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Twenty growing crossbred cattle and crossbred water buffalo (carabao) with an average age of 22 (18–24 months) months were equally distributed into two treatment groups according to species. The animals were fed with the same ration made up of corn silage (50%) + wet brewer's spent grain (30%) + concentrate mixture (20%), and their fattening performance was monitored. The digestibilities of the different nutrients were likewise determined. The economics of raising the animals under intensive production system was calculated. Species differences did not influence total dry matter intake of the animals, when expressed as percentage of the bodyweight and per metabolic body size. There were no significant differences in digestion coefficients of the different nutrients, except for crude protein in crossbred water buffalo and crossbred cattle, although the digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and nitrogen free extract tended to be high in the former than in the latter. Likewise, average daily gain (ADG) was similar, although crossbred water buffalo had numerically higher ADG (828.6 vs 785.5 g) than crossbred cattle during the 6 months feeding. During the first 3 months of feeding (1–90 days), the ADG of crossbred water buffalo was 1066.1 g compared to 940.1 g for crossbred cattle. From 91 to 180 days, the crossbred cattle had slightly higher ADG (630.1 vs 591.1 g) but also the difference was not significant. The return above feed cost was comparable for crossbred cattle and crossbred water buffalo during the first 90 days of feeding. However, extending the feeding period from 91 to 180 days , income over feed cost was higher (P < 0.05) for crossbred cattle by PhP 5.3/kg gain than crossbred water buffalo. Results showed that crossbred water buffalo could attain similar growth rate with that of crossbred cattle under intensive system, when fed with high quality feed materials.  相似文献   

聚乙二醇对羊茅属4种植物种子萌发特性的影响研究   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
用不同浓度聚乙二醇(PEG)溶液作为渗透胁迫剂,对羊茅属Festuca 4种牧草种子的萌发情况进行了研究.结果表明,低PEG浓度(5%)促进中华羊茅F.sinensis和西北羊茅F.kryloviana胚根的生长,较高PEG浓度(10%~15%)显著抑制4种羊茅植物胚根和胚芽的生长及种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数的提高,PEG浓度对胚芽生长的抑制效应比胚根大.各植物胚根(芽)长、发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数均随PEG浓度的增加呈显著降低变化(P<0.05).胚根/胚芽比、发芽率、发芽势可作为羊茅属牧草种子萌发期抗旱性初步评定的鉴定指标.4种植物的抗旱性顺序为中华羊茅>西北羊茅>毛稃羊茅F.kirilovii和法恩苇状羊茅F.arundincea.  相似文献   

Small‐scale urban dairy farms (n = 16) in and around Jimma, Ethiopia with cross‐bred (Bos indicus × Bos taurus) cows were enrolled in a double‐blinded intervention study to investigate the effect of a trace element supplementation programme on trace element status and milk concentrations as well as performance [body condition score (BCS), milk yield, leptin], milk composition, antioxidant status (ferric‐reducing ability of plasma (FRAP), thiobarbituric acid‐reactive substances (TBARS)], blood biochemistry, serum proteins and immune response (antibody titre upon rabies vaccination). The farms were allocated to a (1) placebo or (2) Cu, Zn, Se, Co and I supplementation treatment for 150 d. On days 0 and 120, four lactating cows per farm were sampled for milk and plasma, and on day 150 for serum, following primo‐vaccination. Cu deficiency was present in 17% and marginal Se deficiency in 30% of initially sampled cows, while no Zn shortage was detected. Over 120 days, trace element supplementation caused a bigger increase in plasma Se and Cu concentrations, but also a larger decrease of plasma Fe concentrations. A larger increase in milk Se concentrations was observed in the supplemented group, whereas none of the other elements were affected. BCS decreased more over time in the supplemented group. None of the other parameters of performance and antioxidant status nor milk composition or blood biochemistry was affected by treatment. Antibody response to rabies vaccination did not differ between groups, whereas α1‐globulins tended to be lower and β‐globulins tended to be higher in the supplemented group. In conclusion, despite improved Cu and Se status and Se concentrations in milk, cows on tropical urban dairy farms did not seem to benefit from trace element supplementation, with respect to the parameters investigated.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the fattening performance in Brahman grade cattle (crossbred cattle) and crossbred water buffalo at the same young age and fed with high roughage based fattening rations in the Philippines. Ten crossbred cattle and 10 crossbred water buffalo, aged between 18 and 24 months old were used in this experiment. The animals were fed diets consisting of 85% Napier or Para grass and 15% concentrate mixture (CM) on a dry matter (DM) basis. The grass, total DM intake and bodyweight gain were significantly (P < 0.01) higher for the crossbred water buffalo than for the cattle. There was no species significant difference in the digestion coefficient and feed conversion rate between the crossbred cattle and water buffalo. The return over feed cost for fattening was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the crossbred water buffalo than in the cattle. These results clearly indicate that under high roughage‐based fattening rations, young crossbred water buffalo are better able to utilize the roughage and they perform better in terms of feed intake and live weight gains than the crossbred cattle in the Philippines.  相似文献   

