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Agroforestry systems can play a major role in the sequestration of carbon (C) because of their higher input of organic material to the soil. The importance of organic carbon to the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of soil quality is well recognized. However, total organic carbon measurements might not be sensitive indicators of changes in soil quality. Adoption of procedures that can extract the more labile fraction preferentially might be a more useful approach for the characterization of soil organic carbon resulting from different soils. This study aimed to evaluate organic carbon (C) fractions distribution in different soil layers up to 50 cm depth in two soil orders under cacao (Theobroma cacao) agroforestry systems (AFS) in Bahia, Brazil. Soil samples were collected from four depth classes (0–5, 5–10, 10–30 and 30–50 cm) under two cacao agroforestry systems (30-year-old stands of cacao with Erythrina glauca, as shade trees) in Latosol and Cambisol, in Bahia, Brazil. The determination of oxidizable carbon by a modified Walkley–Black method was done to obtain four C fractions with different labile forms of C (fraction 1: labile fraction; fraction 2: moderate labile fraction; fraction 3: low labile fraction and fraction 4: recalcitrant fraction). Overall, at two cacao AFS, the C fractions generally declined with increase in soil depth. The C fractions 1 and 2 were 50% higher on upper layers (0–5 and 5–10 cm). More than 50% of organic C was found in more labile fraction (fraction 1) in all depths for both soils. High value of C fraction 1 (more labile C)-to-total organic C ratio was obtained (around 54–59%, on Latosol and Cambisol, respectively), indicating large input of organic matter in these soils.  相似文献   

银杏复合经营对土壤碳、氮、磷和有机质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以江苏东台林场银杏+小麦(G+W)、纯银杏(G)和纯小麦(W)经营模式为研究对象,对不同土层(0~5,≥5~15,≥15~30和≥30~50mm)的p H、微生物量碳、微生物量氮、硝态氮和铵态氮、全氮、速效磷、全磷和有机质进行了系统的测定。结果表明:不同经营模式对土壤p H没有显著的影响,但对土壤微生物量碳、微生物量氮、硝态氮、全氮、速效磷、全磷和有机质等影响显著。G+W经营模式有较高的土壤微生物量碳、微生物量氮、硝态氮、全氮、速效磷、全磷和有机质。因此,银杏复合经营系统能够更好地维持土壤肥力,利于土地可持续经营。  相似文献   

Agroforestry systems deposit great amounts of plant residues on soil and this leads to high levels of soil organic matter content and has increased soil biodiversity and improved its conservation. This study compares the distribution of meso and macrofaunal communities in soil and litter under cacao agroforestry systems and in a natural forest in the southern Bahia state of Brazil. Soil and litter samples were obtained in September 2003, February 2004, and August 2004 in five cacao agroforestry systems. The systems evaluated included: cacao renewed under Erythrina sp. (Erythrina poeppigiana) (CRE); cacao renewed under natural forest (Cabruca, CRF); an old cacao system under Erythrina sp. (OCE); an old cacao system under a natural forest system (Cabruca, OCF) and a cacao germplasm collection area (CGC). As a reference soil and litter under a natural forest (NF) was included. Organisms were collected over a 15-day period with a Berlese–Tullgren apparatus. The density and richness of total fauna varied distinctly according to sites, sampling time and material sampled (soil and litter). 16,409 of fauna were recovered from soil and litter samples and the density of total fauna was 2,094 individuals m−2 in the litter and 641 individuals m−2 in the soil. The richness was 11.8 in the litter and 7.5 in the soil. The cacao agroforestry systems adopted for growing cacao in the southern Bahia region of Brazil have beneficial effects on the soil and litter faunal communities, and such systems of cacao cultivation could be considered as a conservation system for soil fauna. The development of a litter layer resulted in higher abundance and diversity of soil fauna.  相似文献   

Brazil accounts for about 20% of the world production of cocoa, and about 95% of cocoa produced in Brazil is from the southeastern part of Bahia State. Traditionally, cacao is grown in monoculture (though under the shade of various other species). But various crop combinations involving cacao have recently been undertaken by the farmers with encouragement from Brazilian government.As a part of the crop diversification programme in the traditional cacao growing areas and their surroundings, extensive areas are being planted to other plantation crops, mainly clove and rubber and, to some extent, coconut too. Crop combinations have been adopted in some of these new plantings and cacao is an important component of most of such combinations. Whereas several other crops are combined with clove trees, cacao is usually the only species grown with mature rubber trees. Young rubber trees are, however, interplanted with a number of other species. Productive coconut areas are found mostly in sandy soils along the coast so that there is little intercropping. However, scattered farms are found where coconuts are underplanted with guarana, black pepper, cacao, cashew, etc. as done commonly in other parts of Northeast Brazil.  相似文献   

