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Hsp90 is a molecular chaperone that is involved in diverse cellular processes including protein folding/repairing and signal transduction. Edwardsiella tarda is a serious fish pathogen that affects fish aquaculture worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential importance of HtpG, the prokaryotic homologue of Hsp90, in the pathogenesis of E. tarda. E. tarda HtpG is 627-residue in length and contains domain structures that are conserved among Hsp90 family members. Quantitative real time RT-PCR analysis indicated that expression of htpG is induced by heat shock and oxidative stress. Recombinant HtpG (rHtpG) purified from Escherichia coli exhibits apparent ATPase activity, which is optimal at 40°C. Mutation of htpG (i) affects bacterial growth at elevated temperature and renders the cells more sensitive to stress induced by reactive oxygen species, (ii) causes dramatic reduction in blood dissemination and general bacterial virulence, (iii) weakens the ability of E. tarda to block head kidney macrophage activation and to resist against the bactericidal effect of macrophages, and (iv) upregulates the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in macrophages. Taken together, these results indicate that HtpG is a biologically active protein that is required for E. tarda to cope with various stress conditions especially that encountered in vivo the host system during infection.  相似文献   

To evaluate the association of oral Treponema (T.) spp. with severity of canine periodontitis, subgingival plaque samples of dogs of various breeds undergoing surgery were investigated. A wide range of oral Treponema spp. was analysed by a molecular and culture-independent approach applying DNA-DNA dot blot hybridization analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization using Treponema specific oligonucleotide probes specific for phylogenetic groups I-VII of oral treponemes as well as probes specific for T. socranskii and T. denticola. To assess the periodontal status of affected dogs clinical parameters were measured and the periodontal status was classified from grade 0 (physiological periodont) to 3 (severe periodontitis). The periodontal status correlated significantly with an increasing concentration of volatile sulfur compounds (VSC, r=0.854) determined with a Halimeter, indicating a positive correlation between the presence of VSC-producing bacteria and periodontitis. In this study Treponema spp. of phylogenetic groups III, V-VII were not detected in any sample, whereas T. denticola-like treponemes were found only in 2 of 51 animals. However, treponemes belonging to phylogenetic groups I, II and IV of oral treponemes or T. socranskii were found in up to 64.84% of the dogs. The detection rate of Treponema spp. was significantly associated with an increased periodontal status. Treponemes present in periodontal lesions were also visualized by fluorescence in situ hybridization of gingival biopsies showing Treponema spp. not only in the microbial biofilm but also within the gingival tissue. The data presented here indicate that oral Treponema spp. are associated with canine periodontitis. Similar to human periodontitis, treponemes of groups I, II and IV and T. socranskii were found more frequently the higher the degree of periodontitis was.  相似文献   

