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Crouchman E Ding K Hagel L Dosman J Pickett W;Saskatchewan Farm Injury Cohort Study Team 《Journal of agricultural safety and health》2011,17(4):343-354
Children on farms perform hazardous work that exposes them to risks for injury. Hazards include operation of heavy machinery, working with limited supervision, working at heights, and performing work prohibited by law in other industries. Incidence rates and patterns of injury are known to differ between boys and girls on farms. Farm adherence to occupational health and safety practices, and whether such practices vary by gender, has received limited study in this occupational setting. The objective of this study was to evaluate associations between gender and work practices, and required occupational health and safety practices, within a sample of adolescent children age 12 to 18 years living on Saskatchewan farms. A cross-sectional study was performed. Measures were obtained by self-report. We compared requirements for boys and girls on the following: (1) use of personal protective equipment (PPE), (2) conduct of specific hazardous jobs, (3) training and supervision for equipment work, and (4) training and supervision for large animal work. A total of 434 children were identified, and 297 (68%) met the eligibility criteria. Of these, 170 were boys (57%) with a mean age of 14.5 years (SD 1.9). Occupational health and safety requirements varied by gender; girls were less likely to be required to use PPE (adjusted OR 2.39; 95% CI: 1.16, 4.94). There was no evidence of an association between gender and the conduct of hazardous work. Gender patterns in required training and supervision for work suggested disadvantages for girls, but were not significant. Adolescent girls and boys both performed hazardous jobs on the farm. Girls were as likely to conduct hazardous jobs but not to be required to use PPE. This gender disparity may indicate a need for a public health approach that recognizes gender as a determinant of work assignment and of health and safety practices on farms. 相似文献
Ingram MW Crowe TG Wassermann J Hagel LM Dosman JA 《Journal of agricultural safety and health》2003,9(2):133-142
Previous reports have indicated that injuries involving augers (screw conveyors) are a serious problem in agriculture, but to date on-site engineering inspections linking injuries to mechanical and procedural aspects have not been available. This article details four events involving injuries as the result of being entangled in auger flighting. In each report, the circumstances surrounding the injury event are outlined, and the machinery involved is evaluated in terms of its compliance with current safety standards. In three of the four instances, the machinery did not conform to current guarding standards or to safety sign standards. In these three cases, injuries were preventable with improved guarding according to ASAE Standards. In the other case, the machine complied with ASAE Standards, but the injury could have been prevented with improved guarding of the auger flighting. 相似文献
Data from the Vital Statistics Mortality (VSM) public use file and the National Traumatic Occupational Fatalities (NTOF) surveillance systems were used to describe fatal injuries among youth 16-19 years of age in the United States that occurred on farms for the years 1982 through 1994. The VSM captures all deaths in the United States, while the NTOF only captures occupational injury deaths. There were 550 total on-farm fatalities to youth 16-19 years of age in the VSM, and 221 occupational on-farm deaths from the NTOF for the same age group. These numbers suggest that 40% of the on-farm deaths were occupational. It was found that the proportions of deaths attributable to work increased with age. Fatality rates for on-farm nonoccupational deaths decreased slightly during the time period (from 8.4 deaths/100,000 for 1982-1985 to 6.8 deaths/100,000 for 1991-1994), while on-farm occupational fatality rates dropped dramatically (12.0 deaths/100,000 for 1982-1985 down to 4.9 deaths/100,000 for 1991-1994). The leading causes of death for on-farm occupational fatalities were machinery (54%) and electrical current (20%). The most common causes of on-farm fatalities that were nonoccupational were drowning (38.9%) and firearms (28.6%). For the years 1991 through 1994, drowning and firearms accounted for approximately the same number of on-farm deaths as machinery. Nonoccupational risks are a concern for youth 16-19 years of age on the farm. 相似文献
