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Sheep from local farms with and without previous exposure to pigs were tested for their skin and airway responses to a commercial Ascaris suum antigen. There was an immediate reaction to intradermal injection of the antigen in 90% of 101 sheep. A bronchial provocation test by aerosol of the same antigen was undertaken on 43 of the sheep with a positive skin reaction. About 70% of sheep showed an immediate airway response to the antigen as an aerosol, reflected as a significant increase in airway resistance and/or decrease of dynamic lung compliance. The mean peak airway resistance and mean lowest dynamic lung compliance were 165% above and 61% below their baselines, respectively. No significant changes were recorded when the same animals were given an aerosol of phosphate buffered saline. Similarly, no correlation was found between the degree of skin reaction and the magnitude of bronchoconstriction (p>30.05). The sheep with previous exposure to pigs showed no significant differences in airway responses to antigen challenge, although they showed significantly greater skin reactions than those without exposure to pigs. These results indicate that the majority of Romney sheep in the Manawatu have a natural skin and airway sensitivity to A. suum antigen and may therefore be used as an animal model to study human airway hypersensitivity. The origin of this sensitivity has yet to be determined.  相似文献   

A bilateral cataract was noted to occur in sheep on a New Zealand Romney stud. Extensive breeding trials showed that this defect was inherited as an autosomal dominant. As such this form of cataract is of minimal importance to the sheep industry as control is merely by culling affected individuals.  相似文献   

A bilateral cataract was noted to occur in sheep on a New Zealand Romney stud. Extensive breeding trials showed that this defect was inherited as an autosomal dominant. As such this form of cataract is of minimal importance to the sheep industry as control is merely by culling affected individuals.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effect of Ascaris suum infection upon growth of mouse vesicular glands. Mice were infected with varying dosages of A. suum eggs and killed after six weeks. Results indicated a dose dependent increase in seminal vesicle weight, independent of total body weight.  相似文献   

This paper records a unique ovine encephalomyelopathy seen on several farms in the Otago Region of New Zealand. It occurred in 2-3 month-old Romney lambs as a rapidly progressive posterior paresis leading to flaccid paralysis. Pathologically, it was characterised by severe spongy vacuolation of white matter in both brain and spinal cord. It is suspected that the condition is inherited.  相似文献   


The study of lactation in the ewe and its associated disorders has generally been neglected and mastitis, in particular, has been regarded as a singularly unimportant disease of sheep.  相似文献   

Osteogenesis imperfecta and skin fragility occurred in about 50 New Zealand Romney lambs born in a flock of 450 ewes. Affected lambs had soft bones and multiple intrauterine bone fractures. Long bones had a thickened diaphysis with almost complete absence of a medullary cavity. Other consistent gross findings were moderate brachynathia inferior, subcutaneous oedema, marked joint laxity, dark blue sclera and small pink teeth. Histopathologic and ultrastructural changes were consistent with a defect in collagen production by fibroblasts. DNA finger-printing was used to identify which of the five rams used in the flock was carrying the genetic defect. The disease was inherited as an autosomal dominant trait and was considered to be a new mutation in the testicular germ cell lines of this ram.  相似文献   

In two small farms in Sweden young calves were found to be naturally infected with Ascaris suum. One of the calves expelled mature worms with the faeces, one had a great number of worms in the ductus choledochus and two others had worms in the intestine. Most of the worms were mature and at the egg-producing stage. The morphology of the eggs and the adult worms indicated that these parasites were A. suum and that Toxocara (syn. Neoascaris) vitulorum could be excluded.  相似文献   

进一步考察苦楝皮的驱虫效果和毒副作用。用云南苦楝皮乙醇提取物,对人工感染猪蛔虫的猪只进行不同药物浓度组与空白组的药效对比试验,并在用药前后对猪只进行免疫指标的检测。结果表明,苦楝皮乙醇提取物的高、中浓度对治疗猪蛔虫病的效果较好,驱虫率分别达到87.2%和79.5%,虫卵减少率分别为87.3%和80.2%,与对照组相比差异极显著;对各项指标的检测表明,苦楝皮提取物能提高猪的非特异性免疫机能,在治疗剂量内使用安全。  相似文献   

Group A consisted of chickens infected with a single dose of Ascaris suum and group B of chickens infected with two successive doses. At days 1, 3, 7, 14 and 21 after the first or second infection dose, six chickens from each group were sacrificed. In both groups, larvae were recovered from the livers on days 1, 3, and 7 and lungs on days 3 and 7. No larvae were detected in chickens on day 14. Clear white lesions were noticed only on the livers from chickens of group B at day 7 but had disappeared at day 14. A comparison with group B showed mild histological changes that developed relative to the livers from group A.  相似文献   

