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Two of three litter-mate kittens born to an Abyssinian cat died of acute toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasma gondii was found in histologic sections of both kittens and this was confirmed by immunoperoxidase staining.  相似文献   

Familial renal amyloidosis in Abyssinian cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Medullary and glomerular amyloidosis, papillary necrosis, and secondary interstitial disease were diagnosed in eight related adult Abyssinian cats from two catteries. The lesions were similar to those in two unrelated mongrel cats with renal amyloidosis. Ultrastructurally, the patterns of amyloid deposition were as described in other species, although medullary deposition predominated. Potassium permanganate oxidation blocked Congo red staining of the deposits suggesting that they contained amyloid A protein (secondary amyloid). The disease may be a model of familial secondary amyloidosis and offers an opportunity to study the pathogenesis of both amyloid deposition and papillary necrosis. The histochemical characteristics of feline renal amyloid require careful attention to technique. Section thickness affects Congo red affinity and both dichroism as well as birefringence should be considered when interpreting staining reactions. Thioflavine-T may be the preferred stain for identification of small deposits of amyloid. Variation in section thickness markedly affected the degree of potassium permanganate oxidation.  相似文献   

Disseminated Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex (MAC) infection was diagnosed in 10 young cats (1-5 years of age) from Australia or North America between 1995 and 2004. A further two cats with disseminated mycobacteriosis (precise agent not identified) were recognised during this period. Of the 12, 10 were Abyssinian cats, one was a Somali cat and one was a domestic shorthair cat. None of the cats tested positive for either FeLV antigen or FIV antibody. The clinical course of these infections was indolent, with cats typically presenting for weight loss, initially in the face of polyphagia, with a chronicity of up to several months. Additional clinical features included lower respiratory tract signs and peripheral lymphadenomegaly. A marked diffuse interstitial pattern was evident in thoracic radiographs, even in cats without overt respiratory involvement. Hair clipped to perform diagnostic procedures tended to regrow slowly, if at all. Diagnosis was generally made by obtaining representative tissue specimens from mesenteric lymph nodes, liver or kidney at laparotomy, or from a popliteal lymph node. The primary antecedent event was most likely colonisation of either the alimentary or respiratory tract, followed by local invasion and eventual lymphatic and haematogenous dissemination. Nine cases were treated using combination therapy with agents effective for MAC infection in human patients. Two cats are still undergoing initial therapy and have responded. Of the remaining seven, all responded during long courses (5-14 months) of clarithromycin combined with either clofazimine or rifampicin, and a fluoroquinolone or doxycycline. Of these, three cats remain well (with durations between 2 months and 2 years following therapy); two developed recurrent disease (at 3 months and 2 years, respectively, following therapy) and have restarted therapy. The remaining two cats improved 1 year and 5 months, respectively, after diagnosis but ultimately succumbed. The two cats in which therapy was restarted have improved dramatically. Certain lines of Abyssinian and Somali cats likely suffer from a familial immunodeficiency that predisposes them to infection with slow-growing mycobacteria such as MAC.  相似文献   

Pedigrees of 62 Abyssinian cats with familial amyloidosis were compared with those of 100 Abyssinian cats registered with the Cat Fanciers Association. The inbreeding coefficients of the 2 samples of cats were not significantly different. Analysis of the pedigrees with respect to specific ancestors, however, showed that certain cats were significantly more common in the pedigrees of affected cats than in those of cats in the randomly selected sample. These data support a genetic basis for this disease, but do not allow determination of the mode of inheritance.  相似文献   

Six cases of a type of progressive retinal atrophy in Abyssinian cats are recorded. This condition appears to be late in onset (approximately six years of age) and progresses relatively slowly after its initial appearance in the central retina. Only cats which reach an advanced age appear to become completely blind as a result of disease progression. Histopathological findings from one case are described and the condition is discussed and contrasted with previously published cases of progressive retinal atrophy in the breed.  相似文献   