Thirty‐six published studies containing 219 treatment means and 1069 sheep were included in the dataset for meta‐analysis to elucidate responses of foliage supplementation on digestibility, nitrogen balance and rumen parameters. Major predictive variables were percentages of foliages in diets (FL), crude protein (CP) in foliages (FCP), NDF in foliages (FNDF), NDF in basal forages (BNDF), CP in basal forages (BCP), CP in total diets (DCP) and foliage CP intake (FCPI). Organic matter digestibility increased linearly (p = 0.10) with increasing FL, but responded quadratically to DCP (p = 0.021) and BCP (p < 0.001), with maximal OM digestibility occurred at 14.6% of CP in diets (R2 = 0.12). The digestibility of CP was affected by FL (p = 0.01), FCPI (p < 0.026), FCP (p < 0.001), FNDF (p < 0.001) and DCP (p < 0.032) positively and quadratically, and maximal response was at 14.1% DCP (p < 0.001), 51% FL (p < 0.001), 29% FCP (p < 0.001) and FCPI of 122 g/day (p < 0.001). The digestibility of NDF increased quadratically (p = 0.09) with increasing FL, peaking at 16% foliage levels, decreased quadratically (p = 0.001) with increasing FNDF and decreased linearly (p = 0.048) with increasing FCPI. Digestible OM and CP intakes were the highest at 37.2% and 42.1% FL, respectively. Fecal N excretion increased linearly with increasing FL (p < 0.001) and DCP (p < 0.001, R2 = 0.66). However, FCPI (p = 0.082), FCP (p = 0.003) and BCP (p < 0.001) affected fecal N excretion positively and quadratically. Urinary N excretion increased linearly (p < 0.001) with increasing FL (R2 = 0.45), FCPI (R2 = 0.79), FCP (R2 = 0.51), BCP (R2 = 0.72) and DCP (R2 = 0.77). Rumen NH3 concentration was affected positively and quadratically (p = 0.023) by FL with a peak rumen NH3 level of 160 mg/l at 17.3% FL. However, rumen NH3 concentration (mg/l) increased linearly with increasing FCP (p = 0.001), FCPI (p = 0.01) and DCP (p < 0.001). In conclusion, catalytic foliage supplementation at low levels, preferably, at 16% may enhance nutrient utilization, while foliage levels up to 42% may result greater performance of sheep fed on low‐quality roughages.  相似文献   

