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Comparison of Continuous Versus Intermittent Enteral Feeding in Dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In humans, continuous intragastric feeding has been suggested to cause fewer gastrointestinal (GI) adverse effects, better weight gain and nitrogen balance, and less glucose intolerance than bolus feeding. The aim of this study was to compare the GI adverse effects and the metabolic and nutritional consequences of intragastric feeding of an enteral formula (Jevity; Ross Laboratories, Columbus, OH) intermittently or continuously to dogs. Using a cross-over study design, 10 healthy dogs were randomly assigned to be fed Jevity via gastrostomy tube either continuously (CFI or in 3 bolus meals/day (IF) for 10 days. The dogs were weighed daily. Serum chemistry and glucose tolerance tests (GlT were performed before and after each 10–day trial period. Fecal dry matter (FDM), serum osmolality (sOsm), and serum electrolytes (sElec) were determined 5 times during each 10 day trial period. Urine specific gravity was checked intermittently. Hydrogen breath tests were performed on days 0, 3, and 10. During the last 6 days of each trial period, nitrogen balance and digestibility of the Jevity were determined. There were no GI adverse effects noted on either protocol, and no significant ( P > .05) differences in body weights, serum chemistry results, sElec, sOsrn, GTT, hydrogen breath tests, digestibility trials, or nitrogen balance. There was a significant (P < .051 decrease in FDM over time for both protocols, and a significant (P < .051 increase in urine volume for IF compared with CF. In summary, there were no significant differences between treatments in weight maintenance, GI adverse effects, GTT, nitrogen balance, or feed digestibility. Changes in FDM suggest that the dogs received excess water. In conclusion, this study of healthy dogs provides no support for the preferential use of continuous intragastric feeding over bolus feeding. J Vet Intern Med 1996;10:133–138. Copyright © 1996 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine .  相似文献   

Colonic resections were repaired in normal dogs by crushing suture, inverting suture, or staple anastomosis techniques. Dogs were sacrificed 2, 4, 7, 10, 14, 21, and 28 days following surgery. Bacterial cultures, breaking strength measurement, adhesion formation, and gross and histopathologic examinations were made. Anastomoses closed by staples showed the least tissue reaction, least neutrophilic infiltration, most mature fibrous connective tissue, most normal arrangement of muscle layers, and fewest numbers of mucoceles and necrotic areas. The staple and crushing anastomosis techniques caused significantly less reduction in luminal radius than did the inverting anastomosis technique. Bacteria were isolated least frequently and adhesions were least severe following staple anastomosis, though these results were not statistically significant. Stapled anastomosis appeared to result in a higher tensile strength of the wounds at the anastomotic sites compared with the other techniques studied.  相似文献   

The aim of this retrospective study was to describe the use of simple interrupted suture pattern for the closure of the abdomen after ventral midline celiotomy in horses and to evaluate the prevalence of resulting incisional complications. Seventy horses undergoing abdominal surgery (2006–2015) and surviving at least 30 days were included in the study. Closure technique of the abdominal wall was performed on three layers. Linea alba was closed with a simple interrupted pattern using number two coated braided absorbable polyglycolic acid suture. Follow-up information was recovered at the 90th day postoperatively. Incisional complications considered included drainage, infection, dehiscence, and herniation. The complications observed in the present study using simple interrupted suture pattern were 4.29% (3 of 70), lower than reported in literature with different suture pattern. Simple interrupted suture pattern could be a valid option for the closure of linea alba after ventral midline celiotomy in horses.  相似文献   

Two techniques for tracheal resection and anastomosis were performed and compared in 20 normal dogs. In one technique, cartilage rings were split circumferentially, and the split rings were apposed with simple interrupted sutures that penetrated the annular ligament. In the other technique, the annular ligaments were incised and apposed with simple interrupted sutures placed through the annular ligament and around the adjacent ring. Endoscopy and xeroradiography were used to evaluate the anastomotic sites at 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks postoperatively. Infection, mucus accumulation, coughing, stridor, or anastomotic separations were not seen. Stenosis of the anastomotic site was observed in 80% of the dogs, due to the intraluminal protrusion of epithelialized fibrous connective tissue. The split cartilage technique was easy to perform and resulted in less dorsoventral stenosis than the annular ligament technique.  相似文献   

