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衡东县生态公益林建设与管理现状与对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
简述了衡东县自2001年实施森林生态效益试点补助资金以来,生态公益林建设与管理成效,分析了生态公益林建设与管理存在的问题,并根据生态公益林建设与管理现状和存在的问题提出了相应的对策。 相似文献
In contemporary forest management, also of commercial forests, threshold values are widely used for consideration of biodiversity
conservation. Here, we present various aspects of dead-wood threshold values. We review published and unpublished dead-wood
threshold data from European lowland beech–oak, mixed-montane, and boreo-alpine spruce–pine forests separately to provide
managers of European forests with a baseline for management decisions for their specific forest type. Our review of dead-wood
threshold data from European forests revealed 36 critical values with ranges of 10–80 m3 ha−1 for boreal and lowland forests and 10–150 m3 ha−1 for mixed-montane forests, with peak values at 20–30 m3 ha−1 for boreal coniferous forests, 30–40 m3 ha−1 for mixed-montane forests, and 30–50 m3 ha−1 for lowland oak–beech forests. We then expand the focus of dead-wood threshold analyses to community composition. We exemplify
the two major statistical methods applied in ecological threshold analysis to stimulate forest researchers to analyze more
of their own data with a focus on thresholds. Finally, we discuss further directions of dead-wood threshold analysis. We anticipate
that further investigations of threshold values will provide a more comprehensive picture of critical ranges for dead wood,
which is urgently needed for an ecological and sustainable forestry. 相似文献
Tree species composition is a primary attribute of forest ecosystems, and is often manipulated by silvicultural practices. Forest management to diversify tree species is now being promoted to favor biodiversity. To assess the soundness of this policy we reviewed and analyzed the literature on the relationship between tree species composition and floristic diversity, including the mechanisms involved therein. Coniferous forests generally provide less diversified vascular understories than broadleaved forests. At the tree species scale, there are not enough reports to draw firm conclusions on the effect of any particular species. Mixing of deciduous and coniferous tree species generally affects understory diversity, but in almost all cases maximum diversity is observed in one of the pure stands, not in mixed stands. Understory vegetation is influenced by overstory composition and structure through modifications of resource availability (light, water and soil nutrients) and other effects, such as physical characteristics of the litter layer. Overstory light transmittance and diverse properties of forest litter are factors that have been most fully studied to date, but other factors such as throughfall water quantity and chemistry may also play a role. While the relative importance of mechanisms that account for the effect of overstory on understory biodiversity has often been discussed, these mechanisms have rarely been the subject of formal experiments. Overall, varying management practices and site attributes make it difficult to generalize results. They combine with the effects of tree species in influencing understory vegetation diversity, but they have been rarely considered. Future research is needed to gain a better understanding of the relationship between overstory and understory diversity and establish general laws. 相似文献
森林的可持续经营,也就是森林资源和林地的可持续经营,其目的是保障后代的社会、经济、生态、文化和精神的需求。因此,在森林经营中,对树种的选择、适地适树、整地、引进下木下草、高速轮伐期、实行轮作等都围绕保护生态环境加以选择。在美国缅因州提出“人类有益于森林,森林有益于人类”的持续发展口号。在俄国制定了“森林利用和森林管理系统的生态标准”和“森林抚育采伐造成生态危害补偿付款标准”。自世界环发大会之后,世界各国和我国都着手制定持续发展的标准,来规范森林的经营行为。一个稳定的森林生态系统,植物经过对土壤营养元… 相似文献
白石砬子地区森林生态效益的量化分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过对白石砬子自然保护区森林资源每年释放O2、固定C02、土壤蓄水量、枯枝落叶层蓄水量、河流每年流出水量及野生经济植物蕴藏量的效益分析,得出保护区以上6项生态效益总价值为7864.56万元。为保护和合理开发利用资源提供依据。 相似文献
曹玉昆 《绿色中国(A版)》2002,(3):45-47
目前国有森工企业“两危”仍在加剧,陷入严重经济和资源双重危困的林区广大干部、职工经过20年的改革探索,在黑龙江国有林区全面推行了森林管护承包责任制。森林管护承包责任制是国有林区最后的“路”,还是过去的“摸石头”,作者认为这必须在对国有林所肩负的历史、现实任务和所承担的角色做出深刻剖析后再下结论。 相似文献
分析了梅花山自然保护区生态公益林管护机制存在的问题,提出了建立管理局、管理站和村级生态公益林管护办公室三级管护机制,并层层落实责任主体、责任人的管护责任;提出深化生态公益林管护机制改革的思路及今后梅花山自然保护区的管理目标。 相似文献
在对沈大高速公路区域土地资源与森林资源调查基础上,以景观生态学理论为指导,深入研究林业用地的景观多样性、景观异质性及立地生境的复杂性与斑块、廊道、基质景观空间单元的空间结构构型,优化景观生态林的组成与结构、种植斑块,调整网络连接度,确定合适的基质相对面积,划分立地类型,建立景观生态林建设模型。采用PHOTOSHOP和3DMX技术对建设模型进行模拟仿真,采用地理信息系统技术进行景观生态林建设数据管理,构建对区域景观生态林建设具有指导意义的技术体系。 相似文献
文章通过对现有柞蚕场及停蚕后封育的柞树林现状调查,结果表明,现有部分柞蚕场沙化严重,主要表现在植被群落组成单一,柞木灌丛稀疏,层次结构不明显,缺乏草本、灌木层植物,植被覆盖度低,沙石裸露,有机质含量很少。杂木林和封育蚕场枯枝落叶生物量比正在放蚕的柞蚕场提高85.0%、3.5%和182.4%;枯枝落叶的持水量提高118.0%、51.7%和90.5%;柞蚕场封育后的林分土壤自然含水量、毛管持水量、田间持水量及最大含水量均高于放蚕的柞蚕场;毛管孔隙度、总孔隙度柞蚕场封育后的林分土壤明显高于柞蚕场;柞蚕场封育后的林分0~20cm土层有机质、全氮、碱解氮平均含量比正在放蚕的柞蚕场提高49.6%~116.5%,25.0%~100.0%,2.7%~38.4%,对柞蚕场生态效益、柞蚕生产过程以及柞蚕场遭到破坏的原因等方面进行分析,提出实现柞蚕场的可持续经营对策及建议。 相似文献