Previous estimates of operator death from farm tractor overturn events range from 0.03 to 0.68. This study provided population-based estimates of the denominator of total farm tractor overturns and the frequency of six classes of overturn injury outcomes for tractors with and without rollover protective structures (ROPS). A 40-item telephone survey collected information from a random sample of 6,063 (8.0%) Kentucky farms about each farm's most recent overturn. A total of 551 (9.1%) farms reported overturns, and 5,512 (90.1%) reported no overturns. Injury outcomes for 443 overturns of non-ROPS tractors and 89 ROPS tractors were distributed as follows: no or minor injury (non-ROPS: 70.43%; ROPS: 82.02%), outpatient treatment (non-ROPS: 21.90%; ROPS: 9.00%), hospital admission (non-ROPS: 15.35%; ROPS: 3.37%), temporary disability (non-ROPS: 13.54%; ROPS: 14.61%), permanent disability (non-ROPS: 3.16%; ROPS: 0.00%), and death (non-ROPS: 5.42%; ROPS: 1.12%). (Percents total to more than 100 because some operators treated as outpatients were subsequently hospitalized, disabled, or died.) The observed 0.054 probability of death from overturn of non-ROPS tractors in this sample was corrected for the proportion of farms that went out of business prior to the survey and thus were excluded from the sampling frame. The adjusted 0.08 probability of death from overturn of a non-ROPS tractor is five times smaller than the NIOSH estimate of 0.40. The discrepancy lies in the much larger denominator of all non-fatal and fatal overturns than assumed previously. 相似文献
“双链型”生态农业示范园区对农户决策的影响研究 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
阐明“双链型”生态农业示范园区实行“公司 基地 农户”运行机制,实现无公害农产品产业化生产经营。并分析了农户参与后生产特征及效益的变化和农户决策模式类型。指出影响农户决策的诸多因素中公司的运行绩效和服务起主导作用。 相似文献
Rosenthal J Milla G Flores A Yon M Pfeiffer C Umaña E Skerrette N Barahona F;Cooperative Folic Acid Research Group 《Public health nutrition》2008,11(8):822-830
BACKGROUND: Observational studies and clinical trials have shown conclusive evidence that periconceptional folic acid supplementation prevents up to 70 % of neural tube defects (NTD). The Honduran government wanted to implement a supplementation programme of folic acid but needed to assess the relative effects of two dosages of folic acid. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of two dosages of folic acid on blood folate levels in Honduran female factory workers aged 18 to 49 years. DESIGN: This was a randomized, double-blind control supplementation trial conducted in Choloma, Honduras. A total of 140 eligible women were randomly assigned to two dosage groups and followed up for 12 weeks. One group received a daily dosage of 1 mg folic acid and the other a once weekly dosage of 5 mg. Serum folate and red blood cell folate levels were determined by radioassay at baseline, 6 weeks and 12 weeks. RESULTS: Serum folate levels increased from 6.3 (se 0.2) to 14.9 (se 0.6) ng/ml (P < 0.0001) in women assigned to the 1 mg/d group and from 6.9 (se 0.3) to 10.1 (se 0.4) ng/ml (P < 0.0001) in those assigned to the 5 mg/week group. Red blood cell folate concentrations also increased significantly in both groups, albeit more slowly. Educational level, age and BMI were not associated with the changes in serum and red blood cell folate levels during the supplementation period. However, a differential effect on serum folate levels by dosage group and time was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Although both folate supplementation regimens increased serum and red blood cell folate levels significantly among the women studied, blood folate levels that are considered to be protective of NTD were reached faster with the daily dosage of 1 mg folic acid. 相似文献
Simpson K Sebastian R Arbuckle TE Bancej C Pickett W 《Journal of agricultural safety and health》2004,10(3):141-153
The objectives of this study were to examine associations between perceived psychosocial stress and farm injury among men and women in Ontario, Canada. Cross-sectional data from the Ontario Farm Family Health Study were used to investigate perceived levels of stress, farm injuries and their interrelationships. Age-standardized rates of injury were 13.3/100/year and 3.8/100/year for men and women, respectively. The most common types of injury were strains/sprains/torn ligaments and cuts/lacerations. Approximately 18% of men and 11% of women reported that their lives were "very stressful." Common sources of stress were money worries and feeling overworked. The risk for farm injury increased with level of stress. For men, the adjusted odds ratios for injury were: 1.00 (referent), 1.02 (95% CI: 0.72, 1.42), and 1.61 (95% CI: 1.08, 2.41)for lowest to highest stress levels, respectively. For women, adjusted odds ratios were: 1.00 (referent), 1.43 (95% CI: 0.83, 2.47), and 2.73 (95% CI: 1.38, 5.39). These risks were especially pronounced among women who were not employed off the farm. This study represents a novel quantitative analysis examining associations between perceived psychological stress and farm injury. Future research should investigate these associations in other farm populations, confirm their temporal directions, and further explore the effect of gender on the strength of these associations. 相似文献