Closure of midline abdominal wall incisions in 469 dogs and 81 cats following various intraabdominal procedures was accomplished by using a single layer, simple continuous pattern with monofilament polypropylene. Skin was closed using simple interrupted nonabsorbable sutures. Weight of the patients ranged from 1 kg to 80 kg. Length of the incision ranged from 3 cm to 55 cm. There was one dehiscence (0.18%) and no incisional hernias. Results indicate the technique is a dependable, time saving method of abdominal closure.  相似文献   

Objective —To describe an alternative technique for large colon resection and anastomosis in horses.
Study Design —Retrospective study of clinical patients.
Animal Population —37 horses that had ventral midline celiotomies between July 1, 1990, and July 1, 1994.
Methods —Large colon resection and anastomosis was performed using a modification of previously described techniques. Modifications include mesocolon ligation with a stapling device and an end-to-end apposition of the right ventral and right dorsal colon.
Results —Twenty-one of the 37 horses were discharged from the hospital without complications. Two horses were euthanatized immediately after recovery from anesthesia because of hindlimb fracture. Fourteen horses were euthanatized in the initial postoperative period because of persistent endotoxemia and abdominal pain.
Conclusions —The described technique is a safe, reliable method for large colon resection and anastomosis in horses.
Clinical Relevance —The described technique is fairly simple to perform and requires less surgical time compared with other techniques.  相似文献   

Dorsal cystotomies were performed in 60 healthy dogs. Twenty bladders were closed with a single-layer interrupted appositional suture pattern, 20 with a two-layer interrupted appositional suture pattern, and 20 with a two-layer continuous inverting suture pattern. Four dogs from each group were euthanatized at hours 0, 3, 12, 18, and 24. Mechanical strength of the cystotomy closures was evaluated by calculating the circular bursting wall tension. The single-layer interrupted appositional suture pattern was as strong as both two-layer suture patterns at hours 3, 12, 18, and 24. The two-layer interrupted appositional suture pattern was as strong as the two-layer continuous inverting suture pattern during the first 24 hours.  相似文献   

This study compared three methods of pain relief in dogs that had total ear canal ablation with lateral bulla osteotomy. The hypothesis was that systemic opioids with preoperative local nerve blocks would provide superior pain relief. Thirty-one dogs with chronic otitis externa were included in the study. Dogs were randomly assigned to one of three protocols: systemic opioids alone (10 dogs, group 1), systemic opioids with bupivacaine splash block (11 dogs, group 2), and systemic opioids with preoperative local bupivacaine nerve blocks (10 dogs, group 3). Twenty-one dogs had bilateral ear ablation and 10 had unilateral ablation. Pain was assessed preoperatively, at extubation, 2 hours postextubation, and 1 day postoperatively by a single observer blinded to the analgesic protocol used. Pain scores were not significantly different within or between groups, nor did unilateral versus bilateral ablation have a significant effect on the score. Mean scores were less than 3 (scale 1 to 5) for all groups at all observation times. Rough recoveries were noted in 30% of group 1 dogs, 0% of group 2, and 20% of group 3 dogs. Ninety-four percent of dogs were moderately to heavily sedated at extubation. Sixty percent of group 3 dogs remained moderately to heavily sedated 2 hours postextubation. Rectal temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and postoperative change in serum Cortisol levels were not significantly different between groups. Postoperative increase in blood glucose was significantly higher in groups 1 and 3 compared with preoperative levels. Twenty-three percent of the dogs required additional analgesia or tranquilization after surgery, as determined by the anesthetist; 1 dog in group 1, 2 in group 2, and 4 in group 3. Each of the three analgesic protocols provided similar pain relief in dogs undergoing total ear canal ablation.  相似文献   

