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A test and treatment program was conducted in northern Idaho and southeastern Washington to detect bovine reactors to Anaplasma marginale and to achieve anaplasmosis-free status in the herds tested. Of 3,920 cattle tested, 214 (5.5%) were reactors; 110 of the reactors (from 7 herds) were tested after being treated orally for 45 days with chlortetracycline or oxytetracycline at a calculated daily dosage of 11 mg/kg of body weight, and all were seronegative. Two reactors refused to eat the medicated feed and were seropositive at retest. In untreated herds, the prevalence of reactors remained constant. It was concluded that a test and treatment program would have to be continued for several years to achieve an anaplasmosis-free status in cattle herds of the area.  相似文献   

Seventeen ponies were infected with Salmonella typhimurium and then 15 were variously stressed by transportation and/or surgery and 9 were given oxytetracycline. Indications of Salmonella reactivation occurred in all the stressed ponies. Diarrhea due to a reactivation of the Salmonella infection did not develop until greater than 3 days after stress, although maximal shedding of organisms occurred within 24 hours. A neutropenia generally occurred within 24 hours after stress and lasted about 5 days. A rectal temperature greater than 39 C usually did not occur. An increase in serologic titer was noticed in about half of the ponies. Transportation had a major role in reactivating the Salmonella infection, and 1 pony died of peracute colitis. The use of oxytetracycline prolonged the excretion of Salmonella; therefore, this drug should not be used after stress, particularly transportation, in ponies that have diarrhea or are known to be Salmonella carriers.  相似文献   

Generalised pyogranulomatous disease and hyperviscosity syndrome associated with a presumed monoclonal gammopathy was diagnosed in a three-year-old intact female Pomeranian. The Bartonella henselae antibody titer was 1:64 and Bartonella species DNA was amplified from the splenic tissue. Monoclonal gammopathies in dogs are typically associated with plasma cell and lymphoid dyscrasias and other inflammatory or infectious diseases such as ehrlichiosis and leishmaniosis. Based on this case report, infection with Bartonella species should also be added to the differential diagnoses for gammopathy in dogs. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of molecular evidence of Bartonella species infection in a sick dog in Spain.  相似文献   

Peliosis hepatis in a dog infected with Bartonella henselae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 6-year-old spayed female Golden Retriever was examined because of generalized weakness and abdominal distention. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a large quantity of peritoneal fluid. In addition, the liver appeared larger than normal and contained multiple, small, nodular masses and cyst-like structures. Abdominal exploratory surgery was performed, and 5 L of serosanguineous peritoneal fluid was removed. Gross lesions were not found in the stomach, kidneys, intestines, adrenal glands, or urinary bladder. There were diffuse cystic nodules in all liver lobes. The dog did not recover from anesthesia. A diagnosis of peliosis hepatis was made on the basis of gross and histologic appearance of the liver. A polymerase chain reaction assay revealed Bartonella henselae DNA in liver specimens. To our knowledge, this is the first report of molecular evidence of B henselae infection in a dog with peliosis hepatis.  相似文献   

Bitches with naturally occurring Brucella canis infection were treated with combined antibiotic therapy consisting of tetracycline, dihydrostreptomycin, and trimethoprim-sulfadiazine. After treatment, all but 1 bitch became abacteremic, and serologic titers declined for a variable length of time (3 months to 1 years). Abortion did not occur while these bitches were abacteremic. Although sequential antibiotic therapy for 6 weeks did not eradicate Brucella canis from affected bitches, it did not prevent abortion. The number of live pups whelped and weaned by treated bitches was comparable with that in bitches before they became infected.  相似文献   

Giardia intestinalis infection is a common cause of diarrhoea in humans and other mammalian species throughout the world. This report describes a case of a dog suffering from diarrhoea, infected with G. intestinalis, effectively treated with azithromycin. Azithromycin is an azalide, semisynthetic macrolide antibiotic having a large spectrum of activity against bacterial pathogens and some protozoa. In this case, Giardia infection in a dog was confirmed by microscopic examination and PCR. Sequencing of the detected Giardia amplicon confirmed infection with assemblage A-I. The dog received azithromycin administered at dose of 10 mg/kg per os, once a day for 5 days. After the therapy, the diarrhoea stopped. Effectiveness of the treatment was also confirmed by PCR and microscopic examination. This is the first report on the therapy of canine giardiosis with azithromycin. It seems that azithromycin can be considered as promising antibiotic for the control of Giardia infection in dogs.  相似文献   

We describe the surgical and post-operative management of a large, invasive, and metastatic functional Sertoli cell tumor in a 9-year-old cryptorchid male Labrador retriever dog. Despite residual disease after surgery, bone marrow recovery occurred without administration of bone marrow stimulants and serum estradiol accurately predicted tumor recurrence.  相似文献   

A nine-year-old male Newfoundland-cross was treated with doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and methotrexate as adjuvant chemotherapy following the resection of a maxillary osteosarcoma. The dog remained in good health until week 13 of therapy, when he became anorexic, and developed icterus and ascites. Laboratory tests at this time suggested sub-acute hepatic failure and renal failure. Necropsy revealed severe generalized hepatic necrosis with resultant ascites and intestinal haemorrhage. Since there was no evidence on necropsy of an infectious aetiology, and since there was no history of toxin ingestion, methotrexate which is a known hepatotoxin in man, was considered the probable cause of the hepatic necrosis. This side-effect of methotrexate has not previously been reported in the dog, and animals undergoing therapy with the drug should be monitored closely for hepatotoxicity.  相似文献   