Gross changes in the lungs of Ascaris suum- infected calves consisted of atelectasis and hemorrhagic foci, edema and emphysema, frequently with bullae. Prominent microscopic lung lesions were edema and emphysema of the interlobular septa with large numbers of eosinophils within and around lymphatics, peribronchiolar lymphoid nodules and parasitic granulomas. Many of the microscopic features were consistent with those found in atypical interstitial pneumonia. Changes in the alveoli were atelectasis, the exudation of plasma proteins, mononuclear cells and eosinophils, and alveolar wall thickening. Lesions found later included fibrosis and fetalization of the alveolar walls. Plasma cells and neutrophils were not common. Challenge with Toxocara canis after sensitization with A. suum resulted in the lungs developing a few areas of atelectasis. Migration of T. canis to lungs of calves is slower than A. suum. A. suum larvae were always found in bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli of calves that died. Lesions were observed in the liver but not the kidney of A. suum infected calves; both lung and liver lesions tended to resolve with time.  相似文献   

To determine the development of Ascaris suum after a primary and a secondary infection, 18 calves were inoculated with 2,000,000 infective eggs and examined from 18 hours to 13 days postinfection. At 18 hours larvae were recovered from the wall of the abomasum, duodenum and jejunum. They were found in small intestine lymph nodes on the third day, in the liver at five days and were most abundant in the lungs on days 7 and 9. The pattern of recovery of larvae from the lung between days 5 and 13 postinfection was similar after a primary or a secondary infection. Slower growth of larvae following a secondary infection was the only evidence of resistance to A. suum. There were no pathological changes observed in the alimentary canal. White foci were found on the surface of the liver as early as the third day. The rapid decline in the number of A. suum in the lungs after the ninth day was considered to be related to immobilization or death of larvae soon after the reaction to them commences.  相似文献   

The uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) plays an important role in the regulation of lipolysis and thermogenesis in adipose tissues. Genetic variation within three regions (the promoter, intron 2 and exon 5) of the ovine UCP1 gene (UCP1) was investigated using polymerase chain reaction‐single‐strand conformational polymorphism (PCR‐SSCP) analyses. These revealed three promoter variants (designated A, B and C) and two intron 2 variants (a and b). The association of this genetic variation with variation in lamb carcass traits and postweaning growth was investigated in New Zealand (NZ) Romney and Suffolk sheep. The presence of B in a lamb's genotype was associated with decreased subcutaneous carcass fat depth (V‐GR) (p = 0.004) and proportion of total lean meat yield of loin meat (p = 0.005), and an increased proportion of total lean meat yield of hind‐leg meat (p = 0.018). In contrast, having two copies of C was associated with increased V‐GR (p < 0.001) and proportion of total lean meat yield of shoulder meat (p = 0.009), and a decreased hind‐leg yield (p = 0.032). No associations were found with postweaning growth. These results suggest that ovine UCP1 is a potential gene marker for carcass traits.  相似文献   


The disease known as Scrapie was diagnosed in New Zealand for the first time in June, 1952. Two positive cases and, one suspected case occurred in Canterbury in Suffolk sheep which were imported from England early in 1950. The disease appeared after a typiqally long incubation period and ran a characteristic course in the affected sheep. The outbreak of Scrapie in New Zealand and the drastic measures necessary to control it have placed new emphasis on the difficulty of preventing the introduction of this and other diseases which develop insidiously after a long incubation period, and for which no biological test is available. The same factors have also been responsible for the peculiar difficulties encountered by overseas workers in investigating Scrapie and in establishing clearly the facts of its etiology and transmission.  相似文献   

Watery mouth was diagnosed as the cause of illness and subsequent death in a 3-day-old Romney lamb which had not received early colostrum. The history, clinical signs and post-mortem findings were typical of the disease as seen in other countries, including Great Britain. The diagnosis was based on the clinical signs and was supported by an absence of post-mortem findings of other specific neonatal diseases. The potential importance of watery mouth under conditions of intensive husbandry in New Zealand is discussed.  相似文献   

Multifocal retinitis in New Zealand sheep dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty-nine percent of 1,448 working sheep dogs were affected with varying degrees of multifocal retinal disease on ophthalmoscopic examination. Lesions consisted of localized areas of hyperreflexia in the tapetal fundus, often associated with hyperpigmentation. Severely affected animals had widespread hyperreflexia with retinal vascular attenuation. Only 6% of 125 New Zealand dogs raised in urban environment were similarly affected. Both eyes of 70 dogs from New Zealand were examined histologically. Forty-seven of 70 dogs had ocular inflammatory disease. Ten other dogs had noninflammatory eye disease, and 13 dogs had normal eyes. Histologically, eyes with inflammatory disease were divided into three categories: Dogs 3 years of age or less with active inflammatory disease of the retina, uvea, and vitreous. Four dogs in this group had migrating nematode larvae identified morphologically as genus Toxocara. Diffuse retinitis and retinal atrophy in conjunction with localized retinal necrosis and choroidal fibrosis. Dogs in this category were severely, clinically affected. Chronic, low-grade retinitis with variable retinal atrophy. Most dogs in this category were over 3 years of age, and many were visually functional. The existence of a definable spectrum of morphological changes associated with inflammation, suggests that Toxocara sp. ocular larva migrans may be the cause of a highly prevalent, potentially blinding syndrome of working sheep dogs in New Zealand.  相似文献   


Enzootic pneumonia of sheep is a specific condition confined to southern Otago and the Southland district and is commonly referred to as “Southland Pneumonia.” It has been recognized as a distinct clinical entity for many years in that area, heavy losses being reported in the Gore district of Southland in 1924.  相似文献   

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