Serum amyloid A (SAA) protein concentration was determined by use of radial immunodiffusion (RID) in 4 groups of cats: Abyssinian cats with amyloidosis, healthy Abyssinian cats without clinical evidence of amyloidosis, hospitalized non-Abyssinian cats, and clinically normal non-Abyssinian cats. Mean SAA concentration in Abyssinian cats with amyloidosis was significantly (P = 0.05) higher than mean SAA concentration in healthy Abyssinian cats without clinical evidence of amyloidosis and in hospitalized non-Abyssinian cats. Mean SAA concentration in clinically normal non-Abyssinian cats was significantly (P = 0.05) lower than mean SAA concentration in healthy Abyssinian cats without clinical evidence of amyloidosis and in hospitalized non-Abyssinian cats. Affected and healthy Abyssinian cats, however, could not reliably be distinguished on the basis of SAA concentration, because of the wide range of SAA values in these 2 groups of cats.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine clinical signs, laboratory parameters, and course of disease in Abyssinian and Somali cats with pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency. The clinical course of 25 PK-deficient cats was followed over a time period of 0.8-11.3 years (median 4.3). Eleven cats (age 0.8-7.8 years, median 4.4) did not show signs according to the owners. In 14 cats (age 0.1-5 years, median 1.7) the owners noted lethargy (10), diarrhoea (seven), pale mucous membranes (six), inappetence (six), poor coat quality (six), weight loss (four), icterus (four), and pica (two). Sixteen cats had been used for breeding at least once before diagnosis. Laboratory abnormalities included anaemia (70%), increased aggregated reticulocyte counts (94%), hyperglobulinaemia (80%), hyperbilirubinaemia (53%), and increased liver enzymes (47%). Six of 25 affected cats died (four) or were euthanased (two) at ages ranging from 1.3 to 11.3 years (median 4.1) presumably because of PK-deficiency. These findings emphasise that PK deficiency shows variation in age of onset and severity of signs. As PK-deficient cats can be asymptomatic testing for PK deficiency before breeding is strongly recommended.  相似文献   

Congenital hypothyroidism was diagnosed in related Abyssinian cats. The disease appeared to be inherited as an autosomal recessive trait with affected homozygotes showing signs of reduced growth rate, shorter stature with kitten-like features, constipation and goitre. Hypothyroidism was confirmed by demonstrating low basal serum thyroxine levels which failed to increase after intravenous administration of thyroid stimulating hormone or thyrotropic releasing hormone. The radioiodide uptake of the thyroid glands was normal but a high proportion of the accumulated radioiodide was discharged after the administration of sodium perchlorate. It is concluded that the affected cats had a primary dyshormonogenesis: an organification (peroxidase) defect.  相似文献   

Eight cases of glomerular disease in young, related Abyssinian cats are described. Haematuria was the most consistent feature. Six cats developed the nephrotic syndrome. The short-term prognosis was good for cats with haematuria and fair for cats with the nephrotic syndrome as oedema resolved in three of the six cats. Light microscopic examination of renal biopsies from three cats was considered normal or revealed only mild abnormalities. In the three cases subjected to necropsy, histological abnormalities included mild mesangial hypercellularity and adhesions between the glomerular tuft and Bowman's capsule consistent with a focal proliferative glomerulopathy. Further investigation into this glomerulopathy will require ultrastructural and immunohistochemical studies to characterise the glomerular abnormality and genetic analyses to investigate its potential to be an inherited disease. Glomerular disease, potentially a familial one, should be considered in the investigation of persistent haematuria or proteinuria in Abyssinian and related cats.  相似文献   

