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We observed the changes in the central nervous system (CNS) of transgenic mice expressing bovine prion protein (Bo-PrP) as a contribution to our knowledge of the pathogenesis of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). The main result was the detection of hyperphosphorylated tau. This protein was detected for the first time, using immunohistochemical techniques, in the neurons and glial cells of mice experimentally infected with BSE. The results highlighted the involvement of tau protein in the pathogenesis of BSE and the close link between hyperphosphorylated tau deposits and prion protein. Ultrastructural examination revealed a novel arrangement of intraneuronal tau deposits not hitherto reported.  相似文献   

A group of six specific pathogen free (SPF) lambs were infected epidermally with Orf virus. Seven weeks later they were reinfected. For a period of 4 weeks after each inoculation they were observed clinically and blood was collected for analysis of virus specific antibody measured by ELISA and peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) proliferative response to various viral antigens. After the primary infection all animals showed clinical signs of Orf, namely vesicle formation which became pustular followed by scabbing; this steadily became heavier prior to shedding and the resolution of the infection by about 4 weeks. The severity of infection varied within the group. Little lymphoproliferative activity was recorded during the primary infection, although five/six test animals had positive lymphoproliferative responses to an sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) solubilised scab purified Orf virus preparation at some point between days 7 and 14 after inoculation. All animals seroconverted to Orf virus, lymphoproliferative activity always preceding specific antibody detection. Resolution of the secondary infection was very rapid. Vesicles were visible by day 2 after inoculation which became pustular followed by scab formation and resolution in the majority of animals by day 8. All animals showed a significant (greater than four-fold) rise in specific antibody titre following secondary inoculation. The proliferative activity of PBL's was much greater than that recorded for the primary infection although the magnitude of this response varied greatly between individuals.  相似文献   

In the present study acute phase proteins (APPs) responses in pigs after subclinical infection with H1N1 swine influenza virus (SwH1N1) were evaluated. Fourteen 5 weeks old, seronegative piglets, both sexes were used. Ten of them were infected intranasally with SwH1N1. C-reactive protein (CRP), haptoglobin (Hp), serum amyloid A (SAA) and pig major acute phase protein (Pig-MAP) concentrations in serum were measured using commercial ELISAs. No significant clinical signs were observed in any of the infected pigs, however, all infected animals developed specific antibodies against SwH1N1 and viral shedding was observed from 2 to 5dpi. Only concentrations of Hp and SAA were significantly induced after infection, with mean maximum levels from days 1 to 2 post infection (dpi). The concentrations of CRP and Pig-MAP remained generally unchanged, however in half of infected pigs the concentration of CRP tended to increase at 1dpi (but without statistical significance). The results of our study confirmed that monitoring of APPs may be useful for detection of subclinically infected pigs. The use of SAA or Hp and Pig-MAP may be a valuable in combination [i.e. Hp (increased concentration) and Pig-MAP (unchanged concentration)] to detect subclinically SIV infected pigs, or to identify pigs actually producing a large amount of virus. Additional studies need to be done in order to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

The continuing outbreaks of avian influenza A H5N1 virus infection in Asia and Africa have caused worldwide concern because of the high mortality rates in poultry, suggesting its potential to become a pandemic influenza virus in humans. The transmission route of the virus among either the same species or different species is not yet clear. Broilers and BABL/c mice were inoculated with the H5N1 strain of influenza A virus isolated from birds. The animals were inoculated with 0.1 mL 106.83 TCID50 of H5N1 virus oronasally, intraperitoneally and using eye drops. The viruses were examined by virological and pathological assays. In addition, to detect horizontal transmission, in each group, healthy chicks and mice were mixed with those infected. Viruses were detected in homogenates of the heart, liver, spleen, kidney and blood of the infected mice and chickens. Virus antigen was not detected in the spleen, kidney or gastrointestinal tract, but detected by Plaque Forming Unit (PFU) assay in the brain, liver and lung without degenerative change in these organs (in the group inoculated using eye drops. The detection results for mice inoculated using eye drops suggest that this virus might have a different tissue tropism from other influenza viruses mainly restricted to the respiratory tract in mice. All chicken samples tested positive for the virus, regardless of the method of inoculation. Avian influenza A H5N1 viruses are highly pathogenic to chickens, but its virulence in other animals is not yet known. To sum up, the results suggest that the virus replicates not only in different animal species but also through different routes of infection. In addition, the virus was detection not only in the respiratory tract but also in multiple extra‐respiratory tissues. This study demonstrates that H5N1 virus infection in mice can cause systemic disease and spread through potentially novel routes within and between mammalian hosts.  相似文献   

