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Due to seasonal changes in the quality and quantity of herbage, the nutrient supply to grazing dairy cows is not always sufficient, which may increase their metabolic load. To investigate the temporal pattern of behavioural changes in relation to concomitant metabolic alterations, we subjected 15 multiparous early lactating Holstein dairy cows (24 (SD 7.4) days in milk) to a short‐term metabolic challenge, which we provoked by abruptly withdrawing concentrate for 1 week. Cows grazed full‐time and were supplemented with concentrate in experimental week (EW) 1 and EW 3, whereas concentrate was withdrawn in EW 2. We analysed milk and blood samples to characterise the metabolic changes and found that the total yield of milk and protein decreased (p < 0.05) and fat yield, fat‐to‐protein ratio and acetone content increased (p < 0.05) from EW 1 to EW 2. Plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were lower (p < 0.05), and concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and beta‐hydroxybutyrate were higher (p < 0.05) in EW 2 compared with EW 1. Apart from ingestive and rumination behaviour and activity, we also monitored the use of an automated brush on pasture. While time spent eating and ruminating increased (p < 0.05) in EW 2 compared with EW 1, time spent idling decreased (p < 0.05). Concomitantly, while time standing and moving increased (p < 0.05) from EW 1 to EW 2, walking time decreased (p < 0.05). The daily proportion of cows using the automated brush decreased (p < 0.05) in EW 2 compared with EW 1, as did the duration of brushing per day. In conclusion, grazing cows experiencing a metabolic challenge try to compensate for the nutrient deficiency by increasing eating time, a behavioural element important for short‐term survival. Due to the strong impact of weather conditions, we cannot currently recommend observation of outdoor brushing activity to address short‐term alterations in the metabolic state of grazing cows.  相似文献   

Two short-term grazing experiments were conducted with Norwegian Red cows. In Exp 1, 24 cows were randomly assigned to one of the following three pasture allocation methods (PAM): weekly pasture allowance (7RG), grazing 1/7 of 7RG each day (1SG), or grazing as 1SG but had access to grazed part of the paddock within one week (1FG). In Exp 2, 7RG was shortened to 5 days (5RG). We hypothesized that PAM will affect sward quality, quantity, intake and production differently. Pasture chemical composition changed with advancing grazing days but were not different between treatments. Pasture intake, milk yield, and methane emission were not affected by PAM. In Exp 1, 7RG cows spent less time on grazing, whereas in Exp 2, 1FG cows spent longer on grazing than others. Patterns observed in sward quality, and behavioural and physiological adaptations of cows to short-term changes in nutrient supply may explain the observed effects.  相似文献   

奶牛放牧对北方农牧交错带人工草地植被的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
研究了不同处理奶牛放牧对混播人工草地植被的影响。结果表明,牧草现存量随着放牧强度的增加而降低,轻牧比中牧高7.28%,且轮牧高于连续放牧1.99%,轮牧对紫花苜蓿和无芒雀麦的再生有利。随放牧强度增加,紫花苜蓿和无芒雀麦重要值下降,蓝茎冰草和新麦草增加。放牧对牧草的茎叶比有显著影响,放牧后4种牧草的茎叶比均有下降,连续放牧高于轮牧。根系主要集中在土壤表层0~10 cm,约占0~30 cm总量的70%,且其生物量也以轮牧制较高,随放牧强度的增加而下降。  相似文献   