Several studies report that dietary mannan‐oligosaccharides (MOSs) improve the growth performance of piglets, however, only a few studies focus on nutrient digestibility. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of dietary MOS on ileal digestibility of nutrients and on N‐balance and growth performance of piglets weaned at 28 days of age. Three experiments were conducted: a digestibility trial with a total of 30, simple T‐cannulated piglets (Exp. 1), a N‐balance trial with a total of 48 intact piglets (Exp. 2) and a performance trial with a total of 324 piglets (Exp. 3). In Exp. 1 and 2, the same five dietary treatments were carried out by supplementing the basal diet with 0, 1, 2, 4 g MOS or with 0.2 g antibiotic growth promoter (AGP, Avilamycin) per kg of diet. In Exp. 3, three dietary treatments were used as follows: the basal diet was supplemented no additive, 2 g MOS or 0.2 g AGP (Avilamycin) per kg of diet. Dietary MOS (2 or 4 g/kg) enhanced the ileal digestibility of crude protein similar to antibiotics. Addition of 1 g/kg MOS significantly increased the digestibility of Ca and P by 8.4% and 7.7% units, respectively; however, further increment did not enhance the absorption. Addition of 1 or 2 g/kg MOS significantly increased the ileal digestibility of lysine, methionine, cystine and threonine with the same magnitude or even more than the AGP. In our study, MOS supplementation had no influence on N‐balance and growth parameters. Because of the better apparent ileal digestibility of certain nutrients, however, the protein, lysine, methionine, cystine, threonine, Ca and P contents of the diet can probably be reduced without weakening the rearing performance of piglets, when the diet is supplemented with 2 g/kg MOS.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of feeding Atriplex halimus (AH) silage treated with two developed enzyme cocktails to sheep on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and ruminal fermentation. The AH silage was treated without or with 2 L of ZAD1® or ZAD2®/1000 kg with 5% molasses and ensiled for 30 days. Barley grain (300 g/head/day) was fed as an energy supplement once daily at 10.00 hours and AH silage with or without enzyme treatment was offered ad libitum to animals twice daily at 09.00 and 16.00 hours. Sheep were fed on four experimental forage diets comprised of AH silage and barley (D1), AH silage treated with ZAD1® and barley (D2), AH silage treated with ZAD2® and barley (D3) and AH silage treated with a combination of ZAD1® and ZAD2® (1:1) and barley (D4). Ensiling AH with enzymes reduced its contents of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber. The dry matter intake of AH of D2, D3 and D4 decreased (P < 0.001) as compared to D1. However, enzyme‐treated diets had greater total digestible nutrients intake (P < 0.001) as compared to D1. The nutrients digestibility for D2, D3 and D4 were higher than those for D1 (P < 0.001), and were higher for D3 as compared to both D2 and D4. Sheep fed on D3 had highest (P < 0.001) ruminal total volatile fatty acids concentration, ammonia nitrogen concentration and microbial protein yield. It could be concluded that AH silage treated with ZAD1® or ZAD2® improved digestibility and rumen fermentation in sheep.  相似文献   

Formulating swine diets containing fibrous coproducts based on net energy (NE) and standardized ileal digestible amino acid (SID AA) values is recommended for optimizing pig performance. However, the effects of applying this approach to diets with increasing dietary levels of wheat‐corn‐derived distillers dried grains with soluble (wcDDGS) on pig performance have not been evaluated. Thus, 48 pigs with an average body weight [BW] of 25.5 kg were used to determine the effects of increasing wcDDGS (1:1 wheat to corn ratio) content in grower diets on performance and apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of energy and nutrients. Pigs were housed in pens of either 2 barrows or gilts balanced for BW and fed 4 diets within sex for 42 days. Diets were a nutrient adequate corn–barley–soybean meal‐based diet with 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% wcDDGS, and were similar in calculated NE and SID AA values. Acid insoluble ash was used as the indigestible marker. Final BW and overall average daily gain (ADG) linearly decreased (p < 0.05) and feed efficiency tended to decrease (p = 0.07) with increased dietary wcDDGS. Overall average daily feed intake was not affected (p > 0.10) by dietary treatment. The ATTD of dry matter and energy linearly decreased (p < 0.01), whereas the ATTD of neutral detergent fibre linearly increased (p < 0.01) with increasing dietary level of wcDDGS. Increasing dietary wcDDGS content did not affect (p > 0.10) ATTD of Ca and P. In conclusion, increasing dietary wcDDGS content reduced growth performance and ATTD of energy in growing pigs. Thus, the risks of high dietary wcDGGS content may not be completely alleviated by formulating growing pig diets on the basis of NE and SID AA systems.  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate the impact of nutrient intake during the early growth period on the expression of glucose metabolism‐related genes in skeletal muscle of cross‐bred cattle. From 1.5 to 5 months of age, group H (n = 7) animals were intensively fed a high‐protein and low‐fat milk replacer [crude protein (CP) 28%; ether extracts (EE) 18%; max: 2.0 kg, 12 l/day], and group R (n = 7) animals were fed a restricted amount of normal milk replacer (CP 25%; EE 23%; max 0.5 kg, 4 l/day). From 6 to 10 months of age, group H cattle were fed a high‐nutrition total mixed ration mainly prepared from grain feed, and group R cattle were fed only roughage. Blood samples were taken from each animal at three biopsy times (1.5, 5 and 10 months of age), and the blood plasma concentration of glucose and insulin was analysed. In glucose concentration, there were no significant differences; however, the concentrations of insulin were higher in group H than in group R at 5 and 10 months of age. Muscle samples were taken by biopsy from longissimus thoracis muscle (LT) at 1.5, 5 and 10 months of age. We analysed mRNA expression levels using the quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for glucose transporters (GLUT1 and GLUT4), insulin receptor, phosphatidylinositol 3‐kinase (PI‐3K), protein kinase B (PKB, also known as Akt), hexokinase 1 (HK1) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα). Although no differences were detected at 1.5 and 5 months of age, at 10 months of age, GLUT1, HK1 and TNFα mRNA expression levels were significantly higher in group H than in group R. These results suggested Glut1 that affects insulin‐independently mediated glucose uptake was more responsive to improved nutrition during early growth stage than GLUT4 that insulin‐dependently mediated glucose uptake in LT of cattle.  相似文献   