Agroforestry Systems - Inland waters such as streams that receive carbon from terrestrial landscapes usually have a net heterotrophic metabolism and emit significant amounts of CO2 to the...  相似文献   

Little is known about the phosphorus (P) fractions and P lability of agroforest soils in tropical regions, particularly those of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) agroforests. We hypothesized that the effect of P fertilization on the distribution of P fractions in the soil based on the source-sink relationship differs for different cacao agroforestry systems. The cacao agroforestry systems studied were the following: open cacao-cabruca, closed cacao-cabruca, cacao + erythrina, mixed cacao + rubber tree, and cacao + rubber tree intercropping. A natural forest and an unfertilized pasture were used as reference systems. The P fractions were determined using the Hedley sequential extraction method, and the P transformation processes were evaluated via structural equation modeling. The impact of low P fertilizer input on the P fractions varied according to the specific environmental conditions of each cacao production system. Consequently, there was high dissimilarity among all of the cacao sites. In all of the cacao agroforestry systems, there was an increase in inorganic P (Pi), especially the labile fraction (resin-Pi and NaHCO3-Pi), but organic P (Po) increased only in the cacao + erythrina system and in the rubber tree planting row of the cacao + rubber tree intercropping system. As a result, the fitted structural models indicated that the inter-relationships of the geochemical processes were more important for determining the P availability than the biological processes. However, the Po concentrations and relative proportion were high in all of the cacao agroforestry systems, thereby revealing the high potential of supplying P to plants via the mineralization process in the eventual removal of mineral fertilization.  相似文献   

Deep-rooting trees in agroforestry systems may promote distribution of spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) at deeper soil levels. We investigated the vertical distribution of AMF spores in Oxisols under agroforestry and monocultural (unshaded) coffee systems in on-farm experiments (Brazil). The number of AMF spores was considered as an indicator of mycorrhiza incidence in soil. Spores were extracted from 0–1, 2–3, 5–7.5, 10–15, 20–30, 40–60 cm soil-depths in agroforestry and monocultural coffee systems, of three different age groups (young, medium-aged and old), using centrifugation methods, and counted. Fine roots were collected and dry-weighed from 0–30 cm in young and old systems and from several depths in medium-aged systems. Soils were characterised with respect to texture, pH, organic matter, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Agroforestry had a higher percentage of spores (12–21% of the total number of spores) and roots (on average 1.5 g L–1 soil) in deeper layers (20–60 cm), and a lower percentage (79–88%) closer to the surface (0–15 cm) than the monocultural fields (respectively 3–12%, 0.6 g L–1 soil and 88–97%). Greater numbers of spores in the deeper soil layers may be explained by greater amounts of roots and may be an indicator of greater incidence of mycorrhiza in agroforestry than in monocultural coffee systems. Greater mycorrhizal incidence at deeper soil layers in the agroforestry system may change the dynamics of phosphorus cycling in soil, making this nutrient more available to plants.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In many tropical soils, excessive weathering of primary minerals confounded by intense agricultural production has resulted in the depletion of organic matter and plant available forms of phosphorus (P). Long-term growth of cover crops in tropical agroforestry systems have been shown to influence nutrient cycling, and soil organic matter pools. The objective of this experiment was to assess the affect of 2 years of cover-crop cultivation on organic matter accumulation and P bioavailability using Mehlich I and sequential fractionation methods. The experiment included six treatments in the understory of a cacao-plantain agroforestry system adjacent to lower montane tropical forests of the San Martin district of Eastern Peru. Cacao and plantain formed the primary canopy on otherwise abandoned agricultural land. The treatments consisted of four perennial leguminous cover crops (Arachis pintoi, Calopogonium mucunoides, Canavalia ensiformis, and Centrosema macrocarpum), a non-legume cover crop (Callisia repens), and a control treatment (no cover crop). After only 2 years of cultivation, results suggest that all cover crop species accessed residual P pools in 0–5 cm soil depths as indicated by a decrease in the 0.5 M HCl extractable P pools when compared to control. Additional use of residual P pools by A. pintoi and C. macrocarpum were indicated by significant reduction in the 6.0 M HCl extractable P pool. Relative to control, there was no treatment effect on soil organic matter content; however significant differences occurred between treatments. The C. ensiformis, C. mucunoides and C. repens treatments in 5–15 cm soil depths contained significantly more organic matter than the A. pintoi treatment. In 15–30 cm soil depths the C. ensiformis treatment contains significantly more organic matter than the A. pintoi treatment. Continued research should focus on monitoring the long-term effects of cover crop cultivation on the bioavailability of soil P pools in surface soil horizons, development of organic matter pools and the productivity of the agroforestry species.  相似文献   

