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The use of medicinal bath treatment for sea lice is becoming more common, due to increasing resistance to in‐feed treatments with emamectin benzoate. Common treatment modalities in New Brunswick, Canada, include Salmosan administered by tarpaulin or wellboat, and Paramove administered by wellboat. In this study, we assessed the effectiveness of these treatment modalities in the field between 2010 and 2015 using a web‐based sea lice data management system (Fish‐iTrends©). Effectiveness was evaluated for adult female (AF) and for pre‐adult and adult male (PAAM) life stages separately. We also investigated the impact of variability in pretreatment lead and post‐treatment lag time on effectiveness measures. There were 1185 treatment events at 57 farms that uniquely matched our pre‐ and post‐treatment count criteria. The effectiveness of treatment modality was significantly influenced by season, pretreatment level of sea lice and by lead and lag times. In summer, Salmosan administered by tarpaulin had the greatest effectiveness on both AF and PAAM, when pretreatment levels were above 10 sea lice; whereas in autumn, the performance of treatment modalities varied significantly, depending on the pretreatment levels for the life stages. Ignoring the lead or lag time effect generally resulted in an underestimation of treatment effectiveness.  相似文献   

Sea lice are the most economically damaging parasite affecting marine Atlantic salmon production the dominant sector of UK aquaculture. The Scottish Salmon Producers' Organisation has published mean adult female lice abundance for four regions for 2011–2013 and for 30 areas in 2013. An analysis of these data shows that sea lice abundance is highly seasonal with values lowest in the first half of the year. Abundance also varies by region, the regional patterns vary from year‐to‐year but overall the highest abundance was found in the northern part of mainland Scotland. While most areas had low lice abundance, in a few areas the abundance was persistently above average; these areas were clustered together. There was no significant year‐on‐year trend in lice abundance, and trends appear to vary between regions. Although previous Scottish analyses have been carried out using data from a large company, this analysis cover 95% of production in all salmon farming regions of Scotland and it can be extended as more data become available.  相似文献   

Salmon farming began in British Columbia (BC) in the 1970s and in 2006, aquaculture represented BC's largest agricultural export. Along with this growth in production has been a growth in controversy, including the concern that sea lice originating from Atlantic salmon farms negatively impact wild juvenile pink salmon in the Broughton Archipelago. To understand the dynamic interaction between wild and farmed fish, data for on‐farm abundance of sea lice are required. In this study, 33 000 Atlantic salmon from 20 active farms were examined over 3 years. Two species of lice were found: Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus clemensi. Inter‐annual and seasonal variations in abundance levels occurred with lower levels of L. salmonis in 2003 compared with 2004 and 2005, while C. clemensi levels were highest in 2003. The abundance of L. salmonis was greater on older farmed fish. The findings are compared with European and eastern Canadian sea lice reports, and possible sources of sea lice on farmed salmon are discussed.  相似文献   

Proper monitoring of all stages of sea lice is imperative to ensure the strategic timing of treatments. Although sea lice receive close attention and management for production purposes, there are no regulations for the reporting of lice burdens on salmon farms in Atlantic Canada, nor are there officially standardized protocols for conducting sea lice counts in the field. The purpose of this study was to complete a survey of Atlantic salmon farms in the Bay of Fundy, NB, Canada. The survey addressed many aspects of sea lice monitoring and control, including methods for sea lice sampling at the site, types of treatments administered for control of sea lice and management practices and decisions regarding the control of sea lice. A total of 83 surveys were completed from July to December 2002. Twelve of the 60 respondents owned and/or operated more than one site and completed a survey for each of their sites at the time of the interview. The position of individuals surveyed included 48 site managers (representing 63 sites), three site owners (representing 11 sites), eight individuals who were both owner and manager (representing nine sites) and one site veterinarian (representing one site). Surveys were completed on 30 sites from the Limekiln Bay and surrounding areas, 23 sites from Grand Manan Island, 18 sites from Deer Island, six sites from Campobello Island and six sites from Passamaquoddy Bay. Fish farmers, in concert with their veterinarians, generally perform intensive monitoring and control practices. However, there is a continued reliance on emamectin benzoate (SLICE®) for sea lice control on Atlantic salmon farms in the Bay of Fundy, which raises concerns regarding the potential for sea lice to develop resistance to the drug.  相似文献   