The somatotrophic axis consisting of pituitary-derived growth hormone and circulating insulin-like growth factor 1 has been well established as key regulators of animal health, metabolism, lactation, fertility, body composition and growth rate. The aim of this study was to simultaneously quantify the associations between SNPs in candidate genes of the somatotrophic axis (i.e., IGF-1, GH1 and GHR) with performance traits in Holstein-Friesian (HF) dairy cattle. Both novel SNPs identified previously by this group alongside other published SNPs within these genes were analysed for associations with performance in dairy cattle. Multiple regression analyses regressing genetic merit of up to 848 HF sires on novel SNPs (n = 76) and published SNPs (n = 33) were undertaken using weighted animal mixed linear models. Twenty-three SNPs were significantly associated with at least one of 18 traits analysed and involved in milk production, udder health, fertility and growth. Eight traits including milk fat composition, carcass conformation, stature, chest width, body depth, rump width, carcass and cull cow weight were independently associated with SNPs in two genes. Furthermore, for several traits including milk fat yield, somatic cell count, survival and carcass fat, SNPs in all three genes were independently associated with performance. Milk fat yield and carcass fat showed the highest number of independent associations across all three genes with five SNPs associated with both traits. The cumulative effects of the favourable alleles of all five SNPs across GH1, GHR and IGF-1 result in an increase of 5.9 kg and 28.6 units of milk fat and carcass fat, respectively. Cow survival was associated with a single SNP in each of the three genes with a cumulative allele effect of 1.5%. Independent effects of polymorphisms in GH1, GHR and IGF-1 reinforce the central role of the somatotrophic axis on animal development and performance.  相似文献   

Twenty-four multiparous Holstein cows were utilized in a completely randomized design to examine the effect of feeding field beans (FB, Vicia faba L. var. minor) as substitute for soybean meal (SBM) on lactation performance and metabolic response during the early lactation period. Cows were individually divided into two equal groups and fed for 16 weeks on one each of the two experimental diets. The controls were fed pelleted concentrate contained 150 g/kg dry matter (DM) of SBM as the main protein source, whereas the experimental concentrate contained 345 g/kg DM of FB. Oat hay was offered ad libitum to cows and water was freely available. Blood samples were assayed for their content of: urea, glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, total protein, albumin, calcium and phosphorus, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA). Inclusion of FB had no detectable effects on DM intake (DMI), body weight (BW), or body condition score (BCS). Neither milk yield nor quality were influenced by dietary treatment, except for milk urea nitrogen (MU) that was reduced in cows fed the FB diet (P < 0.05). Clotting properties of milk were not affected adversely by added dietary FB. Concentration of blood urea (BU) was lower in cows fed the FB diet than in those fed the control SBM diet (P < 0.05). These findings indicate that feeding FB in a lactation diet supported lactation performance similar to cows fed traditional SBM-based diet, and the results may elicit great interest for countries where soybean utilization is adversely influenced by high supply costs.  相似文献   

The study evaluated dietary supplementation with live yeast (LY) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (CNCM I‐4407, 1010 CFU/g, Actisaf; Phileo Lesaffre Animal Care, France) on rumen fermentation and serum metabolic profile in lactating dairy cows. Fifty Holstein cows received a total mixed ration with (Live Yeast Diet, LYD, n = 25) or without (Control Diet, CD, n = 25) 5 × 1010 CFU/cow/day of LY from 3 to 19 weeks of lactation. Rumen fermentation and serum metabolic profile were measured in eight cows per treatment at 3, 7, 11, 15, 19 weeks post‐partum. LYD showed an increased daily milk yield (+4%) over CD (p < 0.05). Mean rumen pH at 4 hr after morning meal was higher in LYD (6.59) than CD (6.32) (p < 0.01). Total volatile fatty acids (VFA) and acetate molar proportion were higher in LYD (114.24 mM; 25.04%) than CD (106.47 mM; 24.73%) (p < 0.05). Propionate and butyrate molar proportions, acetate to propionate ratio, ammonia levels did not differ between LYD and CD. Ruminal lactate was lower in LYD than CD (9.3 vs. 16.4 mM) (p < 0.001), with a 53% decrease in LYD. During peak lactation, LYD had lower serum NEFA (p < 0.05, 0.40 vs. 0.48 mM) and BHBA (p < 0.01, 0.47 vs. 0.58 mM) than CD, lower liver enzyme activities (AST 1.39 vs. 1.54 ukat/L) (p < 0.05). Serum glucose was higher in LYD at peak lactation (3.22 vs. 3.12 mM, and 3.32 vs. 3.16 mM respectively) (p < 0.05). The results confirmed a reducing effect of LY on lactate accumulation in rumen fluid, associated with an increase in rumen pH. Lower serum levels of lipomobilization markers, liver enzyme activities and higher glucose levels may suggest that live yeast slightly mitigated negative energy balance and had a certain liver protective effect.  相似文献   