The ability of bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to mount a proliferative response to bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) in vitro was examined. After culturing PBMC in the presence of a non-cytopathic strain of BVDV for 6 days, the magnitude of PBMC proliferation was measured as incorporation of radiolabelled thymidine, present during the last 18 h. Live, but not heat-inactivated, BVDV evoked a proliferative response of PBMC obtained from cattle seropositive to the virus. However, PBMC from seronegative or persistently BVDV-infected animals were not stimulated by BVDV. The presence of live BVDV did not alter the proliferative response of PBMC to stimulation with concanavalin A.  相似文献   

During 2007, large outbreaks of equine influenza (EI) caused by Florida sublineage Clade 1 viruses affected horse populations in Japan and Australia. The likely protection that would be provided by two modern vaccines commercially available in the European Union (an ISCOM-based and a canarypox-based vaccine) at the time of the outbreaks was determined. Vaccinated ponies were challenged with a representative outbreak isolate (A/eq/Sydney/2888-8/07) and levels of protection were compared. A group of ponies infected 18 months previously with a phylogenetically-related isolate from 2003 (A/eq/South Africa/4/03) was also challenged with the 2007 outbreak virus. After experimental infection with A/eq/Sydney/2888-8/07, unvaccinated control ponies all showed clinical signs of infection together with virus shedding. Protection achieved by both vaccination or long-term immunity induced by previous exposure to equine influenza virus (EIV) was characterised by minor signs of disease and reduced virus shedding when compared with unvaccinated control ponies. The three different methods of virus titration in embryonated hens’ eggs, EIV NP-ELISA and quantitative RT-PCR were used to monitor EIV shedding and results were compared. Though the majority of previously infected ponies had low antibody levels at the time of challenge, they demonstrated good clinical protection and limited virus shedding. In summary, we demonstrate that vaccination with current EIV vaccines would partially protect against infection with A/eq/Sydney/2888-8/07-like strains and would help to limit the spread of disease in our vaccinated horse population.  相似文献   

Gut-lung axis injury is a common finding in patients with respiratory diseases as well as in animal model of influenza virus infection. Influenza virus damages the intestinal microecology while affecting the lungs. Rifaximin, a non-absorbable derivative of rifamycin, is an effective antibiotic that acts by inhibiting bacterial RNA synthesis. This study aimed to determine whether rifaximin-perturbation of the intestinal microbiome leads to protective effects against influenza infection, via the gut-lung axis. Our results showed that influenza virus infection caused inflammation of and damage to the lungs. The expression of tight junction proteins in the lung and colon of H1N1 infected mice decreased significantly, attesting that the barrier structure of the lung and colon was damaged. Due to this perturbation in the gut-lung axis, the intestinal microbiota became imbalanced as Escherichia coli bacteria replicated opportunistically, causing intestinal injury. When influenza infection was treated with rifamixin, qPCR results from the gut showed significant increases in Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium populations, while Escherichia coli populations markedly decreased. Furthermore, pathology sections and western blotting results illustrated that rifaximin treatment strengthened the physical barriers of the lung-gut axis through increased expression of tight junction protein in the colon and lungs. These results indicated that rifaximin ameliorated lung and intestine injury induced by influenza virus infection. The mechanisms identified were the regulation of gut flora balance and intestinal and lung permeability, which might be related to the regulation of the gut-lung axis. Rifaximin might be useful as a co-treatment drug for the prevention of influenza virus infection.  相似文献   

