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T. McNeilly 《Euphytica》1982,31(1):237-239
Summary A method for rapid screening of large numbers of barley genotypes for aluminium tolerance is described, and the results of a small scale screening of composite cross CC XXX-C given.  相似文献   

Summary Frost tolerance of 30 barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars have been field evaluated in North Italy during the 1990/1991 winter season that was characterized by exceptionally low temperatures without snow cover. The results showed a significant correlation between cold injury and grain yield loss (r=0.61**). Five cultivars chosen for their varying degree of frost tolerance were further evaluated using laboratory tests. Measurements of survival rate and membrane damage were used to assess the influence of hardening on frost resistance. The reliability of the tests is shown by the high correlation to the field data. For both the laboratory temperature regimes and field conditions, the tested cultivars showed the same order of classification. The effect of a rise in temperature at the end of the hardening treatment on frost tolerance is also reported. The laboratory tests here proposed can be integrated in a breeding programme for improving frost tolerance in barley.  相似文献   

C. Mak  B. L. Harvey 《Euphytica》1982,31(1):85-92
Summary Advanced agricultures are characterized by a great increase in the adoptation of uniform crop cultivars associated with a drastic reduction in locally adapted variation, the plant breeders should also examine means of creating and conserving genetic resources. Composite cross breeding is a technique that creates and preserves genetic variation in an exploitable form. The merits and problems of this method were discussed. using data obtained from barley Composite Cross XXI.  相似文献   

Summary Four highly heterogeneous populations of barley were assayed for salt stress tolerance at the time of seed germination. Three of these, Davis, Dryland and Irrigated, were derived originally from a population called Composite Cross XXI and propagated until F17 under contrasting conditions. The fourth, Composite Cross XXX-C, was of relatively recent (F5) origin. This population showed the highest germinability in nutrient solution salinated with sodium chloride. Davis was poorer in salt tolerance than CC XXX-C but better than Dryland and Irrigated. Dryland and Irrigated, propagated for 14 successive genrations under contrasting levels of soil moisture, showed no significant difference in salt stress tolerance. In several hundred random samples of lines developed from these two populations, ear row number, lemma awn texture, seed weight and yield showed non-random associations with salt tolerance. These associations might be gainfully utilized in barley breeding for salt stress tolerance.  相似文献   

Summary We propose that research be increased on chemical restoration of fertility to the genetic male steriles of barley. Seed harvested from male-sterile plants restored to fertility can then be planted as the female for hybrid barley production. Male fertility has been resotred in male-sterile or gynoecious plants by chemicals in many species, but a satisfactory method has not been developed in barley. Male-sterile mutants that self and mutant-chemical combinations with fertility persisting into the second generation should be avoided.Published with the approval of the Director of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station as Journal series No. 753.  相似文献   

Summary During the last decades extensive progress has been achieved in winter barley breeding with respect to both, yield and resistance to fungal and viral diseases. This progress is mainly due to the efficient use of the genetic diversity present within high yielding adapted cultivars and – with respect to resistance – to the extensive evaluation of genetic resources followed by genetic analyses and introgression of respective genes by sexual recombination. Detailed knowledge on genetic diversity present on the molecular level regarding specific traits as well as on the whole genome level may enhance barley breeding today by facilitating efficient selection of parental lines and marker assisted selection procedures. In the present paper the state of the art with respect to virus diseases, i.e. Barley mild mosaic virus, Barley yellow mosaic virus, and Barley yellow dwarf virus is briefly reviewed and first results on a project aiming on a genome wide estimation of genetic diversity which in combination with data on yield and additional agronomic traits may facilitate the detection of marker trait associations and a more efficient selection of parental genotypes are presented. By field tests of 49 two-rowed and 64 six-rowed winter barley cultivars the genetic gain in yield for the period 1970–2003 was estimated at 54.6 kg ha−1 year−1 (r2 = 0.567) for the six-rowed cultivars and at 37.5 kg ha−1 year−1 (r2 = 0.621) for the two-rowed cultivars. Analysis of 30 SSRs revealed a non-homogenous allele distribution between two and six-rowed cultivars and changes of allele frequencies in relation to the time of release. By PCoA a separation between two and six-rowed cultivars was observed but no clear cut differentiation in relation to the time of release. In the two-rowed cultivars an increase in genetic diversity (DI) from older to newly released cultivars was detected.  相似文献   