The addition of organic acids to diet of young pigs has been shown to improve their zootechnical performance. The aim of these experiments was to evaluate the effects of dietary supplementation with BA (VevoVitall®) on the zootechnical performance (DWG and FCR), the gastrointestinal microflora of the weaner piglet and to determine the effects on the ileal digestibility. For the zootechnical and microbiological evaluations 124 28-day-old piglets were used. During 32 days half of them were fed a maize–soybean meal based diet and the other half this diet supplemented with 0.5% BA. At the end of the study the stomach and caecum contents were sampled from 12 animals of each group for microbiological determinations. For the ileal digestibility study 60-day-old ileo-rectal anastomosed piglets were used and fed alternatively the same diet supplemented or not with 0.5% BA. Digestibilities of total nitrogen (N), energy (E) and amino acids (AA) were evaluated.

The BA group had significantly higher DWG and FCR than that of the control group. BA reduced almost all the determined bacterial populations of the gastrointestinal tract of the piglet. The reductions were significant for gastric lactic acid bacteria and caecal E. coli. The ileal digestibility of E and AA was numerically improved and that of N significantly increased in the BA group.  相似文献   

Thirty‐six Malpura lambs (28 day old and 6.7 ± 0.25 kg BW) were distributed equally in three groups having six males and six female. They were ad libitum fed individually three different experimental diets containing calcium soap of fatty acids (CA‐FA) at 0 (T1) and 40 (T2 and T3) g/kg concentrate up to six months of age. Animals in T3 were supplemented additionally with 40 mg DL‐α‐tocopherol acetate/kg of concentrate. The roughage moiety included ad libitum dry Prosopis cineraria and fresh Azadirachata indica leaves. All the lambs were allowed to suckle from their dam up to weaning (90 day of age). Supplementation of Ca‐FA improved weight gain and feed conversion ratio during both pre‐ (28–90 days) and post‐weaning (91–180 days) phases; however, no effect of DL‐α‐tocopherol was observed. Metabolic parameters during post‐weaning phase revealed non‐significant effect on digestibility but improved nitrogen balance in the test groups. The effect on biochemical attributes did not show any significant alteration in ruminal parameters, blood biochemicals and urinary purine derivatives. Carcass traits revealed higher (p < 0.05) dressing yield and loin eye area with Ca‐FA supplementation. The value of thiobarbituric reactive substances for nuggets prepared from frozen carcasses revealed significant (p < 0.05) reduction in T3 compared to the other dietary groups. Fatty acid profile of adipose tissue revealed higher (p < 0.001) 9‐octadecanoic, 9‐12‐octadecadienoic, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), higher ratio of PUFA/saturated fatty acids (SFA), ω‐6/ω‐3 and lower SFA in Ca‐FA‐supplemented groups. It is concluded that supplementation of 40 g/kg calcium soap prepared from industrial grade rice bran oil in lamb ration provided additional energy intake, improved N utilization, gain and feed conversion ratio besides improving dressing yield and meat quality with CLA enriched fatty acid profile. DL‐α‐tocopherol acetate when supplemented at 40 mg/kg feed reduced lipid oxidation of meat products thus improving its keeping quality.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the growth performance and nutrient utilization of cross‐bred calves serially infected with Fasciola gigantica and/or supplemented with deoiled mahua seed cake (DMSC) during pre‐patent period of infection. Twenty healthy cross‐bred (Holstein Friesian × Haryana) male calves aged 6–7 months with an initial average live weight of 79.6 ± 2.71 kg were divided into four treatment groups (CON, CON‐INF, DMC and DMC‐INF) of five animals each following randomized block design. DMSC was included in the concentrate mixture of DMC and DMC‐INF groups at 100 g/kg level. Animals of groups CON‐INF and DMC‐INF were given an infection of 200 metacercariae (mc) of F. gigantica as serial infection dose of 50 mc twice weekly over a period of 2 weeks. A metabolism trial at 40–49 days post‐infection and growth trial of 145 days duration were conducted. The average daily gain (ADG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were significantly (p < 0.05) lower in CON‐INF group as compared to others. The ADG and FCR were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in DMC‐INF as compared to CON‐INF. The intake and digestibility of nutrients were not affected by serial infection with F. gigantica during pre‐patent period. However, significantly (p < 0.001) higher urinary excretion and significantly (p < 0.001) lower nitrogen balance were observed in CON‐INF group as compared to other three groups. The nitrogen balance was significantly (p < 0.001) improved in DMC‐INF group as compared to CON‐INF group. From the results, it may be deduced that the supplementation of deoiled mahua seed cake at 100 g/kg level in the concentrate mixture has improved the growth performance and nitrogen utilization in cross‐bred calves infected with F. gigantica.  相似文献   