The potential role of the mast cells in the invasion of very virulent infectious bursal disease virus (vvIBDV) is unknown. We evaluated mast cell activity and tryptase production after vvIBDV infection in special pathogen-free (SPF) chickens using cytochemistry and immunohistochemistry analyses. The results were as follows: (1) severe histologic lesions were observed in the thymus, spleen, cloacal bursa, liver, kidney and other tissues. vvIBDV viral antigens were detected and presented extensively in the parenchymatous organs, in particular, the cloacal bursa, liver, kidney, thymus, spleen and pancreas. (2) In the vvIBDV-infected group, the mast cell population increased markedly in the liver, kidney, thymus, glandular stomach, spleen and cloacal bursa on days 1, 2 and 3 after vvIBDV infection (p<0.05). However, very few mast cells were observed in those same tissues in the controls, especially in the bursa of Fabricius. (3) Tryptase, a marker for activated mast cells, has a positive correlation with mast cell distribution. The mast cells identified in the tissues were likely to be activated since they were associated with cell degranulation and the presence of tryptase. Furthermore, the co-localization of mast cells, and presence of vvIBDV antigens suggests that the mast cells were activated by vvIBDV infection. Our results also suggest that tryptase may contribute to the inflammation of acute IBD induced by vvIBDV infection. Our research contributes to the further understanding of inflammatory response mechanisms and the contribution of mast cell activity to this process.  相似文献   

Fifteen chickens, five broilers and ten layers, from the Pennsylvania 1983 outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus infection, were examined. Gross lesions in the broilers were limited to serosal petechiae and dehydration. In the layers there was comb edema, vesiculation, and necrosis. Microscopic lesions were mild to severe diffuse nonsuppurative encephalitis, very mild to severe diffuse necrotizing pancreatitis, and very mild to severe subacute necrotizing myositis involving numerous skeletal muscles and most severe in the external ocular muscles and limbs. While many of these lesions have been seen in experimental infections of chickens with influenza viruses, the pattern of organs involved in this group of chickens is distinctive.  相似文献   

Passive transfer experiments were performed to serve as a basis for analyzing the immune response of adult mice to FMDV infection. Animals were irradiated (750 rad: 1 lethal dose 50%) and reconstituted with allogeneic mononuclear cells from blood, spleen, thymus and peritoneal cavity from donors 2 and 8 days post-inoculation (p.i.). Donors were primed with 10 000 suckling mouse 50% lethal doses of FMDV strain O1 Campos. The following parameters were studied in recipient mice challenged with 10 000 suckling mouse 50% lethal doses of the same virus: (1) viremia; (b) FMDV neutralizing antibody titres; (c) sheep red blood cell (SRBC) hemagglutinating antibody titres. Viremia was substantially prolonged in irradiated control mice, which did not produce detectable antibodies to FMDV or SRBC. In contrast, the span of viremia was markedly shorter in animals reconstituted with cells obtained 8 days p.i. and its eclipse coincided with the onset of neutralizing antibody production. An equally efficient antibody response to the inoculation of SRBC was observed in these animals. No effect was detected after the transfer of cells obtained 2 days p.i. It is concluded that the humoral immune response plays a predominant role in the recovery from FMDV experimental infection in adult mice.  相似文献   

