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云南特有野生果树资源及其分布特点   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
 云南有各类野生果树资源约500 余种, 其中云南特有的164种, 分属35科54属, 多为热带、亚热带果树和浆果类果树, 形成滇南—滇东南、滇西—滇西北和滇中—滇东北3个特有野生果树集中分布中心。这些果树资源用途广泛, 优异性状明显, 有待深入研究和综合开发利用。  相似文献   

闽南地区热带木本果树引种栽培初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闽南地区是一个介于热带与亚热带之间的过渡区域,既有丰富的光热资源,也存在着冬春季低温和夏秋季台风等因素,独特的自然条件使该区成为亚热带地区进行热带果树引种驯化适应性锻炼及试验推广的理想场所。热带果品具有风味独特,营养和药用价值高的特点,可以补充和丰富国内外市场的四季需求,因而开发利用前景十分广阔。热带木本果树的引种栽培在闽南地区已有很长  相似文献   

福建省主要野生果树资源的开发与利用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
果树资源是发展果树生产、开发综合利用,以及选育新品种的物质基础。除了已开发利用的栽培果树之外,福建还有丰富的野生果树资源。野生果树,有的已经利用并已成为商品的余甘;正在引起重视,并正在开发利用为重要营养保健果品猕猴桃;以及可供砧木或可供杂交育种材料等,和尚待研究开发利用的柑桔属、柿属、蔷薇属、苹果属、悬钩子属、板栗属、葡萄属等野生果树。野生果树,具有各种特点,有些果实可以鲜食,有些可为育种材料,有些果树可为抗性砧木,有些可为医药原料、工业原料和加工原料。本文就我省野生果树资源开发与利用加以探讨,…  相似文献   

果树种质资源的保存   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
果树种质资源是果树遗传育种的原始材料 ,在果树育种中占重要的位置。世界各国都很重视果树种质资源的搜集和保存工作。果树是遗传物质常有变化的异交植物 ,遗传物质复杂 ,通常以嫁接来繁殖 ;其种质资源的保存不同于遗传均一的自交植物。尤其是热带果树 ,均以嫁接方法繁殖 ,其种子大多为难驯化种子[1、2 ] 。最近IBPGP (国际植物遗传育种委员会)和部分国家已开始此项研究并取得了成绩。1 果树种质资源保存地点1 1 保护区把天然的生态环境列为保护区 ,如国家级公园 ,国家级自然保护区等方式 ,象新疆新源县的野果林 ,福建莆田的宋荔等…  相似文献   

山西省野生果树种质资源评价及开发利用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
野生果树资源是山西省非常重要的种质资源。以为抗性育种提供有价值的亲本、为开发保健果品提供丰富的原料、为摸清山西野生果树资源提供理论依据为目的,采用实地调查、采集标本、目测(德鲁特分级制)树种分布数量等方法,对山西省7大山系野生果树资源进行了系统调研。结果表明,山西省野生果树资源种类有133种,分属16科,34属;其中野生浆果、核果和坚果类资源分布数量多,营养价值高,可进行规模开发。  相似文献   

河南蔷薇科野生果树种质资源及其评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河南省地处中原,蕴藏着丰富的野生果树资源,其中蔷薇科野生果树资源丰富,对几种极具开发利用价值的重要类型的营养成分、经济意义进行了论述和评价,并提出了开发利用野生果树资源的建议.  相似文献   

张玉芹 《北方园艺》2010,(24):62-66
甘肃省地处温带、暖温带和亚热带的北缘,气候类型多样,野生果树资源十分丰富。经过多年调查研究表明,甘肃有木本野生果树33科,72属,329种,48变种。现对甘肃野生果树资源种类、果实类型、野生果树种、属地理区系分布类型、野生果树在甘肃各地理区域的分布状况及开发利用途径进行了分析研究,为更好的保护和合理开发利用甘肃野生果树资源提供依据。  相似文献   

黑龙江省野生果树种质资源   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
<正>黑龙江省位于我国最北部,蕴涵着许多极抗寒野生果树种质资源,过去对该区域的野生果树资源情况报道甚少。我们于1983-1985、1987-1989、1994-1996、2000-2001年对黑龙江省野生果树种质资源进行了调查,旨在为深入系统研究和合理开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   