Objective   To determine the frequency of the mutant pyruvate kinase (PK) allele, haematological parameters and AB blood types of Abyssinian and Somali cats in Australia.
Design   Complete blood cell and reticulocyte counts, DNA PK mutation testing and blood typing were performed in all cats.
Results   A total of 60 cats (36 Abyssinians, 24 Somalis) were included (37 females, 23 males). For the mutant PK allele, three female Somalis were homozygous (affected, 5%), 17 cats were heterozygous (carrier, 28%) and 40 cats tested negative (normal, 67%). Pedigree analysis revealed common ancestry of affected and many carrier cats. Of affected cats, two had regenerative anaemias and all had reticulocytosis (range 64–390 × 109/L; P < 0.001 compared with normal or carrier cats). The only consistent historical sign was lethargy. One affected cat was euthanased 18 months after testing, because of anaemia, neutropenia, anorexia and weight loss. The mutant allele frequency was 0.19 overall (0.29 in Somalis, 0.13 in Abyssinians). All cats had blood type A. The commercial blood typing card method incorrectly identified 12 cats as having type AB blood.
Conclusions    The frequency of the mutant PK allele is high in Australia. Screening for PK deficiency is indicated before mating and in individual cats of these breeds, even in the absence of anaemia and especially when there is reticulocytosis. Although all cats in the present study had blood type A, blood type B is common in these breeds worldwide. Retyping of any AB typed cats by a laboratory technique is recommended.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine clinical and clinicopathologic features of a chronic intermittent severe hemolytic anemia characterized by erythrocyte osmotic fragility in Abyssinian and Somali cats. DESIGN: Case series. ANIMALS: 13 Abyssinian and 5 Somali cats. PROCEDURES: History, pedigree information, and results of routine laboratory tests, special erythrocyte studies, and histologic evaluation of splenic and hepatic specimens were analyzed. RESULTS: Age at which clinical signs of anemia were first apparent ranged from 6 months to 5 years. Ten cats had splenomegaly. Most often, the PCV was between 15 and 25%, but it was as low as 5% at some times. The anemia was characterized by macrocytosis and mild to moderate reticulocytosis, but no poikilocytosis. Hyperglobulinemia, lymphocytosis, mild hyperbilirubinemia, and high hepatic enzyme activities were common findings. Results of Coombs tests and tests for infectious diseases were negative. The erythrocytic osmotic fragility was high in affected cats (mean osmotic fragility, 0.66 to 0.78%), compared with healthy cats (0.48 to 0.58). No specific membrane protein abnormality, erythrocyte enzyme deficiency, or hemoglobinopathy was identified. Histologic evaluation of splenic and hepatic specimens revealed extramedullary hematopoiesis and hemosiderosis. Four of the 5 Somali cats were closely related. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: On the basis of results of pedigree analyses, the apparent breed predilection, and the exclusion of other known causes of anemia in cats, we believe that the hemolytic anemia in these cats was likely a result of a novel hereditary erythrocyte defect. A genetic predisposition to immune-mediated destruction of erythrocytes could not be ruled out.  相似文献   

From 1981 to 2001, 248 Abyssinian and 127 Somali cats in the Netherlands were examined for hereditary eye disease. Distinct ophthalmoscopic signs consistent with hereditary progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) were observed in 11 Abyssinian cats, and subtle signs in 3 Abyssinian cats. A familial relationship was detected in 13 out of 14 of these cats, which supports a hereditary basis to the condition. Distinct funduscopic signs of retinal degeneration were observed at a median age of 4 years. One cat with advanced retinal degeneration was only 7 months old, whereas the remaining 10 cats were between 2 and 12 years old at the time of diagnosis. These differences in the age of onset are suggestive of at least two types of PRA occurring in Abyssinian cats in the Netherlands: a dysplastic, early-onset and a late-onset retinal degeneration. A large-scale and systematic examination programme for hereditary eye disease will be necessary to assess the incidence of PRA in the Dutch population of Abyssinian and Somali cats as a whole, and to provide a basis for a preventive breeding programme.  相似文献   