Five centimeter segments of the linea alba in mature, female, mixed breed dogs were incised and then approximated with either stainless steel fascial staples or size 0 polypropylene suture material. Breaking strength of the linea alba closures was determined at 0 (Phase I, 18 dogs) and at 7,14, and 31 days (Phase II, 18 dogs). Histology and videointeractive planar morphometry were used to evaluate healing of the linea alba. Breaking strength and histologic and morphometric variables were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance in a split plot design. In a clinical trial, 20 cm linea alba incisions were approximated with stainless steel fascial staples after elective ovariohysterectomy in mature, female, mixed breed dogs (Phase III, eight dogs). The dogs were evaluated at 1, 2, 7,14, 31, 90, and 180 days. Linea alba incisions approximated with polypropylene suture material were significantly stronger than linea alba incisions approximated with stainless steel fascial staples on day 0. There was no significant difference between breaking strength values, histologic, and morphometric appearance of linea alba incisions closed with stainless steel fascial staples or polypropylene suture material when compared 7,14, and 31 days after surgery. All of the dogs in the clinical trial appeared to be normal at all evaluation times. Approximation of linea alba incisions with stainless steel fascial staples compares favorably to closure with a simple continuous pattern of polypropylene suture material with regard to breaking strength, clinical, histologic, and morphometric appearance.  相似文献   

Abstract—A simple renal clearance technique has been investigated. This involves a single intravenous injection of a mixture of inulin and p-aminohippuric acid (PAH), the withdrawal of two blood samples and subsequent estimation of the concentration of both injected substances. The rates of fall in plasma concentrations of these were related to kidney function as assessed by biochemical, clinical, and when possible, pathological methods. Forty-four cases were investigated, in five of these the test was repeated in an attempt to assess change in kidney function, seven dogs showed no biochemical abnormality, and twelve were ultimately examined at post mortem. In addition, serial studies over approximately 1 yr were made on three normal dogs in an attempt to derive normal elimination rates. It has been demonstrated that the test has a possible use in prognosis, but appears to be less sensitive than other methods for the detection of mild nephritis. Résumé—Une simple technique de nettoyage rénal a été investiguée. Celle-ci comporte une seule piqǔre intraveineuse d'un mélange d'inuline et d'acide aminohippurique-p (PAH), la rétratcion de deux échantillons de sang, et une estimation conséquente de la concentration des deux substances injectées. Le taux de diminution dans les concentrations de plasma de ceux-ci a été associé au fonctionnement des reins comme établi par les méthodes biochimiques, cliniques et si possible, pathologiques. Quarante quatre cas ont été investigués, dans cinq de ces derniers le test été répété dans le but d'évaluer les changements dans le fonctionnement des reins, sept chiens n'ont démontré aucun anomalie biochimique, et douze ont été en dernier lieu examinés en post mortem. De plus, des séries d'études de plus d'un an ont été faites sur trois chiens normaux dans une tentative de dériver les degrés d'élimination normale. 11 a été démontré que le test a une place possible dans la prognose, mais semble étre moins sensitif que d'autres méthodes pour la détection de légères nephrites. Zusammenfassung—Eine einfache Nierenreinigungsmethode wurde untersucht. Es handelte sich dabei um eine einzige intravenöse Injektion mit einer Mischung von inulin and p-aminohippurischer Säure (PAH), die Entziehung zweier Blutproben und darauffolgende Schätzung der Konzentration dieser beiden injizierten Substanzen. Das Ausmass der Senkung in Plasmakonzentration dieser Substanzen wurde auf Veränderung in der Nierenfunktion bezogen, welche durch biochemische, klinische und, wo durchführbar, durch pathologische Methoden bestimmt worden waren. Man untersuchte vierundvierzig Fälle, wobei bei fünfen der Test wiederholt wurde, um Versuche zur Abschätzung der Nierenfunktionsveränderungen anzustellen. Sieben Hunde zeigten keine biochemis-chen Abnormalitäten und bei zwölf Hunden wurde letzten Endes eine post mortem Untersuchung angestellt. Ausserdem wurden noch Serienstudien während ungefähr eines Jahres an drei normalen Hunden zum Versuche der Ergründung normaler Eliminierungsgrade gemacht. Es wurde bewiesen, dass dieser Test eine Verwendungsmöglichkeit bei Prognosen bietet, jedoch weniger sensitiv als andere Methoden zur Feststellung von leichter Nepthritis zu sein scheint.  相似文献   

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