Poultry diets are formulated with additional animal fat or vegetable oils to improve growth rate and feed conversion efficiency. High‐fat diet feeding in rats and fish has been shown to result in alterations in the phospholipid composition and cholesterol content of the erythrocyte membrane, in turn affecting erythrocyte osmotic fragility. In contrast, the few studies performed using high‐fat diet feeding in avian species show no changes in erythrocyte osmotic fragility. This study made use of the Japanese quail as no data exists on investigation of this species with respect to high‐fat diet feeding and erythrocyte osmotic fragility. Fifty‐seven male quail were randomly divided into six groups and fed either a standard diet (commercial poultry feed) or one of five high‐fat diets (commercial poultry feed with 22% of either coconut oil, lard, palm oil, soya bean oil or sunflower oil on a weight/weight basis) for 12 weeks. All birds on the high‐fat diets were significantly heavier (p < 0.05) after the 12‐week feeding period, than when commencing the dietary intervention. Serum triglyceride concentrations of birds in all high‐fat diet groups were significantly lower (p < 0.05) than birds in the standard diet group, whereas only birds in the palm oil group had significantly lower (p < 0.05) serum cholesterol concentrations compared to the standard diet group. Fragiligrams of erythrocytes from birds in the various dietary groups were similar. High‐fat diet feeding with different types of additional fat did not affect the osmotic fragility of the quail erythrocytes. Feeding quail high‐energy diets of varying degrees of fatty acid saturation was well tolerated and did not seem to affect the overall health status of the birds. Resistance of avian erythrocytes to modification by excess dietary fat may be a general characteristic of avian erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The effects of adding beet pulp or wheat bran to urea‐treated potato pulp (PP) in order to reduce moisture of PP silage and flake density of corn grain on digestibility and ruminal fermentation in beef steers were studied in a split‐plot design experiment. The whole‐plot treatments were PP silage mixed with 0% added pellets (CON), 9% (as‐fed basis) beet pulp pellets (BP) or 9% (as‐fed basis) wheat bran pellets (WB) as water‐absorbing materials. The subplot treatments consisted of supplements formulated to contain either high‐density corn (HDC) or low‐density corn (LDC). BP steers consumed more (BP vs WB, P = 0.011) concentrate than did WB steers, whereas hay intake did not differ between the treatments. Dry matter (BP vs WB, P = 0.023) and organic matter (BP vs WB, P = 0.029) digestibility were higher for BP steers than for WB steers. Starch digestibility was higher (P = 0.006) for LDC than for HDC. There were no differences in the concentration of ruminal ammonia nitrogen among the treatments. Molar proportions of ruminal acetate were higher for BP steers than for WB steers (BP vs WB, P = 0.030). Conversely, molar proportions of propionate were lower for BP steers than for WB steers (BP vs WB, P = 0.044). Flake density of corn did not affect ruminal characteristics. In conclusion, from the viewpoint of feed intake and digestibility, BP is superior to WB as a moisture control material for urea‐treated PP silage, and flake density of corn supplemented with urea‐treated PP silage does not alter ruminal fermentation.  相似文献   

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