Cacao agroforestry systems (CAFS) can provide supporting services such as optimum light conditions for cacao growth, water and nutrient cycling and regulating services such as pest and disease control and climate regulation. This review considers recent literature on the manifestation of these services in CAFS around the world to provide an overview of scientific knowledge. Crown structures of associated trees can facilitate optimum light conditions for cacao growth, and provide water through vertical root segregation. Leaf litter fall and roots from associated species contribute to nutrient cycling. Both nitrogen-fixing and non-nitrogen-fixing species can provide nutrients to the cacao plant, though competition from certain species may limit phosphorus and potassium uptake. Pest and disease regulating services can arise through careful shade management to create a microclimate which reduces susceptibility of cacao to fungal diseases and sun-loving pests. All CAFS store carbon to varying degrees; those resembling original forest much more than simple two-species systems from which shade trees are removed after maturity of the cacao stand. CAFS also promotes biodiversity conservation depending on structure, management, and landscape arrangement, though not to the extent of natural forests. Research opportunities to increase provision of these services include optimal spatial arrangement for nutrient cycling and functional diversity as well as landscape connectivity for biodiversity conservation. Trade-offs between carbon storage, biodiversity, cacao yield and socio-economic resilience are presented, indicating that optimization of ecosystem services in CAFS requires consideration of interactions between all services, including socio-cultural and economic ones.  相似文献   

Both second-growth and agroforestry systems (AFs) have the potential for recovering thousands of abandoned pasturelands in Amazon. The AFs may do it faster and, at the same time, produce direct economic benefits for farmers. Improved nutrient recycling may be expected due to distinctive litter production in AFs, but lacks experimental data yet. The stocks of carbon and nutrients of the litter layer under different agroforestry systems (AFs) were investigated at an abandoned pasture site, 60 km north of Manaus. The experimental design consisted of three blocks, with five treatments: four different types of 5-year-old AFs and a secondary forest (CAP). Litter layer was sampled in the wet and dry seasons, sorted according to the predominant plant species and analysed for carbon and nutrient concentrations. The litter layer in the control plots was much larger than in the AFs, and thus, the carbon stocks in the litter layer of the control (wet = 489 g m2; dry = 783 g m2) were larger than in the AFs. However, due to a clearly higher concentration of nutrients in the litter from the AFs, some nutrient stocks were similar or even greater than in the control. The planted timber species and the green manures were important sources of K and Ca to the litter layer while the peach-palm was an important source of Mg. In general, the litter of AFs had lower C:nutrient ratios than the litter in the secondary forest control, indicating a faster nutrient recycling in the AFs.  相似文献   

Information concerning the classification of soils and their properties under cacao agroforestry systems of the Atlantic rain forest biome region in the Southeast of Bahia, Brazil is largely unknown. Soil and climatic conditions in this region are favorable for high soil carbon storage. This study is aimed to classify soils under cacao agroforestry and further, to quantify carbon stocks in these soil profiles. Soil classification was performed, and the amount of C stored was estimated, based on the thickness of the soil horizons, their bulk density, and total organic carbon stored. In the sites studied under cacao, four general classes of soils were identified: Ultisols, Oxisols, Alfisols, and Inceptisols. Carbon stocks in these soil profiles showed wide variation, ranging from 719.24 to 2089.93 Mg ha?1. Carbon stocks in soil surface and subsurface layers in different agroforestry systems with cacao (cacao cabruca, cacao?×?rubber tree, and cacao?×?erythrina) were comparable; however, total storage of organic C in these soils was higher than expected, compared to values reported for the International Soil Reference and Information Center (ISRIC), based on the FAO-UNESCO database, and were also higher than estimated regional soil data.  相似文献   

