (RCTs) vis-à-vis zero-till (ZT), raised-bed planting and direct-seeded rice (DSR) have shown promise as alternatives to conventional production technologies to overcome these problems. The integration of CA-based RCTs with precision agriculture (PA)-based technologies in a systems perspective could provide a better option for sustainable RW production systems. In this study we attempted to evaluate conservation and precision agriculture (CPA)-based RCTs as a double-ZT system integrated with laser-assisted precision land leveling (PLL) in the RW system. A field experiment was conducted in the western IGP for 2 years to evaluate various tillage and crop establishment methods under PLL and traditional land leveling (TLL) practices to improve water productivity, economic profitability and soil physical quality. Irrespective of tillage and crop establishment methods (TCE), PLL improved RW system productivity by 7.4% in year 2 as compared to traditional land leveling. Total irrigation water savings under PLL versus TLL were 12–14% in rice and 10–13% in wheat. PLL improved RW system profitability by US$113 ha−1 (year 1) to $175 ha−1 (year 2). Yields were higher in conventionally transplanted rice followed by direct-drill-seeded rice after ZT. In wheat, yields were higher in ZT when followed by DSR than in the conventional-till (CT) system. RW system productivity under double ZT was equivalent to that of the conventional method. Among different TCE, conventional puddled-transplanted rice-CT wheat required 12–33% more water than other TCE techniques. Compared with CT systems, double ZT consumed 12–20% less water with almost equal system productivity and demonstrated higher water productivity. The CT system had higher bulk density and penetration resistance in 10–15 and 15–20 cm soil layers due to compaction caused by the repeated wet tillage in rice. The steady-state infiltration rate and soil aggregation (>0.25 mm) were higher under permanent beds and double ZT and lower in the CT system. Under CT, soil aggregation was static across seasons, whereas it improved under double no-till and permanent beds. Similarly, mean weight diameter of aggregates was higher under double ZT and permanent beds and increased over time. The study reveals that to sustain the RW system, CPA-based RCTs could be more viable options: however, the long-term effects of these alternative technologies need to be studied under varying agro-ecologies.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of tillage and residue incorporation on soil properties and yields of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in rotation for 4 years on a silty clay loam of an Aquic Hapludoll with natural water table fluctuating between 0.05 and 0.97 m depth The rice experiment was laid out in split plot design with four levels of tillage, viz. conventional puddling (CP), puddling by four passes of rotavator (PR), reduced puddling by two passes of rotavator (ReP), and direct seeding without puddling (DSWP) and two levels of residue, viz. residue incorporation (RI) and residue removal (RR) in four replications. The treatments for wheat were zero tillage (ZT) and conventional tillage (CT) with RI and RR superimposed over the plots of rice. Tillage for rice increased puddling index and bulk density (BD) over the years. The increase was significantly higher in CP and PR than in ReP. In wheat season, BD was higher under ZT than under CT but the differences were not significant. Puddling decreased saturated hydraulic conductivity with time, which became significantly lower in CP and PR in the fourth year than in ReP in the first year. Infiltration rate (IR) also decreased with time and was lowest in CP and PR. In wheat season, IR was at par under ZT and CT. Rice yield in PR was maximum and at par with that in ReP. But wheat yield was lowest in PR and highest in DSWP, and was at par in DSWP and ReP. Thus, rice yields were optimum under ReP, in which changes in soil properties were least, and wheat yields were optimum both under ZT and CT in the DSWP and ReP plots of rice under shallow water table conditions of the silty clay loam.  相似文献   

Soil fertility, one of the important determinants of agricultural productivity, is generally thought to be supplemented through the application of nutrients mainly through inorganic fertilizers. The physical fertility of the soil, which creates suitable environment for the availability and uptake of these nutrients, is generally ignored. The present study aims to characterize the soil physical environment in relation to the long term application of farm yard manure (FYM) and inorganic fertilizers in rice–wheat. The treatments during both rice and wheat crops were (i) farm yard manure @ 20 t ha−1 (FYM); (ii) nitrogen @ 120 kg ha−1 (N120); (iii) nitrogen and phosphorus @ 120 and 30 kg ha−1 (N120P30) and (iv) nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium @ 120, 30 and 30 kg ha−1 (N120P30K30) in addition to (iv) control treatment, i.e. without any fertilizer and/or FYM addition. The treatments were replicated four times in randomized block design in a sandy loam (typic Ustipsament, non-saline, slightly alkaline). Bulk density, structural stability of soil aggregates and water holding capacity of 0–60 cm soil layer were measured.