Summary Winter-type experimental lines from crosses of two winter-type barley cultivars with a spring-type, barley yellow dwarf (BYD) tolerant cultivar were compared in inoculated and uninoculated hill plots. Mature plants traits-winter survival, height, number of spike-bearing tillers, and biomass-were examined. The experimental lines could not be compared with the BYD tolerant parent using these diagnostic symptoms since the spring-type parent would be winterkilled. Two criteria were used to rate experimental lines for BYD tolerance: (1) nonsignificant difference between BYD-inoculated and BYD-uninoculated treatments for all traits, and (2) a BYD injury score obtained by averaging percent reduction from BYD infection for each trait.Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Paper No. 10059. This research supported in part by Anheuser-Busch, Inc, St. Louis, MO, USA.  相似文献   

M. I. E. Arabi 《Euphytica》2005,145(1-2):161-170
Barley breeders in Syria attempting to develop barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars resistant to barley leaf stripe (BLS) disease caused by Pyrenophora graminea Ito & Kuribayashi [anamorph Drechslera graminea (Rabenh. Ex. Schlech. Shoem.)]. Information on the combining ability for BLS resistance in Syria is not available. This study was conducted to evaluate, in 10 genetically diverse barley parents, general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) effects towards the determination of the genetic basis of disease resistance and to estimate genetic variability for yield components and its modification by BLS. Ten parental genotypes varying in their reactions to BLS were crossed in a half-diallel mating design to generate 45 full-sib families. The families and the parents were inoculated with P. graminea and evaluated for resistance in replicated field tests (three inoculated and three non-inoculated plots). The parents chosen showed wide variations for resistance to BLS. Genetic component analysis showed significant effects for both GCA and SCA for resistance to BLS, suggesting that additive as well as non-additive genetic mechanisms were involved in the expression of resistance in these parents. GCA effects were more important than SCA effects. Resistant parents exhibited high negative GCA indicating that additive gene effects were more predominant, and suggesting their prime suitability for use in barley breeding programs to improve resistance to BLS. Narrow-sense heritability was 58% and broad-sense heritability was 99% indicating that selection for BLS resistance should be effective in these crosses. A high genetic variability for the agronomic traits studied was observed. Yield components decreased significantly in inoculated plants and more pronounced in diseased plants. Significant GCA was observed for all traits. Values for GCA were, in some cases, significantly modified by BLS. This indicates that attention must be paid to the danger of drawing conclusion in quantitative genetics studies dealing with both diseased and healthy plants. Two genotypes, Banteng and Igri, had high negative GCA effects and are promising parents for enhancement of BLS resistance.  相似文献   

For studying genetic diversity caused byselection for adaptation and end-use, 17microsatellites (SSR), representative ofthe barley genome, were used in 26 barley(Hordeum vulgare L.) accessions andcultivars in Tunisia. Theaccessions/cultivars originate fromdifferent geographic regions and are ofdifferent end-use. For the 15 polymorphicSSR, the mean number of alleles per locuswas 3.6 and the average polymorphisminformation content was 0.45. Clusteranalysis based on SSR data and onmorphological data clearly differentiatethe genotypes according to their type(local landraces vs. varieties), row-numberand end-use. The correlation between bothdiversity measures was highly significant(r = 0.25, p<10-5) and thecorrespondence between the clustering basedon SSR and morphological data wasrelatively good. Our results show the largegenetic diversity of the Tunisian barleycultivars and the association of thisdiversity with adaptation traits.  相似文献   

Summary Simulated segregating barley populations were screened for resistance to scald (Rhynchosporium secalis) in the field at commercial seeding rates. A reduction in infection on the susceptible component occurred with increasing proportions of resistant genotypes. Similar trends were seen in space planted experiments but the use of susceptible buffer rows counteracted the effect, enhanced the infection in susceptible plants and greatly improved discrimination between resistant and susceptible. These results have been applied to the routine testing of F2 populations in the barley breeding programme.  相似文献   