放牧对典型草原土壤有机碳及全氮的影响   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:14  
刘楠  张英俊 《草业科学》2010,27(4):11-14
以内蒙古锡林河流域羊草Leymus chinensis典型草原作为研究对象,研究不同放牧强度及放牧制度下,土壤有机碳、全氮的含量差异,结果表明:1)土壤有机碳含量大体表现为常年放牧地高于混合放牧地,且差异明显。常年放牧地表现为轻牧重牧中牧围封未放牧地,混合放牧地除"轻牧+割草"与"中牧+割草"在20~30 cm土层深度表现出显著差异以外,各个放牧强度间差异均不显著。土壤有机碳含量随着土层深度的增加而降低。2)土壤全氮在不同的放牧梯度间及不同土层深度间的变化趋势与土壤有机碳大体相同,趋势表现为轻牧重牧中牧围封未放牧地,而混合放牧地的变化趋势比较复杂,相比较常年放牧地,混合放牧地的全氮含量要低。全氮含量随着土层深度的增加而降低。研究结果表明重牧下有机碳含量要高于中牧,这可能是由于随着放牧强度的增加,草原植被C4植物增多而引起的。  相似文献   

The effect of restricted suckling on milk yield and composition, udder health, and postpartum anoestrus in dairy cows in pasture-based systems, was studied in 32 Holstein multiparous cows and their calves. At calving, each cow–calf pair was randomly assigned to one of two treatments: restricted suckling (RS) of the cows by her own or another calf, twice daily for 30 min or artificial rearing (AR) of the calves with milk obtained from the bulk tank, offered twice a day in buckets. Treatments were applied until week 8 after calving. The diet of the cows consisted of direct grazing in improved pastures, corn silage and a commercial concentrate which was offered at milking. Milk production and composition, udder health, body condition score of the cows, body weight and milk intake of the calves were measured weekly, and the first postpartum ovulation was determined three times a week by ovarian ultrasonography. Cows with RS management had a lower machine-milked milk yield (17.9 vs. 24.8 kg/d), a lower fat percentage (3.21 vs. 4.11%) and 4% fat-corrected milk yield (16.2 vs. 25.7 kg/d), and also a lower average milk flow (1.35 vs. 1.76 kg/min) than cows in the AR treatment. There was no effect of treatment on milk protein percentage or udder health as measured by milk electrical conductivity. The interval from calving to first postpartum ovulation was shorter in the AR cows than in the RS cows (18.5 vs. 21.8 days). The RS calves consumed more milk (7.2 vs. 5.4 kg/d), gained more body weight (0.813 vs. 0.656 kg/d), and had a higher body weight at weaning (84.3 vs. 73.3 kg) than AR calves. Restricted suckling of grazing dairy cows had a negative effect on machine-milked milk yield, fat percentage and 4% fat-corrected milk yield, but had no effect on udder health or on improved weight gain and body weight at weaning of the calves.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to clarify the effect of water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) content in orchardgrass pasture on the diurnal distribution of grazing time. Six ruminally cannulated, non‐lactating dairy cows were grazed on either of two pastures with different orchardgrass cultivars containing low WSC (LWSC; cultivar: ‘Hokkai 28’) or high WSC (HWSC; cultivar: ‘Harunemidori’). The cows were grazed in morning and evening sessions in experiment 1, whereas the cows were grazed throughout the day in experiment 2. In experiment 1, grazing time of the cows on HWSC was longer than that of the cows on LWSC (P < 0.01). This difference was larger in the morning session than in the evening session (pasture × grazing session: P < 0.05). Effects on herbage intake were similar to those on grazing time. In experiment 2, daily total grazing time was longer for the cows on HWSC than for those on LWSC (P < 0.05). The cows on HWSC spent a longer time grazing than those on LWSC in the morning between 03.00 and 09.00 hours (P < 0.01). The results indicated that prolonged grazing time in the period between dawn and early morning could increase daily herbage intake in cows grazed on pastures of orchardgrass cultivars with high‐WSC content.  相似文献   