Health diets for Atlantic salmon have become an important component of the integrated pest management strategies targeting sea lice. A challenge trial was performed to examine the effect of supplementing salmon diets with either immunostimulants or essential oils. One control and four experimental diets containing immunostimulants or natural identical extracts were fed to Atlantic salmon in triplicate tanks for 4 weeks before challenging the fish with the sea lice copepodids. Prevalence of infection was 100%, and the mean abundance of infection was 21.2. The lowest mean lice count of 17 per fish (P < 0.05) was found in the group fed a mix of natural identical plant extracts (PX I). This represents a 20% reduction in infection, showing the potential for health diets to be employed as a tool to help control sea lice. To gain an understanding of the mechanisms of action underlying this protection, fish fed the control diet and fish fed the PX I diet were compared using quantitative histology of the epidermis and proteomic analysis of epidermal mucus. No significant differences were seen in the thickness of the epidermis or mucous cell percentage area, but differences in expression were seen for a number of proteins, including heat shock proteins, in epidermal mucus.  相似文献   

Ectoparasitic sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer) and Caligus elongatus (Nordmann) browse on the skin of farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.. The resulting lesions cause stress and increase the susceptibility of the fish to secondary infections. In extreme infestations, fish can suffer from osmoregulatory failure and death. The most immediate treatment for the relief of sea lice infestations at fish farms is the use of chemotherapeutants, either by bath or oral administration. One compound which has been investigated for use as a chemotherapeutant is ivermectin. Ivermectin is a member of the avermectin group of macrocyclic lactones. The avermectins are neurotoxins, which have been used successfully in the treatment of helminthic parasitic infections in a number of terrestrial farm animals and also in the treatment of river blindness in humans. Owing to the low solubility of the compound, ivermectin has been administered as an oral treatment with the feed and has been found to be effective for the treatment of sea lice on Atlantic salmon. Ivermectin is poorly absorbed by fish with a high percentage of the administered dose being excreted in the faeces. The highest concentrations of the absorbed ivermectin were found in lipid‐rich organs. The ivermectin remained in the tissues of the treated fish for a prolonged period of time and was excreted mainly in the unchanged form. Ivermectin can reach the marine environment via excretion from the bile, unabsorbed via the fish faeces and by uneaten food pellets and has a strong affinity to lipid, soil and organic matter. Risk assessments have shown that ivermectin is likely to accumulate in the sediments and that the species therein would be more at risk than the species in the pelagic environment. Ivermectin has been shown to be toxic to some benthic infaunal species in single species tests, but there is no evidence that treatment of fish with ivermectin has affected multispecies benthic communities in the field situation. This review paper ends with details of the development and the status of the use of ivermectin in the treatment of sea lice infestations at Scottish fish farms.  相似文献   

We examine sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis , on juvenile and adult salmon from the north coast of British Columbia between 2004 and 2006 in an area that does not at present contain salmon farms. There is a pronounced zonation in the abundance of L. salmonis on juvenile pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha , in the Skeena and Nass estuaries. Abundances in the proximal and distal zones of these estuaries are 0.01 and 0.05 respectively. The outer zones serve as feeding and staging areas for the pink salmon smolts. Returning Chinook, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha , and coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch , concentrate in these areas. We collected data in 2006 to examine whether L. salmonis on returning adult salmon are an important source of the sea lice that appear on juvenile pink salmon. Nearly all (99%) of the sea lice on returning Chinook and over 80% on coho salmon were L. salmonis. Most of the L. salmonis were motile stages including many ovigerous females. There was a sharp increase in the abundance of sea lice on juvenile pink salmon smolts between May and July 2006 near the sites of adult captures. As there are no salmon farms on the north coast, few sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus , and very few resident salmonids until later in the summer, it seems that the most important reservoir of L. salmonis under natural conditions is returning adult salmon. This natural source of sea lice results in levels of abundance that are one or two orders of magnitude lower than those observed on juvenile pink salmon in areas with salmon farms such as the Broughton Archipelago.  相似文献   

