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Despite treatment with steroids, nodular areas of alopecia and erythematous skin lesions persisted in a 9-year-old Irish water spaniel with discoid lupus. Epitheliotropic lymphoma was diagnosed by skin biopsy.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old female guinea pig was presented with pruritic, erythematous, hypotrichotic and scaling skin lesions, mainly involving the abdomen and the hindlegs. Clinical abnormalities were limited to the skin, and the guinea pig was otherwise healthy. The dermatological diagnostic work-up excluded ectoparasites, dermatophytosis and an endocrinopathy as differential diagnoses for the pruritus and hair loss. An allergic dermatitis was under investigation when the general and skin condition deteriorated. A neoplastic skin disorder was suspected, and skin biopsies revealed changes consistent with a cutaneous epitheliotropic T-cell lymphoma. Pautrier's microabscesses and immunophenotyped CD3(+) CD79(-) lymphocytes were identified. Owing to the deteriorating condition of the animal and the unknown but most likely poor prognosis of this disease, the guinea pig was euthanized. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first case report of cutaneous epitheliotropic T-cell lymphoma in the guinea pig with characteristic histopathological and immunohistochemical features.  相似文献   

A seven-year-old castrated male Yorkshire terrier dog was presented for a recurrent skin disease. Erythematous skin during the first visit progressed from multiple plaques to patch lesions and exudative erosion in the oral mucosa membrane. Biopsy samples were taken from erythematous skin and were diagnosed with epitheliotropic T cell cutaneous lymphoma by histopathology and immunochemical stain. In serum chemistry, the dog had a hypercalcemia (15.7 mg/dl) and mild increased alkaline phosphatase (417 U/l). Immunohistochemistry was performed to detect parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTH-rP) in epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma tissues but the neoplastic cells were not labeled with anti-PTH-rP antibodies. The patient was treated with prednisolone and isotretinoin. However, the dog died unexpectedly.  相似文献   

The aim of this report was to present a case of epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma (mycosis fungoides) in a coati. The animal was presented for evaluation of a non-pruritic nodule. Although the diagnosis of cutaneous histiocytoma was made histologically, plaques and erosions appeared in new areas of the skin along with rapid deterioration of body condition that led to euthanasia in less than one month following initial presentation. Epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma was confirmed with plaque biopsies. Cross-reactivity of a polyclonal antihuman CD3 antibody to coati T lymphocytes was also observed. Apart from skin lesions, only pleuritis was post-mortem diagnosed most likely because of immunosuppression secondarily to malignant neoplasia.  相似文献   

A 16-yr-old, female, captive-bred bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus) estimated to be 75 kg, was presented with a 1-mo history of chronic diarrhea and weight loss. A cause for the deteriorating condition was not found antemortem, and the bontebok was humanely euthanatized when it failed to respond to empirical therapy. On necropsy, numerous nodules were present on the pleural surfaces and within the lung parenchyma, the pancreas appeared inflamed and fibrotic. Histologic examination revealed lymphoma in the mesenteric lymph nodes, alimentary tract, reproductive tract, and liver. In the small and large intestine, rumen, esophagus, bile duct, and vagina, the neoplastic cells had a tropism for epithelium. The neoplastic cells within the epithelium and subepithelium of the alimentary tract stained positively for CD3, consistent with T cell differentiation.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old male red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris orientis) developed bilateral tumors of upper and lower eyelids. The tumors in the left lid recurred despite surgical removal. Necropsy revealed metastasis to the lung. The neoplastic cells were epithelioid and highly pleomorphic, and only a few cells contained melanin granules. Occasionally melanoma cells were immunoreactive for S100, neuron-specific enolase and vimentin, and a small number of cells for cytokeratin. Ultrastructurally, the presence of premelanosomes was confirmed in the cytoplasm. Possible presence of cytokeratin-positive neoplastic melanocytes should be taken into account when differentiating a nonpigmented epithelioid melanoma from other tumors such as anaplastic carcinomas.  相似文献   