Abstract Aspects of colonization of the canine skin with bacteria are reviewed. Owing to variability in sampling techniques, anatomical sites involved and lack of temporal studies, there is still controversy as to which bacteria are residents or transients on the canine skin. The establishment of the cutaneous flora is determined by the ability of bacteria to adhere to canine corneocytes, to use available nutrients from skin secretions and to resist challenge from competing bacteria. Variations in humidity and temperature due to environment, skin folds or differences in the haircoat are also likely to have an effect. Much research has focused around Staphylococcus intermedius, the main pathogen of the canine skin but its cutaneous residency status remains questionable. Pathological conditions such as atopy and seborrhoea favour the colonization of S. intermedius and predispose to infection. Recent studies indicate that bacterial interference as a method of preventing colonization of pathogenic staphylococci may be feasible. Résumé— Les aspects de la colonisation de la peau canine par des bactéries sont étudiées. A cause de la variabilité des techniques de prélèvements, des sites anatomiques, et du caratère ponctuel des études, le doute subsiste toujours quant à savoir quelle sont les bactéries résidentes ou transitoires sur la peau de chien. L'établissement d'une flore cutanée est déterminée par la capacité de la bactérie à adhérer aux cornéocytes canines, à utiliser les nutriments disponibles à partir des sécrétions cutanées et à résister aux autres bactéries qui concourent à l'occupation des memes sites. Les variations d'humidité et de température, dues à l'environnement, aux plis de peau et aux différences de pelage jouent probablement un role. La plupart des études concernent Staphylococcus intermedius, l'agent pathogène principal de la peau du chien, mais son statut de résident cutané est toujours débattu. Des conditions pathologiques telles que l'atopie et la séborrhée favorisent la colonisation par S. intermedius et prédisposent à l'infection. Des études récentes indiquent que l'interférence bactérienne peut être envisagée comme une méthode de prévention de la colonisation cutanée par un staphylocoque pathogène. [Saijonmaa-Koulumies, L. & Lloyd, D. H. Colonization of the canine skin with bacteria (Colonisation de la peau canine par des bactéries). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 153–162.] Resumen Se revisan algunos aspectos de la colonización bacteriana en la piel canina. Existe aún controversia sobre qué bacterias son résidentes o transitorias en la piel del perro, debido a la variabilidad en las técnicas de recolección, localización y falta de estudios temporales. El establecimiento de la flora cutánea depende de su capacidad de adhesión a los corneocitos, de utilizar los nutrientes de las secreciones cutáneas y de resistir la competencia de otras bacterias. También es probable que tengan un papel los cambios de humedad y temperatura por los pliegues cutáneos o las diferencias en el pelaje. Se ha centrado mucha investigación en Staphylococcus intermedius, el principal patógeno de la piel canina, aunque se sigue cuestionando su existencia como residente cutáneo. Situaciones patológicas como la atopia o la seborrea favorecen la colonización por S. intermedius y predisponen a infección. Algunos estudios recientes indican que es factible la interferencia bacteriana como método de prevenir la colonización por estafilococos patógenos. [Saijonmaa-Koulumies, L. & Lloyd, D. H. Colonization of the canine skin with bacteria (Colonizacion de la piel cannina con bacterias). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 153–162.] Zusammenfassung— Es werden Aspekte der Besiedelung der Hundehaut mit Bakterien dargestellt. Entsprechend der Variabilität in der Probenentnahme, verwendeten anatomischen Regionen und dem Mangel an temporären Studien exisitieren immer noch unterschiedliche Ansichten, ob Bakterien auf der Haut des Hundes als resident oder transient gelten. Die Aufstellung der kutanen Flora wird durch die Fähigkeit der Bakterien bestimmt, sich an die kaninen Korneozyten anzuheften, verfügbare Nährstoffe aus den Hautsekretionen zu verwenden und sich gegenüber konkurrierenden Keimen zu behaupten. Veränderungen in Feuchtigkeit und Temperatur in Abhängigkeit von Umgebung, Hautfalten oder Unterschieden im Haarkleid scheinen ebenfalls einen Effekt zu besitzen. Viele Untersuchungen konzentrierten sich auf Staphylococcus aureus, der hauptpathogene Keim auf der Hundehaut, aber sein Status als residenter Keim bleibt fraglich. Pathologische Zustände wie Atopie und Seborrhoe begünstigen die Besiedelung mit S. intermedius und prädisponieren für eine Infektion. Kürzliche Studien zeigen, daß bakterielle Interferenzen als Methode zur Verhinderung der Ansiedlung von pathogenen Staphylokokken möglich sein könnten. [Saijonmaa-Koulumies, L., Lloyd, D.H. Colonization of the canine skin with bacteria (Besiedelung der Haut des Hundes mit Bakterien). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 153–162.]  相似文献   

The sense of smell in dogs infected with canine distemper virus (CDV) was examined by use of EEG olfactometry, behavioral olfactometry, and electro-olfactography. Infection with CDV was confirmed by a direct immunofluorescence technique in 8 active cases and was suggested by clinical history compatible with canine distemper 10 to 26 weeks earlier in 6 cases. Pathologic alterations of the olfactory mucosa in 3 clinically affected dogs was examined by light microscopy. Infection with CDV was found to be associated with anosmia and lack of recorded responses on electro-olfactogram in 8 of 8 dogs with clinical signs of acute distemper from naturally acquired infections. Anosmia was found in 5 of 6 dogs that had recovered from acute distemper 10 to 26 weeks earlier. The sixth dog had hyposmia, with abnormalities on the electro-olfactogram. Histologic examination was not performed on the 6 dogs that had recovered. Histologic lesions observed at necropsy in 3 dogs that had had clinical signs of acute distemper were those of subacute purulent rhinitis and atrophy of the olfactory epithelium. Altered olfactory function could be explained by mucopurulent exudate blocking odors from olfactory receptors in the acutely affected dogs, but alteration of olfactory function in the dogs that had recovered without clinical evidence of rhinitis could not be explained.  相似文献   