Abstract A 2-year-old castrated male domestic short-haired cat presented with self-induced alopecia associated with whitish nodes on the remaining hair shafts. Light and scanning microscopy demonstrated swellings of the hair shafts, accompanied by cuticular damage leading to hair fractures with a typical brush-like appearance. A díagnosis of trichorrhexis nodosa associated with flea allergy dermatitis was made. Complete resolution of the condition with flea control suggests an acquired disorder secondary to excessive grooming. Resumen Un gato doméstico de pelo corto, castrado, de dos años de edad, se presentó con alopecia autoinducida asociada a nódulos blancos en los pelos aún presentes. La microscopia optica y de barrido demostraró tumefacción de los pelos, junto con daño cuticular Uevando a fragmentaciones del pelo con aspecto de cepillo. Se realizó un díagnóstico de tricorrexis nodosa asociada a alergia a las pulgas. La resolución completa de las lesiones tras un control de pulgas sugiere que se trata de una alteración adquirida secundaria al acicalamiento excesivo. [Alhaidari, Z., Olivry, T., Ortonne, J.-P. Acquired féline hair shaft abnormality resembling trichorrhexis nodosa in humans. (Anomalia del pelo adquirida en la especie felina semejante a la tricorrexis nodosa humana.) Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 235–238.] Résumé Un chat male domestique poll court de 2 ans a été amené en consultation pour une alopécie traumatique avec présence de noeuds blanchâtres sur les tiges pilaires restantes. Microscopie optique et microscopie à balayage ont démontré des dilatations des tiges pilaires, avec des alterations cuticulaires aboutissant à des fractures du poll laissant une extrêmité avec l'aspect caractéristique de brosse. Un díagnostic de trichorrhexie noueuse associéà une DAPP a été pose. La resolution complète du problème avec un contrôle insecticide suggère une pathologie acquise secondaire à un léchage excessif. [Alhaidari, Z., Olivry, T., Ortonne, J.-P. Acquired féline hair shaft abnormality resembling trichorrhexis nodosa in humans. (Anomalie pilaire acquise chez un chat ressemblant à la trichorrhexie noueuse chez l'homme.) Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 235–238.] Zusammenfassung Ein zweijähriger kastrierter Kurzhaarkater zeigte ein selbst-induzierte Alopezie in Verbindung mit weißljchen Knoten auf den verbliebenen Haarschäften. Licht-und Elektronenmikroskopie zeigte Schwellungen der Haarschäfte, begleitet von Schäden der Kutikula, die zu Haarbruch mit typischen bürstenähnlichen Erscheinungen führten. Es wurde die Diagnose “Trichorrhexis nodosa in Verbindung mit Flohbißdermatitis” gestellt. Eine vollständige Abheilung des Zustandes durch Flohbekämpfung läßt an eine erworbene Störung sekundär durch exzessive Fellpflege denken. [Alhaidari, Z., Olivry, T., Ortonne, J.-P. Acquired féline hair shaft abnormality resembling trichorrhexis nodosa in humans (Erworbene Haarschaftanomalie bei der Katze mit Ähnlichkeit zur Trichorrhexis nodosa beim Menschen) Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 235–238.]  相似文献   

Metaphyseal osteomyelitis is a rarely described condition in small animals, especially the cat. Infection, most commonly Staphylococcus sp, is considered to occur in the metaphyseal region of the immature animal due to vascular anomalies that predispose to the haematogenous seeding of bacteria in this area. There is also speculation that the characteristics of the bacteria that allow them to adhere to cartilage matrix, rather than vascular linings and erythrocytes, may provide an advantage for colonisation in the metaphysis, resulting in infection. This case describes the successful management of a case of distal radial metaphyseal osteomyelitis in an immature cat using surgical intervention and antibacterial therapy.  相似文献   

Metaphyseal osteomyelitis is a rarely described condition in small animals, especially the cat. Infection, most commonly Staphylococcus sp, is considered to occur in the metaphyseal region of the immature animal due to vascular anomalies that predispose to the haematogenous seeding of bacteria in this area. There is also speculation that the characteristics of the bacteria that allow them to adhere to cartilage matrix, rather than vascular linings and erythrocytes, may provide an advantage for colonisation in the metaphysis, resulting in infection. This case describes the successful management of a case of distal radial metaphyseal osteomyelitis in an immature cat using surgical intervention and antibacterial therapy.  相似文献   

Hereditary and progressive retinal atrophy is described in the Abyssinian cat and two cases are recorded in this breed in the United Kingdom. The wide range of age of onset in the cat is discussed and compared with the age incidence of similar conditions in the dog.  相似文献   

Metaphyseal osteomyelitis is a rarely described condition in small animals, especially the cat. Infection, most commonly Staphylococcus sp, is considered to occur in the metaphyseal region of the immature animal due to vascular anomalies that predispose to the haematogenous seeding of bacteria in this area. There is also speculation that the characteristics of the bacteria that allow them to adhere to cartilage matrix, rather than vascular linings and erythrocytes, may provide an advantage for colonisation in the metaphysis, resulting in infection. This case describes the successful management of a case of distal radial metaphyseal osteomyelitis in an immature cat using surgical intervention and antibacterial therapy.  相似文献   

Eight cases of hereditary progressive retinal atrophy in Abyssinian cats in Denmark are reported. Pedigree studies indicate direct lineage to affected cats of the same breed in Sweden. The disease is bilateral, progressive, and of the generalized type, and ultimately leads to blindness.  相似文献   

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