丙酸镁对泌乳早期奶牛体况、泌乳性能和代谢参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用36头经产奶牛,根据泌乳期、上一泌乳期305 d产奶量和预产期,采用随机区组设计分为4组,对照组饲喂基础日粮,处理1,2和3组分别在基础日粮基础上添加丙酸镁50,100和150 g/d,研究丙酸镁对泌乳早期奶牛采食量、泌乳性能、血液代谢参数和尿酮浓度的影响。结果表明,添加丙酸镁对奶牛的采食量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率、乳糖率和乳干物质率无显著影响,添加丙酸镁100和150 g/d对产乳量、饲料转化效率、体况及代谢参数有改善,该二处理组产奶量、饲料转化效率、体况评分、能量平衡、血浆葡萄糖和胰岛素浓度均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),而血浆游离脂肪酸和β-羟丁酸浓度显著低于对照组(P<0.05),尿酮浓度(除100 g/d组产后7 d测定值与50 g/d组无显著差异外)显著低于对照组和50 g/d组(P<0.05)。根据试验结果,丙酸镁适宜添加量为100 g/d。  相似文献   

关键场与季节放牧及草地畜牧业的可持续发展   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
陈全功 《草业学报》2005,14(4):29-34
基于季节畜牧业和草地农业生态系统的思想,提出了关键场的新概念;基于3S技术的应用和草业发展的需要,提出了关键场载畜量计算的新方法,为草地退化的防治和草地畜牧业的可持续发展,提供一个新的视角和可操作的评价指标;这些新的概念、指标、方法和程序,已经在<中国西部阿勒泰地区草地生产力变化及对策研究>中得到验证;草地畜牧业的核心问题,就是全年放牧的草畜平衡问题,这一点已列入草原法.因此,这些成果,可为新形势下正在起步的我国草原监理事业,提供必要的技术支撑.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the effects of oral Ca bolus administration in the early postpartum period of cows on milk yield and composition, blood metabolites, early-lactation health status, and reproductive performance.

METHODS: Multiparous Holstein dry cows (n=66) with a mean parity of 3.1 (SD 0.35) were fed a diet with a positive dietary cation–anion difference (DCAD) prior to calving. They were randomly assigned to receive no treatment (Control; n=33) or two oral Ca boluses (n=33, 45?g of Ca per bolus); one was administered immediately after calving (Day 0) and the second 24 hours (±30 minutes) later. Blood samples were collected at calving, and on Days 2 and 7 to determine concentrations in serum of Ca, P, Mg, glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), and β-hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA). Milk yield was recorded daily and milk composition was determined weekly from calving until 28 day postpartum. Health and outcomes were determined during the first 30 days postpartum and reproductive outcomes to 180 days postpartum.

RESULTS: Mean milk yields and composition over the first month of lactation were similar between cows in the two treatment groups (p>0.1). Mean concentrations of Ca in serum were not different between treatment groups on Day 0, but were higher on Day 2 for cows that received oral Ca boluses (1.77 (SE 0.07)) compared with Control cows (1.54 (SE 0.08)) (p=0.04). Concentrations in serum of P, Mg, glucose, NEFA and ΒHBA did not differ between treatment groups on any day of measurement. Fewer cows that received oral Ca were diagnosed with hypocalcaemia (total concentrations of Ca in serum <1.5?mmol/L) by Day 2 (2/33; 6%) compared with Control cows (12/33; 36%) (p=0.01). There was no difference in the prevalence of other health outcomes between treatment groups. The proportion of cows conceiving to first insemination was greater in cows that received an oral Ca bolus (19/29; 65%) than Control cows (12/29; 41%) (p=0.01).