Careful review of the literature regarding clinical signs caused by hypothyroidism in dogs has shown that some assumptions regarding the relation of hypothyroidism to other conditions are based on anecdotal evidence. Cutaneous manifestations are present in most hypothyroid dogs, but the specific abnormalities and breed variations remain to be clearly defined. Decreased metabolic rate manifested by obesity and lethargy is also common. Neurologic manifestations, although uncommon, clearly occur in hypothyroid dogs. Cardiac abnormalities seem to be common, but their clinical significance is questionable. The only consistent hematologic abnormality that occurs in hypothyroid dogs is anemia; evidence for acquired von Willebrand's disease or other bleeding disorders is negligible. Reproductive dysfunction secondary to hypothyroidism is unlikely to occur in male dogs, and there is no evidence to support abnormalities in female dogs. The relation of megaesophagus, laryngeal paralysis, ocular abnormalities, and gastrointestinal disorders with hypothyroidism remains to be established. Future research into canine hypothyroidism may serve to convert dogma into a more clear understanding of the manifestations and pathophysiologic findings of this common endocrinopathy.  相似文献   

Polioencephalomalacia associated with canine distemper virus infection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eight dogs with severe neurologic signs, including seizures, had polioencephalomalacia of the pyriform cortex, Ammon's horn and deep structures in the temporal lobe. The polioencephalomalacia was considered to be a consequence of canine distemper virus infection based on clinical signs, typical inclusions, the demonstration of viral antigens in the lesions and of characteristic paramyxovirus nucleocapsids by electron microscopy. Little evidence for neuronal destruction by direct viral activity was found. Selective nerve cell necrosis was attributed to ischemia (vascular lesions and seizure induced consumptive anoxia) and immune mechanisms. The selective involvement of the rhinencephalic structures was thought to be related to the mode of entry and spread of the virus.  相似文献   

This paper reports disorders of urination in two intersex dogs and reviews 16 previously published similar cases.  相似文献   

An 11-week-old, female Alaskan husky dog housed outdoors in the Yukon, Canada, was diagnosed with infectious canine hepatitis. The predisposing factors in this puppy for such a rare disease included inappropriate vaccination program, potential contact with endemic wildlife, and immunosuppression due to prednisone treatment.  相似文献   

Causes of canine juvenile hydrocephalus have been well documented. However, the effects of hydrocephalus on periventricular white matter have been only partially described. The present report shows that hydrocephalus-associated lesions of the periventricular white matter, i.e., formation of diverticula, clefts, and tears, are prevalent. Marked hydrocephalus was identified at necropsy in 20 juvenile dogs between 1990 and 1999. The severity grade was based upon a ratio of lateral ventricular dimensions to cortical thickness. All animals exhibited ependymal lesions consisting of attenuation, with or without abortive attempts of ependymal regeneration, and ulceration. In 10 dogs (50%), unilateral or bilateral periventricular diverticula and cleft formation in the region of the caudate nucleus were observed. The diverticula were formed at the caudal pole of the caudate nucleus, communicated with the ventricular lumen, and were associated with ependymal denudation. Loss of the ependymal lining probably contributes to a bulk shift of cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricular lumen to the periventricular white matter, leading to diverticulum formation. Clefts were observed within the parenchyma at the border of the internal capsule and putamen, consistent with an ischemic insult. Occasionally tearing with separation of the caudate nucleus from the subcortical white matter was found, representing unification of expanding clefts and diverticula. In one of the few clinically well-documented cases, tearing was correlated with a sudden decline in neurologic function, culminating in euthanasia. However, tears and clefts may exhibit a chronicity of several days, as indicated by the presence of astroglial scars along the lesion margins.  相似文献   

The clinical and radiological features and bacterial flora were studied in 16 small dogs with periodontitis. Gingival retraction, bleeding and alveolar bone loss were the most typical findings, whereas deep periodontal pockets were infrequently found. Periodontitis was frequently localised to certain regions of the dentition, most often in premolars or incisors. However, the deepest periodontal pockets were found in canine teeth. The mean pocket depth was 2·0 ± 0·4 mm (mean ± SD). The mean percentage of the sites with a pocket depth of more than 3 mm was 10·5 per cent. The mean occurrence of gingival bleeding after probing was 22·7 ± 12·7 per cent and the mean percentage of furcation lesions in multirooted teeth per dog was 46·0 ± 23·5 per cent. Tooth mobility was seen in 26·7 ± 13·3 per cent of the teeth. In each case subgingival plaque samples were taken for microbiological examination from two teeth with periodontitis and one healthy tooth. There was a clear difference between the diseased and healthy pockets in the detection frequency of the following Gram-negative anaerobes: pigmented, non-pigmented slime producing and fusiform rods. The counts of Gram-negative pigmented, other non-pigmented and fusiform rods as well as Gram-positive cocci were clearly higher in the diseased pockets. Pigmented Gram-negative rods (mainly asaccharolytic, Porphyromonas-like species) were the most common finding in both diseased and healthy pockets.  相似文献   