Haemophilus (Actinobacillus) pleuropneumoniae Serotypes 5 and 7 capsular antigens (CA-1) were precipitated from culture supernatants with N-cetyl-N,N,N,-trimethylammonium bromide (Cetavlon). CA-1 contained a carbohydrate to protein ratio of 2:1 for Serotype 5 and 3:1 for Serotype 7. Glucosamine and uronic acid were detected in CA-1 from both serotypes suggesting that the capsule contained hyaluronic acid. All mice immunized intraperitoneally with CA-1 vaccine were protected from death when challenged with 10X the LD50 of the homologous but not the heterologous serotype. Oil adjuvants and the use of young (6 h) cultures were necessary for CA-1 vaccines to be protective. Deproteinization of CA-1 with chloroform and butanol followed by pronase treatment resulted in failure to protect mice from death. The protective capsular protein antigen in CA-1 vaccine may not originate from the outer membrane (OM) since repeated washing of the OM to elute the capsular protein antigen rendered the OM vaccine completely nonprotective for mice. Vaccines prepared from cell-wall lipopolysaccharide also were nonprotective for mice. Passive immunization of mice with anti-CA-1 antibody produced in rabbits to Serotype 5 was highly protective (P less than 0.01) for mice when challenged with 10X the LD50 of the homologous serotype.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the role of maternally derived antibodies (MDA) against an influenza H1N1 virus in the clinical protection of piglets and especially their effect on the development of the active immunity after an infection with a homologous influenza H1N1 virus. Twenty piglets with MDA and 10 piglets without MDA were housed together and inoculated twice with influenza H1N1 virus, at 7 and 15 weeks of age. Nine piglets without MDA were added to these groups at 12 weeks of age to be inoculated at 15 weeks of age only. Clinical signs, body temperature, growth performance, virus excretion, antibody responses, and influenza-specific T-cell response were monitored. It was shown that MDA protect piglets against the clinical consequences of a primary influenza infection, but that this protection is not complete. A short but significant rise in body temperature was observed and growth seemed to be inhibited due to the infection. Piglets with MDA shed virus for a longer period after an infection than piglets without MDA. Piglets with and without MDA were protected against the clinical consequences of a secondary infection. However, both after primary and secondary infection significant differences in immune responses were observed that indicated that pigs with MDA developed a weaker immunity than pigs without MDA. Furthermore, overall growth performances from weaning to slaughter show a trend in favour of pigs without maternal antibodies, compared to pigs with maternal antibodies, mainly caused by a significant better performance in the second half of the finishing period. The results of this study provide us insight in the role of MDA in clinical protection and their influence on active immunity after an influenza virus infection of pigs. Furthermore, it leads us to the discussion about the profitability of massive sow herd vaccinations in an attempt to increase MDA levels in piglets, taking into account the overall performance of these piglets and the possible effects on antigenic drift.  相似文献   

Recent in vitro-based studies using several Babesia spp. have suggested that sialic acids and/or sialoglycoproteins on host red blood cells (RBCs) play an important role in their invasion of RBCs. In the present study, we analyzed the RBC characteristics of glycophorin A (GPA)-knockout mice and studied their in vivo susceptibility to lethal infection of Babesia rodhaini for the first time. In immunoblot and lectin blot analyses, glycoproteins containing O-linked oligosaccharides terminated with alpha2-3-linked sialic acids disappeared from the RBCs of GPA homozygous ((-/-)) mice. Flow cytometric analysis showed a remarkable reduction of Maackia amurensis lectin II binding to the surface of GPA(-/-) RBCs relative to control RBCs, indicating an appreciable loss of alpha2-3-linked sialic acids on the RBC surface of GPA(-/-) mice. Importantly, while B. rodhaini caused lethal infection in wild-type mice, the infected GPA(-/-) mice showed inhibition of parasite growth and eventually survived. These results indicate that RBC sialoglycoproteins lost in GPA(-/-) mice are involved in the in vivo growth of B. rodhaini, probably functioning as essential molecule(s) for the parasite invasion of host RBCs in the blood circulation.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the mortality rate, egg production, and clinical signs of quail experimentally infected with a field isolate of A/Chicken/Iran/339/02 (H9N2) avian influenza virus obtained from an infected commercial layer farm with severe morbidity and mortality. A total of 120 quail at 14 days old were randomly divided into four groups of vaccinated (B and C) and unvaccinated (A and D) birds. Vaccination was done on days 20 and 32, and viral inoculation of birds in groups C and D was then carried out on day 43. For evaluation of viral transmission, at 24 hr postinoculation additional unvaccinated birds were placed in direct contact with challenged birds. All the birds were evaluated for clinical signs, egg production, antibody production, viral titration in lung homogenates, and viral transmission following inoculation. All unvaccinated-challenged birds were infected and showed clinical signs, whereas the infection rate along with clinical signs of vaccinated-challenged birds reached 30%-40%. Although vaccination induced high antibody titers, reduction in food and water consumption was evident in this vaccinated-challenged group compared with the unchallenged control group. These results could indicate that inactivated vaccine did not fully prevent the infection, although it was capable of protecting birds against clinical signs and significantly decreased viral titers in lungs after intranasal challenge.  相似文献   