Summary The photosynthetic characteristics of the penultimate leaf in barley genotypes (reciprocal F1 combinations and varieties) were studied at the flowering stage in order to analyze the relationship between these traits and the biological yield and the economic yield. The biological yield was correlated with the leaf area whereas the economic yield was more dependent on the green area duration of the leaf or the combination of the two factors, leaf area and green area duration. The net photosynthesis per unit leaf area, determined at anthesis, was not a factor of productivity. On the other hand, the chlorophyll fluorescence (P), which was negatively correlated with the leaf area (+0.5) and with the combination of leaf area and green area duration (+0.5), was found to be a good marker of the economic yield. In view of its high heritability, it may provide an effective selection criterion.  相似文献   

Summary Groups of 10 barley genotypes were selected for high grain yield under either high yielding (two groups) or low yielding conditions (two groups). The genotypes had a similar average grain yield across a wide range of yielding conditions, but differed in their linear response over environments (environmental sensitivity). The genotypes selected for high grain yield under low yielding conditions were less sensitive to changing environments than genotypes selected for high grain yield under high yielding conditions. The higher stability of genotypes selected under low yielding conditions was shown by both the linear regression analysis and the comparison of coefficients of variation. The use of a safety-first index showed that the probability of a crop failure of genotypes selected for high grain yield under high yielding conditions was between 1.8 and 2.7 times higher than for genotypes selected for high grain yield under low yielding conditions. The development of new cultivars for areas where a large proportion of the crop is grown by subsistence farmers should therefore be based on selection under low yielding conditions.  相似文献   

Merja Veteläinen 《Euphytica》1994,79(1-2):127-136
Summary Utilization of exotic germplasm offers an approach to broaden genetic variability in breeding populations. This study was conducted in order to 1) compare germplasm of exotic origin with adapted Swedish barleys with respect to genetic differences and 2) to evaluate how exotic material affected agronomic performance in complex crosses. Allozyme studies showed the following Nei's gene diversities among parents: 0.13 (adapted parents), 0.16 (landraces) and 0.25 (H. spontaneum). Cluster analysis indicated that parental groups were genetically divergent. Earliness, straw length, number of ears per plant and thousand kernel weight (TKW) were studied. Variation in agronomic traits showed the following pattern: landraces > H. spontaneum > adapted lines. The best sources for earliness were adapted parents and landraces. Mean straw length was greatest in H. spontaneum lines. Number of ears per plant was quite similar in all groups. The highest TKW was among landraces and adapted parents. Hybrids from the complex crossing programme exceeded parents in earliness and TKW. An index composed from the four traits showed the most favorable frequency distributions for adapted parents and hybrids. Both genetic and agronomic studies indicate that new valuable variation from exotic germplasm may be introduced into barley breeding material.  相似文献   

J. S. Swanston 《Euphytica》1983,32(3):919-924
Summary Several lines from the cross Akka x Feebar were observed to have -amylase activity considerably in excess of either parent. It is suggested that, from crosses between two-rowed and six-rowed varieties, two-rowed genotypes with enhanced levels of grain nitrogen and -amylase activity may be obtained. These can be successfully exploited in a breeding programme to produce barley varities with high diastic power.  相似文献   

Summary Crosses of wild barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum and Hordeum vulgare ssp. agriocrithon) with Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare were used to select high yielding grain types under dryland Mediterranean conditions. No special difficulties were faced in making the crosses, in eliminating the brittle rachis genes from the grain types or in selecting 6-rowed types in crosses between 2-rowed wild barley and 6-rowed ssp. vulgare varieties. Brittle rachis genotypes, present in the segregating populations were used in developing self-reseeding permanent pastures for dry areas. The best selections were tested in seven trials during 1989–92 and some of them outyielded their parents and also the best improved check variety by 13–22%. Indications for transgressive segregation were obtained for grain yield, straw yield, total biological yield, harvest index and volume weight. The crude protein content of some of the selections was significantly higher than that of the checks. For breeding programs aiming at large seeds, special ssp. spontaneum lines should be used as parents. High grain yield was positively correlated with high straw yield, total biological yield, earliness in heading date, high harvest index and negatively with volume weight. It was concluded that unexploited useful genes, even when not directly observed in wild barley, could be transfered easily into high yielding genotypes by breeding.  相似文献   