Bahaa Khalil Chunping Ou Sandra Proulx-McInnis Andre St-Hilaire Enisa Zanacic 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2014,225(10):1-22
Surface water quality monitoring is one of the responsibilities of a number of provincial and federal environmental departments in Canada. In Saskatchewan, the Ministry of Environment is responsible for the province water quality monitoring network. The sampling effort was initiated 40 years ago and has been ongoing since, with varying degrees of spatial and temporal coverage. The main objective of the Saskatchewan monitoring network is the assessment of ambient water quality status. In addition, one of the main uses of the generated water quality data is the calculation of a Water Quality Index. The adequacy of the monitoring network to perform these tasks needs to be validated. The objective of this study is to provide a statistical assessment of two of the monitoring network main aspects, the water quality variables and their sampling frequency. A new rationalization approach is applied for the assessment and reselection of water quality variables. The proposed approach provides, in a systematic way, the optimal combinations of variables to continue measuring, variables that may be redundant and could be considered for discontinuance, and variables that may need to be added to the list of variables being measured. The confidence interval around the mean is used as the main criterion for the sampling frequency assessment. A design chart is provided for the sampling frequency assessment, which is easy to use, and provides an initial assessment of the number of samples required to provide a mean value with a predefined error percentage. 相似文献
Plant wax compounds (n-alkanes and alcohols) were used to trace C from the dominant pasture species to different water-stable aggregate (WSA) size classes to investigate if changes in the plant community composition caused by grass ley age and N amendment were reflected in the dynamics of intra-aggregate SOM. Age of the ley influenced the formation of aggregates, and fertilizer N application decreased %C and %N of the macroaggregates. Although changes in the plant community composition due to N amendment and ley age were reflected in the concentrations of plant wax compounds in the different WSA classes, the results of this study are more indicative of the direct effect of N fertilizer, than of the effect of dominant plant species, on intra-aggregate OM dynamics. The results of this study were found to support the suggestion that N amendments increase intra-aggregate OM dynamics especially in the smaller WSA size classes. 相似文献
Summary The nematode community in litter and soil was examined for a year in the Chihuahuan desert, before and after supplemental rainfall application. Proportions of nematode-active or anhydrobiotic forms and population densities were determined for 3 treatments: control (natural rainfall), a single, large (25-mm) monthly irrigation pulse, and 4 smaller (6-mm) irrigations spaced at weekly intervals. In litter the greatest nematode abundance was in the 6 mm week–1 treatment (48 nematodes 20 g–1 litter). Bacteriovores and fungivores accounted for approximately 95% of the numbers and biomass in all treatments. In soil, water amendments had no significant effect (P < 0.05) on annual mean densities of total nematodes, fungivores, bacterivores, or omnivore predators. Phytophage densities were greater on both irrigation treatments, with highest densities (9268 m–2) in the 6 mm week–1 soils, which was 5.9% of the total soil nematode density. Total densities of individual trophic groups were not significantly different before or after rainfall. Soil nematode densities fluctuated independently with trophic group, month, and season. Bacterial feeders and omnivore predators were the largest contributor to total soil nematode density and biomass. Prior to irrigation, there were no differences in the percentage of anhydrobiotes on the three treatments. Anhydrobiotes decreased after irrigation in all treatments, and were significantly lower in soils of the larger, monthly irrigation. Nematodes were inactive (anhydrobiotic) and decoupled from decomposition processes when soil water matric potentials reached –0.4 MPa.Dedicated to the late Prof. Dr. M.S. Ghilarov 相似文献
The influence of age and body mass index on relative accuracy of energy intake among Japanese adults
Okubo H Sasaki S Hirota N Notsu A Todoriki H Miura A Fukui M Date C 《Public health nutrition》2006,9(5):651-657