Pulmonary embolism associated with canine total hip replacement   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
OBJECTIVE: To determine by pulmonary perfusion scans and ultrasonography if embolemia occurs during total hip replacement (THR) surgery in dogs. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective clinical study. ANIMALS: Forty client-owned dogs that had THR surgery. METHODS: Thoracic radiographs were taken immediately after THR and immediately after completion of (99m)Tc-MAA lung scans. Scintigraphy was performed in 28 dogs, 48 hours after THR. Intraoperative ultrasonography (intercostal or transesophageal) was performed in another 12 dogs that had THR. The right atrium and ventricle and pulmonary outflow tract were observed during and for 5 to 8 minutes after femoral component insertion into medullary canals prepared by reaming, and lavage and aspiration of debris before filling with polymethylmethacrylate in dough stage. A modified Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis (PIOPED) classification system was used to evaluate lung scans. RESULTS: No pulmonary radiographic abnormalities were identified. Segmental and subsegmental perfusion defects occurred in 23 (82%) dogs and were classified as severe in 9 (32%) dogs, moderate in 11, and mild in 3. There was no particular lobe predilection. Patchy mulberry-appearing defects, indicative of fat embolism, were most common. Embolemia was observed by ultrasound in 10 dogs. Variable-sized particles occurred in 8 dogs, particles and bubbles in 2 dogs, and no emboli were observed in 2 dogs. Embolemia was observed within 10 seconds after femoral stem insertion and lasted < 1 minute. Pneumoemboli remained in the right atrium for > 8 minutes before dislodgement. CONCLUSIONS: Embolemia of either air, particles, or both occurs in most dogs during THR surgery. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Most dogs seemingly spontaneously recover from pulmonary embolism that occurs during THR. The risk of clinical complications from this pulmonary embolism should be taken seriously, even though the exact morbidity and mortality rates are unknown.  相似文献   

A previously undescribed organism associated with canine abortion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Femur fractures associated with canine total hip replacement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To report femur fracture as a complication of canine total hip replacement (THR) and to report the incidence, predisposing factors, treatment options, and outcome. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective clinical study. ANIMALS: Twenty-two client-owned dogs with 24 femoral fractures occurring during or after THR. METHODS: Cemented THR (BioMedtrix, Boonton, NJ) was performed. Medical records and radiographs were used to identify dogs that had femur fracture and to identify risk factors. Follow-up was obtained until dog death or study end. RESULTS: The overall incidence of femur fracture after THR was 2.9%. Femoral fractures occurred intraoperatively, immediately postoperatively, and up to 2196 days after THR. In 17 dogs, fractures resulted from a traumatic event. Osteopathy was present at THR in 5 dogs; all developed femoral fissures during reaming. Three dogs had fractures associated with cortical thinning secondary to aseptic loosening. Fracture treatment included euthanasia (1 dog), strict confinement (3 dogs), full cerclage wires on long oblique fractures (3 dogs), or plate and screw fixation (10 with, and 7 without, cerclage wires). All fractures extended near the distal tip of the femoral stem and all aggressively treated fractures healed. CONCLUSIONS: Predisposing risk factors for femur fracture after THR include osteopathy and iatrogenic fissures created during reaming. Trauma, excessive load concentration, and increased torque can lead to mid-diaphyseal fracture near the end of the femoral stem. Fracture did not disrupt THR implants. Cement fracture exposing the tip of the femoral stem did not affect fracture healing or rehabilitation. Immediate plate and screw fixation resulted in the most favorable outcome; healing occurred in 6-10 weeks. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Femur fractures that occur after THR should be repaired using plate and screw fixation augmented with cerclage wire when needed. Forces on fissures should be neutralized to prevent propagation and fracture. Owners of high-risk patients (old dogs with osteopathies or previous hip surgery) should be counseled before THR. The prognosis is excellent when fractures are treated correctly.  相似文献   

Chronic centrifugation of 85- to 92-day-old Beagles at 2.0 X g and 2.6 X g for 26 weeks during the time of active skeletal growth caused skeletal abnormalities in the radius and the ulna of ten of 11 dogs. The pattern of change mimicked that found in naturally occurring and experimentally induced premature distal ulnar physeal closure or delayed growth at this physis. Minimal changes in bone density were detected by sensitive photon absorptiometric techniques. Skeletal abnormalities also were found in five of the six cage-control dogs, although the run-control dogs were radiographically normal.  相似文献   

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