通过对甘肃小陇山林区野生果树资源的调查研究,结果表明有198种(包括变种、变型),隶属于28科、57属,其中50.2%集中于菩薇科和葡萄科。对125种具有重要经济价值的野生果树资源的分布、用途、利用现状进行研究,并提出保护和可持续利用野生果树资源的建议。  相似文献   

武陵山地区野生果树种质资源及其开发利用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
调查了地处湘鄂渝黔四省边区的武陵山地区的野生果树种质资源及其开发利用现状。记录到该地区野生果树48科,109属,342种(变种、变型),其中16种为武陵山地区特有的野生果树。含15种以上的科有蔷薇科、壳斗科、猕猴桃科、芸香科、桑科5个科,为该地区野生果树的优势科。介绍了70种具有重要经济价值的野生果树。武陵山区的野果资源已得到初步开发利用,猕猴桃等数种野果已进入产业化阶段。提出了进一步开发利用和保护野生果树资源的策略。  相似文献   

为探索番茄果实成熟与乙烯的关系,测定了转反义NR和ACC基因突变体番茄果实不同发育期乙烯释放量的变化,结果显示:(1)NR2、NR17和NR18号转反义NR基因果实各期的乙烯含量变化规律与普通果实相同。(2)转反义 NR基因番茄果实与转反义ACC基因番茄果实不同,前者果实能正常成熟、但成熟延迟,后者不能正常成熟。(3)在转反义NR基因果实发育各期中,粉红期乙烯释放量最高。(4)转反义NR基因果实成熟各期乙烯的释放量均明显低于普通果实。说明乙烯受体蛋白基因——NR基因的表达在被抑制后,也反过来抑制了番茄果实乙烯的释放。(5)转反义NR基因果实在常温下贮藏,贮藏期延长了43d。  相似文献   

通过对开县长沙锦橙柑橘果园实施35.55 hm2柑橘冬季树冠覆膜防冻试验,并对该果园防冻后柑橘果实进行落果数、果实可食率、果汁率、枯水个数、可溶性固形物(TSS)含量、维生素c(vc)含量、总酸(TA)含量的测定,发现采取树冠覆膜的柑橘落果数、果实果汁率、可溶性固形物(TSS)含量、维生素c(vc)含量、总酸(TA)含量均显著减少,而果实可食率、枯水个数均没有显著的变化。  相似文献   

Only three native species of genus Fragaria (F. moschata, F. vesca and F. viridis) are recorded in three regions of Croatia. These species as well as many of their hybrids, are, or once were, cultivated for their edible fruits. The majority of cultivated strawberries in Europe belong to garden strawberries F. x ananassa (hybrids of F. chiloensis and F. virginiana). The most expanded wild strawberry species in Croatia is a woodland strawberry (F. vesca) whose berries are gathered seasonally as wild edible fruits. They often contain higher amount of nutrients and bioactive compounds in comparison to cultivated varieties. The research on the genus Fragaria species distribution in Croatia has not been carried out, and so is the case with many others wild growing fruit species in Croatia. By summing up a number of individual citations and observations, it is possible to get a perspective regarding the current state of their distribution.  相似文献   

西藏林芝地区野生蔬菜资源的初步调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对西藏林芝地区野生蔬菜资源初步进行了抽样调查。结果显示:林芝地区野生蔬菜达71种,分属于31科53属,根据食用器官分为叶菜类44种,茎菜类10种,根菜类8种,果菜类4种,调料类2种,其他类3种。  相似文献   

In Germany and Europe exotic fruits from distant places are becoming more and more important. In the tropics and subtropics an enormous variety of edible fruits exists. In 2008 the dry fruit pulp of the baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) was approved as novel food for the EU and thus entered the formal food market. Hence, an increasing number of products became available in Europe. The baobab is an impressive tree in the savannas of Africa. Due to its dense and wide spreading root system and its enormous water storing capacity in the stem, the tree can grow under very dry environmental conditions. In many regions of Africa it is a multipurpose indigenous fruit tree species which offers shelter and provides food, fodder and medicine as well as raw material for many purposes. However, even in Europe a wide range of products is now available as shown in the present study, which identified more than 300 baobab products or products with baobab as an ingredient. In Germany, not only the natural baobab pulp but also ready-made foodstuffs such as soft drinks, sandwich spreads, cereal bars, sweets and chocolates are available. Furthermore, a diverse range of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products with extracts from the baobab is available in the market. The products range from after shave and perfume to shampoo and shower gel to leg lotion and foot spray. In Germany baobab saplings and seeds are offered for planting and cultivation as an indoor pot plant. Commercially marketed baobab bonsai seedlings for the European market are produced in Senegal. In Africa the baobab fruits are mainly harvested from wild stands. However, the commercial production of baobab fruits in orchards could be an important future opportunity for income generation to many local households. More research on baobab, including the domestication of this wild fruit tree species, and the conservation of its natural stands as important genetic resource are prerequisites for sustainably increased fruit production.  相似文献   