Sea trout (Salmo trutta L.) stocks on the West Coast of Scotland and Ireland have decreased due to reduced survival during the marine phase of their life cycle. Lice‐infested sea trout returning to rivers could indicate that parasite burdens are contributing to the decline. Salmon farms represent a potential source of substantial quantities of sea lice, leading to a conjectured link between parasites on salmon fish farms and infestations on wild sea trout. To investigate the potential infective pressure on sea trout in Loch Shieldaig, offshore and sub‐littoral plankton samples were collected and analysed for sea lice nauplius and copepodid stages. During the plankton survey, numbers of sea lice on a fish farm in the loch reached a maximum in November 2001. Soon after, numbers of sea lice larvae peaked in open‐water samples and then in sub‐littoral samples. Nauplii were found adjacent to the farm and occurred less elsewhere. This study reports a concentration of sea lice larvae at the head of Loch Shieldaig and indicates a possible relationship between sea lice numbers on the fish farm and lice larvae densities in the open‐water of the loch and in the sub‐littoral zone.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) post-smolts exposed to 1.23 hydrogen peroxide for 20 min at 13.5 C suffered an acute toxicity resulting in a 35% mortality within 2 h. Under similar conditions at 10 C no mortalities were observed with Atlantic salmon or goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris). No histological changes were noted in tissues from exposed fish. Thirty-three per cent of adult and pre-adult sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) were immobilized or killed following exposure to 0.5 hydrogen peroxide at 10 C, rising to 98% at 2. Some lice were able to recover and regained normal swimming movements. Gas bubbles within the haemolymph caused affected lice to float on the water surface. A delay in the toxicity of hydrogen peroxide to copepodites occurred, with a 10% mortality following a 20 min exposure to 1.25 at 10 C rising to 100% mortality at 19 h post treatment.Dilute hydrogen peroxide was stable over the 20 min treatment period. Aeration and higher temperatures increased the long-term breakdown of a working concentration of hydrogen peroxide in seawater.  相似文献   

This study examines the relative density of sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer), larvae in the inter‐tidal areas of Loch Torridon, a fjordic sea loch in Western Scotland and the site of several commercial salmon farms. Samples of planktonic sea lice were collected in each spring from 1999 to 2003 near the mouth of the River Shieldaig, where sea trout have been shown to congregate in the first few days after going to sea, and from 2001 to 2003 near the mouth of the River Balgy. No larval sea lice were found near the mouth of the River Shieldaig in spring 2000 or 2002, when gravid female sea lice were absent on local fish farms. The same finding was observed in 2002 at the mouth of the River Balgy. In springs of 1999, 2001 and 2003, peak densities of larval sea lice of 33, 94 and 143 m?3, respectively, were observed at the mouth of the river Shieldaig. At the mouth of the River Balgy, peak densities of 74 and 78 lice m?3 were observed in 2001 and 2003 respectively. At the time these samples were collected, the two local salmon farms were in the second year of their production cycle and gravid female sea lice were present. Samples of larval sea lice were also obtained year round, at approximately weekly intervals, from a 50‐m transect at the mouth of the River Shieldaig, from March 2001 to June 2003, and compared with frequencies of gravid female sea lice on the two local salmon farms. High levels were found in the winter. No planktonic sea lice were found in this transect when gravid females were not present on the local fish farms.  相似文献   