CONCLUSIONS: Oral Ca bolus administration increased concentrations of Ca in serum on Day 2 postpartum, and increased first service conception rates, in cows fed a diet with a positive DCAD prior to calving compared to cows that received no oral Ca bolus supplementation. Because of the small number of cows used in this study, further studies in large-scale dairy farms should be carried out to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of grain source and lucerne hay (LH) particle length on eating behaviour, chewing activity, and milk production of lactating dairy cows. Eight Holstein dairy cows (175 ± 21 days in milk) were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with four 21‐days periods. The experiment was a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments with barley grain alone or equal blend of barley and maize grains combined with short (15 mm) and long (30 mm) LH. Diets were fed ad libitum as total mixed ration with a concentrate to forage ratio of 60:40. Interactions between grain source and LH particle length on feed particle distributions, sorting index, chewing activity, and milk production were minimal. Partially replacing barley grain with maize in the diet overall did not change diurnal distributions of particles retained on the sieves of Penn State Particle Separator but reduced the proportion of particles on 1.18‐sieve and increased that of particles on pan (p < 0.05). Grain source did not affect sorting index and chewing activity. However, feeding long LH increased (p < 0.01) intakes of long particles retained on 19‐ and 8‐mm of sieve, prolonged (p < 0.05) eating time, and lowered eating rate (p < 0.05). Interestingly, cows fed with long LH ate more coarse particle during critical‐early time post feeding (i. e. 1.5 h), where eating time increased and eating rate decreased (p < 0.05). Increasing particle length of dietary LH tended to increase milk fat‐to‐protein ratio (p = 0.08). The results suggested that the increased eating time and decreased eating rate as a result of marginally increasing LH particle length would be beneficial to alleviate reduction of ruminal pH and milk fat percentage following the ingestion of highly fermentable diets.  相似文献   

硒在草地放牧系统“土壤-植物-动物”间的流动与调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硒(Se)作为动物必需而容易缺乏的微量元素,具有多种生物学功能。在草地放牧系统中,硒随着物质在土壤、植物和动物之间的转移而循环流动。本文从硒在放牧草地"土壤-植物-动物"间的含量、分布及功能等方面,对国内外的研究现状进行了综述,分析了硒在放牧系统中的循环流动特点。结果表明,硒在土壤、植物和动物中的含量分别为0.1~2.0、0.05~1.50和0.02~0.05mg·kg-1。受多种因素影响,硒在土壤、植物和动物之间的流动量存在较大差异且不稳定,导致放牧家畜往往容易出现硒元素摄入不足的现象。在合理的放牧制度下,采取适宜的施肥方式,补播对硒积累能力强的牧草品种,可有效增加草地放牧系统中硒的循环流动量,以缓解或解决放牧家畜缺硒的不利局面。  相似文献   

文章旨在评估高淀粉水平日粮补充不同类型的脂肪酸对泌乳期奶牛生长性能、乳成分及血清代谢参数的影响.试验将泌乳量一致的24头荷斯坦奶牛随机分为3组,每组4个重复,每个重复2头.各组日粮设计如下:T1为26.5%淀粉水平+1.5%硬脂酸,T2为26.5%淀粉水平+1.5%棕榈酸,T3为正常淀粉水平组(21%淀粉不添加脂肪酸)...  相似文献   

Yield, chemical composition, fatty acid profile, and sensory acceptability of Panela cheese produced from cows grazing in an intensive silvopastoral system (ISS) with Leucaena leucocephala and Cynodon nlemfuensis were evaluated and compared with Panela cheese from cows grazing a monoculture system (MS) of C. nlemfuensis only. The experiment lasted for 9 weeks in a tropical area in Mexico using ten crossbred cows (30–90 days of milking) assigned homogenously as five cows in each experimental group. No significant differences were found between the two systems for milk and cheese gross composition. Panela cheese from ISS showed lower content of the hypercholesterolemic fatty acids, accompanied with higher content of omega‐3, omega‐6 and polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, Panela cheese from ISS showed higher preference for the attributes of appearance, texture, flavor, and overall acceptability. It is concluded that Panela cheese from cows grazing in ISS has better acceptability and nutritional properties than that produced from MS with grass only.  相似文献   