We diagnosed epitheliotropic T-cell lymphoma of the forestomachs in 2 aged, half-sibling, zoo-managed bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus pygargus). One bontebok also had mesenteric lymph node and cutaneous involvement. Both animals had a history of chronic abdominal distension and diminished body condition that resulted in euthanasia. At autopsy, both animals had marked ruminal distension with diffusely blunted ruminal papillae and reticular crests. In case 1, there was an increased amount and particle length of the ruminoreticular fibrous material with scant fluid, and a 2-cm diameter focus of cutaneous crusting adjacent to a mammary teat. In case 2, the rumen and reticulum were fluid-distended with decreased fibrous material. Histologically in case 1, the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and skin had intraepithelial nests and sheets of neoplastic small lymphocytes; in case 2, the rumen and reticulum had a similar neoplastic cell population. Immunohistochemically, neoplastic lymphocytes were immunoreactive for CD3 and negative for CD20, confirming the diagnosis of epitheliotropic T-cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old neutered female Irish setter was presented with a six-week history of blepharoconjunctivitis affecting the right eye. A conjunctival biopsy was taken and histopathological examination revealed a heavy cellular infiltrate involving the epithelial and subepithelial tissues. Immunohistochemical staining showed the intraepithelial cell population to uniformly have the phenotype CD3 (T-cell specific marker). A diagnosis of epitheliotropic lymphoma (mycosis fungoides) was made. The use of a synthetic retinoid and topical prednisolone in the management of the case is discussed.  相似文献   

Rectal swab samples were collected from 60 red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) from July 2006 to April 2007 in Southern Italy. Samples were tested for Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli by culture methods and suspected colonies were then confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. C. jejuni was detected in 5/60 (8.3%) samples examined but infection status was not related to age or sex and C. coli was not isolated. This is believed to be the first report of C. jejuni infection in the red squirrel.  相似文献   

The Persian squirrel (Sciurus anomalus) is habitat in the Middle East countries and feed on pine acorns and other seeds. The present study was carried out to investigate the histological and volumetric features of the oesophagus in Persian squirrels. Five adult male Persian squirrels were included in the study. The cervical, thoracic and abdominal oesophagus of all subjects were processed routinely and sectioned in a serial manner. Then, the total volume of the oesophagus and its different layers were estimated using Cavalieri's principle. Histological assessment revealed a non‐keratinized stratified squamous epithelium lining the mucosa. No glands were seen in the lamina propria and submucosa. Lamina muscularis was present as a distinct layer of smooth muscle cells separating the lamina propria from the tunica submucosa. The tunica muscularis consisted of two distinct layers of striated muscle fibres: inner circular and outer longitudinal that was intermingled with few scattered smooth muscle fibres especially in the abdominal region. The thoracic region contained more amount of the lamina muscularis and tunica muscularis in comparison to the cervical or abdominal regions. The obtained results revealed that the histological structure of the Persian squirrel oesophagus has differences and similarities with other rodents and even with other species of squirrel. These findings would be useful to improve the knowledge in the areas of histological structure of the rodent digestive system.  相似文献   

Two captive Keel-billed toucans and a Chestnut-mandibled toucan in another zoological garden died suddenlywithout any pre-existing symptoms, and three months later, a Japanese squirrel died of diarrhea. All theseanimals showed necrotic enteritis and multifocal necrosis in the liver and spleen with Gram negative bacilli.The bacilli showed strong positive immunolabeling for Yersinia pseudotuberculosis O4 in theKeel-billed toucans, Y. pseudotuberculosis O2 in the Chestnut-mandibled toucan and Y.pseudotuberculosis O1 in the Japanese squirrel, while Y. pseudotuberculosis 4b, 2band 1b were respectively isolated from the lesions. To our knowledge, this might be the first reported case offatal yersiniosis in a Japanese squirrel in the world as well as in toucans in Japan.  相似文献   

Intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies suggestive of iridovirus infection were observed in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues from a nautilus (Nautilus spp.) that died without premonitory signs. Transmission electron microscopy revealed enveloped, hexagonal, viral particles that measured approximately 176 nm in diameter. Virions contained a dense central core and morphology typical of iridoviruses. Extracted DNA was amplified using primers homologous to conserved iridovirus sequences. The amplicons were cloned, sequenced, and determined to be approximately 60% similar to reported amphibian iridovirus sequences. A polymerase chain reaction-generated digoxigenin probe was used to detect viral nucleic acid in tissue sections by DNA in situ hybridization and high-affinity cytochemistry. The detected nucleic acid corresponded to the inclusion bodies observed microscopically. This represents a novel iridovirus of mollusks.  相似文献   

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