Treatment efficacy studies typically use pre‐treatment sea lice abundance as the baseline. However, the pre‐treatment counting window often varies from the day of treatment to several days before treatment. We assessed the effect of lead time on baseline estimates, using historical data (2010–14) from a sea lice data management programme (Fish‐iTrends). Data were aggregated at the cage level for three life stages: (i) chalimus, (ii) pre‐adult and adult male and (iii) adult female. Sea lice counts were log‐transformed, and mean counts by lead time relative to treatment day were computed and compared separately for each life stage, using linear mixed models. There were 1,658 observations (treatment events) from 56 sites in 5 Bay Management Areas. Our study showed that lead time had a significant effect on the estimated sea lice abundance, which was moderated by season. During the late summer and autumn periods, counting on the day of treatment gave significantly higher values than other days and would be a more appropriate baseline estimate, while during spring and early summer abundance estimates were comparable among counts within 5 days of treatment. A season‐based lead time window may be most appropriate when estimating baseline sea lice levels.  相似文献   

Approximately 300 salmon smolts were stocked in each of four cages moored at various distances between an Atlantic salmon farm and a river system in Killary Harbour on the West Coast of Ireland. Samples of fish were taken from each of the cages on three occasions and examined for the presence of sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). Results from one-way ANOVA tests and a multiple comparison of the means of infection levels in the cages indicated that there was a significant difference between the infection levels in the cages on each of the sampling dates. Cage 1, positioned nearest the river, exhibited the highest levels of infection on the first sampling date and was highly significantly different (p 0.001) from the other three cages which showed no significant difference between each other. This situation was again repeated on the second sampling date. On the final sampling date, cage 4, positioned nearest the salmon farm, was highly significantly different (p 0.001) from the other three cages; cage 1 was significantly different (p 0.05) from cages 2 and 3 which showed no significant difference from each other.The population structure of the lice recovered from the smolts indicated that the lice settled in pulses rather than continuously over the trial period. The results are discussed in relation to the hydrography of Killary Harbour, the output of lice larvae from the farm, the impact that these may have on infestations in the inner area of Killary and probable areas of lice larval production.  相似文献   

Within the typical 2–8 month (January to August inclusive) farming cycle for southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii (Castelnau), in Spencer Gulf, South Australia, counts of a sea louse, Caligus chiastos Lin et Ho, 2003, were strongly statistically associated with both fish condition and severity of eye damage. During a trial examining the feasibility of maintaining T. maccoyii in farms for more than 1 year, including over the summer season when temperatures may exceed 24 °C, we collected additional epidemiological data on burdens of sea lice over a 17-month period (April 2005 to August 2006 inclusive), on a total of 200 T. maccoyii and 40 'control' T. maccoyii farmed and harvested within 2006. In the first farming season, an epizootic of C. chiastos was characterized by a significant increase in prevalence from 0% to 55% in the first 6 weeks after transfer to farms from the wild, which was followed by a significant decline to zero over the next 12 weeks. A single specimen of a second species of Caligus was also detected within this 4.5-month period. In the second farming season, we recorded a third species of sea louse, C. amblygenitalis Tripathi, 1961. In March 2006, a second epizootic peak occurred, this time with mixed infections of C. chiastos and C. amblygenitalis , with a combined prevalence of 100%. The prevalence of both sea lice species then declined significantly over the second winter period (June to August inclusive). On all but one date that sea lice were detected, sea lice counts were significantly associated with the severity of gross eye damage. Because both peaks in infection occurred in summer months (December to February inclusive), we conclude that infections of sea lice pose a risk to the farming of T. maccoyii under certain summer conditions within Spencer Gulf.  相似文献   

Analyses of a unique database containing sea lice records over an 11 year period provide evidence of changing infestation patterns in Scotland. The data, collected from more than 50 commercial Atlantic salmon farms, indicate that both species of sea lice commonly found in Scotland, Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus elongatus, have declined on farms over the past decade. Reductions for both species have been particularly marked since 2001 when more effective veterinary medicines became available. Treatment data were also available in the database and these show a growing trend towards the use of the in-feed medication emamectin benzoate (Slice), particularly in the first year of the salmon production cycle. However, this trend towards single product use has not been sustained in 2006, the latest year for which data are available. There is some evidence of region to region variation within Scotland with the Western Isles experiencing higher levels of infestation. However, compared to the levels observed between 1996 and 2000, all regions have benefited from reduced lice infestation, with the overall pattern showing a particular reduction in the second and third quarters of the second year of production.  相似文献   