The study investigated the impact of feeding OmniGen‐AF® (OG; Phibro Animal Health, Quincy, IL) from dry‐off to week 4 of lactation at two doses on production performance and metabolic adaptation of multiparous Holstein cows. Forty‐eight cows were blocked and assigned randomly to three treatments: OG was fed at 0 g/head/day (CON), 60 g/head/day (OG60), or 90 g/head/day (OG90). No difference was observed in dry matter intake (DMI) throughout the experiment, whereas feeding OG tended to decrease the percentage body weight change (PWC) on week 2. Although colostrum yield was not affected by treatment, colostrum IgG production of OG90 tended to be higher than that of CON. OG supplementation did not affect overall milking performance but decreased milk SCC during the first 4 weeks of lactation. In prepartum, OG supplementation decreased the concentrations of serum albumin and calcium, and increased serum globulin. OG supplementation tended to increase serum total protein, globulin, and calcium contents postpartum. Furthermore, reduced incidence of mastitis and udder edema were observed. In conclusion, supplementing cows with OG from dry‐off period reduces or modulates the inflammation responses associated with parturition, potentially resulting in improved postpartum health, while feeding OG more than 60 g/head/day did not warrant further benefits.  相似文献   

甘南高寒草地放牧系统生态风险的AHP决策分析及管理对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究从生态经济学角度,系统探讨了制约高寒草地畜牧业可持续发展的主要风险因素及其时空变化特征,剖析了生态风险分析内涵,应用多层次的AHP(analytichierarchyprocess)决策分析方法,对甘南玛曲高寒草地放牧系统的生态风险进行了综合评价分析。结果表明,在导致高寒草地植被退化、土地沙漠化的诸风险因素中,长期超载放牧是主要风险因素,其权重达0.4803;其次是全球气候变化造成的降水减少风险和鼠害、虫害风险,其权重分别为0.2902和0.1558;人类其他不当活动(挖药材、采矿等)的风险影响较小,其权重仅为0.0737。在研究区风险防范的诸管理措施中,围栏轮牧(降低放牧强度)措施和针对严重退化草地实施的补播、施肥、封育等综合措施的效果最佳,其相应组合权重分别为0.3060和0.2661;灭鼠和建植人工草地等措施均有一定的效果。基于上述风险评价分析,提出了高寒草地放牧系统生态风险防范的主要管理对策与措施,为草地资源保护与可持续利用提供定量依据。  相似文献   


The objectives were to investigate the effects of genotype and level of concentrate on foraging activity and vegetation cover in an organic pasture-based system for growing-finishing pigs. A 44% reduction in the allowance of concentrate more than doubled the rooting activity. The effect of feeding strategy on grazing was less pronounced; this behaviour only tended to be more frequent in the pigs fed restrictedly compared to the pigs fed according to recommendations. There were no significant differences in rooting activity between genotypes; however, the ‘traditional’ genotype grazed significantly more than the ‘modern’ genotype. The vegetation cover declined significantly faster in the paddocks with restrictedly fed pigs than in the paddocks with pigs fed according to recommendations. A restriction in the allowance of concentrate is a valuable tool for stimulating rooting behaviour in integrated systems where the pigs’ rooting behaviour is considered a resource in relation to, for example, soil tillage.  相似文献   

We estimated the genetic parameters of fat‐to‐protein ratio (FPR) and the genetic correlations between FPR and milk yield or somatic cell score in the first three lactations in dairy cows. Data included 3 079 517 test‐day records of 201 138 Holstein cows in Japan from 2006 to 2011. Genetic parameters were estimated with a multiple‐trait random regression model in which the records within and between parities were treated as separate traits. The phenotypic values of FPR increased soon after parturition and peaked at 10 to 20 days in milk, then decreased slowly in mid‐ and late lactation. Heritability estimates for FPR yielded moderate values. Genetic correlations of FPR among parities were low in early lactation. Genetic correlations between FPR and milk yield were positive and low in early lactation, but only in the first lactation. Genetic correlations between FPR and somatic cell score were positive in early lactation and decreased to become negative in mid‐ to late lactation. By using these results for genetic evaluation it should be possible to improve energy balance in dairy cows.  相似文献   

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