Ketoconazole therapy in a dog with systemic cryptococcosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 2-year-old dog had bilateral chorioretinitis and a cough. Systemic cryptococcosis was diagnosed by evaluating a trans-tracheal aspirate and a cryptococcal latex-particle agglutination antigen titer. Clinical remission was achieved with ketoconazole administration, an imidazole antifungal agent. Serial antigen titers were used to monitor treatment, which was continued for 12 months. Ketoconazole therapy was well tolerated by the dog.  相似文献   

Abstract Hypothyroidism and a neuromuscular disorder developed in a 4-year-old Golden Retriever after it received potentiated sulphonamide and metronidazole for 18 and 14 weeks, respectively. Serum total T4 concentrations were non-detectable before and 6 h after exogenous administration of 4IU bovine thyroidstimulating hormone. Thyroid gland biopsy revealed changes consistent with diffuse hyperplastic goitre. Serum T4 concentrations were normal 7 days after discontinuation of therapy. The long-term trimethoprim-sulphadiazine therapy was considered the most likely cause of this dog's hyperplastic goitre. The cause of the neuromuscular disorder was not determined. It is recommended that discontinuation of potentiated sulphonamide takes place at least 7 days prior to any assessment of thyroid function. Résumé— Une hypothyroïdie et des troubles neuromusculaires sont observés sur un Golden Retriever de 4 ans, après une thérapeutique à base de sulfonamides potentialisés et de métronidazole, respectivement de 18 et 14 semaines. Des concentrations sériques de T4 totale ne sont pas détectables avant et après 6 heures d'une stimulation à la TSH bovine (4 UI). Des biopsies de la thyroïde montrent un goitre hyperplasique diffus. Les concentrations sériques de T4 sont de nouveau normales 7 jours après l'arrêt du traitement. L'administration à long terme de triméthoprim-sulphadiazine semble être la cause la plus vraisemblable du goitre hyperplasique. La cause des troubles neuromusculaires n'a pas été déterminée. Il est recommandé d'arrêter l'administration de sulfonamides potentialisés au moins 7 jours avant une exploration de la function thyroïdienne. [Torres, S.M.F. Hypothyroidism in a dog associated with triméthoprim-sulphadiazine therapy (Hypothyroi'die en relation avec un traitement triméthoprim-sulphadiazine chez un chien). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 105–108.] Resumen Un perro Golden Retriever de 4 años desarrolló hipotiroidismo y una afección neuromuscular después de recibir un tratamiento con sulfonamidas potenciadas y metronidazol 18 y 14 semanas, respectivamente. Las concentraciones séricas totales de T4 eran indetectables antes y a las 6 horas después de la administración exógena de 4 UI de TSH bovina. La biopsia de tiroides mostró alteraciones indicativas de gota hiperplásica difusa. Las concentraciones séricas de T4 fueron normales a los 7 dias de retirar la terapia. La terapia prolongada con trimetoprim-sulfadiazina fue considerada la causa más probable de gota hiperplásica en este perro. No se determinó la causa del cuadro neuromuscular. Se recomienda retirar la terapia con sulfonamida potenciada al menos 7 días antes de la evaluación de la función tiroidea. [Torres, S.M.F. Hypothyroidism in a dog associated with trimethoprim-sulphadiazine therapy (Hipotiroidismo en un perro asociado a la terapia con trimetoprim-sulfadiazina). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 105–108.] Zusammenfassung— Hypothyreose und eine neuromuskuläre Störung entwickelten sich bei einem 4 Jahre alten Golden Retriever, nachdem er potenzierte Sulfonamide und Metronidazol über 18 beziehungsweise 14 Wochen erhalten hatte. Die Gesamt T4-Konzentrationen waren vor und 6 Stunden nach exogener Verabreichung von 4 IE bovinen TSH nicht meßbar. Eine Biopsie der Schilddrüse zeigte Veränderungen, die parallel mit diffusem hyperplasischem Kropf auftreten. Die Serum T4-Konzentrationen waren 7 Tage nach Abbruch der Therapie wieder normal. Die Langzeit-Trimethoprim-Sulfadiazin-Therapie wurde als wahr-scheinlichste Ursache dieses hyperplastischen Kropfes beim Hund angesehen. Die Ursache der neuro-muskulären Störung konnte nicht festgestellt werden. Es wird empfohlen, potenzierte Sulfonamide mindestens 7 Tage vor einer überprüfung der Schilddrüsenfunktion abzusetzen. [Torres, S. M. F. Hypothyroidism in a dog associated with trimethoprim-sulphadiazine therapy (Hyperthyreose bei einem Hund in Verbindung mit einer Trimethoprim-Sulfadiazin-Therapie). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 105–108.]  相似文献   

Case report concerning therapeutic pacemaker implantation in a 3 year old West-Highland-White terrier with Adams-Stokes syncopes. EKG's, X-ray-pictures, illustrations of the pulse rate and quality and oxygen measurements with a "Pulsoximeter" before and during surgery are shown. A special place takes the report of selection and control of the anesthesia in this case of a special operation. 17 references and 11 pictures.  相似文献   

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