A study of the efficacy of azamethiphos (S-6-chloro-2,3-dihydro-2-oxo-1,3-oxazolo[4,5-b]pyridin-3-ylmethyl 0,0-dimethyl phosphorothioate) is described when used to treat Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) infected with sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus elongatus) at several salmon farms on the west coast of Scotland. Prior to commencing the cage trials, relative lice sensitivity was evaluated through a series of in vitro exposures which demonstrated differences in the sensitivities of different lice populations to both azamethiphos and dichlorvos. Treatments were carried out by completely enclosing pens within tarpaulins, or by surrounding pens with a tarpaulin skirt, and were l h in duration. A range of treatment concentrations were studied which included 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 mg−1 L azamethiphos, in addition to reference treatments with dichlorvos (0,0-dimethyl-2,2-dichlorovinyl phosphate) at a concentration of 1.0 mg−1 L. Lice response was measured before treatment, 1 h, 24 h, and 1 week after treatment. Azamethiphos was highly efficacious (85% or better) (Site 3) against adult and pre-adult lice, from a sensitive population, at a concentration of 0.05 mg−1 L where complete tarpaulins were used. Where resistant populations were tested, a concentration of 0.2 mg−1 L (complete tarpaulins) resulted in efficacies ranging from 7.1 to 82.1% (mean 57.1%) (Site 1) and 41 to 96.6% (mean 69.4%) (Site 2) against adult and pre-adult lice, and were generally more variable depending on local treatment conditions. Skirt treatments, tested only on resistant populations of lice, were found to be ineffective.A general trend was observed indicating that pre-adult I male lice were the most sensitive followed by, in order of sensitivity, pre-adult I females, pre-adult II females, pre-adult II males, adult males and adult females. Larval lice numbers, from both sensitive and resistant populations, appeared unaffected by treatment with azamethiphos following treatments with either complete tarpaulins or skirts.When used at the concentrations discussed above, fish tolerated treatments and did not display signs of acute mortality. However, hyperactivity was displayed by several of the treatment groups during treatments.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to describe the salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis Krøyer, 1837) situation in an intensive salmon production area in mid‐Norway and to consider implications of changing practices of how salmon lice infestation can be controlled. The results in this study suggest that there are steps that can be carried out to keep salmon lice under control even during years when the temperature facilitates a quick salmon lice development. The present work indicates that the use of cleaner fish can delay the time it takes adult female lice to reach 0.1 per salmon in the beginning of a production cycle. It suggests that the timing of cleaner fish deployment into salmon cages can influence its effectiveness in controlling salmon lice. It also gives caution to letting salmon lice develop unchecked, even at levels far below the current lice limit, because of the difficulties to control salmon lice when the external infection pressure is too high. This study took place during a rapid change in delousing methods, in an area with coordinated salmon production. Despite its exploratory nature, this study offers insights into the salmon lice fluctuations in relation to efforts aimed at controlling it.  相似文献   

The efficacy of emamectin benzoate (SLICE) against sea lice infestations of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., is typically assessed using untreated fish, or fish treated with alternative therapeutants, as controls. The State of Maine, USA, is currently under active management for the OIE-notifiable pathogen, infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV); consequently, neither control group is feasible in this region. Untreated salmon risk extensive damage from the ectoparasites, and threaten to increase vector-borne exposure or susceptibility of farms to ISAV; and the only treatment presently available in Maine is SLICE. However, because sea lice infestations are unlikely to resolve spontaneously, and response to treatment occurs within weeks, use of a pretreatment baseline is a reasonable alternative for confirmatory studies. We evaluated SLICE efficacy on Atlantic salmon farms in Cobscook Bay 2002-2005, in the absence of untreated controls, using pretreatment lice loads as a reference for calculation. Maximum efficacy ranged from 68% to 100% reduction from initial levels. Time-to-maximum efficacy ranged from 1 to 8 weeks after treatment initiation. Efficacy duration, measured between first reduction and first progressive rise in counts, ranged from 4 to 16 weeks.  相似文献   

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