OBJECTIVE: To examine relationships between the ratio of energy intake to basal metabolic rate (EI/BMR) and age and body mass index (BMI) among Japanese adults. DESIGN: Energy intake was assessed by 4-day semi-weighed diet records in each of four seasons (16 days in total). The EI/BMR ratio was calculated from reported energy intake and estimated basal metabolic rate as an indicator of reporting accuracy. SETTING: Residents in three areas in Japan, namely Osaka (urban), Nagano (rural inland) and Tottori (rural coastal). SUBJECTS: One hundred and eighty-three healthy Japanese men and women aged > or =30 years. RESULTS: The oldest age group (> or =60 years) had higher EI/BMR values than the youngest age group (30-39 years) in both sexes (1.74 vs. 1.37 for men; 1.65 vs. 1.43 for women). In multiple regression analyses, age correlated positively (partial correlation coefficient, beta = 0.012, P < 0.001 for men; beta = 0.011, P < 0.001 for women) and BMI correlated negatively (beta = -0.031, P < 0.001 for men; beta = -0.025, P < 0.01 for women) with EI/BMR. CONCLUSION: Age and BMI may influence the relative accuracy of energy intake among Japanese adults. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(21):2680-2688
ABSTRACTThe effects of plant age at the time of mowing on sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) tissue decomposition, nitrogen (N) release, and fiber content in Krome very gravelly loam were assessed. Combined leaf and stem tissue from 42-, 77- or 112-day-old sunn hemp plants was placed in mesh bags and buried below the soil surface in the field. Bags were removed bi-weekly and dry weights, N concentration, acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) concentrations in buried sunn hemp tissues were determined. There was a rapid decrease plant tissue dry weight during the first 14 days after tissue was buried, followed by a slow gradual decrease. The amount N per hectare was much lower for 42-day-old than 112-day-old sunn hemp. Tissue of the youngest plants decomposed the quickest. Forty two-day-old tissue had a higher N concentration, N mineralization rate, and lower NDF and ADF than 77- or 112-day-old tissue. Mowing and soil incorporation of a 42-day-old instead of a 77- to 112-day-old sunn hemp cover crop prior to planting a cash crop can be beneficial for a fast-growing cash crop planted soon after soil incorporation of the cover crop. 相似文献
Effects of population, age, and cultivation methods on ginsenoside content of wild American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Genotype and environmental effects on ginsenoside content among eight wild populations of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) were investigated. Root concentrations of six ginsenosides were determined at the time of collection of plants from the wild (T0) and 2 years (T2) after transplanting roots from each of the eight populations to each of two different forest garden locations. Both location and population had significant effects on root and shoot growth. Overall, ginsenoside Rb1 was most abundant, followed by Rg1 and Re. Concentrations of Rg1 and Re were inversely related among and within populations. The relative ranking of populations differed depending upon the particular ginsenoside and sampling time. The relative importance of genotype and environment was not the same for all ginsenosides. Ginsenoside Re was influenced by population but not location, whereas Rb1, Rc, and Rb2 were influenced only by location (environment), while Rg1 and Rd were influenced by both. Ginsenoside levels were consistently lower, but growth was consistently higher at the more intensively managed garden location. 相似文献
The population density and taxonomic structure of micromycetes were monitored for six months in a model experiment with natural and mechanically fragmented (fine and coarse) samples of sphagnum. Sphagnum fragmentation favored an increase in the number of micromycetes only during the first week of the experiment. On the average, the number of micromycetes in fine-fragmented samples was two times greater than that in the coarse-fragmented samples. The diversity of micromycetes increased in the fragmented samples of sphagnum owing to the activation of some species, which remained in the inactive state as spores in the peat before fragmentation. 相似文献
Cr3+污染对稻田土壤的反硝化细菌种群数量及其活性影响的研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
在实验室条件下,对黄松稻田土壤、紫色稻田土壤和红壤稻田土的反硝化细菌(DenitrifyingBacteria,DNB)种群数量及其反硝化活性,以及Cr2(SO4)36H2O处理4周后Cr3+污染对DNB种群数量及其反硝化活性影响进行了研究。结果表明,紫色稻田土壤、黄松稻田土壤和红壤稻田土的DNB种群数量每克干土分别为(59.04~157.59)104cfu、(42.89~108.97)104cfu和(32.14~75.30)104cfu。在每千克干土中加入200mgCr3+时,对稻田土的DNB种群数量及其活性有明显的抑制作用,但稻田土壤还能通过自身的能力,在培养3周后完全恢复稻田土壤的DNB种群数量及其活性。随着Cr3+加入量的增加,Cr3+对DNB的毒性越来越大,稻田土壤通过自身来恢复DNB种群数量及其活性越来越困难,但可通过外界力量(如调节土壤pH)逐渐恢复稻田土壤的生物活性。 相似文献
重金属污染对水稻田土壤硫酸盐还原菌种群数量及其活性的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
在实验室条件下,采用重金属Cd2+、As5+、Cu2+、Pb2+和Cr3+处理黄松稻田土壤、紫色稻田土壤和红壤稻田土,28d后分析重金属污染对水稻田土壤的硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)种群数量和硫酸盐还原活性(SRA)的影响。结果表明,在每千克干土中加入200mgPb2+时,对稻田土壤的SRB种群数量和SRA有促进作用;当加入的Cd2+、As5+、Cu2+、Pb2+和Cr3+每千克干土分别超过1.0、30、500、400和200mg时,对稻田土壤SRB种群数量和SRA有明显抑制作用。随着加入量的增加,重金属对水稻田土壤的SRB种群数量和SRA的抑制作用越来越强,水稻田土壤通过自身来恢复SRB种群数量和SRA所需的时间也越长。同一种重金属元素对不同土壤的SRB种群数量和SRA抑制的污染临界值也有差异。 相似文献