Wildlife surveillance was conducted for influenza viruses in conjunction with the 1983-84 lethal H5N2 avian influenza epizootic in domestic poultry in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia. Virus-isolation attempts made on cloacal and tracheal swabs from 4,466 birds and small rodents within the quarantined areas and 1,511 waterfowl in nearby Maryland yielded only a single H5N2 isolate from a pen-raised chukar in Pennsylvania. Antibodies against hemagglutinin type 5 and/or neuraminidase type 2 were found in 33% of the aquatic birds tested; however, this finding could not be used to confirm previous H5N2 avian influenza virus activity because of the possibility of prior infections with multiple influenza subtypes. The low prevalence of lethal H5N2 avian influenza virus in wild birds and small rodents strongly indicated that these animals were not responsible for dissemination of the disease among poultry farms during the outbreak.  相似文献   

Calves with experimentally induced iron deficiency anemia and normal calves, both groups deprived of colostrum, were exposed to intranasal instillation of an attenuated parainfluenza-3 virus strain.The calves became infected, but there was no difference in the clinical picture between the 2 groups of calves. Neither was there a difference in the humoral or local immune response to parainfluenza-3 virus.  相似文献   

为明确猪血凝性脑脊髓炎病毒(porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus,PHEV)感染后对机体血脑屏障(blood-brain barrier,BBB)通透性的影响,本试验以PHEV易感的BALB/c小鼠为实验动物模型,将PHEV接种小鼠后静脉注射伊文氏蓝(Evans blue,EB),运用形态学和化学定量方法检测EB通过BBB进入脑组织的状况。结果显示,接种病毒后3d的小鼠脑组织即出现肉眼可见的蓝色,定量检测结果证实其含量随着感染时间的延长而增加。同时利用荧光定量PCR和Western blot方法分别对病毒感染后不同时间点紧密连接蛋白ZO-1、Occludin和Claudin-5进行核酸定量检测,证明感染组小鼠脑组织中ZO-1的基因转录水平随感染时间延长下调明显,而Occludin和Claudin-5的变化不明显。进而对脑组织中ZO-1蛋白表达水平进行检测,证实ZO-1的蛋白表达水平也发生下调,表明内皮细胞紧密连接完整性在病毒感染后期遭到了破坏。上述试验结果证实PHEV感染机体后可使BBB的通透性升高,而且这一变化与ZO-1的降低相关,为后期深入开展PHEV所致神经系统炎性损伤的机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

DNA and recombinant virus vaccines against swine influenza virus (SIV) have been pursued with promising results, but induce poor immunogenicity. This study evaluated the effects of a vaccine regimen in mice including priming with three DNA vaccines expressing soluble HA (sHA), complete HA (tmHA), or sHA fused with three copies murine C3d (sHA-mC3d3) and boosting with recombinant pseudorabies virus expressing HA (rPRV-HA). Immune responses were monitored by ELISA, HI assays, and virus neutralization. Protective efficacy was evaluated by virus isolation from lungs, distribution in tissues, and pathology following challenge with H3N2 SIV. Priming with sHA-mC3d3 and boosting with rPRV-HA induced higher levels of HA-specific antibodies and yielded the most effective protection. This finding implied that priming with a DNA vaccine expressing C3d fused with antigen and boosting with a recombinant vector vaccine is an effective way to induce protective humoral immunity and prevent some infectious diseases.  相似文献   

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