R. J. Henry 《Euphytica》1985,34(1):135-145
Summary Methods for assessing malting quality in barley breeding were evaluated for their precision, including variation between different batches, analysts and barley samples. The barley characters measured were grain moisture, ground grain moisture (two methods), grain weight, steep moisture, malt moisture (two methods), malt yield, malt nitrogen, malt soluble nitrogen, Kolbach index, malt diastatic power, malt -amylase, malt -glucanase, wort refractive index, hot water extract, extract yield, wort reducing sugars, wort total carbohydrates, wort -amino nitrogen and wort total nitrogen. The value of these measurements in barley breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

B. S. Ahloowalia 《Euphytica》1987,36(2):659-665
Summary Plants were regenerated from callus cultures initiated from immature embryos of barley, Hordeum vulgare L. Immature embryos from seven diverse genotypes were cultured on modified Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 1.5 mg 2,4-D and 6.5 mg IAA/l. Of the 249 embryos cultured, 30% initiated callus within 8 days. Subculture of callus for 80 to 100 days on half-MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l 2,4-D and 1.0 mg/l zeatin resulted in organogenesis. Culture of organogenic calli for 30 days on half-MS medium without growth regulators produced plants which originated mostly via multiple shoot formation. Callusing response of the tested genotypes ranged from zero to 44%; however, only 23% of the calli were regenerative. Regenerated plants included variants for chlorophyll deficiency, plant height, stem thickness, spike shape, pollen fertility, seed set and ploidy.  相似文献   

To identify scorable marker traits that can be used in cereal breeding programs for selecting drought tolerant individuals, we investigated the correlation among the drought-associated traits in two F2 populations derived from the crosses made between drought tolerant and sensitive barley and wheat parental genotypes. The parental genotypes of these crosses also differed by at least three other traits – paraquat tolerance, leaf size, and the relative water content. These three traits were scored in two F2populations of 80 individuals for each barley and wheat cross. Analysis of results indicated that the enhanced tolerance to paraquat was correlated with reduced leaf size and increased relative water content, two traits associated with water stress phenotypes of the drought tolerant barley and wheat parents. Our results suggested that the selection based on paraquat tolerance istechnically less demanding and thus useful for rapid screening of individuals for enhanced drought tolerance in segregating populations. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Independent but simultaneous selection by two breeding teams of the same segregating two-row winter barley material at Cambridge, England and Fiorenzuola, Italy was carried out over the years 1978–1982 with the objective of comparing the individual selection of the two breeding teams and assessing the adaptation of the surviving selections. Visual selection in the generations F3 to F5 did not result in any clear cut compartmentalisation of the material and both teams were as likely to select from families previously selected only by the other team as from families they had themselves previously selected. Lines with specific adaptation to each site as well as lines well adapted to both sites were identified from yield trials carried out in F5 and F6. The former showed only a very small yield advantage over lines with general adaptation to both sites.  相似文献   

S. Ceccarelli 《Euphytica》1987,36(1):265-273
Summary Using the traditional approach (selection for grain yield) it has been found that F3 families derived from F2's selected under unfavourable conditions were more vigorous in the early stages of growth, taller, earlier in heading and with larger yields than F3 families derived from F2's selected under favourable conditions. A high and negative correlation coefficient was found between the drought susceptibility index and grain yield at the driest site, whereas at the wettest site the correlation coefficients were lower and in some cases positive, indicating the existence of traits which are desirable under drought and undesirable under favourable conditions, or vice versa.Expected responses to selection for grain yield using different selection criteria indicated that selection under stress conditions is expected to be more efficient than selection under favourable conditions when dry areas is the target environment.Expected responses to selection for grain yield using different selection criteria indicated that selection under stress conditions is expected to be more efficient than selection under favourable conditions when dry areas is the target environment.Part of this work was supported by Opec Fund for International Development.  相似文献   

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