Shade trees play an important role within agroforestry systems by influencing radiation and wind regimes as well as nutrient and hydrological cycling. However, there is a lack of quantitative assessments of their functions. One of the reasons is the rare information on structural characteristics of shade tree species. Therefore, the aim of this study is to provide basic information on the structure of frequently used shade tree species for the implementation of models simulating the ecosystem processes in agroforestry systems. The investigation of the shade trees was conducted at two cacao agroforestry sites on Sulawesi, Indonesia. The measurements of the main structural parameters: diameter at breast height, tree height, trunk height, crown length and crown radius were carried out for the shade tree species Aleurites moluccana, Cocos nucifera and Gliricidia sepium. For data collection, the National Forest Inventory Field Manual Template by FAO (2004) was applied. Based on this information allometric functions were derived for the correspondent shade tree species. The best significant relationships were obtained for the height-crown length relationship of the dicotyledonous tree species’ A. moluccana and G. sepium with a coefficient of determination r² = 0.925 and r² = 0.738, respectively, and the height-crown length relationship of the monocotyledonous palm C. nucifera with r² = 0.663. The transferability tests ‘analysis of covariance’ and ‘homogeneity of slopes’ have shown that the obtained allometric functions are also applicable to other cacao agroforestry systems of the region.  相似文献   

本试验探究了江西省森林土壤C、N、P含量及其化学计量特征,为今后森林的高效培育及土壤养分的精准管理提供理论依据.在江西省7个市随机选取56个样地,分为0~10、10~20、20~30、30~50、50~100 cm 5个土层并分别取土,测量各个土层的C、N、P含量并分析其化学计量比特征.研究发现,随着土层的加深,土壤C、N的含量逐渐减少,其主要集中分布在0~20 cm土层,分别占0~100 cm土层的55.05%,50.35%.在0~100 cm土层中,C:N、N:P和C:P的值随土层加深呈现下降的趋势,每个地区的C:N、N:P和C:P分别为60.91、21.53和258.87;土壤C、N、P含量总体上都表现为:赣北>赣东>赣南>赣中.综上,江西省森林土壤C、N、P含量显著低于全国平均水平,应适当添加C、N、P肥来提高森林土壤的肥力.  相似文献   

Inadequate soil management practices adopted in the Brazilian semi-arid region contribute to erosive processes. Agroforestry systems (AFs) have been considered an alternative to reduce water erosion. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of two alternatives AFs, a traditional and an intensive cropping system on the losses of sediments, water, organic carbon and nutrients caused by water erosion in comparison to the natural vegetation (caatinga) in a semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil. The agroecosystems studied were: agrosilvopasture (AGP) which consisted of an alley cropping system, cultivated with Leucaena leucocephala and maize, within an area composed by 22% of native trees (200 native trees per hectare) which was grazed during the dry season; silvopasture (SILV) that was composed by 38% of native trees (260 trees per hectare) with a stocking rate of 20 ewes during whole year; traditional agrosilvopasture (TRAG) being managed as following: total deforestation, burning of the residues, cropped with maize for 2 years (1998 and 1999) and fallow during 8–10 years; and intensive cropping (IC) system which was deforested and burned in 1997 followed by cultivation of maize from 1998 to 2002, and thereafter by a fallow period of 8–10 years similar to TRAG. Two areas of native forest (NF1, NF2) known as ‘caatinga’, used as grassland during the dry season and as a source of wood, were selected and used as reference of steady state in the comparative study in relation to the cultivated sites. Sediment and water losses as a result of erosion were collected during two rainy seasons, i.e. 2003 and 2004, and nutrients and organic carbon contents were determined. Soil samples were collected and organic carbon, pH in water, pH in KCl, water dispersible clay (WDC) and hydraulic conductivity (K0) were measured. In 2003, sediment and water losses did not differ significantly among all treatments. However, in 2004, TRAG (0.70 Mg ha−1) and NF1 (1.37 Mg ha−1) showed the highest sediment losses, whereas TRAG and IC presented the highest water losses. On average, nutrients losses in cropped areas were lower than in natural vegetation (NF1, NF2). The alternative AFs (AGP, SILV) were efficient to reduce water erosion effects when compared to the most common agricultural practices adopted in the region, being highly recommended as sustainable technical alternatives for food production in the region.  相似文献   

Use of legume trees can improve soil quality in degraded pastures. The aim of this study was to characterize C and N mineralization kinetics and estimate the potentially mineralizable C and N in soil under Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth. and Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn.ex Benth. secondary forest and pasture in red-yellow latosols in southeast Brazil. We conducted a laboratory aerobic incubation experiment using a completely randomized design of four replicates and four types of plant cover using a modified version of the Stanford and Smith technique(1972) to study C and N mineralization potential.Potentially mineralizable N(N_o) ranged from 135 to170 mg kg-~(1). The predominant form of mineral N for all types of plant cover was N-NO_3~-. M. caesalpiniifolia was the only species that had a positive influence on N mineralization. Neither of the legumes influenced C mineralization in pasture or secondary forest. The model of N mineralization corresponded to a sigmoidal curve while C mineralization corresponded to an exponential curve,revealing that the N and C mineralization processes were distinct. N mineralized by M. caesalpiniifolia(216 kg of N ha~(-1)) was adequate to meet the N requirement for a livestock-forest system.  相似文献   

Nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) additions can affect soil microbial carbon(C) accumulation.However,the mechanisms that drive the changes in residual microbial C that occur after N and P additions have not been well-defined for Chinese fir plantations in subtropical China.We set up six different treatments, viz.a control(CK), two N treatments(N_1: 50 kg ha~(-1) a~(-1); N2:100 kg ha~(-1) a~(-1)), one P treatment(P: 50 kg ha~(-1) a~(-1)),and two combined N and P treatments(N_1P:50 kg ha~(-1) a~(-1) of N+50 kg ha~(-1) a~(-1) of P; N_2P:100 kg ha~(-1) a~(-1) of N+50 kg ha~(-1) a~(-1) of P).We then investigated the influences of N and P additions on residual microbial C.The results showed that soil pH and microbial biomass decreased after N additions, while microbial biomass increased after P additions.Soil organic carbon(SOC) and residual microbial C contents increased in the N and P treatments but not in the control.Residual microbial C accumulation varied according to treatment and declined in the order: N_2PN_1PN2N_1PCK.Residual microbial C contents were positively correlated with available N, P, and SOC contents, but were negatively correlated with soil p H.The ratio of residual fungal C to residual bacterial C increased under P additions, but declined under combined N+P additions.The ratio of residual microbial C to SOC increased from 11 to 14%under the N_1P and N_2P treatments, respectively.Our results suggest that the concentrations of residual microbial C and the stability of SOC would increase under combined applications of N and P fertilizers in subtropical Chinese fir plantation soils.  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration potential of agroforestry systems has attracted worldwide attention following the recognition of agroforestry as a greenhouse gas mitigation strategy. However, little is known about carbon stocks in poplar–maize intercropping systems in arid regions of China. This study was conducted in the temperate desert region of northwestern China, a region with large area of poplar–maize intercropping systems. The objective of this study was to assess biomass production and carbon stock under three poplar–maize intercropping systems (configuration A, 177 trees ha?1; configuration B, 231 trees ha?1; and configuration C, 269 trees ha?1). We observed a significant difference in the carbon stock of poplar trees between the three configurations, with the highest value of 36.46 t ha?1 in configuration C. The highest carbon stock of maize was achieved in configuration B, which was significantly higher than configuration A. The grain yield was highest in configuration A, but there was no significant difference from the other two configurations. In the soil system (0–100 cm depth), the total carbon stock was highest in configuration C (77.37 t ha?1). The results of this study suggest that configuration C is the optimum agroforestry system in terms of both economic benefits and carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

The hydrological balances for the agroforestry systems of Theobroma cacao with Cordia alliodora or Erythrina poeppigiana were calculated using measurements taken over four years (1983–1987) of the following parameters: climatic (precipitation, evaporation); edaphological (texture, soil moisture tension, hydraulic conductivity, variations in soil moisture content). Water fluxes (interception, simulation of transpiration and percolation) were estimated from one year of measurements (1986–1987). Weekly samples of percolated water were taken from March 1986 – March 1987 using lysimetric capsules at 100 cm soil depth. N, P, K, Ca and Mg concentrations were determined to calculate the annual leaching losses. Nutrient concentration values were extrapolated for the whole 4 years observation period, in order to calculate leaching losses for the whole study period. Precipitation samples were also taken to determine the corresponding annual nutrient inputs.  相似文献   

Reducing the canopy cover (e.g., forest thinning) is one of the most commonly employed forest silvicultural treatments. Trees are partially removed from a forest in order to manage tree competition, thus favoring the remaining and often the most valuable trees. The properties of the soil are affected by forest thinning as a result of changes in key microclimatic conditions, microbial communities and biomass, root density, nutrient budgets and organic matter turnover. The aim of this study was to determine the soil microbial biomass C, N and respiration (basal respiration) in a black pine (Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana) forest in the Mudurnu district of Bolu Province (Western Black Sea Region, Turkey). Whereas forest thinning was found to cause increases in the soil temperature, microbial biomass C and N and organic C, it was found to decrease the soil moisture, basal respiration and metabolic quotient (qCO2). As expected, soil organic C exhibited a strong impact on soil microbial biomass C, N and basal respiration. It was concluded that the influence of forest thinning on the microbial biomass and soil respiration was the combined result of changing microclimatic conditions and soil properties, such as forest litter, soil temperature, soil moisture, soil pH and soil organic matter.  相似文献   

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