The average mean weight diameter (MWD) was highest in FYM-plots both in rice (0.237 mm) and wheat (0.249 mm) closely followed by that in N120P30K30 plots. The effect of FYM in increasing the MWD decreased with soil depth. The addition of both FYM and N120P30K30 increased the organic carbon by 44 and 37%, respectively in rice. The total porosity of soil increased with the application of both FYM and N120P30K30 from that in control plots. In 0–15 cm soil layer, the total porosity increased by 25% with FYM from that in control plots. This difference decreased to 13% in 15–30 cm soil layer. The average water holding capacity (WHC) was 16 and 11% higher with FYM and N120P30K30 application from that in control plots. The MWD, total porosity and WHC improved with the application of balanced application of fertilizers. The grain yield and uptake of N, P and K by both rice and wheat were higher with the application of FYM and inorganic fertilizers than in control plots. The carbon sequestration rate after 32 years was maximum (0.31 t ha−1 year−1) in FYM-plots, followed by 0.26 t ha−1 year−1 in N120P30K30-plots, 0.19 t ha−1 year−1 in N120P30 and minimum (0.13 t ha−1 year−1) in N120-plots.  相似文献   

As the land area of short‐rotation coppice (SRC) increases, their soil physical impacts have to be evaluated. The objective of this study was to detect the effects of long‐term SRC with poplar and willow on the vertical distribution of soil physical properties (bulk density, water retention, penetration resistance) and on solute transport patterns. An 18‐year‐old SRC located in northeastern Germany was compared to an adjacent continuous arable cropping system by means of soil sampling, penetrologger measurements and dye tracer experiments. The topsoil's bulk density was significantly lower under SRC than under cropland. This effect was especially pronounced in the uppermost 10 cm, where also the air capacity and the plant‐available water content were higher under SRC. The penetration resistance in 25–50 cm depth was reduced under SRC compared to the cropland, indicating a loosening of the plough pan. Dye tracer experiments showed that the importance of preferential flow was higher under SRC due to tree root channels and an increasing colonisation with invertebrates. SRC has ecologically advantageous effects on soil physical properties of the topsoil, however, combined with an enhanced risk of preferential solute transport upon application of agrochemicals.  相似文献   

Soil quality in rice (Oryza sativa L.)–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping systems is governed primarily by the tillage practices used to fulfill the contrasting soil physical and hydrological requirements of the two crops. The objective of this study was to develop a soil quality index (SQI) based on bulk density (BD), penetration resistance (PR), water stable aggregates (WSA) and soil organic matter (OM) to evaluate this important cropping system on a Vertisol in India. Regression analysis between crop yield and SQI values for various tillage and crop residue management treatments indicated SQI values of 0.84–0.92, 0.88–0.93 and 0.86–0.92 were optimum for rice, wheat and the combined system (rice + wheat), respectively. The maximum yields for rice and wheat were 5806 and 1825 kg ha−1 occurred at SQI values of 0.85 and 0.99, respectively. Using zero tillage (ZT) for wheat had a positive effect on soil quality regardless of the treatments used for rice. Regression analyses to predict sustainability of the various tillage and crop residue treatments showed that as puddling intensity for rice increased, sustainability without returning crop residues decreased from 6 to 1 years. When residue was returned, the time for sustainable productivity increased from 6 to 15 years for direct seeded rice, 5 to 11 years with low-intensity puddling (P1) and 1 to 8 years for high-intensity (P2) puddling. For sustainability and productivity, the best practice for this or similar Vertisols in India would be direct seeding of rice with conventional tillage and residues returned.  相似文献   

带旋和全旋耕作对稻茬小麦生长和土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为明确带旋耕作在稻茬麦区的适用性,该研究于2018-2020年在水稻秸秆切碎匀铺还田条件下,以全旋(full rotary tillage,FRT)耕作为对照,研究了带旋(strip rotary tillage,SRT)耕作对稻茬麦田土壤理化性质、小麦生长和籽粒产量的影响。结果表明,与FRT相比,SRT在土壤偏干状况下大幅提升了0~10 cm土层贮水量,提升幅度为15%~43%,而在土壤偏湿时提升幅度仅为3%~9%。带旋耕作下土壤温度日变化幅度平缓,且在低温条件下有助于提升5和15 cm土层温度。2 a间5~15 cm土层SRT土壤速效氮与速效钾含量较FRT分别增加12%、55%、41%和17%,差异显著(P<0.05),SRT促进了土壤养分在浅层富集。在2019-2020年,SRT较FRT显著增加了幼苗单株次生根数、单株地上部生物量、植株可溶性糖含量和叶片RuBPCase活性(P<0.05),明显提升了幼苗质量,同时2 a间均提高了开花期和乳熟期单茎叶面积、叶片RuBPCase活性以及开花期和成熟期单茎干物质量。2 a间均以SRT产量最高,比FRT分别增产11%和14%,穗粒数比FRT分别增加16%和5%,差异均达显著水平(P<0.05)。综上,带旋耕作下良好的土壤水、热、肥条件有助于幼苗健壮生长,提升了单茎光合生产能力,促进了幼穗发育和穗粒数形成,但带旋耕作出苗率较全旋耕作低了19.3%,未来还需结合其壮苗优势开展农机农艺配套技术研究。  相似文献   

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