Increasing consumer demands for indigenous, non-sprayed with pesticides and less-known or “forgotten” fruits necessitate knowledge on their breeding, cultivation, biochemical content, harvesting and marketing. Anatolia is rich for wild edible fruit species and barberry is abundant throughout Anatolia. The aim of this study was to determine some important physicochemical characteristics, bioactive content and antioxidant capacity of fruits from nineteen promising barberry (Berberis vulgaris L.) genotypes grown in the Coruh valley, Northeastern Anatolia. The results indicated genotype-specific differences for most of the physicochemical characteristics, antioxidant capacity and the content of some bioactive compounds. Fruit mass ranged from 0.073 (‘Coruh-7’) to 0.267 g (‘Coruh-11’). Total phenolic content ranged from 2532 (‘Coruh-’) to 3719 mg GAE per liter fruit juice (‘Coruh-11’). The genotype ‘Coruh-12’ had the highest total monomeric anthocyanin content (1004 mg per liter fruit juice) as cyanidin-3-glucoside. The highest total antioxidant capacity was observed in fruits of ‘Coruh-8’ and ‘Coruh-9’ genotypes with all three antioxidant-determining methods. We conclude that the barberry fruits represent a good source of bioactive phytochemicals because of their high phenolic and anthocyanin contents.  相似文献   


Changes in fruit weight, total soluble solids (TSS), sugar content and postharvest ethylene production during fruit development were compared on fruit of cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill., cv. Big Sister) pollinated at different times (early, at the beginning of April, 1995 and late, at the end of May, 1994). Fruit weight increased by growth, independently of pollination times. Changes in TSS and sugar content were strongly affected by pollination time. In late pollinated fruits, both TSS and sugar content increased during the growth period, 110–160 d after pollination, while neither increased with fruit growth in early pollinated fruit. Moreover, changes in TSS and sugar content after ripening depended not only on pollination time but also on the growth period. With late pollination, fruit harvested after 140 d became edible after ripening. The TSS and total sugar contents, (the sum of fructose, glucose and sucrose contents) increased to about 20° Brix and above 16%, respectively. But early pollinated fruits were not edible after ripening, since total sugar content increased only to about 7%, even though they kept growing for 160 d on the tree. The maximum rate of ethylene production declined and the number of days to the ethylene peak from harvest is also reduced with growth in both cases. These changes were closely correlated with days after pollination (r>0.9) regardless of pollination time. Comparisons of accumulated temperature suggest that temperature at pollination time and during the resting period of growth affected fruit development. These results indicate that neither fruit weight nor number of days after pollination is a suitable index for harvesting time.  相似文献   

对钱江源野生蔬菜植物种类及分类构成进行了整理与归类;对其野生蔬菜植物的特点和不同采食器官部位及用途按照根及根茎、茎叶、花、果、调味和佐料等划分成5大类;描述了其野生蔬菜植物资源的分布及特点:分析了其野生蔬菜植物开发利用的现状、存在的问题和开发利用的前景;提出了加快钱江源野生蔬菜植物开发利用的指导思想和方向;从利用与保护相结合、人工栽培驯化技术的研究、食用安全性方面的研究、综合开发利用的研究等方面阐述了加快钱江源野生蔬菜植物开发利用的对策。  相似文献   

郑丹 《中国食用菌》2020,(3):150-152
野生食用菌以往的营销渠道范围较小,而这种模式已跟不上现代发展需求。互联网+的概念给予了野生食用菌营销模式改革的契机,通过对网络营销中野生食用菌的发展状况展开相关分析,重点阐述互联网+下常见的网络营销渠道,并以渠道为切入点,应用于野生食用菌营销中,由此构建野生食用菌网络营销模式。  相似文献   

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